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tv   [untitled]    July 4, 2024 3:30am-4:00am EEST

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in nato, the spokesman of putin's main world criminal, dmitry peskov, has already reacted to this information, saying that no, no, nothing like that, his suzerain does not discuss with trump. so, does trump discuss with putin, these kinds of things, in the end, does trump have immunity, and much more, about this and that, i will talk with oleksandr kraev, an expert of the ukrainian prism foreign policy council, joins us. on skype, mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, heroes of glory, good evening to you, mr. oleksandr, then please tell me, have you heard the information that i just pointed out, do you think, can such negotiations, the information about such negotiations be true? in fact , it looks like these are indirect negotiations, that is , first of all, this is how they can be conducted, so it is obvious that trump's statements regarding the settlement, as they call it, are ukrainian. and any actions of the future,
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potentially future us administration regarding ukraine, they are currently being developed, and they are largely consistent with what the kremlin is saying. if we look at the last strategy the trump campaign, which they presented regarding ukraine, and even more so, if we read their long foreign affairs article, almost 11 pages long, it is obvious that trump's plan is one way or another, but in many points it corresponds to what russia would be interested in, that is, it is also a ceasefire, the beginning of direct ... talks, in principle, a respite, which the russian army now needs to win, therefore, if not in everything, then at least in these specific positions, trump's plan corresponds to putin's plan. moreover, let's pay attention to what when president orban, suddenly yes, prime minister orban, more precisely, let's suddenly jump to hungary, came to kyiv and presented his vision of these negotiations, he in many ways reproduced both trump's and putin's position, and now we are approaching what she wanted. to say at the beginning that
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such negotiations are taking place, but if they are taking place, they are not taking place directly, they can just take place through orbán or through any other intermediary, but agree, well, it cannot be a coincidence that key politicians of this level accidentally have very common positions on one of the key crises of the modern international system, well, it really is, but can such negotiations take place not through intermediaries, already when trump, that is , will putin be interested in such... negotiations with trump, when, if trump will win the election? putin will clearly be interested in such negotiations, well, regardless of the fact that the russian administration, the kremlin is now distancing itself as much as possible from its influence on trump, they constantly say that you understand, we don’t care, and everything else that is there awards piskov, but all the same, if you compare the negotiations with trump, potential and those negotiations that the americans and russians last had in january of 2022, then trump... would be a much more interesting
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interlocutor for putin, and trump is not for nothing back in the year 18 in helsinki he said that he trusted putin more than his cia director, so yes, from the kremlin's point of view, negotiations with trump would be interesting for them, and negotiations with trump, at least, allowed them to win this operational pause . if we look at it from trump's point of view at the same time, his main interest is for it to end as soon as possible. he repeatedly changed his position on ukraine, but only one thing. what he has remained constant about russian aggression against our country is that he would like to see that aggression end before the election, he has said this to sean hannity on fox news, he has said this in the debates, he has said this many times , so it seems to me that trump himself would not be so interested in talking directly with putin as in sitting us down at the negotiating table with the russians, while, accordingly, he wrote a lot of strategies. of course, now let's talk about trump's immunity, that is, he is there. this information appeared yesterday morning,
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so the chief justice of the supreme court, john roberts , said that trump has absolute immunity for official acts in the office of the president, however, according to the chief justice of the united states of america, he, that is, trump, does not have immunity for the actions were taken privately and now. sent to the lower court, so tell me, please, mr. oleksandr, how much is the immunity trump? this is where you and i come across classic american jurisprudence, here we recall all the american series about lawyers, of which there are just myriads, and this is just one of those cases that american experts very aptly call the word shinenigens. this is what seems at
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first glance to be legal, but at the same time clearly distorts the justice system. what 's up? if we turn to the text of the decision, which was blank. voted by the supreme court, it says that any actions that, firstly, fit into the limits of the constitutional duties of the president, and these limits cannot be drawn since the first year of the formation of the united states, in fact , the legal debate on this matter with the interpretation of the constitution continues to this day, and secondly, such actions must be what the judges called an official act, that is, an official order, an official executive order, you name it: translate the president of the united states. what is an official act? the court itself does not indicate this. they say that only the courts of other instances should determine what is an official act, and what is not. therefore, accordingly, does trump have immunity? we can't say that clearly, because what the supreme court decided doesn't give
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him absolute immunity, but what the supreme court decided gives trump the ability to manipulate the judicial system. that is, conditionally, even the same thing about stormy danielle. about paying a porn star, if the court recognizes that what he did was an official act and accordingly violated the law, trump through appeal, cassation, and then goes to the supreme court, where the supreme court can absolutely calmly say that it was unofficial act in the sense of the supreme court, and therefore trump cannot be tried, and the same story can be repeated with each subsequent indictment, that is, in summary, it is not absolute immunity, but it is the most versatile weapon in trump's legal system. wow, how twisted it all is. and this is right for trump, because he will use it as best as he knows how. well, i have one last question for you. mr. alexander, tell me, please, let's go back to the failed speech of joe biden, the incumbent
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the us president during a debate with trump. not about the debate itself, but about the story that develops after it. so there is information that the democrats , even though the family convinced biden not to. to have his candidacy, but the democrats, among them high-ranking ones, will somehow try to convince him, after all, to withdraw his candidacy, can this really happen, well, if he withdraws his candidacy, who is for him? let's just say, even earlier today, i would have told you that no, biden is determined to continue his campaign, but literally an hour before our broadcast with you, our online meeting with you, the new york times came out of the air. interesting sensational news, as they called it, that biden went to secret talks with his advisers again, well, as always in the new york times, sources close to sources said that, and biden is indeed considering the possibility of withdrawing, that is , compared to yesterday's position, compared with the post-debate stance,
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this conversation is serious enough right now that the chance of biden withdrawing is now there. who but him? unfortunately, the key candidate is currently considered kamala harris, why... it's a pity, because during her vice presidency we saw her as a completely passive politician who does not have her own full-fledged program, which even the minimum that depends on the vice president, did not work for this 100%. plus, we have to state that she is one of the most unpopular democratic politicians of our time, so actually the key option to replace trump currently looks quite weak. there are, of course, alternatives, such as the governor of california newsim or the minister of infrastructure buttigerge, but unfortunately, there is almost no talk about them at the moment, but in relation to this, i found more information that they even talked about michelle obama, they just say that, does such an option also exist ? this option was considered at the end of the 22nd, at the beginning of the 23rd year, then the question of
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biden's age really arose for the first time, then there were the first problems with his speeches, then he started talking for the first time, that is, then this issue became relevant, about michelle obama was told it was against this background that she published a book. autobiography, she had a wonderful multi-hour interview with opra, she just happened to have five projects on netflix in a row, and then these conversations had a basis. currently, unfortunately, to talk seriously about the fact that michelle obama has a political future, well, none of the american colleagues, let's say, will raise this topic. of course. thank you very much, mr. oleksandr, for participating in the program. thank you, as always, for your professional evaluations. it was oleksandr kraev, an expert of the council of foreign policy of ukraine prism, we let's go further. russia is now so dependent on china that one phone call to putin from xijin ping would end the war. if xi said it was time to start peace talks, russia would be forced to do so. the president of finland alexander stup said this in an interview with the bloomberg agency.
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the finnish president's comments, according to bloomberg, reflect growing frustration among ukraine's allies over beijing's perceived support for moscow's military efforts. they blame beijing. in providing the kremlin with technologies and parts for weapons to circumvent international trade restrictions. well, china immediately reacted to this statement. of the president of finland, russia and china act as two large independent powers and maintain contacts with each other regarding the settlement of the ukrainian crisis, and here again the crisis, the official representative of the chinese foreign ministry maoning said during the daily briefing, and thus she refuted alexander stub's assertion that that erephia is entirely dependent on beijing. at the same time, the spokeswoman of the foreign policy department of the celestial empire stressed that china and russia... as two independent great powers, will continue to maintain contacts with each other. well, who could
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doubt that she would say otherwise. let's go further. he, that is, volodymyr zelensky , had certain doubts about my proposal, he did not like it, and he said: "let's think about it, let's think about it." thus, hungarian prime minister viktor orban commented on the reaction of the ukrainian president to... his proposal to cease fire and sit down at the negotiating table with the russians, viktor orban said in interview by dievelt vohe. at the same time, according to the head of the hungarian government, he did not have the goal of persuading mr. zelensky to accept his proposal. he only wanted to convey to the ukrainian president hungary's position on the peaceful settlement of the situation in ukraine. well, ukraine may conclude another security agreement in the coming days. the agreement this time with poland, the minister of foreign affairs
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of the polish republic, radoslav sikorskyi, said on the air of polish radio z, according to him , it will be signed during the visit of volodymyr zelenskyi to warsaw, at the same time the head of the polish foreign policy department, added that this will be a declaration based on the formula used in the so-called group of seven on long-term cooperation in the field of security. well, if russia... tries to expand the current front, then ukraine will be allowed to fire at targets on the territory of russia, which are even further away from the border. assistant secretary of state for europe james o'brien said this the day before during hearings in the house of representatives committee on international relations. according to him, the us priority was to provide weapons to ukraine and concentrate them in areas of greatest need. and now - says mr. obryan, russia has lost its offensive moment and cannot... maintain its offensive campaign. well, in conclusion, lukashenko, oh,
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warns ukraine so much. the day before, during a speech at a meeting, on the occasion of the day of independence of belarus, although it is stubbornly called the day of independence there, the self-proclaimed president of the country broke up again, talking about how ukrainians became active near the ukrainian-belarusian border, they say, with drones , we shoot them down, because they have something and know how, that the ukrainians are deliberately going to aggravate the situation, but that the belarusians, trained by the second world war, do not want this, and do everything to avoid anything bad happened, but if something like this happens to us, ukrainians, - says hryhorovych, then he, then we will listen in direct language, what he will do with us and what diagnosis he came up with, we listen to lukashenka, and the ukrainians understand that we will respond and... how recently some of my friends are journalists in russia they said that lukashenka has positive
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color blindness, he is color blind, he will not draw any lines, the answer will be terrible, you know, if someone goes to the border where i served, if he knows well what the border is, then i am not just good colorblind, chicken blindness may fall on me, so the answer is true. will be hard and sharp, a good colorblind person with chicken blindness, we are waiting for lukashenko's next diagnoses, but i say, a good colorblind person with chicken blindness, well, it's simple, it's just a bomb, well, that's all i have today in the column world about ukraine, that's all for today, tomorrow there will be more and more will be in our further broadcast, so don't switch. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to
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the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom life - frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. new week on espresso, weekly final information and analytical program. clear understanding of key events. last week, analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion, spend the final monday evening with us and confidently step into the new week, the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andrii smolii every monday at 20:00 at espresso.
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good evening, we are from ukraine. the big ether is going on and now is the time to talk about money, in time. oleksandr morchivka is next to me, actually i congratulate oleksandr, i actually announced a very important topic today, i hope it will be possible to talk about the harvest, expectations. greetings vasylya, greetings to the audience, the harvest is really in full swing, but there are problems, in particular with small enterprises, we will talk about this in detail with an expert, you will also learn about the important inflow of international aid to the ukrainian budget, about everything in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr morshevka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. i'll start with an important figure: the new tranche is already available. more than 2 ukraine received billions of dollars from the international monetary fund. this was reported by the head of our government, denys shmigal. the cabinet of ministers will direct these funds to finance critical budget expenditures,
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social benefits, and salaries for doctors and teachers. well, this amount will be distributed to such essentially social initiatives, which now require additional infusions. well, vasyl, of course, you and i talked recently about the so-called possible default, which some experts are now predicting for ukraine in connection with the fact that in august it is necessary to pay foreign creditors a significant share of foreign bonds, that is , money for the fact that they gave us money, in a word, but here is this beacon, in my opinion, that ukraine. received more than 2 billion dollars from the imf, this is a signal that the creditors will go for a certain restructuring, as they will write off me, we will not announce what share yet, but they will write off a share of the foreign debt, well, you know, just a lot invested in this war and it's not even about money, it's about lives, people's destinies, well , just now and this money, even if we
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they said no, give it back, well, we gave everything, we defaulted, what made it easier for someone? life has become better, but no, i think that, vasyl, experts are now saying that for ukrainians, here are ordinary ukrainians, even in the worst case scenario, well, there is a default, nothing will change, because ukrainians are essentially already in such a difficult economic situation the situation is much worse, and this is essentially the signs of inflation, the depreciation of the national currency, we are essentially in those signs of the delivery of consumer goods, so absolutely, well, let's go further, to support will have to now more foreign manufacturers, the kyiv cardboard and paper mill located in obukhov may suspend work. the company informed that this will happen in case of total mobilization of male employees. we are talking about those specialists who cannot be replaced by women. currently, every tenth employee in the ranks of the armed forces, in particular,
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it takes about five years to become a machinist of a processing and/or card making machine, as it is necessary to master a number of skills. of various staged works, say the company, consumers will be left without sanitary and hygienic products, and large manufacturers of ukrainian goods will be without cardboard containers, that is, in the event of the closure of the cardboard and paper plant, which is known throughout ukraine, in obukhov. well, but today the government's decision that it is necessary to expand the list of mobilized rank-and- file officials is hidden. well, maybe just officials are important for... the government, and for ordinary ukrainians, goods are important and, in particular, the money that ukrainians spend on them, it is clear that spending money on ukrainian goods is growth of gross domestic product. i don't know where the government is coming from lately announcing the growth of gdp, at a time when the consumer activity of ukrainians is really falling and the production capacity of ukrainian companies and enterprises is decreasing, well
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, i don't have a mathematical head, it's just that, i think, what do i think, whether today or tomorrow. we will still talk about economic reservation, the question is that, well, relatively speaking, if we are talking about the survival of the state and the payment of taxes, well about the necessity and importance of certain people in the life of the country, then the question of booking a football club whose match is watched by 500 people and booking individual employees of an enterprise that provides sanitation with these things to the whole country, so the question is, why is it possible there and not there? what are the principles so i combined these two news: the first about the money from the imf and the second about the fact that a large plant may simply not pay taxes and close because we applaud the government.
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and taxes from the cardboard and paper mill the combine could also finance the salaries of doctors and teachers, well, here i am really saying, but on the other hand, what will we do, we will buy foreign paper, who will, who will have enough money, who will not. but what is the current situation in the fields, in particular , the harvest is actively going on in many regions of our country, denis marchuk, deputy chairman of the all-ukrainian agrarian council, joins our conversation, we will talk about this in detail with him. good evening, good evening, mr. denys, today i noticed a conversation on a certain site's info forum,
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a small agricultural company, a small agricultural cooperative from zaporizhzhia, where at the moment there are only a few people left to work and everyone is involved in quickly removing grain from the fields, even the head of this... cooperative, well, day and night he carries this grain on an old car, so that even while crying , he says that there is no one to work in the field. i 'm not talking now and i'm not asking you about large agricultural holdings, maybe they have a little more technological capabilities, what about small agricultural companies now, how is their harvest going? well, this is the situation with personnel, it is relevant for everyone, starting from small, medium and large companies, because... if you look at the mobilization process, it began in the agricultural sector from the first days of the full-scale invasion, it is understandable, because there are many specialists who were suitable immediately before driving military equipment, and
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the mobilization process continues, although agricultural enterprises are classified as an industry of critical importance for the country's economy, but the process of 50% mobilization in four steps, well, there were four consecutive directions of mobilization, there is no one for this 50% book, that's why such stories. when managers there themselves already work on tractors, when engineers work on dairy farms, when agronomists perform those functions that, well, they also become combine harvesters, that is, there are a lot of interchangeable directions, and this, unfortunately, is an everyday situation in which turned out to be an agrarian business, but nevertheless, in fact, today we have already hit more than a million grains in the fields, active work continues, we will hope that the weather will help to obtain the yield figures that we hoped to have for this season, let us know, either please, the harvest is already underway, is it possible to talk about more accurate expectations for this year's harvest, how much we will collect from the fields, in particular grain, the weather always makes its
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adjustments, it is very difficult to guess, but we have preliminary analyzes, as of today, if we look at the grain group, we expect almost 56 million, the oil group in the range of 21-22 million, that is, in total , we will see 77-78 million grain oil crops, and therefore we will be able to fully provide ourselves with food, because in the conditions of the war, taking into account the number of people who were forced to leave, we need no more than 15 million, we count more than 60 million, this is the total potential export, which we will be able to sell and receive foreign exchange earnings, accordingly support the country's economy. well, an interesting question, forecasts regarding exports and foreign exchange earnings, how much are these shares? protest on the ukrainian-polish border of polish farmers affected , firstly, the sowing and then, accordingly , the forecasts regarding the sale of our grain abroad,
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whether there are certain warnings, fears or restrictions on the volumes of grain that will be sold specifically to third countries, in particular? well , we are not really afraid, although in reality the situation needs to be equalized and work in the interests of all, so that both the poles earn and the ukrainians earn, because if you look... at the flow and not more than two dashes there, up to 5% at most left via the land route through poland , our other neighboring countries, thanks to the work of our armed forces, we have established logistics through the ports of greater odessa, and in fact 90% of what we export goes there by sea, that is why we pay more attention to safety, the passage of ships, safety, their access to the port infrastructure on the territory of ukraine, now our partners turkey, bulgaria, romania have begun to mine the black sea from the consequences of shelling, which, let's say, launch water mines produced by russia, therefore, together with our partners , we are preparing for export via this main
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logistics route. well, that’s the end of it, quite briefly, in particular regarding the demining of fields, how far this work is now established, how far this service is already available for ukrainians farmers, how much companies provide this service, and how expensive it is, maybe for agribusinesses, small, for example, it is very expensive, conditionally in quotation marks satisfaction, because the official work for certified specialists, depending on the consequences of mined areas dotted areas. the survey can occupy 1 hectare at a cost of somewhere more than a thousand dollars, if it is demining, it can reach 5-600 dollars per hectare, that is, these are very large amounts of funding, which, especially , are not available in the de-occupied territories, so we hope that partly this is financing in the form of 3 billion hryvnias allocated by the state for the demining process, of which 80% should be covered by the state, and 20% directly by business, at least
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a little. the situation so that the amount of fields for the winter company, let's say sown, could increase there. it is really important that farmers work in safe conditions and simply do their professional activities. thank you, denys marchuk was in touch, deputy head of the all-ukrainian agrarian council, we are keeping an eye on it by the harvest, we hope everything will be fine, vasyl zima's great broadcast will continue and he will still tell a lot of interesting things, and i am for today. goodbye, watch us, i ask you to join, continue to join the collection, i am very grateful to you, because after my appeal to you at the beginning of our broadcast, you have collected uah 16,120, and now we have 616 00, we need 630, and there is
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less than... uah 14,000 left, let's close this collection today, we still have some time, and eh, well, relatively speaking, yours may 100 uah, maybe 50 uah, i don’t know, maybe 100 uah, who can give how much today to cover this fee for a minibus for our soldiers who need to deliver mobile repair groups, or to the contact line or to the gray zone, to repair armored personnel carriers, tanks and the bmp, maybe it is yours, your donation will be decisive, and we will put... a full stop and the military will be able to purchase this minibus for themselves, there is only 13 80 uah left , and i think that we will be able to close this fee within the next 16 minutes, and i i will be very grateful to you, and i am so grateful to you, but i will even more, well, we will continue the sport yevgen pastukhov is ready to tell about the most important events yevhen good evening please good evening vasyl i congratulate dear viewers
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espresso, so full of sports. summer continues, we are all watching the european championship in germany, the wimbledon tournament is also taking place in britain, the wimbledon tennis tournament, where our ukrainian tennis players participate, today we will also talk about the results of their performances, well, you can say on the nose, but who else has a nose long, he has the olympics on his nose, already in july the olympic games will start, and we will also touch on this aspect, because the extended application of the ukrainian national team became known. from football to the olympic games, we will talk about all this in more detail in a moment. let's start with the play-off matches of the european championship in germany, which were played the day before, just yesterday, the austrian national team stopped its course, its performances at the european championship, perhaps somewhat unexpectedly after such
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a confident result. in their group, ralf rangnik's team lost to the turkish national team. the turks took the lead in the second minute of the meeting after merich demiral's goal. the goal was scored by a corner kick. the austrians squandered a chance to regain the lead when veteran austrian forward marko arnautovic failed to beat mert gunock. at the beginning of the second half, the turks scored for the second time, demiral scored a double. however, the austrians soon closed the gap with the efforts of... mikhail gregororych. rangnik's men continued to attack. in the last moments of the match, the hero of the turks was once again the goalkeeper. he saved his team after a close shot by baumgartner. so turkey is in the quarter-finals and austria is going home. and the day before...


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