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tv   [untitled]    July 4, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EEST

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war, to say that it somehow helps russia fight more effectively against ukraine, probably not, it is an informational excuse. russia is trying to show russians, crimeans and other russians that here we have dealt with a potential fifth column of pro-ukrainian elements, and their real estate has gone to the needs of ieds. yes, well, but really, to say that it somehow now affects the situation in crimea or. affects our attitude, does it have any legal consequences, unfortunately it does not. russia does not recognize a huge number of international courts. that is, and even, i am here gave such examples, russia is part of the signatory of numerous law enforcement conventions. but if she doesn't follow those conventions, she just doesn't follow them, without even explaining why she does. well, i will not do it, because there is no compulsion. the world is largely built on... treaties
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that do not provide for the enforcement of these treaties, and among the vast majority of civilized signatories of such treaties, there is not even an idea that it is possible not to fulfill something so brazenly, without explaining one's position, well, i don't want to, if you have already taken it upon yourself obligations and your your your parliament there ratified this agreement, so after hitler no one imagined that a new hitler could appear who could simply enslave all international. absolutely, absolutely, and this, this is still a miracle of our partners in the european union and nato countries, they are always trying to present some kind of problem with russia that needs to be submitted to some international body, some kind of relationship with it, try to find out through legal authorities, but it just doesn't happen, well, this week, please can i have one question, and then, just us, when we talked about international conventions there courts and so on, you know, i will remind our viewers that recently the european court of
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human rights recognized the obvious, and they finally 10 years after ukraine submitted to the european court of human rights all the crimes of the russian occupiers, which they committed there, and russia violated 11 articles out of 18 possible regarding human rights, and there is already a court decision, and russia will not comply with it, as i understand it here as well . then, is there then the meaning, well, making such decisions and so on, what does it mean for us then? for us, this means our movement in the system of international law. we, as a state, part of the world community, which fulfills international obligations, are supported by this general movement towards legal issues regarding our problems and regarding the russian federation. but there is, again, no coercion mechanism to force russia to comply with any international agreements. well, by the way, the second world war
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is really a very good example, when, well, what treaties did hitler's germany fulfill, or which were followed, and none, and as a result, this is a new page in the history of europe. with russia, the situation is more complicated, because today i do not see even in the ideas of some kind of victory for us and our allies, relatively speaking, a parade in moscow, and a change in the political system in russia. we do not set this as a goal. and this means, unfortunately, that russia will continue to be in a state of hostility towards ukraine. and that is why i emphasized in my speech at the recent forum of the expert network that we need to think about the formation of such a frontier economy. unfortunately, modern russia leaves us no chance but to be ready for any further unfriendly actions. i actually also wanted to mention the ecthr, but in addition to that, the latest news that
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was just spread by the media yesterday or the day before yesterday, which was announced at the forum of the expert network of the crimean platform, but you did not say it, about the situation around hersenes, you must have heard , and some media interpreted that hersenez was destroyed in general, well, it didn’t quite sound like that, damage was caused, and damage was caused by large construction near hersenez, eh... what will we see when we liberate crimea, will there be any remaining after all, that museum, what will we do with these illegal buildings, because the illegal building, which is called the kerch bridge, will of course be destroyed, but all these buildings that the occupiers will build and have already built during these 10 years, eh, what what will happen to them, what will happen to the people who work there, what will happen to the people who live there, and residential buildings are built there, how will we... act in relation to the russians who
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fled to crimea and in relation to all these infrastructure changes. this is really a very thorough question, because in... in crimea according to various estimates, from 150 to more than 1 million russians came there, these are people who had no rights to cross the borders of ukraine and stay in crimea, settle, buy real estate, and so on. of course, the crimea was filled with real estate, and the taurid track, and other objects. and in the future, of course, ukraine will not destroy them. well, i can't imagine that our government decides to blow up so many residential buildings there. i think that we have someone to accommodate in crimea in these buildings. we have many people who went through the war and are still fighting and protecting our country today and that's why i think that this real estate should be distributed through some state programs, it will be confiscated, and
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as for these people, the situation there is not obvious, because some of them, well 100% , have to leave the territory of ukraine. ugh. but there are people who came there as teenagers, who became adults, who created their own families, when, relatively speaking, part of the family has a passport of a citizen of ukraine, part does not have this passport, they may already have their own children during this time , thus it the question is not a mechanistic one, that is , a certain policy must be formed there, how to treat these people, how to deport them. or encourage them to return to the territory of the russian federation. the only thing we have to understand is that if we leave this million, relatively speaking, new crimeans in crimea, we will never see either ukrainian or crimean tatar crimea. and the recipe that was used in the baltic countries with gray passports, whether it works or
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not, what does the experience of these countries show? this, this is really, this experience is not possible to use mechanistically, because despite the fact that... even in such a small country as latvia, almost half of the population was so -called russian-speaking, that is, non -native, some of these people, after integration into the european union, became absolutely loyal citizens of these states , learned the appropriate language, received citizenship and are working today, but a huge number of people for various reasons, including some, you know, soviet principles, they remain... people with limited rights, and today it is also a certain a challenge, a certain problem for these small countries, well, that is, they cannot go to the elections, elect someone there, and even go to public positions, yes, but they live there, uh, but they live there, and that was by the way the requirement of the european union, i.e. that
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there should be no forced deportation of these people, a certain part of these people do not have passports of the countries in which they live, but they are there and form a certain and... well, a political environment, and an emotional environment, and well, that is, in fact, these are people, if they do not adapt to the state politicians, before the state formation of this state, where they are, they automatically become the so -called fifth column, that is, they are a certain danger for the future of this state, and the same situation will be the same for crimea, but it is still an element of instability, even if the even. if people are part of society, but have not changed their views, then we know the history of latvia, that the mep from latvia, tetiana zhdanok, as it turned out, was an agent of the fsb, she was elected precisely by these russian speakers, that is, she represented their interests in the european parliament, given that
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ukraine is going to become part of the european union, and we will also have deputies, people who are not loyal to ukraine, but live on its territory, again. can delegate someone to the european parliament and actually influence the entire european politics in general, this is such a horse of nu toyan, in fact, which is introduced into the body of ukraine, that is, this problem is deeper than it seems, it seems to me, it is deeper, and you still have a solution, it is definitely deeper, well, at the level of the expert network of the crimean platform today we discussed that after deoccupation, crimea should be deprived of the right to elect its... members to electoral authorities, that is, to the ukrainian parliament or to local elections, for five or 10 years, there is such a historical experience, for example, with hitler's then the political situation, the political struggle, and in particular the members of the european parliament, if we are already
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part of the european union by that time, the administration will be military-civilian, first military, then military-civilian administration, well then we will move on to the traditional ones. there should be cultural and educational programs that bring the ukrainian context into the information environment, and as far as i understand, administrative reform should also take place, because despite that. that will still be managed by appointed heads of military military administrations, it is still necessary to build a decentralized system of self-government, such as that which operates in the free territories of ukraine , and do you understand the final design, that is, sevastopol, akyar will be part of a separate administrative unit, will be part of the crimean peninsula, there are various scenarios that are being discussed, it will definitely be. part of the ukrainian peninsula, i would very much like it to be okyar, and not sevastopol, secondly, we need a political
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decision and a constitutional decision, in my opinion, to deprive sevastopol of its special status, that is, it has to be the same city as all cities in ukraine. moreover, taking into account a certain political component, which we see today in sevastopol akyari, its status should be definitely not what. not special, absolutely ordinary, as it will look in the further construction, this is a question that can be discussed, from the fact that it will be a city within the borders of the bakchysarai district of crimea, or it can be one of the cities, like yalta with a part of its own united of the territorial community, but this issue today, of course, is not resolved, it is being discussed, it is a problem for communication, experts, government officials, but under any conditions we need... to see a new such government structure of crimea today. today there is a decision regarding formation
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of united territorial communities instead of those districts that exist in crimea today. it will be a completely different scheme of administrative management, and we will be guided by it. however, it will be fully operational only after elections can be held in crimea. well, now you said about akyar, and about the so-called sevastopol, and i'm wondering here, will we see... in the near future, a change in the toponymy of the crimea, are there any developments in this regard? there is work to be done, in particular the crimean-tatar resource center did a lot to make these developments public, you can see new names, new old names, let's say, returned names, and toponyms of crimea, but this requires a lot of work from us with the deputy corps, so that the renaming takes place at the level of our parliament , and this is... a difficult process, and plus such a decision during wartime, during wartime there are
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restrictions on this matter. we still have two oblasts in mainland ukraine that should have been renamed a long time ago, i mean dnipropetrovsk and kirovohrad oblasts, which in fact are already syacheslavska and the constitutional court recognized that such a renaming can be, syacheslavska oblast and kropyvnytska oblast, and despite the fact that there is a war, these oblasts are still called so in our country and remain so. it is about the fact that we must be ready even before the deoccupation of crimea, and when we enter crimea, so that we already have all the preparations, all the bills, everything is ready, the only question is to accept and implement it in crimea. there are two more important questions, well, i will put them in one question, infrastructural, so that we are are ready for the liberation of crimea, we are liberating crimea, we understood that the energy bridge, which was attached. and together with the kerch bridge will be destroyed, and it is clear that
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there are already problems with the supply of water to crimea due to the fact that russia blew up the kokhovskaya hpp, what will we do, where will we supply electricity to crimea, where will we take water from, will we find , whether we will restore kakhovska and whether we will be able, excuse me, i will add, to restore here... the northern crimean canal. first, we will not be able to restore. and it makes no sense today. it stands dry. and through a lot years, when the fate of the kokhov reservoir will be decided, i am, in particular, a great critic of the restoration of the kokhov reservoir. we have an absolutely unique ecosystem there today, which must develop, live there and solve the problems of water supply in that part of ukraine, we must look for other engineering solutions. i think that we will find them, as for the channel to the crimea, these are again
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very debatable issues, because, first of all, you can build a closed channel, not an open one, because, well, from an open channel , evaporation was 50%, and then and more, that is, we really evaporated this water completely, changed the climate, yes, slowly , yes, and if you remember what this north crimean canal looked like, it was a swampy area around it for several meters, and it was basically like that. a building that required serious repair and renovation even before the annexation, but climate changes, the lack of water from the north crimean canal and the increase in the number of people, i.e. in crimea... water consumers became from 2 million to 3 million, i.e. this is a huge number of added water consumers, at the same time let's turn attention to the fact that not a single serious water communication facility was updated in crimea, everything remains in such a rather complicated state, we studied the water communication systems of crimea for the 13th year, for example, when there were still ukrainian objective
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statistics, there was the level of wear and tear of funds in relation to water supply and water drainage in... those administrative units reached 80%, that is, nothing has gotten better since then, most likely. and the second problem is that today the power in crimea, the russian power, is rising from underground horizons underground water and runs it into communal water supply systems. this is an uncontrolled flow of such underground water, first of all, it is actually dehydration of these horizons, the water changes its quality, it becomes very. it needs additional refinement in order to make it safe for consumption, well, the main thing is that now there will be no such water, and when we return crimea, we will see this water crisis, as they say, in all its aspects and the situation, which will be very difficult for ukraine. as for energy, this is a difficult issue today
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we don't have enough power, and this deficit is very glaring for ukraine, if... conditionally speaking, crimea is to be annexed to ukraine tomorrow, we physically have no possibility today to provide power to crimea, of course, that russia will not supply anything there, it is obvious, that is, electricity, water, and gas supply, these will be challenges for which we must prepare, and we talked a lot about this at our meetings of the expert network, what are the mechanisms there to involve our partners in the black sea basin, the tax system of local generation, so that people do not end up in a disaster, well, imagine the situation one happy day for ukraine, the last russian soldier leaves crimea, after that the russians turn off all the generators of the entire energy supply and the whole situation crimea stops in a state of disaster, and we have moment to have an answer, we will now introduce
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some local power supply systems, we have a solution to the problems of water supply and drainage. and we have to provide the basic needs of crimeans so that life remains there. it despite the fact that we still do not know under which scenario de-occupation will be implemented, and at the same time we still have problems with the world, we have problems, it is just possible that the experience of solving these problems, which we are experiencing now, when mobile power plants are being created, and when some autonomous energy sources are created, it could be used after the liberation of crimea to provide for crimeans. with electricity, the capacity of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant will not be enough, or we cannot predict what will become of it at all, we have a couple of minutes, er, as nuclear energy experts say, in particular olga kosharna, today the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is in such a state that it is technically impossible to put it into operation, it is a long way to ensure that the plant
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is included in any power grid in a safe state, it is too... . is in a state of so-called cooling or cold idle for a long time, and therefore we cannot count on the power of the zaporizhzhya nuclear plant, even after we fully restore our control over this facility. thank you very much, mr. yevgeny, choksago, who often came to our studio, yevhen khlobistov, a professor of the kyiv-myhylyan academy, was in the studio of the beraber program on the atr tv channel and on the espresso tv channel, this is common. project, and we, the presenters, andriy yanitskyi and gulsum khalilova, conducted this program together, see you in a week. see this week in the collaborators program. leaders
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of putin's youth organizations in the occupied territories. today, the entire zaporizhzhia region celebrates the day of reunification with the russian federation. but what prospects do the rashists offer teenagers for treason of ukraine? i advise you to contact the ministry of youth policy. greetings, i'm olena kononenko , and this is a collaborator program about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the occupiers. in today's program , we will continue to talk about putin's youth organizations, which are creating offspring in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. yug molody, or young south - this. the russian youth organization was founded in 2022, it is directly financed from the budget of the russian federation and functions on enthusiastic territories of zaporizhzhia, kherson, donetsk and luhansk regions. officially , the young south is about leisure for teenagers, but in fact it is a powerful recruitment center. the basis of the organization and its leaders are the so-called volunteers of the zrf, activists
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of the youth wing of united russia and local collaborators. the movement organizes masses for all russian events and holidays. invites to hold lectures for young people, kremlin politicians, bloggers and pop stars . they, in turn, talk about sky-high career prospects. precisely in russia. the movement constantly initiates actions in support of russian soldiers, collects and delivers humanitarian aid to them. the last such initiative was called "i will help you son". mykyta romanenko is in charge of the young south organization in the occupied part of the zaporizhzhia region. i am sending a message to the armed forces of ukraine. how did mykytka grow from a guard at the cemetery to a leading figure in the rashist organization? i will tell you now. melitopol citizens report that mykytka lived in melitopol from birth, worked in an office in his hometown, that is , he cheated people of money by phone, after moved to dnipro to a similar call center.
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from a young age, he began rooting for russia, opposed nato and supported the war from the first day of the invasion of the invaders. after february 24, he went to the crimea, where he tried to fix his life by working as a guard at the cemetery, but something went wrong, and the traitor had to be returned. already in the occupied melitopol, it was there that the rashists began to create youth organizations to instill the kremlin ideology, so they really needed those who would lead them. mykytka was perfect for this, young, unprincipled, talentless and lust for money and illusory power. russia, russia, russia, besides, they found out that romanenko had been waiting for russian peace in halitopo for a very long time. tried to organize the movement of the immortal regiment and invited everyone to join the so-called underground melitopol legion. our law enforcement agencies found out that in may
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2020, romanenko and his aides planned to distribute propaganda products of a russian nature in melitopol. in one of the messengers of the group called melitopol-uprising, he called for the overthrow of the constitutional order, promoted the ideas of violent federalization and the withdrawal of the southern regions from the composition. of the country promoted the idea of ​​creating a fake zaporizhia republic and novorossiya. therefore, there was no need to prove loyalty to the russian invaders. by the way, for his anti-ukrainian activities in 2022, he received a medal from gauleiter yevhen balytskyi. today, the entire zaporizhzhia region celebrates the day of reunification with the russian federation. this is a very significant day for all residents of the zaporizhzhia region, because they have been waiting for it for a very long time. also activists symbols will be distributed on youth day. zaporizhzhia region and the russian federation. later, this supporter of the tricolor became the head of the young south organization in the zaporizhzhia region. actions in support of the chmoviks, the kremlin,
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interviews with the main pro-putin stars, discrediting the ssu and the ukrainian authorities, recruiting young people to join the anti-ukrainian movement, and this is far from a complete list of mykytka's activities in office. they will never succeed because russia will never kneel. this young traitor has a fanatical love for the kremlin grandfather. under during the pseudo-presidential elections in russia , mykytka headed the volunteer staff supporting putin in the zaporizhzhia region. he can even often be seen next to neofur at russian events. here he is standing and lovingly looking at the unchanging dictator of russia after the election, and here he is singing with him on the same stage. to sing the anthem of the russian federation on... the stage with volodymyr volodymyrovych on red square for me, as a resident of the zaporizhzhia region, was something incredible, i still remember it, it seems to me that this is exactly what i
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i will tell my children and grandchildren. romanenko loves fame and the media very much, for this he runs a telegram channel called nikvanta, where he has 400 subscribers and works as a correspondent for pomyny zmi srochna melitopol. zaporizhzhia region is in touch. now we are at the world youth city festival. this fanatic of everything russian is now very useful for the occupiers, because he is engaged in agitation and propaganda among the youth. often in a playful way to music, he posts videos about how cool it is to be russian, to have a passport with a chicken and in general, russia is the center of the universe. as the chairman, romanenko is campaigning for young people to enter rashi universities, go to russia and support those who allegedly liberated them in every possible way. this young traitor has no suspicions yet, but... he has already pushed and made a whole article of the criminal code. at first, he was an active member of the russian organization pivden molodii, then he went on to a significant
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promotion. we are talking about... kyrylo oleksandrovych kuzyakna from melitopol, born in 2002. my name is kirill. our movement joins the action victory is behind us. and expresses a huge support and thanks to our state and military personnel. when russian troops captured his hometown, kirill was a student. he saw his prospects in the occupation, for which he began to actively work. the boy was seen in almost all pro-russian youth organizations. at first he was a member. the south is young, governed by putin's united russia party. in the organization, kirill began to do pr for helping veterans, often went to putin's speeches as a representative of zaporizhzhya youth, which he was very proud of. our russian federation is united with us and we really appreciate it. the youth of the zaporizhzhia region hopes and knows that we will continue to go to such big events. but for a long time
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kuzyakin will be at the back of the wheel. didn't want to in the south, there were enough other young talents who are able to better fulfill the roles of recruiters and agitators. therefore, kyrylo applied to the eco-organization of the business, which supposedly saves the nature of the zaporizhzhia region. we are already conducting the previous million motherland campaign on a regular basis, and covering only the schools of the city of melitopol, more than a million tons of recyclable materials were collected. and it would be better to collect and send for processing all the russian garbage from our land. the career of an ecoactivist. kuzyakna's career went uphill, he even won a grant of millions of rubles for his own project called master's recycling recycling from the ministry of youth policy of russia, its essence is to make souvenirs from garbage, that's what i understand, the latest ideas. my boys and i have been recycling caps for a year now, and our main eco-habit with them is usually collecting caps from bottles and recycling them. but not ecoactivism alone.
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kuzyakin tried his hand at politics, tried to become a candidate for deputies from the united russia party in the zaporizhzhia region, but did not even get on the lists. now he walks around, collects his own garbage, no, not russian black bags. thanks to the government of the invaders and is trying to attract as many teenagers as possible to the kremlin youth structures. we, in turn , invite kirill to join the ukrainian organization of collaborators who will bear responsibility. for treason to the motherland. and finally, i will tell you about another young traitor who is a member of several at once alina bezverhnya, a native of melitopol, of putin's youth movements. until february 24, she was very famous in the city, because since childhood she built a career as a singer, studied vocals at the number one children's music school and participated in various international competitions. so, in particular, in 2020, the girl won the grand prize at
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the bukovel star international festival. fest in the category of vocal art, but the young performer easily exchanged international competitions for narrow prospects, where a performance at the stadium can remain the pinnacle of her career. when melitopol was captured by the russian army on february 25, 2022, alina quickly understood the rules of the russian peace and became its activist and propagandist. i advise you to contact the ministry of youth policy, cool people work here, they will help you with promotion and an equally cool recording studio. she became the leader of propaganda for young people in the young south, and also became the vice-president of the russian movement of children and youth, the first movement. on camera, the girl broadcasts success, which, according to her , is possible only in russia and only on moscow stage. she is often invited to all kinds of concerts, to sing patriotic songs. fatherland as
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a representative of the so-called new territories of russia, alina entered the moscow university of arts. no one is waiting for alina's return to ukraine, well, maybe our law enforcement agencies to imprison her for a long time. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin progenitors, write to us at this email. address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors after by a russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. six-year-old yehorchyk yehorov. before the start of a full-scale war, this boy lived in...


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