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tv   [untitled]    July 4, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EEST

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it's 7 a.m. in ukraine and it's news time on the espresso tv channel, i, iryna, will be working with you in the studio today. so i congratulate everyone on the beginning of a new day. let's start with the situation in kyiv, where the night attack was completely repelled. the anti-aircraft defense forces destroyed all the enemy drones flying towards the capital. previously , there were no casualties or damage, the kyiv city military administration reported. the enemy launched drones in several waves and from different directions from its border area from the territory of the kursk region.
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one person died, three others were injured due to the russian missile attack on poltava region. according to the head of the region, philip pronin, one of the injured is in a serious condition in the hospital. the invaders struck the region the previous evening. debris from the downed rocket damaged a school and a kindergarten in the poltava district. the number of victims due to the attack on kharkiv has increased. people were injured, including two children, a two-week-old baby and an eight-year-old boy, the regional prosecutor's office reported. the day before, the occupiers dropped three aerial bombs on the city, one of the strikes hit an open area on outskirts of the city, two more in the residential development of the kyiv district. private houses, high-rise buildings, cars, a post office building, a service station and a gym were damaged. the enemy
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used a su-34 aircraft, which from batradskaya dacha, belgorod region of the russian federation, launched three unified 30-cm d-30 cross-range planing munitions. you can see the debris from this aircraft projectile. now these fragments have been removed during the examination of the scene by prosecutors and investigators. today is a day of mourning in dnipro. according to the specified information, 50. three residents of the city suffered from yesterday's russian attack. they mostly have shrapnel wounds, lacerations , bruises and fractures. five people were killed, reported the head of the regional military administration, serhiy lysak. let me remind you that yesterday around noon, the russians launched an attack on the city with missiles and drones. the hospital building and shopping center were damaged. unusual harvest, ten people.
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tried to sneak into hungary through a wheat field, the state border service said. each paid the shippers from seven to 10 thousand dollars. however, the border guards prevented the plans, caught pseudo tourists. two of them tried to escape. they face administrative punishment, and the organizers - criminal. will be held responsible for insulting a veteran: the police filed an administrative report against a man who insulted a former soldier wearing prosthetics. the incident, let me remind you, happened in one of the city's veterinary clinics. the video got into social networks, the man brought the dog to an appointment with oleksiy prytula, but when he saw that the doctor had prostheses, he scolded him and left. the veterinarian stood in defense of the homeland from the beginning of the great war. in september 2022, sub during the offensive on liman lost two legs,
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returned to work after rehabilitation. and operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine: 135 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. the pokrovsky direction remains the most difficult. the occupiers stormed 34 times. yevhenivka, vozdvizhenka, and kalinov are being actively attacked. the armed forces destroyed at least six artillery pieces and knocked out a tank. the enemy, and also eliminated 320 russians on this part of the front. in the turkish direction, the enemy tried 17 times to suppress the ukrainian defenders. also , the armed forces of ukraine repelled 23 attacks on lymanskyi. the russian army also became more active in zaporizhzhia, on the orihiv section of the front. they attacked nine times near robotyny and shcherbaki. the situation is tense in kharkiv oblast as well. 11 times the army of the russian federation with the support of aviation. stormed the positions of our units
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in the districts of lyptsi, vovchansk and hlybokoy. and i offer you our beam through enemy fire. convert into donations, so we encourage you to join the collection for drones and components for art reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first lot that we plan to purchase is eight improved models of fly combo mavics and five 3t mavics. quadcopters are eyes in the sky that monitor safety and provide an opportunity to confidently move forward, most importantly, they help protect the lives of our military. so we have... don't waste your time and join the congregation. they can replace a track weighing a ton in an hour and assemble one out of five broken enemy combat vehicles. these are repairmen of the fifth slobozhan
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brigade of the national guard of ukraine. damaged vehicles are evacuated from the front line, risking their lives under shelling, and they are most concerned about quickly... and qualitatively restoring combat vehicles. eugene with the poltava callsign tells about the insides of the car. knew everything since childhood, helped at his father's service station, operating and repairing military equipment, learned faster. poltava - contractor. a few hours after the start of the great war, he was on duty. driver mechanic. i decided that it was at war. i already learned to ride this technique during the war. i learned everything there literally in two sundays and left everything well, the car is of course much lighter, there’s just a wheel, so it weighs almost nothing, and the caterpillar, of course, it weighs a ton, you can’t put it alone, during the combat
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sorties in srebyansk forestry, in addition to evacuating damaged equipment, i delivered water to the position and everything it is necessary, says poltava, you have to work. be careful, enemy drones are circling all the time, when i was taking out equipment and comrades-in-arms, they came under fire. kremennoy, when i was already driving from the exit back in the police straight to the road, where i was driving, five to 10 meters away, i fell into a shell, straight in front of me, it started to rain on the road, i was driving guys from positions, from positions, and the shelling began, i will not stop. i gave it all the gas and that's it already on the second day of the kharkiv counter-offensive , the guards repairmen began evacuating the enemy's military equipment. mostly everything - says the platoon commander for the repair of automobile equipment oleksandr with the call sign
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tymokha, was on the move. the occupiers dropped their tanks, armored personnel carriers and fled. there, local residents said that they wanted to escape. pant, they just couldn't start it, because it took a little time there, and they in batteries were hurriedly planted, that's the whole reason that the equipment remained, then they evacuated the t-80, t-72, mtlb, bmp tanks, and there was a little bit of automotive equipment, they evacuated all the equipment, because there was some kind of bolt, which, let's say, you won't find it for sale there, roughly speaking, on this burnt-out equipment, here we have this bolt. are saved thanks to guardsmen repairmen for the benefit of our army and work against the occupiers themselves now and here are such burned and torn russian tractor transporters, sometimes the guardsmen tell, in order to withdraw their broken equipment, it takes several hours. drove
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through, ran into a mine, the front wheels broke off there, and it was very close to the advanced positions there, it was in serebrynsk. so that we wouldn't be noticed either from the air or like that, everything was done slowly, carefully, thoughtfully, we put the equipment on the wheels, a kettle, a car would drive up, hook up this equipment and immediately leave. during the great war, the guardsmen evacuated hundreds of units of damaged military equipment, this enemy zetka is overgrown with weeds, filled with... to repair our armored vehicles, we are very pleased when we wring equipment from them, and then use it in order to kick them out of our territory, well, there is burned equipment, it is not subject to restoration, it happens that
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we remove some aggregates, nodes from them , we restore other equipment from two out of three, we can assemble one later, we have armored personnel carriers, which are assembled there from 5-6, well, without equipment. unfortunately, it is very difficult to fight. the national guardsmen from the repair company work around the clock, all for victory, and to return the armor to combat use as soon as possible. more you can find information on our youtube channel, there are live broadcasts of ether, all program releases and special projects that can only be seen here. also a short video on hot topics in the shorts section. subscribe, comment, your opinions are important to us. and that was all the news for that time. we will see you at 8 o'clock. you can also read more on our website. and follow us on social networks, and my colleagues oksana vysochanska and
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roman chaika continue the broadcast. good morning, welcome to espresso. we thank our colleagues for their work, we are picking up the information relay and will continue to tell and talk to our guests about the most important thing, we ask you to sell it in the traditional way, we are currently collecting 2.5 million for mavics for and equipping for the military art reconnaissance of the hundredth brigade, i remind you, you need to collect , another literally 120 00, even a little less, and we will already have half the amount, let's try somehow, maybe even today during the day to collect. these 120,000 in order to have at least half of the amount and move on to completion
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of this collection, here are qr-codes, card numbers, whoever is more convenient, please join, because this is actually the most that you and i can do here in tyla. we will also remind you that today is a day of mourning in the dnipro, this is after yesterday's shelling, and on top of that, even the weather temperature record that the dnipro set yesterday. +38 is already warning of incredible heat from july 8 to +41, and this is not about the weather, but about fire danger, especially since the enemy often deliberately aims at open fields in order to cause huge fires during the harvest and to destroy ukrainian grain, this night was also shahedi, but not quite traditional, we remember that shahedi usually fly. and from the south and from the temporarily occupied crimea, that night only from the north there was an attack through
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chernihiv oblast, through sumy oblast in the direction of kyiv, zhytomyr oblast, as far as zvyagel and also to poltava oblast, they were beaten even to kyiv, even on the approaches to kyiv, to the capital on luckily , nothing arrived, let's start collecting information, find out how our country spent the night from nikopolshchyna, this is actually the community which... is subjected to shelling every day, artillery attacks there simply don't get in touch with us dmytro bychko oo, head of the nikopol district council, mr. dmytro, glory to ukraine, thank you for including everything, thank you glory, against the background of these attacks on the dnipro, well, somehow it is in the news feed got lost, but there were shellings, just like the day before yesterday and yesterday, so tell me what the last days look like for the nikopol community, well, we can say that... sometimes it is very difficult for us to compile some intermediate results of the shellings, because they
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go on so much regularly and often that you just don't anymore do you have time to analyze what is happening, it is meant because such shelling is happening every day, from morning to night, and this terror has been going on for a long time, and i can say that during the shelling of the nikopol district the day before yesterday, four people and several others died. .. people were wounded , about 10 people were wounded there, so we can say that this terror, like the day before yesterday, is taking a lot of lives, terrorizing, injuring people, and this shelling took place in the central part of the city, and where they live very many people, very a lot of people go to work, that's why this terror of the nikopol district, it continues and... uses both artillery and a lot of drones, and therefore i can say that of course we and
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these meetings that you support are very important, because the only chance to stop terror is to support the armed forces of ukraine and help, and we are very grateful to all the residents of our city of nikopol and nikopol district, who continue to support the economy and work, despite such daily shelling and terror of the enemy, er... the city of nikopol, other cities of our district and the rural area continues to live and work, but actually i am looking at the last days of niko, nikopol, pokrovska, manganetsk, mirivska. i look at the damage to the community, four houses, five outbuildings, a dormitory, and a gas pipeline and also private transport, this dnipropetrovsk oda gives such information as people in such a daily and non-stop shelling system, in principle, can handle themselves, i.e. do
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these objects have time to be restored, do people go to work, or do all this constantly have to sit, as they say in basements and to move from one point to another under the head, what does it look like? well, i can say that those territories that are constantly under shelling, there are a lot of destructions of the private sector, and at the expense of the funds of local self-government bodies, the constant restoration of these buildings takes place, the shelling goes on very many territories of our district, so of course. we will say, there are a lot of such destructions, and of course, not all of them can be restored at once, and some cannot be restored, but the corresponding programs work so that these people who have suffered such destruction have the appropriate support, of course it is very difficult, i can say that one of the biggest problems of our
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district is the lack of children, children have been living for more than 2 years, and... in the nikopol war have been shelling the nikopol district for a year and a half, and this happens every day, and the most important one of the problems is today to find appropriate solutions to help children, children who are deprived of normal education, sports, culture, leisure, communication with their peers, who are constantly sitting in phones and this is a common problem, therefore, of course , today we try to include a lot of different programs, recreational, health, and educational. cultural in order for as many children as possible to be on vacation, abroad, in ukraine, have the opportunity to switch to sports components, have psychological products, products, one can say so, projects, and educational projects, and safe projects so that they these, these solutions could be found precisely in those territories and places where it can be done safely, namely
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about children, i see that only two children per oak in they drowned in the nikopol district, i understand... that the heat, children need rest, and some activities, entertainment, and that's how it ends, or eh, or this, these data, this is already the maximum, or is it still an even worse situation, because we see that in recent days, all over the country, unfortunately, there are a lot of drowning people, not only in your area, but also in the west in general , this is probably one of the reasons, what i was talking about, that a lot of children today are deprived these systemic projects that... were before, these are both sports and culture, when they were engaged in in small towns, when they had the possibility to be systemically united in some actions, today of course there are a lot of children just in certain territories, they just independently make decisions and conduct to the sug, and this is possible just one of the factors why this happens on the water, we will, therefore we need to improve
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communication with our children, because children are our future and... the basis, war should not take away from them the present, and you have a beach season, this holiday on the water is allowed, or is it just that people go at their own peril and risk, or everything - it is still possible and there are open beaches, where you can rest, stay, someone goes to the dnieper, well, we are probably saying that there are two components, there is the former kokhov reservoir, the dnipro river, the current one, which today is actually a prohibited area. access to water, but there are rivers in the rural area of ​​the nikopol district, in other cities, precisely these cases are not in nikopol, but precisely there, where it is safer and where there is access to water, mr. dmytro, the heat is at a record high there is, here is dnipro, i recorded it yesterday, and they promise even more, more than 40, how
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do the schedules and opportunities look with water and electricity? well, there are graphs, er, frequent power outages in many different parts of the nikopol district, this happens all the time, as it does throughout the country, today we are in the same conditions as the whole country, and the situation with water is improving, it is improving before that the state is launching, has launched the state water pipeline, which has been under construction for a long time, and let me remind you that more than a year ago, the enemy and the terrorist. after the explosion of the kakhovsky hydroelectric power plant , about 200,000 residents of the nikopol district were simultaneously deprived of centralized drinking water supply, then, of course, certain solutions helped to reduce this number, but still many cities and communities remained without centralized water supply, now there is water, yes, now there is already water, well, it was technical for a while, and
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now centralized water has already appeared, but it is going washing system, filtration, chlorination, and well, appropriate actions are taking place in order to stabilize the situation in the near future, and the water in the tap was drinkable, and another short question about their attacks. no longer for people, for the harvest, a whole 2.5 wheat field ha burned, how often it is their practice now, to aim at where there is already bread, where there is already a harvest, what should feed the region, and not only during the whole season, why do we call them terrorists, yes , because they do this terror specifically, they use this terror against agrarian business, and against big ... industrial business, just shopping centers, as they destroyed the epicenter in nikopol, let's say, and a lot of people were deprived of the opportunity to buy and opportunities to work, that's why
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terror, it occurs in various spheres of activity, it is an attempt to destroy ukraine economically, and we can see it in the example of nikopol and the nikopol district, because these attacks take place in various spheres of life in our region, but we will once again... and once again i am grateful to all those who continue to live and work, support the economy and zto. thank you, mr. dmitry. dmytro bochkov, chairman of the nikopol district council , spoke with us about the situation in the nikopol region. so houses are burning, fields are burning, and unfortunately, people are dying because of the russians, all this. on after a short pause, we move on, we will move to the south, to the temporarily occupied territories to berdyansk. we will find out how there is in a few minutes, stay with us. do you suffer from heartburn? i recommend izoto. isoto interacts with the acid in the stomach, which leads to a reduction in heartburn symptoms. your water if
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heartburn bothers you. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. exclusive interview with diplomat oleksandr khara. why does russia have the right to veto ukraine's entry into nato. resonant investigation is a road to nowhere. how the construction of a forest highway can destroy historical monument? the unique vitaly portnikov. about the impact of the war on ukrainians and the values ​​that will unite the nation. the diary of the legendary nationalist mykola kokhanivskyi: the country is always at the forefront. search at press outlets or pre-pay online. euro 2024 only on megogo. football europe is ready to crown a new national team. who will become the champion and forever go down in history. watch all euro 2024 matches exclusively on mine. there are discounts presented. 20% discount on sszvin in travel pharmacies for you and savings. vasyl's big broadcast
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winter two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company. beloved presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our life, to what end? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55
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in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. your place is waiting for you, the light remains on, for dinner - what you love, a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings and swimming, you are waiting for you on your streets, at school. in your church, because in your house they see dreams about you, you are always in front eyes, they cry for you. they are praying for you, we
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are sorry, because we knew that you are already somewhere nearby, half the battle is to know how difficult victory is, and we will do everything to hug you as soon as possible. so when you are at home, when we are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation united around you, good morning to those who join us, remember if there is a qr code on the screen, the card number is below it, this is our
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meeting with you on mavi'. both professional and traditional scouts are different, our defenders need them all, and we, meanwhile, for we are gathering information about you, and after the nikopol community we are moving to zaporizhzhia, part of which is under the control of the legitimate ukrainian authorities, part of which is under occupation, and the deputy chairman of the berdyansk district council, viktor dodukalov, is in touch with us, mr. viktor, good morning, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, congratulations. oksana and i are here in the morning reading a story, which has been a year, and it is still going on and we don't know when and how it will end. we are talking about the boys, the boys who died, who were killed by the russians last year, and their bodies have not yet been released to the parents, we are talking about, we remember that last year they promised that they would give for burial, but it did not happen, at the last moment everything was overplayed, twisted, the parents could not bury their children. we are talking about e.
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teenagers who helped the ukrainian resistance forces in the occupied territories, they are molded into terrorists by the media, and some streets are even named after them. bodies, do people not go out or do not have the opportunity to go out to protests, what does it look like? well, first of all, really last year they didn't just plan , they planned to give the bodies and bury them, the date, place and time of the farewell had already been set, and well , i don't remember the exact date, but it was, it was 100% that a specific specific number, and literally at the last hour, the occupiers changed their plans and accordingly told their relatives,
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they told their parents that nothing would happen, then, and then everything was delayed, it seems, for six months, at least, and when they started asking questions in the media and publicly on everyone levels, and by the way, you know, we know perfectly well, that the names of the boys from tigran and nikita are not appearing in media outlets all over the world practically this year, so there was a lot of attention, i think, precisely because of this, the occupiers and .. and were unable to do what they were planning to do, wanted to do today, why did a new wave of information appear, because there was a suspicion that the occupiers wanted to quietly bury them on their own, in nameless graves and make them so, well, bury them as terrorists of some kind no name, which they seem to have liquidated,
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but again because of attention. because of public attention, they couldn't do that, i hope they won't be able to, and yet, people, as you say, well, we're talking about some kind of resistance and protests, we're not talking about any protests, because it seems that the occupiers are hiding , did not want to allow, precisely because they were afraid of human anger and more serious attention to the boys and to this audacious murder, so that i do not know how it can be appreciated at all, when you are not young. they treat them like that terrorists and for a year they really don't give the bodies to bury, these are not people who, but who talk about orthodoxy, about some morals, about some values, and show their morality by their actions, it's simply absent in them, now they plan secretly to bury the bodies, such information became known, is it possible to do such things secretly in berdyansk now, and what to bury secretly, i'm sorry. yes,
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i have no confirmation.


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