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tv   [untitled]    July 4, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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they could not do this, i hope they will not be able to, and nevertheless, people, as you say, well, we are talking about some kind of resistance and protests, we are not talking about any protests, because it seems that the occupiers did not want to allow them to hide, precisely because they were afraid of human anger and more serious attention to the boys from this brazen murder, so i don't know how it can be evaluated at all, when they are minors like that... they are treated as terrorists and they really don't give the bodies to bury for a year , these are not people who, but who talk about orthodoxy, about some morals, about some values, and they themselves show their morality in this way by their deeds, they simply do not have it, now they plan to bury the bodies secretly, such information became known, is it possible to do such things in secret in berdyansk now, and what to bury secretly, sorry, yes, yes, i have... information that such
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graves are already appearing, where those people who were tortured or killed, the occupiers and those without, who did not have such, well, deaths, who did not have such publicity, are buried such graves are located on the outskirts of the city cemetery, respectively, i.e well, there is no problem for them to do anything there, if no one knows anything about it, and we don't even know how many people were killed and tortured, because there is no one to declare about certain of them, no one to inform, or their close relatives are intimidated, or there are no relatives and relatives, that is why there are also such deaths, in which there is simply no publicity, people are buried and everything, and everything is done quietly, i do not know how we will then be these inhumane crimes, respectively bring to the logical there. courts of salvation, how to find
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guilty, but i am sure that there will be many such cases, not only in beryansk in general in the occupation, that is why there is such a horror, mr. viktor, before going to such dry statistics of terrible shelling in zaporozhye, i still want to return to the fact that, as they say, summer, heat, berdyansk sea, respectively, how does it all look, something? was organized in the form of a holiday season, or maybe there really is one, i ask why near mariupol, and even there the local publics had to fight back after the water withdrawal episode, and they say that in there are enough of them in mariupol, cholera vibrio in the reservoir, well, in the local public , propagandists write vibrio, an intestinal infection of some kind, but everything is fine, let's swim further. this is in mariupol and it is in connection
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with the previous rains and the fact that in fact unburied bodies and all this with garbage and everything flowed into the sea right in the area of ​​mariupol, in berdyansk, the state of the water at that time, what is it all together, how it looks like, well, i think that in berdyansk there is definitely a difference between the official reports about the water withdrawals and the laboratory results there, there was no such thing, because... well, i think that i am sure that the sea is better in berdyansk, the water is better, but jellyfish have actively gone to berdyansk, and we still know that the jellyfish have been deciding for the past few years, the holiday season and then, well, in his, or rather, his absence for, if there were problems with the holiday season, in the occupiers today jellyfish will be an excuse to report that we do not have tourists, because you see jellyfish, in fact there is no berdyansk water supply is normal. if at one time
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they tried to supply water according to the schedule, then today it is not there, the electricity supply is also a huge problem, and they still haven't been able to start certain entertainment facilities, because they have some kind of respectable commission there, which must go, inspect these facilities and give the go-ahead for them to work. this esteemed commission cannot pass something, it is not clear for what reasons, and so they worry about the holiday season in general, er... having in principle their strength and means to do everything, but they do not even scratch, because they do not need it, they it was enough for them to call several tiktok bloggers to make a video, look how cool everything is, there are cars here with license plates from the saratov region and from the moscow region, which means that the holiday season is over, we actually understand that the end of june and the beginning of july were already the days when in renting housing in berdyansk for, well... summer
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housing, resort housing was a problem, today it is not a problem, because housing, despite the fact that at most a fifth of it works in general, is much more, and... than vacationers, these are the realities, and i will not talk about sanitary standards nothing more to comment at all, because it is clear that without water, without medicine, what will there be there, what will the level of sanitary standards be there in general, and this situation is terrible, of course it is not in mariupol after such consequences, indeed after such deaths, but it will be, it will be and is a 100% catastrophe that will turn into some kind of epidemic. but let them go, they take these sores to the swamps and spread them there. mr. viktor, what the center of national resistance writes about, the russian federation is forcing those ukrainians who were deported from the occupied territories, already somewhere there in the depths of russia, record a video in support of the svo, they say, if you don’t want
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problems, please say that you, you like everything, you support and so on, have you already seen such videos and whether or not, if so , then did you get to know the residents there... berdyansk, are your countrymen forced to do such things too? nothing happened to the berdians, at all, but this is already the third year, we are talking about the third year of a full-scale invasion, and i will tell you more that today , more or less, everyone already understands what methods are there, what means, how to interact accordingly with by the occupiers if they demand something like that, but imagine march 22 . march, april, the beginning of the war and the beginning of the occupation, and the occupiers began to detain the representatives of the maidan, the organizers of the maidan that went to berdyansk, and then they had demands, first of all, these people, they
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demanded from these people record the video that you we are very grateful and that you are happy about the occupation, so we remember such shots, and do you have any contact at all with those who were deported? russia, is it possible to communicate with them and to what extent and how people live there, do they have the opportunity to return home, there is some information, they mostly have terrible conditions, there is very little information in general, for obvious reasons, because contact with people is very difficult, and these conditions are terrible, if the occupiers said, that, as always, they said that there are social packages and everything in the world that they supposedly guarantee. and guarantee, in fact, you understand very well that if they say so, they are lying, so firstly, the conditions are terrible, secondly, uh, a huge problem to contact, and thirdly, there is very little official information, respectively, on the territories in general, well, on our territories
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under occupation, from where, where and how many people were deported, if we knew that at one time around 50 people were suspected of comrade banitsky from... of them only two of the berdians who went to ukraine, this is what came under suspicion and was proven, but imagine that you can multiply this number of people who were not under suspicion by several times, and actually official information, mr. viktor, a little something we had communication problems, but we see, we hear you, i see that there is a parallel reality, it is somewhere there in... in various gadgets and the internet, and if you just take the hashtags svo putin zelensky russia and geotech berdyansk, you read incredible stories that just , i don't know, it's hard to realize how much people under occupation
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are led by such stories, because this is part of an informational attack on our population, which lives in occupied berdyansk, i will only briefly quote about the capture of berdyansk. soldier, well it's a grind, it's just idiocy, but does it work when you live in a regime "eternal memory of the hero, may he rest in peace, censorship, occupation and lack of information, in bordyansk they are doing this now, we must admit that it is propaganda." has certain consequences, of course, people are not led to such a cringe, because we, we, you know, this cringe caused a stir back in the 21st and 19th years, such, well, we laughed when there were such pictures, and there an actor from adult films
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in the photo, as a rule, that is, people don't go for that, after all, intellectually developed ukrainians lived there, not russians, but the problem is that... the occupiers, their narratives and their rhetoric were calculated for the russians, that is, the russians also look at the tv, not the window, and they, they get information from there. from tv, and they wanted to influence our population in this way, but it is much more difficult for our population, because our population has experienced several revolutions, our population knows that any politician can be overthrown, any regime can be overthrown, and our not only is the population not behaving like that, and our population has somehow gotten used to checking at least something, that's why everyone the occupiers are trying in various ways to probe, well, you know, our intelligence and population, and i think that the most they succeed in is
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to speculate on memories of the soviet union, of the soviet union, that is, that the soviet union built everything, these all the houses, factories, steamships and so on, but russian modernity, but propaganda is much more difficult to enter, so they, i don’t know what resource they are throwing away, it is definitely not there, this is the most important indicator for me personally, it is the lack of fashion for the army and lack of promotion, serious popularity in the army. go to the army to fight, they could not make their army cool among the local population, i think
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this is the most, the most telling, a good indicator is that, yes, mr. viktor, thank you very much for being with the viewers of espresso on tuesday, viktor tutukalov, the deputy head of the berdyansk district council about the kind of life in the occupation in the middle of a hot summer, but at the same time , even at the front in this direction , the press officer is very hot to... the 28th separate mountain assault says that in zaporizhzhia actually breakthrough efforts intensified, and the number of shelling of communities reaches almost half a thousand per day, at least more than 400 yesterday. this is what the hot south of zaporizhia looks like. we will talk about the south later. odessa and the scandal with a man who simply brought his dog to... the veterinarian turned out to be a military serviceman, and how did
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the client treat this military serviceman, or how did this customer make him apologize to the veteran, in a few minutes we will ask our next guest, wait, attention, it is profitable offer, order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 149. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250. and we offer you a light bulb that lights up, even when there is no light, for only uah 149. take advantage of such a favorable offer. the smart light bulb works even without electricity, up to 6 hours without recharging. the secret is in the built-in city battery. it's so convenient, especially now. and the smart light bulb is not afraid of it. fell down voltage and will not break when dropped. the standard base is suitable for almost any chandelier or floor lamp. suddenly
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turned off the light, do you need to light the candles again or look for a flashlight in which the batteries ran out? let there be light in your home. always. smart light bulb for only uah 149. works even without electricity. the offer is limited. call remainders represent the only discounts on enterogermin 15% in pharmacies of travel to you and savings. there are discounts presented. 15% in travel, souvenir and savings pharmacies. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on magnesium - 10% in the pharmacies of travel bam and saver. the war is going on, and not only for territories, it is also war for minds we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project
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with olga len. tuesday thursday at 5:15 p.m. repeat, tuesday - friday fr. the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20'. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life, a bc ride, a boys ride, a quad bike is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from ground zero. we call on everyone to join nato in gathering from zero
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to life on a quad bike for the 93rd cold river brigade in the direction of chasiv yar. we we are coming back, now we will find out about the situation in odesa, this is how we are in the hot south, and this story from yesterday is very interesting, the service of god, as it is called in the people, the sbu, the service of god of ukraine, neutralized another agent group, and in this case here the option is this, either there are many agents there, or the sbu is working in odesa. more actively every day of history, this time, what was interesting was that it was such a whole group, it included two military men, and their accomplice, who was also playing hollywood, that is, or soviet cinema, all the time changed wigs, all of them worked absolutely on specific objects in and on the enterprises of the defense industry and on the movement of the armed forces
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of ukraine, but this interested two military men who were actively recruited by the fsb precisely in... during military operations, this is from the new , well, what are we going to ask a little more from the deputy of the odesa regional council and the volunteer valentina shultz, mr., mrs. valentina, good morning, glory, good morning, i congratulate you, ms. valentina, let’s probably start with this story about a military man who was scolded by his husband, which came to him as a client with his dog, we know what has already been done to him. they said: excuse me, he apologized, he says: i didn’t see, i don’t see that you don’t have the physical ability to get up and come up, well, but that doesn’t mean that you have to scold a person obscenely, even if you didn’t see how odesa reacted,
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or hum city? yes, well, i can say that this is... a terrible story, and at the same time a telling story, how the society of odesa reacted to this news, how this news began to spread in social networks, and by the way, odesa the national police immediately reacted and filed an administrative report on this man during the monitoring of social networks, as well as... thank you to all the public figures who showed concern, searched for this scoundrel and took him to apologize to our soldier, but as you said that this situation is even more difficult, because this is not only a veteran soldier, he also asked this person a question, and if i were an ordinary
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person, then you would also address me like that and... and i can say that we have now very there are many trainings and various programs for the adaptation of veterans, but societies do not prepare for the arrival of veterans, and something needs to be done about this. mrs. valentina, you communicate with other volunteers, that is, you have a certain picture of moods, particularly in the city, quite often different ones appear. from the fresh, these are the odessa aunts who attack the representatives of the tsk when he communicates with the mobilization, well... i don't want to repeat, whoever wants can watch this video swearing and shouting, if you think that you were given a military uniform, you have the right
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to kill, here it is, here it is an extreme video, only some part of, let's say, odessa aunties have such attitudes, is this a deliberate confirmation of history, in fact there are no such attitudes, and you know, i think that it is, after all , a deliberate understatement. because how many times the military has been discredited, i am not saying that all the actions of the tsk in our country are correct, yes, we have seen all these mobilizations in odesa, but still, these are all informational excuses, they are in the hands of the enemy and, unfortunately, not contribute to mobilization people, yes, then there are probably some difficulties again with... with communication. there was a little break. so finish, actually, you finished these stories,
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as you say, the mobilization in odesa. you are more, more informed about some scandalous isolated cases than there is a trend, so we understood you correctly? yes, of course, of course, rather than some cases that promote mobilization and highlight some normal events. and unfortunately, all telegram channels spread and all news sites are just such cases, so of course people, when they read such news, they react, although the majority in the tsk are boys who have passed the front. and the last question, ms. valentina, how homogeneous, how homogeneous is the society in odessa now, the stories we are talking about are rather exceptions, or are there already more such stories and... actually a divided society, well, me i would like to see that these are more isolated cases, however, today we meet a well-known
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volunteer, uncle grisha from kherson in odessa, and the whole volunteer community has gathered here, therefore, i hope that these are still isolated cases, and ukraine will win, and we will all be united. thank you for the positive. optimism, we hope that it is so, that this will not be a traditional story anymore, valentina shults was with us, a deputy of the odesa district council and a volunteer, and now it's time to find out how poltava region lives, yesterday, the last few days, constant shelling, constant alarms in poltava , poltava region, we constantly see on the monitors that something is flying there, and unfortunately, they do not always shoot down... we learn about all these events from igor protsai, a deputy poltava regional council. mr. igor, i would like to add that, in fact, for two days, this is the most
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discussed topic, because this scheme of new use and strikes was first practiced on civilians in kharkiv, and now it has started specifically in poltava oblast and has been repeated twice in two days, this is the first. the russian orlan hangs high in the air for hours, conducting reconnaissance, targeting, later iskander ballistic strikes, it was at the myrhorod airfield, an absolutely identical situation repeated itself yesterday in kryvyi rih, while the orlan hangs not only in order to guide the russian missiles, and also to check the accuracy and destruction afterwards, and this algorithm started. actually from the resonant history of poltava, myrhorod plus poltava. and in fact, many experts are talking about this, and this is what is currently
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being discussed the most, why there are no rebs, or why they do not work further from the battle line in a body 150 and 200 kilometers away , let's redirect this question now to mr. igor. igor about this deputy of the poltava regional council. mr. igor, congratulations. greetings, good morning. please tell me first, we know that there was an alarm at night and there were reports of the movement of shaheds to poltava region, how did the last night pass, and what were the consequences of the previous attacks? poltava has been under attack for the third, and now it can be said for the fourth day in a row, and it has already turned into something permanent, and the people of poltava are in constant tension, because the first blow, the one that took place directly on... in front of the place, was heard by the whole city. it was, it was, as they say, very, very loud. all the people of poltava heard about iskander's flight around the suburbs of poltava. other strikes
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were also in the plane of the poltava district, yes that the occupiers carry out, in my opinion , the tactics that you rightly said, at first the reconnaissance drone hangs for quite a long time, they even see it, people signal about it, after that there is a strike, ugh, these yes, yes, i’m actually talking about targets, here it’s logical the goal, when we talk about and show videos from... the city, but here are the latest strikes - they are generally some kind of school, kindergarten, that is , they just happened to be there, or they too, and in this case too institutions, that is, this is also a clear goal, as well as myrhorodsky, myrhorod summer resort, i i think that there is such a thing here, excuse my french and russian sloppiness, aim at one and hit another, but we ourselves
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understand... that the large area of ​​flight of those missiles that fly towards us, and accordingly in the zone of damage, about the one they think hypothetically, objects of civil infrastructure and schools and kindergartens are always hit , disunity is quite high in iskander, so people often come under fire, the whole country has been buzzing for several days, are there any first steps? to prevent similar ones in the future situation, i am talking now about the rebs, about protection, about not being able to hang their eagles for hours, watching both before and after the strike. well, as far as i'm concerned, this is generally the most important task, because when it's not , well, actually, it's the most interesting connection. probably
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because of the power cut, we are being let down, but the heat can also be the same, because poltava oblast, like dnipropetrovsk oblast, is simply breaking records, on july 3 , a historical heat record of 2° was recorded, that is, this heat, it too affects the shortage of electricity, and therefore, on the stability of our internet connection, this happens to us regardless of... the region, it can be the capital, i think our viewers have also encountered this, because many people are already asking, how can to provide a connection, many people need it for work, especially those who work remotely, even ordinary google dock files are said to be very difficult to work with, and now there is actually a crazy demand to provide themselves with high-quality uninterrupted internet through wool and other means that would allow
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have. just a minute from the news, but there are so many interesting things going on here, even last night we went to bed with an additional peace formula, well , it was erdogan who came for six and talked with putin, he says that i have a cool peace formula, i won’t say which one, but erdoğan slept separately at night and putin already this morning i see the russians writing that the kremlin refused to negotiate through erdogan and according to his formula, these are the stories. our news service knows more news, well, we pass on the word to them, yes iryna koval, she will definitely tell more now, we have, unfortunately, bad news from dnipro, let me remind you, today is a day of mourning there, irina, we pass the floor to you and want to hear all the information for this moment. thank you, oksana, yes indeed, i will start with the situation in dnipro, updated information has appeared, there will be many other news from different regions of ukraine, but...
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i want to thank you that every morning you also call on our viewers to report, and today also, let's ask together that everyone join this gathering for the maviky treat and the maviky fly combo, because our guys are now in the east of the country, defending it, holding the front, and so it will be easier for them to defend our country if we help them. well, about everything in more detail. so it's 8 o'clock in ukraine, news time on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, i greet all the viewers and let's start with the situation in the dnipro, another victim of the russian attack died in the hospital.


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