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tv   [untitled]    July 4, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EEST

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wines from different regions of ukraine, but i want to thank you that every morning you also call on our viewers to donate, and today too, let's together ask everyone to join this gathering on mavike 3t and on mavike fly combo, because our guys are now in the east of the country , defend it, hold the front, and therefore it will be easier for them to defend our country if we help them, well, about... more details, so 8:00 in ukraine, news time on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to everyone viewers and we start with the situation in the dnipro, another victim of the russian attack in the hospital on... a 60-year-old woman who was
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injured during yesterday's attack on the city died. thus, there are six victims, another 53 residents were injured. let me remind you that yesterday around noon , the russians launched an attack on the city with missiles and drones. the hospital building and shopping center were damaged. a day of mourning has been declared in the city today. they also found the body of a woman under the rubble, who had been searched for since last friday. there are also victims in the dnipropetrovsk region. a 68-year-old woman was wounded under the time of the evening attack on nikopol. damaged infrastructure, four five-story buildings, shops and a sports club, as well as three cars. the gas pipeline and the power line were affected, said serhiy lysak, the head of the dnipropetrovsk region. the occupiers attacked the region at night, destroying two shaheds over the region. after...
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the night attack on kyiv was completely repelled, the air defense forces destroyed all the enemy drones heading for the capital, without casualties or destruction, the kyiv city military administration reported. the enemy launched drones in several waves and from different directions from its border, from the territory of the kursk region. the russians killed two people in zaporizhzhia, a man and a woman were killed as a result of enemy shelling in... in the vasylivskyi and pologivskyi districts, the head of the military administration, ivan fedorov, said. one more man was injured during shelling in the zaporizhzhia district. during the day , the occupiers set fire to 10 towns and villages. 12 residential buildings and infrastructure objects were destroyed. one person died, three more injured by a russian missile attack on poltava region. according to the head of the region philip pronin. one of the victims
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is in a serious condition in the hospital. the invaders struck the region the night before. debris from the downed rocket damaged a school and a kindergarten in the poltava district. the number of victims due to the attack on kharkiv has increased. 14 people were injured. among them are two children, a two-week-old baby and an eight-year-old boy, the regional prosecutor's office reported. the occupiers were thrown around the city the day before. three aerial bombs, one of the hits came on open area on the outskirts of the city, two more in residential buildings of the kyiv district, damaged private houses, high-rise buildings, cars, a post office building, a service station and a gym. the enemy used a su-34 aircraft, which launched three d-30 unified cross-range planing munitions from the settlement of batradskaya dacha, belgorod region of the russian federation.
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caliber 30 cm, you can see the debris from this air projectile, these fragments have now been removed during the inspection of the scene by prosecutors and investigators. unusual harvest: ten men tried to sneak into hungary through a wheat field, the state border service said. each paid the shippers from seven to 10 thousand dollars. however, the border guards prevented the plans and caught the pseudo-tourists. two of them tried to escape, they face administrative punishment, and the organizers - criminal. will be held accountable for insulting a veteran: odesa police filed an administrative report against a man who insulted a former soldier wearing prosthetics. the incident, let me remind you, happened in one of the city's veterinary clinics. the video got into social networks: a man brought his dog to an appointment
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with oleksiy prytula, but when he saw that the doctor had prostheses, he scolded him and left. the veterinarian stood in defense of the homeland from the beginning of the great war in september 2022 during he lost both legs during the offensive on lyman, after rehabilitation he returned to work. and another 1,200 occupiers were destroyed by our defenders during the day. since the beginning of the full-scale war , the russian army has already lost 547 thousand of its soldiers. also, yesterday it was possible to eliminate nine russian tanks, 17 armored vehicles, 65 artillery systems and two means of air defense. defenders of the sky shot down 26 drones and six cruise missiles. the general staff reminds. data are approximate. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. 135 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. the pokrovsky
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direction remains the most difficult. the occupiers stormed 34 times. yevhenivka, vozdvizhenka, and kalinov are being actively attacked. the armed forces will destroy. at least six artillery pieces and knocked out an enemy tank, as well as eliminated it there are 320 russians on this part of the front. on the turkish side, the enemy tried to push the ukrainian defenders 17 times. also , the armed forces of ukraine repelled 23 attacks on lymanskyi. the russian army also became more active in zaporizhzhia, on the orihiv section of the front. they attacked nine times near roboteny and shcherbaki. the situation is tense in kharkiv oblast as well. 11 times. the russian federation, with the support of aviation, stormed the positions of our units in the districts of lyptsi, vovchansk, and hlybokoy. i urge you, our people , to convert to donats due to enemy fire. so join in
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collection for drones and equipping for art reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first batch that we plan to purchase is eight improved models of fly combo mavics. and five mavic 3t. quadcopters are eyes in the sky that keep an eye on safety and enable you to confidently move forward. and most importantly, they help protect the lives of our soldiers. we need to collect 2.5 million hryvnias and we already have more than 1,100,000 hryvnias in our accounts. so don't waste time and join the collection for our defenders. more than 2 million citizens have updated theirs. data in the reserve+plus application about this deputy defense minister of ukraine kateryna chornogorenko said. this application is the most popular among ukrainians, the official added. the data is also updated through administrative service centers. but the territorial centers of recruitment and
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social support are in third place in terms of the number of appeals. under the pretext of accompanying orphaned children, they left the country for close. two dozen men who are relatives of kyiv officials - said dmytro lubinets, the verkhovna rada commissioner for human rights. it happened in march 2022, when he was 68 the foster children of the kyiv center for social and psychological rehabilitation, children number one, were evacuated to germany. the men were registered as escorts, but they never returned to ukraine. the government of the union. states allocated new large-scale aid to ukraine, white house spokeswoman karin jean-pierre announced. the package will include missiles for hymars systems, anti-aircraft interceptors, artillery shells and other weapons. in addition, additional funding is provided for
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the us department of defense to purchase new interceptor missiles for the systems air defense patriot and nasams. to, quote, help ukraine defend its troops and'. from russian attacks from the air. this is the seventh package of military aid that america will provide after president biden signed a law in april with additional funding for national security needs. a campaign to collect money for drones for the armed forces of ukraine has started in lithuania. the president of the country dalia hrybauskaite personally supported her. she called to fight the aggressor for. victory on behalf of lithuanians and added that every person or company which will donate 500 €, will be able to send a named drone to ukraine with greetings from lithuania, the money will be collected until the end of summer. and
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you can find more information on our youtube channel, there are live broadcasts of ether, all program releases and special projects that can be seen only from us, also short. videos on hot topics in the shorts section, subscribe, comment, your opinions are important to us. so that was the news for this time, we will see you at 10 o'clock. my colleagues, oksana vysochanska, will continue the broadcast and roman chaika, and stay with us, since at this hour my colleagues will have a broadcast from the dnipro, we will find out what the current situation is there, i want to remind you that today is a day of mourning there, so, as i have already said, you can read more on to our website espresso tv, stay tuned.
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thank you, iryna, to you, our tv viewers, i want to remind you about the collection and why i am talking about it now, because the charity fund of our ira koval is engaged in and takes care of many military personnel. espresso collects on mavikas and on the complex. you see ira every day, ira tells you about the most important, the most recent, despite that, you also manage to organize meetings, take care of the children of military personnel, provide them with rest, we ask you to make your share, your contribution, at least with small donations, because together we can collect so much , as much as needed, more than one collection has already closed this fund and provided the military with their needs, so please. join us, we will talk about the dnipro next, let me remind you that the day of mourning is today in the dnipro, we already have
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information about six, unfortunately, who died as a result of yesterday's attack, and more than 50 victims, because of this, we are adding to our conversation the deputy of the dnipro city council serhiy krasnopolskyi, in connection with our studio, mr. serhiy, glory to ukraine, glory to heroes, good morning, we express our condolences and actually join the people of dnipro on... this sad day, unfortunately, this happens, and we want to ask you about how the city is currently recovering, what is known about those who died and what help do they need now? thank you well as you know already six dead, more than 50 injured, workers' enterprises, a hospital were damaged. a gas station, a shopping center,
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i provide assistance in the city according to the city program, well, i am the head of the enterprise, i also say that we had close arrivals, registration, according to the current legislation, well, we draw up acts, pay out money, the system is the same as in the whole country, i would rather to say that the 21st century and orcs. who attack our country, from which we suffer, i believe that we must give a worthy response, because impunity breeds permissiveness, so we all dnipro residents, as one, we care about the restoration of our city and work for victory, mr. serhiy, we see that, especially in the last days, the russians became more active in relation to... dnipropetrovsk region in relation to the dnipro itself, in fact there is constant anxiety, yesterday in broad daylight
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shaheds were flying, today too the whole night, you were worried, have you in this connection somehow revised how the city and how the region lives, maybe there are some changes in terms of defense, and in terms of shelters, in terms of air defense, what you can share this information please tell us, well , we are in a committee session on air defense. we are discussing issues that i cannot voice live, but large funds are allocated from the city budget for the installation of new mobile protective structures, also each enterprise has developed an alert system separate from the general one and protective structures of equipment, you say funds are allocated, but is it possible , so that it is as fast as possible? not established, because the allocation of funds is good, but it is not the whole matter.
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funds have been allocated since the beginning of the war, regularly and gradually, that is why this process does not stop, because if it is stopped, then the construction will also stop, it is clear that one is a consequence of the other. do you now have an answer to these questions, this strike, in particular on the dnipro, was purposeful. i.e. targeted, or did it just happen like that? i don't have an agency on the russian side, so i should systematize or give an answer to your question there. i can't, but i want to repeat the 21st century barbarians, orcs, and we must, must answer, will you enter, yes, will you introduce any new or some corrections regarding the safe protocol of the life of the city in connection with the fact that both the attacks have increased and
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the reconnaissance drones are hanging in the air all the time, i have more questions for... the ministry of defense, but we in our committees are discussing this and looking for new answers to these threats, do we see that this is not the first time, actually, hits and debris, when it is residential buildings, residential buildings that fall, a lot of civilians suffer , or is this provoked an outflow of people, whether there are those who leave the city, or somewhere... region, or even outside the region, or even abroad. you know, after the exodus, at the beginning of the war, many people left, on the contrary, many returned, i don’t see any panicky moods, maybe i don’t know something, but from those with whom i communicate at our company,
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i don’t see any panicky moods, or dnipro has enough of what is needed after... the consequences of the impact, that is, everything from windows to building materials has already been fixed over the past couple of years, and in such cases, this issue has been fixed in the city council. after each shelling, the committees discuss these issues, allocate money, but also a systematic program for recovery, well, we don't leave anyone alone. thank you for participating in our broadcast, thank you for your answers. serhiy krasnopolsky was with us, a deputy of the dnipro city council. already in the morning, we have received information from our air forces, 22 rockets attacked ukraine from kurshchyna this night, 21 rockets were shot down by our defenders of the sky. we thank them
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for this. next, we will talk about donetsk region, about donbas. contact us editor-in-chief of social donbas andriy kramchenkov. mr. andriy, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. greetings to all from the indomitable donbas. mr. andriy, after yesterday's confirmed news, it is about, in particular , the kanal microdistrict, which is completely destroyed and controlled by the aggressor, i am talking about the times of yar, for curiosity's sake, i think, but let's see what the russian show is about in this on... they they are simply saying in open text that in fact, moving from the avdiiv direction and the chasovoyariv direction, they want to surround a large turkish agglomeration, now they write in plain text in russian, it is for your eyes how
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dangerous this wish is for implementation, if you now display the deeppstate map, i will be right on the toes. well, let's ask our editors now, so please, look, now the main directions of assaults, according to the introduction of the general staff, which it publishes twice a day, the main directions of assaults are lymansky to the north of the place where you are now showing, this is pokrovsky, here stop the map like this, look, there is one on the lower left side of this map a protrusion in the direction of the track, here goes the track. pokrovsk-kostantinivka is on its way, i call it the ocheretyn ledge, there are about 7 km left before the pokrovsk-kostantinivka highway, and in fact it is already reaching arta, mortars will soon begin to reach the highway, that is, this highway, which feeds a huge part of the front, it is now
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will soon be under fire control of the enemy, if we go along it now, we had a similar carelessness literally where... a few days ago, the fields that are burning can be seen from the road, and now the dsms officers report that regularly the russian military is setting fire to the fields with our ripe wheat, and you can literally see these fires from the highway, if you go up a little higher now to the temporary ravine, you will see that the front is curved in such an arc, and these are the main directions of the russians' efforts, now i already... . said, this is the lyman direction, this ocherepyn ledge and the city of chasiv yar, if you zoom in a lot, then let's talk about the canal district, show it in detail. yes, we now have such an opportunity. look, chasiv yar, if you look not at the bibstate map, at any map that shows terrain, it
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is on a ridge. and the whole kramatorsk agglomeration, that is, kostyantynivka, druzhkivka, slovyansk, kramatorsk, all these cities that are located along the river, they seem to be in the valley, but now this whole agglomeration is clearly visible, and the russians, if they go to... will take times, they will reach this ridge and will be able to move up to the north, well, according to the map, up, and according to geography, to the north, and this whole mass of cities, which are very densely located, in which the main part is now located donetsk region, he will find himself under enemy artillery fire, now the same kostyantynivka is being bombarded by aerial bombs, and if they leave for the time, they will begin to take it with artillery and... the situation will become even more complicated, but at the time of yar it is divided into one third and two thirds by the siverskyi donets canal - donbass, and now the fighting is actually going on
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for the canal micro-district, which you mentioned, that is, our armed forces are now across the canal and are fighting for this micro-district, but the russians are using the same tactics that they used everywhere, they artillery and aerial bombs with... they move the buildings where our defenders are literally in every basement, and turn the city and this fortified area into such a lunar landscape, as they say, and accordingly there is nothing to defend, and our defenders are forced to retreat, because they are in a clear field against arta, it's pretty hard to counter anything, and now if you zoom in on the map, it means move away from the temporal chasm. then we will see exactly this arc that we are talking about, that is , the right flank of this arc is time iv, and the left flank of this arc will decrease even more, there
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we reduce, and this is formed, and an arc is formed, which rests on one side on the chereten ridge, and on the other side on the chasivyar, and the top of this arc is the city of toretsk, its surroundings, toretsk, new york, all there these are iron eyes, now it is... this is also the direction of the main assaults, before, just a couple of months ago, it was more or less quiet in toretsk, there was war and battles all around, it was more or less quiet in toretsk itself, we were there too, banks were working , there were even small shops, you could get some water utility workers delivered such special barrels, however, for example, the heating system had already been destroyed, the central water supply system had already... been destroyed, that is , the utility workers used such tanks to bring water into tanks, several cubic meters, and people somehow collected and survived there, near high-rise buildings were built, well, these
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village toilets, how to call them correctly in ukrainian, well, in short, street toilets were built near high-rise buildings, so that people could somehow use them, and life went on like this, it was very complicated, if you compare it with any... such a non-frontline city, it was impossible to live there, but if you compare it there with the same time gap, it was more or less quiet in turkey, but now the enemy is one of his main efforts, he directed to its turkish surroundings, new york are being destroyed by air bombs, we were there recently too, and the enemy is right there, i.e. air bombs at night and in the morning, drones are working sometime in the morning, and in the afternoon it is working. and it's a methodical, you know, routine with which they destroy positions and destroy the city itself. mr. andriy, we literally have a minute left, you
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described very well what the terrain of this area looks like, and the question, if, is something being done and is it possible to do it, to protect the track itself from shelling, from being shot at, from pokrovsk , to kostyantynivka and further to kramatorsk, is it possible to make some embankments higher, or could this... save the situation, and if so, is something like this already happening? without going into any details, i can say that i travel between dnipropetrovsk, donetsk, in the kharkiv and sumy regions, fortifications are being dug everywhere from donetsk to sumy regions, in several lines of defense, somewhere they have already been dug, somewhere they are digging, the question is whether there will be someone to defend these fortifications, i mean people. well, but it could allow safer, safer, and dangerous, at least to provide transportation on these routes, because if the route is shot through, then it will be completely bad. well, there is a
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detour through myrnograd, and it is now used by everyone who does not want to risk the road pokrovsk kostyantynivka, but for now you can drive through it, and in principle you can see the fires that are burning in the fields near this chereten ridge, but i have not yet observed direct fire control under the road, and is it true that the military tells us that this road is important for some reason , that it is semi-seasonal. take care of such a household word, but if they take control of it, russians, then in fact alternative routes can function only in the summer and early autumn, and then it's just roadless and logistics will fall accordingly, well, look, logistics is the key to everything, and this road, as the military calls it, is a rolling road, that is, a road that runs parallel to the front line, and it
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allows for the transfer of forces. there to feed them with fuel and ammunition, there with some food products, to transfer people, to transfer units, that is, this is an important road, i am not saying that it is not important, it is just that, well, there are still alternative roads, thank you for the detailed analysis and explanation, because it is now clear what is happening there and exactly what the circumstances are, andriy kramchenkov was with us, the editor-in-chief of social donbass, a short pause, and in the same place. we will stay, we will communicate with the military, with officer serhii tsekhotskyi. be with us. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. exclusive interview with diplomat oleksandr khara. why does russia have the right to veto ukraine's entry into nato. a high-profile investigation is a road to nowhere. how the construction of a forest road can destroy a historical monument. the inimitable vitaly
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assessment? the measures that i took in the law, they were carried out. on thursday, july 4 , at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express. his opinion on the malice of the day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 8 to 10 p.m. summer: it is a time of rest and recovery, and i believe that this year we will be able to present a real fairy tale and a little peace for children, the world they
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destroyed. war, these are the children of fallen heroes, father or mother, who, protecting us and you, our country, died at the front, and they, like no one else, need our support, because they are the future of our country. our experience has shown that traveling helps children recover faster after a loss. children feel emotional. better, i am asking you to support our project. we are planning to organize two trips for the children of fallen heroes this summer. children will experience bright emotions, they will get to know a new country, a new culture, find new friends, and most importantly, they will receive help from qualified psychologists. and maybe now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or owners of large businesses.


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