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tv   [untitled]    July 4, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EEST

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9:00 a.m. is approaching for silence, to honor and remember all those who died because of the russian occupiers on our land. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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ukrainians are being prepared for negotiations, you could often see such comments on social networks, maybe you wrote them yourself, and maybe you talked about it at home in the kitchen, right? are negotiations with... russia possible and under what conditions, especially now when politicians also say about the negotiations, whether putin will be satisfied now occupied ukrainian territories, is official kyiv ready for trump's presidency, if he insists on leaving ukrainian cities and towns under the control of the russian federation, what concessions are the government and society ready to make here. this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and we are starting. a ceasefire will not end the war.
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ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy said this in an interview with bloomberg. and here he says that this, unless it will lead to the freezing of the conflict, and those countries that offer ukraine to consider the possibility of ending fire, do not know how it should work. during his visit to kyiv on july 2, hungarian prime minister viktor orbán proposed to zelensky the idea of ​​a ceasefire for the sake of faster negotiations with the russian federation. orban then said that ukraine's peace initiatives require a lot of time, and therefore asked zelensky to think about whether it is possible to cease fire first and then hold peace talks. zelensky rejected this proposal. that ukraine is not ready to make territorial concessions in exchange for a ceasefire was also stated by the head of the president's office, andriy yermak, reuters reports. at the same time , he added that kyiv will listen to any advice on how to achieve a just peace, create a basis for ending the war in ukraine, and...
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turkish president recep tayyip erdogan proposed a fair peace. this was reported in the administration of the turkish president. erdogan, after meeting with russian president putin on the sidelines of the ongoing shanghai cooperation organization summit in kazakhstan, said that his proposal for a just peace should satisfy both sides. and here is the polish minister of foreign affairs, radoslav sikorsky, during a geopolitical dialogue under the auspices of foren policy, stated that the only possible scenario is no negotiations at all, he said that putin can end the war simply by giving an order to the russian minister of defense and reminded that in 2004 ukraine concluded a bilateral agreement with russia on the state border, signed by putin himself, so now he is violating his own signature under such an agreement. we will talk about the probability of negotiations on our broadcast, oleg rybachuk, head and co-founder of the public.
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of the center for joint actions, the former vice prime minister of ukraine for european integration joined our broadcast. mr. oleg, congratulations, thank you for joining. good morning. why do we hear so often about negotiations in recent weeks and months, especially in recent days, in fact, and from various politicians, in the western media, they write about it, what is happening, are ukrainians being prepared for it? i have the impression that yes, i have the impression that they are preparing for this, and it is connected, well, connected with the elections of the united states states and with the position of one of trump's presidential candidates, who sends these signals through various channels that the first thing he will do is practically force the parties to sit down at the negotiating table and stop hostilities, and the second is that ukrainian politicians, in including president zelenskyi. he began
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to talk quite often about the fact that we will get closer to peace already in the fall, so that there is an acceptable format for negotiations for us... this tripartite through intermediaries, as was the grain agreement, and in the end it was just the understanding of many that it is unrealistic to expect a victory parade of ukraine on red square next year, and therefore there is no other option, if you cannot achieve the surrender of the enemy, then negotiations will inevitably take place, and i am with... what worries me in this situation is how much ukraine will be ready to use the pause, because we all understand that if negotiations take place, if active hostilities cease, then this does not mean that the threat of another attack by russia will disappear, and russia will use the pause in
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hostilities to climb your wounds gain strength, the economy is working for war, there are koreans, chinese, weapons are coming from... from all sides, and putin has consolidated power, and we have a very ineffective structure of power building in ukraine, and eh, i think that we need to be aware of all threats already and now to prevent the possibility of being ineffective, if we have the opportunity to take a breath and gather strength, because the situation is extremely threatening, in ukraine, in ukraine there is a problem with the way the government machine works. we are now hearing talks about the possible resignation of the prime minister, changes in the government, but this is not the problem, the problem is that the government is demotivated, the verkhovna rada is demotivated, all power is concentrated on bankova street, and of course bankova street cannot withstand such pressure and
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is unable to demonstrate well-thought-out steps, and therefore we need to prepare to huge challenges, because i sometimes have the impression that it can tear us apart from the inside. not even so much putin, but these internal conflicts and unwillingness to build a balanced government, as expected, as the european union requires us, in particular. olezhe, but why do you say that the ukrainian authorities there are not ready, for example, when discussing the topic of possible negotiations and reactions to information about politics and trump, the head of the president's office andriy yermak said that kyiv listens to any advice regarding justice. peace, but kyiv is not ready to compromise on very important things and values, independence, freedom, democracy and territorial integrity and sovereignty, here the position and there of the president, and here we hear yermak, it looks so unambiguous, it sounds, but in reality
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, much more is needed from yermak and from the president, it is necessary not to declare, but to demonstrate this ability of effective, lobbing, and in our country, i repeat, precisely, well, in particular and what yermak has turned his position into is very undermining the authorities, many people do not want to go, for example, to the government, precisely because there you need to pass an interview with the head of the office, and not be a professional. we do not have any enthusiasm in the verkhovna rada. we all understand that war is huge danger, but the deputies do not do anything at all... there are dozens of applications for dismissal, and accordingly, in order to be ready and fight with such a powerful opponent, which is russia, where decisions are made instantly and implemented, maybe not in the best way, but
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putin has no problems with running the country, we have problems with it, and about this and already the great... spoke, and any public leaders speak about it, i have in mind, how effectively the government works in ukraine, how it feels problems, how it solves these problems, how the interaction of law enforcement officers, tax officials and business is built there, and i can continue this topic, i am not saying that the government is declaratively taking a wrong position, i am saying that the position declared by the authorities does not support... in fact, with effective governance mechanisms, it is necessary to really demonstrate such standards of country management that are characteristic, well, at least for the european union, where we are striving, and such a management formula as ours, when in fact both the government, the executive power, and
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the parliament, the representative power, is simply replaced by the office of the president, there is none in any country of the european union, that is, you are talking about the fact that the state should be strong and... not just declare some principles there, because in practice it is important how it presents itself the state, how it works, is an important thesis, i want to go back to trump. because at the debate of the presidential candidates with biden trump, he repeated the thesis that he will end the war in ukraine, how he will get to the white house, and, but he did not elaborate, then with from the political press, we learned that trump or trump's team are negotiating with russia, about what territories the kremlin can theoretically keep for itself, and that ukraine will not be in nato, but do you think this is realistic at all? in reality, such negotiations are going on, how much attention should be paid to this, because it is possible, it really does not matter,
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because there the position of western countries and the position of nato in relation to ukraine, in relation to russia's concessions, in relation to the territorial integrity of ukraine, they are so strong that even a trump presidency with these plans can't affect it, no, a trump presidency can affect it, can affect it. including the unity of nato allies, there are many threats and this is openly discussed, we cannot say for sure, because one thing can be predicted with a high degree of probability, that trump's actions may be unpredictable, and we must prepare for this, and ukraine's european partners in nato are primarily preparing for this, an increase in defense spending. interception of the initiative for coordination of this defense, this is all that
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this shows to me that the european union and the heads of states and ministries, ministries of defense of the european union are well aware of this danger and are trying to approach the next year much more prepared, including the issue of financial support for ukraine is currently being resolved at the level of nato member states, with the fact that if there are any problems with military support or financial support, then the europeans take on a much greater burden, but it is also important for us to realize and not to try to change it somehow by trying to flirt with trump as the president, not to send some messengers there, not to try to be liked, not to change sharp rhetoric, because this is trump's ... really not an action. trump, he harbored a great grudge against ukraine, it is clear why,
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and his leadership style does not foresee any changes in the attitude, but he is pragmatic, if we are strong, if we are united with the european union, with the european members of the nato alliance, then i understand that the prospect of losing this war if he becomes president is really unacceptable for trump. there will be a direct confrontation with putin, because so far russia has not shown any desire for any negotiations, but when trump talks about what he will bring to the negotiating table, he really does not answer one question: on what terms, because if to give the territory to putin, then this is not a strong position at all, and it does not at all indicate that the western world defended the interests of democracy there and defended the right of countries on their own sovereignty, and for... this is important, because the voters of trump also support, stand on
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the side of supporting ukraine, that is why the rhetoric changed both at johnson and at trump, when the decision was made to vote for that package, known 60 millions of support for ukraine, this was a reaction to sociology and the mood of american voters, but here is an important point that is often forgotten in discussions of this topic, but which is often emphasized by vitaly portnikov, and whether russia needs negotiations at all, vitaly portnikov, for example, is constantly there repeats that not at all. i have a question for you: are the already occupied ukrainian territories and the successes on the front that they have today enough in modern russia, or do the kremlin want to negotiate, to freeze? they are now, well, we see the situation at the front, we will talk about it later on the air, well, they are successful, that is, it cannot be said here that russia... has no resources, no manpower, no equipment, there are no weapons, the situation
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looks quite the opposite, and yes, you are right, and it can be seen even from putin's body language, about how, with in what expression, and what is he talking about, he and his henchmen there, lavrov or medvedev, or someone else, they are sure, putin is sure that he can push there, there, he cannot... break the ukrainian front, but he is sure that he can, throwing new and new forces, bearing losses, but he can also afford the loss of manpower, and... russia's economy has switched to military rails and again there is little the world can do about what russia receives military aid there from countries that have lived there all their lives under sanctions, and in putin putin sees the mood in the european union, he sees how the number of political parties that sympathize with russia
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in the european parliamentary elections is increasing, he is now watching with great... activity what may happen in france, and it seems to him that time is playing on him, that all russia's efforts will be directed to breaking the stability of the european union from the inside, he very much hopes for trump's victory in america, and therefore yes, he, he hopes that in the alliance, he is not afraid nato, this it's obvious he's hoping that this article... the fifth one that makes nato the best guarantor of security in the world that this article is actually more declarative than real and we see that he will continue to test using hybrid methods, he will test the willingness and determination of western politicians to go as far
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as he is willing to go to raise the stakes, i get the feeling that he is confident that... his model of power, alliance with other dictators, more effective than the west and democracies, because democracies are endless negotiations, as he specifically said to me when we discussed there after the orange revolution, he is right in this, i hope not, because the question, this is already a real question is becoming very crystallized, it is no longer about any general things, the question the question is whether... democratic countries are able to defend their principles, whether nato can be a valid guarantor of security, and whether russia can, let's say, determine whether democratic ukraine will be a member of the alliance or not, but we are receiving different signals, and putin is working precisely on those , who questions all these statements,
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that is why you and i see that the closer the nato summit is, the more all kinds of public leaks of information, and this is today's letter, to a number of leading experts there with an appeal not to accept ukraine into nato, because this will lead to the fact that the united states will drag out the war, but putin is counting on this, and it is precisely such voices that will sound more and more powerful. well, here it should also be noted that there is such a position of orban, who was in kyiv and said: he can first stop shooting, and then start negotiations. on the other hand, radoslav sikorsky, who said that in general, putin can... easily end this war by simply giving the order to end it to the russian minister of defense, and, that is, here, if he wanted to, conditionally speaking, he would have done it. thank you, mr. olezh, for participating, the conversation is really important, and in the comments i encourage our viewers to write according to your feelings, what do you think, are ukrainians really being prepared for negotiations with russia? oleg rybachuk, chairman and co-founder of the joint action center, former
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vice prime minister of ukraine for european integration was a guest of svoboda ranok. another statement by the ukrainian president regarding donald trump and his alleged plans to end russia's war against ukraine concerns trump's plans to quickly end this war, but zelenskyi says that trump should reveal his plan to quickly end the war with russia, if he has one. the president of ukraine also adds that this proposal should not violate the sovereignty of the nation, as zelensky said in an interview with bloomberg. he also complained about ... holdups in arms supplies from western allies and said he was potentially ready to meet with trump to hear his team's proposals. stephen cheng, trump's campaign communications director, told bloomberg that the potential republican presidential nominee will, quote: do whatever it takes to restore peace and restore american power and
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deterrence on the world stage. citing sources in trump's entourage, politik publication wrote that the politician. allegedly ready to give crimea and donbas to putin in order to quickly end the war. well, it is worth reminding that former us president donald trump and a potential candidate for a seat in the oval office said he would end the war before a possible inauguration in january. and in a televised debate last week, trump condemned providing billions of dollars for the defense of ukraine, saying that kyiv would not win a war against russia. at the same time, he said that the proposals put forward by the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin. allegedly, as conditions for ending the war unleashed by the russian federation against ukraine, they are unacceptable. so, how can us policy change regarding support for ukraine? let's talk further. vladyslav faraponov, head of the institute of american studies, analyst. an intern from ukraine joined our broadcast. greetings, thanks for joining. congratulations. and i want to start, probably, with trump, because i also want to talk about nato,
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and, but still, vladyslav, how realistic do you think such plans of trump are, if he gets to the white house there, if he will be elected by the american people, really agree with putin in such a way as to give the guy a part of the territory there and really end this war as quickly as possible. this is a plan, to what extent do you think it is a real threat to ukraine, what the head of such a state, now the most important strategic partner of kyiv, can come to the white house with such ideas. basically, i will say a few things. the first thing you know, trump wanted to reconcile a lot when he was going to his first term as president, and in principle, he had a lot of attempts there. in the middle east, he really thought of somehow negotiating with russia, but this does not mean that, let's say, trump's entourage, even then,
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absolutely so quickly allowed him to do it, yes, because after all, when he tried to actually flirt with putin in the 18th year at a meeting in helsinki, and when he said that he trusted putin, that putin did not interfere in the elections, they say, he said that he did not interfere, why should i not care about him at a time when all the american intelligence services were saying that there was interference, and accordingly this kind of trail is trailing behind trump, so i don't think that even his slightly changed environment in a potential second term will allow him so quickly to, say, become there or mediate on negotiations or to talk directly with putin, it seems to me that russia wants to talk not with... the united states and ukraine, but directly with the united states, because it fits into their geopolitical concept, because they want, as they say, the return of
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this competition, yes, between, let’s say, two superpowers and so on, therefore, to be honest, i don’t think that it will be particularly beneficial for russia to have trump mediate there for negotiations with ukraine, but again... if we see such a frequency statements from the ukrainian side, of course, i think that it is logical to assume that in the near future there will be more statements from the american side, and in particular from the trump team, because you correctly noted the day before that at the debate, trump allowed himself such an interesting phrase, saying that he is not satisfied, that is , unacceptable to him putin's plans, and with regard to essentially freezing the conflict, well, in fact, yes. along today's line of demarcation and agree, in principle, i think that if not this, then
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it was logical from the ukrainian side to ask, and what then, therefore, in principle, it seems very good to me that communication from our side at least does not cross any personal boundaries, yes, that is , in principle, so far this communication seems to me to be quite adequate, because nothing is clear, there is no concrete plan... there is no zelenskyi says: we want to hear a concrete plan, but for ukraine it is it is not news that the candidate for the presidency does not specifically say anything about his plans or actions, zelensky himself was actually elected as the head of the country in this way, so when people did not know what he thought about this or that issue, but this is also an opportunity to change his mind, if it is not expressed, yes what will it be, in your opinion, is the meeting with the presidential candidate trump important, before the us elections and before the announcement of the results of the us elections. a meeting between the head of ukraine and trump there? i think this is very important, because, for example, last year, when the presidential
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campaign was just starting, some of the candidates are republican presidents, that is, in fact, there are former competitors of trump for the nomination, some came to ukraine, and then it is in fact it resulted in the fact that they told on american television what they saw with their own eyes, as they say. and the fact that they heard it from president zelensky, yes, that is, in fact, it is very, very good, if it would be possible, for example, to invite trump to ukraine, but i think that this will not happen, because there is very little time it was before the election, and here again it is such a delicate moment, because if trump comes to ukraine, he somehow needs to balance it, if he actually proposes an agreement with putin, he will have to meet with putin... too, or come to moscow, what else, i think, he won't do it, that is, he is in such an interesting situation here, he has become a hostage to his promises
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, and in order not to... harm these promises, he basically, somehow, it seems to me, cannot move in any one direction, he now has to constantly balance . regarding nato and trump's plans for nato, do you think that if trump is elected to the white house, the existence of nato is really in danger? i don't think so, you know, the first such technical detail that in the last defense budget for the 20th... the third year, in fact, there was an amendment that did not allow the president of the united states without the consent of one of the houses of congress to withdraw from such an organization as nato. therefore, i do not think that there will be a majority in one of the houses of congress, that is, either in the senate or in the house of representatives. and secondly, nevertheless, an interesting situation has now occurred with trump's demand for increased
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spending. on the defense of the member states of the alliance, that is, the biden administration, by the way , claims its victory as well, in fact, because there, for example, since the 21st year , the number of states that spend more on defense than before, and trump , accordingly, also stated this when he was president and when he was just starting his presidential term, so, as they say, i think that he will, on the contrary, present it as his victory, that he, therefore, forced the allies pay more and this also fits very well into the election context, into his election rhetoric, when he says that this means that america does not have to pay for everyone, yes, this nuclear umbrella, as the americans often call it, that it will work for everyone, and not , and not only, therefore, for those who, who do not pay, that is, roughly speaking, this is also an element of justice, it also fits into trump's concept, if we are talking about a certain
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external vision. politics, and very briefly, if i may, but i cannot but ask you about the choice. bloomberg wrote that the democrats are discussing a letter to biden with a request to withdraw his candidacy. reuters writes that then the most likely candidate may be us vice president kamela harris. however , this morning reuters wrote that biden assured that he would remain in the election race. how likely is that won't biden stand opposite trump? very unlikely actually, because without the will of joe biden to really replace... the democratic party itself can't, and secondly, i don't think joe biden, as a man who has spent more than 50 years in big politics, wants to, as they say to retire with such an image, there are a few months before the elections, let's say, without waiting, ugh, thank you vladyslav, thank you for your expertise, vladyslav faraponov, head of the institute of american studies, analyst of intern ukraine was a guest of svoboda ranok, i call on our viewers to write their thoughts regarding her
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election in the us and influence. on ukraine and regarding the probability of negotiations, whether such a probability of negotiations between ukraine and russia really exists today. thank you. we know that we will not receive it, these are the words of volodymyr zelenskyi about the invitation for ukraine to join nato, so ukraine would like to receive something similar to an invitation to nato during the alliance summit in washington. the ukrainian president made such a statement in an interview with bloomberg. according to zelensky, something similar to an invitation could. let me quote: a sign of what no one is afraid of putin and that everyone is confident in the leadership of the usa. zelensky also added in the interview that he would lobby for an increase in the number of patriot air defense systems and seek more allies for security agreements similar to those ukraine already has with 20 partners, including the eu, the uk, germany and the us. in the comments, write your thoughts about possible negotiations, and about the nato summit and yours. whether
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ukraine is really being prepared for negotiations, then we will talk, as promised, about the situation at the front. russian troops captured two villages in the pokrovsky direction, this is the area west of avdiivka, it is about the settlements of sokil and voskhod in the donetsk region. this is reported by analysts of the deep state project. in this direction, the russian army also advanced near yevhenivka and novopokrovsk. in addition, russian forces are making progress near friendship and in the village of severnye on the turkish side. according to deep state, the russian army also advanced in the north of kharkiv oblast in the village of sotnytskyi kozachok, which the russian military began storming last week. meanwhile, on another bridgehead of russian troops in the north of kharkiv oblast, in the city of vovchansk, there is an advance of the armed forces of ukraine, according to analysts of the american institute for the study of war and also according to analysts.


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