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tv   [untitled]    July 4, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion to the malice of the day by means of a telephone survey, turn on and tune in, the verdict with serhii rudenko from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. so, about education, as promised, the head of the office of the president of american university kyiv, lyudmila dolgonovska, is in touch with us. ms. ludmila, congratulations, thank you for joining. good afternoon, thank you for the invitation. well, during the war, everywhere we call, no matter who we talk to, we pay attention to two points everywhere: on the one hand, the enemy is trying to destroy our educational institutions, on the other hand, even in front-line places, he is trying to... from online and pupils and students
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translate into real life, that's why it's so important in wartime, that's the educational process, and by the way, if you're going to answer us, then maybe you know who you'd rather study now, thank you for the question, first of all i 'll say that without education and science, we will not win this war at all, and these are not my words, but even general luzhny, my ex, is talking about this. noted, talking about the fact that technology can win this war, he also said, in fact, that is , when we talk about technological development, a breakthrough, it is impossible without science, without research, without innovation, this is the strength of american education, the close connection with the needs of the market, the state, the transformation of universities into research centers, so it is definitely so, even during war and especially during war, we must learn, transfer knowledge, experience and to support...
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those industries and of course our children who are eager to learn. when i talk about industry, i will say, for example, that our university is an educational partner of the mits business accelerator of defense industries, it is precisely about the relationship of education with the real market, with defense industries during the war, we, as an educational partner, developed a training program for businesses that already produce various types of weapons, certain technologies, and we transfer knowledge to them about... management, entrepreneurship, legislative system, how to scale, how to sell abroad , that is , it is this kind of synergy that gives results, that is why it is necessary to learn in this way, especially in conditions of war. also about what today's graduates see themselves as, those who go only to study, and maybe you also have a comparison, who is needed more in the market now? well, actually , the market dictates needs. and again in
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this the peculiarity of american education itself is that it is career-oriented and responds to market demands, the market definitely needs, and the government has announced those priority industries that should be developed during the war, these are again defense industries, technologies , everything aimed at reconstruction, the construction industry, engineering specialties, is definitely a general trend both globally and in ukraine, this is it, in particular artificial intelligence, and everyone is talking about it. on at all educational conferences, and these programs are implemented, and our university has a program on technological leadership and artificial intelligence, that is, it is no longer about the perspective, it is already a response to the challenges of today, and therefore, yes, these specialties are in demand, but definitely our market, taking into account the context, the situation in which we are, we will also need medical specialists, rehabilitators, psychologists, that is , these are really our realities, but again , global trends, management, it and...
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such are artificial intelligence, they are traced quite bright, well, high-tech and so on, but in this case something immediately comes to mind, as many of us were taught. a lot of what was already history at the end, at the end of the studies at the university, i.e. now knowledge is aging even faster, i.e. how far is the adaptation going now to teach not superfluous historical theories, into real knowledge that today for today, definitely, and i will say that even as a teacher myself, i am also constantly learning, and this is such a trend of lifelong learning for everyone. he definitely is, and indeed, teachers today must study twice, three times more intensively, because those students who come to us, the speed, flexibility of their thinking, access to numerous information, of course, it dictates such requirements to us that we really need to develop as quickly as possible, and again, maybe
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it is easier for us, as an american university in ukraine, because behind us is arizona state university, which has been the number one innovator in the united states for many years, and that is, having access to... this entire base of innovations, technologies, patents, just that in fact, during its years of existence, only last year, the 23rd year, they spent 880 million dollars purely on scientific research, think about it, and we have access to these materials, so it is easier for us to adapt, having all of them behind us such a strong backoffice, support , they have numerous 4,800 inventions, 1,500 patents, 230 startups, among the graduates of arizona state university, nobel laureates, 10 pulitzer prize laureates, there are about 300 fulbright scholars, that is, when you have such a foundation behind you, you adapt, move faster, because, without a doubt, american universities and universities in european countries are developing faster due to educational technologies, due to this
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connection with the market, due to the fact that they are oriented to the whole world, 146 thousand students from 157 countries study all over the world, that is, for us here it is easier, but... but again, when it is brought to ukraine, it is also scaled here, and we are in such a synergy with ukrainian universities , interrupting together, well, in a single educational space, we exchange and develop together, and we have also why to teach our partners, yes okay, but there is another gap, and it is terribly noticeable despite the fact that this digitalization of knowledge is developing very quickly, even in prestigious ones, i will not quote now, but even in... the strongest universities of ukraine , we observe a large number of graduates who in a certain field of knowledge they are good specialists, but they simply have a black hole in their heads in their elementary knowledge of geography there,
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even their own history, that once upon a time, schoolchildren there, let's say, in a soviet school, had to memorize and know already there from the age of 15 everything was known, now it turns out. old man who writes normal algorithms and programs for you with artificial intelligence, and you ask him the question, who is hrushevsky venechenko, he says i don't know these guys, there is this, there is that, and again, we probably need to talk about that from kindergarten, school and further on , universities really pick up this knowledge and unquestionably ethical standards, in addition to not knowing history or some general things from geography, but... it is also important to understand ethics, because we see that is exactly what everyone says about that the threat of technology can be when there is no ethical component, so it is definitely taught, and what forms, yes , a university is not just a building and teachers, an audience, no, it is a certain
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cultural background, it is the environment that forms you , and it is important for us not only during classes, but also to do some events outside, there are student clubs. we often invite this format of talks as about our university, we invite prominent people of our time to talk to students, our chairman of the supervisory board, ambassador kurt volkerker, often speaks for our students, we had ms. anne applebaum speak, we have leaders of large companies such as microsoft, boing, and it also gives a feeling, an understanding of what qualities these people have achieved such success, and you understand that without general inheritance and without a system. values, you cannot be successful in principle, therefore it is not enough to just have knowledge and skills purely technological or in your field, you need such a broad development, and i will tell you that it is attractive when you have people in your group, there are teachers, with whom you drag such events take place, this background, it
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also shapes you, that is why universities should definitely play a greater role, both as research centers and as centers of personality formation, well we are now talking about... one specific example and about what is the system in the united states states of america, these fantastic sums are just for research works, it is really impressive and just envious, is there a possibility? dear education, is it possible to scale all this in ukraine from one educational institution to a larger number so that it is accessible to a larger number of people, because we understand that the future that will come out of universities in 5-7 years is not just one educational institution, it is necessary for a huge number of people to have such a good education and a good outlook, actually it is us and we are trying to do, that is... why was the university formed and the american university in ukraine, precisely in order to bring american education closer
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to our students, and in what, with what we compete, and we compete with foreign universities, where our students go, and we we understand that when a person at the age of 17-18 leaves the country and lives such bright years of his youth, youth, there is a high probability that he will already stay, and it is important for us to create... quality education here so that students stay in ukraine, but at the same time they had the best possible education and at a much lower price than it would have cost them, actually studying at arizona state university, even if they had chosen purely online education, and such options now exist, i am talking about our partner university, so anyway study here with what they have access to this wonderful campus, to teachers, to that student life that i'm talking about, it's still several times... cheaper than studying even purely online , i'm not talking about going anywhere for living expenses, they advise
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the university to have 21 thousand dollars a year, this is purely to cover their living there, i am not talking about tuition fees, that is, these are huge amounts, you are right, it is very expensive, but thanks to such partnerships, we are getting closer and we make education more accessible, ugh, ms. lyudmilo, and there is one more point, maybe i can give you some advice, how do you see it, because in general... there is no government program for the return of ukrainians who left the war, most of them left with their children, some children are at school, and some of them are already looking for some a year of science in colleges and universities, do you have any advice for returning these graduates of various european universities, they mainly look at the fact that in germany, for example, it is free, but to score... at home and on food i can, plus welfare programs for refugees. in poland, you can pay even in
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commercial universities, because these are not such large amounts as in the usa. in a word, do you have any advice, how, for example, the government in this part, which concerns youth and graduates and students , prescribe programs that are not without a whip, there are threats of separation from administrative services, on the contrary, some programs to return them to ukraine after studying. i will say that it is important to maintain contact, that is, even if these children have left, these threads of connection with ukraine, through various activities, lectures, competitions, cultural events, it is important to maintain, because when we ask our students why they chose us instead of going abroad, in 90% of cases the answer is that we want to be in ukraine, we want to live this experience together, even if it is tragic, but we don't want to leave your country, that is, it is a question of what patriotism. values, and in order for them to be preserved and strengthened, it is necessary
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to maintain this connection with our citizens, even if they are abroad, look, i say, these must be government programs, that is , there must be government programs, there must be university programs, various olympiads, competitions, cultural events, various tests, quests, children are very actively involved in this, flash mobs and so on, all these threads that connect them with ukraine... give a sense of complicity, this needs to be strengthened , and the other aspect is of course the perspective of the future, to show that you will have a job here, you will have a career here, that this is a decent standard of living, while you are at home, i think that should work too, ma'am lyudmila, thank you for the conversation, lyudmila dolgonovska, head of the presidential office american university kyiv, the american university, as you heard, which works in the capital, actually... they talked about the fact that you need to know much more, although the basis is history to know who the enemy is, geography
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to know where it is , and such defense skills to know how to behave correctly, but everything else is also very important, well , i want to, i just envy these opportunities for scientific research work and these funds, which mother, who studied once, must see those , who is studying today, it was once possible to thick notebook... in the library to take notes on a textbook or a book, and now you can be online in any of the libraries in london or new york and, accordingly, work and listen to lectures online. professors from different countries and continents, really, you just envy those who can do it now, at the end of our actual morning program, we will be pleased to talk with yaroslav voydko, a diplomat and international expert, because so much is going on in the world around ukraine, and also more spins such a dangerous for ukraine itself. mr. yaroslav, congratulations, my
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congratulations to you and our viewers, actually. we see this kind of informational and diplomatic attack all week, everyone somehow tries to trade the territories, the future, the independence of ukraine, and all this is, well, this is such a political blah blah blah, on the verge of a foul, while this game is going on at a high level, for example, orbán's first visit to kyiv, the first person arrives, and actually says with putin's narratives and other narratives, just stop shooting further. will go what what what what what kind of diplomatic and informational game is going on around us? well, let's start with orban? i think there is a transmission of putin's message to ukraine through orban in this case, but we have to look after our own interests, because remember the unforgettable
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prime minister of great britain, winston churchill, he was prime minister twice, he said that that great britain... has no eternal enemies, no eternal friends, has eternal interests, our eternal interests, to maintain, to defend our independence in this war, er, to consider the proposals that will come, of course, there are now many proposals, all the more so after it was said that ukraine should go to the borders of 1991 and restore its territorial integrity, now already... in the person of orban, in the person of some other leaders and political scientists, they are talking about the fact that ukraine supposedly has to accept some conditions, losing our territory at the same time, we must defend our interests and think about how to do it so that it is not just peace or a truce that can come in
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two seconds by surrender , we need a long and just peace on... ukrainian terms, so we will consider these proposals, because they have already been laid out on the table, let's say, some of trump's political scientists also have their own considerations, how much territory should ukraine sacrifice in order to satisfy the russian aggressor, but it is necessary to understand that even if there is an armistice on what terms, then this is just one more step towards... russia regrouping and again starting to put forward these conditions so that we are not members of nato, the european union, so that generally in the finite the case of ukraine's conclusion did not exist, it doesn't suit us and you, so we have to do our own thing, as the poet said, well, besides these moments related to negotiations and peace, there is another
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important component of the present, i'm actually talking about help, it was first. the positive news is that the nato allies have agreed on 40 billion euros of funding for ukraine this year, but on the other hand, if it is about a long-term perspective, about multi-year support, the dpa agency writes that no, it was not possible to agree and at the moment, the question is open, why yes, well, let 's be realistic, because really these... the so -called security agreements signed by president zelensky with many countries, and now it's the turn of the agreement with poland, the agreement with the united states has already been signed with the european union , these are supposedly interim agreements that provide for our, our security needs for the 24th year and really agreed
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that 40 billion euros or 43 billion somewhere... american dollars, they will be sent to help ukraine, we are not we know how the elections in the united states of america will end in november this year, who will be the president, and a lot will depend on this, whether aid to ukraine will continue in the amount that was not so long ago in april, 61 billion, they were agreed upon . stands out to ukraine, the only thing that is clear to everyone, no matter who is at the head of the united states of america, this, this war, is the biggest since the second world war. it is taking place in europe, therefore europe must take on the main burden of protecting ukraine and, accordingly , the european values ​​defended by our
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state in this liberation and just war. therefore, if this money is allocated, it is a good prospect, but we really need to continue our diplomatic efforts, it is not worth it, i think. is to concentrate on such things as, say, some new conference, a new peace summit that is planned to be held by the end of this year, there are absolutely clear structures that deal with security issues, it is nato, in this case also the european union, in addition, it takes a more active position as an organization, precisely in the matter of the protection of ukraine, in addition, on the bilateral level needs further work. with the new european parliament, which has just been elected and in which such a centrist force of three forces,
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the european people's party, will be harnessed, and a coalition will be formed around it, we must work with them to continue the trends that have been going on for these two, more years full-scale aggression, they loomed, then... then on the indisputable defense of ukraine and help to us, there may be repercussions, this is a normal situation, each country has its own economic and security priorities and opportunities to ensure these issues, so once again our ukrainian bilateral and multilateral diplomacy has a big task to ensure that these trends do not weaken in any way. on the contrary, they were in our favor, mr. yaroslav, we have one last minute, in fact, do you see a chance that, well, let’s say this, one of, one of the leaders is france,
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precisely in helping ukraine and financially, militarily, which as a result in this second round of elections , support for macron's initiatives will still remain in the french parliament. it it will be difficult, because in principle , a certain adventure took place, on which i went. president macron, he hopes that in the face of the threat of the far-right, the french people will unite and not allow, on the contrary, they will adhere to a centrist position, if even the majority in the french parliament, in the lower house, in the national assembly is won by the far-right, this is a national ob 'unity, then according to the current... forecasts there are still three days to the second round, after all, they do not get the majority they will need in order to create a one-person, say
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the cabinet of ministers, and jordan bardela, who is now the head of this far-right party, he says that only with an absolute majority he will be ready to become prime minister, and then not to be macron's assistant, but even. and president macron are absolutely the same, the actual hopes, as you voiced to us, we ran out of air time, but mr. yaroslav, we are very grateful to you for participating in our program, yaroslav voytko, a diplomat and international expert, was with us, on this, too, we say goodbye, peaceful, safe to you day, we wish you, take care of yourself, do not ignore the air warning signals, and of course , stay with espresso and deliver, see you tomorrow. there are discounts representing
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12:00 pm
plot. for... only from uah 799. the offer is limited. call it's 12 o'clock in ukraine and we have a news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. if ukraine agrees to a ceasefire with the aggressor, then russia will launch another invasion, president volodymyr said.


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