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tv   [untitled]    July 4, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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convenience and a well-kept area, order now, light, powerful and reliable kors trimmers, only from uah 799. the offer is limited, call! it's 12 o'clock in ukraine, and for your attention , a news release on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. if ukraine agrees to a ceasefire with the aggressor, then russia will launch another invasion, president volodymyr said. zelensky in an interview
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with bloomberg. the so-called silence will be used to build up strength, and then the kremlin will accuse ukraine of a violation agreements - said the head of state. because our military cannot respond to armed aggression. it is simply impossible to give preference to russia today. we need to be smart. and it is important, again, who will be responsible for this, apart from ukrainians. your life, which country? it is very easy to agree on the sisf, and it is very difficult to keep it, very difficult, then there will be those who must answer why the sisfier is broken. during the battle of yar, ukrainian troops retreated from part of the city, this was confirmed by the spokesman of the operational-strategic department command of khortytsia nazar voloo.
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radio liberty reports. he noted that it is about the kanal microdistrict. it was not expedient to keep him in the future, because all the positions of the ukrainian defenders were destroyed by the occupiers, voloshyn explained. this area is separated from most of the temporal ravine by the siverskyi donets-donbas channel, which the armed forces of ukraine are currently defending. the fighting for it began at the beginning of april, when the aggressor advanced along the entire front line, west of bakhmut. and to the situation in the regions due to enemy shelling: one person died, seven more were injured in the kherson region, the regional authorities reported. two high-rise buildings and 37 private houses were damaged. the occupiers also hit an educational institution and gas pipelines. and at night , the aggressor covered the central part of kherson with artillery fire. the surgical complex and the burn department of the hospital were damaged. at dawn fired. residential blocks, shells
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hit a high-rise building and a private house, there were no casualties. in dnipropetrovsk oblast, seven people have already been injured by night and morning shelling, the enemy attacked from artillery nikopol district. one woman and six men were injured, reported the head of the dnipropetrovsk region, serhiy lysak. the damage from the attacks is still being determined. six victims already. and from yesterday's strike on the dnipro. a 60-year-old woman who was injured during yesterday's attack on the city died in the hospital. the number of victims has also increased, there are already 55 of them, the regional prosecutor's office reported. let me remind you that around noon, the russians launched an attack on the city with missiles and drones. the hospital building and shopping center were damaged. in town today is a day of mourning. the body of a woman who was searched for six days later was also found under the rubble of a high-rise building. of the russian
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strike on june 28. debris of an enemy drone fell on a private house in the zhytomyr region at night. the owner of the house was injured, the head of the region vitalii bunechko said. a fire broke out, which was already extinguished by rescuers. the defenders of the sky shot down three unmanned aerial vehicles in the night in najitomyr oblast. a total of 22 drones were launched. russian terrorists in ukrainian cities at night, only our defenders of the sky failed to shoot down one, the air force reported. anti-aircraft defense worked in kyiv, chernihiv, zhytomyr, sumy, dnipropetrovsk and poltava regions. at night, the enemy also attacked kharkiv region. as a result of shelling in the kupyan district, there are three victims, two women and a man. 14 private houses were destroyed and damaged. and 11 farm
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buildings. in the kharkiv district, in the village of kozacha lopan, a store was on fire, as well as damaged windows, doors of a residential building and farm buildings. this was reported by the chairman kharkivska. oleg sinigubov of the regional state administration. three people were injured in druzhkivka in donetsk region due to enemy shelling, informed the head of the region vadym filashkin. seven apartment buildings and 13 private buildings were damaged, as well as a fire station. the blast wave and debris hit the ambulance, gates, doors and windows. in general, according to the police, the enemy damaged more than fifty civilian objects in the region during the day. enterprise, shop, non-residential premises, wheat fields and agricultural machinery burned. one more person died three were injured due to a russian missile attack on poltava oblast. according to the head of the region, philip pronin, one of the injured
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is in a serious condition in the hospital. the invaders struck the region the previous evening. debris from the downed rocket damaged a school and a kindergarten in the poltava district. and i offer our people to convert to donats due to enemy shelling, i urge you to join the collection for drones and components for art reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first batch we plan to purchase is eight upgraded mavik fly combo models and five mavik 3t. quadcopters are eyes in the sky that monitor safety and provide an opportunity to confidently move forward, but most importantly, they help protect the lives of our military. we need to collect uah 2.5 million and we already have more than uah 1,200,000 in our accounts. don't waste time and join the collection for our defenders. how to protect cultural heritage from destruction in
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wartime, new challenges and experience of ukraine were discussed at the conference. our correspondent tried to find out whether it would be possible to bring the culprits to justice. suddenly she is with us now live katya, i congratulate you, tell me, please, have any suitable mechanisms already been developed? i congratulate iro, i congratulate the viewers of the tv channel, so today ministers and their deputies, officials and public figures, as well as international guests gathered on one platform to find out whether it will be possible to apply the tools of international law in such a situation, and yet, thanks to them, the . to hold the russians accountable. the conference today is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the hague convention on the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict and 25th anniversary of the second protocol of the 1954 guyana convention. so it is quite obvious that today they are talking in particular about whether it will be possible
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to apply these two documents. the minister of culture and information policy noted that more than nine hundred cultural monuments have been damaged since the beginning of the great war. work is being carried out on the conservation of destroyed objects, as well as on the fixation of damages, they are drawn up according to several protocols, both national and international, and the minister noted that in a few months a clear and a unified protocol for such fixation and such protocols, and in the end we hope that such cases will reach the international court of human rights, and the hague tribunal, and other international courts. more about this work, let's hear from. speakers of the conference, the relevant lawsuits are being prepared, but not yet filed, we are constantly in consultations with international partners, and i would like to take this opportunity to thank my colleagues from the office of the general prosecutor's office
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of ukraine for taking an active position in this matter and promoting our interests, including on international arena. the crime of genocide must be proven. and those who organized the commission of the crime of genocide must be punished. the efforts of not only the ukrainian law enforcement system are aimed at this, we work together with our international partners on this. we just heard from the prosecutor general of ukraine as well. he also said that such crimes and... regarding the destruction of cultural monuments are of a mass nature, so they may well be considered crimes against humanity in the office of the prosecutor general , a special unit has already been created, which has already carries out the procedural management of such cases regarding the destruction of cultural heritage monuments,
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more than 70 proceedings are currently being investigated and , together with the security service of ukraine, they have already investigated and announced a suspect in the shelling of the skovoroda museum, he is the commander who... gave the order during this shelling, so, in general, there are three key issues of this conference: the first is the implementation of international legislation, the second is the issue of documentation and fixation, such... digitalization, the actual design of ours , and the third is digitalization and cultural monuments. we hope that during the discussions it will be possible to find answers to all these three questions. as a matter of fact, we will follow, we will inform about everything later. now this is all the information. iro, i pass the ether to you. thank you katya, it was our correspondent kateryna galko, and she talked about how to protect cultural heritage. and we move on. issued from the grooms themselves, so to spy on the marine guard. a 23-year-old native of odesa and his 87-year-old
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accomplice were scouting the locations of soldiers defending the water area near the city. for this they were photographed against the background of important objects, the photos were sent to employees of the russian fsb. the odesa resident was also supposed to post provocative leaflets against mobilization on the streets of odesa and set fire to the local electrical substation. the agents were detained by the security service of ukraine, they face up to eight years behind bars. that was the news so far, you can read more on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social networks and watch us on youtube. i am iryna koval, i say goodbye to you and see you tomorrow.
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as part of the verdict program, i will be with you for the next hour, but we will not collect now, i just want to say thank you, we managed to collect almost 622, i hope that by tomorrow we will close this collection with your direct help, and well, or you can just search there on the website. espresso on youtube, rewind, look a little, where is the link to the can and download it. and we will talk for the next hour with several guests on various topics, but now i will invite oleksandr gushchenko to the conversation, expert in digital technologies. this is actually going to be a very important conversation. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you. greetings, good evening. good evening. why did i decide to talk about this topic, and my colleagues invited you to the conversation. and the verkhovna rada of ukraine invited
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the minister of digital transformation to a conversation, and in order to talk about the possible leakage of data from the action learning application or hacking that may have been committed there by a certain person from the russian federation, from the country of the aggressor, well , so far as this meeting in the verkhovna rada glad not happened let's face it, if the verkhovna rada, a specialized committee, the relevant committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, which is responsible for these digital technologies, security, and so on, invites a member of the government to speak, there are obviously reasons to talk about it and it is possible to talk in closed mode, your opinion with in this regard, are there grounds, let's start like this, are there grounds even at the level of the verkhovna rada, at the level of the government, to talk about a possible or leaking of data or evil. application action, let's start from the very beginning, which is a precedent from
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of the american themis, and the american themis just gave the impetus for this conversation, what they will talk about, we do not know, there is a fact that the russian federation would like to say differently, but let it be the russian federation, waging a cyber war against ukraine with in 2014, from 2014, attacks on ukrainian infrastructure began, the so-called cyber ​​eagle group carried out attacks, some of them were even successful, and starting from 2022, these attacks became regular, daily, some of them were massive, some of them have been successful, russian hackers are on the prowl, fighting against ukraine on the cyber front for the past 10 years, and the conversation should start with
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how ready ukraine is for these challenges, how well ukraine is defending itself, and if a cyber incident occurs, do we have an action plan in order to protect our data and ee... to create conditions under which russian hackers are on the prowl, and intelligence hackers, the fsb, are fighting against ukraine. all their actions will not end in success, well, here i am again, here is the latest news about the alleged data leak of the deputy suggested, this is about deputy volodymyr arev, suggested minister fedorov to come and talk, and here you know what is important, and for understanding, because the action is
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the data of millions of people, my data, i think, your data, there are such characters by the way , i know for sure that there are those who... did not download the diya application, did not register there, i do not know, maybe they, like stephen king, do not have a mobile phone, somehow live outside the world, well, different people, there are people who in they are sitting in bunkers, well, they are actually there in certain countries and believe that it will happen there is an invasion of aliens, there are different people, again, but millions of ukrainians have their data in action, plus there is the data of military personnel, most importantly, officers, staff, and this, and this is a problem, here is a question, a question of security in the future, i don’t know how this story ends, we may come back to it again, about reports, about conversations, whether there really was such a shower or not, but the prospects of protection, we need to develop some new protection systems ourselves, constantly update them, and how to act, or
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involve our partners, because i, i'm sorry it's just that it's a bit long question, but i want to remind you when the mobile network was hacked, i think it was about kyivstar, december 23rd, and at that time experts from foreign companies were very actively involved quickly tried to put it in order, but it was real help from serious specialists from international companies that were engaged in telecommunications, that's how to act now, constant updates, constant upgrades, inventing something new, and as far as this war in cyberspace is concerned, it is intense. because we don't have her we see, but we understand that it continues, we can feel it, you can't even imagine how intense it is, that is, 24x7, ukraine is currently a training ground, the first world cyber war is currently taking place, and unfortunately, ukraine is exactly that platform, where all the cyber armies of the world will test their strength, all specialists who want
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to test their strength, and ukraine, if it needs to... help, then we have the right to ask our western partners for help, as far as action is concerned, action is essentially a portal that , which has access to other bases, then there is such a transit, relatively speaking, server that pulls up certain data from various databases, so i want to remind you that in ukraine in the last 20 years it was quite a popular phenomenon, when you could purchase any database inexpensively. there is social engineering, there is human greed, and it is not necessary to break any specific databases from some ministry or department or company, just someone could take them out on a conventional flash drive, download or sell them somewhere, and first of all, the task various kinds
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of cyber specialists who have gone dark side, it is to engage in study, engage in this... engineering, only then it is possible to break, whether the action was hacked, or there was a leak from it, we will find out after all the meetings, all the conversations, but considering the fact that the cyber war continues, going on 24/7, with variable success, i can say that you always need updates, you always need to be a few steps ahead, because... that in this high-tech industry, the enemy always uses all kinds of implementations, all kinds of know-how, and some of them, to the great regret, relatively speaking, there is a wide one specialists are generally unknown, they need to be studied, well, that's about it for this story, i just
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maybe some viewers, i started, as they say, from a place in a career. perhaps some viewers do not know what we are talking about, but it became known that a 22-year-old russian, a native of the chechen republic, amin stigall was, may be involved in the attack on ukrainian government websites on the night of january 13-14 , 22 year, well, including that it was about various data, so the data of 13.5 million ukrainians after the probable hacking of the action portal were allegedly placed for sale on the internet, well and that is why the people's deputies decided to invite the minister. min figure, yes, mr. fedorov for a conversation to clarify this story, and you know, when i read this story about this 22-year-old native or. republic, which, i thought to myself, well, there really are such geniuses, digital, hackers, but isn't this
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conditional person, that's what i mined, just a screen behind which completely different people can stand, can there really be such a certain a specialist who once broke all websites, took 13 million data on 13 million citizens and sells them on the internet. well, as you can see, anonymity in the network there is no internet. if we ruled out some, as you say, genius from russia who broke something, then there is information that both ukrainian cyber security specialists, and specialists of our partners, and representatives of companies engaged in cyber security, long ago ruled out russian hackers in uniform, about some of they are known in full. everything, where they live, where they eat, where they sleep, where they spend the night, with whom they spend the night, in which departments they receive a salary, everything
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can be calculated, i do not think that this is a screen, because specialists, as they say, have calculated for a long time and know their opponents , in of each of these groups, which are either related to russian. intelligence or the fsb has its own handwriting, has its own peculiarities, depending on the hack that happened or that was attempted, specialists study exactly with the help of which tools everything happened, and they already know exactly who from the dark side tried to get to this or that server, to one or another database, i want to remind you that the cyber war in... is happening 24/7 and of course we are on the side of good, but behind the russian state hackers is precisely its power
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russia, the power in the plan, that russia spends unlimited money on this war, encourages many hackers to work for the state, maybe they found someone. there green tea is wrapped in the newspaper selska zhizn and he is now forced to use his knowledge against humanity, because the evil empire ordered, hanged him on a hook and is using him. yes, you remember, there was a story when at the beginning of a full-scale invasion of the hacker anonymous group, it actually declared a hacker war on the russian federation, i don't know about the course of these fought but, well, it was obviously certain, there was a certain success, and again, i will not ask whether now anonymous is working there in the interests of ukraine or not, they are working, thank god,
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they are not working, we are not silent about it - it is a screen invented by hollywood and special services, we all know that if the information, relatively speaking, is not obtained there in a very legal way, it cannot be used, and if it is obtained somewhere by someone anonymous or something else. the title is uploaded somewhere, you can download it to see, then follow its chain you can also use it and say: we took it there, because of this, in most cases, it is a screen for the special services of different countries and an opportunity for various hacker groups to do some white or dark things under the cover of anonymity, well, there is another group. i wanted to briefly talk about the fact that we see the successes of ukrainian specialists, we see
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some correspondence there, and official ones, for example, related to dmytro medvedev, were tracked there for quite a long time with his subordinates, which was a big surprise for them, by the way , surnames and places of residence there are still many pilots who carried out strikes on the territory of ukraine. we don't know, but i understand that ukraine is also now among the leaders, well, in fact , being in good shape every day, because we can't be in good shape, as much as we are efficient, and specialists are working who are either in the defense forces, or in certain positions, and to what extent we attract, well, again, without naming names, amounts and so on, but if necessary, do we also have the opportunity to attract specialists to perform point work. attract, perform, win, but unlike ukraine, the empire of evil will never admit that
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this or that happened... a cyber incident, they are just silent, yandex was angry, they are silent, sberbank was angry, they are silent, they broke the rust, they are silent, they wiped out the russian aviation, they are silent, they are just in such a mode of silence, and they don’t react in any way, they don’t comment in any way so that the local swamp population may not pay attention to it, i will ask here, now we have a few six minutes left there, a few such... very practical questions, should ukrainians be concerned now now that their data can be sold, what is it again it can be a threat, but conditionally speaking, i know my data in action, well, there is something like that, well, again, who is interested in them depending on it, there is nothing like that, but i would not like my data to be traded, of course in actions, for example, i don't know if this is true or not, but let's not cling to the word action, let's talk
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specifically about some yes... so i want to say that no one merges their personal data as users, that is, a user is a simple user on the internet, this is a weak chain behind with the help of which all the data is simply poured out, users themselves pour everything they can, download it themselves, click on various links, visit various errors, let's just state the fact, in ukraine in... a big problem with information and cyber hygiene among ordinary users, huge, and this is an established fact, if you go to facebook or go to any other social network there, read the comments, you will see that there is just trash going on, users are complaining that there is now an attack with phishing links, telegram accounts are hijacked, facebook
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pages are hijacked, you just need to understand that there is basic hygiene, informational cyber hygiene, and you need to use it, and it depends primarily on us how much our personal data is protected, and how difficult it will be for some cybercriminals to gain access to them or to the compilation of this data, well, you know, the protection of my data, let's say the company... meta, obviously, this is the problem of the company meta, but can it, well, i understand that it can always be stolen, the only question is , is there such an expediency to steal my, my facebook page, for example, it’s been a week since i deleted telegram, i deleted it several times before that, and then i decided that i didn’t need it after all, well, if you want, i’ll tell you a secret, why do criminals need it your facebook page, everything is very simple, firstly, you can make
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a newsletter to your... friends, ask them for money, this is the most primitive way, and secondly, if you have an old account, you can attach an advertising cabinet to it and unscrew some advertising, receiving there some credit from the target company, before they did really cool promotions when they created a bot farm, they took a thousand accounts, the meta company gave a loan of a conditional $50 to each account. so you have 1,000 bots, you have a total credit line of 50,000 dollars, you take this 50,000 from the client, you honestly unroll the advertisement and then forget about these bots, you earned, relatively speaking, taking into account the cost of 40, the target company received a minus 50 dollars is a killer, because of this you have to understand that in most cases these personal data,
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access to them, your wallet... this is all sharpened on that the criminals receive some material benefit, if there is no material benefit, if you see or record that some, some anomalous actions are taking place, no longer about personal data, your personal, but about some databases, then most likely hackers are working in epaulettes and there is already a different benefit, yes, break, rub, sew. to break, to break, to cause some trouble, especially this concerns the infrastructure involved in energy systems, to some large enterprises, you know, here i am still at the very end, well, first of all we are now all obliged to provide our data, because we don't always have the opportunity and time to go to stores, we need to buy something, pay.


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