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tv   [untitled]    July 4, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm EEST

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represent the only discounts on troxevasel 15% in pharmacies of travelers to you and savings. the hungarian prime minister arrived in kyiv. the leader of hungary remained almost the only one among the leaders of european states who did not come to ukraine during the war. orban still maintains relations with putin and meets with him despite the russians. the most important thing today at 21:15 in the project is spoken by velikiy lviv. a square where everyone has a say and everyone is heard. on the air of the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. more analytics, more more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts. inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and... another feedback, you
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on the official pages of the sbu. the information day of the tv channel continues, now in ukraine, and i am working live on the air, i am marta oliarnyk, i want to start with the statement of the spokesperson at suborteka, nazr voloshyn. he confirmed that the defense forces of ukraine withdrew from the kanal micro-district of the city of donetsk oblast in order to take more advantageous positions, but the enemy continues to press. what the... now is happening in the pakhmut direction, we will find out together with dmytro kozhubenko, an officer of the planning section of the border brigade of the national guard of ukraine, he is already in touch with us, mr. dmytro, we congratulate you, glory to ukraine, the hero of the word, so this is the official reaction of our nazar voloshin, the spokesman for the suvkorteka, about the situation near chasovoy yar, says that it was impractical to receive the canal in the neighborhood where the enemy entered, and in order to preserve... the lives of our defense forces
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, they decided to take them to the prepared positions please share with us the situation that is currently happening around the city of chasiv yar. well, really the enemy, all the defensive positions, all the structures in which it was possible to defend in the city of chasviyar, directly in the novy microdistrict, they simply wiped them out with aviation, artillery, well, with everything available. by these means, and more, in the future it was extremely dangerous to defend there for the lives of our servicemen, and as we know, the main purpose of conducting hostilities, one of the main one of the main purposes, is the preservation of the lives of our military personnel, because these are our people, they are ukrainians, who must in the future build an already free state, that is why such decisions were made... and the troops
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withdrew to more prepared and strengthened positions, mr. dmytro, i completely agree with you, we must protect our personnel and the decision to withdraw our units is absolutely appropriate, we would also like to ask you about the enemy's bridgehead further south, this is ivanivske from chasovoy yar, we can also see there is a cluster there now on the deepstate map. enemy forces, and further south in the area turkey, the enemy has also started its offensive there, but do your brothers from those directions somehow share information about what is happening there now and why the enemy has decided to become more active there now? well, unfortunately, i don't have any military personnel in this direction, the only thing i know from my own experience of conducting hostilities is that it is possible why they transferred theirs there. and the main, one of the main directions
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of the attack - it will be possible that the enemy will rest on the city of chasivyar, he understands that in this place he has a strong opposition and that is why they are now choosing a new direction, where they will try to break through to the city of kostyantynivka, that is the city of toretsk, they probably chose one of these bridgeheads, although i think that in principle they will not succeed, because the defense forces of ukraine are doing everything possible to ensure that the enemy does not advance forward, we see in the city of chasiv that they... entered one small neighborhood for an unknown amount of time and put so much of their assault meat there that i just i'm afraid to imagine what will happen in further and in the turkish direction. i wanted to ask you about the situation with drones, what does the enemy have now, how
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much advantage does he have in the sky, if we are talking about aircraft, how often do they use reconnaissance uavs , including, and do we somehow manage to extinguish their work? well, i will say that in the area of ​​​​the rubizh defense brigade, the enemy very widely uses unmanned aviation in the format of fpv drones and mavics of the type there 3 3t, but there are a lot of them directly in the semi-void, they simply destroy them with the help of these copters instead of artillery, our positions, but we need help to fight them, but there are very few of them, unfortunately, there are not enough of them for us to be able to... cover the entire front, reconnaissance copters of the mavic 3t type, they also have a sufficient number, on unfortunately, they use them all the time, well, in fact , they have control over our battlefield 24x7, unfortunately. mr. dmytro, we would also like to ask you
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about artillery ammunition, the czech initiative has already started, and there were certain signals from our servicemen about the fact that the situation has been somewhat... evened out, i won't ask for everyone, i can only ask for your unit, do you feel some improvement if we are talking about the supply of artillery ammunition? unfortunately, the rubizh brigade has not yet felt an improvement in this, probably a sufficient number of shells have not reached us yet. i would also like, mr. dmytro, for you to tell our viewers about the gathering that is currently being conducted by the air reconnaissance of your unit of the national guard of rubizh. we know that you are collecting money now for maviky. you by the way, can you explain to our viewers what the function of these drones are and why it is so important to support your collection to close it as soon as possible? now our team is really collecting funds for the purchase
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of mavic 3t reconnaissance drones, these are copters that are designed for reconnaissance both during the day and at night, because they have a thermal imaging camera and fpv drones, that is, in a complex. these two unmanned aerial systems allow us to detect the enemy on distant approaches to our positions, identify them and destroy them using fpv drones. this allows us not to allow the enemy to come within fire contact distance, not to engage us in battle, and most importantly, when we destroy them with the help of drones, they have no way to destroy. ours, to kill our servicemen is the most important thing, in this way we save the life of every serviceman who is currently at the front, in the defense area in the rubizh brigade. mr. dmytro, i wanted to ask, finally, whether there are currently enough drone operators themselves, there are many people now who
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want to join the ranks of the armed forces or forces of defense, choose vacancies on the website of the ministry of defense, and many of them want to become operators of unmanned aerial vehicles. is there currently a certain demand for this position and do we currently have a sufficient number of specialists who can deal with drones in particular, in fact, well, there are many, many people who want to be, everyone wants to be fpv operators or drone operators, everyone understands that this is a job more safe, you are in cover, you are certainly not a stormtrooper, you are not sitting in a trench there on the front line and you catch come there from artillery or... the same drones, but unfortunately, the quality of the military data of civilians who want to become operators, as professional operators , leaves much to be desired, but it’s okay, join the ranks of the national guard of ukraine, directly to rubizh brigades,
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we have excellent units specialized in fpv aviation, these are companies of attack uavs, and there are special reconnaissance companies in the unit. we have such divisions, and we are waiting for everyone, we will teach and give an opportunity develop yourself thank you, mr. dmytro, dmytro kozhubenko, an officer of the planning section of the rubizh major national brigade. of the guard of ukraine was on the live air of the espresso tv channel, they talked about the situation in the bakhmut region, and i urge you to join the collection of the national guard of the rubizh unit, which is currently collecting money for maviki 3t and fpv drones, their goal is 3 million uah, a fairly large amount, but i hope that our viewers will not be indifferent and will also join this gathering, and the important news arrived from president zelensky, today, in an interview with bloomberg tv, he stated that... at the second peace summit there should be representatives of russia, zelensky
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said this, hinting that vladimir putin himself will not be present at these negotiations, because he is afraid to leave country, but there may be certain representatives of the aggressor country. zelensky's direct speech, if the next peace summit goes according to the plan that we foresee, and the second summit assumes that there will be a plan with all points, as we see the end of the war, and on our side will be most of the world if this plan is ready. we will organize the second peace summit, and there should be representatives of the russian federation, who will it be, we will see, i am not sure that it will be putin, it seems to me that he is afraid to leave, this is a quote from zelensky, well, now let's go for a little break, after that we continue the espresso information day, so stay with us. attention, a profitable offer: order a smart light bulb, everything... at a real promotional price of only uah 149, durable, reliable and
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two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene, live. kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom life - frankly and impartially you draw your own conclusions. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. bc pick-up, boys' pick-up, atv - this is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage
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everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for atvs for the 93rd cold bright brigade. in the direction of the times, the information day of the tv channel continues, we work live, and today president zelenskyi gave an interview to the bloomberg publication, there another quite interesting statement from the president, he decided to comment on what kind of influence the council actually has, not the councilor, the head of his office andriy yarmak, and actually zelenskyi says that... there is no great influence of the council, he does what what do i say to him, that's what zelensky said, i will now quote the president of ukraine. all this is working to attack me, russia launched a lot of different disinformation, that it is not me who decides, but some shadowy people decide, that the president does not control the party or does not have influence on certain ministers, so what. i don't want to have influence, there is a law, i am the president, according to
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ukrainian legislation, yermak is a powerful manager, i respect for, i respect him for the result, he does that. what i tell him, and he performs these tasks. zelensky said that beating the president's command is a strategy of those who are not satisfied with him, and it is not only russians. the head of state added that attempts to destroy it are one of the plans for the occupation of ukraine. this is how zelensky commented on his own statements, which are also heard by western journalists, in fact, because in the west publications have already repeatedly talked about the fact that yermak is a man, a gray cardinal, so-called in ukraine. and he even made it to the top lists of authoritative publications abroad, which actually caused our foreign partners to not understand why he has such enormous power in ukrainian politics, although the person was not actually elected and he is not the vice president of our country, he trivially ensures the work of the office of the president
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of the ukrainian state, but now we will not talk about our ukrainian politics, but let's talk about a difficult situation. in the kharkiv region, artem ravchuk, a deputy of the kharkiv city council, is already in direct contact with us, and i thank you, mr. artem, for taking the time to join our broadcast, and i want to start by saying how was the last day in the kharkiv region, what was happening, are the russians still shelling, what are they using, in general, what is the situation, my word, congratulations studio, congratulations ukraine, well, regarding the situation in the kharkiv region, today, thank god, there were no flights, and already... such, unfortunately of the usual cabs in our city, yesterday there was an arrival, three arrivals, let's say so, according to civilian buildings, eight people were injured, thank god, there were no casualties, and in principle this is the situation, well, almost every day for kharkiv oblast, this is a well-known situation, on unfortunately, if you take the area, more than 36 cabs,
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as far as i know, have failed and been reset. in kharkiv oblast, it usually affects the front-line cities, well, every day from 36 to 50 cabins are dropped from russian planes on our positions, on our peaceful city. as for the situation at the front, yes according to the reports of my friends there, who are fighting on the kharkiv front, today an assault on... while the russians went on an assault with armored vehicles, and our brave soldiers, as far as i know, the nastorov brigade, very successfully just burned them, they don't have them here success and must and cannot be successful here, because those units that are standing here, i know many of them, i think that they will not let the enemy pass, but still, unfortunately, every day
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they terrorize the civilian population, about drg, more precisely about its... remnants near populated areas point of sotnytskyi kozachok in kharkiv oblast, by the way, it is not far from hayvoron, if we look at the map of deepstey, we can see that this is a different bridgehead from what is now on vovchanskyi and in the direction of the liptsi district, today there were attempts by the drg to break through, but already there is the spokesman yuriy povh, otu kharkiv, stated that our... defenses there discovered this derge, destroyed the remnants of this sabotage and intelligence group, and accordingly, along the state border line, the enemy is trying to create additional points of tension, and... there is a certain feeling that the enemy nevertheless, now some are waiting for their plans, possible future ones, and are waiting for the moment when
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our defense will sag somewhere in order to open some more, maybe other bridgeheads in the north of kharkiv region, well, of course, the enemy will constantly feel our border, our positions in order to find the weakest link, which... there is a threat of a breakthrough, this is, well, from the point of view of war, this is a normal situation, so are we, always in search of the weakest link, to break through it and create there a favorable for situation, but i think that it is definitely in the kharkiv direction our defense forces are reading their plans and strengthening those possible areas where there may be some new tension. i think that they will not succeed in kharkiv oblast, moreover, i will tell you that thanks to the fact that in kharkiv oblast our defense forces are able to get
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in line, do not allow the enemy to advance, kharkiv oblast has become, in fact, today such a lightning rod from other areas the front, in the donetsk and luhansk regions, and here the enemy spends a very large amount of special forces that could be deployed in other areas. it is destroyed quite effectively here enemy. well, as far as we understand, the tactic of the enemy is the tactic of a thousand cuts, when they try to disperse our defense forces, in order for them to close new additional areas of the front, because we understand that now the main direction of their offensive operation is in the east of our country, in the north the enemy is also trying to somehow provoke our state so that our defense forces are transferred there. reserves, and actually in this way to disperse our defense forces. let's talk about borova, about that direction, he is also very important now, a lot of attention is drawn to it, because there was information about
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the concentration of a considerable amount of enemy manpower and equipment in the direction of the settlement of borov, what are the military people saying from that direction now, is there really a difficult situation there now? look, as for the drill, i was directly involved, my unit. year they just planned to release borova and go to that area, i know it very well and we are in the 22nd district of svatovo there from barava, if there is such a way to draw a line there to svatovo, there are such everywhere the fields there are ambiguous, such terrain, i do not think that somehow the enemy will be able to gather forces secretly there and... from our positions, i think that the situation that is developing is also taken into account there, and our defense forces will prepare in advance for this, well, possible event,
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yes, mr. artem, we would also like to ask you about the reason, about the fortification, because the scandal that broke out around the fortification in the kharkiv region is still not abating, the investigation is ongoing, we understand that the investigation is doing a... job, we hope so, at least, but we understand that even this situation near the settlement of sotnytskyi kozachok shows that the enemy will continue to try to find weak spots somehow, i don't want you to reveal any secret information, but based on your feelings and your observations, have you drawn conclusions officials who were responsible for the fortifications, so that they were already being built somehow at the proper level. first, that adequate contractor companies were involved in the process, and that the fortifications themselves were in proper condition, so that they could hold back the enemy if he
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tried to advance somehow. well, look , well, as for contractors, in fact , whatever conditions are set for the contractor, he does so, of course, that the contractor wants to do the work at the lowest cost, this is a normal practice for business, the issue here is not with the contractors, but with those who accept these buildings. who is responsible for whether these structures are in that place or not in that place? well, i'm from a group of people's deputies, we went right at the beginning of this scandal, we went to the fortifications right in kharkivska the region saw it with their own eyes, they saw how the defense line passes there, well, a concrete bunker was built there , a concrete bunker was built not on the mountain, but for some reason down there, and the soldiers of the vlachs were forced to go there. to dig in exactly the place where it is needed, and so we also found several such places, it is not clear who accepted them, i think that the one who put the signatures in... under the acceptance of these
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fortification structures should suffer, well, not only there dismissal, as we like it there, well , they dismissed, well, this is not a punishment dismissed, but it is necessary that he is specifically someone who is responsible for it answered, sat down, because our ukrainian soldiers are dying thanks to this kind of not that, not professional, but thanks to this criminal negligence, this should not happen, this process must be demonstratively made, so that it is transparent and with the obligation... bringing to justice those persons who were responsible for it. yes, mr. artem, we would also like to ask you what is the current situation with the energy industry in kharkiv oblast, we also had speakers from kharkiv oblast a few days ago who spoke about the fact that now at least this is how the situation looks better than in the whole country, in kharkiv , in kharkiv and on kharkiv oblast is turning off the lights less, is this trend continuing now, and in general, what is
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the energy situation, is it now... these attacks that have been in recent weeks, they were focused specifically on energy facilities, is the enemy still focusing their attention now a little bit on other, maybe objects that are not related to energy, well, unfortunately, in kharkov, the most large generating objects were broken, as far as i remember in march, 5 were hit by the zmiiv tets, well, all the large tets well, they were impressed, but thank god the power engineers managed to survive. our energy industry system and today in kharkiv, we can say that the situation, let's say, is controlled in what way, there is a schedule of connections, in principle, you can adapt, you can adjust life, well, taking into account the situation that exists when you drive around the city, well , you can see that in some areas the traffic lights are working, in others they are not, and of course it is somewhere that is not working, the lights are off, but people understand that...
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there will be no light for a few hours, that something will have to be done there, who generators are provided by those who simply somehow plan their affairs in a different way, you go to the business in general, but yesterday i was driving in the center, and just like normal, no one pays attention to it anymore, they turned off the electricity, people took it from the package generator, started them, worked until there was no electricity, then the electricity went off , they turned them off, brought them, well, every day, and i also wanted to... ask you about the humanitarian situation in general and the mood of the population, what is actually happening in kharkiv right now, because we know that after the occupiers started this offensive in the north, kharkiv region, there were many settlements evacuated specifically to the regional center, and in general, how is life in the regional center now, is everything calm there now, are people not worried about the fact that the russians are trying to attract some drgs there and possibly concentrate their units on the border. are
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the people of kharkiv not afraid, or do they continue their lives in these difficult conditions? and about - let's say ordinary kharkiv residents, yes, well, it is very noticeable that things have changed, kharkiv residents have changed, in what way have they changed, there are many, many displaced people, many very displaced persons there precisely from those areas that are in close proximity to hostilities, this is kuprin region, and vovchansk and liptsi. a lot, because a lot of families there are displaced by relatives, some live in dormitories, some rent apartments, there is no such panic, but i want to say that if you compare 23 years there and now, the situation, i think, is morally worse in that in the plan that, well, in the 23rd year, they still hoped to warm up with a single marathon or some other marathon, to warm up with the fact that there is now a victory, now it feels like this
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a little despondent, people do not understand what will happen tomorrow, i would say that communication has generally failed, normal, healthy, adult communication between the population and the authorities. thank you. artem revchuk, deputy of the kharkiv city council, was on the live broadcast of the tv channel. well, let's move on. the time for news has already passed, so i will pass the floor to my colleague kateryna shirokopoz, who is ready to share all the most important things with us. katya, i congratulate you. i pass on the word. well, please share what you and the news editors managed to find out about. congratulations marta, we will tell you in a moment. that's about the most important thing for now, so wait. news time in etheriso.


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