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tv   [untitled]    July 4, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm EEST

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detailed step-by-step plan for all the crises that putin's war has brought to our country. within months we have to make this plan, we don't have much time, we have a lot of wounded, killed, both military and civilian, so we don't want this war to last for years, so we have to prepare this plan and put it on the negotiating table to the second peace summit, if there will be any negotiations in the shadows, then they are not happening, then it is not about us, we want to do it openly for... for us it is very important, considering the fact that recently, mr. volodymyr, very often from russia, putin himself repeatedly speaks about it, peskov speaks, lavrov speaks, there are statements that no, no, we are open to these negotiations, it is ukraine that does not want them, considering to this ambiguous statement of volodymyr zelenskyi, as it seems to me , because earlier it seems to me that he did not talk about so and so, can we talk about the fact that something on the sidelines is saying... about the end
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of the war and something they don't agree with us about anything, well, you see, the current or modern the current ukrainian government, it is critically dependent on public opinion, they are guided by public sentiment, and if in the society in the ukrainian society first of all, well, some still have confidence in an immediate victory a little undermined, and everyone understands that the war is dragging on, there is fatigue and serious if dissatisfaction, such a public demand is being formed... well, let's finally end it with something, the political one too, well, i don't know how to call them a class, but a group, at least the ruling group, without a negative connotation i say now, they are they are also trying to communicate and send signals to society that they are also working on this, that they are also holding peace summits, that they are ready for negotiations, there is no longer such a categorical position as there was last fall, for example, but there is a problem here, it is all if
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public communications, these are public statements, politicians talk about, they are heard by voters, they are evaluated, perceived accordingly, this is an effort to protect, to preserve trust in oneself and to gain support, but of course, that somewhere somehow behind the screen, behind behind the scenes consultations, negotiations. exchange of opinions, all this happens, well, we can read it from the events, if we do not take into account such general, general phrases, beautiful phrases, clearly said in public, but to read the facts of the event, the steps, well, we were told in plain text at the swiss summit, both president zelenskyi and his manager, the head of his office yarmak, that the next summit will be held before the end of the year, and that they want to hold it, and that he has already recorded it. the end of the end of the war, that's all,
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that's what everyone wants to hear, nice news, but well, i am actually critical of this, i evaluate it, because i am critical from the point of view of the realism of the goal, i think that russia, the russians are not interested in negotiations with ukraine in general as such, a war in ukraine with ukraine, they did not start not declaring war on us, even, but declaring war on the collective west. the actual declaration of war was the ultimatum on december 15 , 2022, which the russian ministry of foreign affairs sent not to ukraine, but to the united states and nato headquarters, that you should immediately get there to the borders of 1997, that was the declaration of war is actual, and they themselves say that we are at war with the west, with america, with someone else, just on the territory of ukraine, and they do not see ukraine as a negotiating partner or an international subject in general, because they denied our on...
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our sovereignty, they committed evil, if ukraine is a subject of international law, then russia is a criminal, accordingly, they want to talk about the united states, in fact, and putin will wait, wait, until america does not such a situation will arise when she wants to talk to putin, and he will allow himself such a situation may, and it may change after the presidential elections in the united states, or a little later after the new inauguration, or after some events, perhaps unexpected for us or for the americans. but which can be provoked and planned by the russian special services on the territory of the united states or on some other territory, and then they can comprehensively talk about many, many different things, this is as the russians would like, there about the division of the world, yalta, the yalta treaty, the second edition, zone of interests, all that other stuff, i'm not saying that the united states will agree to it, but the united states should proceed from this understanding that exactly what kind of negotiations volodymyr putin wants, wants, wants, not from ukraine. if the public is considered the whole world there
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or. not only him, but including him, this is a wide audience, the audience is so wide, then all the actors try to give the impression that they are for peace, that they are adequate, that they are against escalation, that they are constructive, that they are ready for negotiations , this the ukrainian side shows it, and it pretends that the russian side also shows it, they say we are ready for negotiations, but our conditions are unacceptable, and they understand that there will be no such negotiations, but they are... ready for negotiations, this pretended position, of course, so we have about eight minutes left, i have two more questions for you, i really hope that we will discuss them, let's not leave brussels yet, let's talk about something new, not yet the appointment, but the agreement
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of the acting of the prime minister of the netherlands, mark rutte, to the post of general secretary of nato. mr. volodymyr, i will be honest with you , i read a lot about mark ryuta after he was agreed to this position, and from what i read, what immediately caught my eye is that it is called a teflon mark, that is, it does not stick to it something, he in any situation he tries to find, and he can find a consensus, this he proved during his work as prime minister, that is, when he created coalitions with groups that sometimes seemed impossible to unite, as in your opinion, this teflon of mark rutte, will she play? to our benefit, or after all at some point he can say that let's still sit down at the negotiating table, well, let's do it, here it is necessary to immediately understand and record that the position of the secretary general of nato is not the leader of nato, yes, it is not the head of the organization, this is the secretary, his work and function is
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to coordinate the interests of all participants of this alliance of the organization, and accordingly work with all governments, because as we know, decisions are made by consensus. and only when they are approved, then the secretary general of nato comes out with these decisions to the general public, makes a statement, and his job is to carry out the policy that is produced and determined by the euro-atlantic council, that is, it is a gathering of governments, heads of governments, or governments at the level of ministers of foreign affairs, at the level of ministers of defense, these are all euro-atlantic councils, but the rute barque is very interesting in this regard, i think that it will be very effective, very effective in this work precisely in this regard. functionally, it is possible, but you said teflon does not stop anything, because in principle, it does not do anything like that something to blame him for, well, now we already know that he is, for example, unmarried , he has no children, that he is a workaholic, yes, he
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just rides a bicycle to work , a habit, not because he doesn’t have a car, but just a person who is used to it, it is so convenient for her and they go far, obviously, they can afford it, well, holland is generally a bicycle country, it is fashionable, popular, that is, this is a professional politician, and this, by the way, is a benchmark, an example of the fact that politics is a profession, not just anyone can handle it , it is necessary to be able to, to have skills, to possess skills, and accordingly, well , to use this experience for the benefit of the whole nation, the whole country, and not only there your family or your neighbors, your friends, as very... often happens in other countries, that's why mark ruete can be such a reference secretary, but he is impeccable, whatever you call it, well, but i repeat once again, the question here is that he copes with this task of coordinating and coordinating the interests
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of all participants of this organization, the last stage of which is the approval of his candidacy , which he managed to pass, after all, to convince the prime minister of hungary, viktor orbán, to support his candidacy. well, my god, many people would not have managed to do it, but mark ryuta managed to do it, of course, a lot of credit goes to the current secretary, to the current secretary stoltenberg, who also worked with viktor orbán in the previous budapests and so on, well, i think , that mark ryuta may not be worse, not worse, as far as i remember, it was he who promised viktor orbán that hungary would not join the... of any military aid to ukraine, and in this way he would have inclined mark viktor orbán to his yes, so it was, and here i would also like to say that it is interesting that it is, because the discussion was going on, well, from which country should it be secretary general, until now they
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were all from western europe, this time the current president of romania, klaus iohannis, applied for this position, by the way, i think that he would also be a very, very good secretary general of nato, because... the current one, for example, mircea, mircea juanne, is now stoltenberg's deputy, this is romanian a politician, a former minister of foreign affairs, he is the deputy general secretary now, er, in principle. the communes could also be quite effective in this role, as claimed by the prime minister of estonia, kalas, who is currently being nominated for the position of high representative for security and foreign policy of the european union, i think that she will also have a great a chance to choose, but what did i lead to, that eastern europe wanted to have its own representative, because the threat to nato comes precisely from... the eastern flank, and here in eastern europe, we feel it better, we understand it, and we can, so to speak, expertly
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do it better, but no, the key, key role, perhaps an informal one in these coordination of interests, of the secretary general is how to coordinate the interests of the united states with european states , countries, and when any contradictions arise between europe and america, mediators are invited, as a rule. they are a trading nation, they know how to negotiate, they are open to the united states, because they are a maritime nation, there, well, the mentality is like that, and they, and at the same time they are europeans, are unlike the british, they are not not not not on the island, on the continent, and that is why very , very often the dutch are general secretaries, oh yaabde hops hefer not so, no was so long ago, he was also dutch, and the danes also perform well in this role, as we have now seen. and the norwegians are the same, norwegian secretary general stoltenberg was elected for two terms
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and continues even further, and they could not let him go. mr. volodymyr, thank you for this opinion, i really hope that mark rutte will still be in the position, as you said, in the position of secretary general of nato, very helpful for ukraine, we literally have two or three minutes left, i still want to talk to you, in the evening after american time on thursday in... ukraine, it was friday, four in the morning, in the united states of america there was a debate between the current president joe biden and the 45th donald trump. your impressions, because immediately after that cnn and not only cnn wrote about the fact that biden won. your opinion, not biden, but trump. trump, i'm sorry. yes, i read that thought. i personally did not see all the debates, a fragment, a fragment, well, just to consider the information emotionally, well, unfortunately, it seemed to me a demonstration of weakness, and not only a demonstration of the weakness of the current
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president, due to psycho-physiological reasons, or, first of all, age restrictions, there is voice, posture, body language, and so on, if we do not take into account the semantic argument, but simply observe the picture, then trump dominated, was more confident, more impudent, allowed themselves, well... they both allowed themselves a lot, by the way, this is probably the first debate when the participants switched to personal insults, characterizing each other, and all this , unfortunately, showed us the weakness, the general weakness of the current american democracy , the fact that they held a debate before the campaign started, well it already looked like a test, let's test these two candidates, how do they do, i think the democratic party is not happy with how it looked, will they
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now change the candidate, they will, they are already talking about it, they are already thinking about it, but they thought about it before, now they would show the voters clearly this problem that exists, but they will not be able to change him without his own personal decision , if joseph biden himself decides, so to speak, to remove himself. and someone to hand over this baton to someone else or to give the issue to the resolution of the party congress, then this decision is possible, if he does not decide it himself, then, well, replace him, well, hypothetically, you can convention, but it will be a scandal and it will make things worse for the democratic party, so they won't go for it either, well, i think the inertia scenario was the most likely, and they will meet again on november 5th on the ballot, sir volodymyr,
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closing this topic of debate, the answer is two or three words: joe biden 2:0 for ukraine - this is donald trump for ukraine - this, in case of victory in the elections, well, i am very sorry, if it turns out pessimistically, then in one case it is terrible end, otherwise horror without end. of course. thank you, mr. volodymyr for participation in today's program, today we talked a lot about... ukraine, in particular, about what was happening related to ukraine in the european union, about the appointment, how it will all be for ukraine in the future, how to stand out, and... we talked very briefly, but about the american election. mr. volodymyr, thank you. volodymyr horbach, executive director of the institute for the transformation of northern europe. well, eurasia. eurasia, i'm sorry. well, that's the end of this espresso interview. see you in the next programs. my name is yuriy fizar. before meeting. tingling, numbness or
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interview with diplomat oleksandr khara. why does russia have the right to veto ukraine's entry into nato. resonant. following the road to nowhere, how the construction of a forest road can destroy a historical monument, the unique vitaly portnikov about the impact of the war on ukrainians and the values ​​that unite the nation, the diary of the legendary nationalist mykola kokhanivskyi: the country is always in the forefront, look for it at press outlets or pre-pay online. there are discounts representing the only discounts on estaziping 20% ​​in travel and savings pharmacies. summer is a time of rest and recovery, and i believe that this year we will be able to present a real fairy tale and some peace for children, whose world was destroyed by war. these children of fallen heroes,
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father or mother, who, defending our country with you, died at the front, and they... like no other need our support, because they are the future of our country. our experience has shown that travel helps children to recover faster after a loss, children feel better emotionally. i am asking you to support our project. we are planning to organize two trips for the children of fallen heroes this summer. children will experience bright emotions, they will get to know a new country, a new culture, they will find. new friends, the most important thing is that they will receive the help of qualified psychologists, and maybe now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or owners of large businesses who will ready to join and help. remember that your donations are the key, the key to the hope, dreams and support of those who lost a loved one,
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because their parents went to protect our country. i really enjoyed my trip to austria. the museums we went to every day, it was incredible and i really liked how we went to restaurants, i went to mishch, salzburg, vienna and linz. this trip had a positive effect on me, i became more cheerful. thank you very much for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my mind hearts let's together give memories that will warm hearts and help to survive these difficult and scary moments. see this week in the judicial control program. extra-procedural actions and smearing of drunk drivers. why did the vrp dismiss judge galyonkin? apply to mr. golyonka for a sanction in the form of a release from office. but how did judge bonchev fail the qualification
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assessment? and all the measures that i took were legal, they were carried out. congratulations, the court is on the air. institutional reset and personnel renewal of the judiciary on the basis of norms professional ethics and integrity - this is the basis of the judicial reform currently being carried out in ukraine. its successful implementation is the main requirement for our further path to the eu. about how successfully the transformation is taking place and whether the moral and professional qualities of justice officials meet a high standard. let's talk today, but first to the news. the supreme council of justice dismissed the duty judge who got behind the wheel while intoxicated. volodymyr borodiychuk, deputy chairman of the cherkasy court of appeal, was dismissed. police caught him drunk driving a toyota land cruiser prado in november 2023 . borodiychuk refused to undergo
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a drunkenness test, and even more generally denied that he was behind the wheel, after the incident he submitted an application to the vrp with a request to release him into honorable retirement with life imprisonment. a few months ago , the cherkasy court found borodiychuk guilty and fined him 17 hryvnias and revoked his driver's license. year by year, now the supreme council of justice in full decided to leave the decision of the third without changes of the disciplinary chamber on the dismissal of a judge. the chairman of the poltava court of appeal, serhiy galonkin, also lost his judgeship. he is known for the fact that he lived in a church that he built himself. here is this house with an area of ​​661 m2, located in the suburbs of poltava, but he was dismissed from the position of judge not for this, but because of extra-procedural communication with the lawyer and judges regarding two driving cases. cars in a state of intoxication. one of them features the judge's son. in audio recordings of conversations recorded by the national anti-corruption bureau, galonkin makes his promise help the third disciplinary chamber of the vrp
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publishes an excerpt of this conversation. by and large, you know, we are normal people, we will always do anything. if you need help, we will always help. however, the members of the disciplinary chamber probably did not see a significant misdemeanor here and decided to punish galyonkin. deprivation of allowances for three months, the judge appealed this decision, and the supreme council of justice dismissed the judge altogether. galonkin committed a significant disciplinary offense that is incompatible with the status of a judge. voting completed, eight members of the vrp voted in favor against four, thus the supreme council of justice passed. disciplinary action should be taken against the judge of the poltava court of appeal, galonkin serhiy anatolyovych, in the form of a motion to dismiss the judge from office. now the supreme council of justice has make a formal decision, but serhii galonkin can still appeal it. the high qualification commission of judges continues to weed out unworthy
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representatives, and recently this process has gained momentum. many unscrupulous servants have already found themselves one step away from dismissal themis. the commission recognized ihor bonchev, judge of the fastiv city-district court of the kyiv region, as unworthy of office. it is so difficult to say here, because all this truth. no one knows. ihor bonchev has delayed cases for drunken driving, inconsistency of life with official income, and dubious sources of wealth. well, not exactly conscientious performance of your duty to maintain your qualifications as a judge at a high level. ihor bonchev did not overburden himself with work. i try to be present in court as much as possible, once or twice a week. and other days? what are you doing? i am improving my qualifications. okay, er, how about a way to find out? studying legislation?
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bonchev assures that he must do this, because the legislation is constantly changing, however, he was unable to name at least two changes to the criminal procedure code in recent years. please tell me, well, at least two or three changes to the criminal procedure code. which were adopted by law, introduced by relevant laws, which took place after the introduction of martial law on the territory of ukraine , now, now, well, when justice is not you commit, it took a long time, it immediately flies out of your head, judge ihor bonchev could not remember a single topic. in the 48-hour advanced training course , classes were conducted on
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the integrated court, i remember this exactly, the integrated court, maybe explain this concept of the integral court, because it is some new expression that is so interesting, i simply do not remember anymore, six months have passed, maybe it is one of the tempol . in the context of the conclusion of the criminal code number 26 on the digitalization of the judiciary, that's digitalization, that's igor bonchev so diligently studied legislation that systematically missed deadlines during the consideration of cases for drunken driving. the public integrity council recorded at least nine cases where drunk drivers avoided punishment because of this. there was no deliberate action by us to avoid them. and all the measures i took in the law. they were fulfilled. in addition to a bad memory, judge bonchev has a wonderful ex- wife. in 2018, she gave him half a million hryvnias. she is in her 17th year. for
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this, she began to collect funds, she worked, the director, and she also had a firm, in my opinion, jan, no, i don’t remember now, but ega, yes, i know that she was engaged, according to the public integrity council, the ex- wife of the judge did not have the financial ability to do to an ex-husband. such a valuable gift, because in general for the whole of 2017 she earned less than this amount, she had uah 90,000 in savings, and even taking them into account, in order to please her ex-husband, she would have to starve for the whole year, you declared in your declaration the person authorized to fulfill functions of the local state 471 hryvnias, 471,874 hryvnias, that's how this income was composed, the wife's income,
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this income was composed. well, if we proceed even from this amount, the amount of maintenance for the wife at the end, at the beginning at the end of 2016-17 , uah 90,000, then the question arises, well, purely mathematical, moreover, the judge did not pay alimony for small children, but... assures that his ex-wife asked him for money, and he gave it to her. the younger child was only 2 years old, what were the motives, if she needed these funds, to collect the last funds, all those she had and to present to you, well, because i had an apartment in the white church before i got married, i
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sold it later, when we were married, and... well, i can't name the reason here, but i sold it for something, not with that, none of that, and i had nowhere to go, and she knew about it, she is also a human person. with money from his wife, ihor bonchyk bought an apartment in the village of khodosivka in the kyiv region, and shortly before that, he bought a car for almost a million hryvnias, he paid half of the money immediately, and took the other half on credit. if you understood that you do not have enough funds for... an apartment, then... this car, the oil in the previous car started leaking, and there was simply such a repair that had to be done, during the entire interview, judge ihor bonchev made excuses as best he could, but it did not help him. to recognize ihory volodymyrovych bonchev, judge of the fascivsky district court of the kyiv region, as unfit for
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the position he holds. final decision. the supreme council of justice must now decide on bonchev's dismissal, and we will continue to monitor the progress of the qualification evaluation of themis officials and the implementation of the judicial reform. and on today i have everything, it was judicial control and i am tetyana shustrova. if you know the facts of corruption in the judicial system, or you want to report an unscrupulous judge who makes illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or. to the e-mail address you see on the screen. it's all good, we'll meet in exactly one week.
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greetings, it's news time, espresso broadcasts, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. a strong explosion rang out in the temporarily occupied sevastopol. after that, smoke more than 100 m high rose over cape fion. they blocked the kerch bridge, locals report on social networks. according to the media, she was in that area. russian electronic warfare station. at the same time, propaganda channels claim that the explosion is allegedly related to the disposal of ammunition, and the so-called governor of sevastopol announced a training shot by the fleet. during the battle, ukrainian troops retreated from the outskirts of the city, the spokesman promptly confirmed this.


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