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tv   [untitled]    July 4, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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greetings, chas noviny, on espresso. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. a strong explosion rang out in the temporarily occupied sevastopol. after that, smoke rose high above fioland's thought. more than 100 m blocked the kerch bridge, locals reported on social networks. according to the media, a russian electronic warfare station was located in that area. at the same time, propaganda channels claim that the explosion is allegedly related to the disposal of ammunition. and the so-called governor of sevastopol announced a training shot fleet during the battle of the ivars, ukrainian troops retreated from the outskirts of the city, the spokesman promptly confirmed this.
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nazar voloshyn of the khortytsia strategic command. this is reported by radio liberty. he noted that it is about the kanal microdistrict. it was not expedient to keep him in the future, because all the positions of the ukrainian defenders were destroyed by the occupiers - voloshyn explained. this area is separated from most of the temporal ravine by the siverskyi donets-donbas channel, which the armed forces of ukraine are currently defending. the battles for him began in early april, when the aggressor went ahead in everything the front to the west of bakhmut. the russians attacked the village of ruska lozova, kharkiv oblast, with a kabo. an elderly woman died. the elderly man received a shrapnel wound, reported the head of the regional military administration oleg synigubov. and the russians killed one person in donetsk region, seven more were wounded, among them a ten-year-old child.
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a 37-year-old worker was killed by the enemy from barrel artillery in the village of stinka on the territory of an agricultural enterprise. a man was injured near the reservoir, and the occupiers also attacked residential buildings in the northern village. in one of osel injured family, father, mother and their ten-year-old son, reported the regional prosecutor's office. in addition, the russians dropped an aerial bomb on a peaceful area, hitting a farm, injuring three people. sixteen residents of turetsk in donetsk region. of them, three persons with disabilities, one more with reduced mobility, this was reported to the state emergency service. life in a front-line location is extremely dangerous, the battle line is about a kilometer away. the russians are constantly dumping on the city of kaba. all houses were damaged. evacuation continues. today, the community has left about 10,000 people. and to the situation in the regions due to enemy shelling. one person died over time. about the wounded in the kherson region,
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reports the regional authorities. two high-rise buildings and 37 private houses were damaged. the occupiers also hit an educational institution and gas pipelines. and at night, the aggressor covered the central part of kherson with artillery fire. the surgical building and burn department of the hospital were damaged. and the residential quarters were shelled at dawn. shells hit a high-rise building and a private house. fortunately, there were no casualties. here at all the devastation is major, look at the garah, everything is broken, well, let's sew up the windows in the house, the windows in the summer kitchen, well, you see what a mess it was. if ukraine agrees to a cease-fire with the aggressor, then russia will launch another invasion - president volodymyr zelenskyy said in an interview with bloomberg, the so-called silence will be used to ... accumulate strength, and
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later the kremlin will accuse ukraine of violating agreements, the head said state, because our military cannot respond to armed aggression, give russia an advantage today, this it's simply impossible, we need to be smart, and it's important, again, who will be responsible for this besides the ukrainians with their lives, what a country, it's very... just to agree on sisfaire and it's very difficult to keep it, very difficult, then there will be those who who should answer why sysfire is broken. the chief of the general staff of the armed forces of poland vyaslaw kukula arrived in kyiv to demonstrate solidarity. he laid flowers at the wall of memory of those who died for ukraine, and also met with the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi. generals
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held negotiations to strengthen cooperation in countering russian aggression. ukraine appreciates the military-technical assistance and diplomatic support of poland, and is also grateful for the preparation for... our units, noted tsirskyi. meanwhile, activists blocked the only crossing on the belarusian-polish border. they come out to the road every half hour and stop the movement of trucks. they are holding posters with portraits of political prisoners of the lukashenka regime. it was not without provocation. the participants of the protest were joined by poles who support lukashenka. so the police had to intervene and detain the most. unrestrained and early elections have started in great britain. precincts in all counties of england, scotland, wales and northern ireland opened at 7 am and will be open until 10 pm. the vote will decide which party will form the next government, as well as
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who will be the new prime minister. according to the latest polls, the victory is confidently won by the labor party. in second place is the ruling conservative party. they profited from the humanitarian, the former leader of pecherska of the district organization of the red cross abused her official position and appropriated humanitarian aid worth more than uah 3.5 million. in particular, grocery sets, bed linen, blankets, mattresses, wheelchairs, bentos, rubber gloves and syringes disappeared, the kyiv prosecutor's office reported. in addition, a volunteer of the organization sold fake certificates of chervono volunteers. christ, and also illegally used the symbols of the organization on his own car. soon, the court should choose precautionary measures for the suspect. drones ukrainian manufacturers can now
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be bought transparently. the relevant changes were approved by the government, the minister of digital transformation, mykhailo fedorov, announced. such a step will improve the transparency of purchases and increase their efficiency. because manufacturers will have equal conditions of access to contracts, and competitive procurement will allow the state to buy drones more profitably. let me remind you that in february, the cabinet of ministers allowed the purchase of drones of foreign manufacturers through a closed functionality transparently. now the permission has been extended to ukrainian manufacturers as well. prove the crime genocide and punish the perpetrators. andrew. austin said that the prosecutor general's office is investigating more than 70 complex criminal proceedings related to the destruction, destruction and looting of cultural objects in ukraine. in particular, ukrainian law enforcement officers have already identified and suspected the colonel of the armed forces
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of the russian federation, the commander of the fighter aviation regiment, who ordered the shelling of the skovoroda national literary and memorial museum in kharkiv oblast. in general, according to kostin. attack of a full-scale invasion more than 1,080 cultural and historical monuments were destroyed, damaged or looted. the mass nature of these crimes allows us to consider them as crimes against humanity, and the fact that they are part of a wider systemic campaign of ukrainian destruction of the ukrainian people as an element of the crime of genocide. that's what it looks like. genocide, destruction, attempts to destroy us now, leave us without a future and destroy our history. we all have to remember this, and we all have to work together to fight it.
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computers from taiwan and quality education for ukrainian schools. more than 140 educational institutions have registered to participate in the leave no one behind partnership project. tell me about it. mykola knyazhytskyi, founder of the all-ukrainian democratic forum, lived in his home. it was possible to attract investments in ukrainian education thanks to a large-scale charity project implemented in cooperation with the ukrainian catholic university and the government of taiwan. under its terms, teachers from 24 schools will learn the basics of programming, robotics, and science for free, and 70 schools will receive new equipment for computer science classrooms. therefore, five schools are now vying for one place, the winners will be announced on july 12. the winners of this project, who will be selected by the independent commission of the ukrainian catholic university, will be able not only to raise their level, not only to take
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courses at the ukrainian catholic university, but also to get computer classes for their schools. obviously, we dream that this project will become all-ukrainian. we want to computerize all ukrainian schools. we want to change the approach to teacher training in the education system of the entire ukraine. we will definitely do it. but we are starting with 24 pilot schools. this is all the news i have for now. see you tomorrow, take care and stay with espresso. bir in the joints is so piercing, it does not allow to move. i bought yellow kremgit at the pharmacy, it saves me from pain. dolgit - the only yellow cream for pain in the joints and back, there are discounts, they represent the only discounts on the norm of
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ven 10% in pharmacies of travel stores and savings. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. exclusive interview with diplomat oleksandr khara. why russia has the right to veto ukraine's accession to nato. a high-profile investigation is a road to nowhere. how the construction of a forest road can destroy a historical monument. the unique vitaly portnikov about the impact of the war on ukrainians and the values ​​that unite the nation. the diary of the legendary nationalist mykola kokhanivskyi, the country is always at the forefront of the mind, look for it at the points of sale of the press or subscribe online. euro-2024 is just around the corner, football europe is ready to crown a new national team that will become the champion and go down in history forever. watch all matches euro-2024 exclusively on maigo. oh, i remember, you see, although they say that our memory weakens with age, but i am attentive and... i remember everything, we take the memo effect from dr. tice and feel the difference. the active substances of memo effect improve the functioning
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feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day by telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new resolutions to inform you. about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for, these and other questions that concern ukrainians will be answered by the leading lawyers of the aktum bar association. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. brigades without weapons, volodymyr zelenskyi
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said in an interview with the blumber publication that ukrainian soldiers are critically short of weapons. putin proposes to return to the istanbul talks and is ready, at least now, to continue or start these istanbul talks again. ukraine is preparing for the nato summit, what are the proposals, what are the expectations, well, unexpected and rapid, or unexpected and rapid. the rise in consumer prices, this is what the ministry of economy is already preparing ukrainians for, which products will increase in price, which will become more expensive and actually, is it possible to somehow prevent this, about this and not only about this, today we will talk during the velikiy eteri program, which will last until 8:00 p.m., and from 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. there will be a verdict program, today again i am with you, that's why it's such a big evening, from the first i will be with a team of my friends, well
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, from 20 to 21 i will pass on the word, but i will say right away that today you have a unique one the opportunity to finish the collection, which lasted for quite a long time, 630 00 uah, today we, i hope, there is very little money left, will be able to close this collection and together with you on the air we will celebrate loudly glory to ukraine, glory to ukraine serhiy, serhiy will play with us, the director of the defense express agency, reading the military summaries of the day column, serhiy, please. glory to the heroes, congratulations to you, congratulations to our viewers, today in our military section we will talk about the new package of american aid to... what will be directed to these more than 2 billions of dollars about our new brigades that need weapons and about the combat situation in the torets direction, which has become one of the most heated recently in the conversation with our military, who are holding the defense there, about that in a moment. today
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, the details of the new package of american aid became known, it is about... this is a new tranche, as expected, divided into two parts, one is transferred immediately, in order to supply the weapons of the reserves of the united states, the american army, and the second is directed to the purchase primarily rockets for complexes patriot and sams complexes, and 2.2 billion 200 million dollars will be directed to this. the question arises as to what and which missiles this money will be used for, and in fact we calculated in defense express, found data on how much missiles cost for patriot complexes, and the numbers turned out to be quite fantastic, we know that the patriots use two types of missiles, one
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dagger-knocking gmt missiles are precisely anti-missile and mca missiles. which is used to shoot down planes at a distance of 150 km, and it actually turns out that each of these missiles costs in an interval of somewhere from 5 to 6 million dollars for one missile, despite the fact that the pace of production of these missiles is somewhere within the range of 500 units per year, that is , in fact, 2 billion dollars, if we purchase only missiles for the patriots, it will be enough for approximately four. 300 of these missiles of one type or another, despite the fact that, i repeat, ukraine now has priority over other countries that previously ordered these weapons, in particular switzerland, poland, romania, and now it is extremely important that ukraine receives these missiles before patriots, therefore that it is not only the number
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of batteries that we have in our arsenal that is of great importance, but now up to eight patriot batteries will be targeted. and first of all, a sufficient number of missiles that can be used against russian means of attack. and we understand that the supply of weapons is currently taking place, but at the same time we understand that we have new brigades that need to be strengthened with weapons. we know that the commander of the ground forces oleksandr pavlyuk spoke sometime in may about the formation of 10 on... the ridge in order to repel the russian offensive, each brigade, depending on the state, can have from two to eight people there, we are forming a ranger corps, which should include four special purpose regiments there, which should be equipped with western weapons, we have such a new unit is being formed,
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which was also announced, this is an engineer-assault brigade, this is such a new type. military unit, which have not been in the armed forces until now, but we understand that we now have enough personnel in view of that the mobilization is taking place effectively enough, but the issue is in weapons, and today an interview with the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, was published on bloomberg, where , among other things, he said that we need weapons, because the brigades exist, but there is a need for means , let's go... let's hear a fragment of this interview that zelenskyi gave for the bloomberg agency. we have 14 undermanned brigades, which are undermanned, which do not have the appropriate weapons, which have already been voted on, which have been talked about, the packages must
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come, but they go, unfortunately, slowly. and then the president said about... that beyond that we cannot talk about counteroffensive actions, because there the journalist asked when there might be a counteroffensive, and the president said that we need to protect what we have, we we want to carry out countermeasures when we are ready, and we will be ready when the weapons arrive, zelensky said about this, so in fact now we have a situation where there are armed forces that restrain the enemy in many directions, the enemy is trying... to take advantage of a temporary advantage in manpower and equipment, and in several directions the situation is extremely difficult and, well , difficult, because the pokrovsky direction. the turkish direction, these are the two areas that, according to the general staff, are currently the most active in terms of the number of combat clashes, and now we will talk about what
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is happening precisely in the turkish direction, where, according to experts, the enemy has concentrated somewhere up to 10 thousand personnel in the first echelon , and just trying to put pressure on our defense, and this direction became tavria's landslide well, that's enough... complicated, and now we are joined by a serviceman of the 95th separate airborne assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, whose units are currently defending the donetsk area. mr. stanislav, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear the espresso channel on the air. congratulations, i wish you health. i would like you to tell our viewers, as much as possible, what is happening in your area, which is currently extremely difficult, how the enemy is acting, how the subs are acting. the situation is really very tense now, extremely difficult, the russians are not the first to storm for a day, more than a week, they have been making such frantic
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assaults here, they move mainly in large infantry groups, they do not use equipment here at all, i think for the reasons that it will be destroyed immediately by the actions of our artillery and units of attack drones. and besides, horlivka is here, it is within walking distance, so they simply move around zelenka, on country estates, and enter in large groups of infantry, trying to break through the city limits. at the moment, the situation is like this, and only thanks to the stability and courage of the personnel and infantry on zero and professional actions of the commanders, calculations of collective armament, it is possible to restrain them, despite the fact that they have a total quantitative advantage. in everything , the infantry is tens of times over, the advantage in artillery means is also great and the total absolute advantage in aviation, the spokesman of ottukhort, nazar
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voloshen, said that yesterday, there were at least 10 attacks by the enemy with the use of aviation precisely on the positions of our troops in turkey, where the enemy is trying to completely destroy turkey, and then, as it were, go to the... destroyed remains, just like that way, well, to simplify my advance, i wanted to hear from you how intense are the regular ground assaults, what is the number of attacks that your unit has to endure, well, regarding the assaults, i can say about our line of contact that, well, it can be formulated as follows: one constant assault, there is no such thing as they stormed somewhere, then after a certain period of time they stop, they are constantly moving, trying to go from the left, then from the right, somewhere in the center to advance,
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somewhere it is possible to enter the style, somewhere to surround, i.e. such combat operations are assault, they go without stopping, this is one continuous assault that does not stop, well, how they act, they use their advantage in everything, first of all, in the infantry, and it is obvious that they have accumulated huge reserves here, because their losses are also very high, well, because it is clear that they are storming, and we are defending, but it is clear that they have involved many private military companies of their own here, which they created, and even according to intelligence data, a lot of forced of our mobilized citizens, from occupied... in particular, from donetsk, which is located nearby, and it is clear that they do not feel sorry for them at all, and they are throwing them with massive meat. stanislav, are there, relatively speaking,
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the risks of advancing there to turkestka itself before the start of urban or urban battles, as predicted by some experts, how serious such a risk is and the time intervals for the implementation of such a scenario, if it is possible. well, at the moment, i think that these are not secrets, it can be seen from the same deepstate that the collision line already runs through the dense buildings, including those where there are many, many floors, in particular where there is noise, for example, there are nine-story residential complexes, but there are also very active battles going on there now, and well, i don't think they will advance further , because it's been a long time. for several days they did not manage to advance at all, they rested on our defense line, which, in particular, was professionally organized here by our brigade, and
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they do not have any positive trend here. and in my opinion, it is not foreseen stanislav, at the expense of which it is possible to hold back the advance the enemy when he advances in small groups, i.e. first of all, the bet is made on the artillery and the podrons, which are the first, let's say, a line of fire to protect against the enemy, and then the enemy's containment is ensured by infantry, or what combinations are taking place on the battlefield? well, that's basically how it is, in some areas, they grew a lot here. the green area is so developed that even from the maviks , no one is visible at all, so first of all the infantry work there, they are shot back by sniper fire, and yes, groups are noticed on the approaches, artillery works on them, fpv is used where there is an opportunity and drops from various quadcopters are used very effectively, you are the commander of one of the tactical units, which are under your
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command... the youngest soldiers and the oldest, so what, who do you control? well , my youngest is a 19-year-old guy, the oldest is 50 or something, that is, there are completely different people of different age categories, does age significantly limit the abilities of older fighters to perform tasks, well, those who are now. needed in your area of ​​the front. on mine opinion, absolutely does not limit, to stand in a trench and shoot at the enemy, you do not need any physical training, any conditions. and besides, if a person there led a normal lifestyle, then i think that even at the age of 60 or more, it is absolutely possible to perform combat tasks without any reservations. and when we talk about the work of our drone operators or the drone operators of your brigade,
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how much. what load on them has now increased precisely in your section of the front, what can be said about their work taking into account the peculiarities of actions in the turkish direction, well, our brigade, it is constantly in the hottest directions, i think it is not a secret either, if you follow the activities of our brigade, and our operators of fpv drones, well, not only fpv, there are also those bombers. well , they work very actively, it’s already common for them, they work around the clock, there are many calculations, and in my opinion, it is very effective, because according to the number of destroyed personnel, the number of equipment and the number of repulsed assaults, which were made precisely with such calculations, well, it is very, very effective, but is it possible to protect your positions there using artillery and
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fpv? and creating minimal risks for our infantry, such a model can be worked out, taking into account even such a significant advantage of the enemy in the manpower of equipment? of course, maybe, everything rests on the number of both ammunition for artillery, which, well, i would like it to be much more, and on the number of the same strike drones, of which there simply cannot be a lot, if conditionally there one calculation can use there 50 hvidrons. during the day, if there are such possibilities of reserves, then i think that much more enemy assaults would have been repulsed on the approaches, they would not have reached our infantry. when we talk about artillery, we are talking about barrel artillery, or we also mean that mortars are actively used by our military at certain distances where they are most effective. yes, we are talking about brigade level, large calibers and about level.
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battalion and about the level of the company and platoons fire support, the same egs, well or egs-17 or various analogues, nato models are forty-millimeter, they are also very, very effective, and we would also really like them to have a sufficient amount of ammunition, and when we talk about anti-tank weapons, there are our troops, corsairs, because on in some areas there around krasnohorivka, the military talked about the need for more, more, because the open areas are quite difficult even without... tours, that you have this type of weaponry, well, in this area, as far as i can tell, here it is not very advisable to use them, because dense construction and dense plantations, they do not allow you to see armored vehicles from a close distance, here the function of surveillance is primarily performed by fpv drones equipped with anti-tank
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ammunition. stanislav. when we talk about this use.


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