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tv   [untitled]    July 4, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm EEST

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the democratic party, let's say, from its left wing, because biden is a politician, a centrist, there are many people on the left wing who think, oh, he should go, here we are now going to nominate someone so young, beautiful, popular at this time it is not enough to prepare this young handsome man or young beautiful woman in a certain way, so that she is mature enough for the americans to want her, that is exactly the case here, because there is very little time, and this is the main problem. there is little time to collect the money, i have, i have to thank you, once again holiday, happy independence day of the united states of america, i hope that with the help of our partners from the united states of america, we will soon celebrate the victory over the russian enemies who entered our territory. thank you very much yevgra eisenberg, professor of new york university and i remind you that today the independence day of the united states of america will have an inclusion from washington, the east coast and we will see how it is there. there is a celebration, and
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literally in a moment the news: good evening, we are from ukraine, yes, well, let's be to start: a strong explosion rang out in the temporarily occupied sevastopol, after that smoke rose more than 100 meters above cape fiolent, the kerch bridge was covered, locals reported on social networks, according to the media, a russian... radio electronic warfare station was located in that area, in at the same time , propaganda channels claim that the explosion is allegedly connected with the disposal of ammunition, and the so-called governor of sevastopol announced a training shot by the fleet, it is interesting, which submarine fleet of the russian federation, the enemy hit odesa with ballistic missiles, there were audible explosions in the city, local media reported, rockets came from crimea temporarily occupied by the enemy, there is no information about the victims yet, and a 15-year-old boy. unfortunately,
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he died in odesa, a child found, this teenager had already found an unknown object in the forest and brought it home. the young man was disassembling the find in the yard of the house. the find exploded, a fire broke out, the teenager died, the regional police reported. according to local media, the young man found the warhead of the shahed drone. the drone detonated by hitting him. the teenager's mother was in the house, she is in a state of shock, but not, but physically unharmed. russians attacked the village of ruska lozova in the kharkiv region with coffee, unfortunately, a 67-year-old woman died as a result of this attack, and a 74-year-old man received a shrapnel wound, reported the head of the regional military administration oleg synigubov. and 16 residents of the long-suffering city of turetsk in donetsk region were evacuated by rescuers, including three people with disabilities, another small car.
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the russians are constantly dropping controlled ones on the city aerial bombs, all the houses in this settlement were damaged, the evacuation of the population continues, today there are about 10,000 residents left in the community. purchase of drones, drones of ukrainian manufacturers. you can buy transparently, the relevant changes have been approved by the government, said the minister of digital transformation mykhailo fedorov. such a step will improve the transparency of procurement and increase their efficiency, most importantly for the military, again, most importantly, because manufacturers will have equal conditions of access to contracts, and competition will allow it is more profitable for the state to buy drones. let me remind you that in february, kamin allowed the purchase of drones of foreign manufacturers through the closed functionality of prozoro, now the permission has been extended to ukrainian. the manufacturer shows
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solidarity, the chief of the general staff of the armed forces of the republic of poland, weslaw kukula, arrived in kyiv, he laid flowers at the wall of memory of those who died for ukraine, and also met with the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, colonel-general oleksandr syrskyi. the generals held talks to strengthen cooperation in the confrontation with russia aggression ukraine values ​​military-technical assistance and diplomatic assistance. support of poland, as well as grateful for the training of our units, - noted the commander-in-chief, general oleksandr silskyi. well, some fight, some steal. they took advantage of the humanitarian, the former head of the pechersk district organization of the red cross, abused her position and embezzled more than uah 3.5 million in humanitarian aid. in particular , grocery sets, bed linen, blankets, mattresses, wheelchairs, even disabled people in steal. bents, lip gloves, syringes,
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reported the kyiv prosecutor's office. in addition, the volunteer organization sold fake ids of red cross volunteers and illegally used symbols. organizations in their own private car. soon, the court should choose precautionary measures for the suspect. destroy monuments, be responsible. rostislav karandyeev, acting as the minister of culture, said that work on the lawsuits against the russian federation regarding their destruction of cultural monuments in ukraine continues. to also, the recording of damages and destructions by national and international authorities continues. protocols, and in a few months the ministry of culture and information promises to create a single unified standard for lawsuits against russia. rostislav karandeev noted that they will appeal to the international court of human rights, the gaya tribunal and other international courts. we are talking about the destruction
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of property. we talk about loss culturally. heritage, which also has its value, that is , the economic part is also important here, and of course, we are talking about intentional genocide, murders of people, the destruction of ukrainian national and cultural identity, which is also protected by the norms of international law today, i'm looking at my computer, now i'm passing this on to my colleagues, i want to say how yulia tymoshenko lost everything, well, that's fine, we'll let's find out i have a text, so yes, now one second, one second, computers from taiwan and quality education for ukrainian schools, more than 140 educational institutions have registered to participate in the leave now, one behind our partnership project, about this
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mykola knyazhytskyi, the founder of the all-ukrainian democratic forum public organization, said. it was possible to attract investments in ukrainian education thanks to a large-scale charity project implemented in cooperation with ukraine. catholic university and the government of taiwan. under its terms, teachers from 24 schools will learn the basics of programming, robotics and education systems free of charge, and 70 schools will receive new equipment for computer science classrooms. therefore, five schools are now applying for one place. winners will be announced july 12. the winners of this project, who will be selected by the independent commission of the ukrainian catholic university, will be able not only to raise their level, not only to take courses at the ukrainian catholic university, but also to get computer classes for their schools. obviously, we dream that this project will become all-ukrainian. we want to computerize all ukrainian schools, we want to change the approach to teacher training
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in the education system of the entire ukraine. we will definitely do it, but we are starting with 24 pilot schools. yes, so what, now. we there will be an inclusion from the united states of america united help ukraine participates in participates in the independence day parade of the united states of america. this is the third time united help ukraine has participated in the us independence day parade in washington , d.c. and the parade is taking place today, it started at 11:40 a.m. and will continue until the 14th on the central street of the capital. well, actually, they are in touch with us. maryna baidyuk, president and executive director of united help ukraine, and oleksandr visych, also a communications officer manager, mr. oleksandr, ms. marino, i congratulate you on independence day, first of all, please share your
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participation today, the participation of your organizations, your friends, colleagues in this event and tell us more about it, please, so that we too felt the atmosphere, and support from across the ocean for ukraine. please, i greet everyone, good afternoon or evening in ukraine, today we have gathered here on the main street of washington, the capital of america, to celebrate together with the americans, to celebrate independence day america. this is the third time that our organization united help ukraine, together with the embassy of ukraine in america and the community of ukraine in washington, participates in this council. we started in the 22nd year after starting full-scale. it was a small delegation, today our delegation consists of 150 representatives of the washington community, the embassy, ​​the embassy and other groups, we also have dance groups, singing groups, and even
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americans who cheer for the independence of ukraine join us. we are talking to everyone today to the americans, the american government and the american people, thank you, thank you for your support, support for ukraine in its struggle for independence, and in fact, our delegation has had tremendous support for the last two years from those people who are here today. are going to the parade, and today we will actually march to the song of artem pivovavarova, the drum, you can even hear it now, she was just playing behind, why the drum, why exactly do we want the americans to hear the drum today in washington, this song, as we know, was written on a poem by a futurist poet who was shot in 1937. as russians, communists, that is why we want this symbol of ukraine's independence and struggle for its
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independence to be heard in washington today. americans are walking with us, representatives of other communities, other nationalities are walking with us, and for us this is an important step and an important moment when we repeat to the americans, thank you for your support, your support is very important, keep it up . secondly, we are talking about... the fact that ukraine is fighting and choosing its democracy and its independence, and these symbols of american independence, we know, for ukraine , they are also very close to our ukrainian heart, and ukraine, and everyone understands this, including the americans, that it is now actually paying a very high price for its independence, i i still have to give my word to mr. oleksandr and from kyiv so that we do so... and i also want to hear the importance in general of what ukrainians in the states are declaring
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about themselves today and remind once again about the need to support ukraine and the importance in general of this support and the role of the ukrainian community and the ukrainian organization in this, please. thank you, thank you, i want to emphasize that the america independence day parade has been held since 1777 , and so has ukraine. presented for the third time since 2022, can you imagine, in the entire history of america, we have become represented in this parade for only the third time, only now. yes, indeed, it is because of the war, but i am infinitely proud that it was our organization that became such, one might say, a small initiator, from which it has already become a tradition for the american people and for ukraine. the role of ukrainian organizations for support in america is quite large, because we are in constant... contact with the american team, so i am now in kyiv, but we correspond, we constantly conduct zooms,
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when, absolutely constant communication with partners who are in america, because our voice must be heard, our voice must be as powerful as the majority of our blue and yellow flag, and also participation in the council - this is an urgent call of the world community to the fact that there is a war in ukraine, it is ongoing, we are here in order to remind you... that we need to be supported, because we stand for democratic values, and it seems to me that the participation of ukraine and the opportunity to represent ukraine at the us independence day parade is a key sign that we are going in the right direction, in the right direction of democratic values , and the role of all organizations that are now abroad, including in america, is a key role, support of ukraine and the voice of ukraine, and i thank you, thank you for your
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work, i wish you success today in this activity of yours, in this action, well or, well, that's it yuriy fizar is with me, yuriy, on the independence day of the united states of america, i congratulate you, both of you, vasyl, please, well, what about me, the summit of the shanghai cooperation organization was held in astana today, armenia continues to move away from russia. ataker carlson, a scandalous american journalist, announced a possible interview with volodymyr zelensky. my name is yuriy fizar, this is a world about ukraine, and i will start in a moment. the shanghai cooperation organization is on the right side of history, on the side of justice, the leader said china xijin pin said during a speech at the 24th meeting of the council. of the member states of the sco in astana, kazakhstan. at the same time, he added that this organization is vitally important
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for the world. according to the leader of the celestial empire, changes in the world are accelerating now, and humanity is once again standing at the crossroads of history, and he added a quote from xi jinping. the member states of the shanghai cooperation organization must defend their right to development and avoid measures that lead to disunity. well, here it is interesting, i would like to. ask questions to mr sidzenpinyu, unfortunately, he won't hear me, well, i'm sure he won't, but doesn't ukraine have the right to development, as he said in his speech, to such development. so that the barbarians who live to the north-east of us do not dictate to us what we should do, when we should do it, how we should do it, in what language we should do it, which churches we should go to and so on, unless we have no right to this, to this development, but why does mr. xi, such a champion of justice, as he said in his speech, not want to help we should choose this right to development, to be
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ukrainians in our ukrainian state, in our ukrainian borders, i would like to... this is despite the fact that at one time china was also subjected to aggression, fought for its identity, for its rights with the same japan, with the help, by the way, of the united states of america, its victory over japan, china got the opportunity to develop further independently, so somehow, but it is forgotten for some reason, unfortunately, and there were many speeches during this meeting, i want to point out also for the speech of the president of the countries, the leader of the aggressor country, vladimir putin, we do not consider him the president, the peace plan of the russian federation will make it possible to immediately... stop hostilities in ukraine and save human lives, as you have already guessed, as i already told you, only putin could have said such a thing at the sco summit , the main criminal of the world stated that his country always advocated a peaceful and democratic settlement, although he did not say that we did not have a conflict with russia, he called it a conflict, they simply unceremoniously
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and aggressively attacked us, violating all norms of international law, while the master of the kremlin and all of russia once again emphasized that... he is ready to immediately cease fire if ukraine agrees to his blackmail and thanked all the members of the sco for various proposals for a peaceful end to the war. well, what is interesting, he also said when he is ready to sit down at the negotiating table, if the istanbul agreements of march 2022 will be the basis of these negotiations, and a month ago the american edition of the new york times published: the text of these agreements, there 18 articles, six sub-clauses, and i will say only five, what it was about, that is, ukraine had to consolidate the status of a neutral state, they refused, refused to join nato, any other military alliances, not to place foreign troops on its territory military bases, but at the same time putin
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allowed ukraine to join the european union. next, refia demanded. from ukraine to recognize the independence of the so-called dpr and lpr within the administrative boundaries of the donetsk and luhansk regions, ukraine also had to refuse to return crimea by force, while there was three texts of these agreements, and here is the last text dated april 15, 2022, so in this last text there was no longer this provision, it was excluded, but the status of the peninsula, as it was foreseen, was to be determined within 10-15 years after the conclusion of these agreements, and in addition, ukraine was supposed to make russian the second state language and within 30 days after signing the agreement to remove all restrictions on its use in any field, but the ukrainian side did not agree to this. and the last thing i wanted to pay attention to: ukraine wanted to receive international
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security guarantees in case aggression is carried out against it again and there are five countries there. who were supposed to stand up for her, including russia, so russia pushed its condition into this point, which is that such help could be obtained only in the case of a unanimous decision of all countries, that is, imagine if someone attacks, not russia, someone else attacks, and russia simply does not agree, russia blocks this decision and everything, and there is no help, this is how it should have been, so putin wants on the basis of these istanbul agreements to sit down at the negotiating table, but it seems that it burns him well, because he really wants to sit down at the negotiating table. armenia is actively moving away from russia and towards the united states of america. the country is ready to raise the level of relations with the united states to a strategic partnership. this is stated in the message of prime minister nikol pashinyan to president joe biden on the occasion of the
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independence day of the usa. according to the head of the armenian government, such a partnership will contribute to more prosperity. the future for both yerevan and washington. yerevan, as stated in the greeting, considers the vital role of the usa in establishing peace in the region and deeply appreciates the usa's support for the sovereignty, independence, democracy, territorial integrity and inviolability of the borders of the republic of armenia. well, what is interesting is that nikol pashinyanyan says about the united states that the united states values ​​it, and he wants to develop a strategic partnership and strategic cooperation with them, and not with russia, which... does not value sovereignty, territorial integrity, its neighbors, . us president joe biden understands criticism of his speech during the debate with the 45th leader. usa by donald trump, but believes that it is necessary to move on and wants to maintain america's world leadership. white house press secretary karin jeanpierre said this during a regular briefing. according
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to her, the current owner of the white house clearly sees the situation in the country, which is why he remains in the election race and will continue to solve the problems of americans. well, there was also information that during the meeting with his colleagues. democratically parties, governors, democrats in the white house, joe biden announced that he underwent a medical examination after this speech, and politico wrote about it with reference to its sources in the white house, and the truth is that the result of this examination was not reported, but here now back to trump: biden just dropped out of the race, you see he's you. of them i threw him out of this race, the 45th president of the united states , donald trump, said during one of his talks with reporters on one of his golf courses. in his opinion, now
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everything will change, and he, that is, trump, will be dealing with the country's current vice president , kamela harris, which, he says, is good for him, adding that it will be easier for him to compete with harris, who he thinks is a pathetic quote. in addition, trump called for continued action. on biden with the aim of excluding him from the pre-election race and called him, well, in the style of trump, a pile of broken junk, here is something that he makes up, well , it seems that this is what you call it, i will not call donald trump, but biden didn't answer anything, it's his fault, no didn't answer anything, biden seems smarter, despite the fact that the senior senior zero, well, it seems that this happened, they say that horses are not changed at the crossing, but it seems ... that the candidates for the nomination for the presidency of the united states of america are at the crossing they are changing, joe biden with a high degree of probability can still be replaced by his
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vice president kamela harris and for the party , in my opinion, this is a bad option, because you, at least those who are interested in international politics, remember that during the presidency of donald trump is often possible you heard about his vice president, mike pence, when he said something, went somewhere, did something, did something, did you hear a lot in the last four years about kamela harris, who as vice president went somewhere, did something, well, sometimes if you hadn't said something, i wouldn't have heard it, sometimes something, that's why there's another one, well, but they're getting out of their way as they can, well , let's move on, the head of the french right-wing party, marine le pen, of the national union, said that her party would continue to help ukraine. in the event that he receives an absolute majority in parliament, she said this on the tv channel tf-1, at the same time she also emphasized that the french military
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will not take a direct part in the war in ukraine and criticized the current president of the country, emmanuel macron, who talks about such a possibility. moreover, during the interview, mrs. le pen also renounced russian support, and she called any publications about it, especially foreign ones, interference and provocation, well, i don’t know, i don’t fully remember, but for many years therefore not only publications appeared, but also evidence that marine le pen received money from the kremlin for something, well, that's why here it is, you know, me and these statements are for talking, in particular before the second round of elections, by the way, let me remind you, the second round of elections parliamentary elections in france will take place this sunday, on the first, during the first round... it was marine le pen's national association that won the first step, took the first step of the party, the parties that are involved, not
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involved, but connected to macron, took only the third step, what is the problem, what if so it is good to search, to be absolutely free of such, absolutely principled and check all officials, near officials, businessmen, politicians, deputies throughout the european union. there will be so many people there who in one way or another took something from russia, some money, assets, time, fate in business, something precisely connected, something some, some have connections, if she really says, no, i won't, how my father is in the comintern, i will be from the ussr, i will work according to european principles, help ukraine and so on, but everyone will forget the past, listen, 100%, 100%. yes, and in conclusion, carlson, the one who is a tucker and the one who lives in... the united states of america, and not on the roof, butsim arranged for an interview with the president of ukraine, volodymyr zeleny. the scandalous american journalist
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wrote about this on his microblog page. and this is ex-twitter. according to him, his team tried to organize such a conversation since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion, and they started working on it especially actively after the release of carlson's interview with putin. meanwhile, mr. tucker added that the main purpose of such a conversation is to convey the necessary information about the conflict to the americans. yes, in the original he wrote the very word conflict, which completely changes the situation, he says, of their country, that is.
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seeing how he sometimes behaves with journalists in ukraine, let him feel so carkarosom, and as for what to convey an opinion, a position, well, listen, i think that the whole world has already heard the position of president zelenskyi many times, and even more so now there will be another platform, the nato summit, i don't know there, but listen, well, the question is just which one position will be delivered by tucker carlson, the question is how he interprets this position, the world leaders were in ukraine and the president had a conversation, which i think, tucker harson's audience, is definitely not the biggest thing to dream about. now, that's right, vasyl, well, for today i have everything in the world about ukraine section, that's all only for today, there will be more tomorrow and more will be in our further broadcast, so don't switch. do ordinary things become unreal? heavy bags, not for my sore back,
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among the leaders of european states. who did not come to ukraine during the war, orban still maintains relations with putin and meets with him despite russian aggression. the most important thing today at 21:15 in the project is spoken by velikiy lviv, a platform where everyone gets a say and everyone is heard. on the air of the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more. important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22.


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