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tv   [untitled]    July 4, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EEST

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a week after the pre-election debates, which have already been called a disaster and a fiasco, joe biden said that the race will not back down, and this is despite harsh criticism in zma and pressure from fellow party members, will it happen? biden from a distance, who can influence him? let's find out in today's edition of the bbc, i'm olga polomaryuk. i'm not leaving, i'm in this race to the end. this is how joe biden commented on rumors about the possible withdrawal of his candidacy from the election campaign. several american media, citing their own sources, write that after an unsuccessful debate, joe biden collected his supporters and announced during a teleconference that he would participate in the elections. inusiliako saves the day by... trying
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to prove that he is ready to compete for the post of president, and now the day after the debate, he cheerfully speaks at a campaign rally, gives an energetic speech, then attends a number of official events, goes to ordinary restaurants, but concerns among democrats even a week later they do not subside. bbc correspondents tried to analyze the events after the debate. after president biden's uncertain performance at the debate with donald. trump, more and more party members are urging him to refuse a second term. two democratic congressmen called on biden to withdraw from the election. then, as the american media write that in the house of representatives, the democrats are collecting signatures under the letter to convince the president to stop. however, biden appears to have secured the support of democratic governors after a meeting at the white house. they said they had a frank discussion with the president. we always
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believe that when you love someone you tell them the truth and i think we came in and were honest about what we 're hearing, about the concerns that we're hearing from people, and we've been honest about the fact that as the president continues to tell us and demonstrate that he's fully on board , we said that we support him. biden had his usual business that day, he appeared at the ceremony of posthumous awarding of medals to two heroes of the civil war. shouts of reporters about the main issue of the day, the spokeswoman of the white house had to answer it. the president has a clear vision, he remains in the race, i have nothing to add, he stays in the race, that's what the president promised to do. later, biden wrote about his intentions in a campaign message to the groomsmen. i am the nominee of the democratic party, biden wrote: "no one is pushing me out, i am not leaving, i am staying in." by
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the end of. americans will be closely watching biden, who is 81 years old. in the next few days, his television interview and speeches at pre-election rallies are scheduled. meanwhile, donald trump, 78, is ahead in the polls, with more voters saying biden is too old for the presidency. indeed, biden's age is one of the main issues of this election. according to polls, americans think he is too old to work effectively. biden. 81, the presidential term is four years, so voters are worried about whether joe biden will be able to serve until 2029, but donald trump is not much younger, he confuses names and dates, moreover, he is often categorical in his statements, but joe biden insists he has excellent health and even passed a medical examination, but failed he explained his performance at the debate as fatigue. biden stands his ground, but polls published by the new york times and cbs news show that. that trump is now ahead in
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the race. donors and democratic lawmakers are publicly calling for biden to resign. what do they say? the bbc's sarah smith reports. much of the panic inside the democratic party is that the president is engaging in all these meetings and phone calls trying to placate allies. while on the phone with everyone members of his campaign staff, he declared: "let me tell this to someone." more clearly: i am the democratic candidate, nobody is pushing me out, i am not going anywhere, that was his quote, but the pressure is on. there are now two elected democrats in congress who have publicly said he should step aside, and there are dozens more who are ready to come out and say so publicly if he can't assure people in the next few days that he's ready to go. polls show that almost 3/4 of american voters believe that that he cannot be president. there's another
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side: some very, very senior party figures who haven't said yet that they want joe biden to step aside, but they're talking openly about what should happen if... that he does, they think , that the party should try to unite around vice president kamala harris as its candidate, and not fight for who should participate in the presidential election. but can joe biden change his mind and who are these people to whom he listens. we will try it to analyze a little later, and for now the expert's opinion about the situation inside the democratic party. i think he needs to do the following, by the way. so do democratic lawmakers and party donors. they say he needs to go in front of the public and show his strength because what we saw on tv last week is not up to the voters' standards. so now they need something more than a campaign speech, maybe a tv
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interview, maybe something with the voters, maybe do a press conference and live to say, yes, i had a bad night, but i 'll be here not just for the next four months, but for the next four years. the latest new york times poll shows him now losing 49% to 43%. so now the central argument in the biden campaign is the statement that even though he is this age, he is still the only person who can beat donald trump. so this is the most important message of his campaign, but if it doesn't ring true, it will take away his support. and if we touch on the topic of changing the candidate, then this unexplored territory for us. earlier there were cases when presidents. decided not to be re-elected, but this happened during the primary campaigns. during the primaries, joe biden received high support. so, if he wants to, he will be a candidate from the democratic party. so he is the only person who can somehow change it. and the scenarios of chaos , in my opinion, actually play in favor of
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biden. one of the most troubling things for the president the day before was a statement by jim clyburn, perhaps biden's strongest ally in the house of representatives, who, seems to have asked if the democrat... party could hold a mini primary campaign leading up to the democrat national convention. i mean, the ball is in the president's court now, if he wants to be the democratic nominee, he will be the democratic nominee, but if not, the field is wide open. kamela harris, as the vice president, should become the heir, but there is still some concern about her in the polls. so, now is a dangerous time for the democratic party. so. what options do democrats have, if any will dare to replace biden's candidacy, said benji haier, a journalist from the united states of america. well, actually, only he makes the decision. i mean, in the united states, there are no simple standard protocols by which a party can withdraw its
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presidential nominee. there are ways to try to get rid of the president himself. you know, congress can try to impeach, convict. there are certain constitutional statutes. which congress can use, but if we are talking about the fight for the white house, then only one person, and that's joe biden, can decide whether he wants to resign or not, and he, the white house, the administration, they say confidently that they will continue the race to the end. the problem is that the democrats are almost in quicksand, doing nothing, and seeing their ratings continue to fall. donald trump is rising. it can also lead to a catastrophic situation. so let's sort out all the pros and cons with expert oleksandr kraev from the foreign policy council
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of ukrainian prism. i congratulate you. this is alexander won't ask you, can joe biden get off the mark? potentially so, if truth be desired. the question here is whether he will dare. what is your opinion. in fact, this is the risk, and for joseph biden, this is the risk right now, it still remains, because on the one hand , he is not only under pressure from his political establishment, he is starting to be under the same pressure from this day, also from his sponsoring support, that is, we see , that some super-packs and some firms that actively support the democratic party are already clearly indicating that biden should plan option b. it's just a question of when that bet will actually play out the best if... shooting right now, biden can really look weak, like he's been swayed by trump, and like he's really not sure of his ratings or his voter base, but, if such an event happens, let's say, closer to the democratic party convention, which, i will remind you, will be in mid-august,
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then a possible replacement could play into the hands of the democrats, because the republican party convention will take place almost a month before the question of whether biden would be willing to withdraw, from my perspective, depends on the... but who are the people who can influence him, who will joe biden listen to? these are essentially two groups of people, we clearly see in the last week that he is actively communicating about this with his family, and he is also actively discussing such options with his headquarters, that is, with his experts, political technologists and advisers. so far, we do not have any information that such discussions have spread anywhere more widely to the general establishment of the democratic party, or to the upper management party, therefore, most likely, we are talking about the fact that only biden's closest circle is really helping him analyze this situation and come to a conclusion. yes, well indeed, kitchen negotiations, as they are called. oleksandr, stay in touch,
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please, we will listen to the delegate from the democracies, how does she describe the mood within the party? i will support president biden as long as he remains in the race. he is the only one who is able to keep together the motley coalition of americans, which includes representatives working class, white, african american. youth, although support for this group seems to have dropped somewhat after the debate, but we are all still waiting for a detailed analysis of the data after that debate, because without it we cannot come to informed conclusions about the situation in states like pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, georgia, nevada , and politics aside, i want to say this, and i say this with every cell of my being, he is a good, good man, really good. yes, we have just listened to the democrat and we are going back to conversations with our guest. alexander if
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biden takes this step hypothetically, withdraws his candidacy, then who can the democrats nominate? the next debate is only two months away and you just talked about that too. there is a lot of talk about the possible replacement of joseph biden with his vice president, kamala harris, although even for many american observers , such a replacement does not look like it at the moment. logical, because ukharis has the highest anti-rating of the entire democratic party, because in fact she is not popular, she is not an active politician and shows the results that were expected from her even in the position of vice president, but two other names are called that can actually look much more active as a presidential candidate, this is the governor of california newsam and this is the secretary of infrastructure under butage, both candidates in principle for the last have become more and more public for several years, they... are becoming federally popular, if we talk about him specifically, he basically reproduces the politics
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of biden and is in himself a kind of young version of the current president, and butydzic quite ran successfully in the 20th year and still has the recognition and purity from any scandals that a candidate needs if he is to replace biden in the final months of the election year. yes, well, there really isn't much time left, so will this new candidate have time to prepare, because the job is the answer. what do you think is the most responsible name in the world? and it seems to me that in this case, well , the preparation of the candidate is a separate issue, in principle, if they choose a potential replacement, it will already be someone with enough with extensive experience in both local politics and federal government, however , the most important and most difficult question for the party will be whether it will succeed in forming its informational agenda in such a short period of time, whether this candidate will be able to be sold to the voters and presented. if as an alternative and normal replacement, in this case we must immediately state that
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the rhetoric will be simplified as much as possible, conditionally, we must vote for candidate x, so that trump does not come, so in fact it is possible to prepare a candidate for such short term, but his information campaign will clearly be simplified as much as possible and done as much as possible on the antithesis of donald trump. oleksandr, 10 seconds are literally at the end, but can the republicans replace trump in this way? if the democratic replacement happens fairly late in the campaign, it will be the only normal move for the republicans, because otherwise the democrats will look like the only party that is actually listening to the nearly 65% ​​of the american population who do not want either trump or biden. of course, thank you, oleksandr kraev, an americanist and expert of the ukrainian prizma foreign policy council, was on our air. turn on our program tomorrow at 9. all the best, take care!
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germany was not invited, but then it was not invited, i apologize, it was invited to sign. again, there is a lot of talk about various plans , peaceful or not quite peaceful, true and very often completely false this week, we are talking about this and velikiy lviv is speaking in the project, we traditionally start with an interview with vitaly portnikov, we say to all viewers of the tv channel
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good evening and glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, we congratulate everyone who joined us and we are full. the conversation with vitaly korting will be on our youtube channel velikiy lviv says, you can go and listen again. and now just a few more questions and we will move to the studio, where our guests, people's deputies, military, public activists are already gathering and we will continue the conversation there. mr. vitaly, you and i finished our pre-espresso part with your answer about what, well, actually talking about what let's say this, the whole civilized world... exclusively supports ukraine in the issue of war with the russian federation, not entirely true, because there are a lot of countries, and the sos summit is just talking about this, which are ready to be with putin, at least in one photo, and this the president of turkey, including erdogan, who is a member of nato, and this is a country that is , well, part of a collective event, there
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are already representatives of india who were not photographed, but prime minister modi will go to... moscow, there there is china, and india and china are the most populous countries in the world, as it were we hate to ask this question, but i want to ask it anyway, do you think putin succeeded and is he succeeding in building a coalition that has the power behind it to support the russian federation in this war of aggression against ukraine? no, this is not the case at all, putin, of course, has... some countries that support him, so to speak, with weapons and politically, such as iran and north korea, there are countries that try to support the way of war secretly, as china, but it's not about that at all, it's about because recent years have shown us absolutely clearly that the world economy has changed, that the west does not have such an economic tool
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that will completely destroy the economy of a country hostile to the west, this was also shown by the history of... if you have economic ties with the countries of the global south, the west has no real effective tools to stop you, well, this is a reality that must also be reckoned with, by the way, we did not fully calculate this reality, we generally always said from if the west had introduced sanctions from hell in 2014, everything would have stopped, but in fact, mostly or most of the sanctions from hell had been introduced. what did not stop, because it turned out that the economy of china and india is sufficient, if you buy oil, if you are an oil country, if you sell oil, so that you continue to exist, much worse, but to exist, nothing so catastrophic happens in the russian economy, which would force the russians to end the war, and this is an important point that there are two economic worlds, the western, let's say, american and
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chinese, this is already an important thing, sino-indian, if you want, take the world... this world is not rich, but you can live on the money of this world, and i am not talking about the fact that the west, on the one hand, imposes sanctions against russia or iran, on the other hand , is increasing its level of cooperation with china, which in turn trades with russia , iran, you know, it's a vicious circle, the west itself, with its trade with china and india , creates conditions for them to trade with russia or iran, right? so... there is no magic circle of escape, so let's just have a few thesis: thesis one: russia cannot be forced to end the war through sanctions pressure, russia can be forced to end the war only through military attrition, as it is trying to exhaust ukraine. the second thesis: a small country with no president zelensky says 40 million, now our territories say
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30 million. in any case, it cannot win in a long-term war with... a more populated and nuclear country. ukraine can defeat russia or at least ensure its own existence on the political map of the world only as a part collective event. this is not a war between ukraine and russia. ukraine cannot be at war with russia for a long time. this is reality. you have to open your eyes to see it. but as part of the event, ukraine can fight and achieve peace from russia. but. for this, the measure has to make decisions that it does not want to make. these are security guarantees for ukraine, at least for the part that is under. control of the legitimate ukrainian government, the longer the war continues, the greater the crisis will be in the western countries themselves,
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radical politicians from the extreme right will come to power and ultra-left parties, the west will be destabilized, the longer western politicians , fearing a nuclear conflict with russia, postpone such decisions, the more reality the united states will lose its geopolitical role and... reformatting, and maybe the collapse of the european project. the west, as it has always been in its history, in the history of european nations, this is not new for me, receives both shame and war as a result. the longer he delays this logical decision, the more i, no, no, i won't promise as i said yesterday to a good friend of mine, who was telling me how wonderful it would be to win. trump, i told him that for him, he just needs to do the simple things as a citizen of the united states of america, see, appreciate and apologize,
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the only problem is, i told him, for his chance to survive after this victory, i don't will even give, i would say, a torn dollar, because the level of danger for citizens of the civilized world in the event of such processes, and it is not only trump's victory, will increase in times. and you will see all this with your own eyes, we may even become the periphery of this conflict, what was the real reason for orbán's visit to ukraine, now we see that he is also going to moscow, he is the first prime minister of hungary in 12 years to come here to us, met with the president, declared about certain peace agreements and a peace plan, which he also has, and what is behind all this, mr. vitaliy, prime minister of hungary. tried to find his place in the family of european politicians, he tried, i would say, to migrate from the family conservatives to a family of far-right
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european politicians, he saw that he was not expected, and he decided to go to abank, this is quite a strong move, he decided to create his own political family and impose his own agenda on europe, so to speak those people who are more realistic in their attitude to crises than the whole political one. the spectrum, relatively speaking, from olaf scholz, a social democrat from germany, to giorgi meloni, a post-fascist from italy, who did not accept orbán in her faction because he does not support ukraine. orban voiced his proposals in kyiv, i do not rule out that he can voice them in moscow as well, or maybe petr siyarto will be in moscow, who, by the way, immediately spoke with sergey lavrov. at least orban shows that the european leader can talk to both kyiv and moscow. and i would like to remind you what is included in the price of this. viktor orban and his associates in this new faction in the european parliament, some of whom will soon come to power in austria, others were in power in the czech republic, this is such a process, these are not just some marginals, no, these are people,
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who will rule and will rule europe, so in the price of these people there are two important leaders, this is the head of the people's republic of china xizen ping, who was recently in budapest, and donald trump, to whom viktor orbán recently flew, who, do you think, could become the next president of the united states. and viktor orbán wants to be, i would say, a representative of the interests of these people in the europe of the future, and then with him, as an ambassador, an informal ambassador to beijing and washington at the same time, you can imagine which party, they will be forced to reckon with macron, and maloney, and scholz, and sanchez. it can be said that orbán would like to be, if not the ambassador of china and the united states. it is also possible for russia in europe, and with such an informal mediator and such a leader of the new europe, this is what he wants to attack, it is interesting,
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you have drawn difficult scenarios, but we need to look at it all, analyze it, and in particular, you said that that trump's victory can be far from easy for the americans themselves, today is the independence day of the united states of america , thursday. we have the united states to thank to the states, to thank their people, to congratulate them on this great day, because it was a great day in the history of mankind, the day of independence of the united states, and to wish americans good sense. at this point, we move on to our large studio, the tailor. we already have guests in our studio that we are ready to introduce, we are working live. you can also watch us on the espresso tv channel, on the nta tv channel, on youtube, you can even comment on this broadcast there, set your favorites and we ask you to do this, if you watch us there, it is important,
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that youtube makes us more active. and we already represent those who are with us today. serhii pozniak in our studio, lieutenant, veteran, head of the association of entrepreneurs, veterans and thais. mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine. we don't mind applause today. oksana savchuk is with us. people's deputy of ukraine, non-factional all-ukrainian association svoboda represents. mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine, co- chairs the group of inter-parliamentary relations with the republic of poland. mykola golomsha is also with us, a military-political expert, the first deputy prosecutor general in 2003-10 and 2014-19. yaroslav yurchyshyn, people's deputy of ukraine, voice faction. yuriy tenasiychuk's work? yes, yuriy tenasiychuk, a lawyer also in our studio. you know, there are empty chairs behind you, since the beginning
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of the full-scale attack on the russian federation , we for... would make a decision that we will not have an audience in our studio, because there are too many risks, although we have a bomb shelter here, and now, in principle, let's put it this way, the logic of air alarms suggests that at such a time, when the project comes out, the great one speaks lviv, they are extremely rare, and the fact that we applauded all our guests today makes us think that we will work to restore our audience, but these will be people with a civic position, these... will be people , who will also express their opinions, and not just be in the studio as extras, this is a good gesture, because you were the first to introduce a respected veteran, whom we all simply could not applaud, and this is another tradition of the project, says velikiy lviv, mr. mykola knyazhytskyi, look, this week from the point of view of international statements, not events, probably still a statement, very saturated, orban in kyiv, zelensky tells bloomberg that
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he is not against a conversation. talk to trump about his peace proposals, then you say that if trump has other views on helping ukraine and the 40 million people of ukraine, this is almost a direct quote from zelenskyi, then ukraine and he, as the president of this country, should at least prepare for what does trump want if he becomes the president of the united states of america, then catch up, putin says that he seems to finished. to return to the format of the istanbul negotiations, but i am sure that the ukrainian people, as well as the ukrainian people , are most likely not ready for such a format, because we remember what happened in these istanbul negotiations, but nevertheless, the concentration of statements of this of the week about having to talk about something is very high, what do you associate it with, well, first of all, i think that everyone needs to cool down, the first ones who should talk and
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who talked... and the winners are the armed forces of ukraine, because they only talk, and not only are talking, and the second ones who should be talking are the people of ukraine, who will never agree to any treasonous position towards their state, due to the fact that they have already suffered enormous sacrifices and have a huge history, and these are the ones we should listen to. when we talk about politicians, each of them has their own interests, beliefs, situations, despite the fact that i am in the opposition, i have nothing to criticize in these international negotiations and volodymyr zelensky tracks, for example, because he he behaves correctly, and so do i it seems that we, as ukrainians , should now least interfere in the internal political situation in the united states of america, it is a big country that supports democracy everywhere in the world, we have bipartisan support there, they are always trying to sway us to one side or the other , we are tempted to comment on something, we don't know what will happen there, because the republican party is also heterogeneous, and trump will change
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his ... position, because there is some narrow circle of far-right people there who support him, who lost everything that was in the congress united united states of america, and when trump told johnson to support the ukrainian project and ukrainian financing, he expressed his position. we don't know what will happen if trump wins, because after all, we got tomos when trump was president, we got the first weapons, and no one said that trump would win. that's why we have to be very careful here, talk to everyone, be kind to all american politicians. open and grateful that they all support us, it is very important for us. another important one statements made by president volodymyr zelenskyi, in this interview bloomberg referred to that, and the journalist asked him about what he could say about this stalemate, this is how he characterized it, which is at the front, and the president, well, right here and it's clear why he answers like that, we can look at this quote that he said that...


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