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tv   [untitled]    July 4, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm EEST

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reports from the hottest points of the front. svobodalai, frankly and unbiased. you draw your own conclusions. mykola tyshchenko inspected state institutions for almost a year as part of a temporary investigative commission, which did not exist. how is this possible and who crushed andriy yermak's godfather? we will analyze today in svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur, but we will start from the front, where russian troops occupied a new area in chasovoy yar. after several months of fighting, the russian troops occupied all of them.
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kanal microdistrict on the eastern outskirts of chasovoy yar. see exactly where the canal is located, this residential and industrial district is separated from the city center by the siverskyi donets-donbass canal. the armed forces of ukraine reported today that ukrainian troops withdrew from the canal district, although the russian ministry of defense reported on the capture of the district yesterday. chasiv yar, like any other city attacked by russia in donbas, fades into the background. this was the case with maryinka, avdiivka, this is what the times look like now, this video was published today on the battalion's social media pages special purpose donbas. chasiv yar, i remind you, stands at a height, if the russian troops establish full control over the city, they will potentially be able to use it as a bridgehead for advancing in the direction of the cities of kramatorsk and slavyansk. see what the situation was like in temporary yar at the end of june, when ukrainian forces still held rayonkanal.
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it's even worse, we'll just leave the house, we'll sit here while it's quiet, no one is going anywhere, how many people have already died, how many are injured, we'll leave like this, we'll sit and let's run, and run, we'll get out, sit and run and that's it, the khan won't come to me right away, they'll come in, i'll have a khan right away, ukrainian surname, ukrainian family name, you don't think of leaving,
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we are at least half of the means of the eagles that they fly, we could overlap, it would be much more difficult for the enemy, much more difficult, and in connection with the fact that we simply do not have the air... well, the most difficult thing is that, unfortunately, no one can understand that we are not human resources we will win, no matter how many people you can drive here, even a million, you will not build a defense, due to the fact that we don't have those resources, the strength of the means that the enemy prevails in, that is, we can stabilize the war at least in this direction, so to speak, give the enemy the opportunity to advance this further, if we will...
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we will win at the expense of technical means. ivan petrychak, a representative of the press service of the 24th separate mechanized brigade named after king danylo, joined our broadcast. congratulations. i congratulate you. let's start with the official information to detail and understand. today, the armed forces reported that the ukrainian military had withdrawn from the kanal district. what does the seizure of this neighborhood by the russian troops in the time gap mean? in fact, there is no change in the defense of the time ravine, it does not make any changes, the defense of the city continues, if there is an opportunity to look at the map, then we will see that this channel of all faiths donets-donbass is actually now a conditional line of confrontation, where we stand on one side , on the other side of the enemy, the district was destroyed completely and to preserve life.
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personnel, and our troops left from there, but it remains tense at the same place, and as a matter of fact, this line and... battles are taking place, we can say that since this morning the city has become significantly quieter, it can, well, we are talking about the fact that the number of enemy art shelling has decreased, and this can mean, in principle, that most likely the enemy is regrouping there, but again, the line of defense, this siberian donets-donbas along the canal is standing and in fact the defense of the city continues, but on the other side of the canal, as i understand it, the ukrainian military is no longer there. so we can talk about it, huh, but why do you say that there is nothing, nothing fundamental will change in the defense, if this is so, then what was the point of standing there, and i say that nothing has fundamentally changed, because our plans
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to hold this city will not change, because everyone perfectly understands that the city stands on high ground, and the loss of this of the city, well... this cannot be allowed, so the defense of the city continues because of this, and just like it happened with any other populated place where the russians came and tried to implement their plans there, we break these plans, if we talk about other settlements where russian troops used there the same tactics as in the temporary yar, this is, for example, the use of kabiv, then all these cities have already fallen, avdiyivka, bakhmut, what chances does the russian army have to capture the times, you know, i even... you are an analyst about the chances of the enemy i would not like to talk, we are talking about the actual, well, i am talking about what is actually happening now, that i see that the enemy's forces and means are being reduced every day, because we are destroying them both in terms of manpower and
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equipment, but are there fewer of them at the front, no, they bring new ones, and that's actually what now, before my inclusion , one of our commanders on the spot said that as long as you are here... the enemy is not destroyed, he does not feel any strong losses in the amount of mobilization resources, right? so that's it. and with that in mind, is there a chance to save the times and keep those, as you say, heights? we are holding them now. how many enemies are trying to capture chasiv? year? well, it still seems to me that it is less, because the active offensive has begun, i guess, after all ... we say that the enemy is advancing and just as we are trying, as we try to restrain the offensive and
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accumulate our forces and resources in a certain place, so does the enemy, when he is freed, here are these forces and resources, he throws them in a new direction, he can throw them, so this is the answer to your question . i, unfortunately, i didn’t fully understand, but let’s say that what you say, that the city, we know that the city is on the commanding heights, what gives in the military plan of holding the city for the ukrainian army, well , except that it is ukrainian territory, of course, it is nobody questions, absolutely true, every meter of our land is very valuable for us, but equally valuable are the people who keep everything, and you rightly said before that that it is likely to be captured. possible capture , plans to capture this city for the enemy open a bridgehead for the accumulation of troops and further advance, to such settlements as drushkivka, kramatorsk, slavyansk , the same, uh, they can become the next
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targets in the event that russian troops capture the times, well we don't fight in a vacuum we understand that the enemy does not fight for the settlement of the times as separate units. it's just one of the settlements where the russians are trying to pass it in order to move on, what are the goals, yes, that's another question, ivan, but tell me, please, do you know what's happening in the time gap, we were showing the video, it was at the end of june, civilians still remained there, how many civilians remain there, do you see these people, in what conditions are they staying there, without a doubt the press service of the 24th brigade works for me on the spot and in a time crunch. and i see these people, yes it is clear that a part of those people remain in the city who, despite everything, if it were not difficult, do not want to leave the settlement, just as it was in bakhmut, the same avdiivka, what percentage is this, i cannot tell you the figure,
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but these there are people, isolated cases, but they exist, people remain, people live, survive, under what conditions? without electricity, without water, without communications, absolutely just in ruins, it is clear that the city is collapsing, the city already looks like a ruin, because if we are talking about... the same across the canal, district canal, it is completely destroyed, there is not a single whole building there, the situation is the same, to some extent, in the inner part of the city, because the russians also threw and throw there, and the same tosas and artillery fire at them, destroy the city, they simply destroy the city in a planned way, push city, and from this it is clear that the houses of these people who remain there also fall under this russian shelling. and ivan, the other day we quoted
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the commander of the mechanized battalion of the 24th brigade in the telegram channel of the 24th brigade, where he said that this city is impossible defend only with people, more means are needed, i don’t know, i took it as a hint that the ukrainian military lacks something there, maybe it’s a false assumption that with support, it was the same commander that you just had, he had a direct language, he had in mind beforehand. it is certain that drones, rep systems, and other technical means are needed, and people, of course, but very much, this is the opinion of all the commanders in the field, that there was such hope for this law on mobilization, and what about this law in force and will change, everyone will want to join the army, but what we see now, the main backbone, of course it works and people are coming, but the main backbone that holds the blow and repels these attacks. holding the front, these are the people who came in at the start of the full-scale invasion by themselves and are still here,
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tired, but they are working, why did you, why did you think that the mobilization law would somehow provide an instant replenishment of reserves? i am talking about the fact that this is the opinion of the commanders on the ground, you will understand me correctly, and about the provision, i mean not people, huh? drones, guns, do you have something to occupy your time? and it is clear that, compared to the enemy, our resources, if the enemy’s are not limited, then we still have goals for which we, for example, spend the bull or do not spend it, if conditionally for any goal that moves, the enemy can send 6, 10 drones at once, 10 pilots one after the other, one infantryman is hunted, then we don't have that... is it clear what and what does this mean? this means that
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we are fighting with the overwhelming forces of the enemy, and no matter how many troops you have now or people, it will still be difficult. it means just that. ivan, i just want to summarize from what you said, whether i understood you correctly, that the loss of the kanal neighborhood by ukrainian forces is globally on defense. the time gap is not indicated by your words, as of now it does not affect the defense of the time gap in strategic terms, i don’t know what you would call it, but the siver channel, this donets-donbas channel, it remains in fact a demarcation line, so you you understood me correctly, thank you very much, ivan petrychak, representative of the press service of the 24th separate mechanized brigade named after king danylo, we talked about what the consequences might be after... the ukrainian troops withdrew from the kanal neighborhood in chasovoy yar. thank you very much. well, then we will talk about showman,
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restaurateur and part-time deputy mykola tyshchenko, as well as about his influence, which he acquired and used, having a deputy mandate and representing the temporarily non-existent investigative commission of the verkhovna rada, but everything is in order. so, mykola tyshchenko is now under under house arrest, literally the day before he appealed... his preventive measure, but did not appeal to the appellate court and further left tyshchenko under 24-hour house arrest, which was assigned to him on june 25. tyshchenko, let me remind you, is suspected of illegally depriving a former military man of his freedom in dnipro, it happened on june 20, when men in balaclavas and camouflage pounced on a civilian, tried to put handcuffs on his hands, and beat him. the attackers are probably tyshchenko's bodyguards, and the nardep himself was hanging around, we can see it on the video. tyshchenko... his denies involvement in the attack, yesterday in court he stated that he never used the services of bodyguards and repeated the well-known
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thesis that in dnipro he worked as part of the work of the temporary investigative commission of the verkhovna rada, abbreviated tsk. please read the website of the verkhovna rada, well, it just says that it is not valid, on may 23, well, since the 23rd, what resources do we have for the investigative commission? well , now about tsk, what is it to begin with, the temporary investigative commission of the verkhovna rada is a temporary body that forms. of people's deputies who undertake to investigate whether another matter, as a rule, which is of great interest to society. well, for example, when there was another russian breakthrough in the kharkiv region, the deputies created the tsk to investigate what problems there were with the fortifications. in october 2022, tyshchenko initiated the creation of tsk natsresurs. it was supposed to investigate possible facts of inefficient
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activity of the state agency of forest and water resources and the state co-inspector. during the following year, tyshchenko reported on his social networks how he rechecks forest farms, how he inspects the felling of trees, tyshchenko even produced a special uniform for this tsk, everything is very solid, as you can see, but as the movement honestly found out, at the beginning of may 23rd, the verkhovna rada did not approve the interim report of the forestry commission, so it ceased its activities, and tyshchenko - no, he continued to travel around the country with inspections of various institutions, and what is interesting, as part of the work... of the long-defunct tsk on deforestation, the subject of tyshchenko's attention at some point became not only the forests and trees themselves, but also call centers, well, actually in the dnipro, according to him , he was allegedly just exposing illegality the work of call centers. yesterday at the court , tyshchenko said that his tsc is working, they say, let the prosecutors check it better, and this information was checked, although not by the prosecutors.
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it turned out that after tsk natsresurs stopped working in the verkhovna rada, tyshchenko's assistant. andriyevska, who, by the way, also appeared in the video together with him in dnipro, registered the public organization tsk natsresurs. this was revealed by the movement honestly. that is, tyshchenko carried out a check from a public organization, which was called the same as temporary investigative commission of the verkhovna rada, well, it turns out like this. actually, we will talk about what happened and how this story can develop further. sofia lazarova, an analyst of the chesno movement, joins our broadcast. sofia, i congratulate you. congratulations. let's explain ours. to begin with , what is the matter here, that tyshchenko is there, or did his entourage register the public organization tsk national resource, which bore a similar name to the temporary investigative commission of the verkhovna rada, which was also called tsk national resource, what did this give tyshchenko, well, actually a temporary investigative commission and
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public organization tsk, this is not the same thing, because within the framework of temporary investigative commissions, deputies have... powers, they can summon some involved persons to a meeting to receive some testimonies, and they can also enter various institutions under two conditions : by presenting the certificate of a people's deputy and by presenting a power of attorney from the relevant investigative commission, and accordingly, it is unlikely that a person, like any person who will create a public organization with the name tsk, has the same rights, so it is certain manipulation by a people's deputy, and how did he help, how did help help him? was this story then? well, accordingly, he continued to report that he works within the tsk, we do not know exactly which tsk narde aptyshchenko meant, because at the time when he reported about various institutions, he said that he worked for the tsk, but he was no longer a member of any temporary investigative commission, and he did not initiate the creation of
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any new one, and the previous one, regarding forests, had already ceased at that time. activity, that is why such a situation has arisen, but look, a people's deputy, he can go wherever he wants with the id card of a people's deputy, and for this it is not necessary to have some tsk behind his back, or a real tsk, or a public organization of the tsk, why then was tyshchenko from above, having a deputy's mandate, cover tsk national resource, he could come and inspect deforestation or not, i don't... i don't know how it is with deforestation, that is, a temporary investigative commission, they give deputies additional powers regarding these inspections, and therefore not i know whether he could use it there simply within the framework of the parliamentary powers, and why he decided that it was worth creating another investigative commission, and why he did not after its closure, what were
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the personal motives of the people's deputy, this is already a question for the investigation, and by the way, what you found out is... the law enforcement officers were somehow interested in this information, are you tracking this moment, that tyshchenko also created tsk national resource? i know that at least at the court hearing, which concerned this latest incident in the dnipro, he noted that the prosecutors noted that he did not provide any evidence of the existence of the investigative commission itself, and the people's deputy said that he denied that it had lost its validity at all, said to look more closely at the website of the verkhovna rada, which clearly states that the previous the temporary investigative commission ceased its activities, therefore, in principle, i understand that within the framework of this case on the bypass in dnipro as well... the investigation is finding out whether this investigative commission existed or not, and if not, then in within the framework of which authority then
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passed with these inspections. sofia, tell me please, who in principle, if of course this should have happened, who in principle could, or should, or was obliged to pay attention to the fact that tyshchenko did this openly, reported about it openly in his social networks, he stated, that i carry out an inspection in... works of tska. you say that on the website of the verkhovna rada it was stated in black and white that tsk is no longer working. should anyone have paid attention to this, well , at least before it was investigated, for example, by rukh chenso, or even before tyshchenko fought his bodyguard there in the dnipro? well, if it is about the abuse of deputies or other officials with some kind of authority, then the state bureau of investigation deals with this in our country, which actually handed over this latest suspicion to the dnipro incident. therefore, in fact, law enforcement agencies of the dpr in the first place. yes, then i will probably forward this question once again to our one more guest, ihor friz, people's
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deputy, servant of the people and representative of the verkhovna rada committee on legal affairs, will join us. i think he got 134 or 136 votes out of 226, and thus the temporary investigator herself the commission ceased its activities. but mykola continued to use the name of the temporary investigative commission. and national resources, i will explain to you what the dog was doing here, it was such a cunning move, he created, he and other colleagues created an inter-factional deputy association, which was called the temporary investigative commission nasresurs, and it looks like there would be oil- oil and taftology, but thanks to this to say that they carried out their activities in accordance with the powers of the temporary investigative commission, or in accordance with of the inter-factional deputy association, which was called the temporary investigative... national resource commission, we have no, no understanding. most likely, it was in such and such legal casuistry that a way out of this provision was found, when the commission was not
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supported by the deputies of the verkhovna rada and ceased to exist. and yet , look, when, when, well, we all saw who subscribed to tyshchenko, or who didn't, he did it very loudly, we see that the people's deputy carries out some kind of inspection of forests or call centers there, he is clear about it declares, we are working temporarily. commission, something here, so we are inspecting, all of you in the verkhovna rada, well, almost all of you there, understand absolutely clearly that there is no such investigative commission for the time being, their report has not been approved . what is mykola doing, whose interests does he represent? look, if god forbid, tomorrow i'm going to go around and say that i'm acting on behalf of the congress of the united states of america, do you think that will interest the congress of the united states of america, i think. which is unlikely, that is mykola mykolayovych went and presented himself in accordance with the powers of the inter-factional parliamentary association, and specifically the interests
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of the verkhovna rada, specifically the temporary investigative commission, or the powers of the verkhovna rada in such a case, he absolutely did not exercise them. and instead, were there really appeals? yes, there were appeals, and there were appeals, i think, including an appeal in the name of the head of the supreme court from the state enterprise forests of ukraine. council of ukraine, to which the same answer was given that the temporary investigative commission stopped its work activity, i am not sure whether it was from the environmental inspection, but it seems that the ecologists also sent a corresponding appeal to the chairman of the verkhovna rada and to the committees of the verkhovna rada on the question of whether such a commission really exists, to which he was given the answer that the commission does not exists, but walking around and pretending that you are an authorized representative of one or another body, well, that seems to me to be a certain crime. or a crime that entails the presence of the elements of the corresponding crime, which is provided for by the norm of the criminal code, i just i wanted to ask you how
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these actions of tyshchenko can be interpreted then, you say a crime, well at least an excess of authority, at least an excess of authority or what do you think belongs to the category of official crimes, and mykola tyshchenko, someone crushed when he committed this crime, as you say, or he himself. it is difficult, well, i think that if, if he is suspected of being involved in this and that crime, then the investigative bodies will check the existence of certain connections, whether they existed or not were, but i remember that he not only - his activities did not only extend to the forest or ecology there, i remember that i saw him once in the ivano-frankivsk region, when he came to inspect the roads, and then there was a question of what... to the head of the head - who was involved in the road kuberkov seems to me to be involved in the roads and the question arose precisely in...
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is prime minister kubrakov fully performing his activities, just at this time i saw mykola the deputy prime minister, yes on the roads and i started to wonder if it wasn't you know, such a balance or check or, under the ground, that the chair wobbled under kubrakov, but it was, i think, in the summer of the previous year, and it did not lead to anything, but kubrakov still, as we can see, the verkhovna rada is free. and yet, what do you think, did someone crush tyshchenko, did he do it with someone's tacit consent, what you yourself qualify as a crime, look, first of all, i don't qualify as a crime, i qualify a crime as an investigation, defines a crime only the court, we have, okay, well, absolutely, and i'm a civilian, i'm not a criminologist and not a criminologist, that is, here the question is still before the court and we have the presumption of innocence, and let's put a key key to our key feature on this, or not? did he
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do it himself or not, well, he at least positioned himself as the head of this temporary investigative commission and he performed all the powers personally, he went to inspections himself, there really were a lot of things that he, well , made public, let's be honest, he made public such shocking things happened when e there or in one place or another, and by the way, many criminal cases have been initiated, this is because during the period of activity of the temporary investigative commission, when it worked for these six months, many criminal cases were initiated regarding... illegal mining of sand and gravel mixture in the rivers of illegal logging, i remember a case was opened about, i think, 40 cubic meters of oak, somewhere he found that there were unaccounted for, well, let's say whether this stimulated or did not stimulate the violators of this law to stop their criminal activities , well, not ready for you to say, but at least it’s really so, that ’s how it was, i have a question for sofia at the time, sofia,
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you are a lot of the movement... a lot of research into the activities of people’s deputies, do you think, could tyshchenko have any patrons, or did he have such a broad power that he could do it himself without any roofs, roofs and so on, it is quite a difficult question, i don’t think that i could name any names now, i think that the people’s deputy himself has quite broad powers authority to come and present himself as a people's deputy, and already on they can open some doors for him in this way and let him go somewhere with checks, and we do not know what mykola tyshchenko said on the spot when he arrived, and why they were not interested, maybe the people to whom he was coming, whether it was really him, what documents he had to provide , does this temporary investigative commission really work there, or under what powers did he come to them? and even more so he looked so solid with those in
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caps. with the tsk logo. sofya, thank you very much, sofya lazarova, an analyst of the honest movement. and we continue to talk with igor fries. igor, look, today, or rather the day before, when the appellate court there was deciding whether to keep mykola tyshchenko under house arrest, his lawyers said that mykola should be released, because if he stays at home, he will not be able to attend meetings of the verkhovna rada , and if he will not be able to attend the meeting of the council, then the activity of the verkhovna rada will be. paralysed, i don’t know, maybe someone believed it, but you tell me, what does the absence of a specific, even such an active deputy, affect, you know, well, it doesn’t affect, er, it doesn’t affect units do not affect the actions of the verkhovna rada, let's put it this way, we have several people's deputies today in one way or another deprived of the opportunity to be present at the meetings of the verkhovna rada, some of them are suspected of treason and they are .


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