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tv   [untitled]    July 5, 2024 12:30am-1:00am EEST

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the sos, where he in particular talks to a person who can really influence his decision, this is of course the head of the people's republic of china, xi jinping, with whom erdogan also had a very important conversation there, but more on that later, please. in your opinion, what makes putin now say that let's do at least something, let's do at least istanbul, at least something, because if you read some people who influence the consciousness there, they say that that's it, your economy is falling, you will lose, he doesn't have weapons, that one doesn't, that one no, yes, ms. ivanna has disappeared, but she will appear now, i am convinced, but i understand that there may be problems with communication, and even then it arises, i will continue this topic, then you, you must understand that even this one, not that she is stingy, such a stingy politician, although he actually very often tells lies, putin manipulates the facts, lies, twists the facts, i am not talking about history, he is not a historian, that is why these excursions of his are historical, it is basically so except for some er... some thriller
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movie, but one that could burn like that putin, what will he say now: let's make the istanbul agreements again? i think that we are seeing not the first time in the last few weeks, maybe a month, putin's attempt to tell something that he has some kind of vision of his plan to end the war, but this plan, whatever he announces. in different variations, it has nothing to do with e, well, reality, it has nothing to do with international law, it has nothing to do with e negotiations as such, it only has some kind of vision of putin regarding what, how, what in a way he can destroy ukraine, and this, well , he repeats it in different variations, on different platforms, where he thinks that he is heard, and precisely... this shanghan organization, that one,
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this is the platform where he thinks that those representatives of those countries who hear him, who are ready to accept his vision of an authoritarian world, a new order, which russia, because of chaos and the destruction of the world order, because of the destruction of respect for borders, for self-determination, for independence, is trying to break through destruction and seizure of the occupation of ukraine, i am here... in this on the last topic, but it is also very important to understand the diplomatic terminology, as well as to understand what is actually meant there, the self-proclaimed ruler of russia continues that the istanbul agreements will supposedly suit ukraine, well, somewhere he has such information, i don’t know, because it seems to them initialed, what does initialed mean, if even that happened in the early spring of '22, i don't know, i don't think that information has been released yet, but if... he's not lying, although
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it's very hard to believe, well would suddenly what does he mean by initialing, so what should we do now, what does initialing mean? initialing means that the representative of ukraine, the head of the delegation signed the document agreed upon by the parties during its final agreement, and there, and this is like the first link in providing the document. moment of some kind of right to life, usually when one or another party agrees to a document, it signs every page of this document, and that means to initial, so we heard that the ukrainian side initialed the istanbul agreement exclusively from the russian side, we heard neither refutation nor confirmation of this information from the representatives of the ukrainian delegation, which then... participated in the negotiations, but
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it seems to me that also, er, if putin had this initialed document , i.e. with the signature of the head of the ukrainian delegation, he should have made it public, this definitely does not mean that this is some document that - well , has acquired some legal weight, but because a lot has changed since then, a lot, a lot of effort was reported on... the very front by the ukrainian armed forces, ukrainian society, the ukrainian people so that this is the pressure exerted by the russian federation, on which we do not know, again , whether the ukrainian side succumbed or not at that moment, as the official, official representatives of ukraine, and so that this document did not have any possibility at all for further continuation of life, i think that we should insist on the fact that... that ukraine, with
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the support of our partners, should find itself in that military economic situation and... condition to the one that will allow us to be in a position of strength, the opportunity to talk with the russian federation, this is critically important so that this country, which violates the basic principles of the existence of the world, is forced to do so because of the pressure of sanctions, because of our victories, because of our capabilities. due to political pressure, due to isolation pressure, she was forced to accept, to return to respect, to the rules according to which the world existed before this war. well, of course, we understand that on the eve of the nato summit, ukraine was at least
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promised good news on the eve of the summit on air defense, antony blinkin spoke about it, on the eve of this summit, of course, this statement of putin probably could not fail to resonate. because we understand that ukraine can get what it wants, what it needs, in an interview with bloomberg volodymyr zelenskyi, the president of ukraine said that we have 14 reserve brigades, well , a brigade on average, well not on average, according to regular by painting, it is somewhere around 4-500 military personnel, plus the necessary nomination of weapons there, he says that we have 14 brigades, well, let it be 400 on average military personnel to count, it is easy to count more than 50 thousand people, without weapons, and only the summit on... that is a good statement about, let's arm these 14 brigades and then see what the situation will be at the front, plus planes, plus air defense, plus long-range, plus permission to strike not for 100 km, for 200-300, then let's talk about the istanbul agreements, don't you want to talk about them anymore, but it is very important to understand, this is the statement of the president, who says frankly that
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there are people, well, we ready to fight, there are people, 14 brigades, that's a lot, in fact, it's a lot, if they are still prepared, coordinated, that's great, good commanders, super, weapons, and then let's talk about... the front, will there be weapons and what should be expected on the eve of the summit, in terms of ukraine being able to get something that will make putin again to come up with some, maybe other options already, and maybe not to talk about negotiations, but to talk about not fighting is simple, let's finish, and i will withdraw my troops from ukraine, i think that there will definitely be weapons, but it's really a shame , which is far from all, but obligations which are declared... as quickly as we need, implemented in life, it concerns, well, various supplies, various types of weapons, various, various defensive weapons as well, which are also critically important for us, and for us now it is important that and as
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our partners internally mobilized for increased supply of these weapons, this is the first, so we, as ukrainians, should mobilize not only from the point of view. recruitment of defenders to the armed forces of ukraine, to the defense forces of ukraine, as well as regarding the production of weapons, the repair of weapons, the functioning of an economy that would function precisely as a military, as a military economy, and this is critically necessary, not all of these things have been done by ukraine today, and this must also be recognized very clearly and everything should be changed here. but as for whether it can change putin's attitude, i am convinced that it can, i am convinced that only through the efforts of the civilized world, which would support ukraine, we can achieve a change in the situation, this does not mean that ukraine should
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scatter its efforts there , so that to collect the next pictures for the next peace summit. or sign some series of agreements, which are not necessarily anything at all, that is anything like that, on guarantees, on security, but should focus on getting weapons in the largest quantities in the fastest time in order to be able to defend ourselves, its civilian population and prevent the enemy from occupying new territories, ourselves... before ensuring his expulsion from our territories, i am convinced that this is possible, only this again requires the combined efforts of all and everyone's work together for one result, and not a constant pursuit of some
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kind of pictures that give a lot of publicity in the press, but do not bring us closer to the result that is critically necessary in this existential war for us. you know, when the russian side, the aggressor country, the enemy, they say that, well, in particular, if we are talking about orban's visit to kyiv, they say, no, it was not about national interests, it was simply about brussels interests. obligations, well, hungary presides over the eu, no let's go, we don't know what's going on there, nothing, ah, but, but, when they say that we don't know anything, nothing is happening, there is always the idea that it's obvious, maybe some kind of message or something like that, lightning in the sense not the one that came from the sky, but the one that the informant could bring, i am not convinced, i do not know, but viktor orban to president zelensky, at least come with some proposals, why, because here... after the visit to kyiv, it is supposedly so simple , well, we just had to come, testify, after all, we are in charge, show, and
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for the information of radio liberty, maybe there is more updated information, i haven't seen it yet, with a reference to a source in the hungarian government, well, i kind of trust radio liberty, actually, and viktor orbán has to go to moscow on july 5th, as early as tomorrow, and here of course, well, even a person who is not friends with logic, she has doubts that it is obvious... there was kyiv, now moscow, perhaps, after all, the role is such a carrier of information, or a person who wants to be an intermediary, at least in transmission of this or that information, orban speaks, or you in don't believe it, and it's just a coincidence? this is certainly not a coincidence, but it is a separate part of the show that mr. orbán plays in order to present himself as a capable peacemaker, one of those pretenders. for this role, it has nothing, again, in common with reality, i am convinced that his visit first of all took place
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under the pressure of partners, countries, members of the european union and, well, an effort to maintain a good face with a bad game, with all these ultimatums, which hungary expressed to ukraine at the start of membership negotiations in the european union, with all these sticks. in the wheels so that the european union and nato could help ukraine in the military sphere, these are all these things, orban did not refuse them. he made some incomprehensible statements here, which i really agree with those experts who say that it is more like a chinese plan than a russian plan, without understanding how it can in any way lead to peace, but these calls for a cease-fire are incomprehensible, ukraine should... be asked to cease fire, or should we finally say the russian federation to stop attacking
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an independent sovereign state and to withdraw its troops from the territory of the sovereign state of ukraine and to stop attacking, occupying, destroying, destroying the territory of another country, this would then be some kind of real peacekeeping, and in this way, i think that orban is trying to stuff himself with additional price, including... among his colleagues in the european union, or somewhere to pretend that certain autocracies will hear him and will offer him some kind of investment in exchange for free cheese, which happens only in myšelovka, and it seems to me that these are great mistakes of prime minister orbán, which are critical and negative in the future for hungary and for hungarians and for the european union, well, unfortunately, we can... i'm just watching this now, but it will be interesting to see where viktor orban will fly after moscow
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, i won't be surprised if viktor orban goes to beijing, by the way , i'm just here, he knows, well , if you want, you can say a few words, but these are also expected things. recep erdogan, who also arrived in kazakhstan for the summit shanghai cooperation organization, in which china, russia, the aggressor country , recep erdogan, is the president. of the republic told sydzenpin that the war, well, he once again reminded that the war in ukraine has global threats, and hinted that it is supposed to be worth it, it should be stopped, well, one more person who clearly claims the role of a peacemaker, at least he already has this role he tried himself on in the spring of the 22nd, when the istanbul negotiations actually took place after the belarusian negotiations. now i want to ask you, and maybe you will too will you give any wishes to a man who... uh, who is known as an iron general, but now maybe we will know him as, i don't know,
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effective, i won't say, brilliant, i don't know, but let there be an effective diplomat, today at 11 :35 general zaluzhny crossed the border of ukraine, who will now be the ambassador of ukraine to the united kingdom and in the near future, there in the coming days he should begin to perform his functions in london, why did this start of work take so long in the first place, and then - the second thing to expect from valery zaluzhn, his team in working with great britain. well , i would like to explain, maybe for those who don't understand, that when the ambassador comes to the embassy, ​​the team at the embassy is formed right there by the ministry of foreign affairs, and it's not like a person comes and brings the players with him and he can count on them, this is
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the first thing, i sincerely wish the hard-working general, the ambassador. countries in the uk well-deserved success is in a country that is a major partner of ours and that has repeatedly shown leadership over these few years in how it is possible and necessary to act in this situation when russia, when russia is trying to blackmail the whole world, how can you stop the russian federation because of... supporting ukraine, and we are grateful for everything that has been done, i want to believe that ambassador zaluzhny it will be possible to increase even more, sorry for the tautology, to further increase this support for great britain, explaining, perhaps from the point of view of the former commander-in-chief, the priorities, tasks,
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possibilities of seeing this war in general from the point of view of the ukrainian high... a former military serviceman, and today a diplomat. why didn't he go until now? i think it was bank games. and this, once again, is a shameful story, when the presence of the ukrainian ambassador is restrained for months, well actually years, because i want to remind you that we have not had an ambassador there for quite a long time and there has been no effective, high-quality, professional truce diplomat. was dismissed because of such, you know, personal problems with the perception of the president of ukraine, not because of his inefficiency or because of his hard work, so i i want to believe that general ambassador zaluzhnyi will maintain his independent assessment of the situation, will
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deeply study the practices of diplomatic work and he will succeed in everything, but i really want to. to say that in an interview with the lithuanian publication elta zooms, dmytro kuleva, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, said that decisions are being prepared that will allow ukraine to destroy russian bombers. well, i understand that this is also about strategic bombers, we are talking about, perhaps, those carriers, daggers, could, well, let's see, i want to believe that after all, without fuss, secretly, and this is always very effective, those decisions are being prepared. about which putin probably guesses somewhere, so he really wants to sit down at some table, at least with some papers that he considers sufficient for signing them and trusting russia, which signed an agreement with us on cooperation, commonwealth, and friendship and cooperation , the budesh memorandum, russia signed a lot of things that if they were all implemented, then we would have forgotten about the existence of this country, but it violated all this,
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mr. vasyl, and it really violated all this, and it is really important that the big... serious decisions that are critical for ukraine to succeed and for it to be successful, they were preparing without these special announcements, as it was in the 23rd year, when from every iron they shouted about the heralded bank about the counteroffensive, and realizing that at that moment the help we were counting on for this successful counteroffensive had not yet arrived, so we will assume that that these decisions, these things, they really need silence. and we will be happy only when the attackers begin to destroy the airports of russian military planes, and so that they cannot destroy ukraine and destroy the lives of ukrainians. thank you very much for taking the time, thank you for participating and providing expert comments to our viewers, ivana klympushentsadze, people's
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deputy of ukraine, chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on ukraine's integration into the european union. we talked about the most urgent, well, now the story will come to your attention, then we will talk about why in ukraine, where there is a law on the protection and functioning of the ukrainian language as a state, the development and protection of the ukrainian language, knowledge, communication is not at the level, perhaps, at which it should be, but now the plot is for your attention, back in the gangster 90s, imagine that you have lived peacefully in your house for years. apartment, but one fine day a former prosecutor or a people's deputy knocks on your door and says that you have to sell your home for, well, conditionally 3 kopecks, for refusal, your electricity supply will be cut off. and other communications, it would seem impossible in a democratic state, as ukraine positions itself, but it happened to the hero of our plot, details and
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details, see below. picturesque skhidnytsia in the lviv region, a well-known balneological resort not only in ukraine, but also in the world. mineral water flows here simply from mountain sources, tourists come to rest, breathe the clean mountain air of the carpathians and receive treatment. 15 kilometers from the exit lies the village of maidan, bordering the skolivski beskydy national nature park, a nature reserve with unique flora and fauna the locality has always respected such a neighborhood, it is also appreciated by visitors, this is oleksandr isakov from lviv. he and his family live seasonally in this wooden house purchased in the maidan more than two decades ago. we bought that plot sometime in 2004, we originally bought a house on a different plot, restored it, it was a cradle, only later. then we purchased the plot. oleksandr says that once in 2021, when he was resting in his house with his wife and children, a man came to him and offered to sell real estate and land. to
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i was approached by mr. oleg prots, who wanted to buy my plot. i didn't want to sell, because we're already used to it here, after all, having stayed here for 20 years, we've already grown accustomed to that place. the man continues, a very low and completely non-market price was offered for the house and the land. he at all. he offered some pennies, that is , there were no specifics at all, that is, what he offered, he said that he bought everything around at a very cheap price, so he wanted me to sell it to him for those pennies. the situation worsened during the full-scale war, not agreeing to sell his property for nothing, the man began to receive threats. we did not agree on the price, after which mr. oleg threatened me that then administrative pressure would be applied to me. oleksandr learned from the press that oleg prots is a former scandalously famous prosecutor who, during his service, bought elite... cars and transferred from one prosecutor's office to another, and he also coordinated a kind of gestab-24, one of the volunteer organizations that lvivska ova provided the largest number of permits for
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departure through the path system. in 2023 , ex-prosecutor oleg prots founded this nature park and became the owner of a large recreation complex in the village of maidan on shevchenko street, next door to oleksandr isakov. there was light on the territory of the base to the house. they cut off the light for me, they deliberately cut it off, then there were some... people who walked here, had colic pains, who painted the territory here with some paints. later, according to oleksandr , a people's deputy from the servant of the people ostap began to appear on the territory of the recreation complex shepailo and his father igor. mr. ihor shepailo, i knew this later, i didn't know, the security introduced him to me, that he was the new manager. i came up, we met, that's it. i said that i am a resident of this house. and then svabilya continued. that year, slaghbaun appeared on the road leading to the skolivski bezkydy national park. anya oleksandra. nor could other local residents of chitorysia pass or drive this way, although the road to the reserve is a public road, and no hotel owner has the right to block it. according to that the road that we constantly passed was
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blocked by a gate and there was already a sign - private territory. ihor lesovets is an eco-activist from lviv who promotes a healthy lifestyle, and prykarpattia and skhidnytsia, in particular, are his favorite tourist destinations. a big surprise awaited him when last year he saw that the road to the skolivski baskedy reserve was blocked. constantly. we practice as much as possible, of course, here we go out into the mountains, whether it’s for mushrooms, or just walks, tourist routes, and we didn’t discover, we set, we were faced with the fact, because we came and the road was simply blocked in our place, the illegal blocking of the ihor road, together with other eco-activists, was reported to the law enforcement authorities, criminal proceedings were opened for the fact of arbitrary seizure of the land plot. it was established that on the public highway, going from the territorial car. sliding metal gates are installed on the skhidnytsia pisochna road of state importance to the object of the nature reserve fund. the specified sliding metal gate is installed
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a table labeled private property. entry is strictly prohibited. access to the road had to be restored by the initiator of the cover-up, but the environmental outrage did not stop there. recently, local residents and activists saw the owners of the resort pumping water for their private lake and other needs from water bodies in the forests of the national reserve. walking through the territory one more time, we saw that their borders end much faster than the water intake where they take water. the borders are marked in red on this map the private recreation complex of ex-prosecutor oleg prots, and much higher in the forest on the territory of the reserve is a stream from which the pipes come. during the journalistic investigation, we discovered a whole operating pumping station and many such pipes in many places of the skolivsky national reserve. discharges, thus they also violated the natural course of the stream, i.e. they moved it, ihor lysovets sent a request to
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the state agency of natural resources of ukraine to... find out what permits the owner of the recreation complex oleg prots received for the use of reservoirs of the reserve. the department provided the documents, however, the eco-activist has doubts about their authenticity. they seem to have a special permission to use it, but it is based on fabricated references. here is the first certificate issued by the head of the neighboring village of rybnyk. we see a strange date: march 23 without indicating the year, as well as the signature of the former chairman yaroslav paraschak. the man has not been in office since 2000. 20th year. the second certificate is generally dated 2016. we will remind you that oleg provets nature park was founded in in 2023. after the start of our journalistic investigation, strange things began to happen in the cadastral map of the skhidnytsia territorial community. at the place of the stream, where the violators organized the illegal withdrawal of water. a new yellow clone area has appeared. in shape and size, it resembles the plot of oleg prots and his recreation center. however, by clicking on it, it is impossible to see either the cadastral number, or
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the category, or find out. there are changes in the owners according to the cadastral maps, and we assume that the seizure of land is also taking place, privatization, in what way, maybe they are simply capturing them, maybe they are forging documents, do they know about it in the state land department, we contacted andrii kavetskyi, the head of the main department of the state geocadaster in the lviv region, by the way, the sbi suspects him in the illegal distribution of land in several communities of lviv oblast, it is about recreational land . hello, andrii volodymyrovych, good day, good day, journalists of the espresso tv channel are bothering you, law enforcement agencies suspect you of illegal distribution recreational land of the lviv region, this is not true, these are agricultural land plots, this case was closed six times by different prosecutors, and it was opened again in the 21st year and they gave suspicion, do you know that on the cadastral map within the boundaries of the skolivski beskydy reserve with yellow areas are clones without
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a cadastral number and designation. near the territory of a private recreation complex owned by oleg prots, this is the first time i have heard this, if you have any facts, write a request, we will send it to law enforcement bodies do you have connections with oleg prots, a former prosecutor, and ostap shepail, an acting people's deputy from servant of the people. i declare authoritatively that i do not know these names or these people and have never met them. we also passed on the information obtained during the journalistic dissemination to the head of the skhidnytskyi territorial community, ivan pilyak. how are you. the man knows about the road closure and power cut, but he does not know about the land and environmental violations, just like the one who currently owns the recreation center in the village of maidan, and how new the owners of the base manage the national reserve, with complaints about the sable , the council should turn to the law enforcement officers, they should have gone to the police, not to me, because i, too, cannot make any decision on that issue, and i have no right, i am not authorized, the head of the community has no powers, instead , the state agency for water resources and the state geocadaster have strange powers, which issue permits on
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the basis. and expired documents, and without the intervention of journalists, they do not even suspect changes in the cadastral maps, is that all? happens just like that without pressure and administrative influence. the life process of this base is handled by the father, that is igor shipailo, the father of the people's deputy, although he does not pass here according to the documents, well, but he is here almost constantly, he supervises and... everything of the people's deputy ostap shepan with the official owner of the recreation complex oleg membership in the ternopil regional organization of the servant of the people party since 2018 is connected with protsem. then, as the wife of oleh prots tetyana, after the election of ostap shipail people's deputy of ukraine, became the owner of as many as four of his companies operating, in particular, in the fields of advertising and energy. in the village of maidan, we met the father of the servant of the people, ihor shypail, but we did not manage to communicate. instead, the presence of the shypails at
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the recreation base was confirmed by one of the workers who actually remarked that it was that year, i 'm sorry, are you an employee of the base? and tell me, please, have you seen mr. igor shripailo or ostap here for a long time? no, i don't see, well , they weren't there that week, i don't know how, maybe on some second shift, they weren't on mine, on your shift didn't have them, but in general they happen here, that's what i saw there that year. this indicates that pailo can be a shadow co-owner and manager of the recreation complex, but because of the restrictions related to the powers of a people's deputy, he does not want to advertise it. we tried to contact mr. shepail to talk about both business and environmental violations, called, sent a journalistic request and many text messages, and communication with us, the servant of the people ignored.


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