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tv   [untitled]    July 5, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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are trying to break and break the potential of the occupiers, which they have accumulated in one way or another. we see information from the general staff reports when the enemy is suffering record losses, both daily and in general for the last time. this means that the enemy has abandoned the main effort, spares no resources, spares no reserve and the replenishment they supply. realizing that they are leaving, the enemy has set himself the goal of completely capturing the luhansk and donetsk regions, but these are just false delusions of the occupier, i hope that the forces the defenses do their best to finish off the enemy faster than they can realize their other sick ambitions. well , now it is very noticeable that a large part of the hostilities actually focused on such, you know, deep strikes. battle formations there
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by battle formations, even a little further there, they are trying to operate, actually to concentrate forces, to redeploy them, and we see that the russians are quite actively using their long-range drones there, as far as our defense forces manage to see the movements of the russians in their back, how are you? in general, do you assess our ability to work in the rear, in the rear of the enemy? certainly, unmanned aerial vehicles, in general, wings, copters, these are our eyes, we have to clearly detect the occupiers, detect their intentions , accumulation, clustering, movement, logistics, where they place their fire means, where they place their positions, it is given quite active, this is a struggle of technologies, a struggle of systems, uh,
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uavs with systems of radio-electronic warfare , radio-electronic interference, what is from our side, what is from the enemy's side, this technological fields, but one way or another, it is important that the defense forces have the leadership in technology, we clearly understand first a full-scale invasion, the latest technology, the latest weapons, the latest tactics, it always has to save the lives of the heroes and technology in one way or another... this is one of key, leadership in technology, this is one of the key factors of leadership on the battlefield, so i really agree with you, it is important to monitor the enemy as far as possible and strike accordingly. moreover, i repeat, with the onset of good weather, good visibility, the long duration of daylight, the defense forces in a certain way manage to force the enemy to push back their orders, that is , to expand in one way or another in one way or another.
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the gray zone is a way for the enemy to move their guns a little deeper, a few kilometers deep, accordingly, the enemy can no longer afford to use artillery so deep in the rear, in the far rear and near rear of the defense forces, in fact the enemy uses it closer to the zero lines to the positions of the defense forces, instead again, the enemy wants to compensate for this in a certain way is trying to compensate for the strikes of guided, unguided... aerial bombs, the use of aviation, the use of missile salvo systems, so here again it is important to technologically counter enemy intelligence, well, here are all the latest reports that were, and well, there are even such graphs, where they draw the destruction of armored vehicles there, comparing the destruction of armored vehicles, it can be seen that the ratio of destroyed armored vehicles is on our side and on the russian side. well, clearly in our
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favor, because we are increasing and, well, destroying russian armored vehicles there by six, five times more, eh, but do you see it affecting the amount of armored vehicles that the russians are using now? the occupiers use quite different tactics, we have seen quite new tactics, when they ride in buggies, on motorcycles, on scooters, they want to attack, the tactics are very simple, one time. throw these soldiers, stormtroopers, whether mercenaries, whether trained, or quickly mobilized, quickly hired contractors, into the zero positions of the defense forces in order not to start a battle in the front trenches, i repeat myself, but here again, in most cases, these intentions of the enemy are thwarted at the stages when they are accumulating, gathering somewhere, starting somewhere, artillery, and mortars, and fpv, drones, and other fire systems are already working against the enemy, and tanks then... and so on, so
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to answer your question, the occupiers' equipment must run out sooner or later, they really take huge losses in those assault attempts. either in groups, small groups, or infantry assaults, or on buggies, atvs, motorcycles, or light armored vehicles, or even on armored vehicles of the type there, such as turtle tanks or simply on tanks, when they try to storm, in most cases the defense forces repulse these storms and inflict quite large losses on the enemy, therefore - the enemy, i repeat, dropped an extremely large amount of forces, resources, means, and i am sure that sooner or later this technique, this metal waste that the empire has accumulated, will end sooner or later, and the main thing is to perform those tasks as much as possible, to keep the line of defense and in dynamic defense, to destroy the enemy in order to break his potential, well
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we hear a lot about the fact that now they use motorcycles, buggies to try to storm, but there are things like tanks, like armored personnel carriers, how often do you see them now on the front line from the enemy, the enemy of them uses, it is like guns that are in closed semi-closed firing positions, that is, unfortunately, they have an advantage in ammunition, with which they can afford to actually bombard, that is , to conduct disturbing aimed, non-aimed fire, and also to use tanks in assaults, again turtle tanks which lined with nets. metal plates, the enemy is combining, and the enemy is pressing along the entire line of the east, and using, i repeat, different tactics, combining, either on armored vehicles, or on tanks with armored vehicles, or in small groups, or again on motorcycle buggies etc., and there were also reports
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that the russians started to use 130-millimeter guns, for a certain time they... did not use them, because there was no ammunition, and now they seem to have pulled up these semi-north korean ammunition, are you something like this was noted somewhere, but in this regard, the enemy uses a rather large arsenal of systems, and old systems, well , moreover, both the defense forces and the enemy use them, in particular mortars of the 37th year of the 82nd caliber and the 38th. 120-caliber regimental mortars, and starting from these years, even the same maxim machine guns are used somewhere, so there is nothing surprising, for the enemy the priority is actually to conduct harassing fire, and moreover, there were also reports somewhere that during the last there are
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two or more years of full-scale invasion, the enemy tried to use , including t-34 tanks of various modifications. er , the biggest threat is that these are all weapons, they somehow shoot, explode and bring destruction, and how effective they are, this is again a controversial issue, because the newer the system, the more ammunition, the more accurate the system , therefore, it has a greater advantage in the coefficients of firepower, accuracy, accuracy, but again, the enemy's tactics and, in principle, the entire soviet doctrine is built on mass. to crush with mass, to crush with quantity, as ammunition, and in principle people, and soldiers, and equipment, etc. well, we still have a little bit of time and i know you have some important collection that your unit needs, please tell us about
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it so that we can also, well, our viewers can participate in it. thank you very much for helping and encouraging the audience to... join the gathering, i would first of all like to thank every ukrainian who throughout time, as from the 14th year, from the 22nd year of the full-scale invasion, supporting the defense force within its capabilities, it is important that the entire ukrainian people and the entire ukrainian nation are really this army, understanding that we are fighting an occupier, a huge empire that has huge unlimited resources, both economic and .. and material resources, that is why it is important for the entire ukrainian nation, for the entire ukrainian people, to be united in a single army and to use all resources as much as possible in order to protect their families, protect their state and their people and their future, their laws, our democracy, and in
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principle to protect our freedom and the right to live, therefore , a very big thank you to every ukrainian who helps, who donates, this is the collection of our brigade. on uavs, on the company of uav operators, who are actually our eyes as gunners, and a lot depends on their work, they. detect the enemy in advance and adjust fire on the enemy and prevent the enemy from taking any action unnoticed, that is, the enemy will not remain unnoticed. well, pay attention to this qr code, let me show you again, please, this qr code that we have, while there is still time, that's what i'm asking of our technicians, show me, please, and here he is, this is him... for reconnaissance uavs for our guest, for mr. nazarenko, for
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the reconnaissance of the artillery of the fourth rubizh brigade of the national guard of ukraine. please join this gathering as well, because artillery can shoot where it can see, and for it to see, the father of intelligence needs reconnaissance drones, and then the artillery shoots accurately, destroys the enemy, and this helps our defense forces. to have your positions and destroy the most invaders, so please join, i thank you very much volodymyr nazarenko, who joined us, this is actually an important direction of the time gap, so join our meetings, please be with us, we will meet with you in a week, stay with the espresso tv channel, and our broadcast continues, so be with us . a journalist who joined the armed forces,
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a political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. as make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras berezovets. every saturday at 21:30 at espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. brigades without weapons, volodymyr zelenskyi said in an interview with the blumber publication that ukrainian soldiers are critically short of weapons. putin proposes to return to the istanbul talks and is ready, at least now, to continue or start these istanbul talks again. ukraine is preparing for... the nato summit, what are the proposals, what are the expectations, and so on
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unexpected and rapid, or unexpected and rapid growth in consumer prices, this is what the ministry of economy is already preparing ukrainians for. the prices of which products will rise, what will become more expensive, and whether it will be possible to somehow prevent it, we will talk about this and not only about this today during the velikiy program, and i will tell you right away, but now i will pass the word, but i will tell you right away, that today you have a unique opportunity to complete the collection, which lasted quite a long time, 630 00 hryvnias, today we, i hope, there is very little there is money left, we will be able to close this collection and together with you on the air we will celebrate loudly glory to ukraine, glory to ukraine serhiy, serhiy zugoryats with us, director of the defense-express agency, the leading columns of military summaries of the day, serhiy, please, glory to the heroes, i congratulate you, greetings to our viewers, today in our military column we will talk about a new package. and american aid, to which more than 2 billion dollars will be directed, about our new brigades that
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need weapons and about the combat situation in the turkish direction, which has become one of the hottest lately, in a conversation with our military, who are holding the defense right there, about that in a moment. today, the details of the new package of american aid became known. it is about 2 billion 350 million dollars, this is a new tranche, as expected, divided into two parts, one is immediately transferred in order to supply the weapons of the reserves of the united states, the american army, and the second is directed to the purchase, first of all, of missiles for the patriot complexes and complexes nasance, and 2.2 billion will be directed to it. the question arises as to what which missiles will this money go to, and in fact we
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did the math in defense express, found data on how much missiles cost to the patriot complexes, and the numbers turned out to be quite, well, fantastic, we know that the patriots use two types of missiles, one gmt missiles, which shoot down daggers, these are precisely anti-missile means and... mca missiles, which are used to shoot down aircraft at a distance of 150 km, and it actually turns out that each of these missiles costs somewhere between five and six. million dollars for one rocket, despite the fact that the pace of production of these missiles somewhere in the range of 500 units per year, that is , in fact, 2 billion dollars, if we only purchase missiles for the patriots, it will be enough for approximately 400 such missiles of one type or another, although, as i repeat,
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ukraine now has priority over other countries, who previously ordered these... weapons, in particular switzerland, poland, romania, and now it is extremely important that ukraine itself gets these missiles to the patriots, because it is not only the number of batteries that we have in our arsenal that is of great importance, but now will target up to eight batteries patriots, first of all, a sufficient number of missiles that can be used against russian means of attack, and we understand what is happening now... the supply of weapons, but at the same time we understand that we have new brigades that need to be strengthened with weapons. we know that the commander of the ground forces oleksandr pavlyuk said sometime in may that 10 new brigades are being formed in our country to repel the russian offensive. each brigade
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, depending on the state, can have from two to 8 thousand people with us. the body is formed rangers, which should include four special purpose regiments there, which should be equipped with western weapons, we are forming such a new unit, which was also announced, this is an engineer-assault brigade - this is such a new type of military unit, which has not yet been in the armed forces forces, but we understand that we currently have enough personnel given the fact that the mobilization is taking place quite effectively, but the issue of vehicles... weapons and today just happened an interview on bloomberg of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, where among he said something else about the fact that we need weapons, because the brigades exist, but there is a need for means, so let's hear a fragment of this interview that zelensky gave
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for the bloomberg agency. we have 14 brigades that are not... equipped, which are not equipped, which do not have the appropriate weapons, which have already been voted on, which were talked about, the packages should come, but they are coming, unfortunately, slowly, and then the president said that , that after that we cannot talk about counteroffensive actions, because there the journalist asked when it might be counteroffensive, and the president talked about what we need to... protect what we have. we want to take countermeasures when we are ready, and we will be ready when the weapons arrive, zelenskyy said. so, in fact, we now have a situation where there are armed forces that restrain the enemy in many directions. the enemy is trying to take advantage of a temporary advantage in manpower and equipment, and in several
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directions the situation is extremely difficult and, well , difficult, because... pokrovsky direction, the turkish direction, these are the two areas that, according to the general staff, are currently the most active in terms of the number of combat clashes. and now we will talk about what is happening in the turkish direction, where the enemy has concentrated, according to experts , up to 10,000 personnel in the first echelon, and is just trying to put pressure on our defense and this direction for osuvtavria. became quite complicated, and now we are joined by a serviceman of the 95th separate airborne assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, the units of which are currently held defense in the donetsk direction. mr. stanislav, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear kanaluso on the air. congratulations, i wish you health. i would like you to tell our
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viewers as much as possible what is happening in your area, which is extremely difficult at the moment, and how the enemy is acting. how do the divisions of your brigade work? the situation is really extremely tense now, extremely difficult, the russians have been storming for more than a day, they have been here for more than a week, they have been making such frantic assaults, they are moving mainly in large infantry groups, they have no equipment here are used at all, i think that for the reasons that it will be destroyed immediately by the actions of our artillery and... strike drones, and besides , horlivka is here, it is within walking distance, so they simply move along zelensia, a supply array, well, they enter in large groups of infantry, they try to ... wander into the city limits, at the moment the situation is like this, and only thanks to the steadfastness of the courage of the personnel, the infantry at ground zero and the professional actions of the commanders, the calculations
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of the collective armament, it is possible to restrain them, despite the fact that that they have total quantitative the advantage in everything, in the infantry tenfold, the advantage in artillery means is also great, and the total absolute advantage in aviation. the spokesman of otokhortytsia, nazar voloshyn, said that there were at least 10 attacks by the enemy with the use of aircraft yesterday, precisely on the position of our troops in turkey, where the enemy is trying to completely destroy turkey, and then, as it were, go to the destroyed remains, but in this way, well, to simplify self promotion, wanted to hear from you how intense the regular... all the ground assaults are, what how many attacks does your unit have to endure? well, regarding the assaults, i
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can say about our line of contact that, well , it can be formulated as one constant assault, there is no such thing as that they stormed somewhere, then after a certain period of time they stop, they are constantly moving, trying to attack from the left, then it is necessary to advance somewhere in the center... somewhere it is possible to enter the style, somewhere to surround, that is, such combat operations are assault, they go without stopping, this is one continuous assault that does not stop, well how they operate, they use their advantage in everything, first of all in the infantry, and it is obvious that they have accumulated huge reserves here, because their losses are also very high, well, because it is clear that they are ... storming, and we are defending , but it is clear that they attracted many
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of their private military companies here, which they created, including , even according to intelligence data, a lot of our citizens who were forcibly mobilized from the occupied territories, in particular from donetsk, which is located nearby, and it is clear that that they do not feel sorry for them at all and throw them away meat stanislav. are there, relatively speaking, the risks of advancing to the turkish front before the start of urban or urban battles, what are some experts predicting, how serious is such a risk, and the timeframe for the implementation of such a scenario, if it is possible? well, at the moment, i think that it is not a secret. you can see from the same dipstate that the collision line already passes through dense buildings, including where there is a lot. many floors, in particular where there is noise, for example, there are nine residential complexes floor, but there are also very active battles
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going on there now, and well, i don’t think that they will advance further, because for a long time, for several days, they did not manage to advance at all, they rested on our defense line, which, in particular, our brigade was here professionally organized, and somehow... they don't have it here, and in my opinion it is not expected, stanislav, due to which it is possible to hold back the advance of the enemy when he advances in small groups, i.e., first of all, the bet is made on artillery and in pods, which, well, there are first, let's say, a fire line of defense against the enemy, and then the enemy is restrained by infantry, or what combinations are taking place on the battlefield ? well, basically that's how it is, in some areas. the vegetation is very developed here, the greenery is such that even from the mavics you can’t see anyone at all, so the infantry work there first of all, they are shot down by sniper fire, and
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yes, groups are noticed on the approaches, artillery works on them, where there is an opportunity , fpv is used and applied very effectively resets from various quadcopters, you well, he is the commander of one of the tactical units, here's your... support, who are the youngest soldiers and the oldest, who are you leading, well, the youngest is 19 years old, a boy, the oldest is 50 or something, that is, there are completely different people, different age categories , does the age significantly limit the ability of the older fighters to perform the tasks , well... in those that are currently needed on your part of the front, in my opinion, it absolutely does not limit the ability to stand in ekop and shoot at the enemy, you don’t need any physical fitness,
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some conditions, and besides, if a person i led a normal life there, so i think that even at the age of 60 and over, it is absolutely possible to perform combat tasks without any reservations. and when we talk about the work of our drone operators or the drone operators of your brigade, how much the load on them has increased right now exactly on your part of the front, what can be said about their work taking into account the specifics exactly... what is happening in the turkish direction, well our brigade, it is constantly in the hottest directions, i think it is not a secret either, if you follow the activities of our brigade, er, and our operators of fpv drones, well, not only fpv, there are also those bombers, they work very actively, it is already usual for them, er, they work around the clock, a lot of calculations, and in my opinion, very efficiently. because by
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the number of destroyed personnel, by the number of equipment and by the number of repulsed assaults, which were made precisely with such calculations, well, this is very, very effective, but is it possible to ensure the protection of your positions there, using artillery and fpv and creating minimal risks for our infantry, such a model can be developed, taking into account even such a significant advantage of the enemy in the manpower of the equipment. certainly, maybe, everything rests on the number of both ammunition for artillery, of which, well, i would like them to be much more, and on the number of the same strike drones, of which there simply cannot be a lot, if conditionally there one calculation can use there are 50 eup drones per day, if there are such possibilities of reserves, then i think that much more enemy assaults would be repulsed on
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the approaches e. they would not reach our infantry, when we talk about artillery, we we are talking about barrel artillery, do we also mean that mortars are actively used by our military at certain distances, where they are most effective, so we are talking about the brigade level, large calibers, and the battalion level, and the company and platoon level , fire support, the same egs, well , egs-17 or different analogues, nato samples 40 m'. trovi, they are also very, very effective, and i would also really like them to have a sufficient amount of ammunition, and when we talk about anti-tank weapons, there are our there are tights, corsairs, because in some areas around krasnohorivka, the military talked about the need for more, more, because open areas and without pturs are quite difficult, what do you have with this type of weaponry, well, in this area, as far as i am concerned i can judge, it is not
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very advisable to use them, because the dense construction and dense plantations do not allow you to see armored vehicles from a close distance, here the function of drones is primarily performed by fpv drones equipped with anti-tank ammunition. stanislav, a when we talk about the use of semi-drones, each area has its own peculiarities, there, in certain areas , there is a very dense russian reb, which makes it difficult to carry out combat missions there, as in your area, do our operators complain about the enemy's means of countermeasures, as they bypass them, how does it affect, well, the pace of combat missions? of course, rap works, the russian one works very actively, but our team, it is always ahead in technical progress, we have technical specialists who always use those or other technical solutions that allow...
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to bypass russian rap, we can say that in most cases enemy rap does not affect our drones. does the russian reb interfere with our communication system, or do we have enough protected radio stations that will ensure the most efficient control of units on the battlefield? well, what i see is that in most cases rap does not work, it's more a problem with radio horizons, that's it. it is necessary that the signalmen competently place the repeaters. and units competently used the correct effective antennas. then mostly everything works fine. are you equipped with the means that allow you to detect the presence of enemy drones in the air, the same halls, eagles, because there are such devices over there...


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