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tv   [untitled]    July 5, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EEST

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technical solutions that allow bypassing the russian rap, we can say that in most cases the enemy's rap does not affect our drones. does the russian reb interfere with our communication system, or do we have enough protected radio stations that ensure the most effective control of units on the battlefield? well, what i see is that in most cases rep does not work, there is more... a problem with radio horizons, with the radio shadow, it is necessary for signalmen to correctly place repeaters, and units to correctly use correct, effective antennas, then basically everything works well, are you equipped with the means that allow you to detect the presence of enemy drones in the air, the same hall of eagles, because there are such devices there, like... shrews or
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others, which apparently allow, well, to warn our military about the presence of enemy drones in the air? yes, i understand, well , the sugar ball is devoid of any meaning here, because it will glow constantly, there is a huge saturation of these wings, enemy and ours in the air, well, there is no point in using it, it can be somewhere in the canteens parts, and this is how rer radio intelligence works. effectively, and we always see where the halls, eagles, and so on are moving, and we also react to this in time, but how much sleep do you manage to get in a day, when you always perform a combat mission, do you actually manage to rest, well, in on average , i manage to sleep for about 3.5 hours a day and... when
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there are such active hostilities, it goes without saying that it is necessary to rest, i think that everyone understands this, and there are some opportunities, although it happens that, for example, the infantry in themselves hot spots may not sleep for several days, the same goes for the operators of reconnaissance drones, who are very actively involved, they too may not sleep for two or three days, but how do they recover their strength after such intense stress, well, i think so. .. what about on the rotation, when the unit has some kind of calculation, then it has a few days to rest, and are the recruiting programs for the brigade working now, or is this new wave of mobilization being replenished? of course, the replenishment happens by itself, but unfortunately, i have nothing to do with such things i don't know, so i can't comment, mr. steslav, very much... thank you for taking
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the time to come on the air, to explain to our citizens how difficult it is in your area of ​​the front, thank you for what you and your comrades are doing for the protection of our country, and i will remind our viewers that it was stanislav, the commander of one of the units of the 95th separate amphibious assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, which protects our land in the turkish direction. these were the main military... accents of this era, more about other aspects later of our lives, then on vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thank you very much to serhii zgurets, thank you to his guest, before we go to the meeting, you know, i read in the morning when friends have photos and certain texts about their friends, whom you may have known, heard about them, but did not know personally . they
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die at the front, you understand what price is paid, well, let's say, a military man, writer, resident of kherson oblast, vasyl palamarchuk, who published a book in the 19th year of military necessity, died in the war, started his war in 14-15 years, i will then take a photo, i will ask my colleagues, we will show these people, and he died defending ukraine, and also today it became known that he died, died at the front in... well-known in kyiv among activists, among the soldiers, we will also find a photo, we will definitely show it, we cannot show all the people who give their lives and health every day, but it is simply worth appreciating, very often people with their lives, soldiers, both men and women with their lives , with their health, compensate for the lack of equipment, lack of rebs, lack of fpv. shortage
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armored vehicles, and we can help in this situation, all we have to do is to close this collection, which you are simply closing on record for the last one and a half, well, for these weeks and a half you have collected. more than 127 hryvnias, now we have collected 627,835 hryvnias, we have to collect 2,170, 165 hryvnias and 75 kopecks, and 65 kopecks. and this is a fee for a minibus to transport repair teams, mobile repair teams to the contact line or the entire zone in order to effectively repair armored vehicles, armor, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, tanks. and repaired the cheater bmp tank can enter the battle, can cross the infantry, can cover the infantry, and when it does not work, it is a big minus. let's close this collection today and we'll make it a holiday, well, not that it's a holiday, it's just a necessity, we'll give an opportunity to finally approach
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the purchase of the necessary minibus and close this problem, and i believe that today we will collect these 200, how many 60 are there , 100, 60. 5 hryvnias, so we start to collect and close the collection, well, i will add to the conversation, i will add to the conversation our first guest, with whom, our first the guest with whom we will talk about the situation in the region, which actually and during the entire full-scale invasion suffers from enemy shelling, yevhen yavtushenko, the head of the nikopol district military administration, mr. yevgenia, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, hear me, yes hear. and it can be seen, i am glad to see and hear, i understand that , unfortunately, there is not much good news from nikopol, but i believe that the fact that nikopol continues to live and resist this enemy terrorism is already good news in a sense, but the enemy struck again and shelled
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nikopol region at night, i would like you to tell me more about this, from what i read the last information, it was about seven casualties, then they wrote about eight casualties, but in any case, what information about destruction? from what we can talk about, about the victims, what is their condition, please, we are talking about yesterday's artillery shelling, the russians are shelling quite densely, lately they have been shelling the coastal areas, this applies to all populated areas, the city of nikopol suffers the most, the community that suffers the most, or rather the settlement of myrivska hromada, unfortunately, began to be heard in the records of the pokrovsk village hromada, this was not the case for quite some time. the situation remains quite tense, and yesterday the russians directed their artillery into the center of the city, the peaceful city of nikopol, into the building at the intersection, unfortunately, two people died, and the total number of wounded
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reached ten, this is such a big tragedy for our city, for our district, in the evening they shelled the pokrovsk village community of the settlement. this one community, and, unfortunately, there were also two dead, two dead people, a man and a woman. as for the victims, some of them are treated on an outpatient basis, some of them are treated in a hospital, there are people in a rather serious condition, they have contusions, have shrapnel wounds, and a general state of stress, which, let's say, also significantly affects their life and health. i, tonight there was quite a brutal such shelling, when several shells of the 152nd. caliber flew straight into the walls, into the windows of a residential, residential five-story building, and also a person, unfortunately, a woman i was wounded, i understand, well, i won’t update it, maybe there is this information, maybe not, but it is clear that the enemy is very comfortable, let’s say to camouflage their equipment or
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take cover with the zaporizhia nuclear power plant, is the enemy coming closer from what is known, well there now the kakhovka reservoir is actually gone and... there, i think, you can clearly see not only the enemy, where he is hitting, but our forces can see where the enemy is, so they still try to conduct this fire under the cover of strategic, nuclear infrastructure , are suitable and closer in order to is it that easy to beat residential buildings, actually try to kill, maim people, destroy buildings? well, the first thing that should be said is that we and the temporarily occupied territory are... the zaporizhzhia region was separated by a reservoir, and now it is actually a large meadow that is regenerating on the territory of this reservoir, and there are two smallest distances that reach about 4, 7 km, well, that is, we see them, they see us, it can even be observed without
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any additional devices such as optical binoculars, let’s say, it is quite close, and you know enough, that's how it feels, it's like, let's say, we know each other well, they know us, we know them. as for the nuclear plant, it should be noted here that the russians have been using the plant as such, you know, a military base since the first day of its capture, the plant is not working, its power units, some were in hot space, some were in cold space, but all this time, i would like to remind our viewers, or maybe someone does not know, to inform them that last year they dispersed fakes, even that they will explosions at the nuclear plant, about the fact that there is an emergency situation, they made such statements, they constantly use the station as a lever for psychological pressure, as a place where you can stockpile military equipment, stockpile personnel, stockpile
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ammunition, and the internet has quite a lot of shots, when you can see how the servicemen of the armed forces of the russian federation are in the machine rooms of the station, for example, how the equipment is there, the same ranks that we fired at nikopol, how the artillery is there ammunition systems, well, that is, all this is there, all this is even in the networks, well, that is, they are quite dense... they use this station not for its intended purpose, namely as a military object. as for fire damage, they carry it out from the territory of the nuclear plant from the coolers, and from landings and fields behind the water, behind the rock, there they place their artillery systems, both barreled and reactive, and try to aim at peaceful settlements, if it perhaps, if it does not cause damage, then the defense forces of ukraine definitely respond to them and return them. back to russia, a their relatives are given the opportunity to get a good
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power-viburnum, or a priory, what they give there, it is clear that this is a huge threat, artillery, we understand very well that long-range artillery is there or what they use, it is not that there is an alarm, siren, it's just time, exit, arrival, exit , arrival, that's it, and it's a huge threat, it's clear that there are humanitarian challenges associated with this, because the infrastructure is being destroyed one way or another, but the plus... is that it succeeded after all, to finish this water main, a big project, they cleaned it there, and that's it maybe not everything can be said there, but as far as i understand, he is ready for people to be able to receive water, please tell me whether the residents of nikopol have really waited, the communities of nikopol will be able to receive water and how acceptable the tariff is, because that is how i communicated i have a colleague from those parts who told me that it is not cheap, everything will be expensive for people, but... in any case, there will be water, are there any other problems related to this, please, i
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would wanted to say a few words about shelling, to finish this topic you started, indeed, from the shot to the time the projectile falls on our territory, somewhere around seven, seven or 10 seconds pass, it is quite fast, if, for example, in another territory of ukraine, people have minutes, tens of minutes, they hear these warnings about the air alarm, unfortunately, but... nikopol citizens and people who live in other settlements, they actually hear departures and arrivals, it happens quite quickly, and it is quite dangerous, and this area, it is deceptive because it is quiet here now , the sun shines, relatively speaking, and in the same day a minute, shelling can begin, and these shellings are often, unfortunately, deadly. as for the aqueduct, after the russians destroyed the dam of the kokhovskaya hess, it should be mentioned here that the kokhovskaya... was the source for the operation of all the waterworks located on its banks, this applies to the nikopol
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district, a large part of the kryvorizka district, this applies to zaporizhzhya region, kherson region, many regions of our country. and our territories ended up without a large water source, you know, with a large flow rate, with a large volume of spring water water supply. there were local solutions that allowed to take either technical water from the nearest sources or from the channel. khovskyi is already a former reservoir, but we have reached a stable water supply only now, when this large new water main is operational. the city of marganets has already chlorinated its network, has already carried out a full range of disinfection works, because there was technical water in the network, and now people already have drinking water, dnieper water, and i talked to people, they say that there is a rather big difference between , what was and what is now. regarding the tariff, it is unfortunately, very painful. question, and it is that the last tariffs, they were changing
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before the war, mr. yevgeny, i'm sorry to interrupt you, i don't like to interrupt people, but just so that you can immediately, if you know, can answer the question , because the residents of dnipropetrovsk region, who buy this water and will continue to buy it, are looking at us, this tariff, well, at least for you, as for the head of the nikopol district military administration for specialists, and presented the rationale for the tariff, well, because... the war, and they built everything, well, people are ready somewhere there, because it is still drinking water, but at least there is an understanding of why there is so much, i am not saying that it should be cheaper or more expensive, i don't know if it was just or it was necessary. i want to explain it to you, well, first of all, people see that, they see how the new water main started working, and immediately the tariffs changed, that is, they associate the start of the new water main with the new tariff, in fact, this is not entirely true, and the story is because
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the latest tariffs were changed by our water utilities even before the war, and i know that in almost... territories of the district, our water utilities before the beginning of a full-scale invasion, documents were prepared to increase the tariff, why, because there are components that increase in price, the largest component and the heaviest in the tariff is electricity, and for example, it increased four times, well, that is, the tariff that was, let's say, on territory, it was not profitable, it led to losses of water utilities and all the founders, namely... city councils, village councils, for example, they subsidized water utilities from the city budget, covering this difference between the real cost of water and this tariff. unfortunately, i will repeat again that with with the opening of the new water main, people also received a new price, this price includes about 10 hryvnias, this is what the transportation on the new
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water main is worth, this is the component that really concerns the new water main, everything else, and it is about to become. hryvnias, this is electricity, salaries, wages, fuel and lubricants, these are consumables that are consumed by water utilities in the course of their activities, well , that is, theoretically, a water utility, it must be profitable, it must carry out its activities, operating with the funds it receives from people, for these funds he must buy new water, pay for electricity and repair networks and even in fact he'. to develop, for example, to install frequency pumps instead of old inefficient pumps, for example, to install solar panels in order to reduce the price of the tariff, well, that is, the company must develop, mr. yevgeny, thank you very much, well, actually, thank you for explaining, because it is very important for people to understand, thank you for your work and comments, yevgeny yevtushenko, the head of the nikopol district military administration, was in touch with us, and about
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the situation in nikopolshchyna, which is progressing, which is gradually under enemy fire. well, now we will talk about events in the united states of america, of course, with reference to ukraine, on the one hand, and on the other hand, about events that may not have a clear correlation with ukrainian events, but are important. igor eisenberg, professor of new york university, mr. igor, i congratulate you and congratulate you on the independence day of the united states of america. i congratulate you, mr. vasyl, thank you for the holiday greetings. greetings to all viewers of espresso. we have today, until things, there will still be an inclusion from washington, well... it should be at least live, there will be a match, ukrainians will participate in it, the ukrainian organization united help ukraine and there for, well, we will show how it happens, at least washington, dc , but we're now, well, first of all, in general, like this year, an election year, ah, you're just starting the day, at least on the east
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coast, but anyway, and tell us how it's celebrated, do you have any statements already done there in the morning, biden trump greeted , promised something, the atmosphere is generally the same it is expected that biden will speak there today in some peace initiatives, he will participate in some peace initiatives, this has not happened yet, and tomorrow he will give an interview to the abc channel, which will be on the air at 8:00 p.m. in the evening, so to speak, on the air, well, trump has been generally silent in recent days , it seems that nothing like that happened, well, you know, the holiday, of course, in general, americans love independence day, they always celebrate it, but in connection with what is happening around, what is happening in the world, what is happening here after the
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presidential debates , well, this is our mood in general, i don't see such a festive mood around , as usual, people are worried about what is being done in general and in the country and around, well, it's a holiday, it remains a holiday, but because of the general concern about all these things, for sure this year it's not that well, there is no such thing, i don't see such a general rise, and this is such a post-debate concern, are you right? what is it caused by, again , there is no direct military threat to the united states of america from any side, neither from north korea, nor from china, well, a direct military threat, some such big economic problems, what i read also seems to be absent, it is only a question of the russian war against ukraine, aid from the united states, or is the concern, as they say, concentrated only, or
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localized only by this problem, who will be the next president of the united states of america, and some do not like one, others another, and some do not like one or the other, which causes the greatest concern in this future, the candidates and whether an option is possible. also, well, let's go now about the concern, what, what is the key, what, what exactly are americans worried about, and then we'll talk about possible replacements for biden, if they will be in general, well, it's interesting that the economy is really, it's in pretty good shape, it's growing, well there is inflation, although it is less than it was, say, a couple of years ago, but look, i live and work in such a liberal environment in new york, and of course the vast majority of people vote here. for the democrats, and people are concerned about what's in the press, especially on television are rushing, will biden remain a candidate, or will he declare that he will not
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run, although i am constantly denied by biden's headquarters that he will allegedly withdraw from the election, and let's say there, he met with the governors of the democratic states yesterday, and they made statements there , that nothing like that... he will not withdraw from the election, he will be swamped, well, there is, there is, you know, such a certain tension, of course, due to the fact that the press is discussing who could replace biden if he withdraws from the election , well, this discussion begins, there are many people who like one young and handsome, and others like another young and handsome, and someone else another young and handsome, well, that's how it is... the confusion is certain, just like you said, that people are like that there is a certain certain uncertainty, in general, you know, in
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an environment like new york city and the suburbs of new york, of course, i am concerned in general about how the election will end, what awaits the united states in general, the democratic world, the civilized world after this election because... well, if trump wins, then the country can completely change, it can cease to be the way it is, there is a particular concern after the supreme court three days ago, it ruled that our president now has immunity, full and complete immunity, can do anything, and maybe it will be nothing, although this is not in the constitution, and biden immediately declared that he will not do this and he does not agree with this decision of the supreme court, well, there is a fear that if there is another president, who wants to use it, then in principle, if the president can do everything,
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whatever, as one of the judges who voted against this decision, sonia sodomayor, wrote that now the president will be our king without any inhibitions at all, without any, without any, humming levers, that, that we cannot agree with this at all, well, that's why there is such a concern in society, and regarding, well , here are two questions, we literally have less than five minutes, but we will have time, and first of all, is something being written in such a leading, let's say this, not regional, but the leading press, well, maybe there is some east, west, south, there maybe there are top publications, but i mean either, well, not in the press, but if we talk about media, electronic digital media, but is there any language? about the preparation for the nato summit, perhaps they are writing about the visit of the ukrainian delegation to the usa, which is now actively preparing for the fact that there will be talk about ukraine in
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nato, in general, this topic is ukraine, nato, the summit, it is somehow correlated, connected by something, somewhere ties between themselves, or are the americans not up to it now? it is very little discussed in the press, because after the presidential debates, it is discussed whether should... biden withdraw from the election or should not, if he withdraws from the election, who will replace him? although i say again, biden himself completely denies this, as his campaign headquarters, the last statement was that i will not go anywhere, and yes, so what, what is logical, by the way, i just want to explain that if we assume that he would withdrew from the election, i think it's just a guaranteed loss for the democrats because any other candidate... just won't have the money to campaign while she raises the rest money, the elections will be held and, well, that's all. biden can win the election. may
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lose the election, but if, if he doesn't flounder, you just have to understand that there will be a very lame pre-election campaign by the democrats, which will definitely not give, will not give them the opportunity to win the election, and about ukraine, well, look, for example , the new york times writes something about ukraine every day, somewhere inside the newspaper, or if it is an online version, well, there is a link there, usually on the first page about some articles. about ukraine not much is written about the nato summit, in recent days journalists on television, let's say, mostly talk about it, and how biden will show himself, will he show himself better there than at the debates, and so on and so forth. and please tell me more, then we won't move on to other topics, but are they demanding, let's say, well, at least, are they talking about it, i'm not saying they are demanding, because whoever
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demands, not everyone can... have some meetings been held or what, is the maidan, no, do politicians, political commentators, as they say, influential public opinion leaders write about it sponsors of political parties, let's say, then we conduct a medical examination of the candidates and say that joseph robbinette biden is absolutely ready to assume the duties of the president if he wins the election, he has no health indications that prevent him work, but he is an elderly person, well, nothing, but he... maybe there are such people who, in principle, remove these questions once and for all, or then not remove them at all, but say that there is a problem, and that mrs. jill biden is the wife says no, let him go i'm sorry, here the doctors say that you can't see, well, there are such and such appeals, but look, every year a newsletter is published about biden's health after he undergoes an annual medical examination, usually in the winter, very detailed, it seems , no
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president has ever... published such detailed data about his health, well, of course, he has, like any person of his age, not even his age, various chronic diseases, but hey, his doctor writes that he is perfectly capable of carrying out the duties of the president, the fact is that biden has a lot of haters, including inside the democratic party, and let's say from its left wing, because biden is a centrist politician, there are many people on the left wing. who think, oh, he should go, but now we will nominate someone so young, so beautiful, so popular, this is not enough in order to prepare this young handsome or young beautiful woman in a certain way, so that she matures so that the americans want her, here it is exactly like that, because there is very little time, and this is the main problem, just as there is little time to to raise money, i have, i have to thank you, once again
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happy holiday, happy independence day. university and i remind you that today is the independence day of the united states of america, we will have an inclusion from washington, the east coast, and we will see how the celebration is going on there, and literally in a moment the news. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions.
3:00 am
good evening, we are from ukraine. yes, well, and let's get started. a strong explosion rang out in the temporarily occupied sevastopol, after which smoke rose more than 100 m above cape fiolent. the kerch bridge was blocked, locals reported on social networks. according to the media , a russian electronic warfare station was located in that area. at the same time , propaganda channels claim that explosive related to the disposal of ammunition, and the so-called governor of sevastopol announced a training shot by the fleet, it is interesting which submarine fleet of the russian federation. the enemy hit odesa with ballistic missiles, explosions were heard in the city, local media reported, rockets came from the crimea temporarily occupied by the enemy. there is no information about the victims yet. well, a 15-year-old boy, unfortunately, died in odesa, the child was found.


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