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tv   [untitled]    July 5, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EEST

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that is, in itself, it is not something like that, they are constantly trying to get to the airfields, but the more resonant news was that, first of all, this video that you see, the russians shot for their russian drone, which crashed over the airfield, and he gave this iskander an opportunity to target, well, that's literally how he tracked down, targeted and hit, well, again, if... you've been watching our program for the last couple of months, we've been constantly discussing this issue, that the russians have already worked out the technology for some time, when they made such a fairly successful system, when their drones fly far enough into our territory, give the opportunity to hover and, in principle , this information is transmitted quickly enough to where... there is
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an opportunity to strike with iskander, we discussed this is constant, certain installations of our air defense were destroyed there, eh, and the fact that sooner or later there will be strikes on some larger targets, such as, for example, the airport, well, it was already, you know, well, it was actually a matter of time, that is, that it will happen, and, unfortunately, such cases will most likely be repeated, it goes without saying. that this will not happen, it is not for everyone who is engaged in this or is interested in general, what is happening with us on the front line and around it, this is not news, this technology itself, eh, if previously for a very long time there they agreed there where they're going to shoot, like, now there's no longer a lag, now they make this decision pretty quickly about where to hit, again, they don't have that many iskanders, so you know, just throw them where hit no, they don't drop them
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anywhere, they drop them when they're pointed, when there's an opportunity to get a clear target, so there's only one conclusion: until we have some technical solution to counter this, if a russian long- range reconnaissance drone is flying, well, wait, that means iskander is already standing somewhere, waiting for a message from there, and you have to treat it like a drone is flying, wait for iskander, that's all. what can i say about this , and it is not necessary, you know, to say that no one didn't know about it, they knew, they were waiting, well, you see, misunderstanding that the iskanders had already prepared, well, lead to some such unpleasant incidents, that's it, yes, well, today we won't have a map of combat operations, but today we will have the guest, er, this is roman pohorily, one of the co-founders of, er,
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such a ... about what is happening in our front line in more detail, direction and everything, well, actually, what is happening there, so i congratulate you, roman, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, well , let's get started, today there was such a message, it seems, and you also confirmed it, well, your project that the russians have recently advanced in four directions, eh, well, let's probably to move away from this, what exactly it is about, and actually, which of these areas would you single out as those that need the most attention now from our command, all absolutely the entire front line. does not need
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attention, because cerebellum is pressed absolutely everywhere, they literally have some every day promotion, primarily at the expense of these , the amount they use, the onslaught, the last changes were in many districts, there were so many saturated changes, and unfortunately, these are not all the changes, they were in the ovdiivka district, they were in the area of ​​chasovoy yar, in the area of ​​turetska. where they started to become more active, that is why a lot happened here, here, in particular, if we talk about time, this is the kanal microdistrict, which came under the control of the enemy and essentially remained in the form of a pile of destruction, destruction and ashes, because the muscovites simply razed to the ground, physically destroyed, there were advances in the avdiivka area, in particular there in karla. these or in the direction of the progress
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of the reeded, there were advances in the area of ​​turetsky, this, the settlement of new york, that is, there yurkivka, new york, moscow. are picking up, and they had an advance there, and also in the area of ​​the coal mine, there east of mikilskyi, they are also advancing, they are trying to push to get to the line of the voglodar vodyane kostiantynka track, and of course, a large amount of both human resources and equipment and artillery are used there. aviation, that is, there is a lot of everything. well, i still saw such a message today that there is some kind of promotion. in the area of ​​staromykhaivka, that is at the junction of zaporizhzhya and donetsk regions, do you confirm that there are indeed attempts to break through there, or are such reports somewhat premature? there were, there were advances, we had changes on the map, that is
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, very, very many of them recently, this is again due to the fact that the muscovites do not stop pressing, do not stop attacking. and here someone distinguishes some phases of the offensive, it was, it wasn’t, some sort of summer trickle began there, spring, autumn and the like, i don’t know where these boundaries are, because they are always pressing incessantly, and we see that no matter what direction we are currently discussing, the district we see that constantly there are some hostilities going on, you know, let's just select certain areas for ourselves, well, for example, let's start with vovchansk, because... at first there was talk of the fact that it seems that it was already possible to push back far enough there and literally the outskirts vovchanska, now a message appeared, as if the russians had some kind of advance there, what is it really about, can you somehow explain this situation in more
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detail, well, that is definitely not what we stated, because the situation there, if the advances there on a large scale do not change at all, there are ... this is combat, we described it to us on the channel, he follows, he understands what is happening in that area, it is continuous fighting, our fighters use the opportunity to inflict damage, in particular fp drones, drops, our fighters, in particular there units defense forces, different brigades and the like, they use every opportunity to clean up some area, some street. where the muscovites are trying to gain a foothold, there were videos, supposedly from the 36th brigade, which cleared the outpost, but an example of how everything is dynamic, the next day, a group of muscovites at night a little further west there, also began to press,
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tried to gain a foothold there, to repel positions, i.e. it's all dynamic, just like how we try to move there, somehow repel these positions, push the enemy, the same for the next ones. day, after a while they too they raise infantry, try to advance, gain a foothold, their main activity is the shelling of populated areas, in particular wolf packs, which they simply wipe off the face of the earth, their typical tactic, if they cannot take it, they immediately destroy everything, but this is all such activity, what is happening there, here it is natural that our military is trying to move somewhere, use all favorable moments to improve the tactical situation. but we can see that the battle line has not changed significantly in recent times there. and how do you assess whether it is now possible to pull back some russian forces in this direction, because, for example, a couple of days ago they generally said that we have collected something there and now we will make some attempt to make
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some kind of offensive there, some sort of advance, i.e. does this section of the front currently play such a role when additional troops are drawn there. russian? only our forces are being pulled back, because they have exactly the means and resources to attack, to open some new areas for advances, to activate combat forces actions i don't even know if the words are used here that they somehow withdraw their forces, they have them, they use them, but our forces are withdrawn, unfortunately, certain reserves that are forced to restrain the enemy, they do it. successfully, that is, we see that the muscovites did not succeed there, and the plans that they had already set for themselves, and in the terms that were planned there, they were not fulfilled, so this is the situation, well, if we go a little further south and look at
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kupyanska, this limansky all-over shade, there is also enough, well , the actions have intensified now, well, at least they are even talking about the fact that in... how much do you estimate the activity of hostilities there, is it so high, not so high now, well, how about how with... to understand , what is happening there, looking at which district, ugh, because the kupyan-lyman direction, a section, let's call it that, it has its own characteristics of battles in different places, so to speak, it's like masyutivka there, kislivka there , starchy, tabaivka there, berkhivka below, these zones were very active all the time active, just now they are. is being activated, because the muscovites have concentrated and dragged a certain amount of their forces there,
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they climbed the sinkovka without stopping and are climbing , yes, they are climbing further there from the estuary of the first in forestry or in general they are climbing head on, there is no way they can get out of that sinkovka, our military is holding on there , although it is very difficult under this constant pressure to be in such constantly dynamic battles, as well as in berkhivka , the situation is very difficult there, because... the enemy has also become more active, there after they had success there, they immediately start to press, how they always do it, we know if we go down to the south of novaehorivka, that is , in the direction of borova, we remember the description of the situation, directly from the fighters of the third assault group, who also hold back the onslaught of the enemy every day, who have concentrated a large number of forces, and these attacks are taking place constantly, if we talk in the lyman area, there are yampoliv, katerny. there, the activation of the enemy decreased somewhat, as they erased their potential that they had accumulated there, they moved
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certain of their units to other, to other areas, also, now there are brigades that have lost their combat ability, they are being replaced there, that is, they support activity there, of course, but it is no longer the same as it was, silver forestry is a separate area in general, which is very, very difficult, because it is wooded, of course what... that we saw the blue zone there and it's a super difficult, super difficult, super human effort that our fighters have put in to have an advance there, they, again, it's a case of using every opportunity to push back enemy, improve tactical position, and this is one of those cases where we took advantage of a favorable situation, the situation and pushed back, fought back certain positions, we will watch, i hope that this will continue, the zone will increase, but serbian forestry is a very, very difficult area, that is, we we can
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expect that they will become even more active there in the near future, that's how i understand your words, who exactly, well , silver forestry and actually that direction, well, it depends on the situation, we hope that the fighters of the defense forces, in particular the azov unit, which is very actively engaged in hostilities there, will continue its successes, will... take a tactical position, uh, well, a little bit, let's skip ahead and maybe somehow pay attention to what is actually happening in the direction of, well, postavdiyiv the front, if you can say so, there is also an advance there, which you also noted, but to say in more detail, in what where, where exactly there is now... more so hot, a hot section in this direction, absolutely the entire
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winding in the area avdiivka, from arkhangelsk to karlivka is under active such activity on the part of the enemy, they are pressing all along this line in different settlements in different ways, there and again, as i mentioned at the beginning, they had a reeded advance in the direction of progress along the railway, they are also constantly climbing there and... and there were advances in the area of ​​karlivka, where they, with the help of infantry, even a few people, but try to entrench themselves, hide, they constantly press sokol in the area there, and we see that they have already reached yevgeniivka, there they continue to develop your success, there the situation becomes very complicated, since they saw all these opportunities to advance further, they are drawing even more forces there, they are activating them, so that for further advancement, and here are all the attempts... to attack, they are happening continuously, all this with fire support from the side there are vehicles,
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aviation, artillery, so very active fighting is going on there, now, roman, and how do you explain why it is not possible to stop this advance there, to somehow stabilize the front, it is exactly in this direction, what, what is the biggest problem, here it is very it is difficult to cross out you... all of them problems, because there are a lot of them, they are all interconnected, of course, first of all, it is a huge number of muscovites, of course, in this region. the carrying of human resources there, as well as the equipment, the means of defeat, they are more cerebral, and even if we talk about the means of impression there, the same fdyrons, drops, they are all spent on simply a huge amount of infantry that climbs incessantly, and this one of the main factors that must be taken into account are
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other points, but we need to talk about them for a very, very long time, to find out. but here is the main one i essentially said, uh, and lately, as you point out, more use of equipment by the russians, less use of equipment, more infantry, well, here's how the situation is with them now, there is no clear answer, because each district, it it depends on the situation, there is a characteristic of the battles, there are some moments, sometimes there is more technique. somewhere less, very often, but the same there, well, i don’t know, there in the direction of pokrovsk, but in these areas, in the avdiivka district, the sokol district , yevgenivka, where they are already approaching yevgenivka, more equipment is used there than, for example, in karlivka, because in the karlivka region the main main force there is their
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infantry, if we say the same thing there , arkhangelsk there or novooleksandrivka, also mainly infantry, i will support all this. with the help of artillery, aviation, i.e. somewhere, if we talk there in the area of ​​novopokrovsky, yasnobrodivka - this is infantry with the support of fire equipment, there somewhere they just use there, i don’t know, bmp, armored personnel carriers in order to prove the landing, so there is no single answer here, everything depends on the area where hostilities are taking place, somewhere there are many of them, somewhere enough even for entire columns of equipment, and somewhere... one armored personnel carrier may arrive, which will bring a small group of landing forces there, and it may be there for half a day, for a day, this is all their use of forces. and are there any estimates of how much the russians have withdrawn in this direction, well , manpower, have they seen any such yes, yes , share this with us a lot, well
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, i can’t name exact numbers, because first of all, i don’t like to name numbers, so that they did not serve there. headlines, but very many, very many, well 20, 30, 50, several tens, looking, looking, which district, looking, which district, if we talk about the avdiyivka district, there are several thousand, several tens of thousands of personnel, that is, for russians, it is now the largest place of concentration, as i understand it, no, no, but it is one, one from the main ones? the place of concentration of russian manpower, according to some such estimates? well , there are a lot of them everywhere, in the south there are a lot of them, in the area of ​​the fertile staromai region there, they constantly use them in different ways, they can use them, we can say that in the northern there are also many on the borders of kharkiv oblast, but we see how they use them, they set up a small group of infantry there,
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which either survives there, is fixed somewhere, or dies, and instead of it comes a large, oh another group. if you single out some districts, it was a large grouping, the avdiivka district, a huge grouping and small districts, well, well, here is another place of such an advance of the russians, this is the turetska district, and well, if you look at their advance there and the fact that it is to a certain extent , well, it is such a place, where on the other hand, well the defense forces of ukraine would have the opportunity to defend themselves. and had fortifications where they could defend themselves, whether the breakthrough there was due to the presence of manpower there, or whether it was due to the use of some technique, that is, how would you explain what is there, well, this advance is also taking place, and in principle it also cannot be stopped yet , there is a very difficult
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situation that the defense forces are trying to stabilize, there have already been a lot of discussions about the situation, where the command was in this area, where, what processes were taking place, we know that it is no longer a secret that our fighters were picked up on rotation and promotions happened accordingly, again, it's worth noting that what was picked up on rotation is such a two-way point, the first, the first point, is that it's very such a troublesome story... when conducted rotation, it is very necessary to approach it carefully, everything is thought out, thought out, and this is precisely where questions arise, how it all happened, on the other hand, these are the processes that we use... that the enemy also uses in the war - this is one of those cases when they try to catch, they try just right use this opportunity to break through
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some kind of defense, so there is absolutely nothing surprising here in this regard, we see that the situation is difficult, since the enemy has an advance in the area of ​​the southern, noise, northern, friendship, as well, and this pressure does not stop , since they had success there, they will try to develop it. and now the most important thing is to show that we can restrain this pressure, accordingly , stabilization measures are taking place there, and it is necessary to withstand it, because the muscovites are withdrawing reserves there, they are intensifying the pressure, they are intensifying the use of human resources there, in particular, this is essentially their main force, which they are using, shelling is being carried out very actively, both in turkey and in other settlements, there have been advances, they are beginning to pressurize in the area of ​​new york. that is, there is another certain direction to take in the direction of turetsk, and there, too, the situation is difficult, because the muscovites had an advance, and it is getting more difficult, so
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it makes absolutely no sense to draw any conclusions now, because all this is in dynamics, it heats up and becomes hotter and hotter, and everything depends on the situation that will develop there, and how many brains are ready to use resources, how they will use them and how the defense forces and command will cope with it. and in general everything, everything, everything is connected. well, probably, now we have the largest concentration of russian forces in general on the front line, and we can only expect that they will continue to try different directions even more and try to advance in any direction where they can, it is certain that such situation. they climb absolutely everywhere and will use any opportunity favorably, just as we do it, we also use it. what an opportunity to push back the enemy, destroy him, that's why it's all dynamic. well, i want to ask you one more last question, it was actually
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reported by the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine on july 2 that the russians, well , the forces of the russian federation, are carrying out sabotage and reconnaissance activities in the area of ​​the border of the sumy and chernihiv regions, and there are even certain geo-location footage on which ... they lead er near the crane of the sumy region and some there actions, to what extent this direction can become more active from your point of view, and to what extent, for example, can we expect something from the side of belarus, how do you assess it, can become more active at any moment, it is a war and everyone should be ready for the development of any of any kind of events, and of course, first of all, sabotage is actively working there. intelligence sabotage and intelligence groups, shelling is carried out, this was constant during the beginning of the full-scale invasion, and of course, there is a certain
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concentration in the sumy region, they were already expected a long time ago for them to get into our territory, to somehow start to act more actively, but we see that this did not happen, and whether they will use it is unknown, but any development can come at any time, so... you can't guess here, you have to be prepared for what the defense forces are doing in that area, or it could just be some kind of, you know, an attempt to distract and an attempt to create such a pr, or some kind of effect in order to to pull forces there, or maybe, maybe, and that is how it is done, this is one of the main methods activities, information campaign, diversion, withdrawal of reserves, and belarus... in particular, this country, also a direct aggressor, an active direct ally of muscovy, which participates in this war, in particular precisely by the distraction of our units, which are forced
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to stand along the border so as not to there were no provocations of any kind, and no activity in our direction in general. thank you for joining us, thank you, this was roman pohorily, co-founder of the deep state project analyst, we are currently on a break on the espresso tv channel, before this break. you i will remind you about our collection, which we are still continuing , this is actually a collection for the repair of armored vehicles , please join in, this is the repair of armored vehicles on the battlefield, we have to collect, well, we have already collected 560,000, we have to collect it, so please this is in the combat zone, right on the battlefield, repairing armored vehicles. armored vehicles, tanks, whatever, you see the qr code, you see the account number, please join, and now we have a break on the espresso channel, then we'll come back
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to more of the... action in the area of ​​the time ravine, hold on. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big ether on the spresso tv channel. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front, component, serhiy zurets. but what does the world live on? yuri fizer is already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yury, good evening, two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money. during the war , oleksandr died in the chapel with me and the news sports, i invite yevhen pastukhov to a conversation for two hours in the company of favorite presenters about cultural news. we are in touch, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you on a good day, events of the day in two hours
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, vasyl's big broadcast of the winter project. for the intelligent and those who care, we continue the chronicles in the evening of war and we have another guest, volodymyr nazarenko, chief of intelligence of the artillery of the 4th rubizh brigade, captain of the national guard of ukraine, greetings volodymyr, good day studio, good day viewers, thank you for the opportunity to join your broadcast. thank you for joining us, and right away, well, your direction is now one of the most... more active and, moreover, they note the advance of the russians in the area of ​​the temporal ravine, in particular in the area of ​​the canal, so can you explain to us, well, actually, how dangerous is this promotion and what is really happening there, well, actually, our brigade and my comrades, who are currently performing tasks these days, at these hours, in these weeks, after all, the section of our brigade is located somewhat north of this time
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of the ravine, too. is one of the troubled areas, but what i know from my comrades who carry out tasks near the time of yaru, the enemy is really trying to advance, they are activating and taking huge, huge losses, in those assault attempts, we understand that the enemy is using a lot of fire means, many arsenals , different tactics of assault attempts. and the danger is in because one way or another the enemy is trying to advance deeper into the donetsk region of the position of the defense forces, but i believe in the efforts of our brothers, in the dynamic defense in which the defense forces are conducting, about inflicting maximum losses on the enemy, well, here your more northern such a direction that you have, do you manage to hold back the advance of
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the russians there? well, how much they are now trying to do their evasive maneuvers, how do you see them, well, my comrades from the fourth brigade of the national guard have to restrain very heavy enemy pressure, in fact one way or another the enemy makes attempts to advance, but for the enemy these attempts are unsuccessful, the enemy bears losses with a heroic effort, i repeat, real heroes from ours. brigades and other units of the defense forces in general, i repeat, the enemy does not manage to advance and they give a good response to the enemy's attempts that he tries to make, mr. volodymyr, does this advance in the area of ​​kana, well, this microdistrict, canals mean that, well, practically destroying this the district, the russians, well, you can say they already control it, which means what
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our defense will now be built on the right bank of this canal, or is it possible, let's say, to build this defense there? frankly, it's hard for me to say, it's still more tactical information from those brigades that perform tasks there, and again, the main task of the defense forces is dynamic defense in order to maximize. gray area, now good visibility, good weather, long daylight, respectively, and fpv drones, strike drones, drop drones, and artillery work has the opportunity to effectively show oneself to the full, accordingly to clear the occupiers from the range of certain firepower and to force the enemy to bear losses, especially in those attempts to...


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