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tv   [untitled]    July 5, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EEST

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it is already under control, does this mean that our defense will now be built on the right bank of this canal, or is it possible, let’s say, to build this defense there, frankly, it’s difficult for me to say, it’s still more tactical information from those brigades that perform tasks there, and again, the main task of the defense forces is dynamos. defense in order to expand the gray area as much as possible, now there is good visibility, good weather, long daylight hours, respectively, and fpv drones, and strike drones, drones with resets, and the work of artillery has the opportunity to effectively show itself to the full, accordingly to clear the occupiers from the range of fire means and force the enemy to bear losses, especially in those attempts about... which they will one way
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or another try , the task of breaking, breaking the potential of the occupiers, which they have somehow accumulated, we see information from the reports of the general staff, when the enemy suffers record losses both daily and in general during the last time, it means that the enemy has abandoned the main efforts, has no regrets resources, does not regret. and the reinforcements that they deliver, and realizing that they are leaving, the enemy has set himself the goal of completely capturing luhansk and donetsk regions, but this is just a false delusion of the occupier, i hope that the defense forces are doing everything possible so that the enemy ends faster than they will be able to realize their other sick ambitions, but now it is very noticeable that a large part of the hostilities has actually concentrated. on such, you know,
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blows deep into the battle formations, there even behind the battle formations, a little further, there, where, well, they are trying to operate, actually, to concentrate their forces, to redeploy them, and we see that the russians are quite actively using their long-range drones there, as far as our defense forces are able to see the movements of the russians? well, in their rear, how do you generally assess our capabilities to work in the rear, in the enemy's rear? certainly, drones, generally wings, copters, these are our eyes, we have to clearly identify the occupiers, identify their intentions, accumulation, clustering, movement, logistics, where they place their fire means where they place their positions, it is given quite actively, this is the struggle of those. technologies,
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uav systems combat with electronic warfare systems , radio electronic jamming, what is on our side, what is on the enemy's side, these are technological areas, but one way or another it is important that the defense forces have the leadership in technology, we clearly understand first a certain scale invasion, the latest technology, the latest weapons, the latest tactics, it always has a life saver... and technology anyway it is one of the key techno leadership in technology, this is one of the key factors of leadership on the battlefield, so i really agree with you, it is important to monitor the enemy as far as possible and strike accordingly, and moreover, i repeat, with the onset of good weather, good visibility, long daylight hours, the defense forces in a certain way manage to force the enemy to push back their... orders, i.e. to expand
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the gray zone in one way or another, push back their guns, the enemy has to move a little to a few kilometers deep, accordingly the enemy can no longer to allow artillery to be used so deep in the rear, in the far rear and near rear of the defense forces, indeed the enemy uses it closer to the zero lines to the positions of the defense forces, instead, again, the enemy wants to compensate for this and in a certain way... tries to compensate with the strikes of guided and unguided aerial bombs , the use of aviation, the use of rocket systems of salvo fire, therefore - here again it is important to technologically counter enemy intelligence, well , here are all the latest reports that were, and well , there are even such graphs, where they draw the destruction of armored vehicles there, comparing the destruction of armored vehicles, it can be seen that the ratio. of destroyed armored vehicles on
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our side and on the russian side, well, clearly in our favor, because we increase and, well , we destroy russian armored vehicles there by six to five times more, but... eh, do you see that this will affect the number of that armored vehicles that the russians use now? the occupiers use quite different tactics, we have seen quite new tactics where they try on buggies, motorbikes, scooters, they want to attack, the tactics are very simple, disposable soldiers, stormtroopers, whether mercenaries, whether trained, or quickly mobilized, quickly hired contractors, to throw into the zero positions of the defense forces. in order not to start a battle in the front trenches, i repeat myself, but here again, in most cases, the enemy's intentions are thwarted at the stages when they are accumulating, gathering somewhere, starting somewhere, and the artillery is already working against the enemy , and mortars and fpv drones and other
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fire systems and tanks etc and etc so answering your question and the tech occupiers must end sooner or later. they really suffer huge losses in those assault attempts, be it in groups, small groups, be it infantry assaults, be it on buggies, atvs, motorcycles, be it on light armored vehicles, or even on armored vehicles like there are turtle tanks or simply on tanks, when they try to storm, in most cases the defense forces repulse these storms and inflict quite heavy losses on the enemy, so the enemy, i repeat, threw... of course a large number of forces, resources, means, and i i am sure that sooner or later this technique, this metallobrok, which the empire has accumulated , will end sooner or later, and the main thing is to perform those tasks as much as possible, to hold the line of defense and in dynamic defense to destroy the enemy
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in order to break his potential, well, we hear a lot about the fact that they use now motorcycles, buggies in order to try to storm, and here are such... things there like tanks, like armored personnel carriers, or how often do you see them now on the front line from the enemy's side, the enemy uses them , it is like the guns that are in closed semi-closed firing positions, that is, unfortunately, they have an advantage in ammunition with which they can afford to actually bombard, that is , to conduct disturbing aimed, non-aimed fire, and tanks to use in assaults, again . turtle tanks, which are covered with nets, metal plates, the enemy is combining, and the enemy is pressing along the entire line of the east, and using, i repeat, different tactics, combining either on armored vehicles, or on tanks with armored vehicles, or on small in groups, or again on motorcycles
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, buggies, etc., and there were also such reports that the russians seem to have started using 130-millimeter guns. guns, for a certain time they did not use them, because there was no ammunition, and now it seems as if these semi-north korean ammunitions were brought up, or did you notice something like that somewhere, but in this regard, the enemy uses a rather large arsenal of systems, and rather old systems, well , moreover, both the defense forces and the enemy use, in particular, mortars of the 37th year. 82 caliber and and in 1938, regimental mortars of 120 caliber and starting from these years even the same maxim machine guns are used somewhere, so there is nothing surprising, for the enemy the priority is actually to conduct disturbing
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fire, and moreover , there were also reports somewhere that during during the last two or more years of a full-scale invasion there, the enemy tried to use tanks as well. t34 of various modifications, the biggest threat is that it is all a weapon, it somehow shoots, explodes and brings destruction, how effective it is, it is again a controversial issue, because the newer the system, the more ammunition, the more accurate the system, the greater advantage it has in coefficients, firepower, accuracy, accuracy, but again, the enemy has tactics and... in principle , the entire soviet doctrine is built on massiveness, crush by mass, crush by quantity, both of ammunition and, in principle , of people, and soldiers, and equipment, etc. well, we still have a little bit of time and i know you have some important collection that is needed for your
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unit, please tell us about him so that we can also, well, our viewers can join him. thank you very much for... uh, helping and encouraging the audience to join the gathering, i would like to first of all thank every ukrainian who throughout the whole time, like starting from the 14th year, starting from the 20th... the second year of a full-scale invasion supports the defense forces within their capabilities, it is important that the entire ukrainian people and the entire ukrainian nation are really this army, understanding that we are fighting an occupier, a huge empire that has huge, limitless resources, both economic and material resources, that is why it is important for the entire ukrainian nation, the entire ukrainian people to be united by a single army and to use all... resources as much as possible in order to protect their families, protect their state and their
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people and their the future, our laws, our democracy, and in principle to protect our freedom and the right to live, therefore a very big thank you to every ukrainian who helps, who donates, this is the collection of our uav brigade, a company of uav operators, who are actually ours with the eyes of artillerymen and... and a lot depends on their work, they detect the enemy in advance, correct the pursuit of the enemy and do not allow the enemy to take any action unnoticed, that is, the enemy will not remain unnoticed. well, pay attention to this qr code, please show me this qr code that we have, while there is still time, this is what i am asking our technicians, please show me and... here it is, that's it for reconnaissance uavs, for our guest, for
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mr. nazarenko, for reconnaissance of the artillery of the fourth rubizh brigade of the national guard of ukraine. please join this meeting as well, because the artillery can shoot where it can see, and in order for it to see, it needs reconnaissance drones, and then the artillery shoots accurately and destroys. the enemy and this helps our defense forces to hold their positions and destroy the most occupiers, so please join, and i thank volodymyr nazarenko very much for joining us, this is actually an important direction of the time gap, so join our meetings, please , be with us, we will meet you for week, stay with the espresso tv channel, and our broadcast continues, so stay with us! see this week in
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the collaborators program. leaders of putin's youth organizations in the occupied territories. today, the entire zaporizhzhia region celebrates the day of reunification with the russian federation. but what prospects do the rashists offer teenagers for betraying ukraine. i advise you to contact the ministry of youth policy. congratulations. i am olena kononenko and this is the program. collaborators about traitors who, at the call of their hearts and wallets, serve the rashi occupiers on foot. in in today's program, we will continue to talk about putin's youth organizations, which are creating offspring in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. yug molody, or young south, is a russian youth organization founded in 2022. it is directly financed from the budget of the russian federation and operates in the captured territories of zaporizhzhia, kherson do koia and luhansk regions. officially, the young south is about leisure for teenagers, but in fact it is a powerful
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recruitment center. the basis of the organization and its leaders are the so-called volunteers of the zrf, activists of the youth wing of united russia and local collaborators. the movement organizes masses for all russian events and holidays. invites to hold lectures for young people, kremlin politicians, bloggers and pop stars. they, in turn, talk about... cloudy career prospects in russia. the movement constantly initiates actions in support of russian soldiers, collects and delivers humanitarian aid to them. the last such initiative was called "i will help you son". manages the young south organization in the occupied part of the zaporizhia region of mykyta romanenko. i am sending a message to the armed forces of ukraine. how did mykytka go from a guard at the cemetery to a leading figure in the rashist organization? i will tell you now. the people of melitopol report that mykytka lived in melitopol, in his hometown, from birth, worked in
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an office, that is, extorted money from people by phone, then moved to dnipro to a similar call center. from a young age, he began rooting for russia, opposed nato and supported the war from the first day of the invasion of the invaders. after february 24, he went to crimea, where he tried to fix his life by working guard at the cemetery, but something went wrong. and the traitor had to return to the occupied melitopol. it was there that the rashists began to create youth organizations to instill the kremlin ideology, so they really needed those who would lead them. mykytka was ideal for this, young, unprincipled, talentless and with a thirst for money and illusory power. in addition , they found out that rumanenko had been waiting for russian peace in melitopol for a very long time, tried to organize the movement of the immortal regiment and
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invited everyone to join the so-called underground melitopol "legion". our law enforcement agencies found out that in the morning. in 2020 , romanenko and his guides planned to distribute propaganda products of a russian nature in melitopol. in one of the messengers of the group called melitopol-uprising, he called for the overthrow of the constitutional system, promoted the idea of ​​violent federalization and the withdrawal of the southern regions from ukraine, promoted the idea of ​​creating a fake zaporizhia republic and novorossiya. so there was no need to prove loyalty to the russian invaders. by the way, for him. ukrainian activity in 2022, he received a medal from gauleiter yevhen balytskyi. today, the entire zaporizhzhia region celebrates the day of reunification with the russian federation. this is a very significant day for all residents of the zaporizhzhia region, because they have been waiting for it for a very long time. also, activists of pivdnya molodoy will distribute symbols of the zaporizhzhia region and the russian federation. subsequently, this supporter of the tricolor headed
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the organization south young in the zaporizhzhia region. actions for support. kremlin, interviews with the main pro-putin stars, discrediting the ssu and the ukrainian authorities, recruiting young people to join the anti-ukrainian movement, and this is far from a complete list of mykytka's occupations in office. they will never succeed because russia will never kneel. this young traitor has a fanatical love for the kremlin grandfather. during the presidential pseudo-elections in russia. mykytka headed the volunteer headquarters of putin's support in the zaporizhzhia region, he can even often be seen next to neofur at russian events. here he stands and lovingly looks at the unchanging dictator of russia after elections, but sings with him on the same stage. to sing the national anthem of the russian federation on stage with volodymyr volodymyrovych on red square
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was something incredible for me, as a resident of the zaporizhia region. i still remember, it seems to me, this is exactly what i was telling. to their children and grandchildren. romanenko loves fame and the media very much. to do this, he runs a telegram channel called nikquanta, where he has 4,000 subscribers and works as a correspondent for srochna militopol. zaporizhzhia region is in touch. now we are on world youth festival in the city of sochi. this fanatic of everything russian is now very useful for the occupiers, because he is engaged in agitation and propaganda among the youth. he often fasts playfully to music. a video about how cool it is to be russian, to have a passport with a chicken , and in general, russia is the center of the universe. as the head, romanenko is campaigning for young people to enter rashisht universities, go to russia and support those who allegedly liberated them in every possible way. this young traitor doesn't have any suspicions yet, but he has already pushed and done it to the whole article of the criminal code. at first, he
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was an active member of the russian organization pivden-molodiy, then he went on to... a significant promotion, we are talking about kirill oleksandrovich kuzyakin from melitopol, born in 2002. my name is kirill. our movement joins the victory for us campaign and expresses great support and gratitude to our state and military personnel. when russian troops captured his hometown, kirill was a student. he saw his prospects in the occupation, for which he began to actively work. the guy was seen in almost all of them pro-russian youth organizations. initially, he was a member of the young south movement, which is managed by putin's united russia party. in the organization, kirill began to do pr for helping veterans, often went to putin's speeches as a representative of zaporizhzhya youth, which he was very proud of. our russian federation is united with us, and we appreciate it very much. the youth of zaporizhzhia region hopes and knows
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that we will continue to go to such big events. kuzyakin did not want to play secondary roles. the young rooster had enough other talents, which able to better perform the roles of recruiters and agitators. that's why kyrylo applied to the eco-organization dolay, which supposedly saves the nature of the zaporizhzhia region. we are already conducting the previous million motherland campaign on a regular basis, and covering only the schools of the city of melitopol, more than a million tons of recyclable materials were collected. and it would be better to collect and send for processing all russian necessities from our land. kuzyakn's career as an eco-activist was on the rise, he even won a grant of millions of rubles for his own project called the recycling workshop separate from the ministry of youth policy. russia, its essence is to make souvenirs from garbage, this is how i understand the latest ideas. my boys and i have been recycling caps for a year now, and our
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main eco-habit with them is, of course, collecting caps from bottles and recycling them. but not only ecoactivism. kuzyakin tried his hand at politics, tried to become a candidate for deputies from the united russia party in the zaporizhzhia region, but did not make it. even to the lists, now he walks, collects his own garbage, no, not russian black bags, thank you to the government invaders and tries to attract as many teenagers as possible to the kremlin youth structures. we, in turn, invite kirill to join the ukrainian organization of collaborators who will bear responsibility for treason to the motherland. and finally, i will tell you about another young traitor who is a member of several putin youth movements, alina bezverhnya u. a native of melitopol until february 24 was very famous in the city, because from childhood she built a career as a singer, studied vocals at the number one children's music school and participated in various
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international competitions. so, in particular, in 2020 , the girl won the grand prize at the bukovel starfest international festival in the vocal art category. but international competitions, the young performer easily exchanged for narrow prospects, where the performance at the stadium can remain peaks. career, when melitopol was captured by the russian army on february 25, 2022, alina quickly understood the rules of the russian peace and became its activist and propagandist. i advise you to contact the ministry of youth policy, cool people work here, they will help you with promotion and an equally cool recording studio. she became the leader of propaganda for young people in the young south, and also became the vice-president of the russian movement of children and youth rukh. the first, the girl broadcasts success on camera, which, according to her, is possible only in russia and only on the moscow stage, she is often invited to
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all kinds of dirty concerts to sing patriotic songs. our word, as a representative of the so-called new territories of russia, alina entered. to the moscow university of arts. on alina's return to no one is waiting for ukraine, well, maybe our law enforcement agencies, to imprison it for a long time . it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin's progenitors, write to us at this email address, or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso.
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glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, on the air of the tv channel, the program studio zahid, we will analyze the most important events of this week and, of course, we will try to predict what the following weeks will bring us. today's guests of zahid studio are the legendary american general wesley clark and the famous political scientist who is in washington, andriy p'. the legendary american general wesley clark, ex-commander of the contingent of the euro-atlantic alliance on the european continent, will now be on the espresso tv channel. greetings , dear mr. general clark, and thank you for the opportunity and the honor of speaking with you. the key story is the scenario of the subsequent war. we in ukraine were extremely worried unpleasant, not just disturbing, but literally unpleasant feelings when it was given... a few months for putin, when we talk about the delivery of large-scale american aid, for six months we in ukraine felt that everything could end badly for us, but now there is
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a feeling, that war acquires new additional dimensions. i would like to ask you to describe them now. it is very good that ukraine is finally receiving weapons from the west and i am very happy about the support from the united states. despite the six-month period. delay and misunderstanding in the congress, but it is very important, for ukraine to define its concept of victory, and use this concept to be guided by it in its demands. it is not necessary to do this publicly, but there should be a clear plan for what this weapon is needed for. without a plan, people will say: well, the front has stabilized, there is nothing left but to defend and despair, but let it happen. in 1940, british troops were pushed out of the european continent, and it took them four years to
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cross the english channel with american help. to enter and liberate france. important geostrategic initiatives do not happen in a couple of months. this is not just a matter of two more batteries or artillery battalions, or hundreds, thousands of 155 mm shells. although everything is necessary for defense. you need a concept of victory without which it will be difficult for your supporters in the west to formulate demands for forces, supplies and reinforcements. so the point is to develop. the concept of victory. dear mr. general, we understand that the concept of our victory, the formula of our victory and the scenario of further war depends on resources, and resources depend on specific political will, including president joseph biden. and we understand that some things in the white house were put on hold only because putin threatened, possibly with the use of tactical nuclear weapons. perhaps putin
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threatened something else, but we see that... putin is inadequate, that is, the very beginning of the war demonstrated putin's inadequacy and all the atrocities that accompanied this war, when we talk, in particular, about the shelling of our peaceful cities, well, accordingly , you have the feeling when we talk about, for example , tactical aviation, yes, the f-16s that are supposed to arrive this summer, that there will be enough of them , and how the united states will behave if putin really dares to use tactics. nuclear weapons, because this is all very, very serious. you asked two questions: the first is about the f-16? it is related to the following question: how many f-16 can be considered a sufficient number? do you need 15, 50 or 500 of these fighters? it depends on your concept of winning. why not? enough, at least in the public dialogue, although i don't know what is being said behind the scenes,
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is... concepts of victory. what it is? this concept forms the basis for deciding the adequacy or inadequacy of the military supplies you receive. as for the united states, you have very strong popular support, reflecting both your determination to fight for your independence and democracy, and the willingness of americans to support those who fight for freedom. this strong sympathy embraces. both are political party if putin decides to use nuclear weapons, the united states will have to respond appropriately. although i don't know what that answer will be. i hope the us has an adequate military response package as well. this war will end when putin realizes that he cannot win and cannot hold the parts of ukraine that he claims are part of russia. this is how
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this war should end. we often hear that it should end with a diplomatic settlement. after all, all wars usually end somehow a written agreement, but the question is what will form the basis of this agreement? the basis for it should be the results of the ukrainian concept of ousting the russians, the demands that this concept generates, and the determination to fulfill them in the process of implementing the plan as soon as possible. it will start to happen, i think that putin can be overcome, and i am sure that he will definitely not resort to a nuclear scenario. i ask you about this for a reason, because at one time you restrained not only serbian aggression in the balkans, you also restrained russian aggression in the balkans, you were among those people who did not were afraid to bring the situation to the level of either, or, yes, we
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remember this case very well in ukraine, and yes... you managed to stop the crimes of the serbian fascists who were under milosevic's gun, but on the other hand, nuclear weapons were not involved weapons, if we are talking about the seriousness of putin's intentions, how far do you think things can go and do you feel the readiness of the euro-atlantic community to fulfill its obligations, if, for example, putin starts one or another form of aggression against one or another member state nato, or will it be estonia. whether it will be lithuania or poland. conflicts can be ended in two ways: one of them is the achievement of a dominant escalation. when your adversary recognizes the hopelessness of his position and surrenders, that's how we fought the serbs in 1999. milosevic was a rational man, but he was also somewhat exhausted by five years.


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