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tv   [untitled]    July 5, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EEST

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absolutely right, putin is a cornered rat. pay attention to the new circumstance of caucasian-islamic-fascist rebellions. the main composition of these terrorists is the golden youth of dagestan. these are the children, two sons, and other relatives of the head of the united russia party in dagestan. head of the region. these organizations are associated with the national hero of dagestan. they have a fight without rules. schools of struggle without rules appear to have trained all these islamic terrorists. in other words , it is not some socially disaffected people driven to despair by their own people who oppose putin situation the same golden youth and elite of dagestan oppose the russian government. they do not arouse any sympathy in me. but when a frog competes with a viper, we only welcome such a phenomenon. the question is, why is he somehow
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trying to bypass this story, that is, instead of the fact that he could have unloaded his information agenda on dagestan, no, somehow they are trying, they do not know what to do with this impression, so putin solved the problem of chechnya , in general, admitting his defeat and completely surrendering power to chechens of the kadyrov clan. kadyrov, in fact , heads an independent sultanate, produces there what he wants. putin will have to, that is, the caucasus is already effectively separated from russia, not to mention that putin lost absolutely all positions in the south caucasus when he refused to support armenia during the second karabakh war. azerbaijan is there. therefore, during the celebrations in the city of shusha, president erdoğan and aliyev signed an agreement on the unification of the army and there is a single turkish-azerbaijani.
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which i cannot quote in your broadcast of shoigu gerasimov. but we remember how prigozhin's rhetoric evolved. two days before his mutiny, he addressed the people and the army. he spoke not only about the lack of shells, he criticized the war itself. he said that... that the people pushed us into this
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short-lived, unnecessary war, the ruble oligarchs sent the soldiers to die, and when they understand who sent them there, they will tear up their villages. and prigozhin almost succeeded, he almost reached moscow without any resistance. putin eliminated prigozhin, but not prigozhin's sentiments. but prigozhin andrii andriyovych was also not alone. we understand that someone is for... prigozhin's slogans are very popular, and now it is the strangest thing for putin. recently, general shamanov, a known war criminal and monster, spoke in the state duma. he unexpectedly again ... began to criticize the military
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leadership and putin, exposed the generals. as he said, generals sew their uniforms in the best ateliers, soldiers do not have enough gymnastics. he repeated the same social slogans that the army was being robbed, played up the theme, the king was not real. it shows how much vulnerable positions of putin, it is enough for one charismatic leader to appear, who will repeat the same beautiful slogans. and the second campaign on the kremlin may turn out to be more successful. thank you andrii andriyovych for this extremely interesting and informative conversation, i want to remind our viewers that andrii piondkovskii, a famous political scientist who is in washington, was currently working on espresso. well, the time of our program is over, stay with the espresso tv channel. my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of this day. take care of yourself and your loved ones. see you on air. see this week's program on
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judicial control, extra-procedural actions and exoneration of drunk drivers. why vrp? freed judge galyonkin to apply a sanction to mr. galyonkin in the form of a motion to dismiss the substitute position. but how did judge bonchev fail the qualification assessment. and all the measures that i took in the law, they were fulfilled. congratulations. judicial control is on the air. institutional rebooting and personnel renewal of the judiciary based on the norms of professional ethics and integrity - this the basis of the judicial reform currently underway in ukraine. its successful implementation is the main requirement for our further path to the eu, however, we will talk about how successful the transformation is and whether the moral and professional qualities of justice officials meet high standards today, but
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first, let's talk about the news. the supreme council of justice dismissed from his post a judge on duty who got behind the wheel while intoxicated. the deputy got rid of the post. chairman of the cherkasy court of appeal volodymyr borodiychuk. the police caught him driving drunk toyota land cruiser prado in november 2023 . borodiychuk refused to undergo a drunkenness test, and even denied that he was behind the wheel. and after the incident, he submitted an application to the vrp with a request to release him into honorable retirement with life imprisonment. a few months ago , the cherkasy court found bordydchuk guilty and fined him 17 hryvnias with a one-year suspension of his driver's license. now. that the full council of justice decided to leave unchanged the decision of the third disciplinary chamber to dismiss the judge. the chairman of the poltava court of appeal, serhiy galonkin, also lost his judgeship. he is known for the fact that he lived in a church that he built himself. here is this house with an area of
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​​661 m2, located in the suburbs of poltava, but he was dismissed from the position of judge not for this, but because of extra-procedural communication with the lawyer and judges regarding two cases of driving cars while... in a state of intoxication. one of them features the judge's son. in audio recordings of conversations recorded by the national anti-corruption bureau, galonkin promises his help. the third disciplinary the vrp chamber publishes an excerpt of this conversation. by and large, you know, we are normal people, we will always do anything. if you need help, we will always help. however , the members of the disciplinary chamber probably did not see a significant misdemeanor here and decided that imprisonment would be enough for galyonkin . wages for three months, the judge appealed this decision, and the supreme council of justice dismissed the judge altogether. galonkin committed a significant disciplinary offense that is incompatible with the status of a judge. voting is complete, eight voted in favor vrp members, against four. in this way, the supreme council of justice decided. to apply
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a disciplinary penalty in the form of a motion to dismiss the judge from his position against the judge of the poltava court of appeal, serhiy anatoliyovych galonkin. now the supreme council of justice must adopt the format. decision, but serhii galonkin can still appeal it. the high qualification commission of judges continues to weed out unworthy representatives, and recently this process has gained momentum. many unscrupulous servants have already found themselves one step away from dismissal themis. the commission recognized igor bonchev, judge of the fastiv city district court of the kyiv region, as unworthy of office. it is so difficult to say here, because no one knows the whole truth. ihory bonchev has delayed cases for reckless driving, inconsistency of life with official incomes, and dubious sources of wealth. well, not exactly conscientious, er, your duty to maintain your qualifications as a judge at
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a high level. ihor bonchev did not overburden himself with work: i try to be present in court as much as possible, once or twice once a week and other days, what do you do? improving my qualifications, well, er, and in what way, let me find out? studies legislation. bonchev assures that he must do this, because the legislation is constantly changing, however, he has not been able to name at least two changes to the criminal procedure code in recent years. tell me, please, at least two or three changes to the criminal procedure code that have been adopted. by law, introduced by the relevant laws that took place after the introduction of martial law on the territory of ukraine stand, now, now, and when you don't
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do justice for a long time, it immediately flies out of your head, judge ihor bonchev could not remember a single topic from 48 hours. in the advanced training course, classes were conducted on the integral court, i remember this for sure. of an integrated court, maybe explain this concept of an integrated court, because it is some new expression that is so interesting, i just don’t remember it anymore, six months have passed, maybe it was one of the topics in the context of the conclusion of the criminal code number 26 on the digitalization of the judiciary, so that’s digitalization, that’s it ihor bonchev worked so hard studied legislation that systematically missed deadlines during the consideration of cases. for drunken driving, the public council of virtue recorded at least nine
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cases where drunk drivers avoided punishment because of it, there was no intentional action by me to avoid them, and all the measures i took were legal, they were carried out. in addition to a bad memory, judge bonchev has a wonderful ex- wife. in 2018, she gave him half a hryvnia. in the 17th year, she is for this. began to collect funds, she worked, director, and she also had a firm, i think, jan, no, i don’t remember now, but ega, here , she had one, yes, i know that she was involved, according to the public integrity council, the ex-wife of the judge did not have financial ability to make such an amount to the ex-husband. a gift, because in general for the whole of 2017 she earned less than this amount, she had
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9000 hryvnias in savings, and even taking them into account, in order to please her ex-husband, she would have to starve the whole year, you declared in your declaration of the person authorized to performing the function of the state locally with 471 uah, 471,874 uah, yes, this income consisted of the wife's income, this income consisted of the funds received. ego and funds from the sale of two plots of land owned by the wife. well, if we proceed even from this amount, the amount of keeping the wife at the end, at the beginning, at the end of 2016, the 17th year, uah 90,000, then the question arises, well, purely mathematically, moreover, the judge did not pay alimony for small children, but assures that when... his wife asked him for money and he gave it to her, the younger child was only 2
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years, what were the motives, if she needed these funds, to collect all the last funds she had and give them to you, well, because i had an apartment in the white church before i got married, i sold it later, when we were married, and well, i can't... name the reason here, but i sold her for something, not for that, not for that, and i had nowhere to go, and she knew about it, she is also a human person, with money from her wife, ihor bonchev i bought an apartment in the village of khodosivka in the kyiv region, and shortly before that, i bought a car for almost a million hryvnias. i paid half of the funds immediately, took half on credit, if you understood that you do not have enough funds for an apartment... then this is the car, the previous
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car started leaking oil, and there was simply such a repair that had to be done, throughout the entire during the interview, judge ihor bonchev made excuses as best he could, but it did not help him. to recognize ihory volodymyrovych bonchev, the judge of the fascivsky district court of the kyiv region, as unfit for the position he holds. final decision on bonche's dismissal. now the supreme court has to decide the council of justice, and we will continue to monitor the progress of the qualification evaluation of the servants of themis and the implementation of the judicial reform. and for today i have everything, it was judicial control and i, tetyana shustrova. if you know of corruption in the judicial system, or you want to report an unscrupulous judge who makes illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or by e-mail. whose address you see on the screen. it's all good, we'll meet in exactly one week. every week
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, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club. every saturday at espresso. greetings viewers of espresso, i, artem logutenko, am in the studio with you , and today we will talk about a very interesting topic. technologies in war, we will discuss this topic with yuriy fedorenko, the commander of the battalion of unmanned aerial systems achilles, a separate assault brigade of the 92nd named after ivan sirk. mr. yuri, i congratulate you. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. yuriy fedorenko, one
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of the first in this war, realized the importance of drones. his drunari is one of the most effective units of unmanned aerial systems in this war. if our viewers haven't seen it, i highly recommend keeping an eye on this battalion's monthly stats, they are really impressive. as far as i know, yury fedorenko, his battalion is currently working in the kharkiv direction. mr. yuriy, you said a few days ago that a tactical initiative was intercepted in this... direction, in particular in the area of ​​the city of vovchansk, please tell me what the current situation is in this direction? in general, in the kharkiv region, it can be said that that the defense forces have stabilized the situation, very active work is being done to knock the enemy out of the positions he has taken. i
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will say more, we work so much on the stream of sagittarius sticky, the predominant one. amount of time, so it can be said that not only was the situation stabilized, the force defense managed, in particular, the 92nd assault brigade, to knock out the enemy from a number of positions he occupied, to regain two landings. when committing such actions, the enemy goes into counter-battle, does not leave the position just like that, therefore, the enemy is from every position knocks out after occupying its defense forces, the enemy actively conducts reverse strike actions, shock assaults in order to... restore lost positions, plant military reserves, so when we say that the situation is stabilized, there may be a false impression that everything is supposedly okay, it is possible not to help the defense forces already on that line, somehow it will be there, but in fact, when we say simple words, the situation is stabilized, we take tactical initiatives, this means that from the planning of obtaining combat tasks to
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the implementation on the battlefield, hundreds of representatives defense forces persistently in the mode of full afterburner, they perform combat tasks so that it is possible to simply say that the situation is stabilized, we take the tactical initiative, in order for it to be preserved in this way, it is necessary to continue the system work, to press the occupier, beat him and push him back, for this we need equipment , if we are on the defensive, for example, this is one expenditure, if we conduct shock assault actions, that is , knock out the enemy from occupied positions, both with uavs and artillery shells are growing roughly three times, so help is very, very needed, friends, the dynamics of the bodies are crazy, and the state is full, despite all the contracts for crazy financing, pva funds are full, unfortunately, this need cannot be covered and will not be able to in 25 year, not because the state is bad,
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because the dynamics have happened, and we must remember that we are fighting with an extremely powerful army, once... the army in the world, which is also technologically improving, developing, modernizing and having the ability to finance military - industrial complex and war against of ukraine. mr. yuri, please tell me what changed the permission of western countries to strike with their weapons on the territory of the russian federation, for example, in the same direction of kharkiv, a little technical problem, so there are two... extremely important components. first, the number of shellings on the city of kharkiv decreased several times after the granting of this permission, which means that the infrastructure and the main civilian population are less under the influence of enemy fire, there are fewer deep-seated ones, and fewer wounded, that is, with these steps, the world has made it possible to somewhat localize terror, reduce
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it is specifically in the city of kharkiv, plus additionally, the enemy now does not feel safe, as it was before along the state border. if the enemy is forced to understand what is coming at him, he is forced to maneuver, withdraw his forces and means to safe places. and the logistics leverage automatically increases many times over. the longer the logistical arm, the accumulation of the crossing of the state border line, the more we have the ability and opportunity to detect it in a timely manner and to apply a combined fire effect. artillery, high-precision weapons and, of course, means baffles that have become indistinguishable. slot modern war, therefore our partners, giving permission, say the following: we are in favor of preserving the lives and health of ukrainians, we are in favor of... putting an end to the world terrorist, it is very important that step number two gives opportunities to use high-precision weapons throughout the territory of the russian federation,
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exclusively on military facilities, as well as those enterprises that process petroleum products and fill the russian federation with petrodollars, the military-industrial complex is financed with these petrodollars, a group of troops that conducts hostilities against ukraine, therefore these categories of targets. it is necessary to destroy systematically, fight the cause, because on the territory of ukraine we are already fighting the effect, we will be able to fight the cause, the dynamics of the evils will change significantly. when additional aircraft are delivered to us, we will be able to stop aerial terror, protect our cities more thoroughly from the point of view of air defense, and land enemy aircraft that mercilessly attack the front lines, as well as the surrounding towns and villages, guided by his bombs. which is highly accurate weapons, unfortunately for the enemy, there are a lot of them , we will be able to shoot down aviation, intensive use will reduce casualties, which means the destruction of the ukrainian infrastructure
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of the ukrainian territory and the ability to influence the defense forces, where the enemy loses capabilities, we acquire them, yes, well, the key here the question of when these planes will finally be in ukraine, mr. yuri, i want to talk to you now about the actual drones... recently the chief of staff of the french army, pierre shill, said that 80% of the objects destroyed on the front in ukraine are destroyed drones or can you believe this number? it would be unfair on the level of other main means to say that the main initials on the field of combat are held by drones, because the biggest result. gives a combined effect, and for example, if we talk about artillery, a cannon can fire, for example, 50 shots and not kill anyone and not destroy any equipment, but because it
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works in a certain square, it presses the enemy to the ground and does not give him the opportunity to advance further, and as long as the enemy is forced to come to his shelter, drones fly to him and make a merciless impression, therefore, despite the high statistics that are available in some places - it can be confirmed that this is so. when using dust to destroy equipment, it must be remembered that only the combined fire effect gives the maximum result. unmanned aviation does not replace artillery in any way. therefore , it is necessary to have a sufficient number of artillery ammunition, and the installations themselves, both self-propelled and self-propelled guns, which will fire shots towards the enemy and perform their combat tasks. chief of staff of the french army also stated that 3/4 of the drones produced by ukrainian drone operators do not reach
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their target and are destroyed by russian slaves. doesn't this mean that the russians are very quickly and , unfortunately, very effectively learning to counter our unmanned aircraft complex, first. the enemy has some of the best means of radio-electronic warfare in the world, centralized, they have been doing this for a long time and with success, the reb is now crazy, that is , closed advanced positions, closed assault groups, closed lightly armored, armored vehicles, other means that provide logistics, fire cover of the enemy's personnel, well, accordingly, centralized reb-systems that press a wide range of frequencies, but in ukraine it is arranged in a mirror manner, the number of means in connection with lower production capabilities, at the same time , our means are in the air, like
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reconnaissance , make it possible to see the enemy during the day and night, and hit him hard, effectively and persistently, and the statistics that were given are not entirely true, i will explain why, the statistics were given, most likely on fpv kamikaze drones, and indeed on directions that are... extremely saturated with enemy rep means and a lot of marshmallow noise, out of 10 drones can reach their target only three, ee units that can effectively bypass, reb defense and so on , the percentage of positive use is considered 50 to 50, it's really cool, the achilles battalion keeps from 40 to 60% effective use, but even these 30%. yes, in what difficult directions do they fly, and if skillfully used in our battalion from 40 to 60, this is a very, very significant fire impact on the enemy, it is a cheap... tool that
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enables the enemy to be highly accurate, so we cannot say that the statistics that were given are 80% of what is happening there, that these are true statistics, no, in each nomenclature it is necessary consider separately. mr. yuri, i would like to talk to you about how technology is developing in the context of drones. here we are, we recently saw a beautiful video that was made public. armed forces of ukraine, how our drone shoots down the enemy, barrage lancet ammunition, and for the understanding of our viewers, who do not fight, lancets are one of the most effective russian weapons against, in particular , ukrainian artillery, and it is extremely important to find, so to speak, a medicine against it, even before this there was a video of how our drones
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from... enemy reconnaissance uavs. tell me, mr. yuri, is this such a coincidence, or is this evidence that both our drone operators and our drones are developing? 10% is allocated to randomness at the front, 90% is careful painstaking work, in particular, if we say prosody, the ability to shoot down with semi-drones, wings, other strike drones. have others units into the defense force, we don't actively tell how it works, our civil society doesn't need to know that, they need to know that it's possible because we 're asking for additional funding for it, but how it works, well i think civil society does not need to know this, and at the same time it must
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be a mystery to the enemy. how did the defense force manage to set up the process that at the expense of our drones we now have the opportunity to shoot down enemy drones, and i will tell you this that these practices in the absence of anti-aircraft means, nomenclature of ammunition for them, is an integral part of air defense, and the rate of shooting down enemy drones is only increasing every month, this is great news, and mr. yury, i want to talk with you... also about equipping the armed forces of ukraine with drones. actually, we know that the defense procurement agency of the ministry of defense of ukraine has announced the conclusion of contracts for the purchase of drones for the amount of more than uah 1 billion. evil tongues often say that no one sees these drones at the front. but i would like to ask you if you can refute it.
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my opinion cannot, as you understand, be representative, to the full extent, i will say on the basis of the unit, we receive wing-type reconnaissance vehicles in full from the state, wing-type strike vehicles we receive exclusively from volunteer organizations , drone drones, we currently receive 40% from what was applied at the expense of state supplies. 60% at the expense of the ukrainian people and businesses and taxpayers, in particular at the expense of local budgets, subventions as well, night bombers that the enemy christened bavayag, in full we currently receive at the expense of state funding, i can compare the beginning of the 23rd year, the spring of the 23rd year, 20% of the funds we will receive from the state. and
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80 at the expense of the support of the ukrainian nation, at the current moment, if we say on average, somewhere around 60%, this is state funding 40, if we go by all means in general, 40 is at the expense of the support of the ukrainian nation, and without this 40% we cannot provide dynamic system work, that is why meetings are held all the time, we ask ukrainians to help, the dynamics of hostilities are crazy in... expenses are crazy drones, i will give a specific example about the air defense we just talked about, we take two wing-type reconnaissance vehicles, five of the enemy and five of ours, and we take the time stamp of one week, for one and the same lines would. we will lose five during the week, the enemy lost two, this is due to the fact that the enemy's anti-aircraft system is much better configured.


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