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tv   [untitled]    July 5, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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current analysis: the time is approaching to remember and honor all those who died at the hands of the russian invaders on our land. moment of silence let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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zelensky is tired of prime minister shmygal, so the government is expected to change by autumn, ukrainians write about it. journalists of rbc and ukrainian pravda publications. is it really so, and who can be the next prime minister? could it be someone from the opposition, for example? today we are talking about possible changes in the cabinet of ministers and elections in ukraine. and does the government plan them? this is svoboda ranok. my name is kateryna nekrecha and we are starting. president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi is probably tired of prime minister denys shmyhal and probably plans to fire him. this is reported.
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ukrainian pravda edition with reference to sources close to the president. the president actually does not listen to the prime minister at meetings, the publication's source says, and his dismissal is more emotional than a miscalculation. another ukrainian interlocutor pravdy says that this is the second time in the past two months that the prime minister has been dismissed, and journalists from rbc ukraine write that the prime minister's foreign policy activity has decreased and add that this may also be one of the indicators. that prime minister denys shmyhal may soon be dismissed. the president's office says that after the nato summit in washington and the summit of the european political community in london, the focus will shift to domestic political affairs, writes rbc ukraine. journalists of the publication it is assumed that this is when this reboot of the government can begin. at the same time, there may be a change of the prime minister. if such decisions are... adopted, then the reboot
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will take place before the beginning of autumn. but, interestingly, in the first year of the full-scale invasion in august 22, president volodymyr zelenskyy stated that the resignation of prime minister shmyhal's government was unlikely to happen during the war. he then added that only point rotations are possible in these directions, where the work of the government needs to be improved. president then said that the government copes with key tasks, and his work in the 22nd year he... appreciated, quote: not bad. people's deputy of ukraine fedir venislavsky from the servant of the people faction and the head of the subcommittee on state security, defense and defense innovations joins our broadcast. welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. i congratulate you. glory to ukraine. hero slava, to begin with the following question: is the president really tired of denys shmegal? well, i have no information about how tired or not the president is tired of the prime minister of ukraine. i can you. to say only how,
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not even as a member of parliament, not as a people's deputy, but as a specialist in the field of concession law, that there are certain legal safeguards for a change of government, because the resignation of the prime minister of ukraine, which you just talked about as a hypothetical possibility , it has the effect of drawing up the powers, dismissal, termination of the powers of the entire cabinet of ministers of ukraine. there is a law on the legal regime of martial law, article 10, which clearly prohibits the termination of powers. including the cabinet of ministers of ukraine during the legal regime of martial law, that is , the legal mechanisms for the implementation of such a hypothetical hypothetical scenario, which you just talked about on the air, at the moment i do not see without making changes to the legislation of ukraine, that is, legally it is impossible, well yes, you believe that it is also impossible, and these conversations about the possibility that this will happen there even before the beginning of autumn, you actually exclude, i understand correctly, at the moment i do not... or legal opportunities to
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terminate the powers of the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, and the termination of the powers of the prime minister automatically results in the termination of the powers of the entire cabinet of ministers. it was not by chance that the president spoke about possible points at the beginning of the war. changes, because when a specific minister writes a statement of resignation, we consider such a statement, or if the prime minister makes a submission, we consider it, but the full composition of the cabinet of ministers of ukraine is legally changed, it cannot be terminated, uh, tell me , you and your colleagues in the parliament are satisfied with the work of the cabinet today, do you have any questions for the current prime minister, i think that there are probably no such examples in history when there are no questions to the prime minister of any country. of course, there are questions, and questions about some decisions of the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, about the efficiency of adopting these or other decisions, in general about specific activities, but these questions, let's say, are specific, which we are discussing, which we are trying to solve in terms of communication with
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the prime minister of ukraine, the prime minister, well at the moment, he is completely open, and when it comes to the need meetings with people's deputies, such meetings take place. regularly during the war, i personally communicated several times , well, i was with the prime minister on work issues, so i think that today we have a sufficiently clear and close interaction between the parliament, between people's deputies and government officials, and all issues , which we solve, which arise, we try to solve quickly enough in view of the situation in which we are all now, because the war leaves its mark on the activities of the government and on the activities of the parliament and on communication, and if the parliament were dissatisfied with the work of the prime minister, then what are the mechanisms, or should we wait for the end of martial law and only then make these changes there, well, that is, it cannot be such that a person, for example, so hypothetically , people are not satisfied with this position, she does not perform the functions that the parliamentarians would consider necessary or does not do it so well, so what
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to do then, just tolerate it? well, you know, the legal regime of martial law, which we introduced on february 24, it leaves its mark on everyone. public authorities, because no the verkhovna rada, nor the president, nor the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, nor the judiciary, nor the judicial authorities, their activities cannot be suspended in the conditions of martial law, because it has, well, unforeseen very big risks in all areas, and accordingly, answering your question, well, if the prime minister of ukraine during his term of office, he has been in office the longest to date, probably in the history of ukraine, among all the prime ministers, there have been no such ones. them questions about the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the functioning of the cabinet ministers of ukraine, in view of what i said, that there is good enough communication and the issues are resolved very well, if not badly, in my opinion, when such problems arise and there is a desire to solve them, therefore, i think that it is
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legally possible to predict in what way it is possible to dismiss the prime minister, as i have already said, legally this is not possible without making changes, at least to the law on the legal regime of martial law, which provides precisely... the impossibility of terminating the powers of the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, and from the political point of view, well, you know , here already questions about the collective, team work of the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, as the chairman of the verkhovna rada, mr. stefanchuk, said, i think that in the near future the verkhovna rada of ukraine will appoint appropriate leaders to the currently vacant positions in the government, who will perform exactly the tasks that verkhovna rada, and the president puts before the government. let's talk then about these point decisions and substitutions that are legally possible. and this is the replacement of ministers, but today there are departments that are without permanent ministers, instead kubrakov is not there, there is also one about the minister of information policy and culture, but there is no approved candidacy, why is this happening, are there not enough people for these positions and do you think other
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ministers who are currently in their positions should be changed for the sake of greater efficiency, i think i will start with your last question, i think that there are definitely questions about the effectiveness of their activities to... which ministers, and judging by that, i will not reveal to you, let's say, her entire hidden discussion in members in the members of our faction, but to many to not to many, to a few ministers, judging by the degree of assessments of their activities, including their mistakes, let's say, in those areas that, on which the attention is focused and... the parliament accumulates, and i do not rule out that in the near future, several ministers may face the question of whether they need to be fired, and as for the first question, why are the vacancies not being filled, you know, again, for me, this question is quite simple, because
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from the point of view of the law on the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, from the point of view of the constitution, in order for our parliament to appoint certain candidates for vacant ministerial positions. we have to receive a submission from the respective prime minister of ukraine, this submission is considered by our faction, which has the right to a coalition of deputy factions, which according to the constitution is just right. has the right to appoint at the request of the prime minister, or rather, to approve the appointment of ministers at the request of the prime minister, such submissions to the verkhovna rada at the moment, as far as to my knowledge, it did not come from the prime minister, so the question is probably more for the prime minister, why he does not initiate the appointment of certain officials to the posts of ministers, i do not think that there is a big problem with the deficit personnel, because there are those e... deputies, those politicians, who could embrace and effectively fulfill the powers of the ministers, who
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are currently vacant, both in the parliament and outside the parliament. and why is this happening and can it be a single decision of the prime minister, or is it still in the office should the president approve these people? well, first of all, the constitution does not provide for the need for approval in the office of the president, alefacto, but de facto, look, we have a situation in which we the president has his pro-presidential majority in the parliament, which appointed the prime minister, accordingly personnel flights ... personnel decisions are made in a coordinated manner by the leadership of the parliament, parliamentary committees, specialized committees, the president's office, the prime minister's office, therefore, well, today i am not a member of such structures that would discuss appointments to positions, so i have no information, and i would not like to invent or say something about which i do not have information from the first source, but the prime minister, according to your opinion and there according to your information, can still single-handedly decide such the decision is there or in the team and... without contacting the president's office, to appoint ministers? no, well, i said that there is a close coordination of the leadership of the parliament,
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the office of the president, the prime minister, so i think that the figures who are candidates for the post of prime ministers are just so coordinated the consensus position of all centers of state power, but for some reason you see that there are ministries in which there are no heads, and on the other hand, you talk about point changes that are being discussed in your faction, the change of several, perhaps... there are helmsmen, the ministry, you do not name who specifically, perhaps there is also a department there, for example, the ministry of defense, the ministry of defense is currently not being discussed as a reason for changing the minister, well, in our committee, this question is very simple for me, because at least our committee always participates in such matters, in the discussion or in the termination of the powers of the minister or the appointment of a new one, at the moment in the committee information about the potential. there are no changes in the defense minister, and this issue is not discussed at all. ugh. fedor, i still want to clarify with you about the candidates, you say
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that there are many candidates both in the parliament and outside the parliament, for the positions of ministers, and in order to, well, but still we see these empty seats, so to speak, or vo and performing duties. can these candidates be not only from the pro-government faction, can these candidates, for example, be from the opposition, if they are specialists, and even more so that, since there are no elections and they... which are legally impossible there during the war, and to show that in ukraine they give a platform, give opportunities for the opposition to work, and it can be something like a government of national unity there, at least on the example of some or one of the ministries, well, first of all, let 's still be objective and let's look at those ministers and their political the past, which to date carry out the mandate of the verkhovna rada on human rights . of political power, performing the duties of several ministers also have relations with
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opposition, let's say, political forces, so i don't think that there is any, you know, clear correlation between party affiliation and appointment or not appointment to the post of minister, most importantly, on in my view, in my subjective view, the main thing is precisely the professional qualities, business qualities of this or that politician in order for him to be appointed and the ability to perform it. tively those powers that are determined by the position. regarding the elections, rbc ukraine, referring to its sources, writes that the president's office does not think about the elections, their probability, how to organize them, etc. does your faction raise this topic? during the last, let's say, years, the question of elections, after the dots were placed on and, from the point of view of legal argumentation, was not raised, of course, the discussions are about... the upcoming elections, who will claim some seats in lists, which political force it will be, it will be
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a servant of the people, another political force, such discussions take place privately, let's say, between people's deputies, but from the point of view of the legal legal basis, as we have already repeatedly discussed with you and your colleagues, to the end of the legal regime of martial law, no elections are possible, so let's discuss what we don't understand perspe'. it is very difficult to conduct them, because, well, at the very least, it is necessary to end the war, to end the legal regime of martial law, only then the central election commission, respectively to the electoral code, will have the opportunity to start election procedures, this is certainly not a short-term perspective, but again in the faction, maybe globally in the parliament talks about post-war elections after how they are conducted, how relevant they are, especially now in the context of talks about freezing war, about negotiations, possibly freezing the war on those borders where it exists, de facto it could allow elections to be held in ukraine? well, you know,
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again in this case i will speak not as a politician and not as a deputy, but as expert in the field of constitutional law. of ukraine, the holding of any elections during the frozen period, any frozen conflict will, will always result in the question of the legitimacy of those authorities that are elected in such elections. i will explain why, if we are talking about the fact that the territory of ukraine within the existing border is intact, inviolable, international organizations, including the united nations, do not recognize any territorial concessions or territorial acquisitions of the aggressor country and do not recognize them upon recognition. our partners and heads of international organizations, therefore there will always be a question about the legitimacy of those elected without taking into account those votes of citizens of ukraine who live in the temporarily occupied territories, which today is quite a large number of people, plus citizens of ukraine who are forcibly abroad in the form of displaced persons or
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refugees, in fact and from the point of view of international legal analysis, to ensure the organization of voting for. a thousand, and perhaps millions of ukrainian citizens living abroad, i think, this at the very least, it will be problematic, if at all possible, and accordingly, to talk about the fact that in the short term , elections will be held that will ensure absolute legitimacy and recognition of the completeness of the newly formed authorities, their legitimacy, well, it is very difficult. i will also ask very briefly about the work of the defense and intelligence committee, of which you are a member, because if you say there you... a change of the prime minister is impossible, then it is possible, judging and reading and listening to your colleague maryana bezuglu, then a change to the head of the time, according to her, she also reported that you were going to file a statement about her with the sbi, but the committee did not have enough quorum during the vote, what about this, will you continue to push this case and really prepare some statement there against maryana bezoglu? well, look,
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in this case, i, as a lawyer, definitely cannot calmly observe the fact that one of my... colleagues grossly violates the requirements of the law on the status of a people's deputy of ukraine, on the committees of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, and in her actions, in my opinion, there are signs of a crime, provided for by separate articles of the criminal code of ukraine. undoubtedly, i will contact the law enforcement authorities, i can say, in connection with what, in her work , my colleague, in my opinion, disclosed the information that was reported by a member of the committee at a closed meeting, and this in itself is already a criminal offense , that's why i think they have an estimate to... give the law enforcement agencies and find out to what extent there is or is not an element of crime in the actions of my colleague. thank you, thank you, fedor, for joining our broadcast. people's deputy of ukraine fedir venislavsky from the servant of the people faction was a guest of svoboda ranok. the same story with the elections as with the removal of shmyhal. once every few months, the topic
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comes up, and then nothing happens. this was a quote from the material of the journalists of rbc ukraine. they talked to anonymous. sources in the president's office and came to the conclusion that holding elections is really not possible yet, but rebooting the government is possible. the holding of elections is currently limited by law during martial law, and the exercise of will is impossible. in addition, there are questions regarding the voting of military personnel, internally displaced persons and those abroad. after all, there is uncertainty with the territories in which elections can be held when part of ukraine was occupied by russia. but the journalists of rbc ukraine write that the topic of elections did not disappear from ukrainian politics, except at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, and in 2023 the president himself spoke about them. in an interview with nataliya mosachuk , volodymyr zelenskyy then stated that not only changes in legislation are needed to hold elections, but also funding. and then he offered the usa and european countries to provide 5 billion hryvnias for the elections. despite this, the sources of rbc ukraine, in the service of the people and the opposition, say that politicians are somehow
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preparing for the post-war elections. the article mentions that the brand of the servant of the people's government party has lost ratings and... is perceived by society, they say, if politicians unite under such a party of zelensky, then they have a chance of 15% of the voters' votes. the interlocutors of rbc shared the plans of the president himself, and they say that, i quote: zelensky had a dream to finish war, with a sure, indisputable victory, and on this wave to leave politics. rbc writes that if the holding of the elections depends on both the internal and external situation, then personnel reshuffles in the cabinet of ministers are strictly an internal political issue, and for rotation in the cabinet of ministers. they said that they even changed the work schedule of the verkhovna rada. according to the official version, due to the participation of speaker ruslan stepanchuk in the nato summit, according to the unofficial version, due to the need to finally settle the personnel issues, it says so. edition. rostislav pavlenko, popular, joins our broadcast deputy of ukraine. european solidarity. welcome to our broadcast. thank you for joining. congratulations. thank you for the invitation.
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fedir vanislavskyi, the representative of the monomajority, was on the air just now. and he says that it is legally impossible, and he does not see a particular need to change denys shmyhal. but spot changes are possible. in your opinion, what awaits ukraine this summer, will there be any significant, major changes in the cabinet of ministers that are being discussed in the parliament? well, if that this will continue to be the continuation of the government of the office of the president, who agrees primarily with yarmak, with president zelenskyi, with other key employees of the president's office there, not much will change here, because when the government has to get the blessing of bankova street, where the president's office is located, for every decision, the name, surname, even previous experience are on... of great importance, because all the same it is only a certain transmission pass, if and when it will be about a government of national unity, i.e.
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professionals independent of the presidential office in the first place and independent of any political considerations, populist, some flirtations in front of some groups, then we can really talk about a qualitative change, and yes, to be honest, there are just fables mentioned here about... the fact that if you don't sit down, you won't really play anything, unfortunately. i will quote mr. fyodor vanislavskyi again. he talks about close cooperation between the parliament, between the cabinet of ministers and the president's office in making certain decisions, but nevertheless, we see that there are vacancies, let's say, for the positions of heads of some departments, on the other hand, mr. fedor says that enough is enough the same people both in the parliament and outside the parliament, and what do you say here, are there people who could occupy and... cantonal positions and possibly replace some current ministers with more effective people, and are these people possibly outside politics, outside any
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political parties there , or your colleagues from the opposition, do you think that they, on the one hand, will not be toxic to the authorities, on the other hand, they will really perform their functions professionally, and where do you think such replacements are necessary, well, mr. feder is always more looks broadly at things, at his... colleagues especially with the president's office has a much narrower and much more functional approach from their point of view, and somehow they cooperate with the parliament and the government in such a way that a whole series of vacancies, and quite serious ones, are still not filled, they are still playing a back and forth about the division of ministries, the unification of ministries without understanding what there is content for that. logic, as it should be, for which tasks these ministries should be built, therefore of course there are people in the country, of course there are specialists in european solidarity, in
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other political forces, in non-parliamentary forces and groups, of course there are specialists who are not related to politics, but could effectively fulfill the powers of ministers, but again the approach itself must be changed, because as long as it is... a banking government, then the name does not matter, and we see that it is even more difficult to find specialists who could go to these positions, so you say that someone should not be toxic for the servants there, for the office of the president and so on, and a lot of people do not want to become toxic later after they will be in the government of the president's office, ugh, well, the word is worth it here also to be understood in the context of politics, it is clear that even after the debate there and before
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they will be able to, yes in this sense, but there is also in that here it is obvious that these people do not cooperate with the opposition, which criticizes, well, it is even put there, when zelensky talks about poroshenko, well, we see this reaction, including, or some of your colleagues from european solidarity, who are also very much there, in my opinion, maybe not always objective in their statements, regarding the current situation. zelensky and, that is, i mean about this, that it is so thin the limit of the professionalism of the political party there, the political opposition, but at the same time a respectable party there, can sometimes have an attitude, and i want to ask you, mr. rostyslav, whether you and your colleagues in the parliament have any questions about how denys shmigal works, organizes the work of the government, and in your opinion, would the prime minister be the critically important replacement, or do you still evaluate him as a professional? the prime minister, a professional person who, in principle, knows what he is doing, and this is the person who is the most in our country, in the independent ukraine has this position. see, i think that maybe the biggest comment. it is that, in
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principle, it does not matter how professional he is, how effectively he builds the work of the government and so on, because, unfortunately, a situation has arisen where the role of the prime minister is only such a transmission link between the presidential office and the executive services, that's why a colleague said here that most likely the prime minister will not be changed, and maybe he won't be, because in principle, as far as i'm concerned, he copes... with this role assigned to him, he is not visible, he does not create, as once upon a time, you remember, prime minister marchuk was fired by president kuchma for forming his own political image, but mr. shmygal does not form a political image for himself, i think he is convenient for many, but maybe yarmak and his immediate entourage want to put it even more directly his person, a person who is directly connected by direct work experience, this reasoning could. would
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push for a personnel change, well, but here it is possible that president zelensky will also make decisions for himself, as far as he is concerned it is necessary to hand over all the levers of management directly to the hands of one person, even the head of one's own office, without maintaining any balance, i think that this is the answer to this question and the solution to the situation, how deep the changes in the government will be , literally here i am literally a minute because you said some very important things in yours. questions about the possibility or impossibility of cooperation, actually cooperation for the sake of the country. i must say that in the first month of the invasion, a little more, there february march of the 22nd year, we saw precisely the so-called consensual cooperation, when we in the working groups could argue as much as we wanted, but then the council voted as one for those decisions that were agreed upon by experts of all political forces, honed just to the point, and
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many of these decisions work. to this day, it seems to me that this is a model of cooperation that should have existed until the end of the war, until the victory over the rashists, and since then politics should have returned, but unfortunately, politics returned much earlier, something went wrong, and here and everyone in society can notice that this is how this unity lasted, maybe a few weeks, maybe a month, and then again, it's as if everyone is preparing for the elections, because there are such statements as there are some slogans, you know pre-election ones or something else, some videos, comments, but... so, if i can briefly at the end, elections are generally talked about in the parliament, but seriously, how can there be any planning, or is it definitely not the times, definitely after the war, but after the war, and it is very important, whatever the considerations, that after the end of martial law, it cannot be held either elections, this is from the evil one, the war ends, the war ends state, then there will be elections, that is, not at the time of the freeze or possible hypothetical negotiations, i do not understand what a freeze is,
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there is either martial law... or there is no martial law, but when the martial law regime is in effect, elections are constitutionally impossible for the parliament, according to the law regarding the president and so on, and if there is no martial law, then elections will be forced to be held. thank you, thank you for joining rostyslav pavlenko, people's deputy of ukraine for european solidarity, and we talked about the hypothetical elections in ukraine, whether they will discuss it in parliament, and about the government, whether there will be any radical change in the cabinet. as long as you can write your thoughts in the comments about whether the current prime minister copes with his duties in your opinion, whether you consider his work effective or other ministers, write in the comments, and because it is about should rotations be carried out in the cabinet of ministers, my colleagues also asked passers-by in several ukrainian cities in response, i will only note that we asked them whether they think that ukraine
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should be changed... the government without binding to specific surnames, and by the way, this is important, it was not a representative survey, but what is interesting is that ukrainians practically do not know ukrainian ministers, we need new people who will make more effective decisions, because today's government makes some ineffective decisions, the cabinet of ministers, and not yet, why not yet, well, so far they are coping with that... the war is going on, why change horses at the crossing? i believe that the change of power in any democratic society should not happen often, but new people with new ideas should come, and moreover, more qualified, and people who will be professionals in their field, i think that everyone should be changed.


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