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tv   [untitled]    July 5, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EEST

11:30 am
from uah 799, the offer is limited, call, attention, a good offer, order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price of only uah 149, durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than 250 hryvnias, and we offer you a light bulb that lights up even when there is no light for only 149 hryvnias. take advantage of such a favorable offer. the smart light bulb works even without electricity for up to 6 hours without recharging. the secret is in the built-in city battery. it so convenient, especially now. and the bulb is a smart light, it is not afraid of voltage drops and will not break when dropped. the standard base is suitable for almost any chandelier or floor lamp. suddenly the light is turned off, it is necessary to light candles again or look for a flashlight in which the batteries seem to have run out. let there be light in your home. always a smart light bulb for only uah 149.
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memory and attention, helps to think. there are discounts representing the only discounts on exoderl 15% in pharmacies plantain to you and oshchat. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, more more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22 . the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in the ukrainian law. as legislative norms
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are changing our lives, what to prepare for, these and other questions that concern ukrainians will be answered by the leading lawyers of the aktum bar association. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. we come back and talk now about legislative initiatives. in particular, because people's deputy andriy osachuk is in touch with us. mr. andriy, we congratulate you. good morning. well, let's probably start with such annoying things, quite sensitive society now on all topics that concern, well, at least yes, of social and financial inequality for certain groups. let's call it such a beautiful word. there is talk of this initiative to increase the salaries of assistants of people's deputies from on average, from
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uah 88,500 to almost uah 133,000. for an average ukrainian, well, such numbers do not sound quite, as they say, cool, so what will it be in the final decision, or was it an idea that will be abandoned under pressure, at least public sentiment? you, as a professional journalist, should formulate questions very clearly and check. because it is not about assistant's salary, and about the salary fund for assistants, yes, the total version, and for all assistants, absolutely true, absolutely true, everyone should understand very well that there are many smart, very brilliant people in the parliament who know answers to all questions, because a member of parliament has to vote for culture, for agriculture, and for...weapons, and for the whole world, and
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an expert analytical position is needed, and there are always teams that work and help parliamentarians, and it works in to the whole world, and we encountered this is a general fund for all assistants, this legislative initiative of the head of the committee on social policy , halyna tretyakova, has support in the hall, will such things be taken up or not, deputies? of course, there will be, because i'm sorry, you can't rely on some students or some activists, you need competent people, an assistant to a people's deputy - this should be a professional person with experience. work that directly affects the formation of the deputy's position, i.e. it is a full-time job, no matter what i don't know, consulting or in a law firm, and we faced a situation when for years there were manipulations about the fact that people's deputies there earn a lot, what bad guys and girls they are, and then it turned out that
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the secretariat of the verkhovna rada, under the cover of the leadership of the verkhovna rada, has salaries are five times higher than the salaries of people's deputies, it is possible to imagine that there is no elementary hierarchy in the structure of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, when in fact the service personnel earn again not by 5%, but by four or five times more the management of the secretariat, and we are talking about dozens of people, and so mrs. tretyakova made a scandal on this topic, and still decided to balance this situation by the fact that the issue of assistants of people's deputies was discussed, who simply did not have enough resources, because in reality this money is not enough to attract some more or less adequate people, so far it has been agreed that the budget of the secretariat will be cut and in fact this money will be redistributed to assistants of people's deputies, that is, there is no question
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of any increase in the expenses of the supreme the council of ukraine, i.e. these mega-salaries, which our colleagues once made public, you have already mentioned, the apparatus of the verkhovna rada with the salaries of almost top... business managers, i.e. the accountants will take away, and in fact this draft law will have funding for the redistribution of funds , that is, it’s not about involvement just like that, just like that, there won’t be any changes in the general funding of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, it’s clear now, but we will reduce the appetites of the secretariat of the verkhovna rada a little, and you are very right, because there a fairly large number of people earn a year more than 2 million hryvnias, up to 2.5 million, despite the fact that the annual salary of a people's deputy is mine, in my opinion, within 550,000 hryvnias, up to 600 for sure, ugh, and about money, then we understand that when the imf something gives, then it is not just like that, we must mutually do something, and usually it is to our advantage, but now we are talking about such an agreement with the imf, which
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includes, in particular, pension reform, we remember that there was already the concept of not raising the minimum for the nearest period. salary, but what about pensions, we understand that there are some new ones special benefits, pensions will not be introduced, but what will happen with this reform, i.e. what else does it provide for, what kind of funding for pensioners, well, look, first of all, you are asking the right question, and this was my position of my colleagues from the very beginning, of our work in general of the verkhovna rada and even after the beginning of a full-scale invasion, that you cannot just give money to... the ukrainian government, money must be given under concrete promises of changes, structural changes in the country's economy, because money should not be spent, it should be to invest in order to create some additional value, additional good. regarding the pension reform, i may be wrong,
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but as far as i remember all our structural beacons, as we call them, namely the obligations to the international monetary fund, which actually re'. there are all our total obligations to carry out reforms to our partners, who continue to actually support ukraine by providing us with simply unprecedented financial assistance, but by the end of this year there is no obligation to carry out pension reform, the question extremely sensitive, it actually balances between the issue of justice, the issue of efficiency and the issue of availability of funds, because... it is not a secret for anyone that all the revenues of the state budget that ukraine currently collects, we are forced to send to the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, the defense forces, and it is no longer a secret for anyone that we are catastrophically short of this money, by the end of the year we will have a gap of 400-500
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billion hryvnias, which we do not have enough to finance the defense security forces. can we... to use the funds provided by our western partners to finance the army is their principled position, so we are now looking for the most alternative ways to fill this hole in the budget. most likely, one way or another it will come to the raising of certain taxes. in parallel, my team and i, with our colleagues, have been working for the second year on the issue of russian confiscated assets, frozen assets, little by little, as you know, they are beginning to be returned to us in the form of income from these assets, but it is critically important that we were allowed to use these funds to finance the army, this will allow us to slightly reduce the tax burden on the entire economy of the country. considering all these circumstances, it is very difficult to talk about carrying out some kind of structural, systemic
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pension reform, i expect that this issue will be studied very carefully, prepared very carefully, but it is unlikely that there will be any significant changes or any significant decisions in this direction this year. mr. andriy, you see how sensitive the topics of different distribution of money actually are, that's you completely dot was arranged. in the matter of this stormy reaction to the initiative to raise the own salary fund for all assistants of people's deputies, and everyone thought that this was again about some kind of social inequality, absolutely in the same way they react now to any things that concern the issue of economic mobilization and reservation, that is there are already three bills, and it is again about big numbers, that is , it is the bill that differs in the amount
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of money from the single tax and in the wage fund and the number of employees in the business where from 10 plus there should be such an economic reservation when this discussion begins in the verkhovna rada, because it is again about numbers, and it is again perceived as a way to divide. on a financial basis, society, well, first of all, this discussion has already been going on, in my opinion, since january of this year, no, i am talking about voting specifically on draft laws, the discussion is already substantive, look, you need to ask the boys and girls, who work in the relevant committees, this does not concern my competence, i am the first deputy head of the law enforcement committee, but my position, which before that was i have voiced it for a long time, and i am ready to repeat it constantly... the trouble is that we were drawn into the discussion about improving mobilization and everything was transferred to the verkhovna rada,
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making it the last resort in this whole complex situation, despite the fact that the law on mobilization in has been operating in our country for more than 30 years, there are very clear accents, who should do what, so the issue of reservation is completely, once again, completely within the competence of the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, in accordance with... the 12th article of this law, and the cabinet of ministers of ukraine all 26 months of the great war is actively engaged in booking. you can call it whatever you want, someone came up with the term economic reservation, but it's just a, you know, journalistic cliché. reservations, reservation criteria the cabinet of ministers approved, revised, and this, as deputy minister of economy kachak said in the verkhovna rada about a month or two ago, and there are elements of economy. defense, because they introduced criteria there: payment of social security, the number of employees, the absence
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of salary arrears, that was all there, and i personally i believe that the fact that some deputies are submitting these bills, by the way, there are already five of them in my opinion, and not three, actually indicates that, on the one hand, the cabinet of ministers is not doing its job, on the other on the other hand, the cabinet of ministers does not cope with communication work, they never came out and did not explain in detail to you, the journalists, our flights... and citizens, how the reservation works, which is already working, that is, it is almost booked at the moment in my opinion, 500 or 600 thousand workers, but there is still no clarity on this issue, the deputies submit bills that, as you say, differ in numbers, this is interpreted very incorrectly, because there is a thesis that the poor fight, and the rich will not fight, this is a very provocative thesis, because the president also said that we need to find a balance between fighting and working people, you
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remember, he voiced back on december 19 last year at his press conference, that we need at least six or seven working people for one fighting person, and accordingly working people are not just some i don't know , they are digging a bed in the garden, these are the ones that generate taxes, because as we said at the beginning of our conversation, we don't have enough money that we collect from taxes, respectively... those who pay taxes in large quantities, they are well done, because they enable the army to fight, but this is the balance between the combatants and working people, must establish exclusively. the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, and not only because it is his direct duty under the law, but because they are the only ones who have the entire picture of the country's economy. believe me, deputies, they do not know all the details, they do not know where, what, how is happening on the scale of the entire economy country, and it turns into elementary speculation on numbers, there are 10, 20, 30 thousand
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euvs, it is all a delusion, that is why i did not support all this rhetoric about the so-called economic blocking on... equality of law, i consider it illegal, incorrect, i consider , that it should be decided exclusively by the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, as before and now, based on the real circumstances of the economy, plus these rules cannot be fixed, they should change depending on the circumstances, and this should be done by the cabinet of ministers. your position is clear, clear, and in fact you were thrown a lot three balls on the field in the form of three bills. mr. andriy, thank you for clarifying all the annoying, actually sensitive topics, osachuk, the people's deputy of ukraine, was in touch with our studio, and finally, the sensitive matters of utilities, the head of the union of utility consumers joins our broadcast oleg popenko. mr. oleg, good afternoon, thank you for waiting. good day. well, let's talk about what everyone is interested in now, everyone is thinking about how to provide themselves with light, who
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has both water and heat connected to electricity, and and they think about it, and also the internet, because... a lot of people still work remotely, and now this element of communication is very important. we know that they should increase in kyiv, at least the compensation for generators. we are talking about condominiums, multi-apartment buildings, and the numbers have already been named, that is, from 100,000 to 300,000, but apartment buildings and condominiums, which are not registered for all multi-story buildings, are only part of the issue and there is the rest. people, is there already a plan for what to do about it? and yes, as far as i know, it was announced yesterday that that people who have not created condominiums in their apartment buildings can also join the compensation program, there is a separate program of capital repairs through the district state administration, for which
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uah 300 million has been allocated annually, so those who have not created condominiums can apply to rd. to write a statement, you need to create an initiative group there, it’s very simple, three people wrote a statement there, and in principle everything can be done, so for residents of multi-apartment buildings who have not created a usb, there is also an opportunity in kyiv to join compensation programs, there we are talking not only about generators, there we are also talking about charging stations, which are extremely necessary for supplying electricity to the same pumping group. or the leftists, huh, is this actually a program that includes both generators and pumping stations, have you considered this issue comprehensively, that is, how will everything work in the future, because we understand that it is good to have a generator, but it needs to be somewhere and establish that it is reasonably safe, and accordingly revive, is there already a whole system developed, how will it work, how
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will the great city live for many months? such a system does not exist, and it is unlikely that anyone has developed it, so it will all look quite chaotic, because there is no, well, it is not even possible to fully control the installed generators in high-rise buildings, and therefore it causes constant fires in houses, people drag these generators not only there, they not only do not comply with the regulations regarding the location of a generator near an apartment building, i mean... the regulation prescribed by the state emergency service, there is 6.5 m, people drag these generators and install them on balconies, they are installed at various crossings, and this causes constant fires in houses, unfortunately, few people comply, well, they do, but there are many cases of non-compliance with fire
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safety regulations, and this even leads to fatalities , if i am not mistaken in 22-23 years and ... the number of people who died during this period from carbon monoxide poisoning, during the operation of the generators, was several hundred, several hundreds of people. yes, but in this case, i still wanted to ask you now, if there is no single program, in principle, people who already today care and they are thinking about autumn, where should they start, that is, how to calculate, well, there is khrushchev somewhere, there is a nine-story building somewhere. somewhere a 15-story building is completely gas-free, somewhere with gas, that is, where to start this preparation in general, what is your recommendation, it is necessary to divide a... houses, people who live in apartment buildings should understand that the houses are five-story up to five floors, all houses, the supply of heat,
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water and everything else comes at the expense of hydraulics, so in principle there will be heating there in winter, because most of the facilities have thermal energy there, thermal energy in kiev or in other cities, and it will be provided with heat, because the facilities are also... provided with generators, boiler rooms and so on. as for buildings higher than five floors, the main problem here is the supply of electricity to the pumping group. in the pump group, the electricity supply, when the electricity is cut off, the supply of heat carrier, water to the upper floors is turned off, this is in buildings higher than five floors, and the main thing that the co-owner should take care of. apartment buildings, the people who live in these buildings, it is about how to ensure the supply of electricity to the pumping station, it can be either a generator, but
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there are certain problems with the generator, because it needs to be monitored, and it needs to be refueled, the oil changed, there is a certain motor resource of this generator, or the installation of a powerful charging station, and a powerful charging station will cost people a fortune. from the size of the house, whether it is for one entrance, or two, or three, and it will cost from 100 thousand to half, but again in the same kyiv and in in some other cities, you can apply for the difference in compensation, and the cost is up to 70 there, even up to 75%. therefore, the main thing, i emphasize once again, for those who watch us, the main thing that needs to be taken care of is ensuring the supply of electricity to the pumping station. group to an apartment building, but everyone will have to start from this one way or another, thank you for the clarification and useful advice. oleg popenko, the head of the union of utilities consumers
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, told us all this, and this is all that we managed with oksana, but our colleagues will continue to tell, yes, while we were talking, orban on his plane flew over poland, over belarus, it is clear that he did not fly over ukraine, he is already in russian airspace, approaching... moscow, he will meet putin there, then they have to go to the press together, it will be interesting to hear what he says because from the last quotes of orbán, it is that he actually, europe can do more for peace, the big powers should deal with it, it seems he can’t, but he flies, he does so, he does a great mission, he flies, because otherwise, sitting in brussels , he can't do anything, well, that's what he says, that's another dimension geopolitical populism, or peace cannot be achieved in a comfortable chair in brussels, although orban does not have any mandate for this, well, maybe even if the historian putin will tell him something about the rurikovichs or something else, or other
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stories, in a word, all big politics sometimes slips to such a low-quality farce. with this, we say goodbye, we wish you a peaceful and safe day, do not ignore the air warning signals, be sure to donate any amount for our defenders - this is the most important thing right now. we can do with you, then stay on espresso tv channel, our colleagues have prepared a lot of important information, in just a few minutes the latest news from iryna koval and the entire news editorial team, stay with us, see you, her discounts are the only discounts on norwend express forte 10% in travel pharmacies. to you and savings there are discounts representing the only discounts on troxevzin 15% in pharmacies plantain to you and savings there are discounts representing the only discounts on neprobam 10% in
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12:00 pm
12 o'clock in ukraine, news time on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers, and now to the main events. russia deployed almost 100,000 of its soldiers to capture one district of the city of chasovy yar - analysts of the publication calculated forbes. the occupiers advanced for three months.


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