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tv   [untitled]    July 5, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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just now light, powerful and reliable cors trimmers, only from uah 799. offer is limited, call. 12 o'clock in ukraine, news time on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers, and now to the main events. forbes analysts estimated that russia deployed almost 100,000 of its soldiers to seize one district of the city of chasovy yarm. the occupiers advanced for three months. to
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take control of a tiny part of the city, in which 12,000 people used to live, - the publication notes. according to experts' forecasts, the russians will continue the offensive, suffering no less losses. the reason for the large number of dead occupiers, analysts call the transfer of new recruits without proper training. and to operational news. because of russian shelling. three explosions rang out in the myrhorod community in the poltava region, according to the public. there is currently no official information. the air alert has already ended in the region. and the russians killed three residents of donetsk region. another 24 people were injured during the day, reported the head of the region, vladym filashkin. residents died krasnohorivky, the village of stinky and the village of zakitne. three people were injured due to enemy strikes in kurakhovo. ukrainian was also subjected to numerous shelling. three people are injured, also damaged, eight many. verchevok and nine
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garages are injured in kostyantynivka and severny. in just one day, the russians shelled the populated areas of the region more than three dozen times. three people were injured in the kherson region due to russian attacks. more than four dozen private houses, a medical facility and three cars were damaged, it is reported local police. a 56-year-old man was injured in antonivka due to a drone attack. also, the enemy dropped explosives from a drone on... a utility company in the dnipro district of kherson. two workers have mine-blast injuries, contusions and shrapnel wounds. they were sold to the russians for $500. three women from odessa collected data for the occupiers about the city's military and medical facilities. the espionage was organized by a 23-year-old girl who involved two accomplices. the girls worked in a local coffee shop and at the same time helped the occupiers. vati missile and drone strikes.
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for several months, they collected and sent photos of units of the armed forces of ukraine, military headquarters, hospitals and institutions. they recorded everything under the guise of friendly walks. they managed to inform the occupiers about at least seven objects and received half a thousand dollars from the russian fsb for this. now the female collaborators will be tried for treason, they face life imprisonment. guerrillas in russia stopped a freight train with north korean ammunition. activists of the a movement also reported that they blew up the rails on the trans-siberian railway. the russians tried to hide information about this. even their propaganda teams were not allowed to the place, and the repair crews were checked by the special services - the partisans wrote in their telegram channel. and i urge you to join the gathering for drones and. equipping
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the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine for artillery reconnaissance. the first batch we plan to purchase is eight upgraded mavik fly combo models and five mavik 3t. quadcopters are eyes in the sky that keep an eye on safety and enable you to move forward with confidence. and most importantly, they help protect the lives of our soldiers. we need to collect uah 2.5 million, so do not waste time and join the collection. the repairmen of the fifth slobozhan brigade of the national guard of ukraine can replace the one-ton caterpillar and assemble one of the five broken enemy combat vehicles to destroy the occupiers themselves. damaged equipment is evacuated from the front line, risking their lives under fire, and they are most concerned about quickly and efficiently restoring combat vehicles. yevhen with the call sign poltava tells about the insides of the car, he knew. everything from childhood, helped on
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father's service station, i learned to operate and repair military equipment faster, poltava contract worker, a few hours after the start of the great war, i was in the service of a mechanic driver, i decided that this was mine during the war, i already learned to drive this equipment during the war, i learned everything there literally in two sundays and drove everything, well, the car is certainly much better, there is just a wheel, so it weighs almost nothing, and the track certainly weighs a ton, you can’t put it alone, during combat sorties in the srebyan forestry, except .
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tanks, armored personnel carriers and tekals. there, the local residents said that they wanted to escape, but the crew of the tank, they just couldn't start it, because they needed a little time there, and they put batteries in a hurry, that's the whole reason that the equipment remained. at that time
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, t-80, t-72, mtlb, bmp tanks were evacuated, as well as a little bit of automotive equipment. all equipment was evacuated. because there is a bolt that, let's say, you won't find on sale there, roughly speaking, on this burnt-out equipment, this bolt saves us. thanks to the repairmen-guards in favor of ours troops and against the occupiers themselves, such burnt and torn russian tractor transporters are working now. sometimes , the guardsmen say, it takes several hours to bring out their damaged equipment. he was driving to a mine. there the front wheels were torn off, and it was very close to the advanced positions there, it was in the srebyan forest, so that we would not be noticed either from the air or from the air, everything was done slowly, everything
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was done carefully and thoughtfully, we put the equipment on the wheels, under a kettle, a car was driving, they hooked up this equipment and immediately left, during the great war, the guardsmen everything was evacuated... hundreds of units of damaged military equipment, this enemy zetka is overgrown with weeds, the equipment agreed to repair our armored vehicles. we are very pleased when we wring equipment from them and then use it in order to kick them out of our territory, well, there is burnt equipment, it cannot be restored, it happens that we remove some units, nodes from them and we are restoring other equipment from... the national guardsmen from the repair company work around the clock, everything for victory, and to return the armor to the combatants as soon as possible
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to siblings the ukrainian president congratulated kyrasmer and ley boryska's party on the victory in the parliamentary elections. volodymyr zelenskyy wished britain and the new government success in strengthening the leadership of the united kingdom on the world stage, and also expressed hope for close cooperation. labor won by a wide margin, winning 411 seats in parliament against 119 for the conservatives, led by incumbent prime minister rishir sonak. the appointment of kier starmer to the post of prime minister will take place this afternoon after an audience in the british parliament. the king, reports reuters. and that was all the news for this time, read more on our website espso tv, also on our social networks, join, put your preferences, and my colleagues will continue the ether. i
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wish you a good continuation of today's day. well, i'm with you again, this is the program. verdict, i will host it, i remind those who just joined that my name is vasyl zima, and today we will discuss two topics, an international one, a very important one, because a lot of controversial statements were made, well, in any case, it is necessary to find out what was new, even if these statements were made by open enemies of ukraine, well , or those people who are looking for peace with a minus sign for ukraine, with a plus sign for russia, well, of course, we will also talk about the statements of the ukrainian president, the head state i would like to remind you that we are preparing for the nato summit, which starts in 5 days in washington, so we are starting our
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program with a conversation with ivana klimpushtentsadze , the head of the committee on ukraine's integration into the eu, the verkhovna rada of ukraine, mrs. ivanna, i congratulate you, good evening, i see you're on your way, right? but i think we'll stop now, as soon as we have that conversation, everything will be fine, i just, i know where to start, because it's important, even though it's said by our... enemy, well, at least now, and probably , forever, vladimir putin, the self-proclaimed ruler of russia, that's what we call him, but i want you to explain to our viewers what is meant, beyond what was said, at this shanghai cooperation organization, vladimir putin said, that the istanbul agreements remain on the table and can be shelved the basis of the continuation of these negotiations, although before that he, although he further lied, saying that russia... never refused these negotiations, although in fact it refused, we remember it well, that he is different there, but tell me please,
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why is putin talking about this and can we talk about the fact that we are spectators, and you deputies, in particular, know what exactly each item of these negotiations is, in addition to what is published and presented to us as the istanbul agreements, i wanted to remind that the istanbul agreements have become clear and known to a ukrainian citizen. precisely because of their publication in the american press, and this is actually, well, also a certain challenge, because it means that the ukrainian voter, the ukrainian citizen, did not understand and did not know what the state was talking about when, well, some delegation that received specific directives from president zelensky, conducted some negotiations, first in minsk, and then... in istanbul with the russian side, so we can only talk about the document that
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was made public by the new york times, and to talk about the fact that these are exactly the things that were absolutely unacceptable for ukraine, they definitely had nothing to do with ukrainian independence, or with self-determination, or with the possibility of realizing their plans, or with the possibility of having a country that could defend oneself and claim real ability to act independently. and therefore it seems to me that precisely because of this putin, who, well, to the strength, probably the agreements that russia imposed on ukraine at that time, and we also understand this perfectly well, he believes that from this you can push back, but it definitely has nothing to do with what the ukrainian society claims, what the ukrainian people claim, and what can
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provide some kind of long-term possibility of long-term peace in this region, in principle, in europe and and basically in the world. you know , speaking, someone can say yes, but if the istanbul agreements, such as the khmelnytsky agreement, no one has seen them until now, because they are kept in moscow, and what was written there, in particular the hetman. we still don't know ukraine then ourselves actually. therefore, it is always a manipulation on the part of russia that there is a reunification with the moscow kingdom, although in reality it was obviously about completely different things. well, it's the same with the istanbul agreements. if someone can think like that, well, then why did it take so long to fight, more than two years, if it still goes back to these istanbul agreements. i just want to say before the word that during this time it was possible to liberate kherson, mykolaiv oblast, part of kherson oblast, kharkiv. take away most of it, well, mostly most of kharkiv oblast, and we lost somewhere in luhansk oblast, donetsk oblast, but
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basically there we expelled the enemy from kyiv oblast, chernihiv oblast, sumy oblast and so on and so on and so on, but the situation is different now, and what putin, who recently spoke about giving me four oblasts, kherson oblast, zaporizhzhia, donetsk oblast and luhansk oblast , give it to me completely, and there are many, many other things, now he is already saying, no, let's forget it, let's go to istanbul, what can burn putin so much, well you understand that he is now... actually at the summit, where to this sco cooperation organization, where in particular he speaks with a person who can really influence his decisions, this is usually the head of the people's republic of china. pin, with whom erdoğan also had quite a serious conversation, but more on that a little later, please, what do you think makes putin now say that let's give at least something, let's give at least istanbul homes, at least something, because if read some people who influence the consciousness there they say that that's all, your economy is falling, you will lose, there is no weapon, there is no that, this no, yes, mrs. ivanna has disappeared, but she
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will appear now, i am convinced, but i understand that there may be problems with communication, and even then it occurs, i will continue. then you have to understand that even such a, not that she is a fickle, such a fickle politician, although he actually very often tells lies, putin manipulates the facts, falsifies the facts, distorts them, i am not talking about history, he is not a historian, that is why he is there these excursions are historical, in principle they are, except for some kind of thriller film, but what could so burn putin that he will now say: let's go back to the istanbul agreements, i think that you and i... we see not the first time in the last few weeks, maybe a month, putin's attempt to tell something, that he has some kind of vision of his plan to end the war, yes, but this plan, no matter how he voiced it in various variations, it has nothing to do with
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reality, it has nothing to do with the international community. by right, he has nothing to do with the negotiations as such, he only has some kind of vision of putin, regarding that, and how, in what way he can destroy ukraine, and this, well, he repeats it in different variations, on different platforms where he thinks he is heard, and this shanghan organization and it, this is the platform where he thinks that those representatives of those countries who hear him, who are ready to accept him, have gathered. his vision of an authoritarian world, a new order, which russia, well, through chaos and through the destruction of the world order, through the destruction of respect for borders, for self-determination, for independence, is trying to break through the destruction and capture, occupation of ukraine. i am the last one on this topic, but it is also very important to understand
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diplomatic terminology, as well as to understand what is actually meant there. the self-proclaimed ruler of russia continues that the istanbul agreements will supposedly suit ukraine, well, somewhere he has such information, i don’t know, because she apparently initialed them, what does she mean, if even this happened at the beginning of the spring of 22, i don’t know, i think , that this information has not yet been made public, but if he is not lying, although it is very difficult to believe it, well, suddenly, what he means that they initialed, so what should we do now, what does it mean? initialing means that the representative of ukraine, the head of the delegation, signed the document on which the parties agreed during its final agreement, and there, it is like the first link, giving the document some kind of right to life.
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usually, when one or the other party agrees with the document, it signs. page of this document, and it means to initial, so we heard that the ukrainian side initialed this and that istanbul agreement exclusively from the russian side, we did not hear either refutation or confirmation of this information from representatives of the ukrainian delegation that participated in the negotiations at the time, but it seems to me that, too, if putin had this initialed document. that is, with the signature of the head of the ukrainian delegation, he should have made it public, this definitely does not mean that this is some document that - well, has acquired some legal weight, but because a lot has changed since then, a lot, a lot of effort was made primarily by the ukrainian armed forces, ukrainian society,
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by the ukrainian people so that this is the pressure exerted by the russian federation, to which we do not know, again, whether the ukrainian side succumbed or not at that moment, as official, official representatives of ukraine, and that this document did not have any in general, opportunities for further continuation of life. i think that we should insist that ukraine, with the support of our partners, should be in that military. the economic situation and the state of the volume, which will allow us to find ourselves in a position of strength and opportunity. to speak russian federation, it is critically important for this country, which violates the basic principles
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of the existence of the world, to be forced to accept, to return to respect for ... according to which the world existed before this war, and of course we understand that on the eve of the nato summit, ukraine was at least promised good news on air defense on the eve of the summit, anthony blinkin spoke about it, on the eve of this summit, of course this statement by putin probably could not fail to resonate, because we understand that ukraine can get what it needs, in an interview with the bloomberg publication volodymyr zelenskyi, the president of ukraine said that we have 14 reserve brigades. well, a brigade is on average, well not on average, according to the staff list, it is somewhere around 4-5 thousand military personnel, plus the necessary nomination of weapons there, he says that
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we have 14 brigades, well, on average, 400 soldiers, it is not difficult to count more 50,000 people are unarmed and advanced to the summit nato is a good statement about, let's arm these 14 brigades and then see what the situation will be at the front, plus planes, plus air defense, plus long-range, plus permission to strike not at... 200-300 kilometers, then let's talk about the istanbul agreements . still prepared, coordinated, it's great, good commanders, super, weapons, and let's go then we will talk about the front, whether there will be weapons and what to expect on the eve of the summit, in order for ukraine to be able to get something that will force putin, again... to come up with some, maybe different options already, and maybe not to talk about negotiations, but about not fighting, just let's finish and i will withdraw my troops from ukraine. i think that
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there will definitely be weapons, but it is really a pity that not all the obligations that are declared are implemented as quickly as we need, this concerns different supplies, different types of weapons, different. various defensive weapons as well, which are also critically important for us, and it is now important for us that and how our partners internally mobilize for increased supply of these weapons, this is the first thing, we as ukrainians should also mobilize not only from the point from the point of view of recruitment of defenders to the armed forces of ukraine, to the defense forces of ukraine, as well as in relation to... the production of weapons, the repair of weapons, the functioning of the economy, which would function precisely as a military, as a military economy, and it is critically necessary, not all
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of these things have been done by ukraine today, and it is also necessary to very clearly recognize and change the current situation here inside, but as for whether this can change putin's settings, i am convinced that it can i am convinced that... only by the efforts of the civilized world, which would support ukraine, we can achieve a change in the situation, this does not mean that ukraine should waste its efforts there on collecting the next pictures for the next peace summit, or signing some low agreements that are not necessarily in general is anything that is or. similar to security guarantees, but should focus on getting weapons in the largest quantities as soon as possible in
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order to be able to protect themselves, their civilian population and not allow the enemy to occupy new territories, first of all to ensure his expulsion from our territories, this is convinced , that it is possible, only this , again, presupposes. the unification of everyone's efforts and the work of everyone working together for one result, and not a constant pursuit of good things or other pictures that give a lot of publicity in the press, but do not bring us closer to the result that is critically necessary in this existential war for us. you know, when the russian side, the aggressor country, the enemy, they say that, well, in particular, if we are talking about orban's visit to kyiv, they say no, it wasn't about... national interests, it's just a violation of brussels ' obligations yazan, but hungary presides over the eu, we didn't go, we don't know what's going on there, nothing, but, but, but when they say that... nothing
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we don't know, nothing is happening at all, there is always an opinion that it is obvious, maybe some kind of message or some kind of lightning in the sense of not the one from the sky, but the one that information could bring, i'm not convinced, i don't know, viktor orban to president zelensky, at least to come with some proposals, why, because after the visit to kyiv, it was supposedly so easy, well , it was just necessary to come, testify, after all , we are presiding, to show, and according to the information of the radio... freedom, maybe there is still updated information , i don't see it yet, with a link to a source in the hungarian government, well, i somehow trust radio liberty actually, and viktor orbán has to go to moscow tomorrow, july 5, and here of course, well, even a person who is not friends with logic has doubts that it was obvious that kyiv was , now moscow, perhaps still the role of such a carrier of information, or a person who wants
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to be an intermediary, at least in the transmission. one or another piece of information orban gives, or you don't believe it and it's just a coincidence? this is certainly not a coincidence, but it is a separate part of the play that mr. orbán is playing in order to to present himself as a capable peacemaker, one of those peacemakers who claim this role, this has nothing to do with reality, i am convinced that his visit took place primarily under the pressure of... partner countries, members of the european union , and, well, trying to keep a good face in a bad game, with all these ultimatums that hungary expressed to ukraine at the start of negotiations on membership in the european union, with all these sticks in the wheels, so that the european union and nato could help ukraine in the military sphere, these are all these things, orbán did not give them
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up. he made some incomprehensible statements here, which really, i agree with those experts who say that this is more like a chinese plan than a russian plan, without understanding how it can in any way lead to peace , but these calls for a cease-fire, it is not clear whether ukraine should be asked to cease fire, or finally the russian federation should be told to stop attacking an independent sovereign state and withdraw. its troops from the territory of the sovereign state of ukraine and to stop attacking, occupying, uh, destroying, destroying the territory of another country, this would then be some kind of real peacekeeping, and in this way, i think that orbán is trying to buy himself an additional price, including among his colleagues in the european union, or somewhere to pretend that
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certain autocracies will hear him and will... offer him some investments in exchange for free cheese, which happens only in myshelovka. it seems to me that these are great mistakes of prime minister orbán, which are critical and negative in the future for hungary and for hungarians and for the european union. well, unfortunately, we can only observe it now. yes, well, it will be interesting, by the way, to see where he will fly to after moscow, i won't be surprised if he goes to beijing. viktor orban, yes, by the way, about beijing, i'm just here, he knows, well, if you want, you can say a few words, but these are also expected things, recep tayyip erdogan, who also arrived in kazakhstan for the shanghai cooperation organization summit, in which china and russia, the aggressor country, also participate, and recep tayyip erdogan, the president of the republic of turkey, said, sydzeny reminded pinya that the war, well, once again, that the war in ukraine has global threats and...
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hinted that it is supposed to be worth it, it should be stopped, well, one more person who clearly claims the role of a peacemaker, at least he already has this role i tried it on myself in the spring of the 22nd, when the istanbul negotiations were actually taking place after the belarusian negotiations, now i want to ask you and maybe you will give some advice to the person who is known as the iron general, but now we may know him as i don't know, effective, i won't say brilliant, i don't know but... let there be an effective diplomat, today at 11:35 a.m. general zaluzhny crossed the border of ukraine, who will now be the ambassador of ukraine to the united kingdom and in the near future, in the next few days he should start performing his functions in london, why so firstly , this start of work was delayed for a long time, and secondly, what should we expect?


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