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tv   [untitled]    July 5, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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schools in the north and east of ukraine have already moved away from russian classes and writing statements with the language of learning the so-called national language of the russian community. but at the same time, this stability and this transition must be secured by best practices, usually by control and creation of the necessary conditions and opportunities. therefore, if we talk about violations, in a specific case, of course, if they are such, then of course contact our address. but, of course, contact the military leaders of a specific procurement center, make a note to the military, i think that's right here there is nothing so wild, well, absolutely, these are our rights, these are our rights for which we are the law, you know, if, if you say, you are fulfilling the law on mobilization, okay, i am fulfilling it, i have come to stand up for registration, please , and you comply with the law on the functioning and protection of the ukrainian language as a state language, of course, of course, well, you can't here, if i mobilize, then you comply.
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whether you are mobilized, reserved, active duty, or medically discharged, we all citizens of ukraine, every citizen of ukraine, in accordance with the law and the laid down foundations of the constitution of ukraine, are obliged to be fluent in the state language, period, this is actually our position as citizens, and the struggle continues, including for the fact that in their native language country with... its state language, we literally have two minutes, but do you think that a decision will be made to increase the fines for listening to russian music in public places, it is currently 70 hryvnias, well, it is pennies, but it can increase to 500, from 500 to 255 uah, or that will work in your opinion, and whether it will be controlled, we have a moment of time, but please, if the state program will provide additional funds to support the ukrainian artist, then believe me...
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who will not listen to russian, ukrainian music is popular, it is known , it is known all over the world, our performers are breaking all the records, so my position is this, and no matter what the fines are, and no matter what we do, but human nature is like this, to support ukrainian culture, ukrainian literature, ukrainian music and support the armed forces of ukraine, including ours success, thank you very much for joining, thank you for the comments, good luck in your work, taras kremenya is full. i hope tomorrow will be different, but i'm not saying goodbye to you yet, we'll meet literally in a few minutes, natalka didenko will tell you about what the weather will be like in ukraine tomorrow. synoptic hello to all, our dear viewers, well, the intense heat continues in ukraine, not everywhere, of course. but in the east, in the south, in
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the center, it is obvious, and that is why today i chose such a topic for the beginning of our meeting so that we there was still something to compare with, let's look at the hottest places on the globe, well, such a list is approximate, i.e. incomplete, i mean, you can inquire personally, but let's start, so ethiopia yes lol, average annual temperature. reached 34°, this is the annual average, and today, due to such, well , very difficult, to put it mildly, climatic conditions, this simply gave a ghost town, er, tirat zvi, israel, kibbutz, in june 1942 , a temperature of almost 54 was recorded °. timbuktu, mali, is a crossroads of ancient trade routes sahara, and once upon a time, by the way, there was a thriving educational center, well, it was from here that it began to spread across africa. islam,
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a temperature of 54.5° was registered here. kebili, tunisia to +55. kybilit, by the way, was inhabited 200 thousand years ago, that's how long, well, people have been suffering there for a long time. arabian peninsula, rub el khali desert. it is the largest sand desert in the world, and it covers almost a third of the arabian peninsula, with temperatures above 50°. el azizia. lebanon, death valley, california, mountains of fire, they are all hot these poles are, so to speak, fiery or burning mountains, they are located in the tianshan mountain system, and here the nasa satellite recorded a surface temperature of, well, i have no idea how it can be, 66.8°. in iran, somewhere in lut, the hottest place on earth in 2005 , the air temperature was recorded at 70.7°, well, that's all natural. it is difficult and scary to imagine, we and
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our 35 are enough, but you need to know it, these are very interesting climatic facts. so, we move on to the behavior of the earth's magnetic field. and tomorrow there will be fluctuations, but no such tangible magnetic storms are expected, so we have enough of such a high air temperature to barely breathe, let's move on to the actual weather forecast. we start it traditionally from the western regions, and i want to say that this is the only part of ukraine where residents and guests complain en masse that they are freezing, because it was really cold there, but already tomorrow , i promise you it will be warm, tomorrow the temperature will be there . the air will fluctuate between 23-27° above zero, there will be short-term rains with thunderstorms, well, how about without them in the west? in the north there is a chance of short-term rains with thunderstorms, but to be honest, it is very small, dry weather will still prevail, the air temperature will please 26-29 above zero, in the east,
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tomorrow will be dry weather, the air will have time to bake, not even warm up to 33-37 °, but attention to... in kharkiv region, luhansk region and donetsk region , short-term blessed rains will pass tomorrow evening. in the central part of ukraine , dry weather will prevail tomorrow, high air temperature - 32-36° above zero, a little for several degrees below will be in vinnytsia. in the southern part of ukraine, it is very hot - 33-37°, but it can be a little cooler in the crimea, there on the coasts, for example, 29:31. well, tomorrow is expected to be quite comfortable in kyiv. the weather, because the maximum air temperature will fluctuate within +27°, such serious precipitation in the capital tomorrow is unlikely, the weekend will not change much, the heat will dominate almost everywhere, strong heat in the east, in the central regions and in the south, but
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next week the heat will even intensify, and the whole next week in ukraine will have difficult meteorological conditions, intense heat will reach... 33-39°, and in some places even 40, but i am asking you very much, do not give in to all kinds of manipulations, there are already such terrible rumors spreading in dubious social networks that everything will burn, that in we will simply have a solid revia peninsula here, we are closely following the professional, accurate weather forecasts on the espresso channel. thank you, mrs. natalka, here are literally four new items, i will tell you briefly, which i did not have time to say during our broadcast, poisonous snakes in the dnipropetrovsk region, there are simply they are sounding the alarm, be careful, residents of this region, and this includes zaporizhzhia region, it also applies to kherson region, president volodymyr zelenskyi responded about yermak's role, saying yes, he does what i tell him,
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fsb agents were found in odesa who pretended to be brides and grooms at the photo shoot, well, they had such a very interesting flashmob on this occasion, and actually that's all i wanted to tell you today... say goodbye tomorrow until 18:10, take care of yourself and stay with espresso. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong position position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive during the day, and with toper matrik you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order toper. matrix for a comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose topper matryk, which comes in a convenient package that is easy enough to remove. within a day after removing the factory film, it can be used. a unique cover, in which you can hide your topper, will become not
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oschad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two o'clock in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news channel reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskyi and... experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at
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22:00. zahid studio with anton borkovsky on espresso.
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greetings, i’m olga len, this is the chronicles of the war, and first i will say a few words about the event, which is now being discussed quite a lot, and it has become so very resonant, well, on the first of july, the russians reported an iskander attack on the ukrainian airport myrhorod, shovany about 150 km from of the front line, well , it was said that they managed to damage the su-27 quite badly, they generally said that they damaged a lot of things there, in fact it is not true, but the fact that the russians are hitting ukrainian airfields, well, that's the same by itself not by itself news, literally every time we see some big there, even just accurate shelling of ukraine. we definitely hear about the fact that they tried
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to hit staro konstantin, then the same myrhorod, then some other airfield, that is, it is not something like that in itself, they are constantly trying to get through the airfield, but the more resonant news became that first of all, this video that you see, the russians were filming their russian drone, which was crashing over that airfield for a long enough time, and it... gave this iskander a chance to come, well that is, literally, he tracked down, aimed and hit, well, again, if you watched our program for the last couple of months, we constantly discussed this problem, that the russians had already worked out the technology for some time, when they made such a fairly successful system , when their drones fly far enough towards us. territory, give an opportunity to visit, and in principle, well, this information is transmitted quickly enough
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to where there is an opportunity to strike with iskander, we discussed this constantly, we were destroyed there our air defense certain installations, and the fact that sooner or later there will be strikes on some larger targets, such as the airport, well, it was already... you know, well, it's a matter of time actually, that is, what it will be, and, unfortunately, such cases will most likely be repeated, it is not necessary to say that this will not happen, this is not for everyone who is involved in this... or is interested in general, what is happening in our front line and around it, this is not news, this technology itself, if earlier for a very long time there they agreed on where they would shoot, but now it is not it's been more than a while, now they make this decision about where to hit quite quickly, again, they don't have
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that many iskanders, so you know, just throw them anywhere, no, they don't just throw them anywhere , they drop them when they're pointing... when there's a chance to get a clear target, so there's only one conclusion here: until we have some technical solution to counter that, if a russian reconnaissance drone is flying this far , well wait, what does that mean? iskander is standing somewhere, waiting for a message from there, and you have to treat it like a drone is flying, wait for iskander, that's all i can say about it , and you don't need to, you know, say that no one... about it knew, knew, waited, well , you see, misunderstanding that the iskanders have already prepared, well, lead to some such unpleasant incidents, that’s it, yes, well, today we won’t have a map of combat operations, but today we will have a guest, eh -er, this is roman pohorily, one of the co-founders
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of this, well... project, which is itself a map hostilities, deep state, and with him we will actually talk about what is happening in our front line in more detail, directly and about everything, well, actually, what is happening there, so i congratulate you, roman, i congratulate you , glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, well , let's get started, today there was such a message, it seems, and you also confirmed it, well, your project is about the fact that the russians have recently advanced in four directions, well, let's probably, from to push back from this, what exactly it is about and , actually, which of these directions would you highlight as the ones that need the most attention right now from our command? everyone
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, absolutely the entire front line does not need attention, because the muscovites are pressing. absolutely everywhere have literally every day some kind of promotion, primarily due to these in the amount that they use, the onslaught. the last changes were in many areas, there were so many changes saturated, and unfortunately, these are not all the changes yet. they were in the avdiivka district, they were in the chasovoyyar district, in the turetska district, where they started to become more active, so here... there are a lot of them here everything happened, in particular, if we talk about the times of yar, then this is a canal microdistrict that came under the control of the enemy and essentially remained in the form of destruction, destruction of ashes, because the muscovites simply razed it to the ground, physically destroyed it, there were
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advances in the avdiyivka area, in particular there in karlivka or in the direction of progress from the ordinary. there were advances in the area of ​​turetskyi, that is, on the settlement of new york, that is, there is yurkivka, new york, muscovites are picking up and there were advances, and also in the area of ​​ugledar, there east of mykilskyi, they are also advancing, they are trying to push to get to the line of the vogledar highway, driver kostyantynivka, and of course, a large amount of both human resources and equipment, and artillery, aviation, that is, there are used there. a lot of things, well, i also saw such a report today that there is some kind of advance in the staromykhaivka area, this is at the junction of zaporizhia and donetsk regions, can you confirm, there are indeed also attempts to break through there, or is this a somewhat premature such a report ? there were promotions in our country
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there were changes on the map, that is, a lot of them... a lot recently, this is again due to the fact that the muscovites do not stop pressing, do not stop attacking, and here someone is distinguishing some phases of the offensive, there were, there were, some began there is a summer campaign, spring, autumn and the like, i don't know where these boundaries are, because they are always pressing without ceasing, and we see that no matter what direction we discuss now, in the area we see that some kind of fighting is constantly going on. you know, let's just select certain areas for ourselves, well for example, let's probably start with vovchansk, because at first there was talk of the fact that it was even possible to... push back far enough there and literally on the outskirts of vovchansk, now a report appeared that the russians had some kind of advance there, what is it
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really about, can you somehow explain this situation in more detail, this is definitely not what we stated, because the situation there, if there are advances on a large scale, does not change at all, there are hostilities, we described it on our channel, who follows he... understands what is happening in that area, it is continuous fighting, our fighters use the opportunity to inflict damage, in particular, with buckets, drops, our fighters, in particular, there are units of the defense forces, various brigades there and the like, they use it any opportunity to clear some area, there is a street where muscovites are trying to gain a foothold, there is a video tentatively from the 36th brigade, which cleared the support, but an example of how everything is dynamic, the next day a group of muscovites at night, there
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a little further west, started to press too, there tried to gain a foothold, to recapture positions, that is, it is all dynamic, just as we are trying to move there, to somehow fend off these positions, to push the enemy, likewise the next day, after some time, they also start infantry, i am trying to... advance, gain a foothold, the main their activity is the shelling of populated areas, in particular vavchach, which they simply erase from the ground, typical of their tactics, they cannot take it, then they immediately destroy everything, but this is all such activity that takes place there, then of course our military is trying move somewhere are using all favorable moments to improve the tactical situation, but we can see that the line of combat confrontation... has not changed significantly there recently, and how do you assess whether it is now possible to pull back some russian forces in this direction, because, for example, there a couple of days ago they
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generally said that we have collected something there and now we will make some attempt to make some kind of offensive there, some kind of advance, that is , does this part of the front now fulfill such a role, when additional forces are withdrawn there russian, only our forces are pulling back, because they just have the means and resources to attack, to open some new areas for advancing to intensify hostilities, i don’t even know if the word is used here that they somehow pull back their forces, they have them, they use them, but our forces are pulled back, unfortunately, certain reserves that are forced to restrain the enemy, they do it successfully, that is, we see that the muscovites did not succeed there. and those plans that they have already set for themselves, and in those terms, that were planned there, then they were not implemented, so this is the situation, well, if you
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go a little further south to kupianskyi and look at the entire lymansky shade, there is also enough, well , actions have been intensified now, well, at least they are even talking about that in the area of ​​srebyansk forestry, it was possible to repel something. and hmm, how do you assess the activity of hostilities there, is it now so high, not so high, well , how, how to understand what is happening there? looking at what district, ugh, because the kupyan-lyman direction, otdinka, let's call it this way, it has its own characteristics of battles in different places, if we say, it's like masyutivka over there, kislivka over there, kohmalne over there, tabaivka over there, berkhivka over there, below, these zones were active, they were very active all the time, it's just that now they are becoming more active , because the muscovites concentrated and
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dragged a certain amount of their forces there, they climbed the sonkivka without stopping and are climbing , yes, further there from liman, the first in forestry, or in general they are climbing head on, there is no way they can get away with this simkivka, there are our military they hold on, although it is very difficult under this constant pressure... to be in such constantly dynamic battles, the same is the case in berkhivka, the situation there is very difficult, because the enemy has also become more active, there, after they had success there, they immediately begin to press , as they always do, we know that if we descend further south, there is novaehorivka, that is, in the direction of borova, we remember the description of the situation, directly from the fighters of the third assault group, who also hold back the enemy's onslaught every day and... concentrated a large number forces, and these attacks, they happen all the time, if we talk in the liman area, there in yampol, in katerny, there the activation of the enemy
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has decreased, since they are... their potential, which they accumulated there, they dragged certain of their units to others, in other districts, also, now there are brigades that have lost their combat ability, they are being replaced there, that is, they support activity there, of course, but it is no longer the same as it was, silver forestry is a separate area in general, which is very, very difficult , because it is wooded, of course we saw blue there zone and that's two'. such a difficult superhuman effort that our fighters have put in to have an advance there, they, again, this is a case where every opportunity is taken to push the enemy back, to improve the tactical position, and this is one of those cases where took advantage of a favorable situation, the situation and pushed back, retook certain positions, we will watch, i hope that this will continue, the blue zone will increase, but serebyan forestry
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is a very... very difficult area, that is, we we can expect that, after all, they will become more active there in the near future, yes, i understand your words, who exactly, well , silver forestry and actually that direction, well, it depends on the situation, we hope that the fighters of the defense forces, in particular the unit azov, which is very actively engaged in hostilities there, will continue its successes and develop its tactical position. ugh, well, a little bit, let's skip ahead and maybe somehow pay attention to what is actually happening in the direction of the postavdiy front, if you can say so, there is also promotion, which you also noted, but if you say in more detail, in what, where, where exactly there is now the most hot, hot
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area. in this direction, absolutely the entire line in the area of ​​avdiivka, from arkhangelsk to karlivka, is under active such activity on the part of the enemy, they press along this line in different settlements in different ways, there and again, as i mentioned at the beginning , they had advances reeded in the direction of progress along the railway, they also constantly climb there, and were advancing in the area of ​​karlivka, where they, with the help of... infantry, even a few people, but they are trying to establish themselves somewhere, hide, they constantly test the sokol in the area there, and we see that they have already reached yevgeniivka, there they continue to develop their success , the situation is getting very complicated there, as they saw all these opportunities to advance further, they are pulling even more forces there, intensifying, if for further advancement, and these are all attempts to attack, they
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are happening continuously. and all this with fire support from the equipment there, aviation, artillery, so they are very active there, the fighting is going on now. roman, how do you explain why it is not possible to stop this advance there, to somehow stabilize the front, it is in this direction, what is the biggest problem? here it is very difficult to cross out, single out all the problems, because there are a lot of them, they are all. interconnected, of course, first of all, it is a huge number of muscovites, of course, that in this ratio there are human resources, there are also techniques, means of defeat, they are more in muscovites, and even, to speak there about the means of impression, the same fp drones, drops, they are all spent on just a huge amount of infantry that climbs
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incessantly, and this is one of the main ... factors that need to be taken into account, there are other points, but they need to be very- it took a long time to talk, to find out, but i basically named the main one, huh, and lately, as you note, more use of equipment by the russians, less use of equipment, more infantry, well, this is how the situation is with them now , there is no clear answer because... each district, it it depends on the situation, there is a certain characteristic of the battles, there are certain moments, sometimes there is more equipment, somewhere less, very often the same thing there, well, i don’t know, there in the direction of pokrovsk, in these areas, in the avdiivka area, in the sokol area , yevhenivka, where they are already approaching yevhenivka, more equipment is used there.


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