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tv   [untitled]    July 5, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm EEST

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incessantly, and this is one of the main factors that must be taken into account, there are other points, but we need to talk about them for a very, very long time, to find out, but here is the main one, in fact, i called, uh, and lately, as you note, more the use of equipment on the part of the russians, less use of equipment, more infantry, well, here is how the situation is going with them now, has a clear answer, because each district, it depends on the situation, has its own characteristics of battles, its own moments, somewhere from the equipment more, sometimes less, very often the same thing there, well, not me i know, there in the direction of pokrovsk, in these areas, in the avdiyivka district, the sokol district of yevgenivka, where they are already approaching yevgenivka, more equipment is used there.
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than, for example, in karlivka, because in the area of ​​karlivka, the main main force there is their infantry, if we say the same thing there , arkhangelski there or novooleksandrivka is also mainly infantry, all this is supported by artillery, aviation, that is, somewhere, if we say there in the novopokrovsky district of yasnovrodivka, this is infantry with fire support equipment, somewhere they just use bmp, armored personnel carrier, i don’t know, in order to... prove landing, so there is no single answer here, it all depends on the area where hostilities are taking place, in some places there are many of them, in some places there are even enough for entire convoys of equipment, and somewhere, one armored personnel carrier may arrive, which will bring a small group of landing forces there, and it may be there for half a day, for a day, this is all their use of force, and are there any estimates of how much the russians have withdrawn in this direction, well, manpower, have they seen ?
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well, i can't name the exact numbers, because i first of all, i don't like to name numbers so that they don't serve as headlines, but there are many, many, well, 20, 30, 50, several dozen, looking, looking at which district, looking at which district, if we are talking about the avdiivka district , there are several thousand, several tens of thousands of personnel. sko, that is , for the russians, it is now the largest concentration point, as i understand it, no, no, but it is one, one of the main, and what would you call then the largest concentration point of russian manpower, according to some such estimates, well, them there are a lot of them everywhere, in the south there are a lot of them, in the area where there is a crop of old mayorsky, they constantly use them in different ways, they can use them, we can say that there are also a lot of them on the northern borders of kharkiv oblast, but... we see how they use them
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, they start a small group of infantry there, which either survives there, settles down somewhere, or dies, a lot comes in its place, oh another group, if you single out some areas, it is the times, a large grouping of raionivka, a huge grouping, and also the marnka district, ugh, well, here's another place like that the advance of the russians, this is the turetska district, and if you look at it... their advance there and the fact that it is to a certain extent, well, this is a place where, on the other hand, well, the defense forces of ukraine would have the opportunity to defend themselves and had fortifications where they could defend themselves, whether the breakthrough there was due to the presence of manpower there, or due to the use of some technique, that is, how would you explain the fact that this advance is also taking place there in principle. can't
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stop it yet either? there is a very difficult situation, which trying to stabilize the defense forces. in the public space there were already a lot of discussions about the situation, where there was a command in this area, where what processes were taking place, we know that it is no longer a secret that our fighters were caught on rotation and promotions took place accordingly, again it is worth it.. . to point out that what was caught during the rotation is such a two-sided moment, the first, the first moment, is that it is such a troublesome story, when the rotation is carried out, it is very necessary to approach it carefully, everything is considered, thought out, and that's right arise here the question of how it all happened, on the other hand, these are the processes that we use, that the enemy uses, and in war, this is one of those cases when i try to... catch,
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try to use this opportunity to break through some defense, therefore , there is absolutely nothing strange here in this regard, we see that the situation here is difficult, since the enemy... advancing in the area of ​​the southern, noise, northern, friendship, as well, and this pressure does not stop, as they had success there, they will try to develop it, and now the most important thing to show that we can restrain this pressure, accordingly , stabilization measures are being carried out there, and it is necessary to withstand it, because the muscovites are withdrawing reserves there, they are intensifying the pressure, they are intensifying the use of human resources there, in particular, this is essentially the main... their now there is the force that they are using, the shelling is being carried out very actively, both in turkey and in other populated areas, there have been advances, they are beginning to press in the new york area, that is, another certain direction to take aside toretska, and there is also a difficult situation, because we
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have both had promotion, and it is getting more complicated, so now it makes absolutely no sense to draw any conclusions, because all this is in dynamics, it is heating up and getting hotter and hotter. and everything depends on the situation that will develop there, and how many brains are ready to use resources, how they will use them, and how the defense forces, command and in general will cope with this, everything, everything, it is all connected. well, probably, now we have the largest concentration of russian forces on the front line, and it can be expected only that they will further try different directions even more and try to advance in any direction, wherever possible. will be able to, it is certain that this is the situation, they crawl absolutely everywhere and will use any favorable opportunity, just as we do it, we also use any opportunity to push the enemy away, to destroy him, so this is all dynamic , well, i want
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to ask you one last question, it was actually reported by the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine on july 2 that the russians, well, the forces of the russian federation are conducting... sabotage and reconnaissance activities in the area border of sumy and chernihiv regions. well , there are even certain geo-location shots where they are driving near zhuravka in the sumy region. some action there. from your point of view, to what extent can this be activated, and how much, for example, can we expect something from belarus, how do you assess it? may? develop at any moment, this is war, and everyone must be ready for the development of any, any events, and of course, first of all , sabotage and intelligence, sabotage and intelligence groups are actively working there, are carried out shelling, this was constant during the beginning
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of the full-scale invasion, and of course there is a certain concentration in the sumy area, they were expected for a long time to enter the... territory, somehow began to act more actively, but we see that this did not happen, and whether they will use it is unknown, but any development can happen at any time, so you can't guess here, you have to be ready, what the defense forces that are in that area are doing, or it could just be something like that , you know, as an attempt to distract and an attempt to create such a pr or some kind of effect in order to drag it there. forces, or maybe, maybe, and this is how it is carried out, this is one of the main methods of activity, an information campaign, distraction, withdrawal of reserves, and belarus, in particular, is that country, a direct aggressor, an active direct ally of moscow,
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which participates in this war, in particular, precisely by diverting our units, which are forced to stand along the border, so that there are no provocations of any kind and no activity in our direction in general. thank you, who joined us, thank you, it was roman pohorily, co-founder and analyst of the deep state project, we are currently on a break on the espressu tv channel, before this break i will remind you about our fundraiser, which we are still continuing, this is actually a fundraiser for the repair of armored vehicles, please join us, this is the repair of armored vehicles on the battlefield, we have a place to collect, well literally... we have already collected 560,000 there, we need to collect it, so please, it is in the combat zone, right on the battlefield, repairing armored vehicles, btrs, tanks , whatever, see a qr code, see an account number, whatever
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the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. summer is a time of rest and recovery, and i believe that this year we will be able to present a real fairy tale and some peace for children. the world destroyed by the war, these are the children of fallen heroes, father or mother, who, protecting us and you, our country, died at the front, and they, like no one else, need our support, because they are the future of our country. our experience showed that travel helps children recover more quickly from a loss. the children feel better emotionally, i am asking you to support our project. we
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are planning to organize two trips for the children of fallen heroes this summer. children will experience bright emotions, they will get to know a new country, a new culture, find new friends, and most importantly, they will receive help from qualified psychologists. and maybe now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or owners of large businesses who will buy it. ready to join and help, remember that your donations are the key, the key to the hope, dreams and support of those who lost a loved one, because their parents went to protect our country. i really enjoyed the trip to austria, i loved the museums we went to every day, it was amazing and i really liked how we went out to restaurants. i visited the cities of saarsburg, vienna and linz. it. influenced me quite positively, i became more cheerful. thank you so much for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten
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in my heart. let's give together memories that will warm hearts and help to survive these difficult and scary moments. yes, we continue the chronicles of the war, and we have another guest. nazarenko, chief of artillery reconnaissance of the fourth rubizh brigade, captain of the national guard of ukraine. greetings, volodymyr. good afternoon, studio, good afternoon viewers. thank you for the opportunity to join your broadcast. thank you for joining us, and right away, well, your direction is now one of the most active, and moreover, they note the advance of the russians in the area of ​​chasovoy yar, in particular in the area of ​​the canal, that is. or can you explain to us, well, actually, how dangerous this promotion is and what is really
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happening there? well, actually, our brigade and my comrades, who are currently performing tasks these days, at these hours, in these weeks, after all, the area of ​​our brigade is located somewhat north of this time of the ravine, it is also one of the troubled areas, but what i know from my fellow taskmasters . yaru, the enemy is really trying to advance, is activating and taking huge, huge losses in those assault attempts, we understand that the enemy uses without... a lot of fire means, a lot of arsenal, different tactics of attempted assaults, and the danger is that the enemy somehow tries to advance further into the depths of the donetsk region of the positions of the defense forces, but i believe in the efforts of our brothers, in that dynamic the defense, in which
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the defense forces are conducting, about inflicting maximum losses on the enemy, well, your more northern ... niche such a direction that you have, are you able to hold back the advance of the russians there, well, as much as they are trying now here are your eyes evasive maneuvers to make, as you judge them, well , my comrades from the fourth brigade of the national guard have to hold back a very large enemy onslaught, in fact, somehow or other, the enemy is making attempts to advance, but for the ... the enemy these attempts are unsuccessful, the enemy is taking losses with a heroic effort, i repeat, real heroes from our brigade and other units, the defense forces in general, i repeat, the enemy does not manage to advance and they give a good rebuff to the enemy's attempts that he tries to make, mr. volodymyr,
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does this mean an advance in the kana area, well this neighborhood? they knew that having practically destroyed this area, the russians, well, you could say they already control it, does that mean that our defense will now be built on the right bank of this canal, or is it possible, let's say, to build this defense there , frankly, it's hard for me to say, it's still more tactical information from the brigades that i perform. there are tasks, and again, the main task of the defense forces is dynamic defense in order to expand the gray area as much as possible, now visibility is good, good weather, the duration of daylight, respectively, and fpv drones, strike drones, drones with drops, and the work of artillery has the opportunity to effectively show itself to the full,
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respectively, to clear the invaders from the area of ​​​​achievement of ti... other fire means and make the enemy bear losses, especially in those attempts to advance, which they will in one way or another, in one way or another try, the task of breaking and breaking the potential of the occupiers, which they have somehow accumulated, we see information from the reports of the general staff, when the enemy is suffering record losses both daily and in general over the last time, this means that the enemy has thrown in... the main effort, sparing no resources, no sparing the reserves and replenishment that they supply, realizing that they are going, the enemy has set himself the goal of completely capturing luhansk and donetsk regions, but this is just a false delusion of the occupier, i hope that the defense forces are doing everything possible so that the enemy
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ends faster than they manage to realize their sick ambitions, well... . now it is very noticeable that a large part of hostilities actually focused on such, you know, strikes deep into battle formations, behind battle formations even, a little further, where, well, they are trying to operate, actually, to concentrate forces, to redeploy them, and we see that the russians quite actively use their there are drones with such a long range as... our defense forces manage to see the movement of the russians in their rear, but how do you generally assess our capabilities to work in the rear, in the enemy's rear? definitely drones, in general wings, copters, these are our eyes, we have clearly to identify the occupiers, to identify their intentions,
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accumulation, accumulation, movement, logistics, where they place their... unmanned means where they place their positions, this is done quite actively, it is a struggle of technologies, a struggle of uav systems with radio electronic systems combating electronic jamming, what is on our side, what is on the enemy's side, these are technological areas, but one way or another it is important that the defense forces have the leadership in technology, we clearly understand first a full-scale invasion, the latest technology, the latest. weapons, the latest tactics, it always has, saves the lives of heroes, and technology in one way or another, this is one of the key, techno leadership technologies. this is one of the key factors of leadership on the battlefield, so i really agree with you, it is important to monitor the enemy, who is further in depth and strike accordingly. moreover,
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i repeat, with the onset of good weather, good visibility, long daylight hours, the defense forces in a certain way manage to force the enemy to push back their orders, that is , to expand in one way or another in one way or another gray area, move your guns to the enemy. is a little several kilometers deep, accordingly the enemy can no longer afford to use artillery so deep in the rear, in the far rear and near rear of the defense forces, in fact the enemy uses it closer to the zero lines to the positions of the defense forces, instead, again, the enemy wants to compensate for this and in a certain way tries to compensate with the strikes of guided unguided aerial bombs, the use of aviation, and the use of missile systems. volley of fire, so here again technologically important to counter enemy intelligence, well
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, here are all the latest reports that were, well, there are even such graphs, which depict the destruction of armored vehicles there, a comparison of the destruction of armored vehicles, it can be seen that the ratio of destroyed armored vehicles on our side and on the russian side, well, clearly in our favor , because we're increasing the... we're increasing the russian armored vehicles there six to five times more, but do you see that affecting the number of armored vehicles that the russians are using now? the occupiers use quite different tactics, we have seen quite a bit the latest tactics, when they try to attack on buggies, motorcycles, scooters, some, the tactics are very simple, disposable soldiers, stormtroopers, whether they are mercenaries, whether they are trained, or whether ... quickly mobilized, quickly hired contractors, throw them into the zero positions of the forces defense in order to start a battle in the front trenches, i repeat myself, but here again, in most
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cases, the enemy's intentions are thwarted at the stages when they accumulate, gather somewhere, start somewhere, uh, already at the enemy artillery works, and mortars, and fpv drones, other fire systems and tanks, and so on and so forth, so - to answer your question, the occupiers' technology has to run out sooner or later, they really take huge losses in those assault attempts, whether it's in groups, small groups, or infantry assaults, whether on buggies, atvs, motorcycles, or light armored vehicles, or even on armored vehicles such as turtle tanks or simply on tanks, when they try to storm, in most cases, the defense forces repel these assaults and inflict quite large losses the enemy, therefore - the enemy, i repeat, dropped an extremely large amount of forces, resources, and means, and i am sure that sooner or
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later this equipment, this metallobrok, which the empire has accumulated, will end sooner or later , and the most important thing is to perform those tasks as much as possible, to hold the line of defense and in dynamic defense, to destroy the enemy in order to break his potential, well, a lot, well, we hear about what is used ... now they are motorcycles, buggies for trying to storm, but there are things like tanks , like armored personnel carriers, or how much more often you see them now on the front line from the side of the enemy, the enemy deploys them, it's like guns that are in closed semi-closed firing positions, that is, unfortunately, they have an advantage in ammunition with which they can afford to actually bombard, that is, enter . unaimed fire, and tanks to be used in assaults, again tanks are turtles, which are sheathed with nets, metal plates, the enemy combines and the enemy presses
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along the entire line of the east, and using , i repeat, different tactics, combines either on armored vehicles, or on tanks with armored vehicles, either in small groups, or again on motorcycles, buggies, etc., and there were also reports that... the russians seem to have started to use 130 mm guns, for a certain time they did not use them, because there was no munitions, and now it seems that north korean munitions have been pulled up, or did you notice something like that somewhere in relation to this? the enemy uses a rather large arsenal of systems and old ones. systems, well , moreover, both the defense forces and the enemy use, in particular, mortars of the 37th year of the 82nd caliber and in the 38th year, regimental mortars of 120 caliber
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are already starting. since these years, even the same maxim machine guns have been used somewhere, so there is nothing surprising for the enemy to prioritize actually conducting harassing fire, and moreover, there were also reports somewhere that during the last two or more years of a full-scale invasion there, the enemy tried to use and in including t-34 tanks of various modifications, and the biggest threat is that these are all weapons, they shoot, explode and bring destruction in one way or another. how effective it is is, again, p a controversial issue, because uh, the newer the system, the more ammunition, the more accurate the system, the more it has a greater advantage in the coefficients of firepower, accuracy, accuracy, but again, the enemy has tactics and, in principle, the entire soviet doctrine is built on mass , crush by mass, crush by
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quantity, both ammunition and, in principle , people and soldiers and equipment, etc. well we still have a little bit of time and i know you have some important collection that your unit needs, please tell us about him so that we can also, well, our viewers can join him. thank you very much for helping and encouraging viewers to join the collection. first of all, i would like to thank every ukrainian. which throughout the time, as since the 14th year, since the 22nd year of the full-scale invasion, supporting the defense forces within their capabilities, it is important that the entire ukrainian people and the entire ukrainian nation are really this army, understanding that we we are fighting the occupier, with the huge empire that has huge boundless resources, both economic and material resources, so it is important for all
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of ukraine. nation, to the entire ukrainian people to be united by a single army and to use all resources as much as possible in order to protect their families, protect their state and their people and their future, their laws, their democracy, and in principle to protect their freedom and the right to live , therefore , a very big thank you to every ukrainian who helps, who donates, this is the collection of our brigade for uavs, for a company of uav operators, who are actually our eyes, as artillerymen, and a lot depends on their work, they detect the enemy in advance, adjust their fire on the enemy and do not allow the enemy to take any action unnoticed, that is, the enemy will not remain unnoticed, well, pay attention to this qr code, show me more please again
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this qr code that we have. while there is time, i am asking our technicians, please show me, and here it is, it is for reconnaissance uavs, for our guest, for mr. nazarenko, for the reconnaissance of the artillery of the fourth rubizh brigade of the national guard of ukraine, join us, please to this meeting also because the artillery can shoot where it can see, and for it to see, it needs a scout father... blowing drones, and then the artillery will shoot accurately, destroy the enemy, and this helps our defense forces, keep their positions and destroy the most occupiers, so please join, i thank volodymyr nazarenko for joining us, this is actually an important direction of the time gap, so join our meetings, please be with us, we will meet with you at
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a week, stay. espresso tv channel, well , our broadcast continues, so stay with us. congratulations. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio for news at eterizpress. reinforcement of anti-aircraft defense the third patriot anti-aircraft missile system arrived in ukraine from germany. the system will strengthen the protection of the population and infrastructure against enemy aircraft, drones and missiles, ambassador martin yeger noted on the x social network. the ukrainian crew of the complex in recent months has successfully...


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