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tv   [untitled]    July 5, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EEST

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see you in a week, stay tuned to the espresso tv channel, and our broadcast continues, so stay with us. greetings, chas news v eter spresso. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. reinforcement of anti-aircraft defense the third patriot anti-aircraft missile system arrived in ukraine from germany. the system will strengthen the protection of the population and infrastructure from enemy aircraft, drones and missiles, ambassador martin yeger noted on the x social network . the ukrainian crew of the complex has successfully undergone appropriate training in germany in recent months. i will note that patriot is capable of knocking down ballistic and cruise missiles, as well as
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aircraft, protecting the civilian population. more than 2 million hryvnias were illegally issued and appropriated. officials of the military unit in donetsk will appear before the court. the commander and four of his subordinates were included in the lists for payment of servicemen who did not take part in hostilities and were generally outside the region, the sbi reported. for six months, ten soldiers were charged 100,000 hryvnias each, increasing. they transferred part of the funds to the account of the command. the amount of damages is almost uah 3.5 million. organizers face up to 12 years in prison. they were sold to the russians for $500. three women from odessa collected data for the occupiers about the city's military and medical facilities. the espionage was organized by a 23-year-old girl who recruited two accomplices. the girls worked in a local coffee shop and at the same time...
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helped the occupiers prepare missile and drone strikes. for several months, they collected and sent photo units of the armed forces of ukraine, military commanders, hospitals and installations. they recorded everything under the guise of friendly walks, managed to inform the occupiers about which at least seven objects received half a thousand dollars for this from the russian fsb. russia committed almost 100,000 of its soldiers to seize one district of the city during the yar period. forbes analysts calculated. for 3 months, the occupiers advanced to take control of a tiny part of the city, in which 12,000 people used to live, the publication notes. according to the forecasts of experts, the russians will continue the offensive, noting that they will suffer no less losses. analysts say that the reason for the large number of dead occupiers is the transfer of new recruits without proper training preparation get busy in the summer. the academic year in lviv schools will begin. on august 19, due to
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an extremely difficult situation with electricity, city mayor andriy sadovy reported. the planned winter vacation will begin on december 21, if the situation with the light worsens, it will be extended. regular groups will work in schools for children whose parents cannot leave them at home. and in the event of a complete blackout, all lviv schools will become 24-hour points of invincibility. in the summer , schoolchildren from chernivtsi will sit down for parties. there will be no autumn and... spring vacations in the city, instead, long winter ones. they counterfeited coffee of a well-known european brand. a 35-year-old resident of kyiv will be tried in lviv. together with his accomplices, he organized the supply of coffee beans, then packed them in kilogram packs with the logo of a well-known manufacturer. in the future, these counterfeit products were sold in trading establishments and sent by mail. the so-called production was in a rented garage, the regional police was informed about it. the business organizer
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faces a fine. the ukrainian president congratulated kir starmer and the labor party party with victory in the parliamentary elections in great britain. volodymyr zelenskyy wished the new government success in strengthening the leadership of the united kingdom on the world stage, and also expressed hope for close cooperation. labor won by a wide margin, winning 411 parliamentary seats to the conservatives' 119. which are headed by the incumbent prime minister rishi sunak. the appointment of kier starmer to the post of prime minister will take place today, a day after the audience with the british king. this is reported by reuters. prime minister of hungary viktor orban has arrived to moscow he has already started a meeting with kremlin dictator putin. orbán's visit to moscow takes place exclusively within the framework of bilateral relations between hungary and russia, the office of the high representative noted. eu in foreign affairs and
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security policy. thus, the prime minister of hungary does not represent the eu in any way. let me remind you that on july 2, orban visited kyiv for the first time in more than 10 years. the kharkiv guardsman oleg with the call sign shum was awarded by the president of ukraine for the prompt rescue of a wounded combat comrade from under fire. for the most important thing for the guardsman himself is to have enough knowledge of medical aid so as not to get confused and to minimize complications after an injury. the soldier told my colleagues about his combat operations in the klishchiivka region of donetsk region. several kilometers under mortar shelling, they carried the wounded. the guardsman mentions the noise by the call sign, the noise does not even know the name of the saved soldier, only the call sign bison, and the most important thing is that the fighter survived, he was quite, quite a brave boy,
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no complaints, despite the severe wound, he helped everyone, well, when how, when with a drag, when on himself, when, well, he too. he made every effort to help us. knowledge from first aid to medical aid, says gvardiets, agreed upon already during the first combat sortie. shum helped three wounded soldiers at the stabilization point in the klishchiivka region of donetsk region. that is, it is not only to put turnstiles to wait for evacuation, i, that is, i made a tomponade. with a sudden injury to the calf to save his brother's leg, guardsman shum was awarded by the president of ukraine for one of the rescue operations on the front line. personally congratulated the national guardsmen, presented awards
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to the soldiers. the fifth, separate slobodzhan brigade. senior soldier, oleg shumov. then, oleg recalls, it was necessary to evacuate a wounded soldier from under fire. walking in a group, probably coming under enemy fire, the noise went away by itself. hemostatic bandage and bandage failed to stop the blood loss completely, so, well, in order to save part of the leg, a decision was made to rearrange the tourniquet below the knee. ugh. well, the amputation, well, they understood what would happen, and... to save more, a larger part of the leg, they rearranged the tourniquet. when under the mortar the guardsman himself was hit by shelling, and had to walk almost 10 km to the evacuation point with his fellow soldier. the evacuation vehicle could not approach, the enemy shot through
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the area. as they do, they send a reconnaissance assault group on a killing spree to burn our positions. we worked on a group of infantry, they discovered an attack on our position and tried to dismantle it, that is, it is gases, it is discharges, it is also half-cannons, it is mortar shelling, despite being wounded, difficult and exhausting combat sorties in klishchiivka, the most difficult times for a guardsman, when several days there was no contact with relatives, at the beginning of the great war, my mother and...
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the doctor is still not making noise, but his first aid skills are constantly improving. for a year in the war, he was convinced that this knowledge saves the lives of his comrades in arms. we invite you to join the project from zero to life, it is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. i am asking you to support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. our defenses'. victory is won every day, leaving no wounded or dead on the battlefield. so, atvs are indispensable helpers for evacuation. for the sake of our peace of mind, they continue to rotate positions both on holidays and on weekdays. your support significantly increases the chances not only for success, for the successful
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completion of the task, but also for the opportunity to return from it alive. so please join the congregation. our goal is uah 4 million. now you see all the necessary details on your screens. for now, this is all the news for me as of this hour, to learn more interesting and relevant information, follow the updates on our website, see you in less than a day. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, the information day of the tv channel continues, well , there are a lot of events, of course, the key story is now unfolding on the big front, but... there are also a lot of international events and they are all more important, so what will we be doing today
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marta oliyarnyk and antin borkovskyi will inform about the most important things in the espresso studio live, and mykola malomuzh, general of the army of ukraine, head of the foreign service, will appear with us from minute to minute. intelligence of ukraine from 2005 to 2010, we will talk with him about the difficult situation at the front, and in the meantime we will also inform you while we are waiting for the inclusion of mykola malomuzha about geopolitical events, so orban arrived in... moscow, and decided to report to the russian dictator about the results of his trip to the ukrainian capital. we will follow these events, well, and also follow these events with us, so we will include even during our broadcast, guests with whom we will talk about it, well, now let's hope to the fact that mykola malomuzh will already be in touch with us and we will be able to start with him. mr. mykola, congratulations, glory to ukraine. congratulations, glory to the heroes. dear mr. general. well, the enemy is extremely active now working in
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the turkish direction and in the direction of the temporal ravine. i would like to ask you to describe the current situation on this part of the front, what threats is posed by this enormous activation of the enemy in the turkish direction? well , first of all, it is necessary to determine the reasons, because putin has set a task in the coming days, just to move not only in the turkish direction, to seize time. and to develop tactical, and in the future, strategically offensive operations to capture the donetsk region. the collegium of the ministry of defense was closed, where putin posed a tough question: either there will be a change in the personnel of the armed forces, first of all the general staff of the russian federation, or they will fulfill precisely this task of seizing new territories. he needs to have, as he thinks, more arguments for the negotiation process, this is more aggressiveness of the offensive today operations, and it is clear then. tough demands on negotiations, on the future peace and the conditions of this peace, so today the time of the ivars is
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one of the formats that they count, capturing, we will lose precisely, the tactical initiative to destroy the enemy in this sector, especially along the directions where they have respectively communication opportunities, and the zrozure direction is another region where they can enter from different sides and just develop the situation not only on the tre format. the nearest settlements, so to speak, and to develop already more powerful strategic ones operations, but comprehensively, not only from these two points, we are taking the pokrovsky direction more widely, here we are also taking blows from avdiivskoye more widely, if we take such a joint front, these are precisely the forces and means that are being strengthened today, and there is a part of the special unit that remained, they do not have the opportunity to have such a professional unit at all hot spots now. such as airborne troops, airborne assault troops, or special units of special operations forces or
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national guards, but in these directions they are precisely our fighters also strengthened, but i literally talked with representatives of our 24th brigade, that is, king danylo and other representatives, they said that the battles are really tough, the enemy’s forces have clearly increased, especially professional ones, and at the same time they are throwing a volume of zhet , these are precisely the prisoners, who are not pitiful, but they are walking in the first ranks, and of course, having changed their tactics, capturing individual houses, streets, they are gradually trying to advance, we are destroying with powerful fire, but to some extent we are maneuvering, well, how was our message, we move on to more powerful ones positions in the most temporary yar, because our positions where we occupied for many months were actually destroyed there, in the same way in the turkish direction of the bow a number of maneuvers. moved to more fortified positions, which were prepared for several months, of course, this provides
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the prerequisites to hold positions so that the enemy does not move further, and on the other hand, it gives the opportunity to lower reserves, and today with the situation along with maintaining the defense line in these sectors, this the most important task, even if they advance a few hundred meters somewhere, but we see that it will be profitable for us to destroy them there, we launch them there, and then we apply mud. the blows of a powerful barrage, therefore the total number and in these sectors 200, 250, 270 were destroyed, in general along the front in hot spots, the main share here is 12,000. 700 per day, these are huge losses of the enemy, and it is clear that they are not inexhaustible, step by step, the positions of the russians are weakening, but today, as we would say, such a decisive situation, they are trying to use everything they can to further advance and develop offensive operations, and then they will throw new reserves, not prepared, but they will already go on the offensive, then there is already
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a prospect of running in, if we hold our positions, as we are doing now, destroy them, and this is a real situation... today, serbsky also aimed at this today the commanders and, of course , the leaders of the armed forces so that we not only gain positions, but where the six main directions that you have outlined for a breakthrough, including the times, toretsk, pokrovsky direction, they are to some extent even trying not only to heal, and to probe the kupyansky usy and strengthen the lymansky usy, that is, where it can break through, well, on the one hand, we see that we... it seems like active countermeasures in the north of the kharkiv region in the vovchanskyi lybsk direction, well, the lyps, here they are again literally throwing yesterday , new units, because it can be seen that we are counterattacking there and we will develop offensive operations, there is an alternating such combat yes, respectively, there are constant battles with
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alternating successes, which is stable, we stably keep a wide front, the enemy has no the ability to advance over a long distance. it can be hundreds of meters to a kilometer, but we are taking more powerful positions, delivering powerful blows. i think that today, er, the equator is behind us, that is, we are already holding positions, destroying the enemy and already conducting counterattacks in a number of directions. the strengthening of our positions, everything is already online, the latest weaponry with equipment, this is happening every day, albeit slowly, but these positions are being encroached on by the usa, i will say it bluntly, britain, germany, france, and a number of others. european to the union, in the coming weeks, i think there will be an improvement in the situation with these means, and this is an improvement in the situation at the front. mr. mykola, but look, the 14 brigades of the reserve cannot carry out their tasks now, because they have nothing to arm themselves with, zelensky said about this yesterday in an interview with bloomberg: we understand that the promises are empty, but if we talk about the actual implementation of those things, that
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the partners promised, things are not looking so smooth at the moment, you said that in a few weeks this... situation will improve, let's actually count on it to hope, but there is also a kind of czech initiative of artillery ammunition, yesterday i had on the air one of the fighters of the rubizh unit of the national guard, they, i will not say specifically where they are, they, this is the bakhmut direction, and they say about that now they do not feel that there are more artillery shells, first of all we talked about not only the czech initiative, and the most important thing is... it is the initiative of ukraine and the purchase of ammunition and other types of weapons is one of the directions of the replenishment of the armed forces, and we have to bet to do on our own, for more than two years we have been saying, let's buy, produce already cartridge factories and everything else that are involved, and it was a 90% inflow share, and the honorable initiative is just a plus, precisely president
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pava, whom i know, he already many, many months after we asked the question. buy, buy, because neither europe can give a million for that period, only half a million per year, neither the usa, the more the project is delayed, nor we, the military industry has not yet deployed, buy us ours, conditionally ukroboronpron, ukrspecspe, ukrynmash, these are those structures that have been bought or sold for decades in hundreds of different markets, and now we can buy, i will say directly, after conducting monitoring and contacting these heads of the respective departments. millions, and if there are tens of millions of ammunition around the world, not only the 800 thousand or a million that the czech president says, this should be a plus to all that, so today there is a systematic procurement in all directions, this is our initiative, then the czech initiative, then supply from specific european countries, we we know hundreds of thousands, for example, germany
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600 thousand, the usa also supplies 250 thousand different types of ammunition in regular packages. is gradually gaining a million, and it is true that a number of parts have not yet arrived, this is precisely the logistics, the conclusion of contracts, relocation, approval, this is a bureaucracy that devalues ​​many prospects at the front. finally, there are many programs, i will say frankly, from practice, they have already been settled, there is a corresponding movement, and i think that in the coming weeks they will already enter the pit, and some of them did not enter the troops, although they primarily went to the directions kharkiv, because there was predicted... that there would be a powerful offensive operation on kharkiv, it was partially overlapped in the sumy oblast, also, because it was also predicted that the strike group was partially overlapped in the kupinsky direction, that is , different, different options, where it will happen. on the amount of ammunition received, it was rushed to specific hot spots, of course, where our colleague, the military man, spoke, maybe it is not there yet, not all units received it,
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it is true, it is a problem, it will have to be solved quickly today, well, i i see prospects real, knowing the specific contracts, specific quantities, logistical stacks, which will be, but not the only ammunition, i emphasize, in order to develop counteroffensive and strategic offensive operations, it is now necessary to increase... er , the supply of all types of weapons and those 14 brigades it is to arm at the expense of our own resources, this is our military industry and our warehouses also have small arms, we already have the production of armored vehicles, artillery vehicles, drone troops, a number of missile capabilities, radar radar systems, that is, we have own line, there are a lot of mortars, this is what needs to be supplied to... partners. mr. army general, i would like your assessment of the hungarian prime minister viktor orbán's visit to moscow. now
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they are meeting with putin, and medinsky, who at one time was involved in the negotiations that took place on the territory of belarus, is also present at the meeting. your assessment, function orbán? and what ideas can he express or coordinate with putin? well, first of all. putin's ideas, putin put forward the idea of ​​demilitarization of ukraine, giving up nato, in march of the 22nd year accordingly, the allocation of certain territories under such a dual format of control, first of all, crimea even, well, of course, then the conditions are the numerical composition of the army up to 350,000, well, of course, this is a limited number of aircraft, that is, this is the position of the aggressor, on these conditions, where which orbán is leaning towards, and he tried. to convey to the president of ukraine, i understand that having agreed with putin, and now it is clear, already according to the results of the negotiations with zelensky, he is negotiating with putin in
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terms of what is the position of ukraine, not only what has been officially announced, but what what was behind closed doors between zelenskyi and orban, although the general position is clear to us, we are for sovereignty, for the restoration of territorial integrity, in accordance with the principle of international law and the unification of the countries of the world on this basis, well, of course, this is... effective work on liberation territories, that is why orban will talk with putin today about what mechanisms to put pressure on ukraine, through european countries, specific, and perhaps even to some extent correcting the course of the european union, he is the chairman, accordingly, although the leadership clearly distanced himself from orbán's visit, from his mission, but he will do it, since he has this function for six months, he will try to do it under the pretext of peacekeeping initiatives and... creating programs precisely to regulate the situation, cease fire, but of course, first of all, what will the russian federation agree to, and this is their idea, and the second component
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is, of course, a union somewhere of those countries that support such a plan, well, for example, it could be china, with orban, of course, there were negotiations with sinzipin and with putin, that is, there is a trio already ready, just before erdoğan, who was at the second stage after minsk, accordingly, the organizer of the negotiations, is inclined to this. and according to the formula that is being proposed to some extent today, such an easier option, then a more rigid option, which putin, the occupation of the territory, so that we withdraw even where the territory is not occupied, another option, that they withdraw partially, but under conditions against , that we are no longer in nato, that we are conditionally demilitarized, that is , we actually lose the prospect of neutral sovereignty and having a powerful army, that is arguments will be gathered now, which forces and which... countries can be united from europe, from the third world, in addition to china and turkey, india, there may also be brazil, there may still be a number of countries, mediators of the arab east,
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that is, those who can put pressure on our partners and ukraine. i think that these mechanisms will be discussed behind open doors, and then there will be action accordingly, from different segments, there is a statement, this issue is in the european union, so that somewhere the issue will be reviewed taking into account the new political forces that are coming to power. in specific in european countries, a reorientation is already possible there, they are looking at the prospects in the usa, there may be a new president, if there is one, then there will be a new form, which is today, the position may change, and it is betting on gradually consolidating various forces, under the peace formula defined by russia, well, orban and other partners have in their understanding, on which they rely today in this formula. thank you, mykola malomush, general of the army of ukraine and head of the foreign intelligence service. of ukraine from 2005 to the 10th year was in to our airwaves, we are now going on a short break, after which we will continue the espresso information day, i would like to remind you that we are collecting funds for drones for our.
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rural defense forces from the hundredth brigade, who are currently fighting in the hellish eastern direction, so we ask you to join this gathering, now you see qr codes for cans in banking institutions on the screen, and you also see bank card numbers, please copy them or take photos, join in other words, remember that every hryvnia of yours is really important. and now we have a short break, after we continue the espresso information day. attention, a profitable offer: order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 149, durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250, but we offer you a light bulb that lights up, even when there is no light, for only uah 149. take advantage of such a favorable offer. the smart
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the verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we analyzed the new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, what should we prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel.
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greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. shot! freedom of life - frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. putin openly demands the surrender of ukraine for a ceasefire, the institute for the study of war reports. now i quote a small piece of theirs.


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