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tv   [untitled]    July 5, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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and the labor party won, the new prime minister will be kier starmer, a labor party member, he is 61 years old, and he is married to an occupational therapist, has a son and a daughter, this is such a short biography, but more news will be told by our colleague, kateryna shirokopois, who is already ready to share most importantly, katya, we congratulate you and give you the floor. greetings, colleagues, in a moment i will tell you about ukrenergo's experiments and the visit of hungarian prime minister viktor orban to moscow. greetings, it's news time in eteriso, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. one bright day for two weeks ukrenergo decided to conduct an experiment from july 9 to july 24. in each individual
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area, the lights will not be turned off for a whole day, on other days consumption restrictions will occur according to the schedules, this is necessary in order to measure the actual consumption in each area. reinforcement of air defense the third patriot anti-aircraft missile complex from germany has arrived in ukraine, the system will strengthen the protection of the population and infrastructure from enemy aircraft, drones and missiles, ambassador martin yeger said. social networks x. ukrainian crew of the complex in recent months has successfully undergone appropriate training in germany. i should note that the patriot is capable of shooting down ballistic and cruise missiles, as well as aircraft, protecting the civilian population. latvia will deliver another 25 combat drones to ukraine. drones of various types will arrive in july, and the first batch of 300 drones will be delivered in the coming days. general 4
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million euros, the ministry of defense of latvia reported, this year the country has allocated 20 million euros to the drone coalition, of which more than 10 million euros are intended for the purchase of drones from the latvian defense industry. russia put almost 100,000 of its soldiers in order to seize one district of the city during the yar period, this is what forbes analysts say. for three months , the occupiers advanced to capture. a tiny part of the city, in which 12,000 people used to live, the publication notes. according to the forecasts of experts , the russians will continue the offensive, suffering no less losses, the reason for the large number of dead occupants, analysts call the transfer of new recruits without proper training. illegally issued military and appropriated more than uah 2 million officials of the military unit in donetsk region will appear before. by the court, the commander
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and four of his subordinates were included in the lists for payment of servicemen who did not take part in hostilities and were generally outside the region, the sbi reported. during six months, ten military personnel were charged uah 1,000 each. they transferred most of the funds to the account of the command. the amount of damages is almost 3.5 million hryvnias. organizers face up to 12 years in prison. they were sold to the russians for $500. three odessans were collecting data for the occupiers about the city's military and medical facilities. the espionage was organized by a 23-year-old girl who involved two accomplices. the girls worked in a local cafe and at the same time helped the occupiers prepare missile and drone strikes. for several months, they collected and sent photo units of the armed forces of ukraine, military commanders, hospitals and installations. they recorded everything under the guise of friendly walks. managed to inform
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the occupiers about at least seven objects and received half a thousand dollars from the russian fsb for this. jumped off the train to escape to of poland border guards found an injured man. he was lying by the railway track 2 km from the border with a broken leg and a smashed head. a 34-year-old man from kyiv jumped off the kyivchop train, as he was advised on one of the anonymous tv channels, to cross the border and took a sleeping bag, a sleeping bag, trekking shoes, warm clothes, a raincoat, a rope, matches and food, but he did not have time to use the things, the state border service reported. . hungarian prime minister viktor orban arrived in moscow. he has already started a meeting with kremlin dictator putin. orban's visit in moscow takes place exclusively within the framework of bilateral relations between hungary and russia, the office of the high representative noted. eu in foreign affairs and
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security policy. thus, the prime minister of hungary does not represent the eu in any way. let me remind you that on july 2, orban visited for the first time in more than 10 years. produced coffee of a well-known european brand in lviv , a 35-year-old resident of kyiv will be tried. together with his accomplices, he organized the supply of coffee beans, then packed them in kilogram packs with the logo of a well-known manufacturer. in these counterfeit products were subsequently sold to trading establishments and sent by mail. the so-called production was in a rented garage, the regional police reported about it. for such a business organizer. face a fine. get busy in the summer. the academic year in lviv schools will begin on august 19 due to an extremely difficult situation with electricity, the mayor of lviv , andriy sadovy, said. the scheduled winter vacation will begin on december 21. if the light situation
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worsens, they will be extended. regular groups for children whose parents cannot leave them at home. in the event of a complete blackout, all. schools will become round-the-clock points of invincibility. in the summer , schoolchildren from chernivtsi will sit down for parties. there will be no autumn and spring vacations in the city, instead long winter vacations. space for learning new skills , the ninth food center for internally displaced persons and local residents was opened in ternopil. our correspondent kateryna oliynyk is in a good place. katya congratulations, i will tell you what activities there will be. be held in this center. greetings, kateryna, greetings to all viewers espresso tv channel. more than 27,000 internally displaced persons are officially registered in ternopil. today, the ninth
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ukraine center ternopil was opened for them, as well as for the residents of the city. in fact, in this center, first of all, there will be various courses, workshops and activities for people. in particular , recruitment is now open for... a chess and chess course, a sewing course, as well as a public speaking course and a history course, and in addition, they plan to hold art therapy sessions, various psychological training and master classes, and all this absolutely free of charge, i would like to point out that the center is located on stariy podil-20 street in the very center of the city, and in particular, the opening of this center was made possible thanks to the implementation of the non-governmental organization alliance dis. with the support of people's deputy of ukraine mykola knyazhytskyi, as well as with the support of the government of taiwan. in particular, i suggest listening to the organizers in more detail about this project and why it is important to open such centers. when the city provides its citizens, its
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residents with some basic needs or funds for some priority things, then the next step should be to give people the opportunity to earn these funds, and such a benefit. from our center will be precisely to give people the opportunity to learn to master a new profession, gain new knowledge and from this ultimately get work, funds and improve the quality of their lives, and through their lives to improve the quality of life in the community. the idea is that we, first of all, take care of children, do activities with children, and children in those cities where these centers operate, in lviv, in frankivsk or in verkhovyna, in principle, they are engaged in both chess and swimming, there where there is a opportunity in big cities. and master classes, somewhere in chervonohrad they study, there a fantastic man is engaged in the restoration of sokal ceramics, they help him make sokal ceramics and find for themselves a lifelong passion.
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so, thanks to this center , internally displaced persons will be able to adapt to the city, residents will be able to acquire new professional skills that will help them get a new job. i would also like to note that such centers also operate in other cities, in particular in lviv, chervonograd, poltava, ivano-frankivsk, and on july 13 the same center, food ukraine center, will open in lutsk, and at the end of july it will open in rivne. that's all for now, katya, i give you the floor. thank you, katya, let me remind you, it was our kateryna oliynyk, she told us in ternopil about the opening of the ninth food ukraine - a center for internally displaced persons and local residents. and i urge you to... join the project from zero to life, it is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and transportation ammunition please support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. our defenders will choose victory every day without leaving the wounded
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and dead on the battlefield. so, atvs are indispensable helpers for evacuation. for our peace of mind , they always continue to rotate positions. your support significantly increases the chances not only. to successfully complete the task, and to return from it alive, so join the collection, our goal is 4 million hryvnias. you can now see all the necessary details on your screens. for now, that's all the news i have as of this hour, i'll see you in less than an hour. information day of the tv channel in rozpol. well, putin started negotiations with orban by mentioning the ultimatum he issued to ukraine. yes, putin said that he was going to the meeting. there will be an opportunity to discuss all the nuances of the situation in ukraine with orban. at the same time
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, the russian dictator emphasized that orbán arrived in moscow, in particular, as the leader of the country presiding over the eu council. well, here is an important remark from joseph borel, who clarified so that no one gave orbán a single mandate on behalf of the european union, and his meeting with putin takes place within the framework of the fact that he is the head of the hungarian government. next, i quote the russian dictator. you surely know. about my speech to the leadership of the ministry of foreign affairs very recently in moscow, where our position regarding a possible peaceful settlement is outlined, and of course i am ready to discuss the nuances with you, yes, well, let me remind you that putin issued another ultimatum, well, in his own style, it is unlikely that orbán will be able to convince anything putin, but i think that orban can be a kind of transmission element, so in the communication between those elites politically. who are ready to listen to putin, i think that orban will bring a lot of interesting things to those people who
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are ready to listen to him. well, in the meantime, we will talk about something else, we will talk about drones and not only about them. in our studio is andrii kovch, a combat training officer of the second galician brigade of the national guard of ukraine. mr. andriy, we congratulate you. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. well, you don't listen to anyone who is currently looking for vacancies on the website ministry of defense of ukraine. to sign a contract, everyone wants to be a drone operator, well, i'm saying this a bit sarcastically, well, but actually there are many people who want to be a drone operator, i would like you to explain to our viewers, can anyone become a drone operator, what is the point is it necessary and how is the training of drone operators carried out in your unit? thank you, very correct indeed, there is indeed a prevailing opinion among many people that being a drone operator is a safe military profession, sometimes. this is true, sometimes the other way around. what and who such a drone operator is a crew that
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carries out either reconnaissance or strikes, thanks to so-called fpv drones, which are controlled by it through a remote control and thanks to glasses. to become such a pilot, to become such a drone operator, surely anyone who is highly motivated can, and in any profession, in any specialty, including... for a drone operator, it is important to have motivation and have a great desire, of course , not everyone can master this profession due to the fact that there are certain physiological features, this is good vestibular apparatus, let's say the ability to control the remote control well, but all these skills can be practiced and learned. ugh, mr. andriy, look, we understand that there are specifics, so you mentioned about... the stibulary device, how it can be useful to a drone operator, so that people
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simply understand what challenges they face , well, because there is such an opinion that being a drone operator is a little safer than, for example, being a shooter or participating in the work of an assault brigade? surely it's safer, safer, why? because most of the drones that our units use fly 10km plus. accordingly, if the zone of responsibility is the area for which one or another unit is responsible, let’s say 5-6 km deep, then the same drone operator needs only to pull back from zero by 2-3 km, take a convenient advantageous position, and in the same way hide from the enemy and working out is no worse than an assault brigade or a direct shooting battle, and as for the vestibular apparatus, there are certain peculiarities here, probably more age-related. and why is it important? important for the reasons that when the drone operator puts on the fpv goggles, he sees a picture of
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the drone moving at a speed of, well, 150 km/h, that is, not everyone can handle it, not everyone can do it, but we have a lot of experience when older people there, both 50 years old and almost 60 years old, mastered not the first time, but mastered the skills and abilities to be drone operators. look, i wanted to ask you another question, this is important, because when people choose the unit they want to serve in, they also look at the physical and technical support, like this happening now in the national guard? of ukraine in general, if we are talking about the operators of unmanned aerial vehicles and other specialists there, do you have to buy enough at your own expense, or does the unit and command provide a lot that a person fully understands that he is going to serve and there such a technical it will have a material base. i think there is no military unit, or armed forces, or national guard, or
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special operations force that is generally a defense force, no unit that is not provided. enough, that is, clothes, shoes, food, basic things, they are present in all units, including the national guard, we have built another important thing for ourselves, such as the provision of our combat units at the expense of, say, such a certain fundraising campaigns, we are supported by a lot of partners, this is a volunteer environment, these are businessmen, and they help with actual material resources, not what is... basic, because now there are great challenges, great progress in the war, all this is a race arms, this, this is a technology race, and accordingly, if we do not keep up with them, well, we may be behind, so here we need to react quickly, to such quick things, we have a certain such background project, according to which we provide, in fact, if we are talking about
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the units of the western territorial administration of the national guard, then thanks to this project we... close many issues and manage to overtake the enemy, well, look, we came with ammunition, and we also wanted to ask you about the specifics of the service, but what is different, for example, service in units of the national guard of ukraine from service in the units of the armed forces of ukraine, we understand that they are doing a common cause, a single cause, well , but i think that for people who would like to mobilize specifically in one or another unit of the national guard, that is, it would be better to simply understand, in why the specificity? what is the national guard the national guard is that, the same military unit that is also tasked on the front line , and that's the mortar, and that's the artillery, that's again the drone operators, actually in essence, we are the same units as any other unit of the armed forces of ukraine. our specialty and our difference
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is the possibility of so-called rotations. what is it about, that is, it is, in my opinion, the biggest and the first. argument if one chooses whether the armed forces or the national guard: rotations allow you to go to the front line for 3 months. after returning from a three-month stay on the front line , working out, a person undergoes a certain decompression, psychologists work with them, then there is time for vacation, for recovery, and then preparation and training for the next departure, that is, three in 3 months, this is how most of the national guard units work, unlike... unlike the armed forces of ukraine, well, i can’t say what they have such an opportunity, and this is our great advantage, yes, this is a very important point, and if, for example, we talk about your specifics, the combat training of certain fighters, well, we have already talked about drone operators, but for example, there are rifle units, i i don't know, there are some artillery, mortars
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units, so how does the whole thing look and how different is it in general, if, well , we are talking about non-secret things, but how does it differ from training in the armed forces? i can certainly speak only about the national guard, it is difficult for me to compare a unit in which i did not serve and do not serve in the military, the only thing i can say and probably dispel the moscow ypsos there a little, there is no such thing in the national guard, when a person is drafted, mobilized or signed a contract, and after a week she finds herself on the front this is impossible, because from the moment a person is called up, he undergoes the so-called kmb, that is, a one-month course of training and learning basic things, that is, what is a machine gun, its structure, how to properly assemble, disassemble, clean it, as well as how to properly carry it out shot, just like body armor, it's some basic physical training, it lasts a month of time, after
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this month of time is over, we go to the next stage of training, if we say... artillery or mortar, or it's other units, there's additional training on directions in which servicemen will serve, and returning to uav pilots, for the direction i am responsible for in the second galician brigade, after the kmb we train drone pilots, and this training looks like this: we first send them to private schools that they teach like this, they have a five-day course. upon completion of these courses, if we see a person is capable, we move to the next stage, the training of fpv drone pilots, and here the duration. training is an additional four weeks, and when we see that a person is very capable and he is ready to transfer to the so-called wing, then there is another plus
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two or three weeks, if you add this period of training and the moment of the pilot’s departure to the combat line, well, it is probably three months of time, how many people are screened out at each stage, we well, we understand that simply having the desire to fly a drone is not enough, plus, well, i know, for example, among my acquaintances, there are people who are already in the rear, in civilian life , attending one or another course, in order to be more prepared for the moment, when they will be mobilized, or when they will be mature enough to sign a contract, and they were actually ready specialists, do people come to you first who took some civilian courses before being mobilized, and how many people in general you are forced to leave, because they don't... i don't know, they don't cope, they don't succeed, or there are some other factors, and of those who come, how many people in general do not get exactly such vacancies, but all those
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who want to become drone operators and have completed certain courses, they are definitely primary immediately, a decision is made for them that they retain this opportunity to get into the position of drone operator. of course, after a certain period of time, when we understand that this person is not his, and, for example, another military specialty... is more acceptable, then this person is screened out, as you say, such a percentage is small, moreover, this tendency , when they started to arrive, the pilots were already partially trained, it appeared just recently, probably 2-3 months ago, until that time we actually trained all the pilots independently at the expense of those so-called private schools, in the future already the next stage after private schools, what i did not remember, is the stage of preparation already. directly combat coordination in our military unit, where we practice not the simple skills of controlling a drone, but the specifics that are related to the conduct of hostilities, that
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are related to the line of combat contact, when people go through this or that school, we do not so many are screened out, in fact, i think 10-20 percent is no more, we select most people ourselves, before sending them to study, we definitely conduct interviews, of course we understand whether he... whether he wants to, whether he can, and well, we lose 20%, but no more. recruiting people is an important story, yes, we understand that there are dtsk and sp, they are directly subordinated to the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine, so we understand that the national guard has its own interests, for example, certain units of the armed forces of ukraine have their needs in people and so on, and we understand that it is necessary to engage in what is called personnel diplomacy. for the fact that, for example, you make arrangements there or invite people, people they want to serve, for example, in this or that unit of the national guard, i don’t know, whether it’s in your brigade or in another brigade, yes, well,
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we understand that there are also specifics of document management and certain procedures, yes, and about the assignment of this or that soldier newly minted, yes, well, to some other unit, that's how all those things happen, and how to people who, for example, purposefully want to serve in your unit or in another unit. the national guard of ukraine should do the right thing, because bureaucracy is what it is, it is, and it is inseparable an element of everything, our entire apparatus, and perhaps it should be so, very rightly, indeed, the tsk, they are subordinate to the ministry of defense, unlike the national guard, which is subordinate to the ministry of internal affairs, accordingly, first of all, they perform mobilization tasks of the armed forces of ukraine, and from time to time on a residual basis. when there is a mobilization task, when the same national guard at the general staff agrees, windows and the opportunity to mobilize
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into the national guard open with a certain period of time, this is a great rarity, it happens once every two or three months, such a window opens up to a week of time, and to hope and hope that you will get into this particular window, and thus you will be mobilized, is unlikely, therefore, the most correct and most... more effective way and the way is to conclude a contract with the national guard of ukraine, accordingly, this contract gives the opportunity, well, immediately after the conclusion of the contract, the tsc is notified that this person has already become a military serviceman, he immediately falls on a completely different list, and then you know for sure that you you will serve exactly in this unit, in this particular military unit, to carry out exactly such a procedural moment, for example, a summons came to a person there, so to reconcile data... tck and sp, but an inner voice tells her that maybe it would be worth contracting, no i know, with the national guard of ukraine, what is the correct algorithm of actions for a person who
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would simply... would like to serve, for example, not in the armed forces, but in the national guard, the summons has an arrival date, of course, and i do not recommend anyone to violate it, so actually you have to come to this one date, if there is an opportunity to start the procedure for concluding a contract with the national guard by that moment, this is a good, valid argument, and even better, if by the time of arrival the person will already have a contract with the national guard, well, the length of time for concluding a contract is... a week and a half, that is, you need to collect a number of certificates, a certificate of no criminal record, a certificate of marital status and so on, go through the vlc, go through psychologists, because actually a person signs a contract, it is the national guard, the national guard, yes, because a person concludes a contract with the state in such a way, and until this moment a person calmly appears at the tsk and shows that i am already a military serviceman, and if we talk, for example, about the specifics of contracts, what...
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term and, for example, what is the difference between a typical contract with the national guard and some other contract, i don't know, so perhaps there are some improved contracts or contracts in which something additional is prescribed? the terms of the contract provide for such things and they are, well, features of the same of the contract, this is the length of service in the national guard, if a person has not served before that time, then of course this duration will be for three years, but ... not before the end of the special martial law, that is, if, well, i, we all wish and strive for a quick victory, but if it happens that we, i would very much like it, win there in a year's time, yes, then the person will have to continue his contract service, otherwise he will serve his 3 years and beyond, if the special martial law
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ends after 3.5 years, she... immediately demobilized the contract gives its great advantages, it actually, well, there are also many state programs that allow you to receive preferential loans or receive additional opportunities for military personnel. a person who has a contract is more free than a person who is mobilized. and eh, one more moment is so special, it is that if a person has previously served in the army, the duration of the contract will be until the end. special martial law without this three-year condition, uh, yes, so it is absolutely no different from mobilization, and in terms of money, what is there in terms of money, in terms of money, it is actually the same amount of money, that is, if we are talking about a serviceman who is currently in the rear, and in the rank of soldier, yes, that is, it is the lowest such a position, the salary is approximately uah 21,000, yes.
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of course, everything depends on the military rank, on the position you hold, as well as on the tasks you perform, if you are on the frontline, you have a plus of 100 uah. if you are, let's say, on the second line, there is also a task there, and it is also dangerous to fly there, there there are other gradations, respectively 50,000 hryvnias, such a person can receive a total of 70,000 hryvnias. well, these are clothes that do not need to be changed, that is, i became a military serviceman, and... well, i probably don't go to clothing stores anymore, because i have to wear a military uniform, and when i am allowed to wear civilian clothes, then in i still have the previous clothes i bought, this is an advantage, this is definitely food, these are other things, the most important thing is the great respect of society for such people who mobilized, who signed a contract, who now, in fact, together with
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by other people, and by volunteers and by everyone... those who approach, jointly bring this victory closer. mr. andriy, i have a question for you, look, it’s also interesting to understand, we have a lot of men who graduated from military departments, for example, the same one, for example, in lviv, this is the famous sahaidachny academy, did they join the national guard people after a military department, and is there any difference, for example, in their placement in a national guard unit from, for example, people who did not have this military department, certainly, these persons who have passed the military ... departments, they immediately received officer ranks after the military department and they enter the national guard or other units of the defense forces already for officer positions and, accordingly, definitely this person immediately becomes an officer and is responsible for that or another direction already as an officer. i wanted you to share with our viewers your own experience, because in the past civilian life, at least until a certain time.
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were a deputy of lviv


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