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tv   [untitled]    July 5, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EEST

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production of our own, this is our own capital, that is, this is our own capital, of course we received some incentives, well, no more than that, grants, some funding from the state, it is very nice, very nice that we are not left without attention, but actually the main resource there is equity, and when we talk about certain combat missions that the platform performs on the on... in the combat space, what can it do, a little bit of technical parameters for your development? well, in the form in which it is supplied, it is a logistics platform, c in the broad sense of the word, that is, it can do, well, it is a small truck, a small compact, mobile and quite powerful truck, it has quite unusual features for such a truck. ttx platform, we
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focused on one of the well-known european platforms, we actually used its uh , such characteristics in terms of load, control range, radius of application, well , for example, let's say, our platform weighs 490 kg in the last iteration, but it capable of transporting up to one ton of cargo on a flat surface. road, dirt road and 250 kg on rough terrain, that is, it is conditional complete off-road, so actually there will always be 250 kg of cargo, which must be brought, brought, on the battlefield, on the battlefield, or in other tasks, whatever it may be applied you said about certain foreign examples there, which you... but as a basis,
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as i understand, it is probably the baltic robot cemis, and that is, relatively speaking, a robotic platform, or is it not quite? no, actually yes, we, well, we looked at themis, actually at that time temis was the most promoted and the most popular among such robotic platforms, and in principle we are three times lighter, 20 times cheaper, but in principle, we are able to perform a lot. similar or similar tasks performed by tms, our ukrainian colleagues, who also develop robotic platforms, do not say that they solved the issue of controlling a robotic platform at a considerable distance using starlink, how do you have variations with the maximum control range for your platform? i want to say, recently i managed to meet on exhibition: in paris, the big exhibition
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of eurosetters took place from the 16th to the 21st, and we met with one of the manufacturers of american remote-controlled turrets, and often the idea of ​​​​the use of ground-based robotic complexes is based on hollywood films, i still do not understand why to use a ground-based robotic platform , let's say there at a distance of 50-70, 100 km at... to date, ground robotic complexes are support complexes, rather, rather infantry support or artillery, that is, these are support complexes that must be close, that is, they cannot be 30, 40, 50, 100 km away, firstly, secondly, i have a rather critical attitude to the use of starlink in combat or in logistical units of equipment that are used on the battlefield, well, we, for example,
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did not receive permission from the company to... use starlink in such systems, so we cannot give guarantees that it will be used exactly as we want, and it is not will fail us at the necessary moment, therefore we must clearly understand the parameters and characteristics of what we use, and use all the strengths taking into account the sweet weaknesses of this or that technique, this is exactly my opinion, this and mr. igor, i would like to hear how you are doing now with orders from the point in view of the forecasted order package there, how are you currently shaping your production to increase the production of robotic platforms? actually we are loaded right now with production, we have a number of government and private orders, government orders, i mean, it's not orders from the ministry of defense, and orders from local budgets, eh we try eh, as i said, eh in these orders eh...
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to get the maximum feedback from consumers of our product and bring it to the best possible technical state that can... to be in these in this platform, there i am sure that we are far from perfect, but we would like to be as close to it as possible. and are there any quantitative indicators at the end of the year that you are aiming for in the deployment of your production? see to the end of this next year we will produce at least 40 units, and from next year we plan to produce from 12 to 15 units per month, well, regardless of the conditions that will be around us, that is, we depend. from many factors of things, now we have interruptions in the supply of light, interruptions in the supply of components, we are faced, for example, with interruptions in the supply of the necessary metal and so on, that is, we have a number of difficulties that we have to solve logistically in order to , so that from the new
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year we could produce 120-150 units in year. mr. igor, thank you very much for your work, what you are doing to strengthen the technological component of our armed forces for your dedication. to this case, and i will remind our viewers that it was igor cheykivskyi, the head of the robotic complexes project, this is a company in the ternopil region that developed the ant ground robotic complex, which already has its third iteration, which is used by the armed forces and is modern enough and extremely necessary for our soldiers lines of confrontation with the enemy. these were the main results of this day in the military sphere, then the broadcast vasyl zima will continue, so stay tuned to the channel. thank you to the great zgorets, thank you to his guest, we continue, ahead, there is a lot of interesting and important information, what happened in the world, what orban talked about with putin, also economic news, will ukraine avoid
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default, and sports news today , in fact, again the quarter finals are worth the finals at the stuttgart arena in germany for the euros, who follows the events of the euros. but we, in spite of everything, follow the events on the battlefield and, either personally or through donations, join the support of the armed forces of ukraine, because only together we can defeat this monster, not what it has become, what it was, but it just showed itself now, unfortunately, our neighbor, the russian federation, we announce a new collection, it is actually already underway, yesterday we were able to close the collection for 630 00 hryvnias, for which i would like to thank you once again from my colleagues, from the military, whom i heard today, well , now we are calling to join the gathering, the project from zero to life, zero is meant at the front, the zero line of conflict, this is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition, that's right the matter of life and death, so that we
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understand well, support the soldiers of the legendary 93rd separate mechanized brigade of the cold ravine with a donation. our soldiers win every day, leaving no wounded or dead on the battlefield. therefore , quad bikes are indispensable helpers and saviors for evacuation, and they also allow you to move off-road as quickly as possible. what does it mean to perform combat tasks more effectively? soldiers who have passed more than one test at zero, are always ready to retaliate against the enemy. for the sake of our peace, they and on holidays and on weekdays in any weather, and at night and during the day, they continue to be on duty at the positions. your support significantly increases the chances not only to successfully complete the task, but also to return from it alive and put as many enemies there as possible, so join the collection, our goal is quite ambitious, 4 million uah, but already my colleagues, who have been conducting this collection for some time, collected uah 1,445, and we will close this collection, i
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believe in you, and actually together we will be able to solve any issues, well, now we will talk about the situation in zaporizhzhia, alisa sysoeva, deputy of zaporizhzhya. of the district council to contact us, ms. alisa, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, mr. vasyl, first of all, i will ask about the security situation, let's talk about, well, if we take this week as a whole, talk about enemy attacks in zaporizhzhia, zaporizhzhia region , where it was the hottest, we read the news that somewhere the enemy had thrown a drone into the yard, some other shelling was taking place, but if we summarize the situation over the last few days, in general for a week, how this week passed in terms of safety. for residents of zaporozhye and zaporizhzhia region? of course, we have several hundreds of shellings every day, today we recorded 242 times during the day, and i apologize, 272 times, but this is not the largest figure, this week more than 500
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shellings were recorded in the zaporizhzhia region, as always the communities closest to located directly near the combat zone , these are the communities of vasylivskyi, polohivskyi. district, and it also goes to the zaporizhia district, unfortunately, this week we had injured people, but tonight there were no killed and no wounded, and if you look at what exactly they are shelling, then the largest number of shelling now falls on drones, it is usually more than 100 shelling, but usually they fire from artillery, there are airstrikes, unfortunately, because of such constant shelling, now the zaporizhzhia region is a settlement that, well, you can say, they exist more on the map than physically, because the shelling destroyed everything, unfortunately, in cities that are located without... on average close to the line of hostilities, people continue to live there , they live, well, actually in
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in terrible conditions, without electricity, without water, without gas, most of the day these people are in the basement, these are towns and nuts, gulyaipole, stepnohirsk, but the military administration reports that despite such terrible conditions, and the evacuation is very slow, well literally two people per week agree to evacuate, so the situation in... the region remains quite difficult, water and food are brought to the people by volunteers and rescuers, there are safety centers in these cities where people can at least leave recharge the phone, take drinking water, technically, but of course, the russians make the life of these people simply unbearable. if we talk about the combat operations in the zaporozhye direction, which the enemy is relentlessly conducting, of course, now the focus of attention may have shifted to a greater extent. at the time of yar, on toretsk, new york, uglodara, these directions where the enemy
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is now raging, well, also kharkiv region, let's not forget, sticky, deep shooter, that there the enemy is also trying to advance from the east, well, towards kharkiv, from the north going east towards kharkiv, well, but we don't forget about the works, let's not forget that the enemy is not abandoning his attempts to advance, or at least to conduct a revision of the counteroffensive, but of course in the future. to create more threats for zaporizhzhia itself, for the zaporizhzhia direction, and how is the city living now in that sense, has this tension subsided, because the last time we were there monitoring where the enemy was, where the fighting was going on, it was about 70 km from the contact line to the city, now this issue is relevant, i understand that it is relevant, de facto, but do people now talk about it, think about the fact that the enemy can to leave, or now somehow... the tension of the fact that there could be an offensive and a hostile, hostile campaign on
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zaporozhye, has this tension subsided, or not? of course, there is tension, it is always there, nevertheless, during this time, i am pleased that most people, after all, they are used to reading official reports, it is repeatedly said that we should always listen only to the military, and they inform us that the situation, in principle , remains, well, stable, and every day the russians on... try to renew their lost positions, every day our armed forces give them repulse, and a little, of course, the morale of the people . tense, if the hostilities are going on beyond the border, as you said, then of course behind... zaporozhians are still tense by the fact that russian
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troops are stationed 30 km from zaporozhye, and we know that they are right here right next to vasylivtsi, that is why life in a front-line location gives its signs, people can be said to be under constant stress, but despite this, to say that the situation there somehow changed radically, people left the city, there is no such thing, the city is quite crowded, no matter how it sounds, people are already there. set out to live in such conditions, and those who wanted and had the opportunity to leave zaporozhye near the front, they have already done so, those who stayed, they live in such conditions as we have here. now i'd like to talk a little bit about the situation in the occupation, here's some news that i just literally read, well i have read some of them before, and in particular, if the residents of, for example, melitopol, another settlement that is temporarily occupied by the enemy, want to leave there through europe as well. in some way, well, there are ways there, of course, they are not free, but actually, when i
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was in poland, i talked to people who were leaving occupied melitopol, already when it was occupied, when to leave there just like that it was impossible, that is , there are options there, but now, let's say, poland closes the border with belarus, to leave for europe, and then enter ukraine, and the problem, is there an understanding of how it can be solved, the second question, let's say, in the occupied territories, the russians plan to equate women without children. childless, or girls already of childbearing age, to extremists, and this leads to the idea that, obviously, they are thinking about mobilization in the future. ukrainian citizens, whom they are trying to russify in the occupied territories, so how do they actively continue to engage in forced mobilization, and again, humanitarian treatment, humanitarian policy towards of the local population, i understand that they are the occupiers, but in any case, how it is carried out, whether there are such stupid ideas as extremism for childless women, these
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are only isolated cases, unfortunately, leaving ... from the occupation is really difficult and it's not even the length of time it takes to leave, nor the queues at the borders, nor even the insane amount of money you have to pay to leave, that's the biggest problem for people, the biggest problem is, it's the very first filtering points, which they will have to go through if they will want and will decide to leave, because the russians are very particular about those who want to leave the occupied territories, because we know that there... passportization is ongoing and it is no longer a secret for anyone that they have started mobilization, because all men, they have to register there and there are such military registration desks at all enterprises, of course they don't want people to leave, and the reason for which a person can at least be turned around and sent back, and at most a person can disappear ,
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there were such cases of finding yourself somewhere behind walls, it can be quite insignificant. for example, it can be something you don't like in the phone, some photos from the past free life before the occupation, some contacts in the phone, or connections with relatives in the unoccupied territory, so this is one of the reasons why people can simply be afraid to leave, and we understand that the occupiers, they simply keep people in fear and that of course our people are the first priority for them, well, our and their russians are the first priority... such a mobilization resource and simply cannon fodder and what you said about these about these statements, they sounded not only about the occupied territories, they generally concerned, as far as i remember, all residents of russia that they want to put pressure on women who adhere to this position - fries, because they
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want, they want to create from our children, we see that from the unborn... the new cannon fodder, the only thing that can be said about this is the way they put pressure on children in schools, on children in grandparents . now the summer period is going on, and even at this time children are not given easy to rest, children from the occupied territories are taken en masse to russian camps, as they say in propaganda for rest, but in fact they are taken to camps where such propaganda work is carried out with them, where children are taught to march, provide medical aid to the military, even collect drones. well, the most important thing is to clean up the cities, so of course we can say that the crazy pressure on people there continues, both on adults and on children, as we can see, even on our unborn citizens, and here are two more questions, well, they already have one, first, and or it is really true that the russians are currently harvesting the lion's share of the harvest, including grains, maybe
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legumes, other crops that are available, they want to harvest from kherson. zaporozhye, the occupied parts, because in russia, after all these calamities that god has sent upon them as a punishment, they may have problems there, and there are already problems with sowing, and of course with the harvest, which is actually already in july are already beginning, this is the first, and the second, whether they settle from, as they say, the towns and all their people here on the occupied territory, we perfectly understand that despite the fact that it is an occupation, despite the fact that it is a war, for them, those who... somewhere from some non-black earth to settle and live on the shores of the sea of ​​azov, there melitopol, melitopol region, kyrylivka, fedotova spit, these are beautiful places, berdyansk , where they can, of course, begin, as the russians think, a new history of russia, a new history of the ethnos of this region and the ukrainian, completely ukrainian region,
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so is there a mass settlement of russians, and what will these russians do in the ukrainian south, eh? second, are they really actively engaged in agricultural work, because i understand that putin set them the task of collecting the maximum, because bread is ukrainian, they need stolen bread in the region, of course, please, just like that, unfortunately, the russians have been trying to change the ethnic composition of our population for two years now, they they constantly import russians there and create for them, as it were, some kind of benefits both in the purchase of housing and in the provision of housing, and unfortunately, that's all. at the expense of our people, who have this housing, everything is taken accordingly. we know that there is a so-called law that every person must come personally confirm your right. ownership of her home, and she must do it personally, relatives are not considered the owners of this home, if a person did not come, did not
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re-register under this occupation legislation, then this home is nationalized, you know, it looks very cynical when they show on their websites whether not every week lists of addresses, where there are specific streets, houses, even apartments, housing, as subject to nationalization, that is, a person who left, saved his life from the occupation, can go and see his housing in this list, and of course, they bring russians there instead, we can even draw parallels with what is happening in donbas, where this occupation has been going on for 10 years, and we know that many cities in luhansk and donetsk region are very densely populated. by visiting russians, they come from chuvashia, from bashkiria, they show it as some kind of humanitarian program, that they bring teachers, doctors, even
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construction workers there, but we all understand that this is done in order to fill our lands with these people as much as possible russians, i will thank you very much for your comments, of course we believe in the armed forces of ukraine, in each of us, that the enemy will be expelled from this land and that he will not be able to languish in the south of ukraine for a long time. let them luxuriate somewhere beyond the urals, and this is their natural one, and even beyond the urals they seized the territory, their natural, so to speak, limit of life, it is a swamp somewhere over there, but let them return there, but again, this is all a price, which the ukrainian people pay today. alisa sesoeva, deputy of the zaporizhzhya district council, was from we're in touch and you know, it's one thing when we're talking about an enemy that's ab ovo, well , an enemy from the beginning, and ah, well, quite a bit from an egg and or, but... but when we see some strange things that happen inside the country with appointments, with the judicial system, with corruption, with the lack of fight against corruption, then sometimes, of course, many people simply
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give up, because when disaster is brewing behind your back, and you understand that there may be a blow, then significantly significantly more difficult, but in any case, we have to, well, we have to at least talk about it when you talk about it you say, then, of course, sometimes the situation begins to change, so now... veronika kraydenkova, advocacy manager of the foundation, is on my call. ms. veronica, i congratulate you. good day. i'll say right away that i don't have a legal education, so maybe i won't ask such exact questions, legally verified ones, there's actually no such need here, i'm sending the reason for our conversation, and actually what we invited you to talk about, was mykhailo's post zhurnakova, when in the foundation about that. that the supreme court cemented the 180 unscrupulous judges in office, made it impossible to clean up a large part of the judicial corps, which was actually required, what we all
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expect, and put in jeopardy the entire judicial reform, which is ongoing in our country, is ongoing, and is not being carried out in any way. well, then, now by names, by surnames, let's detail this loud and important name, what exactly happened, and what a real threat it is to judicial reform. and in general, and in general, in the light, by the way, of european integration, it is also very important, please, er, briefly about what happened, actually on the 16th year, all our judges have to pass an evaluation, where their skills are checked, yes, whether they smeared the accepted drivers with their decisions, whether they are collaborators and so on, uh, we had a qualification commission, uh, we judges. . and which existed until the 19th year, it completely failed this purge and 300 judges of them were dismissed, about 15 of them,
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the judges of the maidan left their positions, judges with dubious fortunes left and so on, and they made many decisions regarding dubious judges who, according to the law, have not yet completed their procedure, but they had, too were supposed to get to... the new higher qualification commission of judges and be evaluated at the so-called plenary meeting, i.e. they were to be looked at by the whole body. now the supreme court has said that these 180 people will not return for the qualification assessment, they are already leaving the posts, in the sense they are staying on them. among these judges, in particular 14, the new higher commission has already managed to submit qualifications. position of the supreme court, and this is only the beginning, and now these 180 judges, obviously,
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do not have the position of the supreme court. ask for evaluation and will continue to judge accordingly, will continue to consider cases, continue to receive grapes and so on. among these judges, for example, there is ms. judge charcot, who is leaving her position on this principle, but in the public integrity council, which provides information about such judges, it is very clearly stated that she remained in the occupied territories and tried to become a judge of a... so-called court , which was organized by the russian federation, and such a person remains a judge in ukraine, also, for example, judge ms. izovitova vakin, she is the judge who banned the kharkiv euromaidan, according to such logic, of the supreme court, she also remains in her position and continues to administer justice, continues to live on our taxes, and now. well, that is, they
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all have unashamed conclusions from the public integrity council, which is in this process and which can put such a semi-veto over the judge, but eh, such a position simply undermines this process and the completion of the evaluation for us, and what now, that is, as i understand it that the main problem is the supreme court, well, the council of integrity, and now how to proceed, to come to terms with this, because you know, somewhere in our country... there , someone milked her cow and gave it to the russian occupier, who held a muzzle to his head during the occupation, they say, you are a collaborator, a traitor, go to prison, i say tentatively, and or somewhere there, some farmer gave up his crop under duress, they say, that’s it, you fed the russians, you go to prison, here a person was ready to cooperate with the enemy and not just how, in the position of a judge, and here it turns out that it is possible, how to act here and who is to blame to this situation,
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well, again, because... well, we have people, you know, they don't like judicial topics, legal, there are some, they think, well, that's where you all work, you get paid salaries, pensions, it doesn't concern us, the supreme court, the supreme court, we don't know what it is, how it is deciphered, but we we perfectly understand that this is important for the functioning of state institutions and for our european integration aspirations, which is the most important thing, how should we act here again, we literally have two minutes, but the algorithm of further actions, or not to act at all, it’s just that it already happened, we need a real one. reform of the supreme court, it is alleged took place in the 17th and 19th years, everyone went away and crossed their arms, but the public even shouted that friends, we have a quarter of certified dishonest judges new in the new supreme judge, and the court, and even half of them have very important questions , and unfortunately, it suited all the authorities recently, and now we have real ones.
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of such a pseudo-reform, now we have the task of launching a real reform of the supreme court and its purification, and this task was very clearly shown to us by case knyazeva with the fact that he is accused of bribery, and continues now to show the supreme court, which simply cements the cleansing of the judiciary, i understand that these judges, the fathers of 180 unscrupulous people, they are in... where, where exactly will they be in which court, in which courts, and again, is there not such a suspicion that, well, maybe someone is interested in power, i don't know who, maybe someone, maybe somewhere there is some invisible hand of the tailor, i don't know or someone else, in the fact that there are loyal judges in positions, and then it will be possible to make a bunch of decisions, literally 30 seconds, but the political component in this is now it seems most likely that this is the interest
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of the judicial system itself. tentatively call it the judicial mafia, keep your positions, keep each other's position, it's such a round robin between judges, we leave you positions, and you give us loyalty, you know, we don't have time anymore, but i'll just say, i'll remind you that in we were always like this, well, during the independence of ukraine there was a group of kyvalov, medvedchuk, portnov, well , there were different groups, legal, judge-advocate and so on, which had their spheres of influence, i don’t know who is now is in charge there. and what are the clans in this judicial mafia, although, again, we have a lot of honest and good judges, well, it will be interesting to find out, by the way, it is actually interesting, because the fact that the conditional medvedchuk is not in ukraine does not mean that he cannot have any influence on specific judges, whom he once brought into people, so, well, but this is already the topic of the current conversation, we will talk about it another day, thank you very much for joining, veronika kraidenkova, advocacy man...


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