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tv   [untitled]    July 5, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm EEST

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ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. we're continuing and we'll now have this week's economic results. all the same, whether there is more good or more disturbing information, here is oleksandr, and we will ask. oleksandr morchyvka is already in the studio, good evening, please, good evening, i greet the audience, i have gathered the most important things for you, dear ukrainians, learn about the ukrenergo experiment, also about the fact that international ukraine's reserves are dwindling, and money from the imf is coming in, more on that in a moment. i am
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oleksandr morchivka, congratulations, this column about money during the war will start with important news for all of us. one bright day for two weeks. so, ukrenergo decided to conduct an experiment from july 9 to 24. in each separate area , the lights will not be turned off for a whole day. on other days , consumption restrictions will be in accordance with the schedules. they say there. that it is necessary to measure the actual consumption in each region, well, i understand that, vasyl, later already from a hypothetical measurement figure like this, to make certain limits for each region separately, well, it’s quite difficult for me, today it’s colder, air conditioners are used less, tomorrow it will be hotter, they will use more, that’s the question, here they give me 3 hours of light, for example , i start the washing machine, try to prepare something to eat in advance, cook some soup somewhere, something else, something else and the load. more, if i
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had this light, well, there are 6-7 hours, and i knew that i had a certain time, i would use electricity more economically and i wouldn't load it like that all at once, i don't use air conditioning, well, i just didn't make such a decision, but anyway, and when you have electricity for a day, you know, well, it won't be an indicator, i think, well, at least it won't be a hundred percent indicator , well, i think that a certain methodology exists in ukrenergo, i think that they will derive the average, so to speak, arithmetical and will know where it is possible more clearly, for example , whether to limit it to... hours with light or vice versa, well, this is interesting in essence practice, i think that everything will work out in the ukrenergo company. and here next, i will tell you about the new tranche that ukraine received this week. our state has more than 2 billion dollars from the international monetary fund. this was announced by the head of our government, denys shmyhal. the cabinet of ministers will direct these funds to finance critical budget expenditures, including social benefits, salaries for doctors, and teachers. well, vasyl, it is
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good news that money is coming from our main partner, the international monetary fund, vasyl, and this is essentially a beacon and a signal for other international partners that... that we can continue to provide funds, grant funds, loan funds, subsidized interest, this is money from the imf, i always call it a beacon, but anyway, sorry, i'm just saying, it's either a beacon, or they just provide it, so that they understand what not to provide now, well, it’s simply not possible, i just don’t know, well, but i hope that it will still be a beacon, well, but by the way, after receiving this money of the fifth tranche from the imf in the amount of more than 2 billion to... dollars , ukraine's debt to the fund increased and amounted to almost 14 billion dollars, and this is stated, in particular, in the statistics on the website of the international monetary fund, and thus ukraine has become the second largest debtor of the imf, in first
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place is argentina. well, this is news from the world of money, but i will continue to talk about the state of finances in ukraine. international reserves. of our state as of july 1 amounted to almost 38 billion dollars, yet in june they decreased, and the national bank states that it spent international reserves on certain such smoothing of fluctuations in the currency exchange rates, they also partially settled the external debt, well, in fact, the financial sector is currently in such a situation that money is coming in and... in particular, the national bank is trying to balance the market with the reserves, in order to restrain the hryvnia and at the same time somehow settle with loans, i think that this is a decrease in international reserves, it is not critical, in general, for the financial sector. well, it's not that it's alarming, it's
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just symptomatic. you said that we are now in second place after argentina. sprat weeks ago there was information that we are in third place in terms of debt to the imf, now we are in second place, right? that is, yes, but if we continue to talk about the debt, then ukraine has little time left, less than a month, to resolve the issue with external creditors, and to avoid the so-called default in economic practice, but the ministry of finance is conducting restructuring and negotiating with the owners of debt obligations yazan, therefore, if the state fails to fundamentally solve this problem, it can undermine the confidence of investors. to the obligations of the event and will mean big risks for the recovery of our state, well, in fact, now we are talking about the bondholders of ukraine writing off part of the debt, ukraine wants 60%, but investors insist on a much smaller figure, we are talking about approximately 22%. well
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, the ministry of finance is really conducting negotiations on such an important strategic and complex issue, and i am sure that this issue will be resolved. well, despite all the horror stories that have been heard by various experts in recent weeks. i am sure that international partners will meet. well, despite earlier rejection of the initiative international monetary fund, creation of a new state bank, ukrposhta still won this right. therefore, the state company will create its own financial institution. therefore, the government does not plan to prepare a bill on a new specialized. and limited banking activity, it has, it, uh, will be aimed at quick access to financial services, i understand that it is precisely in the post offices of ukrposhta that such desks will operate, as i understand it, where you can get,
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for example , take a loan or put money on a deposit, well, in fact, the idea is not bad, because ukrposhta has the most extensive network of its branches, and it is in these territories that ukrainians often need to receive various banking services, and insurance services, in particular, despite the fact that the share of state-owned banks in ukraine will grow, this is not welcomed by international partners, i i think that such a thing is necessary, and an investor in other state-owned banks, we are talking about ukrgasbank and sensbank, will soon appear and the cabinet of ministers will be able to sell these institutions, find a private owner there, and in this way... the market will be balanced, the situation is kind of long-term, but they are working on it. next, important news for those who wish to receive a grant and start their own business. veterans receive another 30 million hryvnias
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for business development. this was reported to the ministry of reintegration. according to the results of the next wave of applications, 62 winners have already been determined. among them, 35 combatants, 20 representatives of veterans' families receive from 250 00 hryvnias of non-refundable funds and up to a million. most of the participants of such an initiative are from vinnytsia lviv. ivano-frankivsk, rivne, kyiv regions and the capital. the most popular areas, well, for which veterans and their families take money, are trade, repair of motor vehicles, as well as catering, and traditionally, it is agriculture and the processing industry. well, but if we go to the general statistics, the numbers can be a lot now... seem so pessimistic, i will talk about closing fops later. so, in the first half of the year
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, almost 92,000 individual entrepreneurs ceased their activities, and this is 54% more than in the same period of 2023. this is stated in the study of yukontrol market company. most of them closed their own businesses in the dnipropetrovsk region, lviv and zaporizhia regions, in particular, they stopped activities in... in the field of wholesale trade, real estate and construction, financial analytics. ukontrol roman kornelyuk explains that there is no need to look for a certain betrayal here, in fact, this is the traditional life of ukraine , the economic life of ukraine, and the closure of fops, in fact, takes place against the background of the opening of new entrepreneurs, so this figure fluctuates, but we still see 54, 54% more than. for the same period in 2023 closed, it's a little alarming for
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me. well, big business has its own problems. ukrzaliznytsia plans to raise the tariff for freight transportation by the end of the year, otherwise the company will not avoid losses, the chairman of the board of the carrier yevhen lyashchenko said in an interview with forbes ukrain. in five months, ukraine actually exported the old harvest, the volume of grain transportation collapsed and also decreased. export of metallurgical and iron ore industry products due to restrictions on electricity supply, well, we see that this is exactly it was one of the company's main revenues, so they decided to review the tariff and according to preliminary estimates, the costs of large businesses that used freight cars of ukrzaliznytsia may increase by 7%. let's move on, now we will have to support more foreigners. shady manufacturers, the kyiv cardboard and paper mill announced this week that it may stop its work.
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the enterprise in obukhov informed that this will happen in case of total mobilization of male employees. we are talking about those specialists who cannot be replaced now by women currently, in the ranks of the armed forces, every tenth employee is an employee of this enterprise, and they say there that it takes about 5 years to become a machinist, for example, of a paper processing and card machine, because it is necessary to learn a number of different staged jobs, and they already say at the enterprise that consumers will be left without of sanitary and hygienic products, and large manufacturers of ukrainian goods of non-cardboard containers. well, we keep the topic of economic mobilization under control, we discuss it with economists and politicians on the air. i will not stop there, but i will finish summing up this business week,
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the big broadcast is not ending, vasyl, winter will continue, watch us, yes, thank you very much to oleksandr morchytsa, thank you for summing up the economic results of this week, i will remind you that i'll be with you... today i'll also be there from 8 to 9, what will we talk about, well, actually, we'll catch up on the political results of this week, scandals, statements, a lot of important statements were made, well, important for discussion, at least for understanding the situation, so about that let's talk, we'll focus on that, and now i also urge you to join the project from zero to life, it's a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition, support up to... the atom of soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar, our defenders
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choose victory every day, leaving no wounded and dead on the battlefield. so for evacuation , atvs are indispensable assistants, and they also allow you to move as quickly as possible on the road, which means that you can perform combat tasks more efficiently. soldiers who have already passed more than one test are always ready to repulse the enemy at ground zero, for the sake of our peace, they continue to be on duty at their positions on holidays and on weekdays. your sub... increases the chances of not only completing the task successfully, but also returning from it alive. our goal is uah 4 million, and i believe we will definitely be able to close it, for now. we managed to collect, well, of course, with the help of my colleagues, who also broadcast these, these fees, 1 million 447 hryvnias, thank you for that, and i am ready to include my colleague in the conversation yevhena pastukhova about sports, by the way, today is a very important event at the euros, i wonder what
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the result is, yevhen, good evening, please, good evening vasyl, i congratulate the dear viewers of the tv channel. because the day of the quarterfinals has arrived at euro-2024 in germany, and about each quarterfinal match, one of them, in particular , is going on right now, we will talk in more detail in a moment in our sports column. so, today the first two semi-finalists of the european football championship, which is ongoing in germany, will be determined, at 19:00 the match started for... the hosts of the tournament, the germans meet the spanish national team, and so far the score in this meeting has not been opened, so far the first half ends 0:0. at 10 p.m., another top match will start: portugal-france, the finalists of the last euro (euro-2016), won by portugal, will meet, and on saturday, july 6
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, the england team will play against switzerland, and the netherlands will face the national team. team of turkey. and further, we are adding andrii tverdokhlib, editor-in-chief, editor of the champion website to ether. we will talk with him in more detail about today's matches, euro quarter-final matches. literally in a few moments, he should be in touch with us. i will only say that in the first half both the germans and the spaniards did not sit back in defense. what i managed to see was... the football was quite equal, it was a game of teams, each of which tried to stick to its philosophy, each of which tried to attack, indeed we saw, perhaps, the draft of the final of this european championship, because these teams surely they would be worthy to play the main trophy of this tournament between themselves, well, but
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really, in such a match there can be no beauty of great football, there is a struggle, yellow cards, well, because when the teams... are equal in class, somewhere someone has advantages in something, someone tactically, someone technically, well, but you understand, that here some minimal mistake can cost the victory in this match, and again, to count on some kind of firework in such matches, well, it is probably not so precisely, the hosts, the germans, and the german fans have very high expectations from their national team, of course they expect from nagelsman's team triumph in this european championship, the home championship for the germans, but spain in the previous... matches both in the group and in the playoffs showed how powerful a team it is now, and which in principle does not notice its opponents, the spaniards dealt with it very confidently in the playoffs with the georgian national team, with the euro debutant, i don't know whether it is possible to draw certain conclusions about the spanish national team from this game, but i will also remind you that the spanish were very convincing in
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the group as well, where they beat italy and croatia in particular . the first half... they say to me our directors ended 0:0, so all the most interesting in this confrontation is ahead: spain-germany, the quarter-finals of the european championship. the match between the french and the portuguese will also start at 10 p.m. this is also a match with a very interesting history, a match that we remember in the final of the last euro, when cristiano ronaldo, the leader of portugal at the time, was injured in the first half, i won't say in the first minutes of the match, but... nothing to do against the hosts, against the french, who then accepted the euro. but, but, the portuguese won then the final with a score of 1:0. i think that today the french have this desire, if not for revenge, then for a sporting revenge. now
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i suggest you listen to what the head coaches of both teams had to say before this. opposition, everyone knows how the big teams play, the main thing is the performance and the talent of our players, i think we are fully prepared, it's the quarter final and we are focused on ourselves, we always want to improve, but we don't necessarily need to change everything from match to match. such matches are often decided by account of small details. both teams have players who can... make a difference. there are many great footballers in this portugal national team. in our team too. we are one of the best teams in europe. i'm sure it will be important. game. historically, the matches between us are very intense. there are rarely one-sided games at this stage of the tournament. well, we heard
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from the head coaches of both teams and portugal and france, and now we will hear, i hope, from our guest who joins eterespress, the editor-in-chief of the champion website, andrii tverdohlip contact us. andrew, good evening. good evening. first of all, let's talk about the match that is going on now, and the break has already started there, spain-germany, what are your impressions of the first half, and who do you think is the favorite anyway? in my opinion, the favorite of the spanish national team, a good first half, enough, as the commentators always like to emphasize, it is not usual to see such a percentage of possession of the ball in spain, but still. i somehow think that spain will win today. if we talk about the second match, about france, portugal, now i will ask our directors
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to show a comparative table of statistical data of both national teams at this european championship, there is information from the uefa website, there are a lot of indicators, but we singled out the main ones in my opinion. no, don't look at the fact that the portuguese have so many more kilometers, because they are experienced. extra two extra times against slovenia in the last round, in the play-off round, but overall we see that portugal traditionally have a lot of possession, in contrast, the french have a little more than 53 there 54% possession, this is a team that in principle, it is the same in composition of the contenders for the final for sure, and maybe for the trophy, what do you say about such and such data. and thanks to which, apart from own goals, yes, they can succeed at this euro? well, you 're right, actually, the french
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probably still have the strongest squad, but they had it in my opinion at the previous european championship and at the world cup, well at the world cup they at least played in the final where they lost, i don't see any reason for this... in percentage possession of the ball is 53-54%, a completely working indicator, and actually speaking, it seems to me that france, you have to check it on the statistical portals, on the statistical portals, but it seems to me that france has never dominated the ball control, well, maybe it dominated the euros that we remembered in the final over portugal in the year 16, but should we now... now go back as far as eight years ago, it is better to talk, probably about tomorrow's two games that will take place, which will take place at 19 and 22 on saturday, the
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england team will continue its journey in the european championship, not a problem-free journey, with with great difficulties, the english reached the 1/4 finals, and the swiss also knocked out the reigning european champions, the italians, in 1/8, so what do you think, is it possible for the swiss to send home the english finalists of the last euro? absolutely, i absolutely believe that due to the strength of switzerland i really liked it in the group stage, the team probably does not have such stars in the composition as the leading teams of europe, but for many years switzerland has been playing very stable, very balanced and without any such big sinuses . moreover, that they play equally successfully against middle-class teams and against top teams, that is, they never fall apart, this is how we actually
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saw it in the confrontation with the italians, maybe this result was a bit of a surprise for someone, but we remember the italians in the group, who were not too convincing, on the other hand, the swiss, by the way, did not lose to the german national team, if me, if i'm not mistaken, if i remember correctly, that is, this is a team that has repeatedly proved the principle... and its qualifications. finally, about the netherlands-turkey match: in your opinion, have the turks already exhausted their reserves, their resources at this european championship and will we see the dutch, the dutch in the semi-finals? i am inclined that the netherlands will go to the semi-finals, you know, in my opinion, the netherlands have the best game, from the point of view, i will try to explain now, it is quite attractive. fun, but it still has a certain solidity and a certain reserve, that is , the team plays in attack, the teams
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play very powerfully on the wings. the team is creating, well, it’s nice to watch, i think that the netherlands will be in the finals, we are waiting for spectacular confrontations in the quarterfinals, in particular, in the performance of the netherlands national team, which many ukrainians probably tomorrow they will support in the match against turkey, but this is another topic, more political, thank you andriy, the editor-in-chief of the champion site andriy tverdohlib was in direct contact with us and we talked with him about... the quarter-final confrontations of the european championship, i should also tell you about tennis, today , unfortunately, marta kostiuk finished her performances at the vembalondon tournament, but we don't have time to talk about it in detail, so we will only summarize the fact that kostiuk, unfortunately, stopped her performances at the big tournament. on this we will say goodbye, i will say goodbye to you until monday, when we will talk about football again, then
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my colleague vasyl will continue the great eterne espresso. thanks also to yevhen, and now natalka didenko will tell us about the weather and she will be waiting for you in the verdict program at 8 p.m. stay with espresso. hello everyone, dear ukrainians. before we talk about the expected weather. in the coming days, the coming weekend, well, who cares, given the rather difficult weather conditions due to the heat, today we will talk about how to save animals from the heat, and it is not only about her kittens, cats and dogs, but about domestic animals, which for some reason are often shy to talk about or simply avoid this topic, and our lives often depend on them in a significant way and.. so we
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will talk about it, so the signs of heat stress, heat stroke in domestic animals, chickens open their beaks and spread their wings, horses, for example, start to wet themselves, and the classic signs are shivering, lack of appetite and animals lose their orientation, which it is necessary to immediately, if possible, usually smoke them from a hose, move the animal to the shade, if this is also possible, and provide obviously drinking water and more. cooled, this is a necessary condition for obtaining livestock, regardless of even what the air temperature is. a place in the shade should be available to every animal, of course, it is easier and easier for animals in a wooded, shady area near the forest than in some shed with a hot roof, but you can, for example, stretch a tarpaulin or cloth over four posts, the animal is smart , she guesses where to find, you also need sufficient space
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for ventilation. these premises, and if you can bring an animal, well, this probably applies more to some large animals to the pond, to the river, the only thing is that access to the pond to the river can lead to pollution and infections, so here is the question, as they say 50 on 50, well, there are also light-skinned pigs who are touched by the tan and suffer from it, i don't think there is anything funny here at all, because... because, well, among us there are obviously vegans and vegetarians, but still there are fewer of them and a lot of us eat pork and raise pigs, so a terrible problem is recommended for them, and that is why pigs cover themselves with dirt, not because they are somehow so dirty, it is simply an instinct of self-preservation, and if they cannot provide for themselves, they are so to speak dirty baths, it is necessary, even recommended, if you have some juicy
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breeds, you will not use them much. these are the tips i found, and this topic is actually very interesting, we are now moving from domestic animals to such cosmic processes, so to speak, let’s look at the behavior of magnetic the fields of the earth and fluctuations are expected tomorrow, the fluctuations are insignificant, a strong magnetic storm or something super powerful is not expected, so we move on to the actual weather forecast, and we traditionally start from... the western regions, tomorrow in the west of ukraine the air temperature will be comfortable, 25- 28° no precipitation is expected. in the north , the air temperature is still quite faint, so to speak, +25 + 29, dry air mass. it is dry in the east, and tomorrow in the east, although it will be...


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