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tv   [untitled]    July 5, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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they poured a mattress, a pillow, covered him so that he wouldn't freeze, and left like that, well, we understood that he needed help, more qualified than we could give him, everyone agreed that he was going to donetsk after all and that's all, more there is no connection with sasha, there is nothing. a local volunteer should take sashka to occupied donetsk, but he leaves the boy in the hospital in novoazovsk. it was three o'clock, already after dinner, he sent an sms on viber, son. mom, everything is fine with us, we are alive, maybe someday i will walk. i, well, i
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at first i thought that i was already dreaming or shimmering, well, that i had simply lost not what i hoped for, i would no longer know, i would already be living, well, as simple as not living, existing, and after that in the evening, they gave him the opportunity to use viber to communicate, he was taken to wi-fi in the intensive care unit, and he, i saw him for the first time then... the next day , sashko is still sent to donetsk. karina and her younger brother follow him. and then i... i then wrote to a woman who
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lived not far from our house, a neighbor, and i asked her if she knew such people and she answered that she knows who they are and wrote to me that i am sorry, unfortunately, they have died. i'm in such a shock, i wonder how they died, i hoped that everything would be fine, i believed, since then i already knew about it, but i continued to look for children anyway. valentina calls all possible hotlines, even to representatives of the occupation authorities of donetsk. her sisters are currently living with a friend of their deceased mother, but a woman cannot leave the girls with her for a long time. and we were already
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taken away in a few days by an ordinary truck by car, we drove with two military men, emergency workers, you can say, they took us away, then they started contacting the doctors to take us away, because firstly , there were no places in the house, and secondly, we needed to be treated, in mariupol, the girls fell ill with ringworm, so they were first brought to the district hospital of novoazovsk. sofia called me from the hospital, i was scared, she had our brother's phone, she took it, i was scared because it said brother on my phone, i look at the phone, my hands start shaking, i think who is it he calls me at all, i was very scared, i thought it was my brother calling me, i believed so much that he had come... somewhere
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in donetsk, and then i answered, and it was sofia, but i was also very happy that it was was sofia. maxim are moving towards zaporizhzhia, the nearest large city in the territory controlled by ukraine. on the way, the russians stop them at a checkpoint. we checked documents, tattoos, symbols, so that there was nothing, and things. and they let go. and there, it turns out, there was a bus behind the checkpoint. well, we reached the city of mangush. there is already a little bit remained and settled in the hospital. the guys decide to rest. and move further on
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the road, this plan is broken by a local doctor, she finds out that the children are orphans, and calls an official from occupied donetsk, i don't remember. what is this woman's name? olena, olena valentynivna, from the children's service from the city of donetsk. she came to us at six o'clock, they took our passports. the woman ivan mentions is called olena verbovska. she is the head of the social service of occupied donetsk. since 2014, verbovska has been taking children from captured territories to rest in camps to russia, to the occupied crimea. for the christmas tree in moscow, that evening olena verbovska takes ivan and maksym to donetsk, to the fifth children's hospital. we said that we would definitely return to ukraine, every nurse knew about it, and we said that they would come for us, take us
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away. while we were in the hospital, the mayor of the city came to us and brought us sim cards and said that it was for us to communicate, said that our war was over, promised us a lot. that brought gifts, and that's where this woman in children's affairs was. he said that they would provide us with a dormitory where we would live for the same specialty we wanted, we would study, but these were empty words, we understood that this would not be the case. ivan connects to the internet and communicates with representatives of the ukrainian authorities through hotlines. after that , ukraine starts the process of returning the boys. we discovered that children from mariupol. received at least nine hospitals in donetsk. not all children needed treatment.
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some medical facilities were an intermediate point before sending the children further. at first, like us arrived there, it was calm, quiet. they didn't even notice how someone else moved in next to us, then two more people, then a father drove in with his child, more and more people came. this gave the russian federation a trump card, that children are in a medical institution, they are there for medical reasons, so what kind of international crime can we talk about, this is all a humanitarian action, the rescue of ukrainian children. this is such a point from which the children were then redistributed, some may have been given immediately to a foster family, some they were taken to another occupied territory, someone could change several hospitals within a certain period of time, someone was deported to the territory of the russian federation and
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their fate was decided there. kateryna rashevska, lawyer of the regional center for human affairs. she collected evidence of the deportation of ukrainian children for an international criminal case. as rashevska explains, later children from other temporarily occupied territories began to be taken en masse to russian hospitals. in order to pick up the deported children, relatives had to go to occupied donetsk. otherwise under control russian officials did not agree to hand over the children. the path of relatives had to pass through european countries and russia. there are no checkpoints on the front line. no one wanted to go, everyone was afraid of the fact that there were a lot of incidents, that people, well, went, did not return, or did not arrive, or disappeared, and many
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were not allowed to go, and i was told that if i went there, well, my one-way ticket is only that my children will remain orphans if i go there to pick them up, but i did n't care anymore, i just... then i was really away from children two and a half hours, damn it, i really understand that i, well, they were so close, tetyana's mother, svitlana dubczak, agrees to go pick up the children, at that moment she had already lived and worked in poland for several years. and where are you going? i say: behind the children, the child is injured. and they say who hurt, from which side? i say, well, you're sorry, they didn't leave a signature. he told me: no, no, i will not let you go, i say that then bring the children here, and i will not go to your territory. only units manage to bring the children home, the only mechanism there is none, neither for parents nor for
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law enforcement officers. the volunteers of the savewayn charity fund do not reveal the ways in which children are taken out of russia and the occupied territories, however , they have already saved more than a hundred children, then with every step we saw that the russians are trying to... block any channels, informed everyone there and the borders , and checked quite carefully, and now the latest of our mission shows that the interrogations can last for days, not hours, this indicates that they are afraid and they oppose, that is, their position today is to oppose any the return of children, because they understand that every returned child... this is a witness to a war crime. we have cases of mariupol, we have cases of other settlements, where
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many crimes were committed by russians, where children were abducted. and these are extremely difficult cases. we continue to work on them, but whether we will be able to get these children back, we do not know yet. for anton bilay, who recently got out of mariupol, a question. he does not appear to pick up the children, he is the only state guardian for two orphaned children, i understood the degree of risk, but somewhere, probably already at the beginning of may, when we were talking with ivan, he simply burst into tears into the phone and began to ask: anton viktorovych, i'm begging you, take us away from here, of course, after these words, we can't go, no, of course, i could issue a trust. women, for example, yes, it is safer for women
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to go there, it means shifting their responsibility, no one knows what they will throw away and what might happen and so on, so of course, well, since i am the director, i had to go, approximately in at the same time , valentina is going on a trip to the occupied territories, and she manages to quickly issue custody above the house sister. after the operation, i was on the female organs and a week after the operation i could barely walk and i went to donetsk to pick up my children. i told the doctors: i'm going all the time, that i have to go urgently, i can't wait. i packed my things and told them to discharge me, i can't anymore, i'm going, and in two days i'm going to kyiv. i get on a bus and go to... poland, then to latvia, lithuania, and then i change to a russian bus to
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go to russia and to donetsk, because it was not possible to go on our bus. karina finds sasha in a children's hospital. the boy complains that the nurses do not respond when he asks to turn him over. his bedsores are getting bigger. in the hospital, he was also prescribed a diet. as we will later find out, without any evidence , even according to relatives, the boy was planned to amputate his leg, how could i be kept in such a condition, i was not, well, i was quite thin, i could only raise my arm, in i could see thin muscles, i don’t know her, and the most they treated my wounds with was ointment, the trouble is that when sasha arrived, on the first day he said where his mother works. the head doctor said that if we do not
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find our parents, they will immediately send us to an orphanage, all three of us, the nurses said, remember, we will give you to some russian family, you will live there for a long time, you will there with comfort, better than how you lived before. local social services have similar plans for sofia and nastya. while valentina goes to pick up her sisters in occupied donetsk, the family comes to meet the girls at the hospital. they wanted to take me away, but nastya didn't. i was outraged. first of all, why so? secondly, my sister is coming for me. i already told all the doctors about this every day. already during the road to donetsk. valentina gets in touch with svetlana maiboroda. she heads all social services for
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family and children in the occupied part of donetsk region. they agree that valentina will take the children. the next day , a call comes from sofia, well, a message: people have come to us, they want to take us away. take sofia away, and leave nastya in the hospital. i say, what are you doing, how can this happen? why do you doz... usual things become unreal, heavy bags are not for my sick back, for back pain, try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves
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can destroy a historical monument. the unique vitaly portnikov about the impact of the war on ukrainians and the price. that will unite the nation, the diary of the legendary nationalist mykola kokhanivskyi, the country is always at the forefront, look for it at press outlets or subscribe online. svitlana maiboroda, a ukrainian official who remained. after the capture of certain regions of donetsk region in 2014. since the beginning of the full-scale war, maiboroda and her organization have participated in the deportation of ukrainian children to russia. and in may 2022, when the fighting for mariupol was still going on, maiburoda came to the city. she chose workers for the new social services controlled by the russians. on the eve of
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anton's arrival in donetsk, svitlana maiboroda calls ivan. offered to go to a camp near moscow, she said that we know that anton viktorovych will come for you, maybe you will rest before his arrival. i apologized, but ran to the hospital, connected to wi-fi, called anton viktorovych on viber and told everything as it is. after that, svetlana maiboroda also calls anton. the only thing... i offered, i say, yes, maybe then, so that i can go closer, fine, let them go, and i will come to this camp, you tell me where to take the children, she said, no, it is difficult , it is impossible to document it, in general, then, then no, well, well, no, then let them stay in hospital, i say, don’t worry, i’ll take them here, and i’ll organize a very nice
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rest for them here too, the rest of the children, those who were with the boys in the same hospital, are not given a choice, they staged a riot, those in the room with us lived, they went to the head doctor, they said that they did not want to go anywhere, but no one listened to them, the children were taken from the donetsk hospital to the children's social center, from there to the russian city of rostov, then to the boarding house polyana, in the suburbs of moscow, the same , where i will suggest... to go to ivan and to maxim the children have to stay there for a month. we met with these children on the territory of donetsk after their evacuation from mariup. with armored personnel carriers, and they were placed in hospital facilities, and they stayed there for several months. at the time when
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our soldiers were bringing children from the basements to donetsk, i met with several of them, and we understood that it is very important now to give these children a chance to breathe. maria lvova-bilova is behind the organization of the so-called recreation and rehabilitation of children. this is a high landing. close to putin, a few months before the full-scale war, she was appointed commissioner of children's affairs in russia. lviv-bilov calls the deportation of ukrainian children a salvation. 1090 children from various children's institutions came to us. as you think, our russian citizens, of course, have a big heart and are already lining up to get dressed. very good, and if you allow, i would continue this work, we have now formed a register of those who have documents, and someone can be temporarily placed, someone with russian
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citizenship could be accommodated, and why only with russian and with any citizenship? does she personally come to the territories occupied by russia, take children from there and transfer them to russian families? took a young man from mariupol, pylyp holovnia, under her care. philip became the tenth adopted child of maria lviv and bilova. on may 30, 2022 , putin signed a decree that orphans from the temporarily occupied territories can obtain russian citizenship under a simplified procedure. philip was taken to russia once. together with 30 other children. our editorial office received this list. we found out that some of these children lived in mariupol. 13 of them
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were either orphans or their parents were deprived of their rights. in total, we identified at least 20 children who were sent to a boarding house in the suburbs of moscow. we wrote to some in social networks with a request to communicate. no answers were received, messages were blocked, children with... their names, they do everything in order to wash the child's bowls, show how much they love her, and not even give the opportunity to communicate with the child, and this is all done together with the authorities of the state authorities there, children who want to return, but they change cards there, phones there, they are afraid to communicate, because this is russia, it is total control, they know that they can be punished, as soon as they arrived there, i phone them. .. it's terrible, there are cameras in the rooms, as it happened, i asked how they were there, they said that you can watch the children in general, if , for example, you need to change clothes, it's like
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a personal space. we asked ivan and maksym to look at the photos of the children we identified. i remember alina, she was with us in the hospital on the floor. also from mariupol, she came with sonya, she also went to that camp, and what happened next, we also do not know, and where she is now, tell me how you communicated with her, what she told you, she asked me, for me to inform here that she wants to return home, to ukraine, together with her brother, she gave me her details, name, patronymic, surname, i did not hear anything further, we... found out that the girl , which ivan talks about, is still in russia with his brother. now in social networks, the girl writes that she will probably spend the rest of her life there.
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in general, the boys confirmed that some of the children on the list were in the same hospital with them. ivan still keeps in touch with some of them. we cannot disclose their names for security reasons. we write sometimes, i congratulate him on his birthday, he fulfilled it. took a picture near the bandera monument in lviv. he wanted it, but i did it for him. actually sent this photo on his birthday. and yes, at any moment he tells me: if you reach us, take me away. according to the documents that are in ours order, 31 children were taken to russia by kyrylo potelitsyn, the temporary head of the children's social center in donetsk, a subordinate of svitlana maiboroda. presumably, he worked as a lawyer-consultant in a children's social center. his official duties include the legal protection of children.
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two more women accompanied the children. one of them, like potelitsyn, worked in the donetsk children's social center. this operation to deport children from occupied donetsk to russia was not the only one in which potelitsyn's colleagues were involved. we established that one more a group of children was taken to the rostov region a few days before the full-scale invasion. yanina tertychna. a prosecutor who has been investigating the deportation of ukrainian children since the beginning of the full-scale war. officials from the occupied territories played an important role, they were engaged in organizing the deportation of children, they were also engaged in the selection of such children, they prepared documents for these children regarding their removal, if it concerns the 31st child from mariupol, we are investigating all
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involved persons, this. .. bodies of guardianship and guardianship in the occupied territories, participation doctors, participation in guardians who were appointed for this category of children and other management in the occupied territory. grandma oleksandra was the first to reach donetsk. the boy has already undergone an operation in the neurosurgery department of a local hospital, a fragment was removed from his body and he was being prepared to return to the nursery. it's in the children's ward, it's just the gestapo, they put him in the middle, the door is open, he has a fever all the time, when they put him here, he even got a pillow, we brought our pillow from home. at this time tatiana, oleksandr's mother managed to arrange for her son to be taken for treatment in georgia, it remained for the boy to be discharged from the hospital. i tell
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him what procedures you are doing, in what condition, in a stable condition, everything, discharge, no, we will not discharge, that is, you will not discharge, i am a grandmother-guardian, let the parents come, i have a power of attorney, who signed the power of attorney, in in ukraine, you see, in ukraine, and it should be in donetsk, they clung to every letter without end and edge, they looked for any reason, no, that's all, we established that... that this conversation took place between svetlana and oleksandr's doctor maxim vakulenko. since 2017, vakulenko has been traveling to russia for medical conferences, where he represented the temporarily occupied territory of ukraine. during the active fighting for mariupol, vakulenko went to the city to work in the regional hospital. there he received humanitarian aid from a member of the state duma of russia. another doctor who refused to send oleksandr for treatment
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abroad, serhiy. the head of the surgical department of the children's hospital, he did not want to talk to me at all, he started stammer, the service will come, let them decide what service, where service? when karina and i were going to go to that service, at that moment they started bombing, rockets were already flying over our heads, when they themselves were scared, and they were in this psumatokha. they quickly wrote the same shakt, and so they were released. i 'm sorry, yes, for a certain period of time, they acted , well, stressed, they had to save the child, well, her life was saved, but after that, when the threat to life was gone, they had to demonstrate that, that they were acting accordingly to the norms of international humanitarian law, and whether there were parallel actions related to
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the search. relatives of this child, and whether the information about this child was transferred to the international committee of the red cross to reunite him with his family members. in georgia, oleksandr ends up in a children's hospital. doctor levan harashvili manages to cure sashka's bedsores and stabilize his general condition. and what is this diet connected with? i do not know. because there from the side of the gastrointestinal tract. he had no problems, no damage to internal organs was, he was on a regular hospital diet, we sometimes even pampered him, sometimes fed him pasta, then sashko was transported to rehabilitation in germany, where his condition is improving, but now...
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everything seems to have stopped for him.


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