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tv   [untitled]    July 5, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm EEST

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information about this child was handed over to the international committee of the red cross to reunite him with his family members. in georgia, oleksandr ends up in a children's hospital. doctor levan harashvili manages to cure sashka's bedsores and stabilize his general condition. and what is this diet connected with? i do not know. because there from the side of the gastrointestinal tract. he had no problems. there were no injuries to internal organs, he was on a regular hospital diet, we sometimes even pampered him, sometimes fed him fast food, then sashka transported to germany for rehabilitation, where his condition is improving, but now everything seems to have stopped for him. "
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he can't walk because of the injuries, i don't know, i'm more depressed than planned, that is, i don't count this, i don't count life at all, in berlin we go with sasha and tatiana to the doctor, it seemed that it should have been another examination, the doctors said that everything was in my hands, and when they ran the spatula over my legs, i was parallel to it with my fingers, and they moved, and they they told me, how am i going to practice, if i practice linearism, you won’t see anything, well , i won’t be able to, but if i practice, then everything will work out for me, they prescribed everything i need, and for me to do therapy, she is very famous for massage and all that.
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vala manages to quickly pick up the children, but on her way out of donetsk, she is required to return to the city and undergo filtering, a special procedure during which a person's documents are forcibly checked and an interrogation is conducted. i say, i have two. now
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under care, i'm 19 years old, i'm after surgery, how do i pass the filtration, i won't be able to pass the filtration, i urgently need to go home for treatment, they have something there, and i burst into tears, i just have such emotions from fear, i was so scared, and they tell me, well, that's it, in the donetsk region more don't come back, and that's what i'm thinking about myself, we'll see who won't come back and who will. anton takes ivan and maxim from the same hospital. he comes for them in the morning, signs the documents and returns to ukraine with the children through european countries. already in the evening we were still in donetsk, already in the evening my sister sent me a screenshot from the telegram channel.
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there is a dnr where we were all photographed, and they have already signed the news there that they are such very nice people, whenever the children want, they give the children to ukraine, give them to the state guardian, that they are such humane people, this is a man who you can say has done a lot for me in this life, it's one act but it's quite significant, i keep saying he's... a superhero but he says he's not. those children who were taken to a boarding house near moscow on a month, they did not return it. we know for sure that relatives in ukraine are looking for them. we cannot mention their names. so far , the ukrainian side has been able to return home only four children from the list. we called svetlana maiboroda, an official from the temporarily occupied.
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who was involved in the deportation of ukrainian children to russia. hello, yes, olesya, hello, good evening, svitlana anatolyivna. hello, my name is olesya, i am a journalist. i have one question for you. tell me why you organized the removal of ukrainian children to the territory russia? you see, the question is incorrect. you can ask a more correct question. how is this for what and which children, i did not organize anything, i am not authorized to do such an organization. look, for example, at the group of the 31st child, in which philip was the leader. group of the 31st child in which polyp was the main.
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just make a request, and we will give you an official answer to everything. the children were handed over to ukraine only to their legal representatives and parents, we did not take them anywhere to ukraine. you are asked about the territory of russia, specifically ukrainian children, on the territory of russia? on the territory of russia? yes yes. make an official request, we will give you all the information. but wait. yes, yes, i hear you. well, i know what you suggested at the hospital. we found that at least 14 children from the list ended up. under the care of russian families, all of them residents of the moscow region. we found that the children were mostly given to families who already had adopted children. according to russian media
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, bohdan yermokhin, a boy from mariupol, got into a family with 11 children. his adoptive mother is iryna rudnytska. former chechen volunteer war after several months, bohdan tried to escape from rudnytska's family to his relatives in ukraine. he was detained at the belarusian border and returned to russia. those children who returned and we managed to interrogate them, we can say for sure that the children were brought up in the spirit of love for the russian world, they were informed that ukraine as a state was destroyed, military-patriotic exercises were conducted with them. upbringing, they were given weapons, not from this group, but we know that there were cases when children were physically abused. in more than a year of war, the ukrainian government was able to to identify almost 20,000 children whom the russians deported to their territory. as
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of the beginning of 2023, most of them were from the donetsk region. since the beginning of the full-scale war, volunteers and the ukrainian authorities have returned about 400. the real number of deportees is probably much higher. russia does not hand over lists of children they deported to ukraine. thousands, thousands of children who were abducted, torn from life, torn from their relatives and so on. for deportation to the territory of russia, we do not know the exact number, it is true, unfortunately, and so far, how many our children, but we know, we know, that we have to return all of them, we know that we have to restore the rights and safety of all our ukrainian
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children. the international criminal court has issued warrants for the arrest of putin and the lvivs and bilovs, they are suspected of deporting children on the territory. of russia ukraine can demand their arrest if they cross the border with countries that recognize the decision of the international criminal court. ukraine retains certain rights over these children as a state-citizenship. therefore , the option that these children were deported to the territory of the russian federation, and they remain there on the territory of the russian federation forever, it simply does not exist. there is no provision in international humanitarian law that allows the occupying power to take children to take them out and leave them permanently.
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glory to ukraine, hero, glory,
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congratulations, this is an espresso interview. my name is yuri fizer. and today, with my guest, i will summarize the week every minute. it was rich in international events, of course, many of them relate directly, and sometimes indirectly, but very important to ukraine. about it. and other things today i will talk with volodymyr horbach, executive director of the institute of transformation of northern eurasia. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for visiting us, good day, well, look, let's start anyway, as i already said, it was such an important week for ukraine in the world, and in particular in europe, let's start from europe let's start, because there first, at the beginning of the week , the 14th package of anti-russian sanctions was finally imposed, the minister of foreign affairs of lithuania, gabrielius lanberg. and said that he was very difficult to decide and we have already started working on the 15th, which
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will be even more difficult to adopt, then there was very important news for us, it was the beginning of negotiations on ukraine's accession to the european union and eventually the summit of the european union, and ukraine was more or less central to all these events, well at least in some events it was central. let's start from the beginning. negotiations on ukraine's accession to the european union, there has been a lot of talk about it these past few days, and i'll be honest , it seemed to me that very often on the air there was too much pathos on ukrainian tv channels, but let's go without this pathos and without excessive hyperbolization, i understand that this beginning of negotiations is extremely important for us, but what should we really expect from this and what should we really be ready for, well, here i am... in principle, i agree with the pathos, because really, this is an unusual event, we are not
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just recognized as a candidate, we are already starting, we are starting negotiations, that is, we are already in the process, we are entering the process of integration into the european union, and it is necessary, well, to understand also, as a certain milestone in the modern or modern history of ukraine, but it does not mean that we have already entered, and it will be very easy for us to do it, and for us... everyone is waiting there with open arms and so on, no, we on the threshold of a long and difficult journey, in fact, which will last not months, but years, and not one year and not two and not three, that's why i think that we need to be ready for the fact that they will talk to us more harshly, not no no no no we can't and shouldn't count on... some kind of leniency, but for us, it means that we ourselves need to be internally
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stronger, we need to be more ready, prepared for these negotiations, to have arguments, to have an honest, open position, eh, not to have weak and vulnerable places where we can be justly reproached, and what we did before, so say, and the same corruption, inefficiency of public administration, governance and so on, so, but it is necessary to be, yes, and it is necessary to pay much more attention, in fact, to negotiations at and preparation for negotiations at the so-called expert level, this is no no no no only the political level, and that's it there will already be professional talks on, well, industry directions there and so on, look, i 'll interrupt you, sorry, but here's what exactly these negotiations are about, because look, if before the negotiations we had any demands that the official brussels put before us , we fulfilled all the requirements and started. accession negotiations, now under these, during these negotiations, what exactly will happen during
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these negotiations? well, look, the requirements before us really, the prerequisites, yes, were, were set, and formally we seem to have fulfilled them, and the european union formally admitted that we fulfilled them, although, putting our hand on our heart, we would probably agree that not everything is good and safe with us, well, in the issue of, for example, anti-corruption policy, there are many nuances, excesses, and well... even i would say from the rollbacks back in this reform there are problems in general with the principles of the rule of law, with the judicial system and the prosecutor's office and everything related to this. but law enforcement agencies, here i would even say that there is something in terms of not making changes to the laws, in terms of implementing these reforms, compliance with the laws during the implementation of these reforms, well, we have weak points, and we could have, i think that if these circumstances were not military, well, we would not have been told that you have done well, but to some extent this was even playing
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along with us this issue, well, in the hope in the hope that we... during the negotiations there over the years of the admission process, we will also resolve these problems, what will be discussed, there will be, well , the negotiations are taking place, the admission negotiations, consist of 32 separate chapters, that is, well individual yes, which can be grouped into clusters, well such groups can be negotiated at the same time in some cluster, negotiations on different chapters, chapters are sectoral , well... there is a general political approach, because what is about what, yes, the subject of negotiations, in order to be a member of the european union, we need to implement, i.e. adopt into our national legislation, european laws, european legislation, it is called accum communiter or common property, i.e. it is a complex of legislation, laws and
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norms that regulate relations within, well, the very existence of the european. and the relations of states within this european union, and we need to include all this in our national legislation, to adopt it, this is the main premise of these negotiations, well , there are moments, yes, these are general ones, well , the rule of law, accordingly, democratic principles, rights of a person, and all jurisdiction, jurisprudence, security and so on, these are all some political points that... which also need to be discussed and we will also need to implement and adopt all this in our legislation, but there is still a more complex complex, so-called compatibility, technological, trade, for example, industry, agrarian policy and here sectoral, and the sectoral approach
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is more or less economic, and these are separate chapters, they will open negotiations, negotiations will be concluded, one chapter will be exposed, let's move on to another chapter, and so 32 times, oh, how complicated it all is, yes, and so 32 times, so there is a lot of work, it will require expertise of a narrow, specialized, branch, i would say so, and it will require availability or training negotiating teams of these experts, there are usually politicians, the negotiation delegation is formed, the decree of the president is made public, the chairman or head of the delegation. the vice prime minister for european euro-atlantic integration, and the delegation consists mainly of deputies of each ministry, and, that is, it is not the ministry of foreign affairs that conducts these negotiations, it is the entire government that deals with this, well, apparently, for successful conduct, we also need the government to strengthen, this is also true, this is also true, so far it is not visible how many conversations, but actions
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there are very few effective steps, but the government will have to hire negotiators. we will have to hire experts and advisers who will advise politicians and government officials on how to defend our, well , our national interests and positions during these negotiations, what can be negotiated, so we have to adopt the legislation in its entirety, there is no council for this, we cannot say, no, we do not accept this law there, in our country without it they simply will not be accepted as members, but we can bargain for some transitional periods of the functioning of some rights there. regulations, especially in the economy, in standardization, there are technical standards, by the way, to which we will need to switch, quality standards, well, in industrial products, this is a technical standard, the industry produces, what standard should it meet there, in food this is
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safety, food safety, so that the food products that we produce are safe, first of all, for... wait, and so on and so forth, and here every country that joined, it traded, traded so to speak, during the negotiations for the interests of its national manufacturer, for the fact that access to the market is, of course , common, but also competition with other manufacturers, some industry can immediately switch to european standards and immediately function on the open european market, while some industry economy of this. i can't, but i wish i was a little more calm about it now, we have many other national problems, war, security, the destruction of entire sectors of the economy, we will have to. to build a new economy, in fact, we already understand that we will have to build a new energy industry, because the old soviet one, at least the thermal one, has been practically destroyed, the hydropower industry has also been very seriously
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affected, so we will have to build a new energy industry and a new economy, and we will have to look for our own niches and our specialization in the european markets, and when we will already within the european union we can, thanks to the fact that we have switched to these standards and security. and quality and everything else, and technical standards, we will be able to sell our products not only on territory or within the european market, but throughout the world, because it will be trusted in such a way that it is made in the european union, made in the eu. this in itself is worth a lot, in fact, so we will have to make concessions, a lot of concessions, but for now i urge you not to worry about this, because we may find unexpected ones. for myself, the directions where we will still bring more, more benefit and more benefit than those concessions that we can make in the course of negotiations are very interesting, but it seems to me that these negotiations will be difficult
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, it will be difficult, they will be difficult, because they are about pragmatic interests, it is not easy, but if there is sympathy for ukraine, it is emotional, but european societies, european nations, citizens, they sympathize with ukrainians, accept refugees, pay some social benefits there. they help if they can, they share clothes, food with everyone, this, this is done voluntarily, for free, it is an emotional impulse, so to speak, and when it comes to business interests, how much you have to earn, pay taxes there and spend on something, on your own countries, then there is fierce competition there, there is a pragmatic conversation, there is no longer sympathy there, if we are going to hunt, feel sorry for us, then we have already felt sorry for us, only in a different form , but here they will not... sympathize, here it is necessary to agree, to seek compromises, to agree on interests, to agree, obviously, on those , well, acceptable conditions, not fatal for us,
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let's say so, in the hope and hope that we will adapt to them, adapt and we can use to your advantage after some relatively short period of time, let's take this topic now to close the last question for you, often well also... probably after the start of a full-scale invasion, when we were invited to the european union on an accelerated basis , they said that they drew the figure of 2030, is it a drawn figure or is it a real figure, it is optimal, i will say so, it is probably minimally possible, because there are technical limitations of the european union itself, it cannot be faster, because the admission of new members. .. he is provides for the allocation of funds for adaptation, for some transition period, for preparation for membership, that is, this too, by the way, we have, well
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, funds will be allocated in order for us to prepare for and become compliant with their standards, it takes time , for this we need funds and for this we need people, yes, three resources, three types of resources, and in this plan, the european union plans its future budget, this budget is called the financial plan and it is concluded... for seven years, yes, here in the soviet union there were five-year plans, here in the european union a financial plan, it is not a plan to fulfill, to over-fulfill, it is simply the way the budget is drawn up, a financial plan for up to seven years, it allows for long-term strategic planning of certain things and progressive development, yes, without sharp jumps, but also without without sharp falls, and the main thing is that the progressive can be planned for a long time, and in this current financial one. the plan ends in the 27th year, from the 20th to the 27th year, and these funds are not earmarked for the accession of ukraine, but in the 27th year they will probably
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be earmarked in the budget for the preparation of ukraine and three years are given until 2030, approximately plus or minus a year or two, well, i think that more plus than minus funds will be allocated for the preparation, so that ukraine is technically ready to be a member of this common good. well, the 30th year is quite so optimal, it is still planned and political decisions must be made for this, in addition to technical preparation, there must be decisions of the european council, the european parliament has all these bodies, which are now elected after the elections to the european parliament, they are 5 years old are functioning, that is, this is again the 29th year, the next convocation is the 30th, they will form their bodies and will be, perhaps, ready to accept political ones. the decision about ukraine's accession to this organization, to this, to this association, well, plus one more moment, which we also felt recently, after all
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the decisions. there of the european council, the european parliament. the final decision will still be made through the ratification of the agreement on ukraine's accession to the european union, its ratification not only in the european parliament, but in all parliaments member countries. and here, as it were, the hungarian, hungarian question or problem of the hungarian, the ratification in the hungarian parliament has already become for us, well, such a sharp, loud bell that it simply will not happen to us. unfortunately. yes, i suggest staying longer. in brussels, but now let's change a little, let's talk now about the war that the russians have been aggressively waging for more than two years, they are waging in ukraine. so, speaking in brussels after a meeting with the president, still the president of the european council, charles michel, volodymyr zelensky said, i will quote now: now we need to develop a detailed plan of detailed steps regarding all the crises that putin's war has brought to our country.
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we have months to make this one. "we don't have much time, we have a lot of wounded, killed, both military and civilians, so we don't want this war to last for years, so we have to prepare this plan and put it on the negotiating table at the second peace summit, if it happens some negotiations in the shadows, then it doesn't happen, then it's not about us, we want to do this openly, it is very important for us, taking into account the fact that recently, mr. volodymyr, very often from russia, putin himself repeatedly speaks about this, pyaskov speaks, lavrov speaks, there are statements that no, no, we are open to these negotiations, it is ukraine that does not want them, taking into account this ambiguous statement of volodymyr zelenskyi, because it seems to me earlier that he did not talk about so and so, can we talk about what is - well, they are talking about the end of the war on the sidelines , and they are not agreeing to something, well, something you see, the current or modern, current
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ukrainian... government, it is critically dependent on public opinion, they are guided by public sentiments, and if in society, in ukrainian, first of all society, well some still, the confidence in an immediate victory is slightly undermined, and everyone understands that the war is dragging on, there is fatigue and serious dissatisfaction, well, such a public demand is still forming, well, let's finally end it with something, the political one, well, i don't know how to call them a class, but a group... at least the ruling group without a negative i am talking about the shade now, they, they are also trying to communicate with the country and give signals to society that they are also working on this, that they are also holding peace summits, that they are ready for negotiations, there is no longer such a categorical position as there was last fall, for example, but there is a problem here, it's all public communications, it's public statements
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that politicians talk about, they are heard. voters, accordingly, evaluate and perceive that this is, well , an effort to preserve, to preserve trust in oneself and to gain support, but of course, that in somewhere somehow behind the screen, behind the scenes, consultations, negotiations, exchange of ideas, all this happens, well, we can read it from the events, if we do not take into account some... such general, general phrases, beautiful phrases, clearly said to the public, but to read the facts, events, steps, then, well, at the swiss summit , both president zelenskyi and his head, the head of his office yarmak, told us in open text that the next summit will be held by the end of the year, they want to hold it , and that it is already he who has to fix the end of the ending war, that's all, that's what everyone would like to hear good news about, but, well, i'm
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actually critical of it here, i evaluate it, because i'm critical from the point of view of the realism of the goal, i think that - russia, the russians are not interested in negotiations with ukraine in general as such, the war in ukraine with ukraine, they started not by not declaring war on us, even, but by declaring war on a collective event, the actual declaration of war was the ultimatum on december 15 , 2022, which was sent to the russian ministry of foreign affairs . ukraine, in the united states and the headquarters of nato, that you immediately go there to the borders of 1997, this was an actual declaration of war, and they themselves say that we are at war with the west, with america, with someone else, just on the territory of ukraine, and ukraine as a partner from negotiations or an international subject in general, they don't see, because they denied our sovereignty, they...


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