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tv   [untitled]    July 5, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EEST

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this is all what everyone would like to hear, good news, but, well, i am critical of this, because i am critical from the point of view of the realism of the goal, i think that - russia, the russians are not interested in negotiations with ukraine in general, as such, they started a war in ukraine with ukraine, not by declaring war on us, not even, but by declaring war on a collective event, in fact... the declaration of war was the ultimatum on december 15 , 2022, which the russian foreign ministry sent not in ukraine, in the united states and the headquarters of nato, that you immediately go there to the borders of 1997, this was an actual declaration of war, and they themselves say that we are at war with the west, with america, with someone else, just on the territory of ukraine, and ukraine as a partner from negotiations or an international subject in general, they don't see it, because they denied our sovereignty, they... committed evil, if
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ukraine is a subject of international law, then russia is a criminal, accordingly they want to say with the united states in fact, and putin will wait, wait, until america is not there will not be such a situation when she wants to talk with putin and allows herself to talk, and it may change after the presidential election in the united states, or a little later after the new inauguration, or after some events, perhaps unexpected for us or for the americans, but which can be... forged and planned by the russian special services in the territory of the united states or in some other territory, and then they can comprehensively talk about many, many all kinds of things, this is how the russians there would like to talk about the division of the world, yalta, the yalta treaty, the second edition, the zone of interests and everything else, i am not saying that the united states will agree to this, but the united states must proceed from this, from the understanding of this, that exactly what kind of negotiations does vladimir want, want, want putin, not with ukraine, not with volodymyr zelenskyi. or not
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with andrii yarmak, they can maintain some semblance of this, that yes, we understand here, if the audience is considered the whole world there, or the global south, even, not only him, but including him, this is a wide audience, the audience hall is so wide, then all the actors they are trying to give the impression that they are for peace, that they are adequate, that they are against escalation, that they are constructive, that they are ready for negotiations, this is shown by... both the ukrainian side, and this is pretending that the russian side is also showing they say we are ready for negotiations, but our conditions are unacceptable, and they understand that there will be no such negotiations, but they are ready for negotiations, this is a pretend position, of course, so we have about 8 minutes left, i have two more for you questions, i really hope that we will discuss them, let's not yet we are leaving brussels, let's talk about the new, not yet appointment, but in... approval
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of the acting prime minister of the netherlands, mark ruta, for the post of nato secretary general. mr. volodymyr, i will tell you honestly, i read a lot about mark ryuta after he was agreed to this position, and from what i read, what immediately caught my eye is that it is called a teflon mark, that is, it does not stick to it something, he is in any situation, he tries to find, and he can find a consensus, he proved this during the time works in the position of premier. the minister, that is, when he formed coalitions with groups that sometimes seemed impossible to unite, how do you think this teflon of mark rutte will play to our advantage, or yet at some point he can say let's all let's sit down at the negotiating table, let's do it, here it is necessary to immediately understand and record that the position of the secretary general of nato is not the leader of nato, it is not the head of the organization, it is the secretary, his work and functionality is. to align interests
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all members of this alliance organization, and accordingly work with all governments, because as we know, decisions are made by consensus, and only when they are made, then the secretary general of nato goes out with these decisions to the general public, makes a statement, and his job is to carry out that policy , which is produced and determined by the euro-atlantic council, that is, it is a gathering of governments, heads of governments, or governments, or is at the level of ministers of foreign affairs, at the level of ministers. defense, these are all euro-atlantic councils, mark rutte is very interesting in this regard, i think he will very effective, very effective in this work, precisely in this functionality, he is possible, you said teflonovy, nothing stops him, well, in principle, he does not do such a thing that he would be blamed for it, yes, well now we already know that he is, for example, unmarried, he has no children, that he... the habit is not because he doesn't have a car, but
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he's just used to it, a person is used to it, it's so convenient and it's obvious not to go far. can afford, well, holland is generally a cycling country, it's fashionable and popular, that is a professional politician, and this, by the way, is a standard, an example of the fact that politics is a profession, not just anyone can handle it, it is necessary to be able to have skills, possess skills, and accordingly, well, use this experience for the benefit of the whole nation, of the whole country, and not only there his family or his neighbors, his friends, as is very often the case in other countries. that's why mark ryuta can be such a reference secretary, and he is impeccable, whatever you call it, well, but i repeat once again, the question here is that he copes with this the task of coordinating and harmonizing the interests of all participants of this organization, the last
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stage of which was the coordination of his candidacy, which he managed to pass, is still to convince the prime minister of hungary, viktor orbán , to support his candidacy, well, a lot. many people would not have managed to do it, but mark ryuta managed to do it, of course, a lot of credit goes to the current secretary, to the current secretary stoltenberg, who also worked with viktor orbán before budapest and so on, well, i think that mark ryuty can be no worse, no worse, marklut, as far as i remember, it was he who promised viktor orbán that hungary would not join any. of military aid to ukraine, and in this way he would have inclined mark viktor orbán to his yes, so it was, and here i would also like to say that it is interesting, what is it, because the discussion was going on, well, from which country should the general secretary be, bye bye now they were all from western europe, this time
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the current president of romania, klaus iohannis, applied for this position, by the way, i it seems that he would also be a very, very good secretary general of nato, because the current one, for example, is now stoltenberg's deputy, he is a romanian politician, a former minister of foreign affairs, he is now the deputy secretary general, in principle romanians could also be in this roles are quite effective, or so claimed the prime minister of estonia, kalas, who is now, well, being nominated for the post of supreme representative on security issues. policy of the european union, i think that she, she will also, too, has a great chance to be elected, but i why did you say that eastern europe wanted to have its own representative, because the threat to nato comes precisely from the eastern flank, and we here in eastern europe feel it better, understand it and can
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, so to speak, expertly do it all the better, but no, the key key role , perhaps an informal meeting of interests, the general secretary, this is me... to coordinate the interests of the united states with european states and countries, and when any contradictions arise between europe and america, the mediators are invited, as a rule , the dutch, to the most interesting thing, this is bargaining a trading nation, they know how to negotiate, they are open to the united states, because they are a maritime power there, and the mentality is like that, and they, and at the same time they are europeans, are unlike the british, they are not on an island, on a continent, and therefore ... well , the dutch are very, very often the general secretaries, jaabdehops hefer is not like that, he was not so long ago, he was also a dutchman, and the danes also perform well in this role, as we have seen now, and so do the norwegians, the norwegian secretary general stoltenberg he was elected for two terms and more
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he continues, and there was no way they could let him go, mr. volodymyr, thank you for this opinion, i really hope that mark rutte will still be in office, as you said, in the position of secretary general of nato. already helpful for ukraine, we literally have 2-3 minutes left, i still want to talk to you, on the evening of thursday american time, in ukraine, it was friday, four in the morning, in the united states of america there was a debate between the current president joe biden and the 45th donald trump. your impressions, because cnn, after that immediately and not only cnn wrote about the fact that biden won. your opinion? on trump, trump, i'm sorry, yes, i read this, this opinion, i personally did not see the entire debate fragment, fragment, well, just to emotionally read the information, well, unfortunately, it seemed to me a demonstration of weakness, and not only a demonstration the weakness of the current president due to psycho-physiological
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reasons, or rather age-related limitations, voice, posture, body language, and so on, if one does not take into account the argumentation, thought, but simply observe the picture, well, trump dominated, was more confident, more impudent, allowed himself, well, them. by the way, both of them allowed themselves a lot, this is probably the first debate when the participants went to personal insults, characterizing each other, and all this , unfortunately, showed us the weakness, the general weakness of the current american democracy, the fact that they held the debate even before the start of the election campaign, well, it already looked like a test, let's test these two candidates, how they are doing, and i think that ... they will, they are already about it are talking, they are already thinking about it, but they
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have thought about it before, now they would clearly show the voters this problem that exists, but they will not be able to change it without his own personal decision, if joseph biden himself decides, so to speak, to remove himself and someone... to hand over this baton to someone or to give the issue to be decided by the party congress, then this decision is possible, if he does not decide it himself, then, well , replace him, well, hypothetically, it is possible at the congress, but it will be a scandal and it will make things worse for the democratic party so they they won't go for that either, well, it seems to me that the inertial scenario was the most likely, and they will meet again, in november in the ballot papers. mr. volodymyr, closing this topic of debate,
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two or three words in response: joe biden 2:0 for ukraine - is it also donald trump for ukraine - in case of victory in the elections? well, i'm very, if it turns out pessimistically, then in one case it's a terrible end, in another it's an endless horror. of course. thank you, mr. volodymyr, for participating in today's program. today we talked a lot about ukraine, in particular. about what was happening related to ukraine in the european union, about appointments, how all this will be for ukraine in the future, how to get noticed, well, we talked very briefly, but about the american elections. mr. volodymyr, thank you, volodymyr horbach, executive director of the institute for the transformation of northern europe. well, eurasia, eurasia, i'm sorry. well, that's the end of this espresso interview, see you in the next programs. my name is yuriy fizar, see you later, my joints are so
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of the front. shot! svobodalai, frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, that's my name mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at events. in ukraine and beyond, which the world dreams of, all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. new week on espresso. weekly summary information and analytical program, a clear understanding of the key events of the past week, analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to put your own questions and join the discussion.
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spend the final monday evening with us and confidently step into the new week. the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andrii. let's go to espresso every monday at 20:00. see this week in the judicial control program. extra-procedural actions and smearing of drunk drivers. why did the vrp dismiss judge galyonkin? to apply a sanction to mr. galyonkin in the form of filing for the release of the position held. but how did judge bonchev fail the qualification assessment? and all the measures that i took in the law, they were performed congratulations. judicial control is on the air. institutional reboot. and personnel renewal of the judiciary based on the norms of professional ethics and integrity - this is the basis of the judicial reform currently being carried out in ukraine. its successful implementation is the main requirement for our further path to the eu.
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today we will talk about how successfully the transformation is taking place and whether the moral and professional qualities of justice officials meet high standards, and... first, the news. the high council of justice dismissed the sitting judge from his position driving under the influence of alcohol. volodymyr borodiychuk, deputy chairman of the cherkasy court of appeal, resigned from his post. police caught him drunk driving a toyota land cruiser prado in november 2023 . borodiychuk refused to undergo a drunkenness test, and even denied that he was behind the wheel; after the incident, he submitted an application to the public prosecutor's office with a request to release him. retired with honor for life. a few months ago , the cherkasy court found bordiychuk guilty and fined him uah 17 with imprisonment driver's license for one year. now the supreme council of justice in its entirety has decided to leave unchanged the decision of the third disciplinary chamber to dismiss the judge. the chairman of the poltava court of appeal, serhiy
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galonkin, also lost his judgeship. he is known for the fact that he lived in a church that he built himself. here is this house with an area of ​​661 square meters. meter is located in the suburbs of poltava, but he was dismissed from the post of judge not for this, but because of extra-procedural communication with the lawyer and judges, regarding two cases of driving while intoxicated. in one of them features the judge's son. in audio recordings of conversations recorded by the national anti-corruption bureau, galonkin promises his help. the third disciplinary chamber of the vrp publishes an excerpt of this conversation. by and large, you know, we are normal people, we will always do anything. if... we need help, we will always help. however, the members of the disciplinary chamber probably did not see a significant misdemeanor here and decided that galyonkin's three-month deprivation of allowances would be sufficient as a punishment. the judge appealed this decision, and the supreme council of justice in general dismissed the judge. galonkin committed a significant disciplinary offense that is incompatible with the status of a judge. voting
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has been completed, eight members of the vrp voted for, four against. in this way, the supreme council of justice decided. apply a disciplinary sanction to the judge of the poltava court of appeal galonkin serhiy anatolyovych in the form of a motion to dismiss the judge from office. now the supreme council of justice must make a formal decision, but serhii galonkin can still appeal it. the higher qualification commission of judges continues to weed out the unworthy representatives and recently, this process has gained momentum. a lot of unscrupulous femi servants were already one step away from being fired. the commission recognized igor bonchev, judge of the fastiv city district court of the kyiv region, as unfit for office. it is so difficult to say here, because no one knows the whole truth. ihor bonchev has delayed cases for drunken driving, inconsistency of life with official income, and dubious sources of wealth. well, it's not entirely honest,
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your performance of the duty to maintain your qualifications as a judge is high. levels ihor bonchev did not overburden himself with work: i try to be present in court as much as possible, once or twice a week. and on other days, what do you do? i am improving my qualifications. well, in what way, let me find out? he studies legislation. bonchev assures that he must do this, because the legislation is constantly changing. however , name at least two changes to the criminal law. of the procedural code in recent years has not been able to. please tell me, well, at least two or three changes to the criminal procedure code that will be introduced by law. laws relevant ones that took place after the introduction of martial law on the territory of ukraine, now, now, well, when
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you don't do justice for a long time, it immediately flies out of your head, judge ihor bonchev could not remember a single topic from the forty-eight-hour promotion course. qualifications, they conducted classes on the integrated court, i remember this for sure, the integrated court, maybe explain this concept of the integral court, because it is some new expression that is so interesting, i just don't remember six months have passed, maybe it was one of the topics in the context of the conclusion kres number 20. on the digitalization of the judiciary, that's digitalization, that's how ihor bonchev studied the legislation so diligently that he systematically missed deadlines during
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the consideration of cases for driving under the influence. the public integrity council recorded at least nine cases where drunk drivers avoided punishment because of this. there was no deliberate act to avoid them, and all the measures i took were legal, they were carried out. in addition to memory, judge bonchev has a wonderful ex-wife. in 2018 , she gave him half a hryvnia. in in the 17th year, she started collecting funds for this. she worked, was a director and had a company. oh, in my opinion, january, no, i don't remember now. ah, eha, here. according to the public council of virtue, the ex-wife of the judge did not have the financial opportunity to give her ex- husband such an expensive gift, because
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in general for the whole of 2017 she earned less than this amount, she had uah 90,000 in savings, and even taking them into account, in order to please her ex- husband, she had to to starve the whole year, you declared in your personal declaration authorized to perform state functions. uah 471,874, so this income consisted of the wife's income, this income consisted of funds received as wages, dividends from ego's limited liability company, and funds from the sale of two plots of land owned by the wife. well, if we proceed even from this amount, the amount of maintenance of the wife at the end, at the beginning, at the end of 2016, uah 90,000, then the question arises, well, purely mathematically, moreover, the judge did not pay alimony for small children, but
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he assures that his ex-wife asked him money and he gave it to her. the younger child was only 2 years old, what were the motives, if she needed these funds, to collect all the last funds she had and give them to you, well , because i had... i had an apartment in the white church before i got married, and then i when we were married, i sold it, and well, i can’t name the reason here, but i sold her for something, neither for this nor for that, and i had nowhere to go, and she knew about it, she is also a human person, for money from ihor bonchev's wife bought an apartment in the village of khodosiv. in the kyiv region, and shortly before moreover, i bought a car for almost a million hryvnias, i paid half of the money right away, i took half on credit, if you understood that you did not have enough money for an apartment, then
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this car, uh, the oil in the previous car started to leak, and it was simply necessary to make such repairs there. during the entire interview, judge ihor bonchev made excuses as best he could. however, it did not help him. to recognize ihory volodymyrovych bonchev, judge of the fasciv city district court of the kyiv region, as unfit for the position he holds. final decision regarding the dismissal of bonchev must now be approved by the supreme council of justice, and we will continue to monitor the progress of the qualification evaluation of themis officials and the implementation of the judicial reform. and for today i have everything, it was the court control and i, tetyana shustrova. if you know the facts k in the judicial system, or you want to report a dishonest judge who makes wrongful decisions, write to me on facebook or to the email address you ...
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regularly adopts new laws. but how do these changes affect our lives? we analyzed the new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, what should we prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. the verdict with serhii rudenko is now in a two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion of abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from the 20th to 22. summer is
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a time of rest and relaxation. and i believe that this year we will be able to present a real fairy tale and a bit of peace for the children, whose world was destroyed by the war. these are the children of fallen heroes, father or mother, who, protecting you and me, our country, died at the front, and they, like no one else, need our support, because they upcoming our country our experience has shown that travel helps children recover more quickly after a loss. children feel better emotionally. i am asking you to support our project. we are planning to organize two trips for the children of fallen heroes this summer. children will experience bright emotions, they will get to know a new country, a new culture, find new friends, and the most important thing is that they will receive help
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from qualified people. psychologist. and maybe now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or owners of large businesses who will be ready join and help. remember that your donations are the key, the key to the hope, dreams and support of those who lost a loved one, because their parents went to protect our country. i really enjoyed my trip to austria. we liked the museums we went to every day. it was incredible and i really liked how we... thank you very much for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart, let's give memories together that will warm our hearts and help us survive these difficult and scary moments.
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what hungarian prime minister viktor orbán is looking for to moscow, who authorized him to negotiate the end of the war, what is his purpose of these kyiv-moscow moves? about it today in svoboda live, me. so, hungarian prime minister viktor orban is in moscow. the peace mission continues, he wrote on his social networks immediately after arriving in the russian capital and published a photo from moscow. the hungarian side demonstrates in every possible way that this visit is for the sake of peace and for the sake of putting an end to human suffering. so, in particular , the head of the hungarian foreign ministry, peter, wrote in his social networks sijarto. a huge question, in fact, is who and whether
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anyone authorized orbán. on this peace mission, we will talk about it in detail.


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