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tv   [untitled]    July 6, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EEST

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people's deputy maryana bezugla addressed to the generals, in particular the commander-in-chief , colonel-general oleksandr syrskyi, this is her own initiative, how long will it last and how do you assess the reaction of the military command, which simply does not give this people's deputation the opportunity to be in certain positions of the armed forces of ukraine, what is it and how should it end in general, so that this story simply disappears, that's all, i'll start from the end of it in the position of e. you can't let it go, because she's not a military expert, even though she and a people's deputy, her task is to write laws, to improve the regulatory framework, including for the armed forces of ukraine, in order for the mobilization to take place in a cool way, to influence politics somewhere, but there's nothing for jackets, especially jackets, well, i don't want to be sexist, but in jackets and in skirts, it is not worth walking around the trenches, especially since i know
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from many soldiers, when the soldiers say there is trouble, there is a big trouble, and there is in general, when maryanov arrives, when he drops out, at least in the brigade, one of the deputies, which fixed for him, it's a press officer for sure, and it's a bunch of all kinds of people who take her one place, so that she, well, now with her, if, well, on... tries not to pay attention, at the beginning of the war in the 22nd year, she was climbing and wanted to draw and show arrows on the map, tell someone how to fight. maryana bezugla is not an expert in military affairs, i have a hard idea whether she is an expert in the profession in which she has a diploma of higher education, because i, for example, would not trust any of my relatives to treat her , that's for sure, eh, but... we have to understand that
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maryana bezugla is just a torpedo from the president's office, and she is the voice of the president's office, yes, what zelensky yermak cannot say, maryana says, and i i think that maryana bezuglai's main goal is simply to discredit the army, why, because they can't be the ones who fail in the... country on the battlefield, the supreme commander-in-chief must be blamed, well , it used to be a hard worker, now it's syrian, and we remember how zelensky wanted there a year ago and to advance on horlovka, there a year ago at this time, i was pushing, pressing, so that we would advance in the south, and we really did advance, creating an unprecedented situation in military history, when without an advantage in... the tillery and in
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the air, we still advanced , if anyone wants to say that it was our defeat, then i will tell you that it was, it was a universal experience, and that, if it was, well, maybe it was a pyrrhic victory, but it was still a victory, so there are no major defeats in the modern ukrainian army, but now there are no major victories, and zelensky does not want that was associated with him. therefore, it must be connected with syrsky, with someone else, sodol was removed, rightly or wrongly, but he was removed so quickly that it's scary, so that it was a preparation for me, well, i won't assert this now, because i don't know, for sure, but sooner or later we will find out, so we must understand that maryana bezugla is a tool in the hands of the president's office and a tool directed to the ...
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dictation of the military, why? because once again zelensky has changed his rhetoric and he already admits that we will suffer great losses, which whether there will be a victory there or not, yes, i already said a year ago that the borders of 1991 changed the rhetoric there, which means we have to say, so what, volodymyr oleksandrovich, promise, we promised like this, but now what will we do already agree to putin's conditions, or somewhere else negotiate in the middle again in the middle. ukraine, not the kerch strait, that's how we'll agree, and for this he needs to have arguments, he'll say, well, look, this is an army that's a no-kush, a no-kush army, he listens to what maryana says, and maryana it says, and er, for by a strange coincidence , aristovych says almost the same thing, you understand that our army there is like that, that the russians have learned to fight there, and we haven't, so-and-so, and... we, we teach those who
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teach the russians, so somewhere, but, it must be very clearly understood, the attack of the office of the president is now taking place on the armed forces. let's talk about arestovych, i think that one more person can join him, well, by the way, to be honest, i never knew him, but it turns out that he is an actor, instagrammer and actor of quarter 95, ruslan khanumak, who recently left abroad during martial law, said he left for his six-year-old son, there alone. his family history, but i won’t go into that letter now, he says, he was released officially, because i don’t break the laws, i, by the way, don’t break the laws either, me, well, i went abroad, actually once with literary activity, but i had permission to leave, i came back, as they say, but i didn’t write and
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i didn’t tell, but now i’m here, but now, well, there are minds, but i don’t want to spin this story further now, because it’s not it's worth it, but it just leads to the fact that arestovych, if he is there now... in the usa , there will still be people who will obviously join in telling how it is worth, how it should be, to protect life, i'm not against it, it is really necessary to protect life and generally look at the world differently, and i would like you, because this is a political science topic, there is another one about this scandal with the assistant of ms. stefanishna, whom she had already fired, who scolded and simply did not want to humiliate a veteran in odesa, but he humiliated himself, and there will be time for us to discuss this topic again too pi' because it is symptomatic for society now and society's reaction is symptomatic of rudeness towards a veteran, especially one who was injured in the war and lost both legs, but i would like you to comment differently, president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi in an interview, again well, bloomberg told the publication that when answering
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a journalist's question, he said about yeermak andrii, the head of the president's office, he does what i say, so what, why did he... he said that, why is it important, i don't, i don't know how, really, i do i think that you don’t know how this communication actually takes place there, but why is the president saying this now, and is it possible that it is really so, er, well, it is not, because zelensky, unfortunately, does not know deep ukrainian mentality, eh, and the ukrainians have a very cool proverb, which just... reveals very, very revealingly, the proverb sounds like this: as the father says, so it will be in the mother's way, ugh, that's what we have to understand , which in the science of management, well, it is very clearly distinguished, someone makes a decision, so he makes these decisions
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zelensky somewhere on the decrees, on the laws, his signatures, his autograph, and accordingly irmak later, if you present something to him, he will say: where is my signature? at least on the tender documentation, at least somewhere there, it’s not my fault, i came myself, yes, but zelensky signs, but i will tell you that before decisions are made, they are discussed somewhere, they are somewhere, well, someone, and so that not thought that it was zelensky himself who sits down and writes a decree, for example, about the appointment of someone, well, let's imagine the situation, someone is appointed the head of the regional military administration, and to some ensk region. zelenskyi said that hey, irmak, prepare a decree, i ’ll sign it now, and we think, yes, he gives the order, or maybe it wasn’t like that at first, that at first irmak comes and says: volodymyr oleksandrovich, the casting has been announced, what about you theatrical, that is, it is necessary
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to use some theatrical or cinematographic terminology, yes, there is a casting call for such and such an area, and there are several applicants. however, i recommend so-and-so, so -and-so, what he is, look, here's his portfolio, here we are, and zelensky then says already there, appoint, i give the order, and so, right now i will tell the americans that it was i who gave this order, will you believe it, did they bring someone to the casting, and maybe they brought someone yermak is needed, but they brought maybe not the best, but a loyal, and loyal yermak, yes, or? what else could be going on here, that yermak was also imposed on, because he also tells someone downstairs, well, who has any candidates, and they ran in right away, but that's roughly how it goes, or if you take some there, well, the same the law on mobilization, or
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the law, when he was there for two years, was supposed to reduce the draft age, and zelenskyi did not sign the year, it was zelenskyi who decided whether he could have a fair there with podalyak. doesn't work in this target group, they won't accept it there and their mothers won't accept it, so come on. let's drag it out, it might somehow unravel itself, and somewhere around that zelenskyi made this decision, but who imposed it, it was imposed by the environment, and we have a situation where zelenskyi says that i am being helped to rule the country "five or six effective managers, and it turns out that the most effective of them is yermak, then we have a problem in our country, because an opinion is imposed on him, he then makes a decision, that's how he makes a decision, and he can... say, that's what i signed, no yermak, look there like boberenko, there
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is winter, look, it’s not, i signed, i accept this decision, yes, but, but vasya, i will prove it, but in reality it turned out, as my father would say, so motherly and it will be, as zelenskyi will say, that's how yermakovskyi will turn out, here we have a model of governance in the country, well, but in any case, the president said and... now, be that as it may, we all clearly understand that yermak is a manager, as the president said, a powerful one, but his manager who does what he tells him, and that's basically, well, we now understand how it wasn’t there, i don’t know, we don’t want to know, to be honest, i now understand that the head of my state is the one who decides, and this is important for understanding, well, how to carry out his orders, wishes, that’s a different matter , let him ask... those people whom he appointed, so it will be, and literally very briefly, in our there are still five minutes, i want
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us to react to this story that happened in odesa, where a veteran doctor, a veteran doctor, a person who worked as an adviser to the vice prime minister scolded yerka stefanishna, once again, i will not throw any stones at her alone in her garden, especially now she is engaged in an important matter there, preparing for ukraine's participation in the nato summit. and so on, well , there was such a person in her office, she behaved very disgustingly, vadym shevelenko, and oh the doctor, a veteran of the armed forces of ukraine, oleksiy prytula, because he examined his dog, which is not how you see it there, but it caused, well, you seem to be the king of life, well, you think so, and you think that there, well, what are you there, you know, but the society's reaction, he was immediately released, and somewhere there they started, i know... some military personnel are already looking to talk, but no one is planning to beat him there or, well, just talk about
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what needs to be done with the person, to understand how this happened , that in the third year of the war, you are behaving like this, in relation to a veteran who is for you gave his health, in fact part of his health, but he was not at the address that was immediately made public, well, actually, this story is so far, but this reaction of society showed that there will be no, no tolerance for those people who consider themselves masters of life. in such situations, because everything has already changed, the only question is whether these kind of uh people will at least someday understand that everything has already changed, please, uh, such people will never understand this, they will understand only after cool conversations , when they walk around with bruises, for example, then maybe some people will begin to realize that social status in the state of ukraine has long been no longer measured by whose you will be, right? that you are a stefanyshyn person there, or are you close to the 95th quarter, our social status
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is measured by others, what you have done for society, what you have done, you will not, but what you have done, what you can, of course, very often any social statuses can be inflated, and we understand that even among the military there can be scoundrels, well, because the army is a church society, but we know and clarified the most important thing for ourselves. that we have higher respect for those who do in ukraine, in society, than for those who, well, drive some cool cars there, that is, a cool wheelbarrow is already there, well, it is not a subject of social status there, yes, and some the position is not at all a subject of social status, it is, well, it is the same as vasyl zima, a writer, and we understand that there are very... writers are often not rich people themselves, but they have some influence on society, and there through his prose works
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through my poems, i always tell students this, and who was shevchenko in 1848, who knew him there, everyone knew general anshif bibik, bibikov, who was the governor of kyiv there, who now, apart from a very specific historical cohort of specialists there, knows who was then a general. nator of kyiv, yes, but everyone knows taras shevchenko, that is, social status is very momentary, and people's lives are a pursuit of social status, but i am such a... hideous young frog, i would still recommend leveling your status and equate it with worthy people, but i repeat, people who do not have their own dignity do not value the other, and for them the status is in something else, and in something else, in wheelbarrows, there in grandmothers, there even in children, well, that's it , and the very end, then let's
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finish the topic of conversation with the fact that... next week the nato summit is to be held, what phrase, we will not go into detail there now, the door is wide open for ukraine and so on and so forth, which we will hear the phrase, and this appeal of the president, that we have people, you say ukraine must fight, ukraine is fighting, it does what it can, it understands that its entire territory is being shot by the enemy, and where we did not have such production, someone can surrender, well, listen, we live, our entire territory will be shot by the enemy, but we can to give people, we have a team, we prepare them. we do not have weapons for the brigades, what do you think, this nato summit, at least in this matter, we get some kind of shift, because this is not the first story when we have people, but there is a lack of weapons, definitely, we will receive military support, i would like faster, well, the west, how it turned out that it will take a very long time to hitch a ride straight down the gogol, but i hope it will go quickly, and therefore, in terms of the military, we
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will get all the beggars we want, but in the political terms, we will be poor... not exactly what we hope for either and what does the president's office hope for, but the fault in this diplomatic failure lies entirely with the president's office, in this case we have a diplomatic failure, why, because in the west they love and respect the state of ukraine very much, but this does not apply to the government of this state, yes there and to the actual leadership, that is on... our president and the gray cardinal with him, andriy yermak, are not respected much in the world. well, literally for 30 seconds, in your opinion, valery zaluzhnyi will become popular in great britain, and maybe there will also be wearing the badges of master yoda in london, at least, or maybe not only. i am
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more than sure that he will remain an iron general in the diplomatic field as well. who will bring ukraine only victories, that's for sure, and he will remain both a diplomat and a military man, and i hope, in the future, a politician. thank you very much you found the time, thank you for joining and thank you for your comments, viktor boberenko was with us, an expert of the bureau of policy analysis. natalka didenko will tell us about the weather for the weekend, then we will return. hello everyone, dear ukrainians. before we talk about the weather that is expected in the coming days, the coming weekend, well, who cares, given the rather difficult weather conditions due to the heat, today we will talk about how to save animals from the heat, and it is not only about kittens,
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cats and dogs, and about domestic animals, about which for some reason they are often shy to talk about, and... they simply avoid this topic, and our lives often depend on them to a significant extent, and that is why we will talk about it, so the signs of heat stress, heat stroke are especially in domestic animals, chickens open beaks and spread their wings, horses, for example, begin to wet themselves a lot, and the classic signs are trembling, lack of appetite, and the animals lose their orientation, which is necessary immediately... if possible, of course, water them from a hose, move the animal to the shade, if it it is also possible to provide obviously drinking water and it is also preferably cooled, this is necessary for obtaining livestock, regardless of the air temperature, a place in the shade must be available to every animal, of course, it is easier for animals near the forest in a wooded shady area and it's easier than
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in some barn with a hot roof, but you can, for example, pull four posts. tarpaulin or fabric, the animal is smart, it will guess where to find it, you also need sufficient space for ventilation of the room, and if possible to bring an animal, well, it probably applies more to some large animals to the pond to the river, the only thing is that access to the pond to the river can lead to pollution and infections, so here is the question, as they say 50 on 50, well, there is also light. pigs who are touched by the tan and suffer from it, i do not think that there is anything funny here at all, because , well, among us it is obvious that there are vegans and vegetarians. but still there are fewer of them and a lot of us eat pork and raise pigs, so a terrible problem is recommended for them, and that's why pigs
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cover themselves with dirt, not because they are so dirty, it’s just an instinct of self-preservation, and if they can’t provide for themselves, so to speak, mud baths, it’s necessary, even recommended, if you have any domestic breeds, there are not many of them, even use sunscreen, that's how i am... there was advice and this topic is actually very interesting. we are now moving from domestic animals to such cosmic processes, so to speak, we will look at the behavior of the earth's magnetic field, and tomorrow fluctuations are expected, fluctuations are insignificant, a strong magnetic storm or something super-powerful is not predicted, so we move on to the actual weather forecast and we traditionally start from the western regions, tomorrow in the west of ukraine ee... the air temperature will be comfortable, 25-28°, precipitation is not expected. in the north , the air temperature is still quite faint, so to speak, +25 +29, dry
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air mass. it is dry in the east, and tomorrow in the east, although it will be hot, but it will be more merciful, so to speak, it will not be 35-37°, but somewhere around 31, 33, and also an anticyclone, dry and sunny in the center continues. such moderate heat, tomorrow at least 28:30, 28:31, dry weather, the southern part of ukraine will be the hottest, 30-35 above zero, no precipitation, well, in kyiv, and on saturday and sunday, so far, the air temperature will remain quite comfortable, it will fluctuate within the range of +28°, but i remind you, i have already talked about it and written about it on social networks, that from monday and almost the entire next day... the day in ukraine will be dominated by strong intense heat with an air temperature of 32 -37° noon in the east in most central regions in 34-39 places
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even up to +40. here's the near term outlook, keep an eye out for our updated weather forecasts on the espresso channel. thank you very much natalka didenko, by the way. my colleagues won't let me lie, i predicted that the main time in the spain-germany match would end with a draw, well, i really thought 0:0, the resulting draw was 1:1, the spaniards scored thanks to the efforts of olmo, and the germans naturally fought back, they were not if they are germans, there is extra time, well, but in any case, if germany wins on penalties, do not be surprised, although anything can happen, it is not the most important thing, it is in our life, now of course, the euro, it is only an opportunity to distract yourself somewhere, but the only thing i ask you for sure... donate to the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, support our soldiers, support those who returned from the front, somewhere you know, you know, sometimes somewhere you can protect, that's how this scandalous story in
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odessa is, be on the side of good, light, the armed forces of ukraine, and in this way, in unity, we will definitely be able to defeat the evil that has come against ukraine. well, i have literally 40 seconds left there, i wish you a peaceful weekend, take care of yourself, take care of each other and on... of course rehabilitate until the next working week i say goodbye to you until monday, next monday i will also work with you in this mode from 18:10 to 20 big ether, then one hour of the program verdict , i think that we will be interested, well , plus, at the summit next week , we will definitely talk about everything related to this, that's all we will talk about. there are discounts representing the only discounts on eurofast softcaps 10% in pharmacies, plantain, you and savings. mom, me i vomited, and i feel sick, the heat always leads
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to poisoning. in case of intoxication , dehydration may occur, and it is important to restore the water-electrolyte balance. when ordinary water is not enough, i recommend reo to adults and children. we will save ourselves with reo water. reo saves. reo - water for special medical purposes. there are discounts that represent the only ones. discounts on steel foams 15% in pharmacies psylshynyk, bam and ochad, there are discounts representing the only discounts on mikrolax, 20% at pharmacies psyslynyk, vam and ochsad. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the tv channel espresso. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about... most importantly, for two hours to learn about the war, about the military, frontline, component, serhii zgurets and what the world is like. yuriy fizar is already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine.
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yury, good evening, please. two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchavka field with me and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, about cultural news, alena chekchenina, our art viewer, is ready to tell, good evening, the presenters, who have become like movidnidenko to many, are already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemiliv, leader of the crimean tatar people, contact us , mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, good day, events of the day. in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. summer. this is a time of rest and recovery. and i believe that this year we will be able to present a real fairy tale and some peace for children. a world destroyed by war. these are the children of fallen heroes,
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father or mother, who, defending our country with you, died at the front, and they, like no one else, need our support, because they are the future of our country. our experience has shown that travel helps children recover more quickly after a loss. children feel better emotionally. i am asking you to support our project. this summer we have to organize two trips for the children of fallen heroes. children will survive brightly emotions, they will get to know a new country, a new culture, find new friends, the most important thing is that they will receive the help of qualified psychologists. and maybe now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or owners of large businesses who will be ready to join and help. remember that your
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donations are the key, the key to hope. her dreams and support for those who lost their loved ones, because their parents went to protect our country. i really enjoyed the trip to austria, i loved the museums we went to every day, it was incredible and i really liked how we went to restaurants. i visited the cities of salzburg, vienna and linz. this trip had a positive effect on me, i became more cheerful. thank you very much for such an incredible trip, she. will never be forgotten in my heart. let's together give memories that will warm hearts and help to survive these difficult and scary moments. mariupol, a city of almost half a million people on the coast of the sea of ​​azov. as of
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february 24, 2022, 60,000 children lived in the city, how many of them russia stole under the guise of rescue. russian military block any efforts to organize humanitarian corridors and save people, our people. did the children have a choice? these are children, they made a choice for them, them. captured, they became hostages there, who was behind the deportation of ukrainian children? the president noted that it is important, if we understand that the child is not expected to be placed in a family in their territories, in their homeland, then to provide them with the opportunity to arrange their lives in the families of our russian citizens, how far the russians have come to our ukrainian children , and that
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only a part of all our little ukrainians and ukraine, which are still in the hands of the enemy. i don't believe in the figure of 1,900 children, but i think it 's up to 100,000 children for sure, it's not, it's not 1,900. children, it's a sacred thing, we took them out of the conflict zone. saving their lives and health.


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