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tv   [untitled]    July 6, 2024 2:30am-2:59am EEST

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to have the city at any cost, first of all, so that the enemy loses much more resources and gets rid of offensive potential. the fate of the temporary ravine will depend on the forces and means that both sides will use for attack and defense and on the ability to manage these forces and means, and by the way, there are estimates that without a significant strengthening of the enemy of the aggressor group, near the time of the yaru from other directions our forces . defenses can hold this city, well, at least until october, and maybe even longer, because , i repeat, everything will depend on forces and means on both sides. as for other directions, near turetsky, the situation for the defense forces is also extremely difficult, according to various estimates, the enemy here has up to 10,000 personnel, which is more than our troops. yesterday i had a conversation with an officer from the 95th separate assault brigade from that direction, he says that ...
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the enemy in certain directions there during offensive operations can have an advantage of as much as 10 to one in favor of the enemy, and the units are now implementing such tactics of mobile tactical defense with counterattacks, in order to slow down the advance of the enemy, the line of contact now passes through the city of turetsk, and in fact, the enemy is now restrained primarily with the help of artillery, as well as... drones, the military is convinced that the enemy will not be able to advance deep into the city of toretsk. also, the enemy has certain tactical advances in the pokrovsk direction with the intention of cutting the pokrovsk-kramatorsk highway, and then launching an offensive to the north in the direction of kostiantynivka and kramatorsk-slovyansk, but this is the scenario he is drawing in his head against. but in
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in any case, everything will depend on what approaches our armed forces will use to block the enemy's advance, and we can still note that now the enemy seeks to use those opportunities on the battlefield that were formed, in particular, by our slippages with mobilization and delays, with the arrival of weapons and ammunition from our partners, but now this situation is stabilizing in a certain way, and here i will give the estimates... of our center of defense strategies, this is a ukrainian analytical center, and it says that when assessing the strength of the enemy, the specialists of this center claim that the armed forces at the current stage of the russian federation, the armed forces of the russian federation have attracted more than 75 percent of all available resources, while the defense forces of ukraine are currently using up to 30%, while the ukrainian side. as the experts
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of the defense strategy center emphasize, the retained reserves, including those currently trained in the countries of the european union, the enemy has practically no reserves. perhaps this is too optimistic a conclusion, perhaps it is realistic, but only practice will be the criterion for the truth of these and other assessments. and we also know that success on the battlefield depends on both the level of mastery of technology and speed. adaptation to changes on the battlefield, and then we will talk about technological changes in the armed forces. we know that the armed forces of ukraine have already deployed separate companies of unmanned ground systems that perform tasks on the front line. these companies of land-based unmanned systems carry out the functions of fire damage, mining, demining, performing kamikaze missions and so on, and we understand which is of great importance. the industrial and creative
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potential of teams that create robotic platforms. in total, nine robotic platforms have been approved for use in the armed forces, 50 robotic platforms from various manufacturers have been tested, and now we will talk to a person who develops robotic platforms called ant. now we are trying to install. communication, and i will then continue to talk about how effectively these robotic platforms are being used, in fact, in addition to unmanned aviation complexes, the command of unmanned forces is betting that its development of unmanned platforms extends to both ground models and naval components, and we know that... in this direction
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, we have significant success when we talk about naval and aviation component, and when we talk about ground robotic platforms, we actually now have a situation where... a significant number of these robotic platforms are funded by the ministry of digital transformation, we know the developments that are already performing combat operations on the front lines, and even we had examples of robotic platforms carrying out such combat missions, when in particular we saw examples of robotic platforms blowing up bridges, where they drive into... fortifications, where the enemy is hiding and detonate mines that are carried in their complex, we also saw examples when robotic platforms carry out mining of those areas of the front where the enemy is moving,
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so this is the component that significantly strengthens the capabilities of our units, and now we will be able to talk about what in the ternopil region, an unmanned complex called the ant was created, this development was implemented as part of the robotic complexes project, and this robotic platform is already, i hope, being tested by our military, because we understand that first of all the end users, namely the military, have to draw conclusions, how effective... this or that sample, and relatively speaking, of the 50 samples that have now been tested, each of them must find, on the one hand, the city in battle order, and on the other hand, meet the requirements that are forming our military, and we understand that this is not an easy procedure, because
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the weapon must be such that it does not complicate the performance of the combat mission, above all, it helps our military on the battlefield, as it is implemented, in particular, in work... and now we are adding ihor chaikivskyi, who is the head of the robotic complex project, to our broadcast. mr. igor, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear kanalus on the air. good evening, host, studio, audience. i would like you to tell our viewers a little about your special features robotic platform, what are its main technical characteristics. and on the basis of which experience were formed the requirements for that project, which has already been implemented in metal? well , you know, we, like the rest of the manufacturers, from the very beginning were faced with such an understanding that there is no such technical task, that is
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, there are no clearly defined parameters and dimensions and functional functional purpose of this or that or a separate robotic platform in general, so everything that everything was created by us and other developers it was actually created on the basis of some of its own ideas, saw somewhere, heard somewhere, communicated with someone somewhere, and so on, so the task is twice or three times more difficult when you actually don't know what to do, but hey, we...we watched in our opinion, some of them are valid, for example, foreign models, and we understood that our task was to make something similar in terms of technical characteristics, but essentially cheaper in price, therefore, in october 2022, we and a team of specialists began
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to develop this platform from a completely blank slate , and to this day it is already, this is already the third iteration of the robotic complex, of course... the basis of what is used now in the existing instance, in the existing production process, was already laid in the first sample, it was improved, it developed, it will continue to improve and develop, but this is already rather, there will be some small touches, small details related to the chassis itself and the development of new additional components. which can be used for this platform. mr. igor, at what stage is the project now, it is actually the third iteration of the first prototype, is the testing phase already underway in terms of what the military wants to see from this platform, what
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stage is the project at now? stage, the project is now at the stage of small-scale production, it is being produced for combat missions that it performs. the platform on the battlefield, what it can do, a little bit of technical parameters for your development, well, in the form that it delivers. i hope this is a logistics platform, in the broadest sense of the word, that is, it can do, well, it is, it is not a small truck, a small, compact, mobile and quite powerful truck, it has quite unusual characteristics for such a small platform, we focused on one of the well-known european platforms, we actually used it, such characteristics in terms of load, control distance, radius application, well,
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for example, let's say this, our platform weighs 490 kg in the last iteration, but it is capable of transporting up to 1 ton of cargo on a flat surface, that is, there is a road, a dirt road and 250 kg on a cross terrain, that is, it is conditional complete off-road, therefore... in fact, there will always be 250 kg of cargo, which must be brought to the battlefield, to the battlefield, or in other tasks, which it can be applied. you said about certain foreign examples there, which you took as a basis, as i understand, it is probably the baltic robot tsemis, and that is, relatively speaking, a robotic platform, or is it not quite? so we, well, we looked at themis, in fact, at that time themis was the most hyped and the most popular among those
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of robotic platforms, and in principle we are three times lighter, 20 times cheaper, but in principle able to perform very similar or similar tasks performed by tms, our ukrainian colleagues who also develop robotic platforms, they say that they solved the question... controlling a robotic platform for a considerable distance using starlink, how do you have variations with the maximum control distance for your platform? i want to say, recently i managed to meet at an exhibition in paris, the big exhibition of eurostores took place from 16 on the 21st, and we met with one of the manufacturers of american turrets, remotely . and often dense ideas about the use of ground robotic complexes are based
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on hollywood films. i still don't understand what to use a ground robotic platform, let's say there at a distance of 50, 70, 100 km. to date, ground robotic complexes are support complexes, rather infantry or artillery support, that is, they are support complexes that must be close. that is, they cannot be over 30, 40, 50, 100 km, firstly, secondly, i have a rather critical attitude towards the use of starink in combat or logistic units of equipment used on the battlefield, well, we, for example, did not receive permission from the company to use starlink in such systems , so we can't make any guarantees that it will be used exactly the way we want it to be, and it won't let us down. at the moment of need, so we must clearly understand the parameters and
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characteristics of what we use, and use all the strengths taking into account sweet weak sides of this or that technique, actually just my opinion, and mr. igor, i would like to hear how you are now with orders, from the point of view of the forecast package of orders there, how you are currently shaping your production to increase the production of robotics. platforms, in fact we are loaded now with production, we have a number of public and private orders, public orders, i mean, this is not an order from the ministry of defense, but an order from local budgets, we are trying to eh, as i said, eh in these orders is to get maximum feedback from consumers of our product and bring it to the best possible technical... such a state that it can be in these in this platform, there i am sure that we are far from perfect, but
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we would like to be as close as possible to that, and are there any year-end numbers you're targeting for your production rollout? look, by the end of this year we will produce at least 40 units, and from next year we plan to produce 12 to 15 units per month, well regardless of the conditions that we will have before... circle, that is , we are dependent on many factors, now we have interruptions in the supply of light, interruptions in the supply of components, we are faced, for example, with interruptions in the supply of... necessary metal and so on, that is, we have a number of difficulties that we have to solve logistically so that from the new year we can produce 120-150 units per year. mr. igor, thank you very much for your work, what you are doing to strengthen the technological component of our armed forces, for his dedication to this cause, and i will remind our viewers that it was igor cheykivskyi, the head
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of the robotic complexes project, this is a company in the ternopil region that developed the ground-based robotic ant complex, which already has its third iteration, which is used by the armed forces and is quite modern and extremely necessary for our soldiers on the line of confrontation with the enemy. these were the main results of this day in the military sphere, then the broadcast will be continued by vasyl zima, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thank you very much to serhii zgorts, thank his guest, we continue. it is true that there is a lot of interesting and important information, what happened in the world, what orbán talked about with putin, also economic news, whether ukraine will avoid default, and sports news, today in fact, once again the quarter final is worth the final at the stuttgart arena in germany on the euro, who follows the events on the euro, well , but despite everything, we follow the events on the
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battlefield and either personally or with donations join the support of the armed forces of ukraine, because only the mind can defeat it. what and what not to become what it was, but our unfortunately neighboring russian federation just showed itself now, we are announcing a new collection, it is actually already underway, yesterday we were able to close the collection for 630 00 uah, for which once again a special thank you from colleagues, from the military that i heard today, well, now we are calling to join the collection for the project from zero to life, zero is meant at the front, the zero line of contact, this is... a collection for atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition - this is actually a matter of life and death, so that we are well understood, support the soldiers of the legendary 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. our soldiers win every day, leaving no wounded or dead on the battlefield. therefore , quad bikes are indispensable helpers and
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saviors for evacuation, and they also allow you to move off-road as quickly as possible. what does effective mean? rather than performing combat tasks, soldiers who have already passed more than one test at ground zero are always ready to repel the enemy. for our peace of mind, they are closed on holidays and on weekdays in any weather and at night and during the day, they continue to be on duty at the positions. your support significantly increases the chances of not only successfully completing the mission, but also returning from it alive and putting as many enemies there as possible. so join the collection, our goal is quite ambitious, uah 4 million, but it's mine. colleagues, who have been holding this collection for some time, collected uah 1445, and we will close this collection, i believe in you, well , actually, together we can solve any issues, well, now we will talk about the situation in zaporizhzhia, alisa sysoeva, deputy of the zaporizhzhya district council with us at communication, ms. alisa, i congratulate you, i congratulate you,
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mr. vasyl, first of all i will ask about the security situation, let's talk about, well, if so... play in general this week, talk about enemy attacks in zaporizhzhia, zaporizhzhia region, where was the hottest, we read the news that somewhere the enemy threw a drone into the yard, somewhere else some shelling was taking place, but if we summarize the situation over the past few days, in general over a week, how this week passed in the sense of security for the residents of zaporizhzhia and zaporizhzhia region? of course, we have several hundred every day of shelling, today 242 times per day were recorded, and i apologize for 272 times, but this is not the largest number, this week more than 500 shellings were recorded in the zaporizhzhia region, as always, the communities that are closest to the combat zone are the communities of vasylivskyi, pologivskyi that suffer the most district, and it also reaches the zaporizhzhia district, unfortunately,
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we had people injured this week, but tonight there were no deaths and no... wounded, and if you look at what exactly they are firing at, then the largest number of shellings now falls on drones, it is usually more than 100 shellings, but usually they are fired from artillery, there are also airstrikes, unfortunately, due to such constant shelling, now in the zaporizhzhia region there are settlements that, well, we can say, they exist more on the map, rather than physically, because the shelling destroyed everything, unfortunately, in... the cities that are directly close to the line of hostilities, people continue to live there, they live, well, in hellish conditions, without light, without water, without gas, more for part of the day these... people are in the basement, these are the cities of orihiv, gulyaipole, stepnohirsk, but the military administration reports that despite such terrible conditions, and
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the evacuation is very slow, well, literally two people a week, they agree to evacuate, so the situation in zaporizhzhia region remains quite difficult, volunteers and rescue workers bring water and food to people, there are invulnerability points in these cities, where people... can at least go to recharge their phones, get water, drinking water, technically, but of course, the russians make the life of these people simply unbearable. if we talk about the combat operations in the zaporizhzhia direction, which the enemy is relentlessly conducting, of course, now the focus of attention may have shifted to a greater extent to the times, to toretsk, new york, ugledara, these directions, where the enemy is currently raging, well, also kharkiv region, let's not forget, stickies side shooters, the enemy is also trying to advance from the east, towards kharkiv, from the northeast towards kharkiv, but we do not forget about the robots,
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we do not forget that the enemy does not leave his attempts to advance, or at least to conduct a revision of the counteroffensive, but of course in the perspective of creating more threats for zaporizhzhia itself, for the zaporizhzhia direction, and how the city lives now in that sense, has this tension subsided. because the last time we were there monitoring where the enemy was, where the fighting was going on, it was about 70 km from the contact line to the city, now this question is relevant, i understand that it is relevant, de facto, yes, but whether people are now talking about it, thinking that the enemy may leave, or now somehow the tension of the fact that there could be an offensive and a hostile, hostile march to zaporizhzhia, whether this tension has subsided or not, of course, tension, it is always... there is, after all, during this time, what pleases me is that, after all, most people, they are used to to read that official reports, they repeatedly say that you should always listen
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only to the military, and they inform us that the situation in principle remains, well , stable, and every day the russians try to renew their lost positions, every day our armed forces repel them, and a little, of course, the fighting spirit of people raises the video, who teach... the military that somewhere they destroyed the russians, somewhere in the zaporizhzhia direction and an enemy tank is on fire, that's what happened this week, but of course the situation remains very, very tense if the hostilities go beyond such a border as you said, of course , the fact that the russian military is stationed 30 km from zaporizhzhia, and we know that they are right here, is still keeping the people of zaporozhye in tension. already in vasylivka, so of course life in a front-line place shows its signs, people, one can say, are in constant stress, but despite this, to say that
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the situation there somehow changed radically, people left the city, there is no such thing, the city is quite crowded, no matter how it sounds, people have already adapted to living in such conditions, and those who wanted and had the opportunity to leave the front-line zaporozhye, they have already done it, those who remained, they live in such conditions. which we have, now i would like for us to talk a little about the situation in the occupation, here are some news that i have just literally read, well, some i have read before, and in particular, if residents of, for example, melitopol, another settlement that is temporarily occupied by the enemy, want to leave there through europe in some way, well, there are their own ways, of course, they are not free, but actually, well, when i was in poland, i communicated with people who left occupied melitopol, already when it was occupied, it was impossible to simply leave there, that is , there are options, but now, let's say, poland closes the border with belarus, to leave for europe, and then enter ukraine , and the problem is whether there is an understanding of how it can be
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the second question is solved, let's say, in the occupied territories, the russians plan to equate women without children, childless women, or girls already of childbearing age, to extremists, and this suggests that they are obviously thinking about mobilization in the future. ukrainian citizens whom they are trying to russify in the occupied territories, so how, will they actively continue to engage in forced mobilization, and again, humanitarian treatment, humanitarian policy towards the local population, i understand that they occupiers, but in any case, how it is conducted, whether such stupid ideas as extremism for childless women are only isolated cases. unfortunately, it is really difficult to leave the occupation, and even the short time it takes to leave, nor the queues at the borders, nor
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even the insane amount of money you have to... pay to leave, is not the biggest problem for people , the biggest problem is, these are the very first points of filtering that they will have to go through if they want and decide to leave, so that the russians are very particular about those who want to leave the occupied territories, because we know that passporting is ongoing there, and it is no secret that they have started mobilization, because all men, they have to be registered there and in all enterprises there are... such military accounting desks, of course, that they do not want people to leave, and the reason for which a person can at least be turned around and sent back, and the most that a person can disappear, there were such cases, then find yourself somewhere behind the walls, it can be completely different minor, for example, it could be something i didn't like in the phone, some photos from the past free life before the occupation, some
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contacts in the phone or connections. with relatives to unoccupied territories, so this is one of the reasons why people may simply be afraid to leave, and we understand that the occupiers, they simply keep people in fear and that of course our people are the first priority for them, well, our and their very russians are primarily such a mobilization resource and simply cannon fodder and what you said about these statements, they were heard not only in the occupied territory, they generally concerned, as far as i remember... all residents of russia, that they want to put pressure on women who adhere to this, and child-free position, because they want , they want to create our children, we see that the unborn are new cannon fodder, the only thing that can be said about this is the way they put pressure on children in schools, on children in kindergartens, now the summer period is going on, and even in this children are not given time
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to rest. children from the occupied territories are taken en masse to russian camps, as they report in propaganda on vacation, but in fact they are taken to camps, where such propaganda work is carried out with them, where children are taught to march, provide medical aid to the military, even collect drones, and most importantly, wash bridges, so of course we can say that the maddening pressure on people there continues both on adults and on children, as we see, even on the unborn. of our citizens, and here are two more questions, well, one already has them, the first, is it really true that the russians are currently harvesting the lion's share of the crop, it is also grain, maybe there are legumes, other crops that are available, they want to rake from the kherson region, zaporozhye, the occupied parts, because in russia, after all these disasters that god sent upon them as a punishment, they may have problems there, and there are already
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problems with... the sowing of avitaki with the harvests, which actually already begin already in july, this is the first, and the second, whether they settle from, as they say, the garads and all their people here in the occupied territory, we perfectly understand that despite the fact that it is an occupation, despite the fact that it is a war, for them, those who are there somewhere from some black land, to settle and live on the shore of the sea of ​​azov, there melitopol, melitopol region, kyrylivka. felotov class, these are beautiful places, berdyansk, where they can, of course, begin, as the russians think, a new history of russia, a new history of the ethnicity of this region and the ukrainian, completely ukrainian region, so is there mass settlement of russians, and what kind of russians are these to the ukrainian south, and secondly, whether they are really actively engaged in rural affairs.


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