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tv   [untitled]    July 6, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EEST

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then helped us do it. thank you for all this work. ryfat aha. nariman aga has already said that he will deal with the issues of russian political prisoners as soon as possible. continue your business. and now there are 334 political prisoners in crimea, according to my data, 217 of them are crimean tatars. that is, there is obviously such a thing here. some special political message, what numbers do you have, what can be said about the groups of political prisoners, how they are ethnically and religiously colored, is there any, some selectivity in the actions of the russians, look, we need cypris here, come on they are simply them, so look for them, according to certain such factors or criteria, in general
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, the number of people who, let's say, were persecuted, ah, and in relation to whom there are sentences, there are many more of them, but we will distinguish between criminal prosecution and deprivation of liberty, and persecution for political reasons, but thank god... it ended only with administrative punishments, i don't know if there are any public organizations currently running rights-seekers, such a list, but they have already gone far there, about a thousand people, this is starting from the breakthrough of the blockade, well , starting from february 26, 2014, because the russians, as soon as... occupied crimea, they
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began to attract people to, well, not to attract, but to repress people for the events that took place, their, well, if they relied on their laws, which happened when they were not physically close to crimea, that is, before the occupation of crimea, well, on february 26, but a large group of people, they brought to court, those who took part in the breakthrough. of the administrative border on may 3, we met the leader of the krymtsar people, mr to mustafa dzhemilev, well, and then it went, as they say, went, those people who were tried in criminal cases, you called this number the number of them for 300, those who are now in places of stay, in places of detention, deprivation of liberty, such people, well ... 230, i
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can be wrong by several numbers now, because there is also a dynamic going on, for us this category of our people who are deprived of their freedom is the most painful, because the main part, a significant part of them are people who are deprived of 12, 13, 15, 17, 19 years old, as a rule, these are either terrorists, saboteurs, or i don't know, some other accusations. and these are precisely these people , russia is trying to take revenge on them as much as possible, and she does not want to discuss them , and the release of these people is our main, main task, well , the release of mr. nariman julyal is a very successful experience for us, for ukraine , for all crimean tatars. people and families
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of our political prisoners, who really had hope that other political prisoners would also be released. tell me, please, rifataga, here is this successful experience with by mr. nariman jellyal, this is more an exception than a rule, or we can still use this experience away from him, the experience of exchange, you see, by... for now, for now it is an exception, as for me, i don't know, how others will evaluate, because, well, the russians avoid the release of political prisoners in general, so much so that i simply may not know some points here, because it is already at the stage when, excuse me, negotiations are underway on the part of russia. because they also
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treat their own, they treat their people as a resource, manipulating what can be achieved what are their goals, and that's why... they transfer this approach to our people as well, that is, they keep our political prisoners, if somewhere there is some kind of, well, there is such a very urgent problem for them that they want to solve, because they also have people who find themselves in a situation of deprivation of liberty, either in us or in third countries, who... are very needed by the regime, well, they may be employees of the russian special services, or some highly visible military personnel, i have no right to speak, but i want to say that these non-humans are russian, they really lead, they are like
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well, how do they bargain, and as soon as they see her in the lists of people who are waiting for the ukrainian society. or people who do not break in there in prisons, they give the highest price for them, and after receiving this price, they still do not release them for a moment, they simply leave the negotiations, that is why i must approach this way and find such questions and such forms of pressure on russia, so that it... could not refuse to release our people, we cannot find, well, no, not because we, we are so weak, but so far, well, there is no such, you know, such topics that russia would say: "okay, we will give your political influence, but you
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will do this or that." there must be very painful problems for them, and that is why we sometimes involve third countries, but nothing. does not cooperate, sometimes there are references to economic projects that can prevent russia from promoting its economic interests there in third and fourth countries, but i want to repeat once again that russians very clearly feel such indomitable ukrainian patriots, and when it is their turn to discuss, they are not they are given, as a rule, and this is also the case with a prisoner of war. look at azov, they give one small group, others are kept, there are women, prisoners of war, ukrainian soldiers, women are there, they don’t give them away, because they consider it such a very important resource for them to trade, they are waiting when they have to we have something, well
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, we have something to offer, so that we make such greater concessions to them, this is terrible, and i say this as a person who is not very involved. many details, but what i do know is, it's really horrible, they, they trade life people, cynically, it all sounds and looks, but we did not expect anything else from the russians, the occupiers, but here is the recent decision of the european court of human rights regarding human rights violations in crimea, could this be some kind of leverage, or are the russians not paying attention on the decisions of international structures, while they flaunt what they have not done and will not do. well, he is showing off, because you know that in march, it seems, 2022, as soon as such a full-scale invasion began, and these terrible crimes of russia, russia was kicked out of the council of europe, and this convention
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on the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and thus russia believes that, if i am not mistaken. since april, she is no longer among the participants of the european court of human rights, and therefore she will proceed from the fact that all these decisions will not be implemented by her, but nevertheless, this decision is historic, i am not exaggerating here , if we remember here that before that there was a decision of 2021, when eh... the european court as a ray of light, the first interim such decision, approved that russia exercises effective control over crimea from february 27, 2024, 2014 year, russia really wanted, it then fought for
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the approval of the decision that it would answer after the crimeans held a referendum, asked to be part of russia, and that is, they wanted to answer sometime on march 21, 2014, but. .. he said no, in the morning, well, from the 27th, remember, the 26th, it was such an all-crimean mass meeting at the call of the krymsar people's mejlis, we then, well, we endured the situation, we allegedly ensured that the ukrainian law enforcement agencies took power hands, but we did not imagine then that such a large scale treason in the crimean units of the special services of ukraine, and then... the russians on the morning of february 27, 2014, they already openly
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and proceeded to seize crimea, with weapons, with weapons, the special forces captured the main ones, so they, that is, then these people, that rally forced putin to move to option b, and he is in front of the eyes of the whole shocked world, he began to seize crimea by military means, and the court pointed to it. were not shocked, and now this is the last decision you asked about, now the court said that in all lawsuits of ukraine, in all articles conventions on the protection of human rights, the russians are guilty, i'm just sure that when the results or preparations for the special international tribunal to consider the crimes committed and committed by russia against ukraine will be drawn up, i think that... this decision will be simple, it it will ensure that those
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results, especially on reparations, on compensation to citizens, concrete, individual, all this will be of great importance. thank you, choh saglna srifotga, for taking the time to join our broadcast, see you, you sheklir. we thank you. chobarov, the head of the inter-ukrainian tatar people, was in the program berber, together with ukrainian, common. a project of the crimean tatar tv channel atr and the espresso tv channel. stay with us, see you soon. goodbye. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear viewers. my name is vasyl zema, this is a big broadcast on the spresso tv channel, and i and my colleague are with you for the next hour and 47 minutes, and i am with you today in total until. 21:00 sunasts come to power, or what will this change for ukraine orban
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in moscow, he was warned not to go, he left, which the hungarian leader discussed with putin. the imf gives billions, for which we will spend the next new tranche, another 2 billion, a month for everything, whether we will come to an agreement with creditors, whether ukraine is at risk of default, whether men will be released abroad after july 17, there is an explanation without toilet paper or patience. has the largest pulp mill in ukraine, and also in the quarter-finals, the two most powerful national teams in the game, according to the status of the euros , will meet in a duel at the stuttgart arena today, language it is about germany and spain, and also the third patriot for ukraine, the situation at the front, robotic platforms for our military, we will talk about this and other things again during the next hour and 46 minutes, but for now i invite serhii to the conversation zgurets, director of the agency. and the leader of the column military summaries of the day. serhii, please give me the floor. greetings, vasyl,
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greetings to our viewers, indeed today we will talk in detail about the delivery of patriot from germany to ukraine, about the situation on the front line, the main trends for the week, and about how robotic platforms are being developed in ukraine in a conversation with our industrialists. more on that in a moment. the armed forces of ukraine received the third battery of paatriot air defense systems from germany. this was officially announced by the german ambassador to ukraine. and it is worth noting that the patriot will be transferred in the pact 3 version, that is, it can intercept ballistic enemy targets. it's just like russian... sonic daggers, zircons and ballistic kh-22 and missiles from the iskander complex, it also
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intercepts and shoots missiles, well, of course drones and airplanes. so now, if you go by the open messages, we already have five patriot batteries, at least three more complexes on the way that were announced, but they are still on the way, and besides that, most likely a certain number of patriots we all - we will still receive from the united states. and then about the weekly trends on the front line, here are the three most hot and difficult directions and areas this week - these are the yar times or the kramatorsk direction, and yes... the pokrovsky and turkish directions. during the week, these sectors had the largest the number of combat clashes, the total number of which on monday reached up to 200 clashes per day. this simply did not happen before. despite the fact that the front line has grown significantly, it is now 970 km long, and here the number of enemy forces operating in the combat zone at
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different depths is estimated at about 650,000 occupiers. the actions of the enemy in these three directions, the attack on yar, then the multi-vector offensive from the reeds with a noticeable emphasis in the direction of the pokrovsk kostyantynivka highway and combat operations in the turetska zone are actually elements of one operative the enemy's plan, and all these three enemy vectors are currently converging somewhere in kostyantynivka, they are oriented there as such an intermediate center of gravity, but in general this... will try the enemy to get closer to the slavyansk-kramatorsk ukrip district, the enemy is making maximum efforts for this , but it is not a fact that the enemy will succeed, because our units of the security and defense forces are also making maximum efforts. what was important during the week? well, in the zone of honor of the ravine, our troops left the
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kanal microdistrict, which was completely destroyed by the enemy artillery and aviation, and from our side. this is a logical and correct step in the existing conditions. russian troops launched an attack on yar on april 4, but three months later they only reached this area, they managed to capture this tiny part of the city, well , i think the russians lost thousands of casualties, and the enemy, well, for example, drained his 98th airborne troops here. an assault division with three regiments, which were now attacking frontally. in the past , there were many high-rise buildings in the district, now we watch the video and see what this neighborhood is like after working there russian aviation and artillery. our troops now have a defense line to the west of the siverskyi donets-donbas canal, this is such an artificial obstacle that the enemy will try to cross there
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either in the north in the kalynyvka area, or in the south along the ivanivskyi stupochki line. and our military, in particular from the 24th brigade, say that the defense of the city continues, and the purpose of the defense of the yaru era is not only to hold the city at any cost, but primarily to make the enemy lose much more resources and get rid of offensive potential. fate of the time gap will depend on the forces and means that both sides will use for the attack and... and on the ability to manage these forces and means, and by the way, there are estimates that without a significant strengthening of the enemy, the aggressor group, near the times of the gap from other directions our defense forces can hold this city, well, at least until october, and maybe even beyond, because, i repeat, everything will depend on the forces and means on both sides.
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as for other directions, the situation for the defense forces near turetsky is also extreme. difficult, the enemy here has according to different estimates somewhere up to 10 thousand personnel, this is more than our troops. yesterday i had a conversation with an officer from the 95th separate assault brigade from this direction, he says that the enemy in certain directions there during offensive operations can have an advantage of up to 10 to one in favor of the enemy, and units are now implementing such tactics of mobile tactical defense with counterattacks to slow down the advance. of the enemy, the skirmish line now passes through the urban development of turetsk, and in fact, the enemy is now restrained, primarily through artillery as well as fpv drones. military convictions that the enemy will not be able to advance deep into the city of toretsk. and
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also the enemy has certain tactical advances in the pokrov direction with the intention of cutting. highway pokrovsk kramatorsk, and then start an offensive to the north in the direction of kostiantynivka and kramatorsk slavyanska, but this is a scenario that the enemy paints in his head, but in any case, everything will depend on what approaches our armed forces will use to block the advance of the enemy, and we we can note that now the enemy seeks to use the opportunities on the battlefield that have been formed. in particular, our slip-ups with mobilization and delays with the arrival of weapons and ammunition from our partners, but now this situation is stabilizing in a certain way and here on... , specialists of this center
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claim that the armed forces at the current stage of the russian federation, the weapons of the russian federation have attracted more than 75 of all percent of all available resources, while the defense forces of ukraine now use up to 30%, while the ukrainian side. as experts of the center for defense strategies emphasize, it has retained reserves, including those currently trained in countries in the european union, while the enemy has virtually no reserves. perhaps this is too optimistic a conclusion, perhaps it is realistic, but only practice will be the criterion for the truth of these and other estimates. and we also know that success on the battlefield depends on the level of mastery of technology, and on fast bones of adaptation to changes on the battlefield, and further we will talk about technological changes in the armed forces, we know that the armed forces of ukraine already have separate companies
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of ground unmanned systems that perform front-line tasks. these companies of unmanned ground systems carry out the functions of fire damage, demining, demining, kamikaze missions and so on, and we understand the great importance. has the industrial and creative potential of teams that create robotic platforms. in general, it is allowed to be used in the armed forces nine robotic platforms, 50 robotic platforms from different manufacturers have been tested, and now we're going to talk to a person who develops robotic platforms called ant. we are trying now. make a connection, and then i will continue the conversation about how effectively these robotic platforms are used, in fact, in addition
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to unmanned aircraft complexes, the command of unmanned forces is betting that its development of unmanned platforms extends to both land models and sea components and we know that in this direction we have significant progress when we talk about the naval and aviation component, and when we talk about land-based robotic platforms, we actually now have a situation where a significant number of these robotic platforms are funded by the ministry of digital transformation, we know the developments that are already carrying out combat operations on the front line, and even we have had examples of... when robotic platforms blow up bridges,
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where they drive into fortifications, where the enemy is hiding and detonate mines that are transported in their complex there, we also saw examples when robotic platforms carry out mining of those areas of the front where it moves. adversaries, so this is the component that significantly strengthens the capabilities of our units, and now we will be able to talk about how an unmanned complex called ant was created in ternopil oblast, this development was implemented as part of the project robotic complexes, and this robotic platform... is already, i hope, being tested by our military, because we understand that, first of all, the end users, namely the military, should draw conclusions about
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how effective this or that sample is, and relatively speaking, from those 50 samples that have now passed the tests, each of them must find, on the one hand, the city in combat order, and on the other hand, meet the requirements that our military is forming, and we understand that this is quite not... a difficult procedure , because the weapon must be such that it did not complicate the execution of the combat task, first of all, it helped our military on the battlefield, as it was implemented, in particular, in the murakh robotic platform, and now we are adding to our broadcast igor tchaikovsky, who is the head of the robotic complexes project, mr. igor, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and can be heard on the espresso channel. good evening, presenter, studio, viewers, i would like you to tell our viewers a little about the features of your robotic platform, what are its main
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technical features. characteristics, on the basis of which experience formed requirements for that project, which is already implemented in metal. well, you know, we, like the rest of the manufacturers, from the very beginning faced such an understanding that there is no such technical task, that is , there are no clearly defined parameters and dimensions and functional e-e functional purpose. this or that, or even a separate robotic platform, therefore, everything that was created by us and other developers was actually created by her on the basis of some of her own ideas, somewhere she saw, somewhere heard, talked with someone somewhere and so on, so her task is twice or three times more difficult when you actually don’t know what to do, but eh... we looked at some, in
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our opinion, working, for example, foreign models, and we we understood that our task was to make it similar in terms of technical characteristics, but essentially cheaper in terms of price, so in october 2022, we and a team of specialists began to develop this platform completely from scratch, and to this day it is already the third iteration of the robotic complex. of course the basis of what is used now in the existing instance, in the existing production process it was already laid in the first sample, it was improved, it developed, it will continue to improve and develop, but it will be more like some small touches, small details, concerning the chassis itself and the development of new additional ... some
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components that can be used for this platform. mr. igor, at what stage is the project now, is it actually the third iteration of the first prototype, is the test stage already going according to what they want to see the military from this platform, what stage is the project at now, the project is now at the stage of low-volume production, it is being produced in low-volume, as i said. is delivered to the forefront and accordingly we actually receive feedback, wishes, comments directly from those who use these platforms for immediate tasks, and financial support for this small-scale production, how it is carried out, who provides it, where do you get money for production, well to the first
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stage. development and production of own, that's it own capital, i.e. this is own capital, of course we received some incentives, well no more than that, grants, some funding from the state, it is very nice, very nice that we are not left without attention, but actually the main resource is own capital, and when are we talking about certain combat missions? what does the platform do in the combat space, what can it do, a little bit of technical parameters for your development? well, in the form in which it is supplied, it is a logistics platform, in the broadest sense of the word, that is, it maybe it's a small truck, a small compact mobile and quite powerful truck, it has quite
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ee... not unusual for such a small platform performance characteristics, we focused on one of the well-known european platforms, we actually used its e- such are the characteristics in terms of cargo, control range, radius of application, well , for example, let's say that our platform weighs 490 kg in the last iteration, but it is capable of transporting up to... tons of cargo on a flat surface, that is, it is expensive there, a dirt road, and 250 kg on rough terrain, that is, it is conditional complete off-road, so actually there will always be 250 kg of cargo, which must be brought to the battlefield, to the battlefield.


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