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tv   [untitled]    July 6, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EEST

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we'll talk about it again sometime, thank you very much for joining in, veronika kraidenkova, the advocacy manager of the foundation was in touch with us, well, really, if you know, by the way, the pensions of judges and pensioners have been raised again, well, it's just words, who lives well in ukraine, paraphrasing nikrasov, a russian poet, because in these aspects you look as if we are not like that, we are in europe, we are europeans, and when you look at some things, you think, so what is the difference, should be? difference, at least it's our responsibility, so literally in a moment news, there are discounts representing the only discounts on combigrip hotsiep, 10% pharmacies, plantain, you and save, there are discounts representing the only discounts on trokvasing 15% in pharmacies plantain you and save, there are discounts representing the only discounts on eurofast softcaps, 10% in pharmacies, plantain, memory and savings, there are discounts for
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vasyl zima's great ether. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about war, about military, frontline. it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine, yury, good evening, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka is next to me, and sports news, i invite yevhen pastokhov to the conversation, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, about cultural news, alena chykhchenina, our art watcher, is ready to tell, good evening, the presenters, who have become familiar to many, are already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, and as well as distinguished guests. studio mustafa
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dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i greet you, good day, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what... is happening, you need to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat of fr 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. and again, unfortunately, from the sad news, the russians killed one person. in donetsk region, 14 more
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were injured, the enemy struck three blows in the central part of the village of komar. one of their shells hit near the building of the village council. a 32-year-old woman died during medical treatment. 14 of her colleagues were injured. they are in the hospital. all of them were in the premises of the village council during the russian attack, the regional prosecutor's office reported. the administrative building and residential buildings were damaged houses, farm buildings and vehicles. corvet hetman ivan mazepa undergoes sea trials. the ship is being built for the naval forces of ukraine in turkey. during the maneuvers, the team and shipbuilding company test the operation of all the corvetta's systems, including how the equipment performs in different modes and loads. at the state tests, the final approval of the ship's acceptance is carried out after inspections and testing of all parts of combat and technical equipment. this may take a long time.
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time, the corvette should enter the ukrainian navy already this year, and from today 248 judges start working, they took the appropriate oath, this is one of the largest additions to the judicial corps in recent years, because due to the judicial reform , almost no employees were appointed, people expect efficiency in work, skill. correctly understand public needs and apply the constitution and laws of ukraine in such a way that law and order and human rights in ukraine are respected, in the event of the need for restoration and whenever in court the decision will be heard in the name of ukraine, in response to the decision there will be respect, first of all respect to you, to the court in ukraine and... to our entire
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ukrainian state. strengthening air defense the third patriot anti-aircraft missile complex from germany has arrived in ukraine. the system will strengthen the protection of... and infrastructure against enemy aircraft, drones and missiles, ambassador martin eger noted on the x social network. the ukrainian crew of the complex has successfully undergone appropriate training in the federal republic of germany in recent months. patriot noted capable of shooting down ballistic and cruise missiles as well as aircraft while protecting civilians. well, i will repeat the quote that was voiced yesterday by the command against the air forces of the armed forces of ukraine, that since may 23, since the time when the patriots appeared in... kyiv, not a single dagger, this is a russian x47 supersonic missile , has arrived, well it is simply to define what a patriot is. latvia will deliver another 2,500 combat drones to ukraine. drones of various
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types will arrive in july, and the first batch of 300 drones will be delivered in the coming days. the total value of this good is 4 million euros, the ministry of defense of latvia reported this year. ukraine allocated 20 million euros to the drone coalition, of which more than 10 million are intended for the purchase of drones from the latvian defense industry. a big thank you to our latvian friends, and they returned their treasures. the national museum of the history of ukraine opened the exhibition treasures of crimea, return. a unique collection. the collection includes 565 exhibits, more than 2,000 museum objects, the exhibition will become permanent in the walls of the treasury and will last until deoccupation the ukrainian peninsula of crimea. let me remind you that last june, the court of the netherlands decided to return the exhibits of four crimean museums to ukraine. at the time of
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the occupation of the peninsula, the crimean treasures were on display in amsterdam. fortunately, it saved them. ukraine sought this decision for 10 long years, but it happened. in our favor, to call it exclusively skov gold is a big mistake, because such things, these things that lie in the showcases, they belonged to many peoples, to many archaeological cultures, if with from a scientific point of view, and if from a decent point of view, then to people, representatives of various ethnic groups, and in particular, in addition to the actual late scythians, who were the descendants of the scythians, and about which gold can be said, like about... bolshoi-mensk, there are also things that belonged to the huns and the goths, and, of course, a large collection, a large part of the collection, these are ancient greek things, this side is legal, it was recognized by the courts of various instances in the netherlands, and in fact it was
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the rule of law, confirmation that with on the one hand, there is the museum fund of ukraine and all cultural and historical values, they belong to the people. from whatever part of ukraine, the country , they would not have been found, on the one hand, and on the other hand, it was still a confirmation: crimea is ukraine. you can completely agree with this, and of course i invite all kyivans, guests of the city, to visit this exhibition and see what we managed to bring back. the film 10 years presents the chronology of events from the revolution of dignity to the full-scale invasion of ternopil. war ours is at the pre-premiere screening correspondent kateryna oliynyk. i congratulate katya. tell us about the heroes of this tape. first of all, and in general about the atmosphere itself. please. congratulations to vasyl. greetings to all viewers of the tv channel.
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today, july 5, activist and hero of ukraine roman ratushny would have turned 27 years old. unfortunately, he gave his life for the independence of our country. roman ratushny is one of those heroes who is told about in the documentary film 10 years of war. other heroes of this film are the paramother yulia taira paevska, also the heroes of this film are activist and journalist tetyana chornovol, as well as mother of roman ratoshny, svitlana povalyaeva, public activist and writer. in particular, 10 years are revealed through the fates of these four heroes. that ukraine went through in the struggle for its independence, it is told here from the beginning of the revolution of dignity to the first phases of the full-scale russian invasion of ukraine. the tape was created by espresso tv channel with the support of internews network and
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the us embassy in ukraine. i also want to note that this film started to be created last year, in particular, by the express tv channel. i decided in this way, so to speak, to commemorate 10 years since the beginning of creation, and i want to point out that this is a documentary drama that was created from archival materials. archive videos, and in general, the atmosphere at the film premiere in ternopil is quite interesting, the guests are already listening to the presentation of this film, and the pre-premiere screening is about to begin. i would like to note that the film has already been shown in lviv and kyiv, the next pre-premiere screenings are planned in lutsk and rivne, and i suggest hearing about this film from. one of those who participated in its creation, the director of the espresso tv channel, kateryna yarmalovych. it is very
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important to show this film specifically to a foreign audience, to appeal to our european partners and colleagues, showing them those facts, because this film is exclusively factual, which can be revealed through the story of three heroes who went through this entire period. and it is very important, especially in the context of the fight against counter-propaganda, to show exactly what is happening. so, this movie was created primarily for an english-speaking audience, so the founders of the movie plan it will be shown both in europe and in the united states of america. for now, this is all the information , vasyl, i give you the floor. thank you very much , kateryna, kateryna oliynyk from ternopil. i want to say that i was also at... this film in kyiv and i really just
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watched the unique archival footage, interviews, videos, well, it's really worth seeing, i really dream, to be honest, that it's a movie, a documentary project, it appeared on platforms like let's say netflix, maybe other international platforms, because it's really worth it moreover, for many people it is an opportunity to understand what is happening in ukraine during these, well, more than, well, 10 years. russia's war against ukraine. well, now i invite yuri fizer to the conversation, world about ukraine, i announced today what orban told putin, but i think that this is not the only thing that happened, and for sure, it is not top news today. please, well, this is not the top, vasyl novina, i congratulate you, i congratulate everyone who joined us today at this time. about this: the general election in great britain is probably going to happen i have top news today. orban is what viktor is in moscow, what... they talked about, what they agreed on and what kind of future they see with putin, and the chinese satellite in space, about
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this and other things in a moment in the column world about ukraine, well, i'll start with the main one, the parliamentary one, it is called the general election in great britain, won, and it can already be said that, the labor party won, the leader of the conservatives also admitted his defeat. already ex-prime minister of the country rishi sunak, while the current victory of labor is simply amazing. they can sit down at least 410-41 seats in the british government, which means that they have already secured a majority, since only 326 representatives of one or another political force, in this case labor, need to be brought into the parliament to form it. at the same time, the conservatives and, as they are also called, the tories, showed a pitiful result, so for the first time in 14 years
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, a representative of labor will settle in the residence at 10 downing street, and it will be keir starmer, he has already promised serious changes in the country and even promised to return the future to the country , but already the ex-prime minister, acting prime minister of great britain rishi sunak admitted his defeat and left. to the people or not rising from his own, from his home at 10 down street, and in the morning he addressed all the citizens of great britain and the supporters of the conservative party in general and let's hear what rishi sunak had to say in his direct speech. soon i will meet with his majesty the king and ask for his resignation as prime minister. addressing the entire country, i want to say , first of all, this is you. i gave this work of yourself, but you have sent a clear signal that the uk government needs
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to change and your opinion is the only thing that counts. i heard your anger, your frustration , and i take responsibility for this loss. as ricci sunak said, the government of great britain must change, the citizens of this country want it, but how will the country change when the conservatives are replaced by labour, and ultimately how will britain's relations with the world change. in general, with ukraine, in particular, and many other things, i will talk about this with our guest, who yuliya osmolovska, director of the kyiv office of the international analytical center glob sec, joins us. congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, good day, thank you for joining, so tell me please, kir starman has already, starmer has already said that he is going to return the future to the citizens of great britain, is it really between them , between the conservatives and the laborers , there are such arguments that one is driving the other,
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excuse me, i will use that word, and those are very bad, and now there are very good ones, or there on... there really isn't that much of a difference. well, as for ukraine, looking ahead, there is definitely no difference there. and if we talk about the ideological component, well, indeed, labor has always represented the party of the people, let's say, which cares more about more comfortable social conditions for the inhabitants of britain, and therefore, accordingly, any initiatives that the government will propose, they will be directed at improvement conditions of this middle class with low income, let's say , with low wealth, and regarding these political declarations, there i will return to the country the future, i would still advise them to consider them as pre-election rhetoric, because this result is fantastic, which labor showed, i want to add that in fact
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in this election they added to their previous results with th... percent of the vote, i.e. plus 212 seats in the new parliament can be won by labor, and this is rather a manifestation of disappointment, as richunok rightly noted, anger, disappointment with the way the country is developing, and it has been developing under the power of the conservatives for 16 years, and accordingly there is a certain demand of the population for changes, but to what extent labor will be ready to respond to this request, practice will show, because until recently there was a lot of criticism about the fact that labor still does not have a clear plan for how to build this very future, they have in fact already lost these skills to be government, and let's see what will be the mood of the population in 6 months, because if this is just a projection of dissatisfaction
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with the conservatives' policy, and not the fact that labor will be able to demonstrate something radical in these six months. new and effective, then disappointment among the population will appear again and according to the liberals. mrs. yulia, look, i looked at your resume, i saw that somewhere from 2010, from 2000 to 2010, you worked at the embassy of ukraine in great britain, and it seems to me that at that time the labor party was in power, that is, it seems to me that that you know labor, how to work with them. yesterday there was information that... zaluzhny crossed the border of ukraine and went to great britain, he begins to perform the duties of the extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador in great britain, he will work with labor. will it change, for which he should be ready, i.e. will the work of the ukrainian diplomatic mission change under the labor party, or will nothing change there, conservatives, labor party, we just have
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to do our job. from the point of view of the sequence of the support rate. country , we have no risks at all, and i even want to quote a sequence of statements by kir steimer from 2023, when he said verbatim that it is very important, life is important, that we support and stand by ukraine and supported her, in 2024 in february he said that regardless of who is... in power in this country, britain will always support ukraine and we will stand with you as much, as long as it is needed. then we need to remember the visit of kir steimer to ukraine in 2023, when he met with our president and visited the ierpin heap, and already formed his personal opinion about the atrocities that the russians are committing
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in ukraine, then we need to remember the visit of two shadow ministers, the minister of defense and of foreign affairs in may already this year in ukraine, where the corresponding statements were made in the same way, therefore, from the point of view of the emphasis in the foreign policy course in support of ukraine, they remain the same as those of the conservatives, in principle, if we take the configuration of all parties that have passed to the parliament as a whole, then i i can say that in fact the entire parliament, in fact the whole, that is , the labor party, the conservative party and the third... in terms of weight, the liberal democrat party, they are very active in supporting ukraine, so i think that it will be very easy for mr. zaluzhny to work here, where i i see opportunity and prospects. tives, because you mentioned that she worked there twice and in the embassy during this period, but even now i am very actively maintaining contacts and in fact every two months we
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appear there with public speeches and work with politicians, including well, first of all , they are waiting for him, and secondly, there is a great interest and willingness to work precisely in the issues of work with veterans and military personnel, because in itself. britain, this problem is quite acute today, and we did it in hlubtsyk a large study on the state of ptsd and how in different countries, in relation to military personnel and veterans, this problem is regulated, and accordingly there is an interest in britain precisely to cooperate with ukraine in this regard, it seems to me that mr. zaluzhnyi, given his previous experience, has very good prospects to make certain achievements in this direction. mrs. yuli, i have a very short question, you know, because i read that perhaps the biggest resentment among the citizens of the united kingdom of conservatives is for the so-called brexit, which
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and they still can’t forgive them, they believe that it was a mistake after all, although again, well, it’s a complicated story there, but i’m leading to the point that you can’t revise anything about brexit right now, and labor can only try to minimize the economic consequences, first of all, from what has already been decided. is it still possible to review these issues somehow, i'm just curious, because i honestly don't know if it's possible or not to review, i think it's legally possible, because you can apply, let's say, speak in the parliament with the initiative to hold another national referendum, but on a practical level, firstly, there was no hint of it in any way in the pre-election program of the labor party, secondly, it is... from the point of view of implementation, very costly, financially a costly process that will be very difficult to implement, especially now given
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the economic condition in which great britain is, so we can consider, let's say, that this perspective for today is not a priority, but from the point of view of practical cooperation it is possible expect that the party... will try to find various more practical spheres of interaction with the european union, perhaps the expansion of some conditions, the liberalization of relations, that is, in fact, we can observe the processes that were called the so -called bottom-up integration, when some conditions of some sectors are made more liberal , and then at some stage it may lead to a review of the policy, although i repeat, for today... thank you, ms. yulia, thank you for participating in our program, it was yulia osmolovska, the director of the kyiv of the office of the international analytical center
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globseci, she told us, told us in detail about whether something will change in the relations of great britain with the world, in general with ukraine, in particular after the labor party won the elections in this country, the general elections in this country and completed 14 -year-long rule of conservatives in power. well, the fat dot under the 14-year rule of the conservatives at 10 downing street was put, or rather put, by the chief mousecatcher of the residence of the british prime ministers, keith larry. honestly, from what he kept writing, i personally got the impression that he is a labor supporter. well, today's action probably confirms it. on his page on the microblogging network x, which is the former twitter, he wrote the quote: "i just left the shit in the sunak's shoes as a memory." about the past, well after rishi sunak asked for his resignation, kitlari, who lives on an official salary from the british government, wrote again and this is it, rishi sunak has offered his
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resignation to the king, but kir starman has not yet been appointed prime minister , so who is the main one, i - keith said to larry. yes, well, let's get closer to us now, i'll tell you this, sorry, larry the cat, of course, is not a pespatron, well, but the main one on downing street where it is 100%. he was warned, but he flew anyway, despite the warning, the prime minister of hungary, viktor orbán, did arrive in moscow today, where he discussed with the head of the terrorist country, vladimir putin, the ways of settling, as he called it, the conflict in ukraine. this was reported by his press secretary bertalan havashi. then they and putin confirmed this under time of the joint press conference. hungarian minister of european affairs. union janusz boka said on the eve of the visit that viktor orbán plays the role of a mediator who would like to clarify the positions of the parties regarding the conflict in ukraine again, but to postpone
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the negotiations. he can't talk about that, here's a short quote from mr. rechnyk, the prime minister realizes that communicating with the president of ukraine zelensky on his own behalf does not have the right to speak on behalf of the council of the eu. well, it is also interesting that during the visit to moscow, viktor orban in no way represents the european union. this was stated this morning in a statement by the head of european diplomacy, josep borel. according to him , orbán did not... did not receive a mandate to visit moscow from brussels, and this trip will take place exclusively within the framework of bilateral relations between russia and hungary. well, let's listen to how viktor orbán answered in his every friday, but this time recorded, judging by the fact that he went to moscow, appearance on his favorite radio station kossuth, the temporary presidency of the eu does not give.
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the right to negotiate on someone's behalf, but i don't even need such a mandate, i just visit those places where there is a war that may affect hungary and ask questions, i did this during a meeting with the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, asking him where crossing the red line he set, sitting in brussels, this cannot be done, measures must be taken to achieve peace, and hungary can be a tool in the hands of those people who want peace. they want peace, putin wants peace, well, it’s terrible, and a mandate, who needs that mandate, i wanted to go, i went. ukraine will become a member of nato within the next 10 years. such hope was expressed by the secretary general of the north atlantic alliance, jens stoltenberg , in an interview with the german media group dpache presa agentur. and before that, he says, ukraine needs to be helped to win the aggressive russian war by increasing the amount of military support. according to jens stoltenberg, the
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stronger this support will be, the faster. the war may end. at the same time, the secretary general of the north atlantic alliance added that russian president putin is trying to implement in ukraine, a strategy of delaying time, hoping to weaken the determination of the west, but it will not succeed. i'm coming for you. donald trump invites joe biden to meet joe biden in what he called a no- rules debate. the 45th president of the usa wrote about this in his own social network. the ex-owner of the white house offers the incumbent to meet during the discussion, followed by his short quote: "only the two of us are on stage, we will discuss the future of our country without any rules." that's the end of the quote, and according to trump, the high ratings of the first debate mean that the new format will be even more successful with the audience. at the same time, the speech without moderation, he says, will allow the candidate from the democratic party, septo biden, to more fully answer the pressing questions and dispel all the doubts
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of fellow party members. and the voters in his abilities and abilities, well what can i say, trump is still that troll, there in the united states of america there are several options for solving this or that dispute, let's say you saddled a mustang and you saddled a mustang, who mustang dropped, he lost, well, in view of his respectable age, or two cars ode to a meeting the one who turned away first lost, well , you can play here, but the question is that you need to protect the health of presidents and presidential candidates, but there are actually many options, so, well, no rules , i like it, and finally, now china will remotely sense the earth, a satellite capable of doing this was launched the day before from the spaceport, which is located in the province of shanxi in the north of the celestial, the satellite is called so that i will not pronounce it, because the national council on television and broadcasting can later this will issue a warning to the espresso tv channel, so this satellite will be used to transmit geographical data and conduct
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scientific research, the device will work. in earth orbit, it is not known whether it will be used for military purposes, but it is not for nothing that they launch such an umbrella into the sky, which will transmit some geographical data, well, it seems to me that it is not accidental, well, for today i have everything, as in the end and this week in the world about ukraine column, i will meet with you next monday, but don't switch, because there is still a lot of interesting things in our further broadcast. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on entergermin 15% in pharmacies plantain you and savings there are discounts that represent the only discounts on eurofast softcaps 10% in pharmacies plantain you and savings there are discounts that represent the only discounts on mikrolax 20% in pharmacies plantain you and savings her discounts represent the only
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