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tv   [untitled]    July 6, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EEST

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dry air mass in the east is dry and tomorrow in the east, although there will be heat, it will be more merciful, so to speak, it will not be 35-37°, somewhere around 31-33, and also an anticyclone, dry and sunny. in the center there is such, well, moderate heat, tomorrow at least 28:30, 28:31 dry weather, in the southern part of ukraine it will be the hottest, 30-35 above zero, without precipitation, and in kyiv. and on saturday and sunday, for the time being , the air temperature will remain quite comfortable, it will fluctuate within +28°, but i remind you, i have already spoken and written about this in social networks that from monday and almost the entire next week in ukraine will be dominated by intense heat with an air temperature of 32-37°, in the south, east, in most central regions 34-39 places. even up to +40. here's the near
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term outlook, keep an eye out for our updated weather forecasts on the espresso channel. six-year-old yehorchyk yehorov. before the start of the full-scale war, this boy lived in the luhansk region in the north donets district in the city of zolote. the territory has been hidden since the first days of the russian invasion, but yehor y disappeared june last year. i really hope that thanks to your concern, the boy will be found. please look carefully at the photo and try to remember the child. yehor has an oval face, blond hair and blue eyes. the boy is obviously under six years old in this photo, but i don't think that would prevent him from being identified. if someone suddenly sees. gora, or at least knows something about his
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possible whereabouts, do not delay and dial the short number of the magnolia child tracing service from any mobile operator 11630. calls are free, if suddenly there is no way to call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. i also want to remind you that we are looking for six-year-old sashko hrytsenko. the story of this boy is also from the temporarily occupied territory. i have already told about luhansk regions in previous programs. the child was abandoned by his mother, and now sashka is trying to find his father, who is in the controlled part of ukraine. we spoke with the man, and now i will tell all the details of this frankly shocking story. his ex-wife left him, and so did i rasshupayu, i want to take him under my wing. she left the house and then came back, but then she left again and the place from...
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the origin of the common-law wife, i did not know. so, when the full-scale war began, little sashko lived with his mother and his husband's grandmother in the city of lysychansk. this territory was occupied almost from the first days. at the beginning of last year, the child's mother left home and left sasha with his old great-grandmother. he was with my grandmother. it was a long time ago, probably somewhere in the 23rd year for sure, this is the beginning of the 23rd year. i... was known for it, maybe she had previously thrown him to my grandmother, who was self-willed on the mountain, left the house, for a long time, the boy was taken care of by his great-grandmother, and soon the elderly woman died and the child was taken away by social services in the occupied territory, sash was immediately taken out of lysychanskyi, all this happened about a year ago, the service came and took the child away, and after that i knew where he was, what he was, well, i relatively knew that he was there by hearsay, by anecdotes, well...
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that he was somewhere in golchevsk, then he was transferred to luhansk, and then his location is already unknown, so i his i will look for is the child still in the temporarily occupied territory of luhansk region, or was the boy taken to russia? it has not been possible to find out the father so far. the man, of course , turned to the police, but so far there is no clue to find out where his six-year-old son is. i am looking for my child, hrytsenko oleksandr oleksiyovych. request. there is someone who has seen him, if someone can go to see him according to the signs of some kippers, boy, be a weasel, i will be very grateful to you. i appeal to everyone who sees this video, and especially to the residents of the occupied luhansk region. look carefully at the photo of sashko hrytsenko. the boy looks about 6-7 years old, he is thin, about 110-115 cm tall. he has straight light blond hair, an oval face and brown eyes. he is a very good child,
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he is very drawn to people, more than anything, what he liked was playing there, well , like all children, but this child, she has the status of a child. he could not pronounce such wordings of any words, if there is any meaning. sashko has a medical diagnosis of cerebral palsy, which is why he cannot always formulate his thoughts clearly, but he is very sensitive and reaches out to people if suddenly someone has seen the boy or knows where he might be now, immediately call the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630. dzinka from all ukrainians. mobile operators are free, if suddenly there is no way to call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in
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any place, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. there are discounts representing the only discounts on entergermin 15% in pharmacies psyllium vam and savings there are discounts representing the only discounts on estef 20% in pharmacies of travel pam and savings there are discounts representing the only discounts on norwend express forte 10% in pharmacies traveling bam taushka. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin
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borkovskyi and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, simulating ours future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly adopts new laws. but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, what should we prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. every tuesday at 7:55 a.m., the legal expertise program is on the espresso tv channel. weekly maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, the representative of the polish government for
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the restoration of ukraine, pawel kowal. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and how? our entry into the eu will look like in the project about politics about the world with maria gurska every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in cooperation with eu sisters. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes that take place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. congratulations, this is the beraber program, together,
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a joint project of the crimean tatar tv channel atr and the tv channel, in the studio i am andriy yanitskyi and gulsum khalilov. congratulations to sila malikum herlyk. we are very glad to welcome you to this studio today, as always traditionally we will talk about crimea, about deoccupation, about and about the reintegration of the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula, and of course, we will sum up, and this week we will talk about everything that happened, and in the first block - block military expert vladyslav seliznyov, military expert, spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine at 14 -17 mr. vladyslav, congratulations, congratulations, greetings, congratulations, glad to see and glory to ukraine, the hero, well, mr. vladyslav, recently the commander of the ukrainian navy, said that russia is losing the naval naval center in
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crimea, what does this mean, as far as , well, when we we say loses how serious it is at this stage, here it is said that the russian occupiers are the slowest. nevertheless loses its military presence on the territory of the currently occupied crimean peninsula, including primarily through the destruction by ukrainian defense forces of their military facilities in crimea and... sevastopol, because when the enemy is forced to hide its warships , carrying sea -based missiles of a caliber closer to novorossik, this is definitely not about the military presence in crimea. when the enemy loses the resource capabilities of its anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense system is a weakening of the combat capabilities of the russian occupiers. when the enemy's bases, warehouses and arsenals with ammunition, including shakheds, with which the enemy kisses the territory of our country, are reduced to ashes. this is precisely the loss of key elements that provide the combat power of the russian
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army of occupation, and i think that this activity is not accidental. the ukrainian army has repeatedly stated that the 24th year will be a year of special attention to the territory of the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula, because the enemy must feel that crimea is not his land, it is ukrainian land, and it, this land will be a ward under the feet of the russian occupiers, until the foot of the last russian occupier leaves. crimea, and here, i think they should hurry, because it is not for nothing that our two famous generals, general malyuk and general bohdanov, have repeatedly stated that the construction of the kershchen bridge is superfluous, and therefore should be destroyed, so while there is still an opportunity still cover with heels from the crimea, exactly using this infrastructure, it is worth using this opportunity, because on the one hand i understand the russians, they have several options for escaping from crimea, and on the other hand i understand that all these options... it is not only about the kerch bridge, it is also about about the kerch ferry crossing, along which we have already
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repeatedly kissed the destroying partisan infrastructure and the same ferries, it is also about the aviation component of military transport for aircraft of enemy aircraft, which can also be in a gap, vulnerable, only nom we are receiving the first batch of f6 fighters, which will be able to operate not only on the territory of the occupied peninsula, but also in the waters of the black sea. and prospects of the sea of ​​azov, of course, here we are talking about large amphibious ships, which until recently the enemy used as an express, well, that is , vehicles that transported cargo of military importance to the bay and the water area of ​​sevastopol, but now they try not to implement such things, because they are too vulnerable recently became the russian vdk, due to the active activity of our naval strike forces kamikaze drones, of course, there is still a land route, a route that... runs along the northern coast of the sea of ​​azov, but there is also fighting nearby, and
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who among us, today trucks with military cargo can move in space, and what will happen tomorrow is largely unknown, taking into account the fact that our kulaks, our partisans, are quite active in the south of zaporozhye, as well as in the southwestern part of donetsk region. mr. vladyslav, it is true that almost all ships and boats. of the black sea fleet of the russian federation already fled to novorossiysk, because recently we saw the operation of the armed forces of ukraine on the ports of novorossiysk, which means that what is happening now, in fact , there is not a single nasiya ship of sea-based missiles of the caliber type in the water areas and bays on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula, there are several large landing ships and auxiliary ships that are in sevastopol, but they are definitely not able to influence. to the core of the combat power of the russian black sea fleet and, in principle , the process is still ongoing
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evacuation of the same ships, they are now leaving the bay of sevastopol accompanied by high-speed boats and ships in order to protect large ships from the influence of ukrainian marine armored vehicles, and the fact that our magura the fifth and siyabebi have recently been able to give distance more than 800 km to accurately destroy the enemy port. this indicates that we have acquired certain capabilities, and i am sure that there will be more in the future, because the national defense and industrial complex are working, there are certain developments in of our special services, and all these developments are aimed at maximally weakening the combat capabilities of the russian occupiers operating on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, as well as those forces and means operating on the territory of the south of the zaporizhia region and the south of the sonchyna. mr. vladyslav, i wanted to remind our viewers that if you watch this episode of news from the crimea on youtube,
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please subscribe, set the bell, comment, maybe ask questions to the expert and presenters, we will definitely come to the comments section after the broadcast and talk with you, we will answer your questions, and i also wanted to remind you that if you see a qr code on the screen during our conversation, then you can support the liberation of crimea with a hryvnia, support the division of the 40. eighth ombsh named after noman chelebychhan and thus contribute to the liberation crimea mr. vladyslav, returning to the question. seaports, here is the attack on novorossiysk, this is just some random incident, or is this now the strategy of our armed forces of ukraine, that we will liberate from the black sea fleet of russia the entire black sea and the sea of ​​azov, not only the crimea peninsula, everything is accidental and not accidental,
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of course, that in order for our attack to be as effective as possible, certain things precede it. preparatory reconnaissance and further development of the area, preparation of appropriate conditions and circumstances for the implementation of this mission, or in order to accurately target enemy infrastructure facilities, we need to clear the airspace from the influence of enemy anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense systems. please note that separate air defense and anti-missile defense elements are systematically and metalically exploding on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea. vorok constantly pulls from the mainland of the russian federation through the kerch operator. additional elements, recently, general budanov, the head of military intelligence of our country, reported that some elements of the s500 complex appeared in the crimea, this is actually a research exhibit, which the russians are now trying to put on combat duty, nevertheless, even the most modern developments in the anti-aircraft system defenses, the enemy is pulling into the crimea to protect the sky above the territory,
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does it help him, no, because even the systems... the ability to defend itself. what's next? this activity of the ukrainian army takes place within the framework of certain preparatory measures in order to further be able to use not only the missile and drone component to destroy enemy objects in crimea and the territory of the krasnodar territory, but also for the involvement of our aviation component, because the end in the end, the same miracle long-awaited by us will happen, we will receive the first batch of fighter-16 and in order for them to have in a safe... in space to carry out combat missions to destroy the enemy's military infrastructure in the crimea and sevastopol, we need, first of all , to weaken the very capabilities of the air defense and anti-missile defense fence as much as possible. our hermash are working on this, our rocketmen, our saboteurs, our special forces are working on this, and this activity seems to be a sign, because in order to overcome the airspace of the territory of crimea,
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to accurately and guaranteed hit the objects of the port infrastructure with our drones. russian, before that it was necessary to work well on the crimea and, accordingly, in the crimea, by destroying the elements of the anti-war defense in dzhankoya, the chieftain, closer to simferopol, in the east of the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula, that is, a lot of work has been done, a lot more such work is worth and will have to be done, because the enemy continues to accumulate resources, but in this confrontation, the enemy is still forced to literally burn holes in his system of anti-revolution. well , the ukrainian army, system and metallurgy , makes these tags in russian poplars in order to have appropriate conditions for further measures regarding the deoccupation of crimea. of course, i have no illusions here, it can't happen tomorrow or then the day after tomorrow, there are still too many homework tasks, er, it is necessary to do the ukrainian army and create the necessary prerequisites for the de-occupation of the southern kherson region of the taporizka
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region, to destroy as much as possible the combat capabilities of the russian occupiers, but what... what, as is widely known, is the way, in order to pass it, it is necessary to take step by step every day to achieve its goal, namely the implementation of this plan, and the ukrainian defense forces focused their attention on this part of the fleet. well, that is, concluding the topic of the black sea fleet of the russian federation, we we can quite say that the ports of novorossiysk, and even potential ports. asia and other regions where russian ships flee are a legitimate goal of the armed forces of ukraine. yes, of course, and any warship in the waters of the black sea is a legitimate target for ukrainian drones, kamikazes. pay attention to how sneaky and treacherous the russian occupiers behave. they have now begun to redeploy part
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of their warships in the waters of the sea of ​​azov, from which? well, for one thing, they're sure that this way they'll be... protected from of our kamikaze sea attack drones, because in order for our drones to be able to enter the sea of ​​azov, they need to remove the same barrier barriers that cover the construction of the kerch bridge from the south, for now this is an impossible mission for us, and secondly, enough high traffic movement of civilian ships in the waters of the sea of ​​azov, often a dense enemy warship literally hides behind the sides of civilian ships, barges, supplies, and this actually creates serious problems, because for the purpose of determining priority targets, it is necessary to... make a lot of effort, and this is how the fleet tries to literally hide its warships among civilian vessels and ships, it is
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a challenge, but again, a challenge is not a reason to say, it is impossible, it is an opportunity to look for options the use of our shock weapons in order to work brilliantly, accurately and as efficiently as possible, whether this will happen, i am sure that it will, because the enemy must understand that we did not start the war, but we will end this war with our victory. the war has started in crimea, and in crimea it is for by definition must have ended. well, in addition to the black sea fleet of the russian federation, there are other fleets in russia, can we somehow strike or perhaps do some sabotage on russian ships that are located, i don't know, in the northern seas or somewhere in general on the other side of russia. far already. in 2005, the armed forces of ukraine made a decision to create a command of special operations forces. at that time, there were many
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people who wondered why ukraine had such a structure, but the then military-political leadership, making such a decision, would act as rationally as possible. in the confrontation between a small ukrainian and a large russian army, we do not have many chances to win, but to use asymmetric actions. we have, we had a lot of opportunities, these are the relevant talents and capabilities of ukrainian military personnel, this is the experience that we received in particular from our western partners, this is also the acquisition of equipment, equipment and weapons for the implementation of certain tasks, well, for example, a well-known case with destruction, partial destruction of a combat vehicle ship of the baltic fleet is connected with... the fact that prior to that our special forces carried out intelligence activities in order to recruit fellow officers, members of the crew
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of a small missile ship, serpukhov, i think it's called, which was stationed not far from st. petersburg, a certain for a period of time, this active russian serviceman gave us information that was extremely sensitive for the russian army, and when the question arose about his exposure, an operation was carried out on his ... and before that, he is literally active in terrorist attack destroying the parts and equipment of all modern russian warships . i will introduce what: we are always looking for ways and opportunities to use our efforts to cause as much damage as possible to the russian occupiers. the enemy must feel that the war he started against sovereign ukraine on february 20, 2014, it will not take place somewhere far away, the war took place directly and... the ladies of the russians, and they must feel all these people, all this power of the ukrainian troops, because it cannot be otherwise, otherwise we will not win
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in this confrontation, which means that systematic and methodical work on the organization of the enemy's military potential not only on the temporarily occupied territories of our country, but also directly on the territory of the russian federation, is a significant factor that brings our victory closer, well, actually, i wanted to add to of your information, really eh... my question was dictated by the recent press conference of the russian once, and now, well, rather already on the ukrainian boss of a fighter with the call sign goga, goga, or goga, now he is a recruit of the legion of freedom of russia, here it was he who set fire to the electronics on the serpukhov ship on april 7, when it was standing in the city of baltiysk, in the kaliningrad region, and gur said that the fire was completely destroyed. communication and automation, which makes the repair of the ship quite long, the more such gogs there are in russia, in the russian fleets and in general in the russian army, the better, the
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sooner russia will be free, and ukraine will be free. mr. vladyslav, if we talk about the recent events of this week in crimea, we once again learned that russia will be hostile to ukraine, even after the war. with according to the speech of yevhen khlobestov, professor of the kyiv-mahylya academy, he means that even after the liberation of crimea, we cannot avoid danger and we will have to rebuild crimea into such a ukrainian fortress, do you agree with this opinion? i think that the determining factor that will provide a security perimeter on the territory of our country of the borders of 1991 is resources. it is a powerful, exceptionally equipped ukrainian army, it is a developed and multi-level complex of defense industrial production, it is collective security agreements, in principle i
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i understand... that russia will not go anywhere even after our victory, but in order for the price of any aggression on the part of moscow in relation to our country to be unacceptable and very painful, we need resources, resources that will absolutely clearly demonstrate such , we are ready to repulse any hostile aggression and are ready to retaliate by using all our resources, and this response will be so painful, so ... large-scale in terms of crisis-level consequences that any of the successors of vladimir putin, who will be to carry out some alarmist calls and plans, not even thoughts and guesses arose that he would be able to win in a new confrontation with ukraine. well, i have this, you know, perhaps a global question, and how to make russia no longer... unable to show
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aggression not only against ukraine, but against other states with which it now has occupation relations, and there is also georgia, and moldova, and others and so on, that is, is it possible to talk about future demilitarization and possibly about future denuclearization russian federation? yes, ms. gulsum, it is absolutely correct to remark, of course, that the plans are very ambitious, but the key element of this plan is a resource. and accordingly, if ukraine, of course, with the unconditional support of our western partners, manages to destroy the key elements of the enemy's military potential, i think that the position of conditional vladimir putin, in general, the highest military and political leadership of the russian federation, will be transformed from the current one, which literally demands the surrender of ukraine, and de facto all collective of the west, it is a more lenient and more constructive, systematic and methodical organization of enemy entities, precisely this... is
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the basis and fit for our victory and the stabilization of the security space not only on the territory of our country, but also, in principle, on the european continent, because putin does not come with its alarm plans for the baltic countries and other countries of eastern europe, and therefore only together, only by combining our efforts will we be able to weaken the enemy's military potential as much as possible, which means to create conditions for the foreseen and peace in europe. thank you very much, mr. vladyslav, for taking the time to join our broadcast, see you on other broadcasts of the atr tv channel and the espresso tv channel. vladyslav seleznyov, military expert, spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine in 2017, 2014-2017 was on our air, now we are going on a short break and will be back, don't switch. there are
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