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tv   [untitled]    July 6, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EEST

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stopcraim ua. it's 8am in ukraine, it's time to learn about the main news for this hour, anaye vamelnyk is with you, greetings to all viewers of espresso. at night, the russians attacked the energy infrastructure of the sumy oblast with firecrackers. several districts of the city and village are without electricity, the regional military administration reported. in sumy , all facilities of the water supply company have been de-energized and water supply has been temporarily stopped, the city water supply company said. specialists are working on eliminating the consequences. five people
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were killed, eight more were injured due to russian shelling of a military base in donetsk region. the enemy dropped two guided aerial bombs on one of the enterprises in the evening, said the head of the region, vadym filashkin. 15 private houses, 21 cars and four shops were also damaged. the ambulance crew, which arrived on call, was attacked by the russians in the kherson region. dropped explosives from a drone on a car in stanislav. a 74-year-old man received explosive and craniocerebral injuries, as well as a contusion. after the arrival of the medics , the occupiers struck again with a targeted drone, said the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. felcher has injuries the ambulance was moderately damaged. our people are converted into donats due to enemy shelling. espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charitable foundation. are invited
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to join the collection of drones and components for artillery reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first batch that we plan to purchase is eight improved models of mavics and five ordinary ones. quadrocopters are eyes in the sky that keep an eye on safety and enable you to move forward with confidence. and most importantly, they help protect the lives of our soldiers. we have to collect uah 2.5 million in accounts already more than uah 1,200 join this gathering everyone. you can see all the details on the screen. russia announced an attack by drones on the krasnodar region, allegedly by air defense, a cellular tower was damaged due to the fall of uav debris in three districts in ueysk, and a fire apparently broke out at an oil tank in the village of pavlovska. due to falling debris , fuel tanks caught fire, another fuel tank is on fire in leningradskyi village - he reported. operational headquarters
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of the krasnodar territory. they insist that there are no casualties. cars, airplanes and corporate rights in ukraine began the process of confiscating the assets of kum putin, viktor medvedchuk and his wife oksana marchenko. the ministry of justice filed a lawsuit to the higher anti-corruption court. the state wants to take ownership of not only the property owned by the medvedchuks, according to the documents. as well as that which belongs to them indirectly and is registered on fictitious persons, - the ministry of justice noted. these include, in particular, 24 cars, an airplane, a rotorcraft, a pleasure boat, corporate rights in oblenergo and tv channels worth almost uah 2 million, clocks, paintings and railway carriage, restaurant. he saved his brother during the shelling, for this, oleg of the kharkiv guardsman with a winter coat. noise, noted the president of ukraine.
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the soldier told my colleagues about his military outings in the klishchiivka region of donetsk region. they carried a wounded comrade from the 80th brigade for several kilometers under mortar fire, recalls a guardsman with a call sign. the noise does not even know the name of the rescued warrior, only the call sign bison. but the most important thing is that the fighter survived. that's enough-enough. bold there was a boy, no complaints, despite a serious injury, he helped in every way, well, sometimes how, sometimes with a drag, sometimes on his own, when, well, and he showed all the efforts he had in order to help us, knowledge from the first to medical aid, says the guardsman, was already agreed during the first combat sortie, in the area of ​​klishkeivka on... donetsk region, at
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the stabilization point, the noise helped three wounded soldiers, that is, it was not only to put turnstiles to wait for evacuation, that is, i did tamponade to one of... injured calf to save the twin leg. guardsman shuma was honored by the president of ukraine for one of the rescue operations on the front line. he personally congratulated the national guardsmen, presented awards to the soldiers. fifth, separate slobodzhan brigade, senior soldier, oleg shumov. then, oleg recalls, you need a mace. carrying a wounded soldier from under fire, walking in a group, probably coming under enemy fire, the noise went away by itself, a hemostatic bow and a bandage did not manage to stop the blood loss completely, so in order to
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save part of the leg, it was decided to rearrange the tourniquet below the knee, ugh, well, amputation, well... they understood what would happen and, in order to save a larger, larger part of the leg, they rearranged the tourniquet. when the guardsman himself came under mortar fire, he had to walk almost 10 km to the evacuation point with his comrades-in-arms. the evacuation vehicle could not approach, the enemy shot through the area. as they do, they send a reconnaissance assault group on a killing spree to... burn our positions, we worked on a group of infantry, they discovered an attack on our position and tried to dismantle it, that is, these are gases, these are drops, these are semi-drones, these are mortars
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shelling, despite being wounded, difficult and exhausting combat sorties in klishchiivka, the most difficult times for a guardsman, when there was no contact with relatives for several days during the great war, my mother and two sisters found themselves in temporary occupation in the kharkiv region. but there were cases when people were grabbed, and then the people were not found. for more than a year, noise has been destroying the occupiers as part of the fifth slobozhan brigade of the national guard of ukraine. for me , it was just like that, that's all, i didn't respect myself if i didn't do that. change the fact of the shooter to the combat medic while the noise is not is going and the skills of first aid to medical aid are improved constantly. for a year in the war , he was convinced that this knowledge saves the lives of his comrades in arms. ukraine is preparing an unprecedented
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agreement with great britain for a period of 100 years - said volodymyr zelenskyy after a telephone conversation with skir starmer. president. of ukraine congratulated him on his victory in the elections and appointment to the post of prime minister of great britain. starmer assured that the support of our state will not change. the leaders also coordinated positions before the nato summit and discussed the continuation bilateral cooperation. cancels the permission to strike on the territory of russia. this intention was announced by far-right french mp marine le pen, in the event that her party is nationally elected. will win the elections, in an interview with the american television company cnn, she also said that she would not allow president emmanuel macron to send french troops to ukraine. le pen is known for her pro-russian views, but according to two recent opinion polls, her party will probably not get an absolute majority in
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the national assembly. the second round of elections in france will be held tomorrow. look for more interesting videos on the espresso youtube channel, be sure to subscribe. subscribe, because there are live broadcasts of the ether, all news releases, programs and special projects that can only be seen here. also a short video on hot topics in the shorts section, share it, comment it, be there. and you can always read more about important things on our website espresso tv, because my colleagues work for you around the clock, also subscribe to our channels on social networks, see you at 9, then ether espresso will continue. my excellent colleagues oksana vysochanska and roman chaika.
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good morning. well, russian warplanes flew over ukraine, over turkey... peaceful meteorites, our good drones flew in three districts of the krasnodar region and were absolutely effective, that's why we will start the morning with the most important thing. and very good information that 24 of these 27 shaheds, which the russians launched both from the north and from the south of ukraine, were shot down by our defenders of the sky. to say thank you, just take your mobile phone, scan the qr code or enter the card number and to donate support any collection for the benefit of our defenders. we understand that we have a state that provides for our army, but imagine how many russians there are, how much equipment they have. and one state is not really able to fully provide 100% of the entire
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front, so we do it together, because this is our common country, and no one wants russians to come into his house, no one wants his loved ones to die, so we are doing this qr-codes, card numbers, please donate, this is a fundraiser that we are conducting together with irina kovaltse's charitable fund for mavics and equipping for the military art reconnaissance of the hundredth brigade, and the amount, the amount of this collection is 2 z... to the russian-fascist occupier for a drone, this is what we remember the principle that we are not stingy, everyone should have a motto of the moment, as roman ratushny said yesterday, who turned 27 yesterday, he said, the more russian-fascist occupiers we destroy, the less our children will have to do. well, in the meantime, we will start not only from the north, where these
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drones flew, they caused a little trouble there, but with south, because there are also traditionally always the routes of the start of the attack on ukraine. serhii brachuk, spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south , is in touch with us. mr. serhiy, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, glory to the armed forces, congratulations. what happened tonight in all the southern regions, did something fly? i will also continue the quote, as the great inquisition said, we continue to smoke. actually, tonight was stormy and quite hot, because the air alarm signal, and in general the enemy attack by the shaheds lasted more than five hours, almost six hours and only recently there was a setback, well, then maybe 31, that's it. as for the night, it must be said that the enemy attacked very actively with shaheds, again this information was from the afternoon. extremely confusing routes, even preliminary information that transiting part of the odesa
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region and also part of the territory of moldova , such shaheds also flew, that is, we see that in recent days, if there was such a thing in the north , there was such a flight of shahed through the territory of belarus, then in our country the south was noted today and due to a small part, but after all, this is the territory of the republic of moldova, and actually one of the mines, he also circled for a long time, it was... the last one for today, i hope, the last one, at least, he circled for a long time, he tried to walk here for a long time in odesa region, then to mykolaiv region, to expected, turned into the sea, headed towards romania and that's it, and i hope he at least did something similar to the bulbul. today, almost all regions worked on these shaheds, there are strikes in various regions, including the southern ones, mykolayiv region, kherson region. we take those that near us, this is kirovohrad region, dnipropetrovsk region was working there,
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the result is almost one hundred percent, as far as you are concerned, and this blocking mine, the monitors say that he flew to romania in the morning, there is confirmation that he definitely moved towards romania across the sea, or did he reach he belongs to the romanians, maybe someone knocked him down on the way, i mean the romanians also joined in this process, i think they would be happy if they knocked him down. at least there is no such information, but what was moving towards romania is really so, absolutely true, and in fact, the day before, the enemy activated tactical aviation again, this happens every day, tried to attack our south with k-59 missiles, one was definitely shot down over the mykolaiv region, there were also downed over the black sea, in general, yesterday was a fruitful day for the south air command, and missiles were destroyed, and the lancet. and eagles, that is, yesterday the air defense guys worked extremely actively,
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we wanted to ask you about this, mr. sergey, because these statistics, which were already submitted by the southern air command at 10 p.m., about and about the downed missile, about four halls, about two superkams and about orlan, well, an excellent result, especially regarding these reconnaissance uavs, it’s simply the tactics of our defenders that have already been worked out, have there been additional means that can be used... to work and willingly, as we can see , work, you know, i will not be original, i will quote, you see, today is some morning of quotes, yes, i will quote lobanovskyi, the main thing is the result, yes, because the game forgets. and actually we cannot talk about some things today, but what is going astray reconnaissance of drones is becoming more and more active, well, this is good, it is usually used, for example, as a tool, you know, it is not a secret and light motor aviation in odesa region, in particular, such experiments have already been practical in mykolaiv region, not a panacea, but
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nevertheless, it gives an appropriate result, well , the means of fire impression must be appropriate, because... when you know, you hear from people that this is a razviddron, it can be shot down, of course, it can be shot down, and the main thing is that it should be shot down, it corrects missile strikes, but have there should be appropriate means of making an impression, that is why you are absolutely logical and emphasize the correct attention to the fact that there should be such means specifically for shooting down scouts, because the tactical and technical characteristics, to put it mildly, are somewhat different from those of the same shaheds, the shaheds are already changing so... the technical characteristics, by the way, today regarding tactics, the enemy attacked from the sea with the shaheds , including, they went earlier today, too , the information is quite low, they are again using the water surface, the sea surface in this case in order to was it is more difficult to find and catch him, then, as they say , he actually floats out of this water and it is already
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quite difficult to knock him down when he is hanging over your head, that is, when you practice in practice, then... believe me, this is absolutely true, so it 's quite hot here, mr. serhiy, let's take the experience on the one hand, in odesa, i mean, when a training and sportsman became a uav hunter, and there is a continuation of the conversation, so far not productive, but the rules are correct and interesting, gennady khazan, he heads the association of private aircraft owners in... dnipro, and then the aviation expert kryvolab confirmed that we actually have a large stock of private small planes that could benefit from the odessa experience, but they all complain that some kind of bureaucracy does not give them the opportunity to fly them up to protect letovyshche is in myrhorod, dnipro or kryvyi rih. what is so difficult about this, why
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did the people of odessa so easily manage to show the result? well. it would be easiest to say it now, because this is odessa and that says it all, i will not say it, although i have actually already voiced it, the dnipro situation, i don't know it perfectly enough, but not everything is so simple there and i know that there are certain complaints, ah, let's say so, and to the owners of this light aircraft, something has not grown yet, but it shouldn't be, if some others want a result, then it is necessary to work for it, i hope, precisely in view of what is happening. and we desperately need it, as another tool for destroying, at least, enemy intelligence, and they, you see, how powerfully they still work and adjust these missile strikes, so if this is bureaucracy, it must be removed as soon as possible to overcome, unfortunately, they are really present at certain moments, again, i think a lot depends, you know, on management decisions,
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that is, that the relevant officials, in the armed forces, in, say, in other structures, are not afraid ... take responsibility, then the matter will go and it will be resolved, so regarding the dnipro, i say once again, i have somewhat different information, but i do not want to accuse anyone of anything now, for me the most important thing is to reach a consensus and worked, all the more, well, we all sympathize, empathize always in any of ours the settlement where there are these problems, in particular drone reconnaissance, so we are all in the same black, then we have to play together, and according to... we have enough daily statistics of it, as the service of god of ukraine, the reduced sbu detained a man under the guise of as if the couple were spying, a story about three girls who, as it were, worked in a restaurant, leaked all the data on the movement of the armed forces of ukraine in odesa, all the bloggers are bloggers, and this is day after
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day, that is , are there any correctors and traitors of collaborators? very much in odessa, or the service of god works better in you, how to explain these statistics? and i will start with the second one, this is the service of god, we really always work well, and there are no complaints in this regard, and i want to take this opportunity to address , including the people of odessa, there are really many bloggers, i do not encourage you to follow anyone there , but you still need to pay attention, now without smiles and quite seriously, the time is now such that you need to pay attention to those people who take pictures or take pictures under any sauce of these or other objects of critical infrastructure, especially the port and near-port infrastructure there, it is obvious, it catches the eye, you have to be a little careful. why am i focusing on this? because this is the life of each of us, this life is now for the people of odessa and not only for the people of odessa, for the guests of our city, but also for all ukrainians,
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the lives of your children, grandchildren, relatives and loved ones depend on it, well, it is true that here there is a second front, it is internal, i am not talking about politics right now, but specifically about such things, and you can see that our power structures really give results, in particular, the security service of ukraine, for which i am very grateful to them, and i want to note that they are working... the guys are very active, i just know and know these results, and if it was possible to reveal even a little behind the scenes of all this, well, you were very surprised, how is it even possible to expose such things, but it is already after the victory and not immediately, so we must thank you, as for the spies there, i do not think that we have more of them there than in the whole of ukraine, here and here think about what...said before, sir sergey, regarding the message from dmytro platenchuk that the russians learned how to load missiles onto submarines no longer
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in sevastopol, but in novorossiysk, but they ran everything there from sevastopol, what can this indicate for us, we see that recently they the seas still do not attack so actively, thank god, but can they do anything else, in fact, can there be danger from there. well, the information is not so new, maybe it is updated from my colleague, it is true, about submarines, we are already mentioned, the relevant structures of the defense forces are more interested and working on this, what about surface ships, because this is also a very significant potential, missile carriers, they are in novorossiysk now, i want to remind you, they are located, they have fled there again, the issue of logistics and the issue of the loading of these calibers precisely on surface missile carriers by... there are more of them, their combat capability is more powerful, a submarine, there are four of them, now the enemy has them, three with missiles, in fact,
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i carry three missiles, so it will be more precise, it’s four each, so we can count , it comes out to 12 there, yes, there are eight surface ships there, a salvo from one ship is possible, that is, significantly, they are working on this issue, the enemy, i mean, of course, and i know that they are also dealing with this topic. therefore, regarding the sea, by the way, today there is not a single russian ship on combat duty in the black sea, whether they fled, or are resting, i don’t know, or are preparing, perhaps for some mischief, this can be expected from them, on the other hand, the most important thing, that our defense forces pushed them out of the black sea as much as possible today, so you see, they are not are so active, and azov is used to hide and shoot from there, then there are still many by sea. work, but on the eve of the day of the naval forces, the armed forces of ukraine, and tomorrow we will celebrate this truly national holiday without exaggeration, we must thank our national naval forces
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for combat work and all defense forces, because if the enemy now had a fully functional the black sea fleet, at least half of what it could do at the beginning of the great invasion, would be much better for us more difficult, i mean here in the south and actually along the line of battle. because we understand that the front also had certain views on the use of the fleet, and therefore it is good that we have it the way we have it, i hope it will be better, one last question, mr. sergey, we have seen in recent days that the russians have become more active on islands, on the water, actually in the dnipro, in the south of the kherson region, and we have information that their well-trained, indeed, qualified pilots stopped right here. to the south and it makes life difficult for our defenders, can you do a little more information to tell us? well, actually, first of all this information about these pilots, it began to appear in the russian public, the corresponding
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telegram channels, they were happy about it and what will happen now, i apologize for giving all of us hell in the south in the morning, i will say that in our the defense forces and our units operating in this direction of kherson have the relevant experience, er... to simply turn them into ashes of such operators, so i hope they will work it out, and they are definitely working on this issue, in fact, how not to to let the enemy onto the islands, so now he is a little excited again, he is trying to attack again with the appropriate forces, this special forces, these are marines, that is, trained people, but also real soldiers on our side, so the situation is actually very serious and very tense, there is extremely it's hard and... and it's really hard for the guys to work, but nevertheless, the ukrainians perform their work extremely efficiently, the main thing is not to forget at what cost we
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got this victory. thank you, mr. sergey. serhii brodchuk was with us, the ukrainian lieutenant volunteer army of the south about the situation in the sea in the south and the mood of the people, we see that the service of god is working there, and our air defense forces are also working, and every morning i like to monitor how useful russian and the so-called liberal, good russian work, that is, what is the difference between lies , which they submit, we see first from the ministry of lies and war that today for the first time they write that the russian pv'. overnight destroyed seven ukrainian drones in kursk and one over belgorod territories and not a word about rostov region and krasnodar region, this change, they just didn’t think of what they should announce, how it should correlate with the huge number of videos of two oil depots burning in the kuban, and people are already openly writing about it in local media, it’s hard
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to come up with, to include in the so-called category of good russian , this is a different type of lie, well , classically, for example, medusa works out that the russian army loses from 150 to 250 men per day, well, completely different statistics are shown by our combat units, and this despite the fact that according to the destroyed russian-fascist occupiers they have confirmation, as they say from the battlefield, so there are two types of lies, russian hard and russian liberal in... do they differ only in volumes? no, both that lie and this lie. a short pause and we will continue. there are discounts in travel pharmacies for you and savings. up to 30%. discounts are valid until the end of july. suffering from heartburn? i recommend: isoto. isota interacts with the acid in the stomach, which leads to a reduction in the symptoms of pachia. izota, yours.
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how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras berezovets, on saturdays at 21:30 on espresso. events events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskyi and invited guests experts soberly assess events, analyze them. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep abreast
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of economic news and news from... two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and those who care, in the evening for espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world. society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion in spite of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. we return and we are done with as the russians submit the numbers of their losses , they say about two hundred, once again let me remind you, they say 200, 250.


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