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tv   [untitled]    July 6, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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we will find out and tell you. the moment of silence is approaching, the time to honor the memory of all those who died on our ukrainian land because of the occupiers. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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greetings to everyone from espresso, i'm nalnyk and this is news. at night, the russians attacked ukraine with 2-7 shaheds, only three of them failed to destroy our defenders of the sky, the air force reported. air defense forces worked in dnipropetrovsk, poltava, zaporizhzhya, kherson, kharkiv, donetsk, sumy, chernihiv, vinnytsia, kyiv, kirovohrad and mykolaiv regions. the russians launched drones from the temporarily occupied crimea and the kursk region.
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at night, muscovites attacked the energy infrastructure of the som region with shahedes, without electricity in the city and villages in several districts, the regional military administration reported. in sumy, all facilities of the water supply company have been de-energized and water supply has been temporarily stopped, the city water supply company said. repairmen are still working on eliminating the consequences. five people died, eight more. there were injuries due to the russian attack on selidovoy in donetsk region. in the evening, the enemy dropped two guided aerial bombs on one of the enterprises, said the head of the region, vadym filashkin. 15 private houses, 21 cars and four shops were also damaged. the russians killed one person in the kherson region, five more were wounded. a 35-year-old resident died. godparents. the enemy shelled the village with
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artillery. the occupiers also dropped explosives from a drone on a car in stanislav. a 74-year-old man received explosive and craniocerebral injuries, as well as a contusion. after arrival medics, the occupiers struck again with a drone, the head of the region, oleksandr prokudin, said. falcher has moderate injuries. during the day, the russians shelled 18 settlements in the region. enemy shells hit... a critical infrastructure facility and a gas pipeline. eight private houses, an outbuilding, a warehouse, garages and an ambulance were damaged. several times the occupiers attacked the border of the dnipropetrovsk region with drones. the infrastructure, a five-story building, a shop and a car were damaged, the regional head said serhii lysak of the military administration. fortunately, there were no casualties. in russia, they announced about... such
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drones in the krasnodar region, allegedly air defense was working in three districts, in yeysk, a cell tower was damaged due to the fall of the uav debris, and in the village of pavlovska, there was a fire at an oil tank, due to the fall of the debris , the tanks of of fuel, another tank with fuel is on fire in the town of leningrad, the operational headquarters of the krasnodar territory reported. they say there are no victims. and to the operational situation on the front line from of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, 139 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. the hottest, further on in the pokrovsky direction , our defenders repelled 45 attacks by the occupiers, most near novooleksandrivka and novoselivka persha. 18 times, the russians, with the support of airstrikes, tried to storm our positions near turkey, north and new york. 10. attacked in
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the kramatorsk direction. in kharkiv oblast , eight combat clashes took place near vovchansk, hlyboky, staretsi and liptsi. our aviation, rocket launchers, rocket launchers and... warehouse of ammunition, the rep station, six areas of concentration of russian personnel and another important object of the occupiers. and about the losses in the enemy army, another 1,260 occupiers felt the kiss of death. they were destroyed by the defense forces on the world kiss day. and since the beginning of the russian invasion, our defenders have eliminated more than 549 thousand invaders and... also, the armed forces have been turned into scrap metal. 11 tanks, 18 armored combat vehicles and 66 artillery systems of the enemy. mi-76 cars and six units will no longer serve the russians special equipment the general staff reminds that all data are approximate. they can
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assemble one of five broken enemy combat vehicles to destroy the occupiers themselves. this is how the repairmen of the fifth slobozhzhan brigade work. of the national guard of ukraine, damaged equipment is evacuated from the front line, risking their lives under fire, and most of all strive to quickly and efficiently restore combat vehicles. evgeny with the call sign poltava tells about the interior of the car, he knew everything from childhood, he helped at his father's service station. he learned to control and repair military equipment faster. poltava - contractor a few hours after the start of the great war.
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in addition to evacuating damaged equipment, i delivered water and everything necessary to the position, poltava says there, you have to work carefully, enemy drones are circling all the time, when i was taking out equipment and comrades-in-arms, they came under fire. flintly, when i was already driving from the exit back in the police line straight to the road, where i was driving, a projectile fell 5-10 meters in front of me, and we started on the road.
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t-80, t-72, mtlb, bmp, and a little bit of automotive equipment. our army and against the occupiers themselves thanks to the repairmen-guards , such burnt and
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torn russian tractor transporters are now working for good. sometimes, the guardsmen say, it takes several hours to remove their damaged equipment. drove through, ran into... well , the front wheels broke off there, and it was very close to the advanced positions there, it was in the srebyansk forest, so that we would not be noticed from the air or like that, everything was in a hurry, everything was carefully thought out did, put the equipment on wheels, the kettle, the car drove up, hooked up this equipment and immediately moved in, during the great war, the guardsmen... evacuated hundreds of units of damaged military equipment, this enemy zetka is overgrown with weeds, the stuffing agreed to repair our armored vehicles. we are very pleased when we wring equipment from them and then use it
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in order to kick them out of our territory, well, there is burned equipment, it cannot be restored, it happens that we remove some aggregates, nodes from them ... those from the repair company work around the clock, everything to win, and to return as soon as possible armor to comrades in arms. ukraine is preparing an unprecedented agreement with great britain for a period of 100 years - said volodymyr zelenskyy after a telephone conversation with kir starmer. the president of ukraine congratulated him on his victory in the elections and his appointment as the prime minister of great britain. starmer assured that the support of our state will not change. the leaders also coordinated
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positions before the nato summit and discussed the continuation of bilateral cooperation. cancels the permission to strike on the territory of russia. the french ultra-right announced such an intention deputy marine le pen in case her national union party wins the elections. in an interview with an american television company. she also said that she will not allow president emmanuel macron to send french troops to ukraine. le pen is known for her pro-russian views, however, according to two recent opinion polls, her party is unlikely to receive an absolute majority in the national assembly. the second round of elections in france will take place tomorrow. these are the things for the moment, i tell you, see you at 10 o'clock. we will be back, thank you
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colleagues for their work, and i still listen to the news, and i even see statistics: 19 cabs, this is for yesterday only in the kharkiv region, these are guided aerial bombs, and that’s it, they are modernizing and everything is fine, it is really visible, and after that, after this. the one who came to kyiv and then kissed the international wanted criminal putin, i am talking about orban, received a huge amount of criticism, you know that he said that it is the european union that stands in the way of peace in ukraine, 19 cabs in kharkiv oblast, it is the european union stands on in the way, how many times would orbán have to repeat this, but it seems to me that in this... with all the cynicism and this visit, i want to show you and the audience these two photos, yes two
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photos, and as they say, find a few differences , at least five: horthy and adolf hitler and orban and adolf putin, well, historical parallels arise for one and the other, these aggressors and terrorists have never been brought to justice, so they allow themselves. blame the entire european union for the war, which is obviously the aggressor can be seen with two unarmed eyes, they spoke at length yesterday, then jointly went to the press, basically nothing new that we in ukraine did not know and understand, we did not hear, says orban, that ukraine and russia have a completely different understanding peace, yes, but peace must be on russian terms, and orban nodded his head, but look. hungary and germany, in fact germany reacted to this trip, yesterday everyone said that no, it
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can't be like that, it's some stupid joke, and so yesterday, yes, yes, yes, it was canceled, well, budapest says, don't come, all the minister of foreign affairs, annalena berb, please don't come to budapest, but why did he say that, because he criticized scholz, said, well , orban can't, being in such a position, preside when in... hungary presides over the eu to take and without having any mandate to do so, representing a huge community, it is quite normal to take and go to putin. likewise , the chairman of the bundestag foreign affairs committee says that this is an undermining of the principles of the eu's foreign policy. they don't understand how it is happens. nevertheless, fitso woke up, began to feel a little better, and went out into the crowd. says: listen, i would also go to putin, well, but i don't feel well enough to survive this flight now. in short, this
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is this, this is this, and putin, meanwhile, what? orban flew to him, putin himself flew to astana before that. it seems that he is starting to feel a little better and freer somehow. in general, he does not look like such a scumbag on the world stage, it seems that he is already being accepted, and towards him. this russian-ukrainian war has been going on since the 22nd year until the beginning of this year, it looked like this. black and white, clear, in particular for our western partners, i.e. here is the aggressor, and accordingly such direct cooperation is the west ukraine, now after what orban and fizo are creating in this arena, and judging by these certain contacts that
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are taking place , it seems that this formula of direct black and white transitions into some kind of incomprehensible. a traveler in well, that is , we see more and more that these aggressors are becoming the handmaidens in moscow, on whom the mandate is written, as for criminals in the international criminal court, and it means that the two guys orban and fitso are undermining this european solidarity in general, it's very dangerous as of now, and that's all. very, very much right now fits into this information campaign under probably some code name is the peace that russia is implementing, what does it consist of, we see that more and more countries, if not hungary, turkey, someone else, are starting to propose their own peace plans, we offer this, we offer that, everyone seems to, seemingly with good and good intentions
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, wants to offer some option, but what it looks like what comes out of this, what comes out is that simply the ukrainian... peace plan, those theses that are important to us, those goals that are important to our people, they actually start to blur, become less visible when more and more concepts are emerging, and most of them actually contradict what we are talking about. well, we're taking a short break, stay with the press, you use it with one hand for coffee, and with the other to donate to drones for our defenders. attention, a good offer: order a smart light bulb for at a special promotional price, only 149 uah, durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only 149 uah. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250, but we offer you
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gurska meet. meeting with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm , the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. as always we we are talking about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. in the project close to politics , close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in collaboration with sestra au. an unusual look at the news. ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at events in ukraine at the border. there will be some katsaps in kyiv and beyond, what kind of world is mr. norman dreaming of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15
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at espresso. a new week on espresso, a weekly summary information and analysis program, a clear understanding of the key events of the past week, analysis of causes and effects. of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join in discussion, spend the final monday evening with us and confidently step into the new week. the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andrii smoly every monday at 8:00 p.m. on espresso. we return and immediately join the conversation with our next guest, the coordinator of the information protar group. kostyantyn mashovets joins our broadcast. mr. kostyantyn, thank you for finding an opportunity and glory for ukraine. glory to the heroes, good morning. mr. kostyantyn, we see
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a massive attack on an absolutely global, even dimensional basis, we have already forgotten how many fingers must be crossed for various peace formulas and attempts to stop at least shelling and fighting, and from which only geographical points do not reach us. are the demands on ukraine, are they some kind of coordinated information attack and pressuring on ukraine planned by someone, or are there a bunch of different components here? well, of course, the enemy is implementing a set of measures within the framework of waging war against ukraine, including in the informational sense, so to speak in the public sphere, so... that's why all the calls and formations of a certain, let's say, public opinion and especially in an international regard, this is one
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of the not the best internet, and this is how the connection is restored, yes, please continue, and they are forming public opinion in this sense between. in relation to the people, in order, let's say, to implement the ideas and plans that they have drawn up in order to implement the strategy of conducting this war, to end it on favorable terms for them, well, as part of the implementation of this strategy, they form this opinion, sir konce, and the visit and all these barking statements from the hungarian orban, is this also a component of this campaign, or is it a separate game here? no, i think that this is all within the framework of this strategy,
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because it is obvious that during its implementation , the most suitable tools, levers will be used, mr. orbán, he is one of them, well, because hungary is a member. .. it is possible to influence this situation in these organizations with the help of this, and his long- standing connection and friendship with the kremlin, well , it is obvious to everyone, yes, but what can we, ukraine, as a non-nato and non-eu member, do with this, with the game of orbán himself, as a representative of the country, a member of nato and the european union, we have some kind of mechanism. do we have to look at this debate european union versus orban , there are only two things we can do here, either
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react or not react at all, well , agree to some of the conditions that he puts forward from the kremlin, or disagree, well, this decision is always up to the military and political leadership of our country. mr. kostyantyn, we still want to talk about the front line. ask, we see that the pokrovsky direction is now one of the most difficult, but also new york, toretsk, they constantly try to attack somewhere, if not from one side, then from the other, that is, they constantly test, from different sides of the flanks they enter, and the question of where they have all the strength for this, personal composition, equipment, and are they in a position to continue to pull the same amount of forces there, the same amount of reserves, in order to continue... to move in that direction with such a wide band, and can we fight it all off? yes, let's go in order, first,
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where did they get it? forces and means, well, because russia is big, they have a big army, therefore forces they have enough means, er, at the moment, where do the forces come from, they apply the principle of concentration, these forming operations, they collect the appropriate forces and means in the specified operational directions, in this case we are talking about... the line of action of the troop grouping , the center, there are two combined armies, plus a separate tank division, and also attachments from the formations of the first army corps, well, they have enough resources there, including reserves, that's the first, second thing you asked about, you asked about , can we do it all repel if they continue
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to move in such a wide band. won't say whether he can or won't be able to in the public sphere, i won't go into specifics, if the enemy is advancing, has some pace of advancement, then of course we can't at the moment, what can we quickly pull up our reserves there, if i'm saying once again, well, about the capabilities, capabilities of the armed forces of ukraine, specifically in relation to some operational direction there, well, it's not worth saying on the air. then we want to ask about the north in kharkiv oblast, we saw liptsi, we saw it vovchansk and here suddenly appeared a small, but still red stripe in the north in the kharkiv region, i am talking about the sotnytskyi cossack, this is an attempt to simply divert attention, can we expect that there will be some more serious actions that are needed, i would call it by the attempt of our dipstate. the attention
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of the army command to this direction, uh, can the same points appear further along the border line in the chernihiv and sumy regions, if they are not drawn in the dipstate, then you can appear, and we know about the drg on the northern borders, well, i i will return to the informational component, because this discussion was a long time ago, but there is still no progress. that is, we have allocated huge resources for counter-propaganda, but after talking with specialists, they say, why is russia so free for the third year in a row after the invasion of the information space directly in ukraine, and ukraine does not act in the information space on the territory of russia, well, here is just an option, if our saboteurs can work all the way to the far east, or
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special operations work accordingly. why are we at least in certain in the public places where military information is disseminated, do we not carry out counter-propaganda on the territory of russia? well, because the system of information on the dissemination of information is different here, er, in ukraine it is based on more or less such, let's say, democratic principles, in russia it's all, well, under the control of the state, so... why we do we not work there, for example, as a military informational counter-propaganda? well, we are working, there are channels, telegram channels that were created, pretending to be non-ukrainian, from the russian federation, there are, on the contrary, channels, supposedly
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russian, which... is actually controlled by ukraine, this is being conducted, conducted, such work is being conducted on both sides, the scale and scope of it is different, of course, therefore, moreover, i am telling you that the definition and, let's say, or support the work of these telegram channels... well, from the side of state authorities, management, it is different, why, because, well, for example, you, it is difficult for us to imagine in ukraine that we, for example, our authorities would ban, for example, telegram, there , instagram and some other social networks, er, for use, in russia it is generally accepted practice, if they don't like something, somewhere they...


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