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tv   [untitled]    July 6, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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and the channels are supposedly russian, which are actually controlled by ukraine, this is being conducted, conducted, such work is being conducted, from both sides, er, the scale and scope of it is different, er, of course, er, therefore, moreover, i'm telling you that the definition and, let's say, or support of the work of these telegram channels, er, well, on the part of state authorities, management, it is different, why, because, well, for example, you, us it is hard to imagine in ukraine that we, for example, our government would ban, for example, telegram, there, instagram, and some other social networks, er, for use, in russia this is a generally accepted practice, if they don’t like something, somewhere they... lose,
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concede, they prohibit it, or put it under tight and continuous control, so they have the opportunity to regulate this amount of information on the internal its information market. thank you, mr. kostyantyn for the analysis, kostyantyn mashovets was with us, the coordinator of the information resistance group, we are going further and have the following calculations. politicians about what in general in ukraine for june, for june month, they launched about 336 shaheds, so the main targets are staro konstantinov, dnipropetrovsk and zaporizhzhia regions, this is exactly what we are talking about, that additional air defense systems and additional reb systems are needed there, because these goals remain strategically important for the russians , and they are constantly trying, we see that in fact every day in the dnipropetrovsk region... there is anxiety and
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something was constantly flying there, well, if we talk about statistics, then 52% of the launches are from the krasnodar region, primorye-akhtar region, let me remind you that there recently it also flew in that direction, and 24% from cape chauda, ​​this is temporarily occupied crimea, and we will pay attention to the coefficient of useful action, once at school we were taught to count it correctly, here in tens, then in hundreds, they beat in russian - fascist. the occupiers, well, we can only see energy facilities in sumy oblast so far from all that attack. now let's take a look at our attacks, and a small number of good drones in the kuban in the krasnodar territory are actually burning nicely, just so you understand this is this point of unbreakability where you can warm up, it is nothing but a lokoil oil depot. and let's remind you that i watched. if we are already
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talking about what is burning there, then we remember that they used to regularly launch something from yeisk, so on june 21 something flew there, and the shaheds are no longer flying from there, so we have everything for you, dear russians on the call of our next guest, vasyl forman, member of the council of the national bank of ukraine and doctor of economic sciences, mr. vasyl, we welcome you to our airwaves. good day, have you already heard the reviews, opinions of volunteers about that the next idea is to control, limit transfers from card to card, is there still no panic, it is still possible that there are some agreements, talks are ongoing, and it will be possible to somehow settle it, i do not think that there can be any panic in this matter , well, as you say, in general, when...... the national
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bank initiated a discussion of this issue back in may, let's say, and personally came out with the problem and named the reasons for such a possible decision, and the reasons were that very cards are often used in various shady schemes, in the gaming business, in the optimization of taxation, when examples were given, when cards, well, for example, there are students who have no earnings, but through which millions of funds can pass there or a person who does not work, that is, also millions of funds, that is, well, the so-called droppers, when people are the owner of the card, but they rent it out to other individuals who use it for their own purposes, business or illegal, that is, this should not be the case, and the national bank then said that we will...
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discuss this proposal with volunteers, and in principle, this is happening today, and it was also stated that the restrictions that are planned to be introduced will not apply to 95% of the population of ukraine, but those people who, for example, receive white wages, that is, well, no in the envelopes, namely the salary from which the taxes were paid, or you, for example, there fop, and if you need, there was talk about restrictions, we, we do not know how many possible restrictions can be there from the card, but well then it was called figure 30, it is clear that the final figure, it will be agreed according to the appropriate decision at... the central bank of ukraine, well, it is acceptable, if the number 30 still remains, then we have such a policy in the banking system, know your client, and when you come to the bank and simply say that you often transfer money funds from card to card, you have a white salary, eh, and
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then the bank can expand the number of transactions for you, conditionally there from a transfer from card to card, so... believe me, there is nothing in those initiatives that are on the part of the national bank there is no such thing, well, there is no such thing, we are together today efforts should be made to ensure that, well, there are fewer illegal transactions in general, that the level of the shadow economy in our state decreases, and this measure, it, it will not solve 100% of the problems with the shadow economy, but at the same time, it will help ... can contribute to this, well, and many other, well , directions that will allow us to whitewash the ukrainian economy, make it civilized, and here we are constantly talking to you about the war, about the ukrainian victory, and it must be said that if we go to the financial side of this the question is today, ukrainian taxpayers are
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individuals and legal entities, you and i finance the military-industrial complex, salaries for military personnel, other needs related to the war, and others , for example, the external international financial aid that we receive, they they already go there for the salaries of state employees, for pensions, maybe for other issues related to reconstruction, therefore it is extremely important for us to increase the first part of the finances, for the more funds there are in the budget from taxes, the more we will be able to send them to finance the ukrainian victory, mr. vasily, i will upgrade and fresh. information in a sufficiently long and high-profile case in which the national bank of ukraine appears, well, not as a suspect, no, i mean about the fact that nabu has been conducting it for two years and there are decisions in the courts concerning the alliance bank, there was
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the huge debt of uah 1.7 billion for ukrenergo, you know all these perpetuations, when they were canceled, the cassation decisions were launched again. there is actually a fresh one the day before yesterday, we received information about the actual displacement in this case, the court made its decision, the bank must pay, this bank has already asked for refinancing, only now our colleagues from the community of journalists, investigators, and insiders say that now it fits in there from the office, the name rosyslav shurma appears, they say that there is a group of df, that is, firtash , who in no way... can bear responsibility for his actions, is sitting somewhere in austria, and all this is a complex pressure on the national bank, give billions to this bank alliance again, do you confirm this whole story that we are reading as a detective story? well, let's go if frankly, i don't have the kind of information you are talking about today, the only thing i can
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say is that nutzbank always, let's say, operates within the legal framework. this is the first thing, we have the law of ukraine on the national bank, which defines the independence of the national bank of ukraine from other bodies of state power, and by the way, thanks to this independence, ah, thanks to a correctly formed, balanced monetary policy, a lot of regulations were used and adopted there documents on the regulation of the foreign exchange market and many, many more other areas where the national bank regulates, you and i today have macroeconomic stability. we have low inflation, we have the trust of the citizens of ukraine in the ukrainian banking system, the balance of funds of the citizens of ukraine in all currencies, they have been growing since the beginning of the great war, that is, we thank the ukrainians for their trust in the banking
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system, and well, we see that the national bank is very a very strong regulator, and i think that all banks and non-banks. and the citizens feel it, i just asked completely, well, by by, as they say, by fresh fresh traces courts, as regards the refinancing operation, it is, in principle, standard. the mechanism that a bank, well, any central bank, as a lender of last resort, and commercial banks can take refinancing in banks on generally accepted terms, well, i apologize to the national bank of ukraine, that is , it is clear what i will quote to you, mr. vasyl, look, here the bank has already received more than enough in this case, what our colleagues write, and now it needs billions of hryvnias again, pressure is being exerted on the head of the national bank, which... resistance, this is what my colleagues are writing about, that is why i
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asked you if the question is affirmative, or maybe a question, well, look, if such a discussion has already taken place, that is, where is it written, you keep saying, it is written, look, i am reading the decisions of the judges , i am reading on the internet the publication that actually relies on the approval of the judges, it is not written that you are being pressured to read, that is why we are asking if there is really pressure on the head of the national bank, see pressure is not being exerted on the head of the national bank, but at the same time we live with you in the conditions of war and we are today also, well, the war is not only in the east, there is an information war, and very often in the press it can appear, well, in... very low-level mass media and other information, you understand, necessarily, well, you and
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i should check this information as far as possible it is reliable, that's why i wanted to tell you about this, that any information that is presented, because i will say frankly, i myself read a lot, i monitor information, but for some reason i did not see this information, well , on tuesday, july 2, the supreme court of ukraine in members of the panel of judges. the commercial court of cassation satisfied the complaints of the national company ukrenergo and the national commission, and all of this concerned the alliance bank itself and in favor of ukrenergo, the debt plus penalties amounted to uah 1.7 billion. in this case, my colleagues write about certain pressure from the bank's lobbyists on the national bank. that's all, this is official information, as you can see, for july 2. look, and economic, well, i understand that. a dispute between state-owned companies, between
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an alliance bank, i am not aware of this economic dispute, okay, thank you, that is, just us asked, and suddenly you are in the know, thank you for the information, mr. vasyl, vasyl furman, a member of the council of the national bank of ukraine and a doctor of economic sciences, explained that there is no catastrophe when it comes to these new initiatives, a short pause between us and whether there is catastrophe in the ukrainian sky, we tell our next guest, this expert, wait. ordinary things become unreal. heavy bags are not for my sore back. for back pain, try dologit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain and reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. doolgit is the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. when buying a large package of 150 g, you save up to 50%. there are discounts that represent the only discounts. 15% at travel pharmacies for you and savings. euro-2024 only for mego. football
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are coming back, what do you think, when? whole supervisory. to the national bank and the publication here is not some scurrilous joker, but specific decisions of the higher court, and the publication of the facts of the business capital, as they say, not jokers write off, and allegedly the entire national bank is not aware of the fact that a bank that loses a case turns to to the national bank about refinancing, and i don't know anything, in a word, it's fun to get information even from official sources after the absolute decisions of the top. ok, now we will try to get more information on another matter, guest, bohdan dolintsa is already with us, aviation an expert, a manager of the aviation sector, joins our conversation, mr. bohdan, thank you for being with us, glory to ukraine, good day, glory to the heroes, mr. bohdan, let's get together too, we had a nice guest,
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i'm talking about serhii bratchuk, and we talked about the experience of odessa, about how, in fact... our defenders manage to shoot down the shaheds with small old planes, because there they constantly fly over the sea and above, and here there are not even shaheds, they took how, took how, joined there, i don’t know, probably just two machine guns and they work effectively against drones, that hang over the city, reconnaissance ones, and they are fire adjusters, we watched an absolutely identical scenario several times this week in... the russian occupiers repeated over the airfields of kryvyi rih, myrhorod, two times, the same reconnaissance halls or eagles hang all the time, and each time we go deeper into the rear, we understand that we have yaks not only in odesa, there are a lot of this type of aircraft in dnipropetrovsk as well, after all, the left bank of ukraine is a huge
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agricultural holding, which also has its own aircraft , aircraft, aviation, and... to be used not only for irrigation and fertilization of fields, in odesa it was quickly put, as they say, to help the armed forces and air forces of the armed forces of ukraine, but in the center of the country they say that something is not sticking together, and the aviators themselves are ready to lend a shoulder to the air forces of ukraine and also to help shoot down the scout gunners of these ballistic missiles, which does not stick together, well, look, first of all, if we are talking about this kind of approach, then we must understand that... such an asymmetric non-standard approach also requires of course, the coordination of many forces, that is , it is directly the pilots themselves who control such aircraft, and including the relevant decisions of certain air force associations there, which are responsible for taking part of the airspace separately, in addition, we must understand that, of course
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other aircraft may be located in this airspace , that is, we are talking about other military aircraft, helicopters as well... there may also be enemy objects, such as, for example, cruise missiles, or corresponding drones, scouts, kamikaze drones, and of course, the presence of additional flying objects, including airplanes, they can create certain difficulties for the work of such units, including air defense units, because this additionally complicates the necessary communication, here, in addition, we must understand that such aircraft as the 52, it is clear that they do not have the auto defendants, and from the point of view of coordination there, that is, it is necessary to do everything literally in manual mode, so that the air defense forces do not accidentally take such a plane is mesmerizing or mesmerizing the target and... they launched it, but in odesa they can, in podnya, in myrhorod they can't, or how, how does it turn out like this? well, look, there are several components here, the first component, if we are talking about odessa, after all, there is a certain part of the space
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that needs to be covered by an air defense, it is located above the sea, and the distance there to the nearest russian units is essentially greater than, for example, if we take myrhorod, that is, we understand that there is also saturation of various systems of the russian military on the border with ukraine, she. is high enough, these are electronic warfare systems and air defense systems, and including, of course, the presence of aircraft that can, for example, launch missiles at such civilian aircraft that perform such tasks there, relatively speaking, are already wider than only civilians, but look, mr. bohdan, yesterday over kyiv too, the air force was declared a national alert and also hunted for intelligence with a drone, it turned out that no, it was some dangerous intellectual on a hang glider, almost knocked down. well, in this regard, it does not prevent you from identifying yourself there and somehow acting, that is, if this case with a hang glider just well highlighted that auxiliary aviation
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can be, at least now, a short-term solution for the moment, until the sky is dominated by ukrainian f-16. well, look, from the point of view of the use of small aviation, we must understand that it was also used for a full-scale invasion, including to help monitor the border. with the russian federation, here, in addition, if we talk about small aviation, there are still certain limitations, that is, unlike military aviation, these are still not specialized vessels, and it does not require certain training of pilots, that is , any even a military pilot may not necessarily be able to fly such an aircraft, after all, he needs to undergo training, get permits, that is, we can only be talking about those pilots who previously operated these aircraft, and of course, if they have the desire ... and in principle are ready to perform such tasks, then of course there must be a certain model for their safe involvement, that is, so that we understand that these pilots or crews understand how they
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can help, they understand what their actions can be, of course, useful in destroying enemy targets, if we are talking about such intelligence, reconnaissance drones, even shahed drones, we have to understand that these air targets, they usually fly at a relatively low speed, it is about 130-150 km, just the right speed for... what kind of aircraft can fly safely, in contrast to the destruction of aviation , which is so small at high speeds, it simply cannot fly, because this plane will break off the corkscrew and fall, that's why, of course, the use of such a small aircraft in certain tasks can be even more expedient and more effective than large military planes, well, mr. bohdan, they have already shown the video shows what our mobile fire groups received in order to fight even more successfully with... heads, although the effectiveness there is still not 100%. so, they take such a thermal imaging lens, ukrainian, by the way, between the machine guns of our production, yes, it is actually such
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a sight that allows you to see better, see faster, and accordingly , shoot more precisely at those shahedes that fly most often in the south and north, but also to the west, as we can see, they often fly, like this will affect performance now? free fire groups, in fact, how much will it help us now? well, look, this is most likely a forced step, because we see that, if earlier the russians launched their shaheds both during the day and at night, today we see launches mainly at night, due to the fact that it complicates the probability of their destruction, including, it makes it difficult to detect their destruction, both by mobile groups and, including, with the use of combat aircraft, that is, they even periodically began to paint them in the appropriate colors, began even in order to ... to reduce the visibility in thermal imaging devices, to use special materials that reduce the thermal footprint of such shahed drones, but of course, in principle, the use of such already improved turrets
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or systems will, in principle, allow to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of destroying enemy drones, if we see that, in principle, such inventions are already shown in the public space, it means that they were implemented much earlier, and now the russians already know about their existence, and therefore it is possible to talk about them in principle. speaking, here, one of the interesting directions, in fact, in addition to such mobile fire groups, we are seeing the beginning of the use of appropriate drones that destroy other enemy drones, that is, in fact, this approach is similar to the approach with the use of aircraft there like 52, but there are clearly two pilots, a large plane, now we see the use of kamikaze drones, fpv drones not only for striking enemy targets, including for destroying enemy aerial reconnaissance, and does this give a good result or not? part of those scouting drones that hang for hours over cities or objects in ukraine say that they are high enough, they are very difficult to detect, respectively, and that fpvs fly
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to such heights? yes, look, there are different types of fpv drones, of course it affects them the cost, their characteristics and time, the possibility of such a drone staying in the air, but today there are confirmed types of drones that are able to climb up to almost 10 km above the ground, that is, but of course this requires very powerful engines, it requires there is a certain feature of the design, and such a drone can climb to such a height for a long time, but stay on it, it can literally be there for several minutes and then still be forced to land, that is... we see that there are different types of solutions , no these are necessarily drones, only fpv class drones are also aircraft-type, and in principle, most likely, the future means of anti-drone protection, they will use the systems of fpv drones, that is, they will be either automatically or manually controlled drones, which will be able to detect such enemy air targets and destroy them, because the key limitation and challenge of using,
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for example, air defense systems or combat aviation is that the cost of one missile to destroy an enemy drone is tens and sometimes hundreds of times more expensive than and the cost of such an enemy reconnaissance drone, and of course, the economy in such conditions does not add up, and it is necessary to look for means of destruction that will be either cheaper, this is an ideal option, or at least comparable in cost, this is yesterday's video, when an eagle is shot from an arrow , yesterday we just showed it, that is, it is proportional. spends or is not economically unprofitable, well, look, here it is necessary to move away from the cost, relatively speaking, of one launch of an arrow rocket, most likely there we will talk about the fact that there is a cost launch, well, it will probably be a little more expensive, if they say that the cost of a roland there is about 10 thousand dollars, but if we talk about serini, then it is even cheaper, then it is clear that the cost of launching one arrow will definitely be a little more expensive, because even a tinger shot, it is measured there at 10 or more thousand dollars, mr. bohdan
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le pen almost as trump says: if we come to power here, then my prime minister will definitely forbid ukraine to use french weapons on the territory of russia? it's a scary horror, a scarecrow, but we don't have it only french scalps? well, look, there are several legal issues here, because there are issues of those weapons that have already been transferred, and of course, those treaties that were signed during this transfer, and it is clear that their text is currently a state prison. we don't know what kind of restrictions there are, and how much they can hinder us. it is clear that the transfer of future weapons, of course, there may be certain difficulties, here, but the question is to what extent there, uh, such a change can directly affect the support of ukraine, the restrictions on the use of one or another weapon is probably still a question there, both for the military, which conducts such negotiations with france, and also for the relevant ministries of foreign affairs there, who know not only
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the public side of the issue there, because we have . you see, many countries in the european union have their own public policy, but their actions and decisions do not always correspond to the public statements made there, including for russia. mr. bohdan, thank you for the clarification, bohdan dolin, an aviation expert and manager of the aviation sector, was with us and actually talked about aviation, about what is possible, but it is not the easiest thing to completely add new technologies, new ones. means to protect the ukrainian sky, so that the stories that happened in poltava oblast and dnipropetrovsk oblast would not be repeated again. it's almost 10:00, it's news time. anna eva and the entire editorial team have already collected and prepared the most important information and are ready to share it with all of us. we will return at 14:10, during that time we ask you not to stop donating, because it is ours common cause, and when we return, we
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will show you our gratitude for these donations. cool video, actually, how drones work and we will communicate with the military. greetings to all espress viewers. this is yana yevomelnik and this is news. in one day, the russians killed 11 residents of donetsk region, another 43 people were wounded, five died and 15 were seriously injured in silidovo. in the evening, the enemy dropped two guided aerial bombs on one of the enterprises, said the head of the region, vadym filashkin. 21 private houses, 21 cars, three administrative buildings and four shops. in addition, three people died in chasovoy yar, in nivochyna three...
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high-rise buildings and five private houses


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