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tv   [untitled]    July 6, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. events events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso.
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selyamaliikum, welcome to the program together beraber, this is a joint project of the first crimean tatar tv channel atr and the tv channel, i, gulsom khalilova, and my colleague andriy yanitsky work for you in the studio. i invite you to subscribe to the atp youtube channel and espressa youtube channel, like, comment on this video, ask questions to the presenters and guests, and let's start with the hottest topic of this. well, this is probably the main news of this week, and you know, i just have a very big wave of emotions, because we have been waiting for this for a very long time, and we waited and we are still waiting for all the political prisoners of the kremlin, all our boys who are currently in russian prisons. but this week we
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saw one of them, this is mr. nariman dzhelal, he is a crimean tatar politician, the first deputy head of the crimean tatar people's border region, he is already free, he is already in ukraine, he was met in kyiv by the leader of the crimean tatar people, mustafa dzhemilev, the head of the crimean tatar border region of the people, ryfat chubarov, we can see now. these shots, and i would like us to hear mr. nariman now, his first words after his release, i'm already in ukraine, i was met by such nice guys who gave me clubs, don't cry, don't cry, it's over, it's over little one. we're back in the city, i'm at home, i didn't
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lose hope for a day that it would end someday, although internally i was ready to endure the entire unfair term that was assigned to me in the occupation court of crimea. the most important thing for us was to know that ukraine continues to fight for its own freedom, independence, and that hope... that resistance, it inspired us also not to succumb to any provocations that were out there. along with mr. nariman jelyal, nine more political prisoners of the kremlin were released, and we very much hope that after this we will see more of our political prisoners who are still in fsb prisons, russian federation prisons and... we we will see everyone at liberty in
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the country, in their country, in their homeland, and i hope that in the future already on the territory of crimea, on the territory, on the territory of the liberated crimea yes, and of course, we all did not expect a return, especially mr. nariman, my tape was all torn up on facebook, from emotions. crimeans, who reacted very emotionally to this news, because the man was in captivity not for a year or two, from which year 2.9 from 2021, after the inaugural summit of the crimean platform, where he came, he then returned to crimea, and as mr. riman dzhelal in his first interview, he understood that his occupiers
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were detaining him after returning to crimea from... but how was he, how was he liberated, we will speak with the head of the border forest of the crimean tatar people, mr. ryfat chubarov, who is now in direct contact with us and we are happy to congratulate him. i tell you, we have already told you about the dismissal of mr. nariman, but still you were in the process of his dismissal, how did it happen and how, how much time did it take to dismiss him? look, a large team is engaged in the release of civilian prisoners of war for... traitors and political prisoners, here starting from the office of the president of ukraine and the authority of the supreme the council of ukraine on human rights, the mejlis of the crimean tatar people, human rights
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organizations, lawyers, i.e. everyone is trying as much as possible to facilitate the release of our citizens as quickly as possible. residents of crimea. we explained that the aggressor country avoids any negotiations on this topic. the russians demonstratively emphasize that internally i was ready. our fellow citizens who are deprived of their freedom are really, as they say, citizens of russia, and we are allegedly prying into their internal affairs, well, such cynicism, er, on the part of russia, but in fact, this is revenge, their
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revenge against the crimean tatars, ethnic ukrainians, and political prisoners are those people who are in the vanguard of those hundreds of thousands who do not accept the russian occupation. he task of the majlis is to try to involve third parties, those who can, in a special way, enter into a dialogue with the country, the aggressor, you know that there is a certain group of countries that maintain a dialogue, including the arab countries, but the results, you see, they such which are available today, in 5 years. after five years, when the sentsov political prisoner oleg and edem bekerov were released for the last time, and now nariman dzelyal, although you know
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about it as journalists, and i am saying this more for those who watch you in occupied crimea, although dozens of configurations were discussed, almost all of them are surnames. which are all the political prisoners who are deprived of their liberty, groups of political prisoners suffering from diseases incompatible with being behind bars were discussed , political prisoners of four or more were discussed minor children, there was discussion about women and uh, who ended up behind bars, uh, that is, but this time it was possible to release only nariman dzhelal, and this is understandable despite all our joy, it also adds, well, great bitterness, because
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we know, we know mind, but i don't know how to feel the pain of family and friends. there are more than 200 political prisoners in crimea, but nevertheless we understand, we thank everyone who was involved, er, in the release of nariman and will continue to work on the release of other political prisoners. i would like to say here that that there was such a silence after the release, i have to explain it, because now i have the opportunity, and you are the first to whom i tell about it, uh, because... just a few hours ago, we finally made sure that all those conditions that we had to follow to ensure safety for nariman's family, and other such, you know, things
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related to the fate of the political prisoners there who remained, all these, well... procedures we followed, and ahriman's family, and this is his wife and four minor children, they are now... already receiving ukraine, we hope that tomorrow they will already be in to our country, and i hope that as early as tomorrow morning nariman will be in touch with all of you himself, he is very much looking forward to it, all those proposals, messages for nareman, we sent all this to him these days, and he, i i think that he will... respond to those requests
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or appeals to him that were made these days, they are all in his phone, as they say, and tomorrow too, i think that he himself will inform on which phones, in which city, of course, his workplace will be among the crimean people, but we will to ask him, when he meets his family tomorrow, to at least, at least for a short time, the stepfather is very eager to work, but we want, as i told him, well, i am already an older person, just by age, i say, that the children should return the smell of their father, the children should stay with their father at least for a short time, so tomorrow we are waiting for such a joyful meeting of nareman with his wife, and now we can say that all the threats that could have happened to the family. they are also from the side of the aggressor country, it seems, we are they were avoided, it was a complete such evacuation, and
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we thank everyone who helped us to do it. thank you for all this work. ryfat aha. nariman agha has already said that he will soon deal with the issues of russian political prisoners, and continue your case. and now 334 fields have been recorded in crimea. according to my data, 217 prisoners are crimean tatars, that is, there is obviously a special political message here, what numbers do you have, what can be said about the groups of political prisoners, how they are ethnically, religiously divided, whether some kind of selectivity in the actions of the russians, look, here it is necessary... well, to them , they are simply searched for, according to certain
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such factors or criteria, in general, the number of people who, let's say , were persecuted, ah, and in relation to which there are sentences, there are many more of them, but we will distinguish criminal prosecution. and deprivation of liberty and persecution for political reasons, but which, thank god , ended only with administrative punishments, for administrative punishments, i do not know whether they are currently conducting any right-wing non-governmental organizations, such a list, but they have already reached over a thousand people there, starting from the er... breakthrough of the blockade, well, starting from february 26
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, 2014, because as soon as the russians occupied crimea, they began to attract people to, well, not to attract, but to repress people for the events that happened, them, but if they relied on their laws that happened when they were not physically close to crimea, that is, before the occupation. crimea, well, on february 26, but they brought a large group of people to court, those who participated in the breakthrough of the administrative border on may 3, we met the leader of the krymtsar people, mr. mustafa dzhemilev, and then it went, as they say, went, those people who were tried in criminal cases, you called this number , their number is over 300, those who are now in the places of stay. places of imprisonment, deprivation of liberty, such people, well, about
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230, i may be wrong by a few numbers now, because there is also a dynamic, this category of our people who are deprived of liberty is painful for us, because the main part, a significant part of them, are people which are deprived of 12, 13, 15, 17. 19 years old, as a rule, these are either terrorists, saboteurs, or i don’t know, some other accusations, and these are precisely these people, russia is trying to take revenge on them as much as possible and she does not want to discuss them, and the liberation of these people is our most important and main task. well, the liberation of mr. nariman dzhulyal is indeed a very successful experience for us
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, for ukraine, for the entire crimean tatar people and the families of our political prisoners, as they really gained hope that others political prisoners will also be released. tell me, please, rifetiga, this successful experience with mr. noriman jelyal, is it more the exception than the rule, or can we still use this experience, exchange experience? you see, for now, for now it's an exception, as far as i'm concerned. i don't know how others will evaluate, because, well, the russians avoid releasing political prisoners in general so much that it's simple, i may not know some points here, because it's already at the stage when they leave, excuse me from the russian side
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bargaining, because they also treat their people, they treat their people as... as a resource, manipulating them to achieve their goals, and therefore they transfer this approach to our people, that is, they keep our political prisoners, if somewhere there is some kind of me, well , there is a problem that is very relevant for them, which they want to solve, because they also... they have people who find themselves in a situation of deprivation of liberty, either in us or in third countries, who the regime really needs, well , it could be employees of the russian special services, or some very visible ones there military, i have no right to speak, but i want
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to say that these inhumans are russian, they are really leading, they are like, well, like them. trade, and as soon as they see on the lists of people whom ukrainian society is waiting for, or people who are not broken in prisons there, they give the highest price for them, and having received this price, they still do not release them for a moment, they simply are walking away from the negotiations, that's why i... it is necessary to approach this way and find such issues and such forms of pressure on russia so that it cannot refuse to release our people, we can't find, well, no, not because we, we are so weak, but so far, well, there are no such, you know, such topics for
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russia to say, okay, we'll give your politicians, but you will one way or another, there must be very painful problems for them, and that is why we sometimes involve third countries, but nothing cooperates, sometimes there are references to economic projects that can prevent russia from promoting its economic interests in third and fourth countries countries, but i want to repeat once again, russians very clearly they feel such indomitable ukrainian patriots. and when it is their turn to discuss, they do not give them, as a rule, and this is also the case with prisoners of war, look in azov, they give one small group, others are kept, there are women prisoners of war, ukrainian soldiers, women are there, they they don't give them away, because they consider it to be such a very important resource for them for bargaining,
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they are waiting when they have to have something from us, well , something to us... to propose that we make greater concessions to them, this, this is terrible, and i i say this as a person who is not involved in a lot of details, but what i know is that, it is really terrible, they, they trade people's lives, cynical, it all sounds, looks, but we are no different from the russians, the occupiers expected, but here is the recent decision of the european court of human rights, regarding human rights violations in crimea, can this be some kind of leverage or do they not pay attention to the decisions of international structures, while they flaunt what they have not fulfilled and will not fulfill, well, they are flaunting , because you know march feels like... 2022, as soon as a full-scale such an invasion began, and these terrible crimes of russia, russia was executed from
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the council of europe, and this convention on the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and thus russia believes that, if i am not mistaken, since april, that it already there is no uh... among the participants of the european court of human rights, and therefore it will proceed from the fact that all these decisions will not be implemented by it, but nevertheless, this decision is historical, i am without any exaggeration here, if here also mention that before that there was a decision of 2021, when the european court, as a beam, the first intermediate is the same. approved the decision that russia exercises effective control over crimea from february 27, 2024, in 2014, russia really wanted,
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it then fought for the decision to be approved, which it said it would be responsible for after the crimeans held some kind of referendum on... . sat down in russia, and that is, they wanted to answer sometime on march 21 , 2014, but the court said no, in the morning, well, from the 27th, remember, the 26th, it was such an all-crimean mass rally at the call mezhlis of the crimean people, we at that time endured the situation, we allegedly ensured that the ukrainian law enforcement agencies took power into their own hands, but we did not... reveal at the time that such a large scale of treason in the crimean units of the special services of ukraine, and then the russians on the morning of february 27 2014, they have already
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openly and moved to capture crimea, with weapons, with weapons, the special forces captured the main ones, that is, these people, that rally forced putin to go to option b. and he is in the eyes of the whole shocked world, he began to capture crimea by military means, and the court pointed to this. the russians were in shock, and now this is the last decision you asked about, now the court said that the russians are guilty of all the claims of ukraine, of all the articles of the convention on the protection of human rights. i'm just sure that when the results or the preparation for the special... international tribunal to consider the crimes committed and committed by russia against ukraine, i think that this decision will be
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simple, well, it will ensure that those results, especially for reparations, compensation to specific, individual citizens, all this will already be of great importance . see you on the air, thank you, ryfat chobarev, the head of the interforest of the crimean tatar people, was in the program berber together in ukrainian, a joint project of the crimean tatar tv channel atr and the espresso tv channel. stay with us, see you, goodbye. there are discounts presented. 10% in pharmacies, plantain, fan and savings, there are discounts are the only discounts on normoven, 10% in pharmacies traveling to you and savings, there are discounts representing the only discounts on
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powerful and reliable ksgo trimmers. 799 hryvnias offer is limited, call. greetings to all viewers of espresso, i'm from namelniki and this is news, two explosions rang out a few minutes ago in odesa, reports the public. an air alert continues in the east, south and part of the central regions. we are monitoring the situation and will tell you more in the next issues. the russians killed 11 residents of donetsk region in one day, five people died, and
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another eight were wounded. due to the shelling of the celibate enemy


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