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tv   [untitled]    July 6, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EEST

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boat lord there are discounts representing the only discounts on eurofast softcaps 10% in pharmacies, plantain, pam and savings. there are discounts representing the only discounts on glicised and gliciset max. 20% in travel bam pharmacies and savings. vasyl winter's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic news. and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. every week , maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish diet, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland. ukraine,
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europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. in the project close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in cooperation with eu sisters. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from scratch. our life at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from the country. we invite everyone to join nato in gathering from zero to life on atvs for the 93rd brigade of kholodny yara in the direction of chasiv. you know, you probably already noticed that roman and i like round numbers. no, unfortunately, we did not manage half the required amount it's useless to collect mavics, but there is a little less than. 900 uah, so that there is
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1,2000 uah in the account, we must remind 2,500, we are approaching 2,500 at this point, so we are convinced that these are less than 900 uah to collect, it is literally a few seconds, so we ask you to be active, at the end of our broadcast we let's summarize and announce the amount, with which amount in the account , we say goodbye to you until tomorrow, in the meantime... we will talk, in principle, also about money, only about the not very legal ones. iryna fedoriv, ​​journalist and chairman, is in touch with us public initiative golk. mrs. irina, congratulations, thank you for joining. good day. ms. irina, you and i are strategic partners in order to make society hear what they don't like to voice, i'm talking about espresso needles, so the freshest needles will probably be there again.
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after we learned from sap and from anti-corruption officers that there is already a price list, a western ukrainian price list for posats, does kikusho cost the commune? well, look, they say that lviv region is a little more expensive than volyn or chernivtsi customs, if if you look at the press release published by nabu, according to the investigation, a million us dollars were offered to head the lviv customs office, and 500 us dollars for volynsk and 200,000 dollars for chernivtsi, chernivtsi turned out to be the cheapest, but actually it is such a shame, you understand, when in the country the war, people are dying, someone is trying to make money from it, but who is that someone for, where was this money supposed to be taken, to whom, look, nabu, it doesn't reveal the full secret of the investigation, but we have to talk about what for nabu' . not
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did not come as a surprise, at least for us so precisely, because when tabachnyk's associate was being prepared for the position of head of the legal department of the entire customs of ukraine, i wrote about it back in january at the beginning of this year, and she was appointed at the end of april, that is, as i, by the way, on the espresso broadcast, she emphasized how i could have known in four months that tabachnyk's associate would be appointed to this... position, and i wonder what the motivation was, so all these months the needle was finding out at the customs office who else submitted documents for this position that was qualifications, they did not answer anything, and the worst thing is that in this position, this associate of the tobacconist, olya kravchenko, she may have access to state secrets, we send requests, we barely received information that as of june 13, she did not receive access to state secrets, but now... everything could
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have changed, at the beginning of july we sent another request, but simply getting answers to the questions we are interested in is unrealistic, ms. irina, well, we always talk about customs in principle... since i i remember, there were always some scandals with corruption, etc bribes, serhii medvedchuk will not let you lie, and everything at the customs was done because of money, and i am not talking about the legal ones now, but there was hope that at least after the 14th year after the revolution, something would change somehow, you are now watching, monitoring the situation, and after these latest scandals, can we say that something has changed, or has it simply become more closed? and the numbers, arrangements and everything else are the same? well, look, i can say that, well, the situation is critical, as it was, so it is, i would add something else, well, the 14th year is the 14th, and when we understand in the 24th year that an associate
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of a tobacconist is allowed to a position that has access to state secrets and will understand what we are transporting across the border, then this is... a question not only of corruption, but also of national security, and i have a question that , despite the media publicity that in december of last year, in january of this year, in april and now , the customs office does not make any personnel decisions in relation to her, that is, we have a question not only about corruption, but how can such people to understand that we import into the country in times of war, yes, but there is one more point, we, we in this... we are now entering a historical moment in the sense that these are no longer negotiations about negotiations, but rather a procedure, and the procedure for joining the european union is actually not only about agreeing on all directions, harmonizing legislation, but about bringing
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word and deed to a common denominator , because the fight against corruption has always been in second place in ukraine, corruption itself has always been in the first place, but now... we made commitments, they are written in documents, and the second part, apart from european integration, we made commitments knitting on financial aid, because in our country budgeting actually comes from all our allies, and that this money is not in exchange for promises of reforms, namely reforms, judicial and anti-corruption are written in bold, black and white, so changes must come, since they have come from above, from below, from the side, or someone delays and blocks them, look, you know the most interesting thing, well, at the end of june, the parliament voted a law on public consultations, which our partners also demanded, well, because it is such a democratic
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process, involving people , when you join people, then there is precisely less corruption, because people are included in this process, and civil society and assets should be included'. citizens at the stage of adoption and discussion of the draft laws of the parliament, and we understand that very often it is in the draft laws that norms and schemes can be laid down, the parliament said that they were fulfilling the demand of our western partners, at the same time they adopted the law on public consultations, according to which regulations on public consultations will enter 12 months after the victory, that is, who knows, and the law itself does not provide, that the people... the deputies or the president, when they submit their legislative initiatives, will be consulted, so the public could become the safeguard at the time of the adoption of laws, especially, as we understand, laws are changed before the second reading, then everything can be precisely stretched there, anything, but
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as we know, a committee was held today, in two days the session of the verkhovna rada, go and stop what they accepted at the committee and packaged into a law, well, they are a western partner... we were told that this ok law adopted on public consultations, when it will enter into force, well, there are no safeguards there, so we need to inform, including our western partners, that the risks remain with us, huh, ms. irina, we want to discuss one more topic, i would she said , it's suitable for some good movie in hollywood, maybe we won't pay attention to it, whether now or later, so he got married, got married handsomely. they recorded it, put the person on the wanted list and found it, but they found it in some original way and that's all it's a coincidence that probably everyone in this story
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is surprised, somewhere in the attic in the mother-in-law was hiding, well, it's true, it's an hour for any script, we're not about carlson who lives on the roof, we're about the prosecutor who lives on the roof. so this is the whole story with the mother-in-law lawyer who was selling something. for the ears, for the evasives, and not for what, and the son-in-law then for such a large amount of money tried to actually get a document in order to evade the mobilization, too, they were all caught in one house together, detained, a unique story will teach others, or is it traditionally just unlucky? well, look, we already talked and about ms. iryna sysoenko, well, those same schemes , well, that was already there. it's simple, well no, of course, here it's more epic, more beautiful, the son-in-law who
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hides, there they find him, catch him, well , in fact, we can laugh about it, so you know, not to cry, we laughed, it's called, because someone started a war gives the last, well, you responsibly attract citizens to collect funds to help the army, and we all understand how important and valuable this is, and at the same time there are such cases, and we have to say the same about them with regret. but i will honestly say what we have there are decent people's deputies, there are decent prosecutors, and people like that, they simply dishonor the honor of institutions and dishonor our state, because when we go to ask for funds for help, well, these same cases are scattered on social networks and everywhere, that is , these are people who they strike not just at themselves, but at institutions and the country, and this is a pity, and the fact that they are already under arrest, well, that's it. and who will now carry the transmissions, the son-in-law too, and what is surprising about all the stories is that, well, it is
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a family after all, and somehow they tried for money, i don’t know, not in a human way, not in a family way, or is it it's also a normal scheme, when you can even rip off your son-in-law, well, look, i won't fit into their family budget, even if i wanted to, but it really doesn't fit into a sane head, well, because we're talking about some values. about the importance of protecting these values, about national security, how important it is to preserve life, how important atvs are to bring a person from zero to life, well, in others, well, this is the yardstick, well , this is a part of society that is sick, that's just this part of society is sick, but here it is even a little frightening something else, because it is, as they say, the union of a frog and a viper, that is, a lawyer and a prosecutor, well , no... it will surprise us, we have had such mergers for many, many years, but usually, well, we
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tried, well, it is still a silent fortune teller , as was the case with ilf and petrov, and these, on the contrary, are all for show, you understand, that is, this demonstration is even more than, i don’t know, millet style, than the donetsk biko during yanukovych’s time, but this is just some kind of mental deviation in individual representatives of these two ancient legal or is it some kind of trend in our country now? well, look, more let me emphasize once, i know many decent prosecutors who have been protecting the pies for 17 years, and there are those who have been protecting the pies for 17 years, and when you see that there are those who stoically stand in defense of cultural monuments and forests, and there are those cases, well, this is terrible, i can also add to you this shameful case, when our journalist colleague wrote that he made... a difficult decision for himself to leave the country as a journalist in order to stay abroad, well,
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well, there is such a thing, in such moments you feel ashamed, although it was not you who did it, but you are ashamed, ah who are you talking about, because as far as i can remember, it was from the 95th quarter that this guy fled to the usa and said, call me, no, he said, call me a transmitter, yes, but i here, are you talking about him or someone, this is a colleague. i won't remember the last name anymore, honestly, i try not to remember such shameful cases, but i definitely remember what he wrote, i made a difficult decision for myself, but this decision was made difficult, well, such stories happen, also after that was already a story when the ballerinas of the lviv opera went to tours and did not return a word, this scheme, it works, in us. a voice in my head said oleksiy pechii, we remembered this name, the pride of the 24th, right? we would like
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to ask you, ms. iryna, perhaps it will not be very objective and not with any analytical data, but according to your observations, in which area of ​​the war are the most violations, customs, prosecutors, what else? where they still make money, no matter what. i won't say honestly, but look, it's the same sysoenko, well, not the customs officer and not the prosecutor, a person made a scheme for himself based on his medical history and it works, i think that everyone has it. sectors that are related to those who can give the evaders a chance not to get into the armed forces of ukraine and so on, that's where you have to look for corruption, well, or when someone is being transported across the border or transportation or some positions, well here at customs 100%. well, the prosecutor's office also has these
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cases, i think that there are also in the police, and well, wherever, wherever there may be talk of... swindlers, it will be 100%, well, well, we can see that the price list is growing there, but i will still be back to these european norms, that is , we often hear from the leadership: don't shoot us in the foot, don't talk so much about corruption, because in the west they imagine that we have super super corruption here, and that they don't have it, and this prevents us from european integration and you disrupt it in favor of moscow, a short synopsis. of the main messages thrown at journalists who talk about corruption, well, let's recall the words of gongadze, who really said that corruption is everywhere, it is also in developed democratic countries, but only from us, i emphasize, it depends on us what that level will be, and for that, if it depends on us, then both you and us, we have to talk about it, because
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being silent is not an option, if society is sick and we are... we understand that we are given resources for victory and reconstruction, then the one who steals these resources, or inefficiently distributes them, but most importantly steals, well, in essence, it is like metastases in the body of the state, well, during the war , not even metastases, in during the war we call this looting, and therefore he is a looter, panino, thank you, as always we are short of time, but we thank you for your participation. on our air iryna fedoriv, ​​our colleague and the head of public initiative golka. and to you, our viewers, we also want to thank you, because we asked you to donate in order to collect, collect up to 1,2000, and you have exceeded the task at this point, 1,200 and 947 uah are in the account, another 53 uah and it will be 1,201,
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which is also not bad, some next one we will choose a good number for ourselves and we will be like this for it. although you can contribute during the day, even when we are not here in this studio, and i am watching now a very interesting moment, here before as we say goodbye, i wanted to share an interesting observation: the entrance, the hinterland, russia, you know, there is always a board in the entrance, there are some announcements, who, what, where and how, and this announcement is very revealing from russia, eh... the family of the hero of the svo should not wash the entrance, you can see, well, you can see that there were fights there, now accordingly it has been crossed out, and at the bottom it is written by hand in smaller letters, we didn't send you there, that's very an important discussion within the framework of russian society, where cause-and-effect relationships are interrupted, where
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bipolar or double-minded, as george orwell wrote, at least here... with such options, it can, well, as they say, not in an instant, but rolling, they say, yes, maybe something will reach them, we still have plus 500 uah in the account, uah 1201.447, that's all we say goodbye to you, stay with espresso, then our colleagues have prepared a lot more interesting information, roman and i will return tomorrow morning at 8:10, and we will continue to add new and new ones to our broadcast guests, in particular , we plan to discuss this simply terrible story, fresh from odessa, where again full of disrespect and cursing of a serviceman, we have nothing to be proud of sometimes, but we have to talk about it, we will tell that fitness trainer , close the espresso and we will talk about it, have a peaceful and safe evening and take care of yourself, see you soon. attention,
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perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like? in the project close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in collaboration with sister. hey an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veres. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, for example, if mykola veresin had done this, he would have gone to prison, a special view of events in ukraine, so it is not necessary to say that the fish rots off the top of my head, no, not off the top of my head, and outside of it, who is china then, to me, to my heart, all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso.
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friends, my greetings, today we will talk about what happened this week in culture, in show business, and actually a lot of interesting things happened, not only in our country, but also abroad, we will talk. with you about the queue about the taylor swift phenomenon, i think you know such a singer, but her influence is just kind of incredible, and he continues to grow, just as talk about her political ambitions continues to grow, so against the background of those talks, that biden is no good, he is too old, who from the democratic party to nominate, and here is the candidacy. taylor swift, at least in the future, is being discussed quite seriously. we will talk specifically why. let's also talk about kevin spacey, as already the cinematographers,
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who a few years ago canceled him in every way, and now they are trying to think about how to save his career, restore his career. let's talk about it, but first we let's start with, of course, our recitations. as always, we have a lot of everything. people get into various quarrels and, traditionally for representatives of show business or almost all representatives of our show business, they start saying that all the haters around us are not guilty of anything, they start to make excuses, the more they dig a hole for themselves, but we will start with viktor orban, unexpectedly, viktor orban, prime minister of hungary. turned from my point of view into a cinematographer, and i am not the only one who came to this conclusion, the fact is that in on his twitter, which is now called x,
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orban posted a simply incredible, divine, epic video, i don't want to call it just a video there or a video, but it's a real short film, if only for one minute, but the epicness there is simply sky high, and the level of heroism viktor orbán in this video is also sky-high and has no limits, in it he is just some kind of superhero who saves, like bruce willis. of all his films on the planet, this is a film that was edited based on the results of his visit to kyiv, and his return to hungary, let's see, and well, just imagine, well, that hungarians are foreigners there, people who have not been to ukraine, have not been to kyiv, what conclusion can they draw about what kind of atmosphere prevails in the country in general.
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well, this is just a hollywood thriller and many of our people in social networks. this clip,
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this video, this film, i don’t know, made me very happy, and now people are waiting for the results of mr. orban’s visit to moscow, what kind of video he will make there, everyone is just waiting and even offers to nominate this work for some kind of film award , well, let's keep a close eye on it viktor orban's twitter account, and now we are moving on to the social networks of our celebrities, our former celebrities, i don't know what to call all these people, but i think you have heard, or, well, probably heard about this ruslan khanumak, this is a comedian, this a person who constantly took part in our various comedy shows, the league of laughter, make a comedian laugh, in the 95th quarter, and so on, and so on, and now he announced on his instagram, he added
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this... until now, this his son, he stated that he went to the united states, and he went to the united states, as he says, forever, and he is not afraid to admit it, he says that it is better for me to be called a traitor there than for my son to grow up without a dad, that is, he moved, he says, for the sake of.. look how happy we are. after ruslana was attacked traditionally in the comments on the fan, ruslan wrote another post where he displayed a chest from the action and wrote that he has a delay, but also in the comments they could not understand why, and
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here is a delay, if ruslan said . that he is not always goes to the states, not temporarily, and also in such cases very often famous public people resort to some excuses and often appeal to there, for example, poor health, to the fact that they feel bad, that they are sick, and hanumakh said that he has had asthma since childhood, and everyone he knows knows that he has this disease, and that's why i'm not fit for the army, but it didn't work on anyone, well , i have to state that... that ruslan khanumak moved to the states and it is obvious that he no longer, well, probably will not belong to of the ukrainian information space, they will not pay attention to him after that, i will remind you that at one time he was tarnished with his track, his song, which is called dyka dychka, remember, he shot this video there, and he was accused of ..


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