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tv   [untitled]    July 6, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EEST

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er, not just to er, let's say so, to offer something, but something step by step. i remember, when in the 20th year it was deployed, expanded capabilities under nato, yes, ukraine received them, that is, it was being prepared for the nato parliamentary assembly, which was supposed to be in kyiv. that is, i am convinced that there will be some points that will bring us closer to nato. but the fact that the game around this, that putin started the war because we... started the euro-atlantic integration or that we have to cancel it, and we have it in the amendments to the constitution already passed by the parliament, and in fact, after that, when in the 19th year we carried out this change, our parliament of the eighth convocation, the next parliament, it was obliged to implement this scenario to move, the same scenario after the full-scale invasion did for itself and did the same euro-atlantic union, and today they are advancing step by step, i believe, even i will tell you more,
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the countries that were recently accepted into nato, such as sweden and finland, so we really want to step by step to become a country 33 -th nato member, because architecture security, the eastern flank is impossible without ukraine, and as of now, i think absolutely everyone understands this, and experts who study war, study security, by the way, in britain they understand this very clearly as well, they... also talked about ukraine, great britain, poland, that is, how could it be in such a trilateral relationship, and, that is, how could it be built in this format, because if one country of the european union, another country seeks to enter it, another country left it , that is, if it was such an interesting experience, plus the army, of course, that's all they count capacity, capacity, combat capability, the amount of equipment, equipment and everything else, it just seems to me that when a large part of things is transferred, very,
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let's say, it's like a technology transfer, and we 'll talk about what ukraine received in the last 2, well that's what happens with communication, thank you under all conditions, oksana yurynets, people's deputy of the eighth convocation , ex-head of the ukrainian delegation in the nato parliamentary assembly, an observer, as in this capacity precisely observers at the parliamentary elections of great britain, we she was invited, now. there will be a commercial, well , not quite a two-minute commercial, but it will be 5 minutes for sure, and then we will have a military psychologist, an officer of the armed forces of ukraine, and we will talk enough about an exotic topic, but an important topic that will come up with each day on the ukrainian people, the coexistence of veterans, the coexistence of people with disabilities, due to participation in military operations and so on, with other people who are not participation in military operations and so
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on. but first the advertisement. oh, i remember, oh you see, although they say that our memory weakens with age, but i am attentive and remember everything. we take the memo effect from dr. tice and feel the difference. the active substances of memo effect improve the functioning of the nervous system and contribute to the normalization of mental activity. the memo effect from dr. tice improves memory and attention, helps to think. discounts represent the only discounts on eden 20% in pharmacies plantain to you and savings. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. exclusive interview with diplomat oleksandr khara. why does russia have the right of veto? on ukraine's accession to nato. resonant investigation is a road to nowhere. how can the construction of a forest road destroy a historical monument? the unique vitaly portnikov about the impact of the war on ukrainians and the values ​​that unite the nation. the diary of the legendary nationalist mykola kokhanivskyi. country. always on the cutting edge
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the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. new week on espresso, weekly, summary, informative and analytical. program: a clear understanding of the key events of the past week, analysis of the causes and consequences of these events from experts, forecasts of the development of the situation for the current week, the opportunity to ask your own questions and join the discussion, spend the final monday evening with us and confidently step into the new week, the new week project with khrystyna yatskiv and andriy smolii every monday at 8:00 p.m. at espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life, a ride bc, a ride for boys, a quad bike - this is the way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we invite everyone to join nato in gathering from zero to life on quad bikes for the 93rd
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kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yag. your place is waiting for you, the light remains on, for dinner - what you like, a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings and swimming. they are waiting for you on your street, at school, in your church, because in your house they see dreams about you, you are always in front of with their eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you, we
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were surprised, because we knew that you were already somewhere nearby. half the battle is knowing how hard it is to win, and we will do everything to hug you as soon as possible, so when you are home, when we are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation. which has united around you,
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therefore, good health once again, until, as promised , until 7 p.m. about'. opportunities, there are more and more of them, obviously, after the war there will be even more of them, and the question of coexistence with such people arises, why did we pay attention to this, why did we turn to mr. andriy, because a client came to the veterinary clinic in odesa with his dog, maybe we will even see now, such a poodle, white, beautiful, you see, he already gets up and runs away, why? because before that he came and the guy who was the vet he said please bring your dog closer to me and then the dog owner said you can't to samia to approach this dog, then that
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doctor and veterinarian turned around and everyone saw, here he is, here he is, here he is, here he is now sitting down, here he is saying, let's... bring him a little closer, and that one, then , he says, you can do it yourself, and then now you will see what happened, the doctor just turned around and everyone saw, and he saw that he had prostheses, and he just ran away, covering his eyes, we will not show these eyes, we also know that in odesa a fitness trainer wished death to a soldier, he was taken to the tsk immediately, in orokht, they attacked a military man. the central committee and its car, which allegedly threatens, well, they will be threatened for eight years, and before that, it was these military men who scared away tourists, in short, coexistence is difficult, mr. andrii, maybe in some way,
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to normalize these communications, that for this we need some special programs on television, some booklets, i don't know what else is needed... just so that people don't attack the military, who are absolute heroes, i have a very beautiful phrase, here is my editor oleksandra, from icon-making to furious criticism. that is, at first they made the ukrainian army an icon, but now they say, oh, bad guys, everyone wants to join the army, please, mr. andriy, good evening, mr. mykola, and, greetings to all of ukraine, look, in order to improve our communication a little with people with disabilities, we need to improve communication simply between people, the point was not quite in... just this person, whom i call mr. poodle, he is a little, well
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, he has a huge fear, you saw his reaction to prostheses, he ran away, well, with motherhood, that is, a person lives in a completely different world, and it would be great if we could learn to communicate with people with disabilities, but simply to communicate with people, because people with disabilities, let me remind you, they have some limitations, for example, they have no legs, they have prostheses, but everything else is absolutely the same as... as in as in everyone, we do not communicate with our feet, however, not with our hands, we communicate with a person, and they, well, people with disabilities, they would like the attitude to be simple as a person, and sometimes these people have an attitude towards people without disabilities, well, not at all high good level, therefore it is very important, well, these people are treated with dignity and dignity, as in general with people and... and then everything will be fine with us, because i
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have never seen that these people were called , i don't like you because you don't have a leg, but as a rule it's a fear that is based on your own fear of losing some health, it's just that this mr. poodle had armor there, he's absolutely sure what's wrong with him will not happen, here he came very close to another reality, wow, we are surrounded by completely different ones people, that's it... there are such specific men who simply have some kind of morbidity when they see something that resembles war, resembles suffering, death, and so on, that is, these are such people who some percentage in any- what kind of society, and to whom one should simply treat, well, this is such a disease, he is sick, say the word war to him, he will raise his hands and run away, by the way, you don't need to recruit such people, they will immediately surrender. everything to the russians, i will explain how it works, that is, this person, when
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he sees some guy, girl with a prosthesis, for example, the psyche immediately does such a thing, well, she puts these prostheses on him, and he is very uncomfortable, that is, he does not want to get close to exactly such a reality of his, and he runs right away from it, and how to run away from such a reality, you have to its depreciation? that is, to say that these people, for example, are bad, or very stupid, because smart people live there in canada, for example, and do not protect ukraine, i don’t know, they face some kind, that is, devaluation, this is very cool for the psyche, well, an example of protection , the only thing is that it's not very effective because you run away from reality, and this reality is yours, there is a war in the country, especially odessa, well, you can hear explosions there every day, and this reality is catching up with him. again, vets
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are also in a different reality. because we communicate with or with volunteers, or with those people who help us, or with our sister sisters. and it seems to us that the whole of ukraine is like this, and you will get sick in some kind of reality, you see, but no, there are people who are simply afraid of this, just by bringing their beautiful white dog, i would really hate to the poodles were subsequently affected by this incident. okay, but still, mr. andriy, see what to do, there is some kind of algorithm of society’s actions, maybe volunteers, i say that you are really right, that it is worth communicating, ukrainians are really very bad at communicating, at least some of them ukrainians, i see it even among journalists, there are those who are strangely unable to communicate, and this is your profession, well, if it is very strange, how can you not communicate. but it's you who gets the money for it, and thus it's obvious that somehow, well, i don't know, me
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the word educate, i really don’t like this word, but somehow influence and explain that the military must understand these civilians, and the civilians must understand the military, and people with disabilities must understand people without disabilities and vice versa and so on and so forth, and now will return from abroad, i begin to think about those who will return... those who lived here will say, and you, you did nothing, you sat abroad, you are scoundrels and so on and so on, what about this communication element to do to fix it? you mr. andrew let me explain, we need to break these bubbles slowly and do basically the same thing as we teach people to learn ukrainian, the ukrainian language, we need to hate such people less, because this dude, mr. poodle, everyone took him and oppressed him, in that including myself, but because of this, he did not
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approach the veterans, did not approach this issue, we need, we need some common space, a common platform, for communication, because civilians must understand that all military personnel, no matter who we are , heroes, handsome men, we once were civilians, we are essentially one and the same people, the military also need to understand that not all civilians are bad, but even if he is not a serviceman, a volunteer there, not unrelated to this topic, this does not mean that he is mr. evil , he is as ukrainian as any, and we need to make this joint. in order for us to realize that we will not be able to force, hate, canceling, or take for, and i don't know, instill love for the motherland, it is necessary to do it precisely through some kind of communication, that's why at the expense of this case was already there, there was some attempt, it was unsuccessful, because this mr. pudil came, we
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thought that he came to apologize, he came to justify himself, that is, to defend himself from that. that is, and of course they didn't forgive him, because they don't apologize like that, but we really need to communicate more, have more common topics in order for us to understand that we can only, well, i don't know, not even by uniting, but simply by finding some common points of contact, to live on, because sooner or later the war will end, i hope and very much believe that our victory, and we will have to live together again, we will not be able to do... some separate territories there, civilians live here, military people live here, we will all live in one, and we will have to interact and evaluate, but it only means that such a substance as time will have to be involved, and otherwise it is not impossible, you just have to wait until society learns, until society understands, until
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the sub-society understands this unity from which you say that we cannot separate ourselves. this neighborhood is for the military, and this one is for civilians, and this one is for those who were abroad, and this one, who remained in ukraine , and so on and so forth, and this one, and this one is for those who were bombed in kharkiv, were not bombed here, i don't know there in chernivtsi, and it's absurd, but people, if they don't know how, then they can't be taught somehow, somehow suddenly and by some means, you just have to wait a year, two, three, four, to burn yourself. expose yourself to these scandals that you, we, we demonstrated and so on, and in this way only learn, that is, there is no advice for it, i will explain, i will explain, in fact, it is already a big the number of veterans resigned, or due to health, family matters, and they don't just sit at home, they somehow develop, here is this veteran, ah, his last name is shelter, i think he, he
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went to work in a veterinary clinic, there are people who create their own businesses. are involved in social activities and so on, that is, these people are already integrated into civilian life, and this process has already begun, we just saw one negative case, but there are , i don’t know, tens of thousands of absolutely positive cases, when a person is not the right one for society. that in he doesn't have an arm or a leg, but the fact that he works well there, because he is very good, i don't know, socially with others. people, in this way, veterans pull other veterans, so that we acclimatize in this, gentlemen, society, civilians do the same, oops, i lost connection, good day, it seems that we, please tell us that we do not
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hear mr. andrii, now he will be... recruited and now we will try to resume our communication, and if not, then i will have to finish the program on my own, i have something to say, just in this case, there is something to say about this communication, one of the things i say, this is what i always say, and i often say on the channel we are on now, on espresso, on other channels, it said that this talking about journalists, because you see, we are very active. we show the negative, there are negatives, there are negatives, and society shows it, youtube shows it, social networks show it, and that, i always said, listen, we are trying to... yes, you are from the army tens, hundreds, thousands, in the army in there are a million of us, but we all know that it is terrible, oh, mr. igor appeared, i would say
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yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, thank you for coming back, i will engage in self-criticism now, mr. andriy, and i have already started talking about it, self-criticism is a sign of intelligence, because i believe that journalists do not refine ukrainian in that ... that we often and vividly show negativity, here is such negativity, here is such negativity, and here you say, he managed it, he started doing it, he opened a business, i see very few such heroic people who showed themselves on at the front as heroes, then returned, did not wear all the stars on head, but simply began to work further, to improve their own well-being, the well-being of the country. help or just sell, buy, function, such cases to be about it, you know, how to fix wimfrey, first show something, someone saved someone, all of
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america is buzzing, hero, look at him, we all know him, like him, this john smith , he saved, we have tens, hundreds of thousands save millions, and we don't talk much about it, what do you say, mr. andriy, come on... i will then criticize ourselves as well, maybe we we don't fight enough, well, we won't go so far with self-criticism, but from the point of view, if we take psychology, then its betrayal, it enters the brain more than victory, probably that's why journalists don't want to, because they're afraid that it will be boring, but actually veterans have a hard time after returning, and when they open a cafe, a restaurant, a laundry service, i remember this... "my good friend produces men's underpants, because he somehow got a stick in the war and realized that a niche was open , and these are successful stories when
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they go out and just do some kind of life, without using any of their connections there, they use the skills they got for the war, back and forth, it is necessary to pile on, the brothers help out there with some kind of connection." in more detail with a military psychologist, officer of the armed forces of ukraine. in conclusion, i will say that we have a lot of such problems in communication here, well,
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for example, the desire to join europe, the desire to improve welfare, obviously this will happen after the ukrainian victory, we all believe in her, then, as soon as the average salary in ukraine will be 500 dollars, not even euros, afghans and pakistan will start looking at this country. these africans, middle eastern people, in order to improve their well-being, will start to go, they will be yellow people, yellow-skinned, black-skinned, it will be muslims, buddhists and so on, these will be people we are not used to, and if you want to be in europe , and it doesn't work out to make these people second-class, third -class, so we have a big challenge ahead of us in that, in that issue of communications. and i i think we all need to prepare for this and understand that if in europe, it is a different world, god forbid, someone will offend a person with limited opportunities, black skin, god
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forbid, someone will offend there, or a muslim, this cannot happen. because it can never be, well, let me tell you that now we will have a small plot, we have been dealing with the fact that we have already been criticized for the fact that we do not see something, and we... we do not see the heroes for a while, because we are journalists, i, for example, mykola, do not report about it, yes, but there are heroes next to us and walks the same streets with us, and today we will tell about a military man who was captured by the russians and returned to his homeland by an absolute miracle, we, our espresso journalists, are engaged in this, looking for such heroes, and please watch the story about such heroes, and i say goodbye to you, until tomorrow, on sunday, we will definitely... meet, you will rest, we will work, all the best. his military career was short, but these two months of service turned into russian
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captivity for him. in april 2022 in the village of borova, which in the kharkiv region, in the battle, the enemy surrounded and shot almost the entire group of ukrainian soldiers who were defending their homeland. the warrior with the call sign of the fury is one of the few who miraculously survived and was captured. it was april 13, when there were only a few of us left from the three companies, the order was given to leave, and we were going to break through, that is, two of my cars. of the 11th separate company, there were two infantrymen with a landing party, but in the forest in the forest strip in the forest zone we fell into a trap, they were waiting for us from three sides, on the left, right and in front, as if in a shooting range, they shot us like this my comrades threw me, i with a hole in my head, with a pierced skull, somehow miraculously i remained alive, and very few people remained with the disfigurement, beaten up beters, here is serhiy
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khakas, call sign... he who saved me from remembers, because of a head injury he received in a shooting in captivity, what exactly was it like, not a fight, but he knows something from the stories of his brothers, one of them is a military man with the call sign khakas, he twice saved yuri from being shot, they took me out of my minibus, that's it from khakas they took out a wounded breeder, he was lying down near the minibus, they interrogate me, they did not like the answer to shoot me, and he says that you will look, he has a hole, he has a hole in his head, but he is you, he may not understand you, he does not know what you , what do you tell him, and he can't say it himself, you don't need him, there 's definitely someone you need on the bus, he'll tell you everything, and my dead boys are already there, but he said so, that's where you 'll find , now leave him, and they
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listened to him, left him, climbed into ... the bus station, well, of course, they did not find anyone, but also us they took me to svatovo, and there i was interrogated again, they put a barrel to my head and everything, they said, leave now, so that it doesn't splash with blood, and he climbs in again and says, look, look, he has a hole in his head, he does not remember what happened in captivity, but he understands, judging by the scars on his body and his weight of 45 kg, that he weighed twice as much before that. may 24, 2022 was a turning point in the man's life, he and his brothers were exchanged. the occupiers were taken from kursk to mariupol, and then to simferopol and mykolaiv. due to an injury, yuriy came to tyama already during treatment in odessa. however, he does not regret for a moment that he stood up for his country back then. two women came up to me, and i see
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they are thanking me, thanking me for... all that we are here, who are not orcs, and i see what they want to say, but strange eyes, i saw women with eyes in grief, in trouble , in illness, during my life i have seen many women, and these eyes are kind of strange, they are kind of inhuman, like alien, kind of very wide, on one side enlarged to the edge of the eye, and both are the same, they are not sisters, these girls, i looked into those eyes, i could not, and they are mine showed very little. they talked, so briefly, they showed where they hid during the orcs for several weeks in the basement of a non-residential building, and then they left, and those eyes stayed with me, and already when i began to realize myself in this society in odessa, the first thing that came to mind me, those eyes, i just saw them in front of me, from the beginning of a large-scale
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war from the enemy sex. managed to return more than 3,200 ukrainian soldiers, all of them exhausted, tired, but not defeated. unfortunately, many of our soldiers lost their lives putin's terrorists. in particular, we will always remember pavel sukhanov with the call sign mekhan, andrii zinchenko - firefighter, yuriy shkaruba - stalker and andrii polusmak with the call sign - afghan. who were involved in that terrible battle. in april 2022 in the village. or borova olena boyko, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. congratulations, friends, the saturday political club program, andriy smolii and vitaly portnikov, is on the air, traditionally.


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