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tv   [untitled]    July 6, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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to putin, together with the trip to kyiv, they have to convince politicians, european, far-right, let's say, or just populists, that there can be such a model of existence, that you can meet with trump, putin and sidzenpin, and be quite respectable to politicians in europe, and even zelensky will meet with you in kyiv, nowhere. so to speak, it will not happen, it is a model of what i call a chinese europe, not a russian europe, which basically consists of countries that aspire to be members of the european union and even nato, not all of them, but nato also has a certain part there, because austria is not in nato, and serbia is not in nato, and they are not going there, that is europe that hopes for chinese investment, europe that wants to maintain contact with the united states, but with america trump, because
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orban did not even meet with biden when he was naked, they need trump's america, they are preparing for this america, and this europe can function completely calmly, but it was simply, if you like, a demonstration swim that everything can be done , which is here the prime minister of a not very large european country, who can stop sanctions against russia there and go to moscow, go to kyiv. and to receive sidzempin, go to trump. well, why can't others? you saw that, in principle, there is a polish party of law and justice, it does not want to have any relations with moscow, but this whole other model is ukraine, trump, huh, and obviously china is there, so that we can agree on investments , it also suits her. true, the party of law and justice decided not to go to this group, which orbán creates in the european parliament, obviously precisely because... kaczynski is not satisfied with this
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russian orientation of trump orban, but it may suit other participants, for example, geert wilders, for example, the leadership of the austrian freedom party, which is already thinking about what it will be like the new austrian government in a few months, maybe marine le pen, you see how we say in principle, we will support ukraine. but no permission to strike with our weapons on russian territory, no troops, ugh, that's it what the russians may consider constructive, they also shift the borders of constructive, previously constructive was not to supply weapons to ukraine, but now constructive means you can supply weapons, but not strike on the sovereign territory of the russian federation, the red lines are moving, and it is important that the russian red lines had. their lobbyists always,
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so in principle, i think that this is not about a peace agreement, the conversation is not about finished wars, but about the creation of just such a model of the european continent, but it is extremely unusual for putin profitable, because from the non-handshake, yes, conventionally speaking, president of so-called russia, we see that putin is gradually moving towards ... that with some politicians and some politicians are ready to return to shaking putin's hand to a model of normality , because what happens after 2022 is not normal, well, for russia, for russia, but by the way, for reference, while i was on the air, in fact, there is one in ukraine, the adastra analytical center, and they published today information that... orbana u
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the european parliament will actually be created, and it is announced that there will be at least 39 deputies, and the austrian freedom party, six deputies, the danish people's party, the spanish vox, the dutch freedom party, the portuguese enough, hungarian, christian the democratic people's party, by the way, in... that is, they actually announced that a group would either be created, or created, or on the way to creation, well, if there are seven parties, then there are seven countries, so seven countries should be in favor regulation, if there are seven countries, then it belongs to the european parliament, this is the situation, so in fact, what you are talking about, it... is gradually becoming a reality, and
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of course it is beneficial for putin, including for such politicians to come to moscow, shook his hand, talked with him about something. another statement, if we are also talking about this, mr. fico, the prime minister of slovakia, went public for the first time after he was assassinated and spent more than a month in the hospital, he actually supported orbán and said what he would join to the leader of hungary, if he had such an opportunity, that is, this is another person, in fact, who... in the european political community, who is ready to join this formula of putin shaking hands, and in fact, we can see, even without entering this faction, yes, even without entering, this is such another branch, and this is another, another leader,
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another politician also from a small country, who is essentially ready to meet putin, talk with him, and legitimize him afterwards. legitimization in 2022 and even after delegitimization after the presidential elections elections? well, i think that you see, these are all just the first scumbags, you mentioned these parties to me, let's say, i suddenly remembered that these are the ultra-right, they have always been such a completely marginal political force in the country for quite a long time, and there was only one island, uh, well, denmark is basically made up of the jutland islands, where they always got most of their anti-immigration , denmark was cheered by these islanders, and i never understood why, because it was a small island where migrants never happened, but they say so for the whole time, but this party played a historic role, joined this group, and this group legitimized itself, so this is an important thing, but
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if we are talking about what to expect from this conditional group in the european parliament, of course , that they will not have... any decisive role, but it is clear that they will carry certain theses, some certain position in the european parliament, can it be assumed that this will be to some extent a position, if not a russian position, then at least some the narratives of the russian federation will appear in the information space and politics of the european union and the people's republic of china, yes. i would say more dangerous, yes, because european leaders, that emmanuel macron was, you remember, in beijing , gongzhou, hosted xizenpine, and now george meleni visited china, olaf scholz went there, you know, and precisely the chinese
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narratives these are even more dangerous than russian ones, because with russia, so to speak , everything is clear, but with china, not everything, and then there is another important point, it seems to me that important for the russians, george melena, with her obvious anti-russian position , claimed to become the most influential leader of the right-wing radical forces in europe, and now orbán is doing everything to prevent this from happening, to have an alternative, so that these right-wing forces, they separated, so to speak, and that he himself, perhaps, in the future... would claim the role of the leader of such right-wing forces of an ultra-right character, but he was expelled from the european people's party, and everyone believed that he would bow to the melon there , to lipen, he began to split theirs group, and now this is a very interesting moment, if it is true that
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marine le pen will join this party in the european parliament, it will be one story, we will see it after the parliamentary elections, above all in france. and if not marine lippen, if marine lippen refuses, and then there will be, say, an alternative for germany, ugh, what a very large faction in the european parliament, and orbán is ready to accept, even more tainted, yes, well, yes, that's the point , i don't know, we 'll see, it will be such a moment of truth, an alternative for germany now without anyone, again, orbán's efforts deprive her of potential allies, because... all these parties that could go under one roof with an alternative for germany, they will most likely go to orbán, well, it's more solid, more moderate, yes, no , simply because he is the prime minister of hungary, and the leader of the austrian freedom party will soon be
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the federal chancellor of austria, most likely babis can return to the position of prime minister of the czech republic, and you know, the portuguese and spanish right-wings are now starting. .. a decisive role in the law camp, because they have a golden share in both countries, without them the right camp cannot rule, and it will only increase, as you understand, with vox, and the joke. it becomes absolutely obvious, i would say such things, but there are parties even more right-wing, here we are talking about vox, and the alternative for germany serves a faction shared with another spanish right-wing party, which has fewer seats, the leader of this right-wing far-right party, has its own channel in telegram, and at the expense of this channel in telegram. lead your faction to european parliament? we very often underestimate russian efforts, because he
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was blocked everywhere for his absolutely wild xenophobic position, but not udurova. and in fact, with the help of such resources, it is also possible to create, as it turns out, factions in the european parliament and change europe. well, there are a number of examples, by the way, when people have been elected to the european parliament. candidates who made the basis of social networks, or in general anti-system social network politics, yes, that is, they de facto promoted themselves exclusively in social networks, and they won, they are , by the way, there are several such personalities in the european parliament, another very important topic is the elections in great britain, there is actually a historic victory of the labor party, which has not been in power for 14... years since in 2010, they received 412 seats out of 650, that is
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, they have an absolute majority in the current british parliament, and in fact , britain has a new prime minister, mr. stamer became the prime minister, and the current, or more precisely , the former prime minister -minister, rishi sunok, he admitted his defeat and... and resigned, very interesting election in the uk because it was really 14 years that the party that was originally led by boris johnson, we remember, yes, we, we actually saw how johnson's political power, how the conservatives actually triumphed in 2010 and were re-elected many times . moved around several times and there was still no johnson probably in the 10th year yes yes there was
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theresa may theresa may yes theresa may and boris johnson we saw how this political force was re-elected several times as to local parliaments to local authorities self-government and to the british parliament, or even cameron, who won then in the 10th year, cameron, if i'm not mistaken. cameron, cameron was in 2010, next was theresa may, then boris johnson, then tras li, that is, practically the only two prime ministers elected in the elections were only cameron and boris johnson. and we really see such a situation, of course, that it probably does not affect aid to ukraine, because the position of both the labor party and the conservatives... regarding ukraine is almost the same, but still, interesting
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elections and interesting results, how they will affect in general, on great britain, on the european union, relations with the european union of great britain. well, if we are talking about ukraine, then do you share the opinion that there will be no change in great britain's policy towards ukraine, no change in great britain. there will be no question of ukraine, the ministers of the tsiniv government visited ukraine on several occasions, by the way, before all these elections, their position was always the same as the government's position, they always said that they accept this joint position, and it seems to me that these are absolutely obvious things, the importance of the british elections is not in ukrainian support, but in the role of great britain. because i think that the role of great britain in world politics, thanks to brexit, thanks to the conservatives, it
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has decreased quite significantly, and it is also necessary to realize that if great britain were in the european union and in these positions, it would support ukraine, the role of the european union was much more serious and strong, the support was greater, because everyone we like to say, oh, if great britain was in the european union, it would not be able to support us like this, on the contrary. everything would be the other way around, i'm not talking about the fact that the economic opportunities of great britain suffered significantly after brexit, even when we talk about the armed forces, there is simply no money, because they are in a deep crisis. unless you call it another word that is not used on television, let's really look at what has happened in the last 14 years in great britain, david cameron, then the prime minister, and now several months he was the foreign secretary of great britain, a very good as we have seen
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the foreign secretary, he is a strong politician, he decided that great britain, the conservative party of great britain was in danger from the populist independence party led by nigel farage and that these supporters of leaving britain from the european union can take votes from the conservatives, and he decided to ride on this agenda, to say that the conservatives themselves will be tougher on the european union and even hold a referendum on membership in the european union, which was not necessary at all. there was no legal necessity, but the cameraman had the idea that he would hold a referendum, the british would vote against leaving the european union, farage would be marginalized and it would be possible to move forward with the song. it didn't happen like that, i wondered, and why? and because as soon as
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this conversation about the european union began, many of those conservatives who were somewhere at the... bottom, who were considered marginal, who were considered adventurists, here is a prime example, this is boris johnson, they understood that he had come their prime time, that if they themselves support the brexit agenda, they will take a role in the party that they would never have had in their lives, and they have effectively betrayed cameron and the leadership of the conservative party, everything has turned out as they thought, boris johnson. the figures that we see now in the conservative party are all brexiteers who have now lost power, most of them are brexiteers, brexiteers, these people in the conservative party who were against leaving, they have effectively been marginalized, david cameron resigned the day
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after the referendum, and with him, as you understand, the entire echelon of people who made a career in the conservative party and came to power. random people who were just opportunists, boris johnson, lis truss, richie sunok, whom no one in particular had ever heard of. and many things can be called surnames. their surnames do not matter now, because all these people, all of whom we applaud, ended up in the non-british parliament, and some, like boris johnson, will forever deserve a tarnished reputation. liar of great britain and the surrounding area, but this whole story with the exit has damaged the british economy, and now, when we look at the table of the situation in the british economy in various sectors of the economy, social life, medicine, in everything, there are events everywhere by tens, and sometimes hundreds of percent, this such a level of crisis,
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they say that margaret thatcher raised great britain from the economic ruins, but there was no such... there was no such fall as now, in fact, even after boris johnson, theresa may came, who tried to soften somehow this story, to find something in common language with the european union, these brexiteers kicked her out, and then boris johnson came and began to break everything, practically break the country at the knees, i know that ukrainians there love boris johnson very much, because he used ukrainian themes to show off everyone on the television screens of europe and understood that his support for ukraine, one might say, would give him the opportunity to stay in the position of prime minister, which he did, by the way, he bought himself a few months there with this support, i believe, by the way, what it was sincere support, because you know, you can be an idiot in domestic politics, support brexit just for the sake of power,
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lie about your parties during the coronavirus. along with this , the empire sincerely hates the imperialist aggression of russia, why not, this does not contradict the other, i think that boris johnson was absolutely sincere in his support for ukraine, this is what happens in politics, politics is not a one-way thing , this is a multi-faceted thing, and as a result, we have at the end of this whole adventure with the exit of britain from the european union, the conservatives are virtually destroyed as a political force. yes, by the way, they got, to put it that way, the lowest result in the entire history, in the entire history, there are actually 100 or more mandates, well, wow. can you imagine, a political party that took 300, 350, 400, always traditionally, for for hundreds of years,
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in fact here has fallen to the level with the liberal forces that never, never, never had high support, we are talking about the last , about our time. great britain, so for starters, well, i mean here is our history, at least our life with you there is 50 years, 30 years, well, in fact, since the post-war period, the liberal democrats have not been a government party, although they were in a coalition with cameron, but you understand, now the conservatives are happy, that they remained a second party at all, they had a time when they could become a third party for. polls, most of their ministers, as i said, have left parliament, and everyone is incredibly glad that these people are gone, because they are odious people,
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in general, mostly odious figures in british politicians, anecdotal characters, by the way, well, it's hard to say that about rishasunyk, he is a talented manager, certainly in the economy, he's just not a politician, but when they found out that forest tras lost a deputy... seat, she lost the election, you know, prem prime minister of great britain, it's a shame in general, so there was simply joy of almost everyone, this was applauded by the people who gathered in this hall, and there is one more important point, all this can be said, it was organized, all this madness, so that stop nigel farage, yes nigel farage now, as a result, he was sent to ... parliament, and he was never there when david cameron arranged this whole referendum and did all this. nigel farage was not in the parliament,
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the party of independence of great britain had no chance to get there. now, to be clear, they have four unlucky seats, right? but this is a majoritarian system. you can look closely at their votes, at how many people voted for them, and we'll tell you how many. for this reform party, the populist right. millions of people voted for the party, which was not the case before brexit, when they were just a uk independence party, they didn't get a tenth of the votes they got now, and one more thing, there's one person who after the uk election was congratulated on a landslide victory, said she'd be with nigel farage and not keir starmer to deal with because keir starmer was not even mentioned. this person is donald trump, it was donald trump who congratulated nigel farage on his election victory, that is, donald trump is interested in these four places, his
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great britain labor, great britain keir starmer doesn't care, and that's an interesting point too, and if britain was in the eu, it would depend so much on what the us presidential candidate there thinks, and now they're all in awe of it, because... they they are betting on some kind of strategic partnership with the united states, and the united states, if it will be the united states of trump, may not be interested in a strategic partnership with great britain, in which the liberals will rule, this is all a strategic partnership, and this must be clearly understood and said, as well as it may be that the president of the united states will not invite the prime minister of great britain to the white house, but just how long has the president of the united states joseph biden been? they don't invite the prime minister of israel benjamin netanyahu to the white house, i think it's been two years already, and somehow everyone lives, and israel and the united states have a strategic partnership, there is simply no ideologue, well
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, they started talking on the phone after october 7, well, that's why what can't we not talk about, if there is something similar in britain, president the usa, as i believe trump, will also call if everything is fine, as if he will not simply know where this london is, what else is the threat, why was the british one so important in general. european integration, of course i am very sorry, you know, keir starmer was the very politician who said that there should be another referendum, the leader of the liberal party at the time, corbyn, was against it, and starmer, who was the deputy leader, was in favor. and here i have the next question for you, mr. vitaly, whether we can expect what for here is this term, the new parliament. during the government of the new cabinet of great britain, such a referendum can be held, it cannot be, it is a completely closed
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issue. in great britain, all these referenda are taking place, let's say, within the framework of generation. ugh. i do not think that there will be any referendum on the accession of great britain to the european union in the next 5, 10, 15, 20 years. the europeans aren't really into it after this story, the british won't do it, so i think it will happen at some point, but it's not the issue of the tenure of the current government and even the next one: no one even during the pre-election period. campaign, i say that starmy was such a supporter of the european union, and when all this happened, er, he stopped talking about it, because he realized that now in these conditions it is impossible, without losing something for the labor party, to organize such a referendum, themselves the libory party has no unity because of this, and there is one more point, which, by the way, postpones the need to hold this referendum, and it is also connected with these elections, it is absolutely
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unbelievable the failure of the scottish national party. the scottish national party, as we know, has always been the driver of scottish independence. and after the united kingdom, it left the european union, the scottish national party started saying, listen, you deceived us, when we held the referendum, we wanted to stay in the united europe, and now it turns out that you have left from the united europe and they took us with them, then we want to return to the united europe. so, it works. that what the scottish national party practically lost most of her votes in the british parliament in favor of labor, ugh, and this means that she may also lose power in scotland in favor of labor, and this means that there is no danger of such a referendum, there is no, the situation has changed in northern ireland, too .
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in an absolutely incredible way, because the democratic june party, which was generally the center of political influence of supporters of the preservation of northern ireland in the treasure of great britain, it lost its position, was a dramatic moment in the night voting, even in the morning, when it became clear that one of the representatives of the flight... the paisley dynasty, which created this democratic joanist party, lost his seat in the british parliament, which he and his relatives have been elected there for 50 years, people with the surname paisley , and now he has lost his seat, this is a real political earthquake in northern ireland, but what does this mean? this means that there is an opportunity for more harmonious cooperation between er...
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catholics and protestants, because these forces, let's say, they are losing little by little ionist influence, and the most serious party now in northern ireland is the sinn fein party, they do not sit in the british parliament, this is also a very interesting thing, they have now received seven mandates, which will not be implemented, because they believe that the british parliament is foreign for the irish , it is a parliament that needs to be swamped so that no one can take the places of the irish, but then... don't go, because the british parliament should not solve the issue of ireland, and this is also an interesting one, it is very there are a lot of these interesting moments that are happening, but they are definitely moments that are not related to european integration, that is, ireland, northern great britain can lose regardless of what happens with its european integration, because it is an old, age-old dispute about ulster, and i think it will be resolved when
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there are more ethnic irish... in northern ireland, there will likely be new referendums and that territory will join the irish republic, that is almost an inevitable process, and scotland can now be said to digested this situation with brexit. it is often said in the british political community that one of the reasons why rishi sunak's party lost is the failure to solve the problem of migration, which. quite sharp, including in great britain, what do you think this policy will be under labour, more lenient, labor has always been much more relaxed about migration than the conservatives, and the conservatives have by and large made the slogan of their anti-european policy , as well as nigel farage, by the way, precisely the fight against migration.


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