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tv   [untitled]    July 6, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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diplomacy in hungarian, orban to kyiv, szijharto to moscow. nato suspects russia of mining the north sea. also, the updated novator 2 armored car entered service with the national guard of ukraine. the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi announced a meeting with... commanders of uav units, where it is planned to discuss the development of this promising type of weaponry. for more details about the situation at the front, see our next story. the large-scale armed aggression of the russian federation against ukraine continues for 862 days. forces defenses continue to fight against the invaders. commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi. reported on july 2 that
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the intensity of hostilities has decreased, while the line of the active front has increased. he worked for a week on the eastern front, visited almost all brigades of the pokrovsky, kurakhkivskyi, vremivskyi, toretskyi, kramatorskyi directions, as well as those fighting in vovchansk and near kharkiv. fierce fighting of varying intensity continues everywhere. compared to the previous trip, turkish was added two weeks ago the direction where the warriors are strange. of the fifth amphibious assault brigade heroically every day significantly reduces the number of attacking hordes of the enemy. the situation in the pokrovsk region remains difficult. the enemy, aiming to break through our defenses, once again replaced the shock units with assault units, which were completely incapacitated , and continued offensive operations. despite high losses in armored vehicles, the enemy continues to use them in combination with intense artillery fire and f. drone strikes, despite
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strengthening our units with reserves, this direction requires constant attention and provision of an additional amount of ammunition and firearms. in other directions , the intensity of hostilities decreased, while the line of the active front increased. on july 4, deepstate updated the map of combat operations in ukraine, which gives an opportunity to monitor changes in the front line. the situation in the turetska area is indeed very complex and dynamic with ongoing active. battles, it is still too early to make any conclusions and predictions, the situation is rapidly changing: the enemy was occupying sokil and voskhod, and also advanced in sotnytskyi kozachka, the northern one near the friendship of yevhenivka and novopokrovsk. the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine noted that currently the main problematic issues for commanders are the staffing of some units with motivated, well- trained servicemen. another problematic issue is the provision of modern means of rap and military. and anti-aircraft defense capable of
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effectively combating enemy uavs. he also said that he had a telephone conversation with the head of the joint chiefs' committee of the us staff, general charles brown. they discussed the situation on the front line and the urgent needs of our army in military equipment and ammunition. on july 2, the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, also announced that he had instructed the minister of defense of ukraine, who was with a visit to get specific dates when those additional patriot systems, which we have an agreement with partners, will be delivered. a little later , the minister of defense of ukraine umyerov announced a new aid package from the us in the amount of 2.3 billion dollars, which includes anti-tank weapons, interceptors, ammunition for petrotriot and other air defense systems. the family of president joe biden.
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on sunday, june 30, called on the us president to remain in the presidential race, despite biden's poor performance in the debate with donald trump. this was reported by the cnn channel with reference to the advisors of the american president. it will be recalled that many european politicians were stunned by the unsuccessful performance of joe biden during the presidential debate on thursday, june 27. more details about the american election race. as well as the positions of trump and biden, further in our story. in the usa , the first of two scheduled debates between the presidential candidates, republican donald trump and democrat joe biden, took place on june 27 in the state of georgia. the debates were organized by cnn, they were held without an audience, the candidates' microphones were only turned on when it was their turn to speak, and the use of notes and soufflés were also prohibited.
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according to cnn, 67% of respondents said that trump showed a better result during the debate, 33% that biden. opponents of the debate they talked about the economy, migration. abortions about the war in the gas sector and in ukraine. in particular , trump and biden argued over how the united states should approach the resolution of the largest conflict on the territory of europe since the second world war. according to the public, trump said that putin's proposals to end the war with ukraine are unacceptable. at the same time, he believes that the war would not have started if america had a leader and if russia respected biden. trump also said that biden encouraged russia to go to war by withdrawing troops. usa from afghanistan in 2021. trump criticized biden for significant funds to support ukraine. biden has already called putin a war criminal who must be stopped because the war will spread to other european countries and nato countries. trump has repeatedly said that if
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he comes to power, he will end the war before his inauguration, but has not yet said how he intends to do it. while the whole world is discussing and analyzing trump's audacity and biden's failure in... the first round of debates , ukrainian diplomat volodymyr ogryzko advises not to draw premature conclusions. we don't now it is necessary to reassess everything that happened under these, during these debates. this is an election campaign, where politicians usually make sharp statements, which then, when the situation settles down and politicians have already transitioned from the election campaign to performing their functions, they change. that's why what mr. trump said there or what his advisors write is still out of the ordinary, well, as our people once said, one grandmother said, so let's not draw any far-reaching conclusions from this, although we must
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definitely pay attention to all this, because eh trump is an unbalanced person, he is influenced, influenced. both internal and external, so here we need to think about certain safeguards and not only for us, and thank god this is happening, because, as we know, nato is now trying to protect itself from a potential trump presidency in the matter of aid to ukraine, and if we, we will have a mechanism , which provides $40 billion in aid to ukraine annually. i think this is the answer to all the fears that are spreading around the expert community today, so i think everything will be fine. according volodymyr ogorysk, we must understand that first of all the american people will determine who to elect as their president, our main
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task is to make sure that any president and any party, whether republican or democratic, are supporters of helping ukraine. our goal is that both the republic and the democrats, and the republican, possible president, and the democratic, possible president, are on the side of ukraine. therefore, i think that now it is very premature to talk about any changes, whether someone will or will not be someone, let them themselves in the democratic party will sort it out, what we 're hearing right now says that it doesn't seem like there's going to be any change, but, well, let's wait until... their democratic convention, which is coming up soon, and then all the dots of hope will be placed, i something, i think that there will be no special changes, and then, well, what will you, how will democratic politicians decide, first
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of all, how will biden himself and his family decide. marine le pen's french national union party won 33.4% of the vote in the first round of parliamentary elections in france. it means they could win between 255 and 295 seats in the national assembly, which would significantly change the political landscape of the upr in france. the second round of elections will be held on july 7. for more information about the situation in france, see our report. one plot. in the first round of the extraordinary elections in france, which took place on june 30, the far-right national union party won, gaining 33.4 votes, lupe
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rizier writes about it. according to the results of the first round from the national association according to the previous ones by counting, 39 deputies were elected, including marine le pen. the new people's front took second place with two. 27.98% of the vote, 32 deputies were elected, and the coalition of supporters of president emmanuel macron took third place with a result of 20.76% with two deputies. republicans followed with 6.56% of the vote, one elected, and various right-wing parties with 3.67%, two elected. in total, 76 deputies were elected in the first round. this election was marked by a very high turnout of 66.71%, according to these final results. this is a record for this type of election since 2002. 1.77. percent of voters did not vote, 0.82% of votes were counted as invalid. a landslide
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victory for the national union was expected in the first round, but there are many uncertainties for the second round on july 7. what will happen in the second round? polling institute ipsos predicts from 230 to 280 seats for the national association and its. allies, which is slightly below the absolute majority established in 289 seats. everything will depend, in particular, on the possible withdrawal of third-placed opponents, some of whom have already announced their withdrawal, and of course, from the final behavior of voters. if the national union wins, france will become the first major country in europe where the far-right will come to power. ukraine may face a reduction in receiving military aid. earlier, the leader of the far right, jordan bardella, spoke against the sending of troops to ukraine,
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the supply of long-range radio-guided missiles and certain military equipment that could hit russian cities. if the second round of voting on july 7 provides a parliamentary majority for the national association, a forecasts indicate that it is possible, france will find itself in uncharted waters, the country will be governed at least partially. politicians who made their names sympathizing with vladimir putin has promised to tear up the european union, launch a war on migration and withdraw from nato. although the la pen party has softened some of its harsh positions, it remains deeply skeptical of the policy positions of the main event. a victory in these elections will significantly increase her chances of becoming the president of france in 2027 - politico writes. french already this sunday the voter will finally put an end to the question:
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who will govern the fifth french republic for the next four years? the question is far from rhetorical, because the possible coming to power of the far-right under the spell of marine le pen could put into question not only the provision of further economic military aid to ukraine, but also european integration and... the expansion of the eu, because marine le pen and her fellow party members do not hide their eurosceptic views, moreover, have allies in other european countries, in particular in germany and italy, although here too not everything goes so smoothly. as we remember, before the last elections to the european parliament, in neighboring germany, the most popular right-wing radical party alternative for germany got into a... scandal, one of its most famous party members, surnamed k,
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expressed sympathy, ba more even compliments to ss. yes, you did not hear about the same criminal organization of the ss, during the times of the third reich. mr. ka stated that, as he said, the history of the ss was distorted in many ways, and everything was wrong with it so unambiguous. true, the rhetoric is familiar, we hear it most often and... we continue to hear it from russian propagandists. all other political parties of the fifth french republic are determined to prevent the right-wing forces from taking revenge. to do this, they even began to remove the candidacies of their party members in the districts where marine le pen's party members are nominated, so that elections could not be held in them. whether this tactic will give the desired result, let's see. already on sunday, july 7. well, for now, in any scenario, france
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will experience a political storm. and the key question is whether the incumbent president, emmanuel macron, who dared to dissolve the french national assembly at the beginning of such political chaos, will retain his power. on july 2 , hungarian prime minister viktor orban arrived in kyiv with an unannounced visit. we will remind that on july 1, it was hungary that began the presidency of the eu. this is orbán's first trip to ukraine since the start of the full-scale invasion. viktor orban at the talks with the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi expectedly promoted the idea of ​​an immediate armistice with russia, but did not insist on it. at the same time, it is reported that almost at the time when the prime minister of hungary was meeting with
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the president of ukraine in kyiv, the hungarian minister of foreign affairs peter szijarto had a telephone conversation with the head. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov. what made hungarian prime minister viktor orban dare to travel to kyiv? all the previous rhetoric of the head of the hungarian government was reduced to the fact that hungary does not agree to the improvement of lending conditions of ukraine, as well as providing it with the latest types of weapons. hungary is also known for its unique position within the european union. union, as well as nato. also hungarian prime minister viktor orban, the only eu leader, who flew to beijing, where he met with the head of the people's republic of china xi jinping, as well as the russian dictator volodymyr putin. this extreme indecisiveness of viktor orbán has already cost him the last elections to
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the european parliament, which his fidesz party famously failed to finish with a winning result of 50%, namely fidesz traditionally won more than 50% of hungarian voters' votes in all recent elections. this time, the game of populism played a cruel joke on orbán. his former party colleague, and now a new star of hungarian politics, péter madier, who actively uses populist techniques to win over popular people, unexpectedly took second place. among hungarians. apparently, viktor orban came to kyiv in order to offer himself as a mediator in the peace negotiations between kyiv and moscow. orban can smell it in the air possible peace talks. at least the latest peace summit,
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as well as the extraordinary activity developed by russian diplomats, obviously hints at this. by the way, this... week , putin's mouthpiece, as he is most often called, dmitry piskov, unexpectedly started commenting on the russian dictator's peace initiatives. in particular, piskov stated that moscow does not consider the same turkish president recep erdogan as a mediator. by the way, all this happened during the next summit of the shanghai cooperation organization, which this year it took place in kazakhstan's astana. what. is clearly turning into a closed club of dictators, because iran joined the sco last year, and belarus this year. all the leaders of the authoritarian countries of the post-soviet space, as well as china and iran, are obviously signaling that moscow will have their support in the war against ukraine and the west. in addition, by
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an interesting coincidence, the international bloomberg agency this week will report ... sensational news, while bloomberg journalists refer to data from european officials. the latter told journalists that china is actively developing its own version of the iranian attack drone shah 136. this chinese development has already received the name sunflower 200, or in translation sunflower 200. according to its tactical and technical characteristics, it is complete. iranian drone. according to bloomberg sources, china has now entered the final phase of testing its sunflower. and he can be delivered to russia. the only thing chinese developers are thinking about is whether to supply sunflowers to russia in assembled form or in parts.
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the natural chinese side of all these tricks rejects in particular, the chinese embassy in the united states has already been named. ala widespread bloomberg information nonsense and lies. we do not know how it actually is, but we cannot fix the obvious trend towards the convergence of authoritarian and totalitarian countries. moreover , their grouping of boredom around moscow, which putin is actively trying to take advantage of. some european observers even suspected viktor orban that he, they say, came to kyiv not on his own initiative, but on... putin's instructions. well, obviously such accusations are a clear exaggeration. orbán is playing his own game, which was finally confirmed by direct talks between his foreign minister. as well as russian foreign minister sergey lavrov. budapest is simply trying to balance between kyiv and moscow, apparently playing the card
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of an impartial mediator. but the chances that budp will be able to become a platform for peace talks today are almost zero. over the past 10 years. more than 160 non-military russian vessels carried out 945 suspicious actions in the north sea - reports edition of the times. nato leadership sources interviewed by journalists believe that such activity may indicate that russia has been mining the european union's critical underwater infrastructure in the north sea. more about this situation in the next story. nato suspects that russia may have mined the european union's critical underwater infrastructure in the north sea. the suspicions are based on data
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obtained from companies that manage key oil and gas pipelines, electrical and telecommunication cables, the times writes about it. if earlier russian special services used research and military ships, now they are not military ships, so detecting espionage is currently more difficult - he explained. maritime security specialist of the belgian unit thomas dpigalere. according to belgian security services, no evidence of cable mining was found in the territorial waters of belgium or the netherlands in the north sea. however, at the beginning of the war in ukraine, explosives were discovered on one of the british cables. as reported , the belgian newspaper dtate published investigation, which says that over the past 10 years, more than 16... 50 russian civilian vessels have made 945 suspicious maneuvers, 749 of which were recorded within one kilometer of pipelines in the north
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sea, with a further 72 occurring around cables of electricity, the remaining 124 in areas where telecommunication cables are laid, it is assumed that this is a large-scale mapping operation. russian the ships are already suspicious, even if they follow a completely normal sailing regime, because every russian ship, even if it works for a private company, it still works for the state. abnormalities in swimming are not necessarily suspicious, but suspicious if it occurs over pipelines and cables. this is not the first time that russia has threatened nato member countries or deterred the event. earlier, the institute for the study of war reported that the russian foreign ministry continues to threaten finland. and to claim that finland has lost its independence in making foreign policy decisions after joining nato. putin also warned western countries that nato members are in europe
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they are playing with fire when they propose to allow ukraine to strike with western weapons on the territory of russia. according to him, this will provoke a global conflict. putin has repeatedly threatened to use nuclear weapons, especially if nato countries send troops to ukraine. the extraordinary activity developed by the russian merchant fleet, behind which the russian special services are actually hiding in the north sea, raised the question: the question of nato's ability to withstand such hybrid scenarios, moreover, the european press directly hints at the fact that russian underwater saboteurs could have already laid mines. underwater infrastructure belonging to the countries of the european union and nato. what this will mean in the so- called time, i think there is no need to explain. at
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the most critical moment, russia can trivially blow up oil and gas pipelines, as well as fiber optic lines that connect the countries of the european union with the united states. moreover, the british press directly writes about the fact that the russian submarines of the keel class. in the world they are better known as russian submarines of the varshavianka class, they could not just to replace these underwater infrastructure facilities, they are now conducting reconnaissance and reconnaissance right under the noses of governments, as countries that are part of the north atlantic alliance. the fact that there is no decent answer to this is confirmed by frequent cases of airspace violations. this week, the russian aviation, although... civil, the pobeda airline officially did it, violated the airspace of lithuania, and did it without any explanation. everyone over 40 immediately
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remembered. the case of the early 80s, when similar tactics began to be resorted to in relation to the then ussr, the countries of the west, which all the time used civil aviation to invade the airspace of the soviet union, for which he ultimately paid with the same coin? the national guard of ukraine received the first batch of the newest ten. strong armored vehicles novator-2. it is reported that the car was developed by the ukrainian armored vehicle company, taking into account the experience of using the previous version of the car in combat conditions. judging by photos released, the armored vehicles are equipped with a rotating turret with a large-caliber browning m2 machine gun. among the main innovations is an improved suspension and control system that
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provide high maneuverability and increased passability, also the car has become longer by 10 cm, which makes it possible to install an armored section for additional seats inside. at the same time, the load capacity increased to 3,340 kg. the domestic remote-controlled module tauria 14.5, which is equipped, was also tested on the armored car. with a 14.5 mm machine gun. he has the opportunity capture and escort targets, and conduct accurate fire on enemy targets on the move. this program was conducted for you by me, major of the armed forces of ukraine, taras berezovyts. thank you for being with us and thank you for watching, together to victory and glory to ukraine.
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so piercing, he doesn't let me move, i bought a yellow cream for a long time at the pharmacy... in the latest issue of ukraine magazine, an exclusive interview with diplomat oleksandr khara. why does russia have the right to veto ukraine's entry into nato? resonant investigation is a road to nowhere. how the construction of a forest highway can destroy historical monument. the inimitable vitaly portnikov about the impact of the war on ukrainians and
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your high-quality training and... fill out the questionnaire and choose the direction where you can be most effective. we are waiting for you in the team of tssoa asbu. together we will write the history of victory. details on the official pages of the sbu. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, on air on the espresso tv channel, studio zahid program, we will analyze the most important events of this week, in particular, we will analyze the great putin kurultai in vastani with the participation of representatives of turkey, china, and so on, and at the same time we will try to outline the parameters of polish-ukrainian security.


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