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tv   [untitled]    July 6, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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any spare military vehicles, not just passenger cars, that are registered in the uk and are to be decommissioned should be sent here, be it a land rover 110 or whatever. at the moment, i see people who, commanding battalions, companies, platoons, have to buy, collect money, beg, borrow cars in order to complete combat missions. civilian cars are expendable, the amount of money spent on their repair is huge. we need these military vehicles the most, that's it. helped, but not only on equipment is waiting at the front, people are needed, the west also understands this, but they can only help at the level of instructors, at least for now, so french president emmanuel macron initiated the creation of a coalition of countries that are ready to send their military instructors to ukraine and suggested that others do the same , great britain, poland, the netherlands, the baltic countries and scandinavia. at the same time, the usa and germany. according to information
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from the western press, the initiative was not supported. the more instructors you bring here, the more money you save, it's more profitable than to send ukrainian boys abroad. it is also a time factor. why not, i totally agree with that position. not a bad idea, even if it's a different doctrine, but if you're really training whole units that can work independently. "it is not of particular importance, but even honed primary skills will have a great impact on the battlefield, so whoever trains the ukrainians, i welcome it, because now there are more and more mobilized people who did not have a burning desire to join the army, accordingly, they did not master the military case, so they have a lower initial level than those who came two years ago, to teach gunners and tankers on western equipment, i agree, but to teach..."
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nato troops have really good training, but not for this war, that's different, they have no experience of war against the enemy, that surpasses you in all components, in artillery, people, aviation, tanks. come on, come on, the idea of ​​creating such training missions on the territory of ukraine, they, this, is not something new, here it is simply a matter of security , is there a purpose to place large foreign training missions on the territory of ukraine, since they will immediately be hit by russian missiles, it is obvious, they will specifically hit there to create problems, so there is nothing new here, and it has nothing to do with macron's other ideas regarding the deployment of troops on the territory of ukraine or participation in hostilities actions, it is not there, because in principle this is... a matter that has
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been implemented for a long time, and in general, in those statements of macron , we see something completely different from what he meant , he meant, first of all , the readiness of europe, european countries without of the united states, to respond to those challenges that may arise as a result of russian aggression, russian aggression against ukraine, against the baltic countries, against other countries, poland, romania and so on, that is, he... refers to the readiness of the european union of european countries without the united states states to counter russian aggression, and for this , of course, you need to prepare a doctrine, you need to prepare a concept, you need to prepare units and units that could jointly, i mean european countries, perform these tasks, including on the territory of ukraine. in may , information appeared in the german press that the baltic states and poland may send in troops. to ukraine if russia
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has serious successes on the front, regardless of the opinion of other nato members. in this case , the alliance will actually enter the war, - write german publications. however, ukrainian military observers consider this situation differently. look, now, for example, how the poles act when rockets fly into their territory, or a balloon from russia has flown there, they do not touch it, because, they don't know how to act, they don't, because there is no... at the level of brussels, at the level of the nato leadership, an algorithm, a specific algorithm, how each country should act in these cases, because in fact, if poland takes any independent decision, to shoot down, for example, a russian missile, and russia perceives it as an act of aggression, then in this situation there should be a decision of the entire alliance regarding what, well, that is, there should be a decision of the alliance. that's fine, if poland
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crashes, russia perceives any kind of aggression, and we, the alliance, nato, are ready to hit russia in the forehead. such a decision, but such a decision. no, that is, we know that until recently brussels has been trying not to escalate the situation, saying that it would not like or seek to avoid a direct confrontation with russia, and this concept, it remains basic, so when a nato country says that they in principle, under certain conditions, something could be done there on the territory of ukraine, it must be taken into account that it will be a separate decision, then this country acts outside it'. according to international law, the charter of the united nations organization, every country has the right to self-defense, the russians attacked the ukrainians and they are legally defending themselves, if other countries want to help them defend themselves, it is within the framework of international law. you cannot attack
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russia from the baltics or poland, this is against international law, but helping ukrainians to defend themselves from russia in ukraine is entirely within the framework of the current international system. if allied troops were located west of the dnipro river, they could perform combat missions such as the defense of this part of ukraine. they could block the belarusian border in order to free the ukrainian land forces troops for use in the east. they could operate an integrated air defense system. thus, there are many legitimate defense operations that partners can provide to help ukrainians defend themselves. fathers of the foreign legion admit that the war has changed them, it is often difficult for them to communicate with their compatriots, because they do not fully understand what is happening in ukraine. this is a classic case of putting blinders on the eyes of the kuni, they just
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don't want to believe what is happening, they see what is happening but close their eyes, they don't want to admit to themselves, they don't want to admit to themselves that this is happening, to me all that... i saw it was a replay of 1939 and that was a turning point for me personally, we've seen it happen before and it 's happening again but in the west people are so banal in their daily lives, it doesn't concern them personally, i know that because of this war food prices have gone up in european countries but people just grin and bear it, for them it's just another the cost factor, they are not to the end understand the impact of this war on them, i don't think that becoming... understands what 's going on here because all the information they have is on tv, on social media, and now you can't trust everything, a lot of fake news and propaganda, and russia is really good at propaganda, but ordinary people, i don’t know, peacetime does not
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give birth to strong people, this is the difference between ukraine and europe, ukrainians know what war is, because they have been oppressed by russia for a long time, and such a situation hardens people, in my country... currently, people are more interested life, money, what they can buy, and the difference here is really huge, people in ukraine can live without electricity, without water, without anything, in my country, and this is the reality, one day turn off the light for one person, and it's the end of the world, here people live in this reality, atira. for me, the most difficult thing in this war is to see and hear how comrades die, sometimes twice as old as you, experienced people who sometimes did not even survive a month on the front line. separation from
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family is the most difficult. i try not to get too close to boys, with with which i fight, because the loss of comrades on the battlefield is always. side by side with the soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces, they say, the ukrainian army is one of the most capable in the world. it's like me, the majority of the ukrainian army used to be civilian. when the russians came, the ukrainians were unprepared, without military experience, but the ukrainian army has a wonderful quality of adapting and finding solutions every time. we don't have much. but we work well and figure out how to get out of the situation and complete combat tasks. the ukrainian army is diverse, there are highly qualified, combat-ready, trained units, there are those that are mostly composed of mobilized men,
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mostly above average age, and these differences show their capabilities on the front line, but they are dedicated and try to do their best, the best of something... achieve, others hold the line defense the west is trying to provide ukraine with equipment and ammunition, but if the ukrainians lose this war, the situation in europe will be the same. it will be a good opportunity for russia to continue to put pressure, not only on russia, but also on north korea and other totalitarian countries. nato should understand this, i don't think putin will stop at ukraine, this guy is crazy. the first is training, the second is the replacement of destroyed or worn out cars, when ukrainians receive aircraft from the west, such as f-16, they will have to exercise combat command and control over them and not in an insult. in ukraine, they are simply not used to this. this is another mission - the protection of the territory west of the dnipro river,
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the creation of a complex anti-aircraft defense. so there are many roles that partners, nation, partner nation can play. the only thing ukraine's allies don't want to do is conduct offensive operations against russia's ground forces. escalating our war with russia is just a nuclear war. that is , there can be no more escalation. russia used any means against us. at the moment, the west cannot take responsibility for the war with russia. unfortunately. not once. well, that is, i cannot imagine a situation now when france will start fighting for ukraine for some reason. unfortunately, ukraine can only rely on itself. this must be understood. no illusions about the statements there. designers, some, someone else, all this is completely far from reality, the reality
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is that we are in a state of war, and any foreign soldier, officer who says that i can cover some border or carry out some combat mission on the territory of ukraine , which means that this state must also be ready for war with russia. what do you think, if the russian army succeeds in ukraine, will it go further? or death. today, in the ranks of the armed forces and in other power structures, together with ukrainians, russian aggression is resisted only by some foreign volunteers if the french initiative to send military instructors to ukraine is still closely watched by western partners, then in the usa, according to cnn, they are already discussing the possibility of their military contractors working in ukraine, who will be able to help maintain and repair american military equipment. more about similar steps. a few months ago it was out of the question. these were donbas realities. see you there are discounts
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the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against of ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv. and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project, we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's make it up. they help to understand the present and predict the future. trump's second presidency will be for the world terrible a project for those who care and think. club: every sunday at 20:10 at espresso.
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vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many. as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. friends, my congratulations, today we are let's talk about what happened this week in culture, in show business, and there was really a lot of interesting things that happened, not only here, but also abroad, we're going to talk to you about another one about the phenomenon of taylor swift, i
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think you know such a singer, but her influence is simply incredible, and it will continue. to grow, as talk about her political ambitions continues to grow, so against the background of those talks, that biden is no good, he is too old, who should the democratic party nominate, and here is the candidacy of taylor swift, at least in prospects are being discussed quite seriously, we will talk in particular about why, we will also talk about kevin spacey, as already the cinematographers, who a few years ago... canceled him in every way, and now they are trying to think about how to save his career, restore his car yeru, let's talk about it, but first we will definitely start with our recaps
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. of our... what business they are starting to say that there are all haters around, we are not guilty of anything, they are starting to make excuses, the more they dig a hole for themselves, but let's start with viktor orbán, unexpectedly, viktor orbán, the prime minister of hungary turned from my from the point of view of a cinematographer, and i'm not the only one, i came to this conclusion, the fact is that on his twitter, which is now called x, orbán put out a simply incredible, divine, epic video, i can't bring myself to call it just a video there or roller, and this a real short film, if only for one minute, but the epicness there is simply sky-high, and the level of heroism of viktor orbán in this video is also sky-high and has no limits, in
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it he is just some superhero who saves like bruce willis. of all his films on the planet, this is a film that was edited based on the results of his visit to kyiv and his return to hungary, let's take a look, and just imagine that hungarians are foreigners there, people who have not been to ukraine, have not been to in kyiv, what conclusion can they draw about what kind of atmosphere we have in general reigns in the country.
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well, this is just a hollywood thriller and many of our people in social networks. this clip, this video, this film, i don’t know, made me very happy, and now people are waiting for the results of mr. orban’s visit to moscow, what kind of video he will make there, everyone is just waiting and even offers to nominate this work for some film award , well, let's keep an eye on
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viktor orbán's twitter, and now let's move on to the social networks of our celebrities, our ex-celebrities, i don't know what to call all these people, i think you've heard, or, well, surely you have heard about this ruslan khanumak, he is a comedian, he is a person who constantly participated in various of our humorous shows, the league of laughter, the comedian's laugh, in the 95th quarter and so on and so on, and now he is in his instagram said, he added this... now it's his son, he said he went to the united states, and he went to the united states, as he says, forever, and he... he's not afraid to admit it, he says that it would be better for me to be called a traitor there than for my son to grow up
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without dad, that is, he moved, he says, for the sake of his son, to be with him, to see how he grows up, call me a traitor, says ruslan khonumak, but here we are together again, look how happy we are, after ruslana was attacked in the traditional way... in the comments on the fan, and ruslan wrote another post where he posted a screenshot from the action and wrote that he has a delay, but also in the comments they could not understand why, and here the delay, if ruslan said, that he does not always go to the states, and not temporarily, well and also in such cases very often famous, public people resort to some excuses and often appeal to there, for example, bad health, to the fact that they feel bad, that they got sick, and hanumakh said that he had asthma since childhood, and everyone i know knows that he has this disease, and that's why i'm not suitable for
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the army, but it didn't work on anyone, well , well, we have to state that ruslan khanomak moved to the states and he's more obvious, well, probably , which will not belong to the ukrainian information space, on they won't pay attention to him after that. i'll remind you that he once got in trouble with his track, his song called wild game, remember, he made this video there, and he was accused of sexism, that he didn't belong, with due respect, in general a military serviceman sings about girls, it's somehow too frivolous, hanumakh himself said that listen, i have military girls from gur in my linden, if, well , if they were okay, that's all, then why do you hate me here and comment, well, let's go let's remember this song. cappuccina, this is not
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javelina, this is not hymers, this is my girlfriend. i can't get the pixel skirt out of my head. well, what can i say, i can only remember potap, they have very similar stories, potap also left, and he left even before the start of the full-scale invasion and also appealed to his poor health, saying that he left for treatment and that's it did not come on his instagram, now we can see, he also posts videos with his son, and also shows how he travels to different countries, then there, then there, and... in general, there are a lot of different rumors about him in show business , some of which i cannot verify, but i very
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often hear that our show business participants already want to leave him, to renounce baptism, that many people have stopped maintaining relations with him, his former colleagues, here they are still talking about various financial matters, but as we see that... such a character as potap, so far we have also lost from our information field, we lost a day, i sub i will say my objective judgment, it is positive connotation, because it seems to me that people like potap just don't fit into our internal agenda right now, and i also heard a lot of opinions that, well, obviously he shouldn't be condemned even for the fact that he left, it's not necessary to try to somehow bring such people back, because this does not make any sense. if a person wants to leave this country, if he does not think that he wants to work for it, then okay, then let him make a career
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in some other country, but as we see potap, well, i don't see him making a career for himself career in those countries where he is, and that is why this is the case, but once again i want to draw attention to all these things that are not happening in our country now, but happened before, about all these songs, for a while there was just a flurry of scandals with various songs, this and the same song and potap, do you remember about the volunteer, he was also accused of improper treatment of the volunteer girls, because there in the chorus it was said that at night the volunteer went somewhere with the boys, well, they said the task of the volunteer and her only desire - is to go somewhere. to be with the boys, he was criticized for that, and we can see from the results that after all, the authors of these tracks, who are accused of speculation,
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that... that they simply do not understand the situation and try to ride the conch the accusations turn out to be correct, because we see later how these people behave, they simply leave the country, trying to justify themselves, but still, there are more better people, as it seems to me, in show business, and we constantly see in the news and in various social networks, as completely different representatives of show business. announce their mobilization, that they are going to study or finish their studies there, and these are very good examples that are always very well received, here, for example, the new ones are andriy luzan, his, he is also a comedian, by the way, he is also a comedian, as well as ruslan kanumak, but completely different, here they have him, he and his colleagues have a very popular youtube channel levin jeepy, and he is
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also with his colleagues all the time. but they collect money, they use any method, to raise money, i'm just always amazed by this creativity, because it seems like they can just, i don't know, put a camera somewhere in their house and collect a few million, because they keep coming up with some kind of hikes in the woods, or some other concerts or some conversations or anything, and they really collected and are collecting a lot of money, and here is andriy luzan, despite the fact that this is also important until the full-scale tuesday. these comedians, and andrii luzan in particular, did not give the impression of a person who is too concerned about the war there or the political situation, although he always said that he identifies himself precisely as a ukrainian, he appears to be half korean, half ukrainian, and now he is talking about the fact that he never had problems with self-identification there, of course she is ukrainian, and but, if we look at the shows in which he took part, there
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were no issues from...politics, they were, but a political show, and now we see how this man, well, has completely changed his rhetoric, he continues to say, for example, in ukrainian, and this is important to note, because if you look at our show business and welfare, then many people somehow roll back those who tried to switch to ukrainian, now have returned to russian, defend their right to perform after. in russian, for example, as nastya kamenskikh, and now also as verke serdyuchka, for example, who continues to perform with a new program of russian-language songs, and by the way, there are rumors that verka serdyuchka's performance at atlas weekend was canceled precisely because of her , this russian-language concert program, and because , well, atlas announced that andriy
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danylko will sing ukrainian. and then they said that he didn't have time to prepare, but they say that in fact the reason is another, that andriy continues to sing in russian, which is not shared by the festival organizers. let's listen to andriy luzhin, how he publicly announced for the first time that he would mobilize, he said that he would mobilize on july 6, but then he said that it would be a little later, but still, before the mobilization, he... already is being prepared, to be honest, i, there are 808 of you now, i have somewhere about the same amount on the broadcast, in a closed account, this is a closed account, this is the only place where i said that i am mobilizing on july 6, i went on this tour just to get high from ukraine before mobilizing, i maybe i 'm drunk right now, maybe i'm having a good time with you,
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but... that's right, dmytro mazuryak, a member of the kazka band, announced that he had just finished his studies, now we can watch him if andriy luzan is getting ready to go for studies, dmytro has already finished them, he wrote this post on constitution day, greeted everyone, and then said that he was fulfilling his duties. responsibilities according to the constitution, and he also said that he really hopes that he will at least occasionally participate in concerts there, not sure yet if they will meet with fans, but he hopes for it, in the fans in the comments too , thanked dmytro and said that they also hope to see him at least sometimes at fairy tales concerts, so in conclusion, i want to say that we really have, in my opinion...


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