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tv   [untitled]    July 7, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EEST

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zelensky somewhere on the decrees, on the laws, his signatures, his autograph, and accordingly irmak later one day, if you show him something, he will say: where is my signature, at least on the tender documentation, at least somewhere, like, i am not to blame , i came myself, yes, but zelensky signs, but i will tell you that before the decisions are made, they talk somewhere, they somewhere, well, someone... they did not think that it was zelensky himself sits down and writes a decree, for example, about the appointment of someone, well, let's imagine the situation, someone is appointed the head of the regional military administration, yes to some ensk region, that is what zelenskyi said that i am preparing a decree for irmak, i will sign it now, and we think, yes, he gives the order, or maybe it was not the case at first that irmak first comes and says : volodymyr oleksandrovych, the casting has been announced, you are a theater person, that is, you have to...
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some kind of theatrical or cinematographic terminology is used there, but a casting has been announced for such and such an area, there are several applicants, but i recommend such, such, such , so what is he, look, here is his portfolio, here is the goal, and zelensky then says already there, appoint, i give the order, and so, i will tell the americans right now that i gave this order, will you believe it, or did they bring someone to the casting after all? maybe they brought someone whom yermak needed, but maybe they brought not the best one, but a loyal and loyal one to yermak, yes, or there could be something else here, that yermak was imposed on, because he also tells someone down, well, who have some candidates, and they ran in right away, but that's roughly how it goes, or if you take some there, well, the same law on mobilization or the law.
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when he was there for two years, he had to reduce the draft age and zelenskyi did not sign for the year, zelenskyi decided that, could yermak and podalyak advise him that volodymyr oleksandrovich was there, we held focus groups there, it’s like, it doesn’t work , in this target group, it won't be accepted there, and their mothers won't accept it, so let's wait, maybe it will go away on its own, and that's roughly how zelensky accepted it. decision, but by whom it was imposed, it was imposed by the environment, and we have a situation, when zelenskyi says that five or six effective managers help me rule the country, and it turns out that the most effective of them is yermak, then we have a problem in the country, because he is the one who imposes his opinion, then he makes a decision, that's how he makes a decision he, and he can say, yes, i signed it, not ermak, look there like boberenko there, but
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look, i didn’t sign it, i make this decision, and they were told, yes, but, but vasya, i i'll prove it, but in reality it turned out, as my father would say, so it will be like my mother's zelensky will say, this is how yermakovsky will turn out, here we have a model of governance in the country, well, but in any case, the president said, and now, no matter how it was, we all clearly understand that yermak is a manager, the president said powerfully, but his manager, who does what he tells him, and that's basically, well, we now understand, whatever it is, i don't know, we don't want to know, to be honest, i now understand that the head of my of the state, but he decides, and this is important for understanding, well, how to carry out his orders, wishes, that is already otherwise the question, let him ask from those people whom he appointed, so on and it will be, well , literally very briefly, we still have five minutes there, i want us to still, so that you ... reacted to this story
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that happened in odesa, where a veteran doctor, a veteran doctor, a person who worked as an adviser to vice-prime minister stefanishnaya scolded, again now i will not throw any stones at her city, especially now she is engaged in an important matter there, preparing for ukraine's participation in the nato summit and so on, well, here it is such a person was in her office, she behaved very disgustingly vadim sheve. and scolded the doctor , a veteran of the armed forces of ukraine, oleksiy prytula, because he examined his dog, which is not what you see there, but it caused, well, you seem to be the king of life, well, you think so, and you think that there, well, what are you there, you know, but the society's reaction was immediate and he was released, and somewhere there they started, i know, some military men are already looking to talk, no one is planning to beat him there or, well, just talk about what needs to be done with... to understand how it happened, what are you
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in the third year of the war, you behave like this in relation to a veteran who gave his health for you, in fact, part of his health, but at the address that was immediately made public there, he was not there, well, that's actually it. history is still like this, but this reaction of society showed that there will be no, no tolerance for those people who consider themselves the masters of life in such situations, because everything has already changed, the only question is whether these kind of people are at least once will understand that everything has already changed, please, er, similar ones people will never understand this, they will understand only after cool conversations, when they walk... with bruises, for example, then maybe some people will begin to understand that social status in the state of ukraine has long been no longer measured by whether you have them, yes, what are you a stefanishin person there, or are you closer to the 95th quarter, our social status is measured by others, what you have done for
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society, what you have done, not what you will be, but what you have done, what you can, of course, very often be - what social statuses can be. inflated, and we understand that among the military as well there can be sycophants, well, because the army is the church of society, but the most important thing is that we know for ourselves and have found out that we have higher respect for those who work in ukraine in society than for those who, uh, drive there some cool cars, that is, a cool car is already there, well , it is not a subject of social status there, yes, and... some position is not a subject of social status at all, it is, well, it is the same as vasyl zima, a writer, and we understand that there is very often, writers are not rich people themselves, but some society has influence, yes there through my prose works, through my
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poems, i always say this to students, and who was shevchenko in 1848, who knew him there, everyone knew general anshifak? bibikov, who was the governor of kyiv there. who now, except for a very specific historical cohort, there are specialists who knows who was then the governor general of kyiv, yes, but everyone knows taras shevchenko. oh, i mean, social status is very fleeting. yes, people's lives are a pursuit of social status, but i , this hideous young frog, would still recommend leveling up. your status and equate it with worthy people, but i repeat, people who do not have their own dignity do not value anything else, and for them status is something else, and something else, in wheelbarrows, there in grandmothers, there even in children, well that's it, and the very end, let's end
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the topic of conversation with the fact that the nato summit is to be held next week, which phrase, we won't... let's go into detail there, the door is wide open for ukraine and so on and so forth, what phrase will we hear, and this call of the president, that we have people, you say ukraine must fight, ukraine is fighting, it does what it can, and realizing that its entire territory is being shot at by the enemy and where our production was not, someone can surrender, well , listen, we live, our entire territory is shot at by the enemy, but we can provide people, we have brigades, we train them, we don’t have weapons for brigades, what do you think, this nato summit, at least we get some progress in this matter, because this is not the first... for example, we have people, and there is a lack of weapons, but we will definitely receive military support, i would like it faster, well, as it turned out, the west, as it turned out, takes a very long time to go straight along the gogol, but i hope it will go quickly, and therefore, in
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the military sense, we will get all the beggars we want, but in the political sense, we get, uh, no exactly what we and the office hope for. the president, but the blame for this diplomatic failure is entirely on the president's office, we have a diplomatic failure in this case, why? because in the west they love and respect the state of ukraine, but this does not apply to its government the state, and even the actual leadership, that is, the world has little respect for our president and the gray cardinal under him, andriy irmak, and... for 30 seconds, in your opinion, valery zaluzhny will become popular in great britain, and maybe they will already wear master yoda's badges there too, in london, at least, or maybe not only? i am more than sure that he
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will remain an iron general in the diplomatic field as well, who will bring only victories to ukraine, that's for sure, and he... will remain both a diplomat and a military man, and i hope that in a future politician. thank you very much for taking the time, thank you for participating, and thank you for your comments, viktor bobarenko was with us, an expert of the flight analysis office. natalka didenko will tell us about the weather for the weekend, and then we will return. synoptic greetings to all, dear ukrainians. before we talk about the weather that is expected in the coming days, the coming weekend, well , that's already for someone, given the rather difficult weather conditions due to the heat, today we... talk about how to save animals from the heat, and it's not only about kittens,
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cats and dogs, and about domestic animals, which for some reason are often shy to talk about, or simply avoid this topic, and our lives often depend on them to a significant extent, and that is why we will talk about it, so the signs of heat stress, heat stroke precisely in domestic livestock, chickens open their beaks and... spread their wings, horses, for example, begin to wet themselves a lot, and the classic signs are trembling, lack of appetite, and the animals lose their orientation, which is necessary, immediately if possible, of course, to water them with hose, move the animal to the shade, if it is also possible and provide obviously drinking water and preferably chilled water, this is necessary for getting livestock, regardless of even what the air temperature is, a place in the shade should be available to every animal, well, of course . .. near the forest, in a wooded, shady area, it’s easier and easier for animals than in
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some barn with a hot roof, but you can, for example, stretch a rope or cloth over four posts, the animal is smart, it guesses where to find it, you also need sufficient space for ventilation of the room, and if you can bring an animal, well, this probably applies to some large animals to the pond, to the river, the only thing is access. to the pond to the river can lead to pollution and infection, so here is the question, as they say 50 to 50. well, there are also fair-skinned pigs that are touched by the tan and they suffer from it, i don't think there is anything funny here at all, so that, well, among us it is obvious that there are vegans and vegetarians, but still there are fewer of them, and a lot of us eat pork and raise pigs. so here it is recommended for them is a terrible problem, and that is why pigs cover themselves with dirt, not
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because they are somehow so dirty, it is simply an instinct of self-preservation, and if they cannot provide themselves, so to speak, mud baths, they should even be recommended if you have some valuable breeds there, there are not many of them, even use sunscreen, these are the tips i found and this topic is actually very interesting, we are now moving from domestic... animals to such cosmic processes, so to speak, let's look at the behavior of magnetic fields of the earth, and fluctuations are expected tomorrow , the fluctuations are insignificant, a strong magnetic storm or something super-powerful is not expected, so we are moving on to the actual weather forecast, and we traditionally start from the western regions, tomorrow in the west of ukraine the air temperature will be comfortable, 25-28°, no precipitation is predicted for... at night , the air temperature is still quite sober, so to speak, +25 +29 dry
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air mass, it will be dry in the east and tomorrow , although there will be heat, it will be more merciful, so to speak, it will not be 35- 37°, somewhere 31-33, and also an anticyclone, dry and sunny, in the center there is such, well, moderate heat, tomorrow at least 28:30, 28:31, dry weather. it will be the hottest in the southern part of ukraine, 30-35 above zero, without precipitation, and in kyiv, and on saturday and sunday , the air temperature will remain quite comfortable for now, it will fluctuate within +28°, but i remind you about it already said and wrote on social networks that from monday and almost the whole of the next week ukraine will be dominated by intense heat with an air temperature of 32.37° in the south, in the east, in most of the central regions it is 34-39, in places even up to +40. here's
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the near term outlook, keep an eye out for our updated weather forecasts on the espresso channel. thank you very much natalka didenko, by the way, my colleagues won't let me lie, i predicted that the main time would end in a draw between spain and germany , well... i really thought 0:0 , the result was a 1:1 draw, the spaniards scored of course olmo and the germans fought back, if they hadn't been germans there extra time, well, but in any case, if germany wins... on a penalty shootout , don't be surprised, although anything can happen, it's not the most important thing, it's in our lives, now, of course, the euro, it's just an opportunity to be distracted somewhere somehow, but the only thing i ask of you is to definitely donate to the needs of the armed forces forces of ukraine, support our soldiers, support those who have returned from the front, somewhere you know, you know, sometimes you can protect somewhere, this is how this scandalous story in
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odessa is, be on the side of good, light, the armed forces of ukraine, and thus in unity we can certainly with... be able to surrender the evil that has come against us ukraine, well, i have literally 40 seconds left there, i wish you a peaceful weekend, take care of yourself, take care of each other and of course try to rehabilitate until the next working week, i will say goodbye to you until monday, next monday i will also work with you in this mode with 6:10 p.m. to 8 p.m. big ether, then 1 hour of the verdict program, i think we will be interested, and plus the nato summit next week will definitely be about everything related to this... we will be about it all we will have discounts represent the only discounts on toloxen strong 10% in pharmacies travel pam and oskad there are discounts represent the only discounts on combigra in hot7 10% in pharmacies
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plantain you and oskad there are discounts represent the only discounts on magnesium 10% in pharmacies podorozhnyk vam and oskad. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east. the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland, topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about,
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let's invent something, they help us understand the present and predict the future. world , trump's second presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, mrs gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in... there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, which the world dreams of, norman, we can imagine it, all this in the information marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18 :15 for espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, more
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more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front. society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. get closer to victory, together with the central security service, the sbu , join one of the best special forces in the country. we are expanding and announcing a recruitment, inviting a civilian. specialists of various fields. experienced commanders will ensure your quality training and education. fill out the questionnaire and choose the direction where you can be most effective. we are waiting for you in the team of tssoa asbu.
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together we will write the history of victory. details on the official pages of the sbu. see this week in the judicial control program. extra-procedural actions and smearing of drunk drivers. why did the rps fire judge galonkin? apply a sanction to mr. galyonkin in the form of a voluntary appeal. but how did judge bonchev fail the qualification assessment. and all the measures that i took were legal, they were carried out. congratulations. judicial control is on the air. institutional reset and personnel renewal of the judiciary . based on the norms of professional ethics and integrity, this is the basis of the judicial reform currently underway in ukraine. its successful implementation is the main requirement for our... further path to the eu,
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we will talk about how successful the transformation is and whether the moral and professional qualities of the justice officials meet high standards today, but first, let's talk about the news. the supreme council of justice dismissed the duty judge who sat behind the wheel in a state alcohol intoxication. volodymyr borodiychuk, deputy chairman of the cherkasy court of appeal, resigned from his post. the police jumped in. his drunk driving toyota land cruiser prado in november 2023. borodiychuk refused to undergo a drunkenness test, and even more generally denied that he was behind the wheel, after the incident he submitted an application to the vrp with a request to release him into honorable retirement with life imprisonment. a few months ago , the cherkasy court found bordiychuk guilty and fined him uah 17 with imprisonment driver's license for one year. now the supreme council of justice in full decided to leave the decision unchanged. of the third disciplinary chamber on the dismissal of the judge. the chairman of the poltava court of appeal, serhiy galonkin, also lost his judgeship. he is known for the fact that he lived in a church
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that he built himself. here is this house with an area of ​​661 m2, located in the suburbs of poltava, but he was dismissed from the post of judge not for this, but because of extra-procedural communication with the lawyer and judges regarding two cases of driving while intoxicated. in one of them features the judge's son. in audio recordings of conversations. in which the national anti-corruption bureau recorded, galonkin promises his help. the third disciplinary chamber of the vrp publishes an excerpt of this conversation. by and large, you know, we are normal people, we will always do anything, if we need help, we will always help. however, the members of the disciplinary chamber probably did not see a significant misdemeanor here and decided that galyonkin's three-month deprivation of allowances would be sufficient as a punishment. the judge appealed this decision, and the supreme council of justice. in general dismissed the judge. galonkin committed a significant disciplinary offense that is incompatible with the status of a judge. voting has been completed, eight members of the vrp voted for,
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four against, thus the supreme council of justice passed. disciplinary action should be taken against the judge of the poltava court of appeal, galonkin serhiy anatolyovych, in the form of a motion to dismiss the judge from office. now the supreme council of justice has to make a formal decision, but serhii galonkin can still appeal it. the higher qualification commission of judges continues to weed out the unworthy representatives, and recently this process has gained momentum. many unscrupulous servants of themis were already one step away from being released. the commission recognized igor bonchev, judge of the fastiv city district court of the kyiv region, as unworthy of office. it is so difficult to say here, because no one knows the whole truth. on the account of ihor bonchev, delaying the cases for drunken driving did not answer. your fulfillment of the duty to maintain your
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qualifications as a judge at a high level. ihor bonchev did not overburden himself with work. i try to be present in court once or twice a week as much as possible. and other days, what do you do? i am improving my qualifications. well, and in what way let me find out? studies legislation. bonchev assures that he must do this, because the legislation is constantly changing, however, he has not been able to name at least two changes to the criminal procedure code in recent years. tell me, please, at least two or three amendments to the criminal procedure code, which were adopted by law, introduced by relevant laws, which had... after introduction on the territory of ukraine martial law, now, now, well, when justice is not done,
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for a long time, it suddenly flies out of your head. judge ihor bonchev could not remember a single topic from the 48-hour advanced training course. conducted classes. regarding the integrated court, i remember this for sure, the integrated court, maybe explain this concept of the integral court, because it is some new expression that is so interesting, i just don't remember anymore, half a year has passed, maybe it is, well, one of the topics was in the context of the conclusion of the number 26 on digitalization of judicial proceedings. here digitization. here. ihor bonchev studied the legislation so diligently that he systematically missed deadlines during the consideration of cases for drunken driving. the public
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integrity council recorded that on... at least nine cases when drunk drivers avoided punishment due to this, there was no intentional action by me to avoid them, and all the measures i took were legal, they were carried out . in addition to a bad memory, judge bonchev has a wonderful ex-wife, in 2018 she gave him half a million hryvnias. in the 17th year, she and for this she began to collect funds, she worked. director and she also had a firm, oh, i think, jan, no, i don’t remember now, but ega, i will remember, she had a yes, i know that she was engaged, according to the public integrity council, the judge’s ex-wife did not had the financial opportunity to give her ex- husband such an expensive gift, because in general for the whole of 2017 she earned less than...
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this amount, she had uah 90,000 in savings, and even taking them into account, in order to please her ex- husband, she would have had to starve for the whole year, in your declaration, you declared uah 471, uah 471,874 as persons authorized to perform state functions, so this income consisted of your wife's income, this income consisted of funds received as wages, dividends from the company. small children, but assures that the former judge no longer paid alimony for his wife, she asked him for money and he
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gave it to her. younger was only 2 years old, what were the motives, if she needed these funds, to collect all the last funds she had and give them to you, well, because i had until marriage, an apartment in the white church, i sold it later, when we were married, and well, i can't name the reason here, but it was something about... neither that, nor that, and i had nowhere to go, and she knew about it, she is also a human person. with money from his wife, ihor bonchev bought an apartment in the village of khodosivka in the kyiv region, and not long before that, he bought a car for almost a million hryvnias, paid half of the money immediately, and took the other half on credit. if you understood that you don't have enough funds for an apartment, then this
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car is... the car started leaking oil and there was simply such a repair that had to be done. during the entire interview, judge ihor bonchev made excuses as best he could. however, it did not help him. to recognize ihory volodymyrovych bonchev, judge of the fasciv city district court of the kyiv region, as unfit for the position he holds. the final decision on bonchev's release must now be made by the supreme council of justice. and we will continue to monitor . the process of qualification evaluation of the servants of themis and the implementation of the judicial reform. and for today, that's all i have judicial control and i, tetyana shustrova. if you know the facts of corruption in the judicial system, or you want to report an unscrupulous judge who makes illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to the email address you see on the screen.
2:00 am
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