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tv   [untitled]    July 7, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EEST

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be it a land rover 110 or whatever. at the moment, i see people who, commanding battalions, companies, platoons, have to buy, collect money, beg, borrow cars in order to complete combat tasks. sewing machines are expendable, the amount of money spent on their repair is huge. we need these military vehicles the most, it would help a lot. but not only equipment is waiting at the front. people are needed, they understand this in the west, but... they can only help at the level of instructors, at least for now, this is how french president emmanuel macron initiated creation of a coalition of countries that are ready to send their military instructors to ukraine, and suggested that others, great britain, poland, the netherlands, the baltic countries and scandinavia, do the same. at the same time , according to the information of the western press, the usa and germany did not support the initiative. the more instructors you bring here, the more...
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save money, it's more profitable than sending ukrainian guys abroad, it's also a time factor, why not, i completely agree with this position, not a bad idea, even if it's a different doctrine, but if you really teach whole units that can work separately, it doesn't really matter, but even honed primary skills will have a big impact on the battlefield, so whoever trains the ukrainians, i... congratulations, because now there are more and more mobilized, who did not burn desire to join the army, accordingly, they have not mastered military affairs, so they have a lower initial level than those who came two years ago. to teach artillerymen and tankers on western equipment, i agree, but to teach infantry, the nato troops have really good training, but not for this war, that is different, they have no experience of war against the enemy.
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which surpasses you in all components, in artillery, people, aviation, tanks. come on, come on, come on, the idea of ​​creating such training missions on the territory of ukraine, they, this, this is not something new, here the question is simply a question of security, is it expedient to place large training missions abroad on the territory of ukraine, because immediately will be applied to them. with russian missiles, it's obvious, they will specifically hit there to create problems, that's why here there is nothing new, and it has nothing to do with macron’s other ideas regarding the deployment of troops on the territory of ukraine or participation in hostilities, there is none, because in principle this is a matter that has been implemented for a long time, and in general, macron’s statements in our country are seen at all other than him.
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meant, he meant first of all the readiness of europe, european countries without the united states, to respond to those challenges that may arise as a result of russian aggression, russian aggression against ukraine, against the baltic countries, against other countries, poland, romania and so on, that is, he meant the readiness of the european union of european countries without the united states to counter russian aggression and for this... of course, it is necessary to prepare a doctrine, a concept must be prepared, units and units must be prepared, which could jointly, i mean european countries, perform these tasks, including on the territory of ukraine. in may , information appeared in the german press that the baltic states and poland could send troops to ukraine if russia will have serious successes on the front, regardless of the opinion of other nato members. in this case , the alliance will actually join the war. well,
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the german publications write. however, ukrainian military observers consider this situation differently. look now, for example, how the poles act when rockets fly into their territory, or a balloon from russia arrives there. they don't touch it because they don't know how to act, they don't, because there is no algorithm, specifically an algorithm, at the level of brussels, at the level of the nato leadership, as it should each country to act in these cases, because... that in fact, if poland takes some independent decision to shoot down, for example, a russian missile, and russia perceives it as an act of aggression, then in this situation there should be a decision of the entire alliance regarding that is, there should be a decision of the alliance, which is so good, if poland crashes, russia perceives it as an act of aggression, and we, the alliance, nato, are ready
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to hit russia in the forehead, such a decision, but there is no such decision, that is, we know that brussels until recently, he tries not to escalate the situation, says that... would not want or seeks to avoid a direct confrontation with russia, and this concept, it remains basic, so when a nato country says that, in principle, under certain conditions, they could do something there on the territory of ukraine, one must take into account the fact that it will a separate decision, then this country acts outside of nato, in fact. according to international law, the charter of the united nations organization, every country has... the right to self-defense. the russians attacked the ukrainians and they are legally defending themselves. if other countries want to help them protect themselves, it is within the framework international law. you cannot attack russia from the baltics or poland, this is against international law, but helping ukrainians to defend themselves from russia in ukraine is entirely
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within the framework of the current international system. if allied troops were located west of the dnieper river, they could perform combat missions such as the defense of this part of ukraine. could close the belarusian border to free ukrainian ground forces for use in the east, they could operate an integrated air defense system defense thus, there are many legitimate defense operations that partners can provide to help ukrainians defend themselves. the poor fellows of the foreign legion admit that the war has changed them, and they often do. it is difficult to communicate with compatriots, because they do not fully understand what is happening in ukraine. this is a classic case of blindfolding a horse. they simply do not want to believe what is happening. they see what is happening, but close their eyes. they don't want to admit to themselves, they don't want
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to admit to themselves that this is happening. for me all i saw was a repeat of 1939, and that was a turning point for me personally. we've seen it happen before, and it's happening again. but in the west, people are so banal in their everyday life, nothing personally concerns them. i know that because of this war the prices of food have gone up in european countries, but people just grin and bear it. for them, this is just another cost factor, they do not fully understand the impact of this nony. i don't think that the statistical belgian civilian understands what is going on here, because all the information, what they have is on tv, on social media, and now you can' can trust everything, a lot of fake news and propaganda, and russia is really good at propaganda, and ordinary people, i don't know, peacetime doesn't make strong people , this is the difference between ukraine and europe, ukrainians know what war is, because they have been oppressed by russia for a long time, and
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such a situation hardens people. my country was peaceful after world war ii, now people are more interested in life, money, what they can buy, and the difference is here really big people in ukraine can live without electricity, without water, without anything, in my country, and this is a reality, one day they will turn off the light for one person, and this is the end of the world, here people live in this reality, for me the most difficult thing in this war is to see and hear, how brothers die sometimes, not twice as old as you, experienced people who sometimes did not even survive a month on the front line. separation from family is the most difficult. i try not to get too close to the guys
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i fight with, because losing comrades on the battlefield is always traumatic. i look at them as good colleagues, good soldiers, fantastic warriors. fighters of the foreign legion fight side by side with fighters. they say, the ukrainian army is one of the most capable in the world. it's like me, the majority of the ukrainian army used to be civilian, when the russians came, the ukrainians were untrained, without military experience, but the ukrainian army has a great quality to adapt and find solutions every time. we don't have much, but we work well and figure out how to get out of the situation and complete combat tasks. the ukrainian army is different, yes highly qualified, combat-ready, trained units, are those that are mainly composed of mobilized men, mostly above average age, and these differences show their capabilities on the front line, but they are dedicated and try to do their
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best, the best achieve something, the others hold line of defense the west is trying to provide ukraine with equipment and ammunition, but if... if the ukrainians lose this war, the situation in europe will be radically different. this will be a good opportunity for russia to continue to press, not only for russia, but also for north korea and other totalitarian countries. nato should understand this, i don't think putin will stop at ukraine, this guy is crazy. the first is training, the second is replacement of destroyed or worn out cars. when the ukrainians receive aircraft from the west, such as the f-16, they will have to exercise combat command and control over them, and not in the image of the air force of ukraine, they are simply not used to this. this is another mission - the protection of the territory west of the dnipro river, the creation of a complex anti-air defense, so there are many roles that partners, nation, partner nation can play. the only thing
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ukraine's allies do not want to do is conduct offensive operations against russia's ground forces. escalation in our war with russia is only a nuclear war, that is , there can be no more escalation. russia used any means against us. at the moment, the west cannot take responsibility for the war with russia. unfortunately, not once, well, that is, i can't imagine a situation when france would start fighting for ukraine for some reason. ukraine can only rely on itself, unfortunately, this must be understood, there are no illusions about the statements there, instructors of any kind, someone else, all this is completely far from reality, the reality is that we are in a state of war. and any foreign soldier, officer who says that i can cover some border or carry out some
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combat mission on the territory of ukraine, which means that this state should also be ready for war with russia. what do you think, if the russian army succeeds in ukraine, will it continue? freedom or death? today, in the ranks of zaisu and other power structures, together with the ukrainians , only some foreign forces are resisting russian aggression. volunteers, while the western partners are still looking closely at france's initiative to send military instructors to ukraine, in the usa, according to cnn, they are already discussing the possibility of their military contractors working in ukraine, who will be able to help maintain and repair american military equipment. such steps were out of the question just a few months ago. these were donbas realities, see you soon.
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we continue, they remind me of my name vasyl zima, for those who have just joined, for the next hour, i am with you as part of the verdict program, and this hour we will spend together with you and our guests whom we invited to the conversation, we already have viktor yagun, general - reserve major, security service of ukraine, and we will also have a political scientist today. viktor boberenko, let's summarize the political and not only political results of this week. mr. victor, i congratulate you, glad to see, hear and thank you for joining. good health, good evening. yes, well, i still want to ask first for all of you, as a person who understands not only what is visible, what is not visible, but what can be guessed, or even known. viktor orban's visit, today, he is in moscow, he was in kyiv before that. in your opinion, this is still his wish. to talk, as he says, with the leaders of those countries where the war is going on, to find out about
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zelenskyi’s red lines and to talk with putin about something else, whether he could be fulfilling some other mission right now during these visits, please listen, orban , nothing just doesn't do it at all, and if we we think that he is pro-russian or i don’t know, there is another, he is definitely not pro-russian, he is a pro-hungarian politician, and pro-hungarian in his own... direction, that is , on himself, the fact that he appeared in ukraine with strange proposals, this only says about one thing, that he really brought certain certain nuances that are related to possible negotiations, or proposals, and the fact that he was there the next day after a day in moscow, this only confirms this information, i liked how piskov said , that no, no, no, he, we did not send him there. there no orders were given, if piskov said so, then there were definitely some orders,
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well, roughly speaking, this is one thing, and the second issue, which he is very interested in, is everything related to the transit of gas through the territory of ukraine, which suddenly on the 24th e of the year may stop in december, and what will they do, well , they will partially receive e gas from the turkish stream, the same situation, by the way, in austria, but austria... so far, i think it has gone to another by the way, they are now solving these issues there, and hungary is completely dependent on what is supplied through of ukraine, that is why it is also a question, and it is clear that... orbán gravitates towards leaders who, in his opinion, are solving something in the world, yes, that is, the meeting with senzenpin, who was in europe, and the meeting with ertağan, when it turned out that the hungarian people turn out to be a complete
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surprise to me, well, that's another story, and the meetings with putin and... the shackles of the states and the meeting with trump, it's all about one of the same things called attraction to the strong, that is, you think that after all orban is looking for some options for himself now, or wants to take his niche, to find his role, and maybe get the role of a peacemaker, for which he claims and would probably dream of acting as a peacemaker in this in this story, but if we talk about real ones , well... it is clear that they have not been made public to us and it is unlikely that they will be made public about real ones proposals, and why this particular time, well, it is clear that it is unlikely that orban is now hungary 's chairman of the european union, which prevented him from visiting earlier, for example, as the minister of foreign affairs siyar traveled, now to moscow, then to belarus, then somewhere else, met, by the way, with kuleba, with yarmak, there were such moments, what is connected with the fact that
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right now he is performing such boat diplomacy. orban, that once again he could bring up and answer later what kyiv is saying to putin, because this question worries me very much, not that it worries me, i am very interested to understand, i wanted to know about zelenskyi’s red lines, that is, what it means what are the red lines, where will we agree to stop, where can the freeze be carried out, what do they think, or what will it go for, but again , president zelenskyi, orban did not ask the ukrainian society, he did not ask of the ukrainian army, which is fighting today at the front, that's why it's very... everything is conditional, please listen, well, everything is very simple, no one will change the ukrainian constitution, that's all, according to the ukrainian constitution , all regions that are occupied are not the indivisible territory of ukraine, and all the talk that we will sign something there, we will stop somewhere, it's all a bluff, no one
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will go for it, that's all, that's why i believe that everything russia says there. .. why, why now, because russia really has a huge problem, russia, russia cannot continue the war at the rate at which it continues, it has ended, there are people, there are no commanders, there are no armored vehicles, they have really exceeded the limit that they had, and in order to continue... the war at least in some more or less normal tent, they need a pause for six months to a year, and this is precisely why all these movements and orban and peacekeepers from other countries begin, and these statements about
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the nuclear danger from belarus and so on and so forth further, that's all... you know, the informational background of one of their problems, that is, we can talk about the fact that right now, today, by the way, i was listening to the speech of my colleague serhiy zgurets in the military summaries of the day column, he was talking about the fact that this week the largest number of military clashes was recorded in a day, up to 200, more than in the entire history of a full-scale invasion, they say there was no more, well, there were 170, 130, but it reached 200, he says these are really record figures, i don't know how many collisions they would have been. massed at every single moment, at every single station of the front, but if we speak in general, then this is such a number, and it is said that indeed, russia is now trying to make the most of what they have, both the personnel and the equipment there, somewhere it is possible now to strike with anti-aircraft missiles, because we still cannot get and burn their planes there 200-300 km from the front with
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the help of foreign weapons, they are trying to use this time to maximally ... achieve results in those directions where there is now either minimal progress, or at least they are hooked and are trying to climb further, that's this margin of safety, what about you say something there is something missing, as much as it can be enough at such a pace of waging war and on the condition that mobilization continues in ukraine and that the results are improving, even the ministry of defense admits. look, all experts agree that if the situation will remain at the level it is at, russia is able to withstand this pace until the end of the 25th year. and in russia they understand this, after, if nothing changes radically, in the 25th year, at the end, autumn, beginning of winter,
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there may simply be a collapse, economic collapse, because the state, their state will not be able to maintain this, this machine that they themselves have created, at the rate at which they have it, and then, if, well, of course, if some other drastic changes do not begin. i don't know there, ukraine will not be able to go into some serious counteroffensives there, something else, it can happen in russia, someone will get a snuffbox in the head, that is, all this, if at the same pace as we see, the end of the 25th year, and it is not so much military experts who talk about it as economists. you know, this one statement, let's just talk about what can affect the situation at the front. yesterday dmytro kuleba said that we will get an interview with a latvian publication, if not, a lithuanian publication, if i am not mistaken, and he said that there will be good surprises
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on the issue of the possibility of burning russian aircraft inside russia, in your opinion, that now in these negotiations, well, it is realistic to get the russian dryers that are thrown by these cabs, in the places of basing, it is not no no no not thousands of km from the border, which means... closer and again, there you can get them en masse, as we have en masse, as we saw it, for example, in crimea, or as we see it in the temporarily occupied territories with the use of western equipment, attacks and heimers, and other other means of defeat. in your opinion, what prevents the west from making a final decision: yes, let's destroy, at least, let's say, you will facilitate the work at the front, plus you will be able to, let's say, remove a serious burden from such settlements as kharkiv, settlements of the kharkiv region. which are constantly under fire from these enemies cabbage well, the next round is the permission to use missile technology that can
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hit 200 miles. 200 miles or 350 km, this is exactly the point on the well and the limit that allowed us to get to the airfields, which are actually... the base for those planes that destroy our front-line cities, that is, first of all, this is one time, and secondly, er, this is the appearance of f-16s, which are capable of detecting and attacking the russians at a distance of up to 160 km to the point of er - there, i don't know, visual contact. e-e planes that are still in the air of the russian federation, they drop the cabs 870 km from
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the drop point, and actually do not even enter our airspace, and if we meet them 160 km away, we will even be able to prevent them from coming close to our borders, and what then i just wonder at what level it should be adopted. this decision, well, if we are talking about american missiles, let's say, attacks, it is clear that we are talking about washington, first of all, at what level this decision should be made, and what is the safeguard, this is it, eternal, it can lead to escalation, or there are some other nuances, about which we may not know, do not guess, i think that it is all connected with this famous ee treaty on missiles. short- and medium-range, from which the united states withdrew, and which actually fell apart there and was ignored by russia, and
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which, by the way, has now been announced as one of the elements, maybe there, i don’t know the dollar or agreements there, which should have gone ukraine, why is this done, because russia knows that we have reached the stage of manufacturing missiles that have... more than 100 km, the problem remains in we are alone: ​​we do not have ranges where you can test, well, where you can test these missiles, before it could be up to 500 km to some extent, it could be the black sea, but now it is impossible, because you know what the situation is in the black sea, and your ranges we cannot strike on our territory, but we can test towards russia, and russia is afraid of this, because we will actually... , she and that...
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in order to test her ballistics missile, well, they tested it recently, just a couple of days, used a training ground in california on the territory of the united states, that is, it is quite a serious thing, you hit it, hit it with a ballistic missile somewhere at some point, so that it was possible to determine how the impact went, what is the accuracy of the shot. russians are very afraid. that we will achieve the capacity, and this capacity will give us, if 100 km, then 200, 300, it will not be any for ukraine at all, it will not play any role, well , it really is, but you know, do you remember the history when a full-scale invasion began, and then neptune missiles were used, which, let's say, did not explode, and then they realized that there were some problems with the settings, then they found an employee of the enterprise who specifically ...
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took certain actions to prevent the missiles from exploding, then they made them explode, and actually there was an opportunity to sink the cruiser moscow, that is, the use may be entirely for certain purposes on the territory of the russian federation, but again, there are people who are responsible for this, specialists who they will definitely find a solution, the main thing is that these missiles were there and it was possible, they could be used, i would also like to finish the topic with putin already, that's the thing... that he suddenly, well, he said not recently about that you give us four oblasts, kharkiv, zaporizhia, luhansk, donetsk, then there was an offensive on vovchansk, an attempt to reach kharkiv, such a serious assault was, fortunately, the strength, the blood of our armed forces, the terro-defense forces, it was unsuccessful, well did not achieve his goal, let's put it this way, and now putin says that he was in kazakhstan on the road and says that we are ready to sit down and return.
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to the istanbul changes, to the istanbul agreements, especially since these agreements were initialed by the ukrainian side in the spring of 2022, so why not sit down and talk, please explain why we should not talk to putin on the basis of the istanbul negotiations and why he is already ready even on them, well, we understood that time is pressing on them, but still, listen, well, no one has corrected anything, russia is these words. putin, i'm not saying that someone initialed it, he is the real one the kagibi agent buys, in his own words, as if saying, well, it was, and you, and you already have to prove it, but no, it didn’t happen, but there’s such a thing, it’s about, it’s about the same resistance, that we reached an agreement on the non-expansion of nato, you see, well, we agreed then, with whom we agreed, what was agreed on, when it was, no one knows anything, but everyone is talking about it, so eh...
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in fact, these are all words one game, where they try, but let's give it, but whether they shine or not shine, listen, well, you are manipulators, you have included our regions in your constitution, you are ready to change your constitution, due to the fact that you will flee from here, on what basis should we change our constitution. because what, because you wanted it so, well, that ukraine will not change the territory, the constitution and will not write that, i don't know , the luhansk-donetsk region does not belong there, well, i just can't imagine that verkhovna rada, and and the 300 votes that will vote for it, and the constitutional court that will recognize it, well, people will simply demolish it that's all, you know, on the very first day, we will talk about the possible role of another pos... in
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this story, we are talking about sizimpinnya, but i would also like to ask here, ask for your comment on the words of the president of ukraine and supreme commander-in-chief volodymyr zelenskyi, which he voiced in an interview with the bloomberg publication, he said that i have, well , not me specifically, but let me still have him as the supreme commander, 14 reserve brigades that are not armed, well, this does not immediately mean, that people don't actually have guns there, maybe there are some others. or species weapons, but they are not equipped, that is , all this nomination of weapons that should be in brigades, well, i don’t know which brigade is mechanized, a separate assault brigade or, well , there are 14 brigades, but they are not armed, this is on the eve of the nato summit president zelensky said, is it really so critical that there are people, but there are no weapons at all for them, or is this a message on the eve of the summit in washington, that let's arm ourselves then...


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