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tv   [untitled]    July 7, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EEST

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about the possible role of another intermediary in this story, we are talking about syzympinnya, but i would also like to ask here, to ask for your comment on the words of the president of ukraine, supreme commander-in-chief volodymyr zelenskyi, which he voiced in an interview with the bloomberg publication, he said that i have i have, well, not me specifically, but let me have it, he is still the commander-in-chief, 14 reserve brigades that are not armed, well, this does not mean that he does not have people. there are actually pistols, maybe there are some other types of weapons, but they are not equipped, that is all this nomination of the weapons that the brigades should have, well, i don't know which brigade is mechanized, a separate assault brigade or, well , there are 14 brigades, but they are not armed, this was announced by president zelensky on the eve of the nato summit, is it really so it is critical that there are people, but there are no weapons at all for them, is this still such a message on the eve of the summit in washington that let's arm ourselves, and then... there will be a completely different result, i
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think that this is the message, so that people now really don't, don't need the regular weapons that should be on the front lines, c for the vast majority, these are newly formed brigades that have another month or a half to study at the training grounds and which may then be used as a reserve or as a rotation in certain areas of the front, and this is really a message to our partners. that we have such capabilities, we have people, that we have no problems with equipment, eh, the brigades are formed, we are just waiting for your weapons and that's all. i would still like you to voice your opinion on the possible role of china. i read that one call from beijing is from xidzenping could at least not stop a possible war, well, but significantly influence putin's decision and his... orders that he gave
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even then, respectively, to bilausov, gerasimov, and in general, they would find later also to him, to his units, and what, in your opinion, does sydzenpini want, what will his changes in his moods and desires depend on, only on what will happen on the battlefield, or on how powerful and united the west will be in its support of ukraine, and if you say that putin has time until the 25th year, for that... a war of similar intensity, and somewhere using infantry more than armored vehicles, setting up these local assaults, this is just a fact, we see it, and whether or not, what time do you think is the final decision to make a final decision, whether to continue to support russia, or to act after all, well, i am not saying that he supports russia, that is what they say in the united states of america, in britain, or after all to act differently and force events, well, look, from july 1, china introduced... export control
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over enough a huge range of products, which has the possibility of being used in the military industry, and these are, well, dual-purpose goods, and this is quite a serious decision, they went to it for a very long time, they somehow carefully avoided all this, it is clear that this does not directly concern russia, in including, for example, it will probably be very difficult for us to receive. some parts for these to uh the same drones, but at the same time there is a very large nomenclature, including ee machines with software and ee some ee chips there is electronics and so on and so on, that is , china understands the danger of being under sanctions pressure from europe, and well, the states are such a matter for the states, it is clear that they...
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there are some confrontations there and they somehow try to come out on parity, but on the eve of the possible coming to power of trump in the states, who is categorically against the normal trade cooperation of the united states with china, they are afraid of losing the european market as well, and europe has clearly stated this, by the way, the last time when everyone was there , and before that all politicians who appeared there, they said, listen, he says , we tie everything to the situation in ukraine, or you change your position, or, well, there will be a problem, we, yes, we, we understand how much we it will be difficult, but you and you will have a problem, and the surplus for china is a huge problem, where to put the money and how, how to cool their overheated economy, so at some point putin may find himself really only with iran and ... and the north
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korea alone with the whole world, by the way, i saw the video today, i think you did too he was seen exploding a north korean projectile, well it says it's a... replacement, given that they were sitting on armor and there was a cannon, so obviously it was some kind of chimp or something, but in any case, it was a north-korak projectile that exploded, and those people who were sitting on the russian occupiers, they flew in different directions, or in parts, or in some other way, well, the post is under this, which is what we have here on the svo, the russians say, this is not the first time why north korea gives us what it does not need, it is some kind of sabotage, or all of them, all of them will be armed or not? all such munitions in north korea, this is just a spit in the direction of russia, as if, well, you want to tell us something that we do not need, but how, how were they assembled, there, there are some high technologies, there are technologies of the 50s years, where mass was taken not, well, not by quality, but precisely
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by mass, and in them, well, it broke in the v during charging, and it happens when the v... it breaks their barrels, and the barrels, just like that to find it's very difficult, it's not so easy to do, the unity of the people, when they shoot with old ones, they put new ones, they are also completed somewhere at some stage, so their problems, listen, well, they said a long time ago that we reached parity due to accuracy, not one to one, one to three, but still, we take, take their number, well actually in our... the time of the float, of course, you could still ask a few questions, but in any case, well, for 30 seconds, but still, what kind of phrase do you expect in washington for of ukraine according to the results of the nato summit, which will begin in four days, there in three, in fact, from the 9th to the 11th, it will last,
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the ukrainian delegation worked in the united states, it was andrii evrmakh, the head of the president's office, rustem meru, the minister of defense, and the vice-prime minister was also there. stefanishna, if i am not mistaken, there, well, that is, will it be possible to prepare something realistically, besides the promised ppo, well, there, by the way, the fourth ppp of ukraine is already what, what, what we will hear, it is clear that no one will invite us in nato, and we will not be there, in terms of the fact that we are there, we will cross the border, yes, and we will start, well, to receive invitations from other countries, but at the same time there are things that can be launched right now, this is the participation of our specialists. in the work of nato headquarters, this is the participation of our delegations in the work without the right to vote, that is, at the direction of the closest partner, this is the inclusion of us in their purchases and , accordingly, the removal of any reservations regarding
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the purchase of certain types of weapons in any nato country, and so on and so on, that is , there are moments for which we need a solution right now, everything else, i think, we will get anyway, and again, your opinion about... it just stirs up the internet, many people post who is in the topic, who, as they say, is not in the topic, but these are emotional things, well, this one has been transferred to the public sphere, the quarrel of people's deputy maryana bezuglai, not a quarrel, accusations against, in particular , colonel-general oleksandr syrskyi, well , the ukrainian generals in general, that here the sovki are fighting in sovkovo, that’s not how things are done, and the hardworking one was not like that, now it’s already syrskyi, not like that, we don’t know anymore, who was this, do you think this is an initiative, in particular, this lady, who is polish... who obviously wants to make an even louder political name for herself, or are these signs of some other processes, i will not name them to say something wrong, but please listen to you, well , i'm definitely not a psychiatrist, i mean you, you, you refer it to the field of psychiatry, yes, i
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studied psychology, but everything related to medical psychiatry, it's difficult for me to explain everything, the reaction of the general public, well, in particular oleksandr . colonel general and commander-in-chief syrskyi on this, and whether it is really forbidden to visit these particular ones people's deputy in certain positions, i will just give one example, this is the post of ms. bezugla, where she writes that they put their generals in the dnipro, well, we are talking about sodel, there is another general, the next day he will fly to the dnipro, it can be related, not related, and it seems that it was not aimed there, but these things, well, they lead to what they already say, please, that ... you know, what ended up with the russian imperial army, the that officers and generals were removed from command, headquarters were created, i do not know where committee of soldiers' deputies, and the whole army finally made a decision on this, that 's enough, let's put our bayonets in the ground and go home, i don't want that in
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the ukrainian army, and i'm absolutely convinced that a person, as they say, well it is absolutely clear, a man for whom the army is everything. we are talking about oleksandr silskyi, not only about him, but, i don't think that he will give, understanding his biography, his character, approximately, somewhere, i understand that he will not allow anyone to interfere while he is in office. command and something to confuse him and cards and plans, i am convinced of this, thank you very much for joining us, thank you for your comments, viktor yagon was with us, he is a reserve major general of the security service of ukraine, in any case, you know, whatever -what kind of person comes to the position, he has certain job duties, the sphere of his responsibility, competences, well, of course , there is also responsibility for irresponsibility, before we move on to the conversation with the next one. we will have viktor boberenko, today i offer a plot for your attention. the kharkiv guardsman oleg
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was awarded with a call noise by the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi for the prompt rescue of a wounded combat comrade under fire. for the guard himself, the most important thing is to have enough knowledge of medical aid so as not to get confused and minimize complications after an injury. about his military outings in the klishchiivka region of donetsk region. he told my colleagues. let's listen and see. a few kilometers under mortar fire, wounded combat comrades of the 80th brigade carried on their shoulders, recalls guards with the call sign shum, even the name of the rescued soldier shum does not know, only the call sign bison, and the most important thing is that the fighter survived, he was quite, quite a brave boy, no complaints, despite a serious wound, he helped everyone, well once... and when dragged , when on himself, when, well, he
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made all the efforts he had in order to help us. knowledge from first aid to medical aid, says gvardiets, agreed already during the first combat sortie, in the klishchiivka area of ​​donetsk region, at the stabilization point, the noise helped three wounded fighters. that is, it is not only to put a tourniquet and wait for evacuation. and that is, he made a tomponade to one with a cruciate injury to the calf in order to save his brother's leg. for one of the rescue operations on the front line, the guardsman was recognized by the president of ukraine. he personally congratulated the national guardsmen, presented awards to the soldiers. fifth, separate slobodzhan brigade, senior soldier, oleg shumov. recalls oleg, it was necessary to evacuate a wounded soldier from under fire, to go in a group, probably to come under
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enemy fire, the noise went away by itself. it was not possible to stop it with a hemostatic bandage and a bandage blood loss completely, so, well, in order to save part of the leg, a decision was made to rearrange the tourniquet below the knee, ugh, well... amputation, well, they understood what would happen, and in order to save a larger part of the leg, they rearranged the tourniquet. when the guard himself came under mortar fire, he had to walk almost 10 km to the evacuation point with his combat comrades. the evacuation vehicle could not approach, the enemy shot through the area. as they do, they send a reconnaissance assault. group to kill, to burn our positions, we worked out a group of infantry,
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they opened fire on our position and tried to dismantle it, i.e. gasses, airdrops, semi-drones, mortar attacks, despite being wounded, difficult and exhausting combat sorties in klishchiivka, the most difficult times for a guardsman when for several days... no there was contact with relatives at the beginning of the great war, my mother and two sisters were temporarily occupied in the kharkiv region, but there were cases when there were not enough people, and then people were not found, for more than a year the noise destroyed the occupiers in the fifth slobojan brigade of the national guard of ukraine . for it was just me, well, that's the way it should be, and that's all, i didn't... respect myself if they didn't do it that way. change the fact of the shooter to the combat medic,
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while the noise is not gathering, and the skills of first aid are constantly improving. during a year in the war, he was convinced that this knowledge saves the lives of his comrades in arms. well, honor, honor and respect only to our soldiers, and in particular to the hero of this plot, who understand why he is there and improves in order to survive himself. destroy the enemies and help the brothers and sisters, well, we will sort it out now political scandals this week, viktor bobarenko, buran expert. politicians are with us, mr. viktor, i congratulate you, good health to you, i know, i will start with you with what we ended with viktor yagun, because it is somewhere on the junction of troops, politicians, but it is very important, here is this presentation in public, as this is a continuation, throwing out into the public plane, critics, i will not say pretextually and
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without reason, i am simply saying criticism from the people's deputy maryana bezugla on... my generalship, in particular the commander-in-chief, colonel-general oleksandr syrskyi, this is her own initiative, how long will it last, and how do you assess the reaction of the military command, which simply does not give this people's deputation the opportunity to be in certain positions of the armed forces of ukraine, what is it and how should it end in general, so that it's just that this story disappeared, that's all, i'll start from the end, you can't let her into the position, because... she is not a military expert, although she is a people's deputy, her task is to write laws, the regulatory framework is being improved, including under for the armed forces of ukraine, in order to the mobilization was going well, somewhere to influence politics, but there is nothing for jackets, especially a jacket, well, i don’t want to be sexist, but
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jackets are also worn in skirts, it’s not worth hanging around the trenches there, especially since i... know from many the military, when the military says there is trouble, there is a big trouble, and there is in general, when maryano arrives, when he drops out, at least in the brigade, one of the deputies, who is assigned to him, is a press officer, necessarily also, and this a bunch of all kinds of people who bring her one place, so that she, a well, now with her, if, well, she tries not to pay attention, at the beginning. war in the 22nd year, then she climbed and wanted to draw and show arrows on the map, tell someone how to fight. maryana bezugla is not an expert in military matters, i generally have a hard idea whether she is an expert in the profession in which she has a diploma of higher education, because i, for example, would
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not trust any of my relatives to treat her, that's for sure , but we must... understand that maryana bezugla is just a torpedo from the president's office, and she is the voice of the president's office, yes, maryana says what zelensky yermak cannot say, and i think that the main goal of maryana bezuglai is to simply discredit the army, why, because they can't to be blamed for ukraine's failures on the battlefield. being the supreme commander-in-chief, he must be blamed, well, before it was luzhny, now it’s syrskyi, and we remember how a year ago zelenskyi wanted to advance on horlovka, there a year ago at this time he was pushing, pressing, so that we would advance in the south , and we really are attacked, creating an unprecedented in
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military history, when without superiority in artillery and in the air. we still advanced, if anyone wants to say that was our defeat, then i will tell you that it was, it was a universal experience, and that, if it was, well, maybe it was a pyrrhic victory, but that was all victory is the same thing, and there are no great defeats in the modern ukrainian army, but now there are no great victories, and zelensky does not want it to be associated with him, so it must be associated with syrskyi. filmed with someone else sodolya is there right or wrong, but it was removed so quickly that it's scary, so it was a blank for me, well, i'm not going to confirm this now, because i don't know, for sure, but sooner or later we'll find out, that 's it it is necessary to understand that maryana bezugla is a tool in the hands
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of the president's office and a tool aimed at discrediting the military, why, because... that once again zelensky has changed his rhetoric and is already admitting that we will suffer heavy losses, that there will be victory won't it, yes, i already said a year ago that the borders of the 91st year are there year, changed the rhetoric, which means we have to say, so what, volodymyr oleksandrovich promised that yes, and now what, we will already agree to putin's terms, or somewhere there we will negotiate in the middle, again, in the middle of ukraine, not the kerch strait. so we will agree, and for this he needs to have arguments, he will say, well, you see, the army is useless, the army is useless, he listens to what mariana says, and mariana says it. and by a strange coincidence aristovych says almost the same thing, you understand, what is our army there like, what is there
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the russians have learned to fight, but we haven't, so-and-so, and we, we teach those who teach the russians, somewhere, but this must be very clearly understood, the attack of the president's office is now taking place on the armed forces of ukraine with the aim of... . of desacralization, yes, of discrediting, if you will. speaking of arestovych, i think that one more person can join him, well , by the way, to be honest, i never knew him, but it turns out that he is an actor, an instagrammer and an actor of the 95th quarter, ruslan khanumak, recently left for border during martial law, said that he left for the sake of his six-year-old son, there is a separate story of his family, but i will get into that now, he says that he was officially released because i do not break the law, by the way, i don’t break the law either, but me, well, i i went abroad, actually once with literary activity, but i had the permission
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of the bult, i came back, as they say, but i didn’t write and i didn’t tell, but now i’m here , but now, well, i’m smart, but i’m me i don't want to spin this story further now, because it's not worth it, but that's just beside the point i believe that arestovych, if he remains there now in the usa, will have more. people who will obviously get involved in telling how it is worth, how it should be, to protect life, i am not against it, it is really necessary to protect life and generally look at the world differently, and i would like you, because this is a political science topic, there is another there is this scandal with ms. stefanichna's assistant, whom she already fired, who scolded and simply did not want to humiliate a veteran in odessa, but humiliated himself, and there will be time, we will also raise this topic, because it is symptomatic for society. now and society's reaction is symptomatic of rudeness towards a veteran, especially one who was injured in the war, lost both legs, but i would like you to comment differently, the president
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of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, in an interview, again to the bloomberg publication, said about what the respondent to the journalist's question, he said about yeremak andrii, the head of the president's office, he does what i say, so what, why did he say that, why is it important? i don't, i don't know how really, i think you don't know how they really do there this communication, but why is the president saying this now and is it really possible? well, it is so and no, because zelenskyi, unfortunately, does not know the deep ukrainian mentality, uh, and ukrainians have a very cool proverb that reveals this very topic, very much. indicatively, the proverb sounds like this: as the father says, so the mother will be, well, here, and we must understand that in the science of management, well, it is very
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clearly distinguished, someone makes a decision, so these decisions are made by zelensky somewhere on decrees , on laws, his signatures, his autograph, that's it accordingly, irmak later one day, if you present something to him, he will say: where is my signature, at least on the tender documentation. but i will tell you that before decisions are made, they are discussed somewhere, they are somewhere, well , someone, and so that they do not think that it is zelensky himself who sits down and writes a decree, for example, on the appointment of someone, well, let's imagine the situation, someone is appointed as the head of the regional military administration, yes, in some ensk region, this is... zelenskyi said that anu irmak, prepare a decree, i will sign it now, and we think, yes, he gives the order, or maybe it was n’t like that at first, that at first irmak comes and says:
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volodymyr oleksandrovich, the casting has been announced, well, you are a theater person, that is, you need to use some theatrical or cinematographic terminology, yes, there is a casting announced for such and such region, there are several applicants, but i recommend this one. such that he looks here, here is his portfolio, here we are, and zelensky then says already there, appoint, i give the order, and he himself, right now , i will tell the americans that it was i who gave this order, would you believe it, did the order bring someone, and maybe they brought the one whom yermak needed, but maybe they brought not the best one, but a loyal and devoted yermak, yes, or there could be something else here... yermak nav they were worried, because he also told someone downstairs, well, who has any candidates, and they immediately ran in, but this is roughly how it goes, or if you take eh... some
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there, well, the same law on mobilization, or the law, when he was there for two years it was necessary to reduce the draft age and zelenskyi did not sign the year, it was zelenskyi who decided maybe the fair with podalyak advised him that volodymyr oleksandrovich was there, we held focus groups there, it’s like it doesn’t work, in this target group it won’t be accepted there, and their mothers won’t accept it, so let’s drag it there, maybe somehow it... will grow by itself and somewhere around this is how zelenskyi made this decision, but who imposed it, it was imposed by the environment, and we have a situation where zelenskyi says that they are helping me to exercise the country five - six effective managers, and it turns out that the most effective of them is yermak, then we have a problem in our country, because an opinion is imposed on him, he then makes a decision, that's how he makes a decision, and he can
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say, that's what i signed. it will work, we have a model of governance in the country, well, but in any case, the president said it now, no matter how it was. we clearly understand that yermak is a manager, as the president said, a powerful one, but his manager who does what he tells him, and that's basically, well, we understand now, whatever it is, i don't know, we and and i don't want to know, to be honest , i now understand that the chapter is mine of the state, but he decides, and this is important for understanding, well, how his orders and wishes are carried out is a different matter, let him ask from those people whom he appointed, so
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it will be. well, literally very briefly, we still have five minutes there, i want us to react to this story that happened in odesa, where a veteran doctor, a veteran doctor was scolded , a person who worked as an adviser to deputy prime minister stefanishna, again now i will not throw any stones at her city, especially now she is engaged in an important matter there, preparing for ukraine's participation in the nato summit and so on, well, here is such a person. was in her office and she behaved very disgustingly, vadym shevelenko, and scolded the doctor, a veteran of the armed forces of ukraine, oleksiy prytula, because he examined his dog, but it caused, well, you are like the king of life, well, you are so you think, and you think that there, well, what are you there, you know, but the reaction of society immediately and he was released, and somewhere there they started, i know some military already
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search. to talk, no one plans to beat him there or, well, just to talk, that we need to understand how it happened that in the third year of the war, you are behaving like this in relation to a veteran who gave his health for you, in fact part of it his health, but he was not at the address that was immediately made public there, well, actually this story is so far, but this reaction of society showed that there will be no tolerance for those people who consider themselves the masters of life in such situations, because everything has already... changed the only question is whether people like this will at least someday understand that everything has already changed, please, people like this will never understand it, they will understand only after tough conversations, when they walk around with bruises, for example, then maybe some people will start to realize , that social status in the state of ukraine has long not been measured by whether you will have them, yes, that you are a stefanyshyn person there
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or are you... there close to the 95th quarter, social status in our country is measured by others, what you have done for society, what did you do not who will you be, and what did you do, what can you do, of course, very often any social statuses can be inflated, and we understand that even among the military there can be scumbags, well, because the army is the mirror of society, but the most important thing is that we we know ourselves and found out that we have a... weight in society for those who do in ukraine is higher than for those who, well, drive some cool cars there, that is, a cool wheelbarrow is already there, well, there isn't there is a subject of social status, yes, and some position is not a subject of social status at all, it is, well, it is the same as vasyl winter is a writer, and we understand that there...


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