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tv   [untitled]    July 7, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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it is obvious, putin is a revisionist, he undermines all the principles of international law, he pursues a policy of aggression, but his goals, he does not clearly outline his goals, it is very vague, so we must do the same, respond, maybe yes, maybe not , if there is such a need. the most important thing is the readiness of the army and the capacity, communication, logistics and capacity, i agree with you, and i would like to ask, for example, about the fate of the polish-lithuanian-ukrainian. a few days ago i spoke with bohdan klich, the former minister of defense of poland, and he said that there a good prospect for creating, for example, a division from this brigade, and possibly even a military corps, polish-lithuanian-ukrainian, which were bans. as a political slogan, it is a good slogan. this polish-lithuanian-ukrainian brigade was created in other situations. i remember the moment of its creation, i supported it, because it is really a matter. of the future, although i did not know
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how russia would behave, but its benefit for the current situation is small, small, because what does it matter that there is a brigade, but for the future it would be useful, of course it would be useful, but for the future , logistics, armed and human support will always be useful for ukrainians. no, it is only about the climate, the situation can change in six months, but the most important thing is that there is something on paper, that is , we understand that there is a military bureaucracy, a bureaucracy... here we have to think more broadly, about readiness, about the concept, about alliances , about alliances of various types, and readiness, this is also, no, readiness for an alliance, the so-called political will, yes, yes, yes, at the moment, it is not such a difficult situation, ukrainians give themselves glad, but the question is for us. for me, what
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should i do when ukraine stops giving advice? and i say: it is necessary to consider various possibilities. you probably consider such possibilities, we should also consider them. at the moment, ukraine is on its own. but we had a difficult period when the united states did not give weapons, blocked, right? when they couldn't vote, and it went on and on. and we understand that this was also a corridor of opportunity for putin. but the european union voted to provide 50 billion, but not 100 billion. well, but then you can say, why not 150 billion, the states voted for 60 billion? why do you want such money from poor europe? the states are richer, but at the same time , the usa is a force. this does not mean that anyone can vote for 100 billion, but they must be used to buy weapons. that is... to produce weapons, the states have weapons,
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only the united states has such stockpiles of weapons, in our country we are forced to restore, rebuild the arms industry, i am a member of the national defense commission, that is, i deal with the military, i know a little about the nuances, we have to make huge efforts let's go back here to what we had before, for that we have to think together, what then, now we have to think and now we have to discuss, to have... a concept, so that we can start implementing it, we need to know what we have to do, i am also in ukraine to talk about it. thank you very much, mr. marschalk, thank you very much for your openness and for this wonderful analysis, and of course for the position. thank you very much. and i want to remind our tv viewers that bohdan borusevych, a legendary polish politician, head of the polish senate, was currently working on the air of the tv channel 2005 to 2015 and... he currently works in
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the senate on the defense committee. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. exclusive interview with diplomat oleksandr khara. why russia has the right to veto ukraine's entry into nato. resonant investigation is a road to nowhere. how the construction of a forest road can destroy a historical monument. the inimitable vitaly portnikov on the impact of the war on... tsiv and values ​​that will unite the nation. the diary of the legendary nationalist mykola kokhanivskyi. the country is always at the forefront . look for press outlets or prepay online. there are discounts that represent the only discounts on doloxen stronggel 10% in travel pharmacies for you and savings. euro-2024 only on mego. football europe is ready to crown a new national team. who will become the champion and forever go down in history. watch all euro-2 matches. exclusively on meggogo, there are discounts
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verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine. the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. pick up the wounded in time from battlefield - it means saving his life, a lift bc, a lift guys, a quad bike is a way from zero. our life at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating wounded soldiers. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for atvs for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv iv. and now
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oleksandr morozov, a political scientist who is in prague, will work on the air of the tv channel. glad to see you, oleksandr. well, first of all i would like to ask you. dad about the assessment of the so-called astana summit, we understand that this is a story not only about putin, it is a story not even only about xi jinping, this is a story in general about the attempt to form a new, so -called alternative agenda to replace the so-called big summits and big events of the diplomatic international plan, which held the so-called collective event, so the astana agenda and putin's willingness to do something . what was all this for him? vladimir putin will undoubtedly use this summit to build a very important line for him, which will lead to the success of the brics summit in kazan, which will take place in october. this brics summit in kazan is an extremely important
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diplomatic and political event for putin. why? because there is a struggle around the summit. expansion of the composition of brics countries was foreseen. the kremlin actively played with the applications. which different countries are submitting, now it has been decided that there will be no expansion at this summit in kazan, but beyond that, it is in kazan that putin is going to demonstrate that he has the support of the countries of the so-called global south, and here on the sidelines of the sco summit, i think the main goal of kremlin diplomacy is simply to prepare for the summit in kazan. alexander, but we understand that there is a public agenda, and there is a real agenda, that's how we understand it. that no matter what report, what report he makes at the summit, the key story, the main problems, well, the main problem is that putin is gradually being pressured, he is waiting for the story with the american elections, and on the other hand , there is still order day that china is shaping, and
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china's so-called plan, which is not publicly accepted, at least in the west, putin is also trying to involve, so if we're talking about china... the plan, well, specifically this concerns the russian-ukrainian war. how do you think putin will try to play it in his own interests now? it seems to me that the situation was determined after vladimir putin, entering a new term, issued an ultimatum, that is, formulated his vision of the end of the war in four points. this ultimatum leaves no room for diplomacy, nor for china. neither for hungary nor for turkey, because if putin's package of proposals could be said to be worded differently by the kremlin the goals of the war, he constantly talks about them, creates different goals in different periods, then here putin formulated it in its final form, and if
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the kremlin did this, then what can president xi or any other politician do, then what can do mr. or any other politician, because, first of all, this demand of putin contains full recognition, and with the help of international treaties, the annexation of the occupied territories. of course, china cannot act here. china has always publicly recognized the territorial integrity of the entire country. it is preserved in chinese foreign policy quite strictly. in this ultimatum, putin demands that ukraine acquire neutral status, non-nuclear status, and renounce military-technical cooperation, rely only on its own military-technical capabilities, etc. that is, putin is proposing finnishization. it is impossible to fulfill this demand
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in any way, because the war itself, which putin started, led to the fact that not only ukraine, but also many other countries and regions, finland, sweden, join nato, and that is why voices have now been heard, in particular viktor orban , and turkish president erdoğan said, maybe we don't know, for sure, but apart from the ceasefire, this is the only thing left. in the hands of various representatives of the world political scene, just ask putin the question, do you not want to resort to a truce? actually, something like that may have happened on the grounds of the sco summit during bilateral negotiations of some kind. oleksandr, what do you think, and for what purpose did putin so quickly and so brazenly announce his ultimatum, that is , the swiss peace summit was held, quite a variety of things were discussed, well, directly at... in russian aggression against ukraine was not on the agenda, although we understand that everyone was talking about it, and now putin rolled out
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an ultimatum, no one, so to speak, pulled him to a certain place, but no, anyway, the first thing he did was to announce that , which cannot be, as you rightly noted, accepted in any public political office. yes, this is a really important question and quite interesting, because indeed, during more than two years of active... war, both putin and his entourage produced many different descriptions, results wars, etc. and now putin, entering a new mood, spoke like this. different assessments are possible here, but my answer is this: putin has done it now, targeting three audiences at once, believing that it is profitable for him. one audience is internal. putin formed a new entourage around himself, he shuffled all the old people around. and created a cabinet of endless war, that is, he put people whom he trusts very much in key positions in
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the new term for the next six years, and with this he sets before them the task, as if he wants to say, you signed up for exactly this, this is what you should do for the next six years, this should be the result of your work, this is the first point, an appeal to your own political top of the bureaucracy, the second important point, equally addresses the ukrainian society with this ultimatum. in the kremlin, everyone knows about it, not even the mood, there is a constant conviction that ukraine must weaken itself from the point of view of its moral, military and political spirit, to break before the irresistible power of kryvyi, simply put. putin, after it ended term of office of president zelenskyi, at first began to emphasize that zelenskyi is illegitimate and it is impossible to conduct business with him. negotiations, etc., and this statement by putin is aimed at pushing, as the kremlin believes
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, a part of ukrainian society to the fact that this will happen, accept it as inevitable, start already to change your position and develop a new one. and the third audience, here, of course, is the countries of the alliance of global support of ukraine. first of all, the united states. after all, putin here wants to say that, despite... how the american scenarios will develop elections in november, who will be the president, the position of the kremlin is this: it does not matter to us, putin wants to say, who will be your president, these are our demands on how this war should end, and any us president will deal with them, or any nato secretary general, and now he is new, or any member of the european commission, will the ministry of defense, headed by the former prime minister of estonia,
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the foreign policy department, be created in... and no other, it leads to the fact that everyone heard it, no doubt, everyone who makes political decisions, who develops further elements of security policy, everyone perfectly heard what putin said. yes, well , but if we are talking about the ukrainian audience, we understand that putin could not voice anything...anything, yes, because it was not some kind of proposal that should provoke an internal-ukrainian discussion, so to speak, the ultimate demand from... to give what the russians haven't captured yet, and we understand that, well, these stories don't work, on the other hand, you very rightly pointed out, putin is trying to indicate, that is, to put out certain markers of his appetites, and this is without a doubt designed for a western audience, and accordingly the key story, putin is in a great hurry, we understand that he would like to
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have time before the elections in in the united states, some big events may still be planned. because putin is really, well, extremely violent to his generals, yes, when he talks about an offensive at any cost, those two months of the summer campaign, well, they extremely bloody and tense, it's a rather strange situation here, as far as it can be seen, the fact is that on the one hand, in the summer of this year , many predicted, and not without reason, that the kremlin would conduct a rather large offensive, not just tactical, but quite convincing, which on the one hand, and on the other hand, we are surprised to see that at the same time putin changed the minister of defense and replaced the minister of defense with some kind of accountant, a person which is responsible for ensuring that the army spends half of its time fighting, and half of the time correctly drawing up financial documents, and the second
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moment here is extremely historical, happening at the same time... the rest and accusations of fraud against significant military figures, military generals. not only has general petrov been accused of fraud, but yesterday we saw a report that the commander of the guards airborne assault brigade, colonel horodylov, it seems, that name is also accused of fraud. i would say that this is a rather strange situation for preparing or carrying out any kind of offensive, because such events, in my opinion, greatly demoralize the military leadership. that is, if you imagine that they are talking about this in the trenches, and we have an idea about it through, of course , war correspondents, war correspondents, then it is clear that everyone there is confused. as it is, the most active and authoritative russian military commanders in the trenches for some reason follow the article about fraud. are these some strange events? this is one side of it all. the other side,
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after all, despite the fact that in the first half of 2024 were for... fixed quite minor tactical successes of the russian army, but from the point of view of the whole concept of this war, it is clear that parity has been achieved, and this parity is not broken, that is, yes, the russian army continues to inflict heavy blows on the infrastructure, but ukraine has been extremely successfully active for all six months of this year has been in effect since it just started receiving military aid, but even before that the drone... the war that ukraine waged was quite effective, and i must say that i don't see any ideas in the russian military and the political environment, in which way this parity can be destroyed, so the situation is not easy here, and it seems to me that this is why the kremlin is now somewhat supporting and twisting the gnotic, organizing throws around the concept
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of a possible truce or peace, peace documents, peace negotiations, this is why the kremlin... once again confirms something about the istanbul documents. here, of course, as i said at the very beginning, the brics summit in kazan plays a big role, surprisingly, because before the october summit, putin has to pretend to be a peacemaker. he must constantly hint to the global audience that he is in favor of peace in general, constantly continue the game that it is kyiv that does not want peace, constantly appeal to some old documents, in particular those of istanbul. the so-called istanbul documents, even if they are not ratified and even not signed , but the istanbul documents go against what putin announced and what we call putin's ultimatum. and speaking of that, let's go back to this ultimatum, is it about psychopathology, or do you think the kremlin has some scripted plan, that is, they move according to some clear, i don't
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know directive line, or they simply depend on the mood. at least now , it is clear that putin, on the one hand, has resorted to steps that clearly demonstrate that he is going to fight for a long time. this is primarily evident from the changes he made in the russian political and military leadership after the start of the new term. he showed with these permutations that the entire calculation of the war must be calculated in a different way, because it will be long. hence all these economic changes. and will increase and develop a global alliance of support for ukraine. this is a fundamental factor. putin and the kremlin always say that the war would have ended
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if the west had not supported ukraine. this is said with offense, sometimes in an insulting tone, or in the tone of diplomatic maneuvers, but this is the main point. and of course, putin's dream is for the global alliance supporting ukraine to weaken, give up, change its... but it must be said, this is not the case, it is clearly visible. on the contrary, if you look at what is happening now at the nato summit, the kremlin media will shout and pour curses, because at the nato summit in washington, and this will happen in less than 10 days, it will be clearly demonstrated that long institutions of support have been created and will continue to be created in relation to the kremlin and its war against ukraine, that is, all support is institutionalized. and regardless of who will be the president of the usa, which parties will win in the european parliament, there are long documents voted in the us congress that will not change.
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regarding this, we can clearly see that the kremlin is churning its contacts with the third with great energy, like a milk frog, in order to form sour cream the world everyone sees it well and clearly, to cling to at least something, even a small island state that seems to support the kremlin. some international institutions, for some agreements with these countries, to offer something, but it must be said that other than the political regimes that openly and openly supported the kremlin on planet earth, i would say, except for north korea, we all have great doubts about iran and china , there is a great struggle. and by the way, returning to china, yes, maybe during this astana conversation xijin ping will voice very specifically. his sacramental question. putin, how long are you going to fight with ukraine? yes, because the chinese also have their own plans for what is called continental cooperation. that is,
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the chinese do not just measure in hundreds of billions. the chinese are now very dependent on keeping their bloated economy and all their machinations. there is an important point here. china will never enter into an alliance of direct struggle with the kremlin, but at the same time china is demonstrating. to the kremlin, the war, moreover, the war is aggressive, aimed at territorial capture for china unacceptable i have no doubt that china and turkey, as well as many other countries and in latin america, are also ready to render some favor to putin in ending the war, in ending the war, and not in continuing it under the terms of the ultimatum that putin put forward. however, there are no prospects for this now, because, i think, many people... putin, and the same erdogan, on the sidelines of this summit, also asked putin once again, saying, maybe you want to take some new steps, so we are ready to help, but putin's answer
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obvious no, everything is formulated in the ultimatum. if we do what is in the ultimatum, once again going back to where we started, nobody has any prospects of doing any diplomacy to end the war, and what on planet earth... dozens of politicians would like to get the nobel peace prize for creating a structure to end this war, there is no doubt about it, everyone dreams of it. thank you very much, oleksandr, for this extremely interesting and informative conversation, i want to remind our viewers what is now for them oleksandr morozov, a well-known political scientist, worked from prague. well, the time of our program is over, stay with the espresso tv channel. my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of this day. take care of yourself and your loved ones. see you on air. six-year-old
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yehorchyk yehorov. before the start of the full-scale war, this boy lived in the luhansk region in the north donets district in the city of zolote. the territory has been occupied since the first days of the russian invasion. but yehor disappeared in june of last year. i really hope that thanks to yours it will be possible to find the boy's indifference. please look carefully at the photo and try to remember the child. yehor has an oval face, blond hair and blue eyes. the boy is obviously under six years old in this photo, but i don't think that would prevent him from being identified. if someone suddenly sees egor, or at least knows something about him, it is possible. place of residence, do not delay and dial the short number of the child tracing service magnolia 116/30 from any mobile operator. calls are free, if suddenly there is no.
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the ability to call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. i also want to remind you that we are looking for six-year-old sashko hrytsenko. i have already told the story of this boy, also from the temporarily occupied territory of luhansk region, in previous programs. the child was abandoned by his mother, and now sashka is trying to find his father, who is in the controlled part of ukraine. we talked to the husband and now... he gave them all the details of this frankly shocking story: his ex-wife asked for him, and i am looking for him, i i want to take him under my wing. she left the house and then came back, but then she left again and the location of the common-law wives, i do not know. so, when a full-scale war began, little sashko lived with his mother and his husband's grandmother in the city of lysichansk. this territory
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was occupied almost from the first days. at the beginning, we... last year, the child's mother left home and left sashka with his old great-grandmother, with my own grandmother, yes , he was with my great-grandmother, it was a long time ago, for sure somewhere in the 23rd year for sure, this is the beginning of the 23rd year, i found out because of this, maybe she had previously thrown him to my grandmother on the mountain, left the house, for a long time, the boy was taken care of by his great-grandmother, and soon the old woman died and the child in the occupied territory was taken away from... social services. sashko was immediately taken away from lysychanskyi. all this happened about a year ago. the service came and took the child. and after that , i knew where he was, that he, well, i relatively knew that he was there by hearsay, by anecdotes, that he was somewhere in golchevsk, then he was in luhansk was moved, and then his whereabouts are unknown, so i will look for him. whether the child is still in the temporarily occupied territory of luhansk region, or whether the boy was taken to russia,
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it was not possible to find out the father at the moment. the man, of course, turned to the police, but so far there is no clue to find out where his six-year-old son is. i am looking for my child, hrytsenko oleksandr oleksiyovych, i am asking someone there to see him. if someone can follow the signs of some kotor, boy, be a weasel, i will be very grateful to you. i i appeal to everyone who sees this video, and especially to the residents of the occupied luhansk region. look carefully at the photo of sashko hrytsenko. the guy looks 6-7 years old. he is thin, about 110-115 cm tall. he has straight light blond hair, an oval face and brown eyes. he is a very kind child, he is very drawn to people. if anything, what he liked was, well, playing there, well, like all children. but this child has the status of cerebral palsy. he could not pronounce. such formulations
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of what words there are, if there is any meaning. sasha has a medical diagnosis of cerebral palsy, which is why he cannot always formulate his thoughts clearly. but he is very sensitive and reaches out to people. if suddenly someone has seen the boy or knows where he might be now, immediately call the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free. if... suddenly it is not possible to call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcraim ua.
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time to find out about the main news of the hour. greetings to all espresso viewers. annaeva melnyk is with you. at night, the enemy attacked pavlograd in the dnipropetrovsk region with rockets. air defense forces destroyed one missile and a reconnaissance drone. debris damaged four private houses, the head of the region, serhiy lysak, said. there were no casualties, but three women aged 71-38 and 65 were injured in nikopol the day before.


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